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    Reclamation of Helheim

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
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    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 28th February 2019, 2:55 am

    Words written: #1000
    Total written: #1000/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____How disappointing, The simple idea that the guild Nightmare would be meeting an end not at the hands of outside forces but with what Alexandra only assumed internal compromise. Such case either way left the woman needing to not only uproot herself from the guild hall, but try and take everything she had before things turned into a free for all struggle. Needless to say such a sudden change was not entirely expected by the immortal as she was left pulling her strings closest back first to protect what she cared most about.

    _____The result of such was Alexandra first sending Shadow to go retrieve Sanguine and each of the woman's other favored servants and playthings. Sanguine was the first to be retrieved, Shadow not looking all that amused or focused when she slammed her hand against Sanguine's door and awaited the girl to open it. She was dressed in a rather odd choice of a rushed outfit she normally wore but seemed to still be setting it on correctly as she nudged her head to signal the girl to follow seeing as both hands had been busy as she started to walk.

    "As you might have heard rumor it seems the guild is nearing an untimely end, such was not entirely predicted to happen this early by Master Grim. As such we have been asked to first go gather the other servants under her watch to have them help prepare to move to a new location before things become harder to move around in."

    _____Shadow would not look over her shoulder to check if Sanguine was following, she would not drop the agitation in her voice that the girl was one she was tasked to get first and foremost seeing as she was still the newest to the collection outside the annoying bustful woman Alexandra had returned with not long before things had changed. With the last pert of her attire fixed to her normal Shadow's pace would pick up with her full focus while tossing a scroll to Sanguine. Within the rolled paper was a map of the area with grey marks that moved slowly and a golden mark moving where Alexandra's room was. As well as these a few bronze marks seemed to be leading other grey marks.

    "Gather the grays and meet at the room marked with an X, after such Master Grim will tell us what she needs of us next. Failing such task, I need not assure you is not allowed. However... If you failed it would be one less person wasting her time caring over." The harsh tone was the last of Shadow as she moved to take a different hallway to do the same task Sanguine was set to do.

    _____Back within her own room Alexandra was busy ripping the gateway apart she had finally managed to get in the correct order. She had been so close to being able to bring her majesty back from the darkness only for things to become unstable for such things. Last Alexandra wanted was to have her gateway broken for the gems it held before she could return trapping both herself and the one she served away for undoubtedly a very long time.

    _____Each piece was set down in their own small chest, and each given to a servant she had gathered with a very strict order to move with upmost caution and care to keep distance from each other and damaging the parts more. The gateway was very hard to take apart, but would snap back together in any order it felt, in such failed set would result and explosions that would kill her property. She cared little for them, but Her majesty would need more then a handful serving her when she arrived.

    _____Once the Gateway was safely guided to the large room where countless carts with horses and large creatures pulling them was seen Alexandra would hand guide each of the servants to a different cart before waving them to go get other things and moving to the next. By the time Sanguine and Shadow entered Alexandra seemed irritated by the time the task was taking but relieved some of it when she took notice of them.

    "Thank you both for gathering more hands for the tedious work. Sorry such order was rushed down onto you... But seeing as time is against me... us again I hope you forgive me for such. You can take up to five with you to gather your own things. Sanguine, you may use... the cart drawn by the hell hound... Shadow you are permitted to use the drawn by Mr.Mittens... seeing as you are the only one he lets guide him outside myself I will also need you to bring that cart along in the line."

    _____Alexandra would not stay nearby for much time as she walked off towards another figure leading the cloth dressed slaves and seeming to give them the same speech and giving them a cart to use. Hand scratching her scalp as she moved to deal with some servants trying to move one of the gateway pieces into another cart without permission. Shadow grumbling some before waving the group she was given to follow her back the way she had came. Moving days always had their own hurdles.

    "Don't you DARE set that there you maggot, I refuse to have your idiocy cost me everything here and every cart I was able to gather on such short notice! Each of those small boxes was set where they had been  FOR A REASON, so PLACE IT BACK! AS FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO TRIES LEAVE THE BLACK CHESTS WITH THE RED SKULL ON THEM ALONE WHERE THEY ARE AND WORK AROUND THEM!" A loud grumble as Alexandra moved to deal with a fellow guild member from poking to see what the Grim reaper was up to. She was not going to deal with any more surprises else she lose her sanity to the voices.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 2nd March 2019, 10:24 am

    It was a very relieving feeling to her to hear of these rumors that were circling about lately. Having the idea that Nightmare would be disbanding to her was a relief as she'd be able to have a chance to live a normal life once again at some point. If it hadn't have been seen within Grim presence since the rumors began and reached the weapons ears, then surely it might have been something to be thought of as her enjoying the idea of being mostly taken in by her company and serving her more personally rather than being there on the guilds full behalf. Though, in her mind it wasn't something she really minded much in thought anymore for whatever reason. Grim treated her well and for someone whom was more of a genocidal sadist, she had a very big soft spot for both her and the servant whom she met before named Shadow.

    On today's agenda, Sanguine had thought of doing something a little more fun for the care taking reaper. She seemed rather fond of it when she had been dressed up for her, that perhaps if she did one herself it might help her look a little happier. After all, what villain wouldn't like a little cooperation? One of her few little trips out on her own had been few and very far in between since her "joining", but she had found it to be a fruitful effort on her part to have picked up the chosen attire that she was currently fitting onto her body. It was a little more... inappropriate for not only her age, but also for her choice in clothing either, but after having gone through that ridiculous cat girl outfit, this hardly seemed remotely close to it. Preferably, Sango would have liked to dress like a normal person, however she felt the need to wanna do something nice for Grim. It wasn't out of her normal character to do something nice though, more over it was actually something she felt she had to do for her being as kind to her after their first meeting.

    Where as some people treated her like an object, she first started off the same way towards the demi-dragoness, but now she was being treated more equally.. or close enough where she wouldn't complain about it. Her hands brushed over the skirt while she continued to think back on the recent events between the two before a harsh whack of a hand caused her to jump. Her attention turned towards the door and quickly the girl approached it, fixing one last thing into her hair. As she opened the door, she saw Shadow standing in her doorway, fixing hr clothing. There she would see Sanguine dressed in a maid uniform, adjusting the frilled hairband into her hair while she smiled sweetly to the girl. "Would you like any help with that, Ms. Shadow? It would only take a second." She asked, knowing on some levels the two were on an even playing field as far as servitude went, but Sanguine had developed a thought to think of herself to be lower on the pole than even personal servants. At least in that respect, she could avoid any harsh venomous tongue or physical assaulting to correct her.

    Instead of answering, Shadow signaled for her to follow while continuing to fix her clothes herself. The maid dressed teen did nothing but nod in reply quietly and follow in suit to the blonde girl. Finally, she did begin to speak to her, but she held a hint of animosity towards her.. but that wasn't anything new. Ever since the town massacre, she knew Shadow hated her because of the attention she was given, and she couldn't be mad at her for it. From what she'd been told, it sounded as though she were being  both commandeered and volunteered by Grim to both become a personal servant as well as to help gather others. Catching the scroll tossed to her, she opened it and examined it over while the blonde finished explaining their task. Her eyes shy'd off to the side, seeming a bit saddened by how Shadow acted towards her, but she just nodded her head compliantly. "R-Right, I will do my best, Ms. Shadow." She gave the blonde a curtsy, though her back had been to her and she knew the girl would refuse to look back, but it didn't matter to her. Her manners were still her manners.

    Moving down the hall, she moved one by one into room after room looking through for the servants she requested, but the first few rooms were not good news. It seemed like someone had gotten to some of the rooms first and were killing off anyone whom could be seen as a threat to the individuals involved with the guild. Each passing room brought her to become angered more and more. As she stepped out of the third room, she watched a shadow pop into a room followed by a voice starting to plead. The black scales and claws overtook her soft, pale skin and brought a fresh new step to her bare feet. As she entered the room, her hand shot out and grabbed onto a sword that was cocked into the air. It seemed the rest of the slaves in the rooms were gathered together and she caught them all in time. "Excuse you, these are not yours..." Her voice was calm and flat, the glaring, glowing eyes staring into the back of the members eyes made them turn around.

    He seemed to grin as he took notice to the maid standing behind her, recognizing her face. "Ha, it's only you. Why don't you make yourself useful then and-" He stopped and looked down as a pink colored blade had pierced through his chest, She pulled him close and then grabbed hold, biting into his neck and proceeding to drain his body of blood. After a moment making sure those surviving had been watching, she casted his body aside into the room and looked down to the cowering few left. "Your master is willing to spare your lives, you just have to follow me. I promise I will not trick you like he had. Ms. Grim just does not tolerate those she worked hard for being hurt by others hands~" She spoke it as though it were memorized, however she never remembered ever hearing her say it directly... Bah, oh well! It seemed to work.

    Taking the remaining slaves to the spot marked on her scroll, she gathered together with the number of others that Shadow brought and the few that Grim had initially. She began to apologize before Sanguine could even mention the news, but she only nodded her head with a small smile before it had faded away knowing the news was not worthy of any sort of positive facial expression. Of course, being looked at, she could easily see the trickle of blood that had gone from her mouth to her chin. "I'm sorry to say that someone had begun to execute your slaves and others in fear of leaving witnesses alive, I assumed. I.. hope it was not an issue that I made him pay for it as well.. as having a bit of a snack." With the news out of the way, she let out a small breath of relief and stood up straight. "However, I have nothing to take with me, The only thing I have with my sword and those outfits you keep for me to wear. Aside from this maid one, nothing I own in my room is worthy of taking." Now she'd let Grim take a moment to admire the maid uniform down to the.. well dragon scales and claws. With a smile, she had waited for further instructions or simply getting into the cart after having some items placed inside for the trip to begin.

    On her way inside, she heard the woman suddenly snap as one of her slaves had begun to move something she specifically had refused to move. Hearing her snap like that was unheard of and frankly, it scared her. She saw what she could do when she was happy... it frightened her to think of what she would like when she wad angry. Sanguine quickly did a 180 and ran over, her dragon like features retreated away and she stopped next to the red headed woman. "Ms. Grim, is there anything I can do for you involving these chests? I would happily do it for you, just tell me what I can do to put a smile back on your face." She smiled herself, hoping to calm the woman down a little, if at all.

    WC: 1471
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    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
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    Posts : 204
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    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 3rd March 2019, 2:48 am

    Words written: #897
    Total written: #3,368/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____Alexandra would have preferred the situation was less annoying to see Sanguine taking it on herself to start showing the changes. Seeing the maid outfit for the first time was enough to make the voices in Alexandra's head silence some however there was only a brief moment before things had gone south and events of the sudden disbanding took back and the chaos of her mind rose back to a roar. Focus turning to Sanguine who had come up and offered help and hearing the words would have been enough to make Alexandra smile most times, however she was partly not herself.

    _____When the voices got so loud, it was harder to keep control and composed as she turned, eyes flickering red and the air around the woman grew poisonous in the nature her magic felt to be twisting the stomach of those around her as she glared at the willing young girl and grumbled to herself trying to fight the mental war while fighting the commands they tried to shout to her body during her stretched focus. Hand waving to point to another group of slaves trying to make room for other things by moving a different black chest.

    "Those chest need to stay five feet from each other, if they get any closer they will snap back together and if done in the wrong way it will cause an explosion of dark magic that is highly volatile. Keeping them where they are is the best way none of these carts get blown up while going to the new location."

    _____Moving her hand rapidly across the air just over Sanguine's head as a Black circle formed and a chain shot forward to lash the back of a different slave to get them to stop moving something different from another cart. A low growl escaped Alexandra's mouth as the object fell and shattered, the sound of screaming voices rushing into the air as black ghost shot around. Both hands moving as she began to lash two chains against the ghost to destroy them before ripping the servants to shreds for his idiocy.

    _____After a number of issues, everything was sorted and Alexandra and others began to escort slaves and the sort into the carts before the reaper moved to the center of the circular area and started to wave her hands across the air. The ground rumbling slightly as black marks burnt away near the woman as she worked to break the seals for a moment to achieve the growling task and slowly a large white circle covered the ground and some ways over the group. If anyone moved out of a cart Alexandra would shout for them to stay still as she held a large black orb and clapped her hands together.

    _____A moment of stillness, then everything turned white before the next moment the circle of carts and those on them was overlooking torn landscape. Large white curved spikes broke the earth around them forming a loose circle around them with a archway near the one cart facing out of the group. Heals clicking the black stone beneath her feet as Alexandra approached the lead cart where Shadow would be holding the reins to a large flaming cat with rather iconic white fur at the paws. Sanguine would have also been tasked to sit within said cart as Alexandra stood on the hitch and cleared her throat.

    "Each cart is to follow ten feet behind the next as we uncoil. Some of you are likely to having your stomach twist when you pass under the arch from the warp magic so do be SURE to throw-up OUT of the carts if you have such weak stomachs..."

    _____With the orders given Alexandra would use one hand to open the door and the other to wave a circle in the air to signal the group to start moving as the cart lurched while Shadow cracked the reins and Mr.Mittens hissed before getting up and starting to pull the wheeled cart behind him and Alexandra fell in slamming the door closed behind her as she exhaled and broke the strong act to show the strain she was under. If Sanguine tried to touch she would be glared at, the thin area around the woman glowing a vile green as she waved her hands to reseal her magic.

    _____After a few moments the aura faded and the glare would vanish, a leg waving and tapping the spot across from where Alexandra sat as she leaned into her seat and relaxed. "If that offer to make me smile still stands... maid? would you mind taking these annoying boots and stockings off and massage my muscles...? breaking my magic seals locks me up far more then I would enjoy still... You are free not to do such, I'm sure there are other task I can think of once I relax some more..."

    _____The cart was only the two of them, no objects or servants, and that alone gave Alexandra a vast number of ideas that could make her smile however Sanguine was still far from the desired age as the reaper had come to find out after they spoke some. It was a shame but also a thing to look forward to, who knows what the young girl might grow up into becoming if she lived long enough at Alexandra's side.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 3rd March 2019, 11:45 am

    Normally her presence had made the red haired reaper smile. More on the fact that she was hoping to improve doing so by wearing her new maid outfit for her. However, it didn't seem to be working but for a moment of her arriving to greet her and inform her of the situation at hand. What was making her upset like this? As the maid's head tilted to the side slightly to try and figure out the situation that she was in to make her in the mood she was in. If the issue was with the murdered slaves she had taken, Sanguine would have thought that it would have been a little relieving to know that she'd willingly and openly admitted to having killed someone for her. More over that she would even be so willing to keep the surviving slaves rather than caving to her good morales and trying to let them go free. Part of her hated herself for it, but the other part was a little happier to be doing something to make someone she felt was close to her to be a little happier.

    As she stood before Grim, the air began to choke her some. It felt heavy and within seconds, she'd dropped to her knees, almost gasping for air. The attention of Grim was faced to another direction, however the feeling hadn't ceased for quite some time. The longer she spent near her, the more she felt as though she was going to pass out on the spot. Quickly, the white haired maid jumped up and took a big step away, huffing and bent over trying to recover from the feeling. Sanguine knew it wasn't her fault and the fueled anger seen in her eyes let her magic out unwillingly. Sometimes her own magic or features had done the same, so there was no real worry in her having to wait a little longer to know that she was going to be able to calm down.

    After a moments time to recover, a shattering glass sound made her jump to an upright position. The maid turned to the sound as chains lashed against him, followed by another pair headed to some black spectral looking ghost and wrapping around it. She blinked and the ghost suddenly popped like a balloon, vanishing. She let out a low sigh and began to fix her uniform out before she would put on a smile and give a curtsy toward Grim. "Allow me to secure the chests then, Master Grim. I'll make sure they will be secure for our trip." After volunteering herself, the demi-dragoness walked over, picking up a chest with little to no effort and then setting one inside, spending a couple moments inside. While inside, she would securely fasten the black case inside in such a way that the chest would not be able to move or slide around during bumpy rides on in hill incline or declines.

    She spent the next few minutes in silence, perfecting the placement to allow two of them per carriage without worry of one being too close when being carried out through the door and then would step back out from the last cart, this one being pulled by Shadow and the Mr. Mittens that was mentioned earlier. Giving a happy smile toward the blonde despite knowing the hatred she had toward her, Sanguine made her way back to the red haired woman while she had been escorting slaves into carriages before locking them in with locks that could not be broken by any mere human person. Securing her assets was important it seemed, which is probably why she wanted to secure Sanguine for herself as well. Thankfully for Grim, she seemed to accompany her than to try and venture off on her own.

    The maid followed her red haired superior into their own carriage, with the maid going in first to give a small helping hand to it. As they began to move, it seemed like a premature jerk to a beginning for their departure to their new destination. With a light gasp, Sanguine acted on mere instinct and caught Grim from falling, giggling lightly before the glare caused her to quickly fix the woman up onto the seat and then sitting on her knees by the woman rather than seated normally on the carriage seat. Why that? Well even she didn't know, but the glare just instantly made her feel the need to seat herself as if the look itself was a way of commanding her to do so. Regardless of it, the girl smiled as she had been asked about helping her put a smile to her face. She didn't care about being called maid. It felt better to her than "weapon" or "tool", so it was more humanizing than objectifying. "Anything you wish, Master Grim!~" She replied before even hearing the request, which had not deterred her from complying to the request.

    She remained quiet, letting the action of unbuckling the boots and pulling them off gently and then setting them against the seat of the carriage before removing each stocking and setting them in the same boot according to what leg they were pulled from. Her hands began to work around her feet, firstly moving around the ball of the foot, moving up toward the toes and then down toward the heel. She even would move the pressure relieving toward her ankles to try and add a little extra, then moving back though in a more gentle way to help relax the muscles she'd dug into on her first go around. "If it will put a smile to your face, i'll do it~ I'm just naturally that kind of person when I'm not forced against my will to do it." She admitted, her eyes focused onto her task at hand. "Frankly, Master Grim... I'm thankful that Nightmare is disbanding... I don't know how I could have lived with myself being tortured by being forced to do anything someone wanted from me simply because some implant told me to do it. If.. I remember correctly, the whole experimenting department was destroyed as well to keep people from finding it out... Which also meant that they could have killed me and any other Projects too. I.. don't think the function of me being forced to listen is in tact either."

    She took another break to look up and reveal the look of concern she held as well as what looked to possibly be that of tears forming in her eyes. "Might.. I ask for... a favor from you?" She wiped the tears from her eyes and reached up, wanting to take one of her hands. "I'm afraid to try and go back to being me... with all I've done, with what Nightmares experiments has done to my body and my magical auras... Can I.. ask to be taught under you? Anything and everything. I'll be anything you ask of me, but I need to be prepared. I don't know if I can keep going without a guiding light, if you know what I mean." She let down what looked to be a hesitant swallow, trying to choke down her feelings to keep going in her pleading. "I'll don a maid outfit for the rest of my life to serve you if need be, collar and chain if need be. I just beg for your help, please." She smiled, even to giggle lightly despite her seriousness. Even that though could be noted by the grip her hands had on one of Grims; desperation and fear. The same look that was hidden deep in her eyes.

    WC: 1285
    Group: 4653/14000


    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 4th March 2019, 7:47 pm

    Words written: #643
    Total written: #5,296/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____Watching the young girl go about things not much differently then Shadow had was enough to bring a small smile across her face. As she listened to the toy she had claimed speak it almost made her chuckle. Even if the girl felt otherwise she would still get dragged along as Alexandra would not give her up so easily. Her hand reaching out for sanguine's before pulling it backwards dragging the girl up and towards her.

    _____Her held hand over her head, her other caressing Sanguine's cheek as Alexandra's figure shifted leaning in to kiss the girl's forehead gently before moving to hug her close. Sanguine was different from her other toys, the girl was not fully forced yet was crawling forward as far as Alexandra could tell to be her property and it was enough to make the woman treat her as more then a simple toy as she released the hug and moved her hand to hold Sanguine's chin so their lips almost touched.

    "My darling maid, I will do everything I can to help you. I can not promise to save you from the darkness the world has cast over you... but I can help you embrace it. However as you already have said the outfit and chain will be a thing as payment for my help... So I will ask you this..."

    _____Alexandra's magic would settle down, her real appearance revealing once more as she looked at Sanguine with her own eyes and not from behind the veil of magic. If she was going to keep this toy she would do so herself and not with magic or anything of the sort. Sanguine was, as painful and odd as it seemed much like Alexandra felt her bond with her majesty was. Neither wanted the darkness, but both would come to embrace it soon enough as Alexandra kept speaking.

    "Are you willing to give your everything to be guided by me? To serve without hard questioning and to do as you are asked? To be rewarded for doing well, and punished for doing wrong? I will not promise the world will be seen the same for you afterwards, but I can assure you... no... I hope to see that you can come to enjoy the darkness alongside me..."

    _____Alexandra would await Sanguine's reply, if she agreed the young girl would be pulled in and her lips claimed briefly by the woman. Should she decline Alexandra would return her magic and let the girl go with a light push away. Either way she would keep her toy under her thumb, but she would give this one the true choice of freedom to serve until it would lead astray. If such time came she would make sure she was kept, and her long leash would be pulled to nothing for it getting abused. However for the time Alexandra had other matters to deal with as she moved her legs to hint the massage to resume.

    "Either way i should explain some things. Currently we are heading towards my old home before I joined Nightmare and when her majesty... was still among us on this world. Those boxes hold the way to bring her back home and to do such I will need the gateway protected and not destroyed while I go bring her back..."

    _____Alexandra held her head, was that really what she wanted to do? Her mind felt like it was trying to say something else but the voices refused to give it space to speak. Shaking her head as she looked over her shoulder and raised her hand to check the small window to see the black stone road. Shadow bowing her head near the corner of her view before she moved the curtain back and moved her focus to Sanguine. Wondering how she would react to all this information.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
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    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 10th March 2019, 1:20 pm

    For a moment, there was a hint of depression within her face. The woman seemed to chuckle at her declaration of wanting to willingly serve under her, but was that really why? It was just the assumed feeling that she thought that her honest feelings were belittled, but as her hand had reached out, she felt Grim taking her hand in both of the red heads before she was pulled up onto the seat with her face almost pressed against hers. As the teen had moved a slight bit back to give her a little space, she felt the woman’s hand lightly caressing morning her cheek. Those cheeks flushed nearly red and her blue eyes looked down to the gentle caressing hand and then up to Grim. As she had, the woman leaned in and planted a soft kiss to her forehead only to be followed up by a hug and the nearly red cheeks only darkened in color. It had been months since she was treated so nicely that it felt almost flattering to be treated like that now.

    Her head nodded, showing her an expression of both commitment and to understanding as her eyes laid onto Grim. Though for a moment that look faded away when the dark looking nature of a form that she’d always known was fleshed away to become something more of a rather gorgeous looking woman. Was.. this who she used to be? Well, before whatever magic it was changed her? As Sanguine continued to look in a bit of a shocked facial expression, the offer she was not entirely expecting had started to show itself. Could she be willing to give up everything to love as something she swore to never be? But.. even then, that was against her will. This was an offer of a willing nature... she wanted this.

    ”I, Sanguine, agree to give you everything. I have been forced anew by Nightmare, but I have no guidance, so I will take every bit of yours and in return, I will serve you for the rest of my life.” She had tried her best to give an appropriate type of reply, but she had choked up a little in each sentence to it. Though now that she had done so, Sanguine had come to freeze up as the woman leaned in close to her face. Locking lips together, she had tried to hold back on the last few stands of her religious background of how she’d been raised, but they snapped.

    When the kiss was broken, there was a smile to the white haired girls face. Frankly, this was her first kiss, and she was glad that Grim was her first. Her eyes had continued to look on in silence of the woman for a moment before she had caught the moving legs. ”O-Oh! M-My apologies!” She probably didn’t have to say it, but she wanted to. A bit of a compulsion of sorts. But the smile was still on her face as she climbed back down onto her knees and began to administer the massage again to the feet of her new owner. While down there, she had continued her visual attention to the feet in front of her while her ears were trained solely on Grim’s voice. She listened to the story of where they were headed and to what reason they had the boxes that were so dearly treated like a dangerous and cherished piece of property. So all this time she was after trying to bring someone to her? She wondered what kind of person this being was for Grim to be rather obsessed, but it didn’t really seem like something that she thought she should pry into. ”Well if protecting your portal is a job to be done, I’ll make sure to remove any and every threat to your goals, Master Grim.” She paused from her massage to look up at Grim, showing now a grin. She was serious and would not let anything in her mind or anyone before her change that ever again.. less Grim permitted it.

    WC: 683
    Group: 5979/14000


    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 17th March 2019, 4:09 pm

    Words written: #845
    Total written: #6,824/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____A truly joyous reply worthy of so much praise however the woman chose to keep it simply with the kiss and a smile. The second comment only adding more joy to the air around Alexandra as she reached to gently pat Sanguine's head as she relaxed into the massage some more. It was not long however until she could hear the faint, well the low tone hiss of Mr mittens that sounded more like a very loud grumble to most others who had not dealt with the giant cat. Checking back into the window Alexandra's magic would begin swirling around her frame as her hand tighten against the small curtain showing her growing rage.

    _____Before her eyes she could see the surrounding walls that protected her home, but what displeased her was not so much the large hole to the right side of the gatehouse, but the people and the banner that was NOT her majesties' symbol. Someone had dared to take over the place while she was away? DARED to attack the very home of death and her master knowing what would come for them possibly? Her hand slowly reaching out the window as she snapped her fingers to get her pet to stop growling before looking to Sanguine with rage brimming in her eyes but a smile across her face.

    "It seems we have unwelcome house guest occupying our home darling Sanguine.~ If you would be so kind as to redress my legs and feet so I can deal with this... INTRUSION personally to help calm myself that would be most lovely... Shadow... Signal the convoy to stop, and wave the banner for the more fight able bodies to get to the front cart."

    _____With her words kind to her newest maid, then turning violent when she added strain to the word 'intrusion' it was clear Alexandra had a great deal of anger towards this unknown force for claiming her home as their own. If Sanguine did dress Alexandra the woman would give the young girl a quick kiss on the forehead before moving her legs over and pushing the door open as the cart was coming to a slow halt. Her magic turning her skin dark as it oozed out in black smoke form and her appearance shifted. Standing on the edge of the carriage was nothing shy of A grim reaper Alexandra was going to deal with them quickly.

    _____A slow step off the cart as it came to a halt forty meters from the gate. It was well withing most magic ranges however the fact the banner of a reaper and a crown was being raised might have set some alarms off as Alexandra knew this was the same they once hung within the castle to show THIS was their home. Slowly the embodiment of death walked closer to the gatehouse as the guards posted seemed to grow slightly unease before one dared to speak up drawing the hollow eye socket focus of the reaper.

    "Well look here, the 'grim reaper' I'm so scared... Why don't you and your small little convoy leave, this ain't your kingdom anymore and we got numbers over you ... gah... wha..."

    _____The fate feared expression, the way the male spoke as if the person before them was not the true visage of death drew about more rage from Alexandra as her form kept such hidden. Hand rising as a black circle formed and in less then a second a strait line of chains impaled the man before he could further speak to death who he had dared to trample atop of with his words. fingers moving as the chain kept moving and began to pierce him more having a good amount of reach still left until his body was more chains then flesh as he was flicked aside and off the wall as the chains coiled back to Alexandra.

    "Trespassing... on my home... on HER home... Is death... Slow... and PAINFUL. Remove the vermin from our home..."

    _____Her orders clear as she wave her right hand forward and the battle ready members of the group rushed past using the hole in the wall knowing well as to stay clear from an angered Alexandra as her face was blocked by a black circle and from it a wave of green mist clouded the entire gatehouse as she resumed her forward march. Hand reaching up as her scythe spiraled back to her grasped and then she simply swung it across as black energy shattered the gateway door and part of the stone frame as she marched using the opening.

    _____Members who saw the green mist consume the gate had already began getting into skrimishes with Alexandra's ranks, the few fooling enough to get close to the reaper would be met with a heavy swing of the scythe as the wave of energy traveled beyond them. The skies began to darken rapidly, and soon the soft fall of rain would begin mixing with the piles of blood across the area. The reclamation of Helheim had begun.
    Chaos' Vessel


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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 31st March 2019, 7:55 pm

    Whole her eyes had remained trained and locked to their task of rubbing and soothing the feet of her newly acquired master and mentor, she seemed to be enjoying herself rather quickly. Sure, the life of being free was a nice luxury, but the events that the hand dealt to her had turned her towards was only showing itself to be a much more harsh plane of reality. If something like this was to be the future of her life, living hand-and-foot with Grim and serving her for anywhere from a few decades to an eternity, it was surely a life she could see herself living. Among other things, she'd grown fond of how nicely Grim treated her, and even if she had to do demeaning looking work like massaging the red haired womans feet to gain her approval, it was something to put a smile on her face. With that, the feeling of the hand petting her head in approval to her actions only reinforced her smile, adding to it  blush of happiness.

    The maid was slightly startled at the magic starting to envelop the woman, jumping slightly back as the magic was beginning to build up. Sanguine paused and she looked toward the demoness of a woman and her demeanor was the opposite from just moments ago at the pleading and begging of the lost child. With a slow nod, she stumbled to grab together the stockings and shoes that she'd worn before trying to quickly, but properly redress her legs as they were put to her from before. "R-Right away, master!" She had replied in her shuffling moment. Her attempt to focus on the task wasn't hard or something that Grim would see to be troubling, but more to prove to the point that Sanguine had become serious in her decision to want to be hers. Doing anything and everything she commanded and with a smile on her face in the fact that she would be honored to be chosen for the task. "All finished, Master Grim. Please be careful out there!"

    Her voice carried to the outside of the cart as the maid remained seated on her knees. She remained there only a moment before something eventually pulled at her. Almost a sensation akin to a pet having their leash tugged at, the maid soon found herself bursting up onto her heels and headed to the door. There, she stepped out and then leaned against the cart. The maid had no intention of getting in Grim's way, however as wanted to be by her side and as such, being present during her tasks if permitted or told not to join her. In the case of being left unordered once her legs were redressed, Sanguine watched while in a rather proper maid like stance, only casually leaned against the cart otherwise. It was something that showed she would need a little discipline in how to properly and always carry through every little bodily tick while around her, but nothing that would surely distract the angry, violent massacre of cocky guards.

    She took her eyes off the brutal assault on the male whom had attempted to speak ill of the woman whom Grim held to the highest standard. Her intention was to get herself prepared to fight as well, however Sanguines plans were much different than what might Grim be expecting her to do. With her sword in hand, she exited back out and took a slight distance from the carriage she rode in on. With a bit of a flexing muscle, she sprouted her black wings from her back and grew a small smile onto her face. "Master Grim, I will take to the inside and made sure you can enter with ease." Her voluntary plan came with a curtsy before the wings swung down, propelling her into the air where the maid soared over the group of fighting foes and slaves of her master. With another harsh push, her wings shot her body through a window, where her body purposely collided with a male in a light metal armor.

    With her arms and legs covered with the dragon scales, her own damage was minimal, but the knight collapsed and soon after she became surrounded by others. A small smirk came to her face as the few had her surrounded with blades a plenty pointed in her direction. Rather than take a ready stance to fight, she relaxed and dropped her sword. A smirk still worn to her face, she let the knights move in. Both jabs and cutting slashes made at her caused several minor tears in her maid outfit and to her arms and legs not covered in scales. She did enough to keep herself from getting harmed too much, ruining her uniform too much, but keeping to the fact that they were only doing her job for her. Drops of black blood quickly dripped from her wounds, filling the air around them before it swirled around in a similar fashion to a tornado as the blood shaped themselves into petals and cut through their armors, hitting scratches to the few getting the unlucky strikes to their arteries.

    As the petals settled out to layer the walls and the ground with small splotches of black blood, the maid calmly picked her sword up, examining the rapidly closing wounds while she smiled at it. "Aww... Master Grim is going to be real upset you all ruined my uniform~ Well, I suppose I'll need to get fitted for new attire to her liking anyway. I just picked out found clothes anyway." With a small shrug, she made her way towards a staircase headed down toward the base floor. There sat a group of a few guards holding the door shut. Not noticing the maid having walked down close to them, she took her left arm and flung it toward, flicking it in a way to send droplets of blood onto the ground and with the snap of her fingers, the doors would blow open, flying around until they hit the outer walls. From a small cloud of smoke, Sanguine slowly walked forward, the last bits of her cuts healing and leaving only the very few cuts in her uniform to be shown. Collapsed wings folded comfortably behind her back, but still visible. She gave a curtsy toward the rebelling group she came in with as well as her master while a smile lit her face. "I've cleared up to the top of the first staircase, Master Grim. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

    WC: 1104
    Group: 7928/14000 words


    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

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    Third Skill: Locked

    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 31st March 2019, 9:54 pm

    Words written: #1,072
    Total written: #9,000/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____How long had it been since Alexandra could recall an all out war or skirmish such as this? The only memory she had seemed to be the time they had taken this empire to begin with from the old rulers of long since lost times. As the rain poured overhead, the sounds of clashing metals, magic, and lightning rang out over the area it made the woman remissness of that long ago battle. Back then she did something very much like Sanguine moved off to do for her own master, as if history was almost playing on repeat when the door was opened later.

    _____Seeing the slightly damaged uniform helped assure Alexandra she was not simply seeing the past from what her old master would have seen. Back then the reaper was far weaker, and she was very much more close to death then it seemed Sanguine was. Walking forward as her arm returned to flesh and muscle for a moment to calmly rub her maid's head as she passed the girl. She seemed to be more focused on the carnage happen around them when she spoke. The voice was distant, almost lost in nature as the hand returned to bone and swung the scythe across the air to cleave part of a building down.

    "The battle still wages on... as long as pest remain in this sacred home I want to see them slaughtered, their bodies mangled and faces stuck in torment from pain. I'll be making a clear line back to her majesties' throne and ANY who try to stop me will find fate leads them to death!"

    _____Alexandra resumed her slow march forward down the main street leading directly for the castle in the near distance. Her magic was rolling off her in vile tendrils of black magic and reeked of death as nothing was keeping the woman's emotions in check and only wrath held the reins at the moment. Hand releasing the scythe as she swept her fingers and the blade began to spin and rushed off cutting a bandit in two before another wave of her hand would have the body consumed in black wraiths that would rush to the next target.

    _____None around yet would prove a threat to the reaper, the only real magic she could sense among the enemy was those within the castle and was the reason she was moving there above all else. Sure if she wanted she could head to the large black tower and open the hidden passage to get her other pets to aid in the massacre and battle before them, but such was not her concern as with a simple outreached hand to the tower as Shadow bowed and rushed off it seemed this was going to happen even without her interaction.

    "So long ago I walked these streets for the first time following her majesty, watching the woman make this town turn from whites and golds... to blacks and reds. I watched her twist and distort the very fabrics of reality to kill those who dared to slow her work down... Now I must walk the streets to clear vermin from her created kingdom before welcoming her back? Such a odd hand fate has dealt me for sure."

    _____Hallow words, possibly falling on nobody but the dead's ears as the had left the frame of the reaper with a mouth that did not move for such to happen. Bone fingers twitching and skeletal hands waving as her magic swept across the streets and buildings with a dark finesse of the primal mage. Wraiths hunted anyone with magic power that was not aligned with the reaper, Green haze turning bodies into piles of ash and black haze killing any who set foot in the slow drifting cloud that encased the reaper. It was a dark yet almost beautiful sight at the mastery over death she held.

    _____When she reached the castle's outer wall and watched a bolt of lighting arc the sky towards her she made no action to stop it. Her scythe spinning rapidly overhead to cover the reaper on magic as the bolt only managed to make a small weakening in the shield before the weapon rushed to impale the mage who cast the spell and dragged them through the air back to Alexandra. Hand reaching out to their face as Black flames consumed their terrified expression and the screams of pain ringed out before silence. Letting them go as the scythe ripped free from their body and the mage healed themselves before kneeling before Alexandra.

    "Kill those you once worked with, you now serve only Death and her majesty. Your are but a tool to be used until you break. Any that prove to have strength you bring back alive to add to the ranks. Now go."

    _____The male nodding before a bolt of lighting seemed to carry them away into the city to join the fighting elsewhere while Alexandra turned to check if Sanguine was still nearby. If the girl was Alexandra would simply glance back to the gate door waiting for it to be opened, If not accompanied at the time Alexandra's outreached arm from before would slash the air as a large wave of black energy turned the gatehouse into nothing but empty space as she resumed her approach. Parts of the wall crumbling around her.

    _____Off in the distance the large tower would break apart, the sound of screaming ripping across the battlefield as black masses of spirits began descending on the battlefield. Alexandra smiling under her magic that she would get to see some of her experiments get fed after so long and wondered how many would be left after the battle on either side. Her old servants, against her newer ones as those held only the focus to serve the reaper and no others. Sure they would do no harm to Sanguine and Shadow who had been graced by more then just altered memories.

    _____Maybe those that lived would be granted the same protection from the dark magic spirits at the reaper's command, however for the moment they would simply have to fight the three way war and the weak would be culled out and added into the mass of spirits like many before them. That was simply the fate of those that could not be strong enough to stand behind the reaper. Focus now set on the castle.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 2nd April 2019, 12:18 pm

    It was only in the moment in which Sanguine had returned to her masters sight that she'd smiled. The fact it was raining, each drop that made contact staining her slightly damaged uniform with only a slightly darker pigmentation of the colors that it had been before. Now, she simply remained, feeling every drop sliding down her scales to her claw like hands before they would eventually build to a point gravity forced them to drip to the ground. Her body refused to move, though despite her knowing the sight of her master was more comforting than anything, the maid felt a bit of an intimidating aura just looking at the reaper before her. Her heart felt like it was pumping harder as the figure started to approach her, knowing and trying to relax herself in knowing that she was not in any danger of being harmed, but a flesh ridden hand of Grim's reached out, patting her on the head once again.

    While Sanguine had known the woman didn't talk much, the confirmation of her work only served to make her a little more enjoyable of her actions. She never wanted in her life to take one... but the more the thought sunk in, the more she could picture Harrigan's whole plans began to fixate what she was now. She knew it wasn't true, however there she was, killing anything she was ordered to execute and giving no mercy to anyone. And yet, there was another part of her that wanted to dismiss the dead mans words. After all, the only kill she never truly regretted was his, and while the innocent child she used to be had prayed for him and forgiveness for herself, something in her mind told her nothing could save him. It was something to be set aside for now. She couldn't let her past cloud the tasks at hand that she were given and the things she was about to witness.

    The first began quickly as Grim had struck down a mage whom attempted to attack her using the lightning from the rainstorm that had come to drench the maids clothes and hair. Nothing of which bothered her at all, but her attention remained focused on Grim's actions and her mouth kept shut. The slight look of fear that grew in her eyes watching the things done and said were something to note. She knew she couldn't very well turn on this woman. For one, she had no reason, she loved her Master Grim and her attention was the only thing kept her from wallowing in the depressing fact of being turned into some guilds tool for conquest. Even if that guild now perished, she was willing to put herself into the position willingly for the one person she sought to have treated her more than some simple tool.

    The maid sought to speak not a word in her travels with Grim. Her mind had been so cluttered in the mess of a mind and all of her past tugs between good and evil that it felt like her lines could never be as simple as black and white. Her upbringing taught her good, her foster mother the same, but everything there and in between showed her what life was truly like. A sheltered church child succumbing to the reality was more than she could have bared. And for that, she was becoming a broken toy being pieced together by a new owner, so to speak. What things Grim would be able to teach her was beyond her, but a woman of her wisdom and power was nothing to toy with. If anything, this was a sign from the god in which she used to pray to. Some sort of odd gift to her perhaps? She was taught the lord worked in mysterious ways, but this one seemed to take the cake. No matter the affiliation, she was to be a servant to someone in some form. This way was just... more direct if anything.

    With their trip halting at sealed doors, unguarded oddly enough, Sanguine sought the opportunity to show she was more than a simple piece of eye candy in the moment. "If I may, master Grim." She spoke up now, walking around the angered reaper. She took the blade of her sword in one hand and drug it along her other hands open palm. a few stray drops of the black blood dripped onto the soaked ground and she ran her hand down between both doors, stepping back by her side. "The rain is going to lessen the actual impact, which in the long run I guess will save time in repairs and cleaning up when we've staked claim to your castle." With the snap of her fingers in finishing, the blood would explode in a somewhat minor fashion, pushing the doors inward at a high speed and slamming into the walls, leaving an opening to their next location. Honestly, she wondered if Grim had ever seen her using her magic, or even to be aware of the miscolored blood, not to mention the lack of a reaction in her having cut open her own hand with nothing more than some minor initial twitch.

    WC: 875
    Group: 9,875/14000 words


    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 2nd April 2019, 9:57 pm

    Words written: #671
    Total written: #10,546/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____Watching Sanguine in action rose a different side of Alexandra, seeing her maid cut into her own hand to cast her magic was reasonable but it was the action of doing such without permission that rose the actions that followed. Once the door was out of the way Alexandra moved closer to Sanguine before reaching to slap the girl's hand that was cut before reaching to hold her chin and pull it to the flaring glow in the sockets of the skull that was Grim's face at the moment.

    "I did not give you permission to bring harm to yourself and yet you have! Your body belongs to me remember? I will not have you doing such again without my permission is that clear? I will let you off with that warning this time but should it happen again punishment WILL be dealt your way."

    _____The cold harsh tone of her master, the feeling she was enraged despite having no features to show it as she pushed her hand that held the girl's chin away to show she was not happy with what had happen before moving to advance further into the castle knowing the layout all to well. The black red stones that lined the walls, the dark green flames that despite the color cast a dark grey glow over the area. The stands of black armor that seemed to watch the two pass them but not act due to their master and controller being elsewhere.

    _____Seeing the knights at all was both a relief and an annoyance. They belonged to one of her majesty's other personal guard and the fact She was not defending the castle like she was last tasked to do was rather annoying for Grim. What was good was that since they still moved it meant somewhere in the castle the woman was still alive or close to such. Making a mental note to drag the woman by the ear later and tell their master of her failure to protect the home they would return to. However as she reached the main hall leading to the thrown room it seemed that would not be needed.

    _____Standing at the end of the hall, along with countless suits of armor, bandits, and thugs like the ones outside was a woman dressed in white. Her blue hair and teal eyes setting against the ghostly pale skin as she shot daggers towards the two who had entered before Grim's appearance changed to normal and fear seemed to creep across the woman's face. Alexandra looking over her nails as the returned before looking over the woman with a small smirk as she tried to regain her composure but still giving off an air of fear as she backed against the door she was guarding.

    "Sanguine, I leave the living ones to you, the suits of armor... and that traitorous bitch across from me I'll deal with. Now we can do this two ways, we split them or simply deal with them all... but I make no promise you will be safe from my magic in such case darling maid.~"

    _____If Sanguine chose to split up Alexandra would snap her finger as the ground was covered with black smoke before the girl and all those living that would be her pray would appear outside in the courtyard. Alexandra's magic growing to give the girl the clue where to return to after her fight as the reaper moved her focus more onto the woman she would be fighting against. A cruel smile across her face as she considered possibly killing the woman that had proved to be a thorn Grim was left pulling out.

    "Always the arrogant one, tell me how many times did you come back covered in cuts and wounds after biting off more then you could chew red queen?" "Not nearly as many times as you failed your task Blue knight.~" Tension rising along with both their magics powers before the fight would rawr to life in two new fronts.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 11th April 2019, 5:03 pm

    Finding that nothing was on the other side of the doors that she had just blown clear open with her own blood and magic had been a bit of a relief. The less amount of fodder thrown at the two of them would only become an easier task by the end of the whole ordeal. The teenage maid had taken a single step forward before she was halted with a slap to her hand that was quickly followed up with a hand grabbing up her chin and pulling it to look at Grim, whom had come closer to her since the blast had happened. Although the look on the girls face was a bit of surprise, the initial reaction from being slapped had been the one thing that was on her mind. Her new master had seemed to take a rather nurturing type of stance about her methods to having had to cut her own hand in order to use her magic.

    While Sanguine was very well aware of what conditions and all were about their newly formed relationship, her brow furrowed from her albeit demanding she ask to use her own magic. This caused the white haired slayer to smirk. However, that smirk only turned into a bit of a laugh. "Heh.. I'm willing to do anything and everything for you, but that... that's not going to be one of them." Her tone was oddly serious, but also held a firm tone seeing as how she was staring into the glowing eyes of a skull. Her cut hand reached up and she held the open palm close to her face before her tongue dragged its way along the path used to cut her hand. After doing so, she licked her lips and held a perfectly normal open palm before Grim, showing no existence of a cut or any scarring. "I don't permanently mutilate my body for my magic. I can rapidly heal cuts without the formation of scars, so I never worry about having to break skin to even the score. I put a lot of research into how to use my magic when I first got it, I promise you that." Her hand laid rest at her side while she waited for Grim to process the information she'd just picked up.

    Granted, this still wasn't the full Sanguine that she'd come to know either. There were things about her that she'd laid hidden from most and frankly.. the only ones that ever knew were those that were never around anymore. As much as it broke her heart for her to have to live with it, she could find the solace and care in Grim, so she would have to make sure to be her best for someone who wanted to take someone like the former nun in. It was honestly still a mentally nerve wracking thought process that she had to deal with; killing people. She could justify it, push to her own former beliefs, but in the end it still didn't sit right with her no matter how much mental arguing that she'd done with herself over the whole thing.

    The maid kept quiet during their walk still, not wanting to purely leave things out to chance or to distract the reaper from her task. She knew swearing her loyalty would come with a price, so this was her payment as well as her proof of loyalty. As the two entered into what she could see to be a final room, the darker exterior seemed a little cliche for her, but never the less she wasn't one to be able to do home decor justice in any way shape or form, personally. The price for being an orphan, maybe? Or just perhaps being more of a tomboy in some senses. Regardless, when Grim and the other unsuited being began to engage in a bit of a back and forth, she had thought about her choices. To stand beside Grim to fight this one, or to eliminate anything else to give her the even playing field? Well, the more she thought, the easier the choice became.

    As the girl looked down to her own body, she kicked off her heels from her feet before a black cloud like substance began to swirl around her arms and legs. The skin would begin to peel and tear away, leaving a chromatic black colored set of scales to be left in the open air. Claws as sharp as daggers on the tip of each finger and the same process repeating itself to her legs and feet from nearly the top of her shin and down, where the scales to her arms reached nearly to her elbows. Her still present wings expanded outward, showing off the blue colored etchings in the webbing for a brief moment. "Leave the knights to me, master. I leave your blue knight to you." Leaving nothing more to be said, she let the wings and her feet push her off of the ground, pouncing almost in the blink of an eye before her own combat had begun to initiate.

    The guards lost quick sight before her claws shredded through their armor like it were simple fabric she ripped up. The rest of the guards quickly moved in around the maid, drawing weapons, shields, and especially worry. As some could witness, the maid had begun to inhale, pulling the open wounds she'd inflicted through the air itself and then into her mouth, filling it to the brim. She left some blood inside the corps, but that was quickly becoming blood that her consumption wouldn't be of much use for. In one large gulp, the demi dragoness' eyes began to glow a bit of a yellow color, her pupils slit and a wide grin forming on her face. She'd never had a rush like this... but it felt... good. Natural, even. The feeling of humans wallowing in fear through a facade though their bodies quaked enough to rattle their armor at the faintest point. Perhaps this was how all demons felt? Power gained though solely fear and bloodshed, but Sanguines? Oh, she benefited more in bloodshed than anything and now seemed like the best of times to show it.

    Oh jeez... her weapon was left outside the room, now that she'd thought about it. Her figure turned towards the rest as her grin faded, showing nothing more than what some could think to look like a mentally broken weapon. Something whom lost a crucial piece of their humanity, but in Sango's case... she'd gained as much as she lost. It was a mix of a need for blood as well as a fight. Call it what you will, but the girls mind knew it was just textbook sociopath-like tendencies. Her love of fighting being the only thing that ever got her truly excited in life. While she wasn't really much for killing, beating someone into the ground was always her issue. Now.. having slaughtered with her own hands-- her own TRUE hands. No need for remorse, for care, but for praise on a job well done? There was something too enticing for her to stop.

    For a moment, she stood still. She wanted them to make a move at her, but she quickly became impatient and went for the closest one to her. Her claws again shredded through the armor and quickly began to rip out the innards of the knight. The sight caught her off guard and distracted her in the moment of the others trying to attack at once. Her attention had quickly returned as one of the knights weapons pierced through her body. With a small gasp, her eyes traveled down to see the weapon before it was harshly pulled out of her the same way it went in... by Sanguine herself. It wasn't the first time she'd been stabbed so viciously, nor would it be the last down this life's choices and path. With a small chuckle, Sanguine squeezed and snapped the polearm in half only to jab her arm through his chest in the same place and then throwing the knight aside like trash.

    The sights now were getting to her. She begun to feel mentally and morally crossed in a way that kept her from thinking straight. If this continued, she felt like there would be nothing left in her mind to keep following Grim loyally and voluntarily. She had to wipe the rest off like dust, and quick. With her wings spread again, she took off into the air and then hovered over the group before she took in a deep breath. With blood welling into her mouth, she blew the blood out, launching her Bellow downward overtop of the entire set of guards, wiping them clean out with only their screams left. Not dead yet, the maid hung over the mist of magic that Grim had casted, letting the mist consume them and leaving them to her will and bidding of choice. Meanwhile, the flying slayer would ease her height down some, remaining close to Grim's side, but her eyes and attention locked onto wherever this "blue knight" had been kept in.

    WC: 1536
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    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Grim Reaper 14th April 2019, 2:34 am

    Words written: #951
    Total written: #13,033/14,000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ffff00 Shadow's speech
    _____Alexandra knew that Despite all things the woman was stronger if she had bothered to bring all of her knights into the last room, but knowing some had been left outside showed the woman's arrogance in many colors that would spell her downfall. Watching Sanguine do her thing without taking the offer to avoid getting caught between the two woman's fight was perfectly fine if not only a small downfall having to atleast try and not harm her still in training servant. Stepping forward slowly as she rolled her right shoulder a few times.

    "Guess I'll just deal with you now rather then wait to see what her majesty plans to do with you.~"

    _____Right hand waved across the air, the space before Alexandra warping inward on itself as the demonic scythe ripped the air in a violent spin and shot forward towards the first puppet of armor that rushed out from the line. Alexandra's body turning back into the reaper form as she swung her left arm across the air and black chains shot off to deal with the other approaching suits of armor. The woman rushing strait down the middle line of combat as a suit of armor broke apart to coat her and another morphing into a spear. Watching with an amused flicker of light in the hallow sockets as Grim called the scythe back.

    _____Sparks dancing across the air as the weapons connected and Alexandra pushed the spear downward to lodge it into the ground. A slight click of her tongue as the woman easily pulled it free and attempted another thrust attack that was batted away again. How easy it would be to simply use magic to defeat her enemies most times. Had it not been for the annoying suit of armor the woman made sure to dawn such would be the case. Sadly however the armor was able to store and return Grim's favored magic making such choice a bad idea.

    _____As the two seemed to keep trading and deflecting blows with their weapons neither seemed to be able to gain much ground as it stood. Any suit of armor that tried to give the other woman an advantage would be blown apart by chains or dealt with by Grim's magic and the woman was doing well enough to stop any spell or abilities of the scythe knowing full well what their master's weapon could do if left unchecked. Clashing one more time before they broke away with a jump and Alexandra grew tired of the game. Right hand snapping her fingers and casting the spell she knew would simply be to easy to use.

    _____Strings pulling the woman to stand with her arms stretched out and to release her weapon. Alexandra's appearance returning to normal as she chuckled when the woman tried to fight against the puppet magic that the red queen chose to only use when she was not being watched in the event of such betrayal to her majesty. It was partly the reason Alexandra made sure she used the magic on those she wanted, those like sanguine and others to come as she allowed her fingers to twitch and as a result the woman removed the armor growling loudly.

    "Always the back handed bitch! What can't fight me with your own hands and need your magic to beat me?" "I don't recall agreeing to deal with you with only weapons, and you tried to fight with magic also. If you had been wiser to keep it all in one suit of armor maybe it would have been harder to deal with them. But arrogance and display was always your thing blue knight."

    _____As the last piece of armor was stripped away leaving the woman open for attacks Alexandra wasted no time slashing the woman across the chest in a wide diagonal cut from left shoulder to right hip to listen to her pained screams she tried to keep back as the weapon dug in and tore. Spinning her weapon with a smile to cut a large X with the second slash as she leaned in to the woman who spat in the reaper's face. Another chuckle as she wiped her face and drove her hand into the middle of the cut to make the woman scream more.

    "Such a shame you will not be around to welcome her majesty back to this world.~" "You... Still... Don't remember... do you... Least i wont... be here to get betrayed as you... will..."

    _____Alexandra's hand reached up and crushed the heart of the woman before she could finish her false statement. Pulling her hand away and looking over to sanguine offering the bloody hand with a smile as the body dropped down. Should Sanguine approuch and start to clean the hand like Alexandra was hoping for she would reach to calmly brush the girl's hair aside with a smile. Black smoke removing the bodies around them as Alexandra spoke calmly.

    "We have a lot of work to do my darling maid.~ This place is in dire need of cleaning and repairs to be ready for her majesties return and we should not keep her waiting much longer as she has waited for us this long after-all.~"

    _____If Sanguine finished cleaning the hand, or left it alone mattered little as Alexandra started to walk towards the doors and swing them open to reveal the dust covered room that was the throne room. Far across the red silk carpet sat a throne of black and gold bones adorning a grey cushioned throne. Hand releasing the restless weapon as it swung towards the throne to rejoin it. Alexandra was home, and soon her majesty would be also.
    Chaos' Vessel


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    Reclamation of Helheim Empty Re: Reclamation of Helheim

    Post by Sanguine 16th April 2019, 8:17 pm

    It didn't really seem to phase her much as she watched the hand of her master rip out of the chest from the enemy she seemed so hellbent of fighting herself. It wasn't her business to pry, however she did manage to catch the last bits of their conversation short of the "blue knights" death. What was that about being betrayed? Did.. she mean it towards Sanguine or towards Grim? It was something that seemed to rattle her mind in the moment as it looked like she may have been looking at the demi-dragon, however she could have been wrong in thinking that as well. She pushed that thought aside for the time being. She put herself into the choice to become this being maid, her servant, a pawn and toy to be played with how she pleased. It was a rushed thought, however the ideas of trying to reconnect into the human world now? With everything that could be done to her and with her, she knew it wasn't something that she could necessarily be able to be done with.

    Slowly levitating herself down to the ground, her dragonic extremities reached out and gently grabbed hold of the hand extended to her as a meal. It felt somewhat mesmerizing really, to be offered a treat from the hand of Grim, and in such a kind honor and offer, she put on a smile and began to lick at her hand like a cat. Amusingly, she toyed with the red headed woman by giving a bit of a purring sound, knowing she had a bit of a soft spot for her being dressed as such prior to this job, but now it just seemed like a fun inside joke. Her hair suddenly being stroked away from her face had put a flushed color to her cheek, moving her tongue to get every single drop of the blood until her hand was licked clean. All the while she had listened to Grim explain the happenings of everything that would have to come from here on out.

    The still smiling maid silently followed the woman towards her throne, having still heard her words every step of the way, she had one last thing to do before she'd be able to move on and get to freshening up the castle. Once Grim was in her throne, she dropped to her knees before the woman. What seemed different about this action was a lot of it seemed to look like physical exhaustion, which there was much more of a mental strain than anything. Still, she crawled forward and kissed the womans feet one by one. "Anything for you, Master Grim... I..." Her eyes were growing heavy, crawling over until she was sitting beside the throne before collapsing against it. "I just.. need to.. sleep... F-Forgive me, mas..master..." She drifted off to sleep, but not before making sure that so long as Grim remained seated in her chair, she could at the least pet her new maids head to entertain her at the least.

    It wasn’t more than a few seconds that Sanguine jumped up from her sleep. She couldn’t fall asleep here! Firstly, this wasn’t Grim’s throne, though in the maids defense she believed Grim should make sure her throne is kept in safe keeping. And what better a way than seating yourself upon it to even keep the seat warm. Instead, she was off seemingly returning the weapon that she’d used to cleave her enemies- their enemies. She had severed every tie to humanity the moment she swore to serve Grim and that’s just what she would dedicate her life to doing once they had fixed this castle back to its pristine condition. As a maid and a generally big clean freak in some regards, she wouldn’t stand to let Grim or herself live in a place full of blood stains, damaged walls and floors, and even the few scattered corpses left over.

    If not for Sanguine having overdone herself in trying to appease Grim by eliminating every enemy she could when she was told to, she would have the energy to begin the clean up this very moment. However, she was drained both mentally and physically from the combat. Her uniform was in slight tatters as well, though a small shopping trip could easily remedy that issue and for the future she could find herself enjoying these more than any other clothing. But even then, the maid had to think about how strict or leisurely Grim was with the maid uniform. Of course in public she’d honorably wear it, even in on her own. But every once in a while every person dreams of getting out of the uniform and back to the basics. Even then, she would choose to let her new master pick out what she wore.

    The Demi-Dragoness picked herself up off of the floor and dusted herself off, sluggishly walking past the halls and out to the following rooms where she could find herself a place to sleep. She was determined to find a suitable place to fall asleep, but it felt like forever that she was walking halls and doors until she happened upon a room. She hadn’t noticed, but there happened to be a plague type of label on the door that read “Alexandra” on it. She walked her way to the bed before she let her uniform pile onto the floor and her body drop onto the bed, snuggling up into the blankets within seconds. The teen had paid little attention from her sleepy state, but she would become a lot happier soon enough. Once everything had been set in motion, she would know what it was like to embrace her powers for a purpose instead of having to hide them from everyone. With Grim’s help, she would be able to finally realize her potential as a mage who uses all of her powers without recourse, without fear of herself, and finally seeking the approval of someone she could see as a parental figure. And some day, she would hope she could be the kind of person Grim would have always wanted by her side, no matter what it took for her to achieve those goals.

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    Reclamation of Helheim JwEY1nx

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