Fairy Tail RP

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    Phantom Thief


    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Phantom Thief Empty Phantom Thief

    Post by Temperance 14th January 2019, 7:29 pm

    page 27, 656 post

    Mission: Criminal Syndicate part 1

    Talonia was a good place for Agil's little lounge to do business-- then again he had magical doors to almost any and every city in Fiore to allow people to find the club for those who knew where to look. For Selina, it was a nice trip for moving through towns without large trips. However, Agil was having trouble with things on his end as Selina had learned.. someone butting in on his business.

    "Wait, people going missing? That doesn't sound like something you take interest in," Selina asked as she leaned in on the bar with Agil cleaning glasses on the other side. Selina was dressed in her more casual attire of her streetwear-- wearing her glasses, vest and jeans to give her a more geeky appearance. It was easier if she had to go in public oppose to her more outstanding witch attire. Though times, she wish there was something that was both suited her and sexy too...

    "Normally I don't," Agil said in a deep tone as he put down his glass. "But things are starting to heat up. Rumor going around of another criminal gang setting up shop among some of my doors. Mostly its been in Hargeon and Cedar, and now showed up in Talonia. Scare away people is bad enough, but supposedly these bastards are stepping up a new game."

    From next to them-- they caught a Black Cat Exceed, Hex, hop up onto one of the bar stools and spun around on it happily. "How is that, baldie?"

    Agil gave the cat a grumpy scowl. "There is no evidence they are involved, but I got on good confidence that a few of the Rune Knights have gone missing," he said. "If they go poking around them, they are either very ballsy or stupid."

    Selina took off her glasses to give her friend a stern look. "Let me make sure I get this right. You want us to actually go looking for Rune Knights? The same Rune Knights you swear on a weekly basis you would rather be strung and quartered by both heaven and hell than have any in your bar." the witch said with a knowing tone.

    The nepheline mage rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it sounds bad. But still, the more this happened, the more it can affect my business more. Besides, as annoying as hell as they are-- do you really want to see them knocked off for doing their jobs?" He gave Selina a knowing look. He didn't need to convince her despite her chosen life of a thief-- to do the right thing when lives were involved.

    There were others in the club, clearly, they could overhear-- but Agil knew none of them would cause trouble. It was a neutral space after all-- a place from all walks of life would be welcomed here, especially if they had nowhere else to go. A place that suited Selina very much.

    "We just need some information, but I can tell you all this stuff is seeming to happen during broad daylight, and with police around. That is fishy," Agil said.

    There were too many factors that Selina needed to fill in on. "Where do we even start looking for the kidnapped?" she asked.

    WC: 543


    The Butler Assassin

    The Butler Assassin

    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sebastian Michaelis

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    Phantom Thief Empty Re: Phantom Thief

    Post by WinterDornez 22nd January 2019, 7:09 am

    Winter sighed as she sat in a lounge that was catering to all kinds of people. She used her wires to absently stir the spoon in her coffee. She had been on this stupid job for a few days now and there was nothing to be had. She couldn’t figure out much, and she sadly was no closer to figuring out the job, nor how she would go about completing it.

    She gave another sigh and downed her coffee which was still fairly hot, and she squealed slightly her eyes crossing and watering as she burned her throat, her mouth, and her stomach. She coughed looking down at the coffee cup which was now empty and tried her best not to smash it. That was when she heard the conversation that was going on between Selina and the person that she was talking with. She figured he was the one who ran the café if she recalled correctly. She barely paid attention to most things.

    Yet, the conversation was clearly in the way of her case, and she was only too happy to have someone who could help her out, and she could help them. She stood up when they reached the point about needing information she smiled and made her approach.

    Clearing her throat lightly she walked up to the small group and gave a bow before putting a cigar in her mouth “You need information, well Information I have. I need some help, and you look like you could at least provide me with some kind of support if not much of it.” She said taking in Selina’s look. She took a free chair by snatching it up with one of her many wires before she sat down looking at her with a smile “You see, I was hired to do this job, and it led me right here to Talonia. One of the Rune Knights who went missing went missing right in the arena here in town.”

    She reached into her vest and pulled out a small folded up square of paper “I know the information, I have a where and a when. I only need some help to go find the partner in question, and then I would be able to finish this job and get paid.”

    Suddenly, she snapped out of it blushing slightly “Uh, please forgive me. My name is Winter Dornez, butler by trade, but sadly I find myself between employers at the moment. I am a wizard, and I haven’t exactly been working for a guild. Still, I am currently working on this job, and I have done a lot of the leg work already. Would you be so kind as to accompany me to the arena so I can do some more digging?” she asked tucking the paper into her vest pocket. Waiting for the answer that was hopefully coming.

    WC: 479



    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Phantom Thief Empty Re: Phantom Thief

    Post by Temperance 23rd January 2019, 6:45 pm

    As Selina was going to put down her glasses, and think-- they were introduced to a new person in the Black Cat Lounge. A seemingly interesting woman-who resembled a bit of a man a little by her tomboyish appearance. At first, Selina was cautious of the stranger till she introduced herself as Winter Dornez, a butler.

    Curious, and questioning the 'butler by trade', Hex peeked out from her hiding place behind the Bar-- where Agil gave her a dirty look for wandering around back there. "Jeez, Agil, this place brings out all the weirdos." she said sassily.

    "SHUT UP, STUPID CAT!" Agil snarled, wishing the cat would stay out from behind his bar.

    Selina sat up in her stool and looked the woman over. It was odd she was a butler to her as she adjusted her glasses. "Um,. why exactly are you a butler of all things? That isn't a profession most would go for, as a wizard" she asked. From her attire, even Winter would see her and think 'reporter' especially with the camera around her neck.

    Still the fact that Agil needed this done, and from the sound of it-- Winter was on the same case long before they did. Why she was there, was still a mystery to Selina. "Hmmm..." she hummed, to consider it, "I suppose I could. Just don't think I will do this completely empty handed. A little money or an exclusive scoop of this little cover up would be grateful." she said, trying to stay in character despite the scenery her new acquaintance found her in. "I'm... Lina," Selina said, keeping her full name a secret for now. "Nice to work with you. The handsome devil of a barkeep is Agil, as you may know." Agil gave Winter a kind smile, flattered to be called handsome-- while Hex snickered with her paws up on the bar to look at Winter. "The black Exceed with the pointy hat is Hex."

    "Mrow," Hex said as she soon conjured her black Aera wings and fluttered in the air before Winter. "When this is over, maybe you can be so kind to butler me a glass of milk." she half-joked.

    "That cat needs a serious butler butt-kick if she doesn't learn some manners," Agil commented, causing a cat-like hiss to come from Hex in realiation.

    WC: 390


    The Butler Assassin

    The Butler Assassin

    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sebastian Michaelis

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    Phantom Thief Empty Re: Phantom Thief

    Post by WinterDornez 30th January 2019, 6:39 am

    Winter glared in the direction of the cat when she heard herself being called a weirdo. The glare was so fast that it would’ve gone unnoticed by anyone who was not familiar with Winter’s micro- expressions. She refocused her attention on Selina with a bit of a smile trying to show that she was still giving the girl her full and undivided attention. She would deal with the cat later, assuming of course the cat was not Selina’s and instead belonged the Agil the bartender. If the cat belonged to the bartender, then she would just kill it without any worry. If it belonged to Selina however, well, she supposed that she would have to just swallow it down for now. She didn’t appreciate being called a weirdo as she thought she was fairly normal all things considered.

    The question about her profession caught her a bit off guard. She smiled a bit “I was an orphan really. Then my mentor in all things not only magical, but the arts of being a Butler came to find an apprentice. He took me on, and we worked well together. When he said I was done he sent me off to find my own employment. I found a master, rather a master he found for me…. well…. let’s just say I wasn’t fond of my employer and we…’didn’t work out’. I find myself unemployed as a butler, but I still have my magic.”

    Winter waved her hand gently “You can have your scoop and your cut of the money. Fifty-fifty split. Perfectly even I assure you. However, I will ask that you keep my name out of the papers. A butler’s name shouldn’t appear in publication but twice. When they marry, and when they die. So, use a pseudonym for me if you must, but I will not stand for photos.” She bowed with her hand over her heart “It is my pleasure to meet you Lina. I think I already introduced myself, but it is my pleasure all the same.” Hearing the other introductions. She nodded to Agil “You make a delicious coffee, and I am appreciative. My standards are high, and you meet them my good sir.”

    Winter’s eyes fell on Hex cold and full of icy hatred. She leans closer to Hex speaking in a tone of ice “I would be careful asking a ‘weirdo’ to buttle for you. If you ask the wrong ‘weirdo’ you may find the milk is the last thing you drink, but if you would like I could get you some milk.” She added a particular emphasis on the word ‘weirdo’ to let the cat know that she had been heard, and that Winter took the comment as a personal offense worth killing over. The wicked and yet, ‘sincere’ smile also relayed just how much she would enjoy getting Hex her ‘last drink’.

    Her attention snapped to Lina and she smiled “Well, we need to get going. I know right where to go. Follow me please.” She turned and walked out of the lounge without another word.

    WC: 513
    Total: 992



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