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    Smear Campaign


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Smear Campaign  Empty Smear Campaign

    Post by Cetus 5th February 2019, 10:35 am


    Cetus adjusted his mask, wondering if he'd really need it for this job. In fact it might actually be easier to go about without it. However, the shark man had gotten so used to wearing it going without the mask was strange. This wasn't his typical job either. He was used to sneaking in, killing the target and getting out without leaving a trace. This time he'd be sneaking in, yes but he'd be planting evidence against a man. He'd also have a partner that he'd never worked with before. It would be interesting to see how that went. All this was merely for a tiny bit of information on his old partners. Nathair had apparently pulled a job here a few weeks back. The man this job was for, a Thomas Stone, had hired her for said job. Now he was dangling the information on Nathair over Cetus' head. Not a bad tactic overall but still a dangerous one. The moment Mr. Stone lost his foothold on Cetus, the assassin could take his head. A slow smile spread behind the mask. It would be interesting to see if Mr. Stone realized this.

    The capital bustled around the shark man as he moved toward the meeting place. People gave the mask a strange look. It was a normal reaction. People ignoring the mask would have made Cetus worried. Still it was better than revealing his eyes. Golden eyes were a rarity and made him easily identifiable. He couldn't use contacts constantly either. Some strange quirk in his ancestry melted them only a few hours after they were put in. Cetus had brought a few for this job though. He might require a disguise his mask couldn't provide. His partner wasn't at the meeting place when Cetus arrived. Rather than get irritated - not that he really could - Cetus leaned against the wall. He pulled out a dossier on the target they were supposed to be slandering.

    A Mr. Stephen Goodwill. A do gooder with a laundry list of habits steeped in light and purity. It wasn't hard to see why Mr. Stone had hired dark mages. He didn't stand a chance against this opponent without a little extra help. Mr. Stone had helpfully provided weak points in Mr. Goodwill's image: children, wife, charities, drugs and of course, the bond of family. Cetus' mind was already working over possible corrupting plans as he flipped to the next page. Mr. Goodwill wasn't stupid apparently. He had top notch security. The security didn't cover everything on Mr. Stone's list but it made at least three of them more difficult. A good challenge to be sure. Cetus carefully studied the heads of Mr. Goodwill's security. If they managed to incriminate the people Mr. Goodwill put in charge of his safety, they could further shatter his image.

    Cetus nodded slowly as he closed the dossier. Mr. Stone's plan was a good one. Shatter the trust the people had in Goodwill and it would tip a fair few towards Mr. Stone. Even if they knew Stone was a bad guy, they knew that they could trust him to be a bad guy. Whereas with Goodwill, after his do gooder persona was shattered, they'd think him duplicitous and conniving. It would be enough to put Mr. Stone in the lead. The only issue was they had twelve hours to put enough slander out onto the street. It all had to be in the headlines tomorrow. It made the task a mite bit more difficult. However, Cetus loved a challenge. Life was made of challenges and the time in between. Now if only his partner could finally arrive, this could all begin. When his partner arrived, Cetus held out the dossier to him without saying a word.

    WC: 631

    @Artemis Dagger

    Last edited by Cetus on 26th February 2019, 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Gabriel Bank

    Smear Campaign  CetusSigs
    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th February 2019, 2:48 pm

    It had been over a few weeks Artemis had been given the news of the secret organisation he would be taking over. It was a lot to take it at once, the change in his lifestyle, all the new found responsibility. He had gone from being in charge of nothing but his own wellbeing to being a leader of a fundamentally grown organisation. There was so much work that went into it; he pretty much was spending every waking minute on the job — even going so far as to rent one of the rooms underneath the guild. Going home and getting back to the guild was just too much hassle, it was easier for him to stay there for now. Until at least he got on top of things, then maybe, he would be able to spend more time in his new flat. He hadn't even had time to unpack yet.

    Amongst initiating members, dealing with his little brother suddenly going missing, and preparing for the mass initiation that was coming up soon. He just about had his hands full, then his father so kindly suggested that he take some guild work under his belt. To get a feel for the job as such, as if he didn't have enough on his plate. He had informed Blanche to send over something that didn't require anything too violent; he hadn't quite figured out how to bring Morte into this. Morte who quite frankly was loving the change of pace. Using him in front of his guild members was going to happen. Before when Morte had made an appearance, it had been when Artemis was on his own, and when around others he rarely addressed people. There was that one time, but that guy was long gone. Artemis was pretty sure he had gone missing with the rest of the Black Rose officials. Not that it mattered, they were highly unlikely ever to meet again.

    The job that Blanche had sent over seemed relatively simple enough, one of their assigned clients needed to incriminate his opponent somehow. Simple enough. It wasn't exactly the easier candidate to make look bad; the guy had a glimmering record. But still, if he had a sin, Artemis would find it. Paint yourself however you want, you can never cover up your sins, they linger in the dark, waiting eagerly for exposure. At least, that was Morte's stance on the matter. Frankly, Artemis didn't disagree too much on that matter. He would be wearing his guild uniform, the same uniform as the unclassified units of his team would wear. Except that it was painted a mixture of Red and black tones. He really needed to get an upgraded armour of his own soon, he had taken a look and liked the look of the Combat armour. But for now, this would do. At the very least it suppressed his magical energy, his aura and any features that may give away his identity, even down to his scent.

    Artemis arrived in the set location; it seemed he would be doing this job with another. Unusual for the guilds standard protocol but it seemed the Client had submitted requests out to more than just them. Artemis understood, he was desperate and wanted the job done. Plus Hidden Blades hadn't official contracted with him openly as themselves but an external 'special services' company. Who credentials seemed good but unfamiliar. It was fine, he would just have to hope whoever he ended up working with wasn't a moron, or worse, someone he knew. He walked towards the allocated meeting point, spotting his supposed partner. A fellow, who funny enough was also wearing a mask. Yet one of a different kind. As he stepped over to him, he passed him some documents. Under his mask, Artemis would arch a brow. Well, that was to the point. He skimmed the documents, which had information on it. Most of which Blanche had already provided to him, but some slightly altered information. He looked back up to the job partner; he had to bear in mind this wasn't a guildmate or underling — bit a lone operative, doing his own job. Artemis didn't have to bark orders or instructions, but rather allow for some leeway.

    "Do you have anything in particular for this task?" He asked, his voice coming out deeper and more gravelly due to magical influence of his mask.

    WC: 739



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Cetus 7th February 2019, 1:52 pm

    Cetus raised an eyebrow at his apparent partner for this job. The - man? woman? it could have been either truly- was covered head to toe in a black armor with red highlights. A hood covered the head while a mask obscured the face. There was little to no possibility of identifying the individual. Rather like the outfit Cetus was currently wearing. A tiny glimmer of respect kindled within the shark man. Cetus didn't move as he appraised his partner. It wouldn't do to let this one know he - or she - was being watched. Especially since their capabilities were completely unknown to the assassin. Cetus crossed his arms, waiting for the other to speak.

    When his partner finally did speak, Cetus nailed down a pronoun to use. The voice was male though more likely than not, magicked for disguise. Unless this man was proficient in accents as Cetus was. Then there would be nothing magical about it. The shark man grinned behind his mask. Time to see if his partner could see through deception. He choose to use a more country accent, one that mostly rednecks talked in. "Well now, tha' depends on wha' ya mean! Does I have some drugs ta plan'? Naw bu' I knows wah we can gets some. Other ten tat I is got me some ideas!" Cetus opened the bottom half of his mask just enough to spit without revealing too much of his face. Why people spat, the shark man didn't know but he thought it would be a nice touch in this situation. He readjusted the detachable jaw into place and faced his partner again. "We's got us twelve houahs ta smeah ta name of ta good reveahen' Goodwill. Goings off a wha' Mr. Stone gave us, we's can 'it Goodwill in tree spots: 'is fam'ly, 'is 'elf image an' 'is public image. I has a think tat we's could aim fer 'is secuahtee foahce too." Cetus tapped the documents. His finger landed on the face of Mr. Goodwill's head of security. "If'n we's 'it tat securitee force firsn, we's can get rid ta any interference fer any odder plans we's make. So's the sooner we's do tat ta bettah." He moved his finger to the line detailing the head of security. "Miss'n Coldew shares erryting with'n her fahce. We plan' a few choice matehials 'n Mr. Goodwill 'ill fiah tem all. Only'n need ta place an annonnymous tip somewah. Should'n 'ake more ten an houah ta set it up 'n watch it buahn. Aftah tat, we's can goes at 'is family. Though if'n yee's gots a bettah plan, I'dn like ta hear it."

    Cetus paused, waiting for any commentary from his partner. He'd found it was more productive to work with a partner than to dictate how things went. If his partner didn't wish to follow his plan, that was fine. There was a myriad of other options in this case that they could pursue. It would simply be a little harder with the security detail in place. The shark man listened to any of his partner's concerns before touching his hand to his forehead as if he'd just remembered something. "It totally slipped me mind! Imma introduce meself!" Cetus stuck out a hand to his mysterious partner. It was the only part of him that wasn't covered in some way. "People'n call me Lemon Shahk. Mistah Shahk ta you untils we gets bettah accu-ante-ated." The accent was starting to grate on Cetus' nerves. He'd have to switch it up when they were working on infiltrating places around the capital. There was no way he could keep it up indefinitely throughout the day. For now, he'd wait until either they split ways or until the job required him to get into a place.



    Gabriel Bank

    Smear Campaign  CetusSigs
    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Third Skill:

    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Artemis Dagger 9th February 2019, 10:45 am

    Artemis looked down blankly as his partner fo the job spoke, his accent was alarmingly striking for him. It did not suit his appearance whatsoever. When Artemis looked at this individual, he imagined his voice to be deeper, steadier, and as uneccentric as possible. The voice didn't match, was he putting on an accent for the sake of disguise. Well, he couldn't blame him, Artemis appearance and voice was completely disguised. Perhaps, the individual was void of trust, this was a shady business after all. Artemis decided to focus on what he was saying, the accent was thick and not the easiest to understand. He mentioned planting drugs, that was a possibility, but difficult to follow up on. Mr Goodwill didn't exactly have a record of drug abuse, there were no hospital reports that suggested otherwise, nor had he ever failed a drug test. He was squeaky clean. They could somehow get him to consume drugs by accident, then tip off the authorities. But that wasn't easy, they would have to get something strong enough to get him high but not so strong that it would kill him. Death was not an option in this job, that at least was a relief for Artemis.

    He then proceeded to go on about Mr Goodwill's image, talking about ruining his reputation somehow. They didn't have a great amount of time to do it, he mentioned three specific areas. As well as, unless Artemis was hard of hearing, he could only assume was his 'security' force. Although he wasn't entirely sure, boy, was this guy was hard to understand. "So to clarify, you reckon we should target the security team first, get them fired, then target his family? Forgive me, you're accent is so unfamiliar to me, it's a little difficult to ...grasp."  He commented, wanting to make sure, he was sure the guy had said some other stuff too, but who knew with that accent. It was starting to grate on Artemis a little bit, if it was a fake accent, then surely he could've picked something easier.

    He introduced himself as 'Lemon Shark' or 'Mr Shark', Artemis raised a brow. Wondering for a moment if the guy was fucking with him. Normally, he would've taken the opportunity to call him out. But this wasn't some bozo in a pub that he could tempt into squaring off with him for a good fight. This guy was a mage, and at least had some idea what he was doing. "You can call me Bill, or Mr Bill, whatever you prefer."  The choice of the alias was so bland it was almost comical, but he didn't know this guy. He couldn't exactly tell him to call him Chairman or Morte, they were his Hidden Blades Aliases. And he definitely wasn't going to give him his real name, that wasn't ever an option anymore. Not on jobs.

    "If anyone is hiding anything, I'll be able to find out. I have certain skills that ensure that I just need to get close enough. I also have some connections in publishing, they can have a life-ruining story out first thing in the morning. We just need to find it. Where shall we start, his home or the office?"  He asked, wanting to get the Shark's opinion on it.  it was would simple enough, he would just need to report the details back to Blanche and she would handle the transference of information. It wasn't the wrong time Hidden Blades had been the force behind media exposure of a wrongdoer. Even if a fair few of those particulars individuals had never done anything wrong.

    WC: 607
    Total: 1346 / 3500



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Cetus 11th February 2019, 12:00 pm

    Cetus smiled behind his mask as his partner pointed out his accent was hard to follow. Excellent. It was doing its job then. Another layer of successful disguise. He debated the logic of dropping the accent. It would make communication easier for sure. However, it would also strip away a level of his disguise. Could he risk such a thing with this stranger? It was impossible to tell at the moment. Cetus decided to keep the accent a bit longer. For now, it provided a level of security between him and his partner. "Aye, tha's abou' righ'. Iffn isa ta hard for'n ya ta undersahnd, I's ca'n trys ta wri'e itn duhwn for ya. Me handwri'ns no' ta bes' but'n we's can make duh." Cetus cleared his throat, pulling a pad out of his belt. It lent a bit of credibility to his accent in his opinion but it was impossible to tell if his partner felt the same.

    The name his partner gave him made Cetus wary. It was the kind of name most people in his profession would use. 'Mr. Smith', 'Mr. Brown' etc. Plain names that people wouldn't blink at. Clearly it wasn't a real name. It did bring up the question as to what his partner was looking to hide however. Cetus decided against prodding. Most of those hiding their names were dangerous individuals. "Well'n itsa nice ta meet, ya mistah Bill. I's lookn ferward ta tha futah woahking with ya." He put a bright note into his voice. Usually people were either put at ease with happy, bright people or annoyed by them. Either way it put him at an advantage over his partner. Until he understood why his partner was hiding his name, Cetus wanted to keep 'Mr. Bill' off balance.

    As 'Mr. Bill' explained a few skills of his, Cetus nodded slowly. "Isa sounden like we's should usen yers skills ta crahk open das wife ah mistah Goodwill. Maysbe send ya aftah dah dahghtah ta. Das way we'n gots ta ways ta break mistah Goodwill. No need to'n go aftah ta man 'imself. Bettah way ta brings 'im down 'n me op-ini-oon." Cetus knew from experience a man like Goodwill was hurt more from his family's transgressions then his own. If they could get the wife, the daughter and the son down solid, they'd break him. A few sketchy details outside that regarding the security force, maybe a charity or even Goodwill himself would help them complete their mission with ease. Twelve hours to complete all of that. A time constraint Cetus wasn't happy about but could deal with. "Das a hahd choice ta maken. How's 'bout we'n hitta ta house fahst? Sees how da sahcuritah is dere beforen goin' ta ta office. Or we's could hitten ta house while'n he's naw there and 'ave 'im call in dah mess 'imself." That'd probably work even better. Having Goodwill call in on his own security force or family wouldn't put a large impact on him. It would shatter Goodwill's confidence in himself. If they snapped a few photos and sent those around, that would further their goal significantly too.

    Cetus pushed himself off the wall. Regardless of whether his partner could understand his accent, they needed to get moving. Heading toward the house would be a clear message as to what they'd be doing. There should be only a small force guarding it and Mr. Goodwill was out at the office at this time. Perfect time to put a plan into action. Cetus moved quickly, not bothering to check if his partner was keeping up. Anyone that couldn't keep up wasn't worth his time. The shark man grabbed a few things from a stash they passed on the way to the house. It contained a crop of drugs and illegal items. This hadn't been what he'd thought he'd be using it for as he put them into a satchel at the back of his belt. The satchel was hidden by a dark woven poncho. Cetus looked over his shoulder at his partner. "Jus' some'n supplahs." He said before continuing toward Goodwill's house.

    The assassin stopped in an alleyway near Goodwill's house. He didn't want to lead here. It might give away a little too much about himself. Better to have his partner come up with a small plan. The house was manned by five guards total though Cetus couldn't see if any were inside. "Alls raht. Yee's cahn lead from'n here." The shark man said simply, not looking at 'Mr. Bill'. He wanted to make sure that none of the patrolling guards caught sight of them accidentally.

    WC: 832


    Gabriel Bank

    Smear Campaign  CetusSigs
    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Third Skill:

    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Artemis Dagger 18th February 2019, 4:56 pm

    Artemis said nothing as the guy offered to write it down for him, his patience was weaning off by the minute. Something about that guys voice, just he wasn't sure. A part of him suspected that the guy was fucking with him, and he didn't like that. Normally, he was all for jokes and banter, but trying to understand this kid was like listening to a garbled radio. More work than seemed necessary. Still, he had to give it to the guy, whatever the reason, he was sure committed to it. He wasn't even trying to make it easier for Artemis to understand, just continued on in that damn accent. His eyes watched as he pulled at the pad, well there was that. But still, he just wasn't fully convinced.

    Neither was he phased whether the guy believe him to have given him a real name or not, to be honest. He hoped he realised it was fake, it meant they understood each other. Neither of needed to know who the other was to do the job at hand, and that meant no prying. No bullshit trying to get to know each other, the time for jobs like that was long gone. His thoughts flickered to that job he did with Amora and Verus, that had been so much more long-winded than it needed to be. The endless strategizing, the way they pried just a little hard for Artemis liking. It had been a clear definition of how poorly he worked with others. Inspite of all the empty threats and dominance Verus had attempted to establish with him, he never did see him again. Which was a plus in Artemis's book, after all, who wanted to deal with an insufferable idiot who acted like they were in charge. Artemis remembered the way he had threatened to kill him just for flirting with Amora, which was frankly baffling. It wasn't like Amora was really a worthy target, sure she was hot but that was really all she had going for her. Growing up in the wilderness and barely understanding normal social cues. It was just... way to much effort. Not to mention a little dull. Yet in spite of this Verus had acted like Artemis was about to savagely ravish her at any moment, it had taken a lot for Artemis not to make him swallow his teeth for even suggesting something like that.

    But alas, all of that, was in the past. That was then, a distant piece of history from his time in Black Rose. Insignificant really, then again, maybe it reflected just how little he fit in there too. First Silver Wolf, then Black Rose, and now Hidden Blades. The key difference being, he didn't really have the option to leave of destroy this guild, it was a part of him. He was stuck with it, regardless of whether it fit him or not.

    Mr Shark would nod in response to her admittance of his skills, it wasn't going to be nice, using those abilities. Personally Artemis felt they were pretty invasive all things considered, but what better way to find dirt on someone than to see the sins they'd commited with you're own mind. It wasn't pleasant, but it would damn well do the job. "Sounds good, wife then, maybe the daughter too." He confirmed bluntly, the Shark then went on to answer his follow up question. Deciding on the house, it made sense, if they were to get the job done quickly. Once The Shark had collected his things, Artemis would nod before beginning to 'lead the way' as the Shark had stated.

    He already had the house's location learned, Blanche had prepared him a quick discreet route to take. He walked through the streets of Crocus, fortunately it was a place he was pretty familiar with too. Having spent a lot of time in the city growing up. They journeyed for a while, Artemis said nothing, he'd had quite enough of trying to decipher the Shark's accent for now. Plus if you wanted to move quietly, you needed to stay quiet. At least he hoped, that he partner would understand this much. They arrived at the location after over an hour of walking and winding through the streets and alleys. Artemis had been sure to stay in the shadows as much as he could. His armour, although all-concealing didn't do much in the case of blending in. At the very least, he could only hope individuals assume they were just wandering mages. Off to deal with some job or other, which was true. It was just the nature of the job that had a deeper, darker intention.

    They approached the house, Artemis stood in the shadows, taking a breathe. He allowed the scents to fill his nose, he could smell them, a few guards. Not too many, most of them were probably with Mr Goodwill himself. It was likely that the guy didn't put too much stock into the risks of someone coming after his family. He was after all a shining example of 'good morals', and people like that tended to be too trusting. He turned to Shark, speaking in a low whisper, "I have a spell that will target several of them at once, but it's risky. If I don't land a hit right, they might have time to alarm eachother. Do you have anything in mind?" He would asked, only to give the guy the oppurtunity to provide a better, more efficient plan if he could. If not Artemis would resort to summoning his orbs, if he timed it right, he might be able to knock them out before they knew what was coming. But as he had told the Shark, it was a risk.

    WC: 963
    Total: 2309 / 3500



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Cetus 20th February 2019, 11:25 am

    Cetus grinned at 'Mr. Bill' before remembering he was wearing a mask. It really took out the assassin's ability to be truly sarcastic with people. Sad really. Or it would be if Cetus could feel that emotion whatsoever. He opted for the verbal version of the joke. "Well sah, it dependents on wha' yer willin' ta do. Are ya willin' ta ditch ta mask en ta strollin' up da in der?" The assassin turned back toward the house. After observing the patrol patterns for only a minute, Cetus already saw a flaw he could exploit. He also knew where the daughter, wife and son were based off of the patterns. The bunk house wasn't hard to deduce from there.

    "Das reallaty unwoyrth da securaitee fahce. Sucha sloppy fahm. Kays, da dahtah is on ta secohnd flah, tahd windah ovah. Ta wahf is fahst flah, centah rahm. Ta son is raht next ta 'is sistah. Bunk hahs is ovah der, wif onlah one gahd." He checked over his shoulder. Was 'Mr. Bill' able to keep up with his accent or should he speak a little slower for his partner? It was essential that they understood how to work together. Didn't matter if they liked each other so long as they could work in concert. "Iffen yer lookin' ta sneak inta da hahs, ya wanten ta wait til da big bahded one wahks pahst. Wait ten seconds 'n ya'll get ta da hahs, no pahblem. Othahwise ya can wait fer me ta plant me evidahnce. Shouldn' take more den a jif." After watching Mr. Bill to make sure he understood, Cetus turned back toward the house. They couldn't leave a trace of their presence if they were going to pull this off.

    The opening he needed came rather quickly and Cetus darted across the open ground. No movement was wasted, no shadow unused. He reached the bunk house with relative ease. Now he had to slip past the one guard. Unfortunately the woman was standing in front of the only entrance. There were no windows either. This, at least, they were guarding well. It was rather disappointing. Where was this skill when it came to watching the Goodwill family? Or had all the newbies been left with them? Cetus shook his head at the incompetence. It was one thing he never really could understand. He started tucking things in and securing bits for the next part of this.

    Placing his hands against the side of the house, Cetus crawled up above the doorway. There was no sound. The assassin was careful to keep his body plastered against the side of the house. It wouldn't do to get spotted now. Though he should have forty seconds extra time. Two of the guards were seeing each other and sneaking time together during shifts. Fools. The guard was short enough that Cetus could slip inside over her head. Once inside, the assassin looked for a good place to hide his 'evidence'. Out of all the beds, there was only one that was kept pristine. That had to be the leader's bunk. Perfect place to make sure the entire security force was fired.

    Cetus was about to drop to the floor when the door slammed open. A tightly entwined couple stumbled in. Annoying that. He'd have to alter his plans for now. "Are you sure? What if my dad catches us?" One of them said stopping the snogging session. Cetus perked up. That was Goodwill's son. "Don't worry about him. All that matters is us and how we feel." And that would be the security guard from in front of the door. Oh this was good. Though it was too bad he couldn't inform his partner of this development. He hoped that Mr. Bill had seen the two stumble in here after Cetus snuck in.

    The sex didn't last very long. Or rather Goodwill's son didn't last long. At least he made sure his partner was satisfied. Pity Cetus had to kill him. He carefully removed two syringes from his satchel. When the happy couple was finished, Cetus dropped to the floor next to their bed. The needle went into their arm and plunger depressed before either could react. It took only seconds for the overdose to finish them off. Cetus carefully arranged the scene. Drugs planted here, make that look good over there. Just to add to the hurt of the whole thing, Cetus planted illegal materials inside the captain's bunk. One couldn't be overly careful with implicating people.

    That taken care of, the assassin slipped out of the bunk house. One of the guards was coming around the corner. Damn. They'd switched up their routine. Cetus slipped along the wall, holding very still whenever he felt he needed to. What made things stranger was when one of the security people stopped to knock on the door of the bunk house. Did the entire security force know about Goodwill's son and their colleague. Maybe there was something a little darker going on with the whole thing. Perhaps a blackmail deal where one of them got pregnant. Very devious. A safe bet when a client had a son since a daughter only got you in trouble. Cetus might have to employ them himself at a later date. You never knew when you needed a corrupt security force.

    Once the coast was clear, Cetus slipped back to the alleyway where they'd spied on the house from. If Bill was there, the assassin flashed him a thumbs up. If not, Cetus waited for his partner to return. In either case, after a brief pause Cetus said "No need ta worrah ahbout ta fahmly now, Mistah Bill. We's can still goes aftah da wife 'n dahtah iff'n ya want but I founded a pahfect ahppahtuniah ta take out da son. Implicated da sahcurahtee fahce too. We's just needs ta call it in. Den we's can 'it some of mistah Goodwill's othah entahprises." This was going smoother than Cetus could have hoped. In the space of less than an hour, they'd managed to knock out two of Mr. Goodwill's supporting columns. A few more and Mr. Stone would have the election in hand. Cetus hoped that the other bits would pose a bit more of a challenge. Challenges were why he did this kind of thing.

    WC: 1,100


    Gabriel Bank

    Smear Campaign  CetusSigs
    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Artemis Dagger 26th February 2019, 5:05 pm

    The guy would seem almost amused by his question, asking him if he was willing to uncover her mask and stroll right in. Artemis stiffened slightly; he didn't even need to consider it. He knew his answer, "I'm even less likely to show you my face as you as likely to show me yours. So No, I will do this mission with my face covered." He answered seriously; he wasn't in a position where he could reveal his face. He didn't have a disguise prepared, so it meant taking off his helmet would reveal his real face. Considering who it was, he was representing. It just wasn't worth the repercussions. That was the thing about his guild, even though he was technically in charge, didn't mean he didn't have the same restrictions. Failing to keep his cover and exposing Hidden Blades in any way, shape or form would likely result in his own death. Regardless of his role in the family, he couldn't put it past them. He'd seen what they were capable of, their cold and heartless nature. Even if he was the heir, he knew his replaceability. It was the face of his little brother. If Artemis failed, Ren would simply take his place. They weren't short of heirs that much he had grown to accept.

    Mr Shark spoke again; this time it was a little more challenging to interpret the first part. His words were so garbled to Artemis; he could barely make sense of anything other than the word 'Security'. He did get the later part; however, the locations of each of the family members. The daughter on the second floor within the window over, the wife on the first floor, the centre room, and the son was in the room next to the sister. Interesting, Artemis has been able to smell the individuals, but for this guy to figure them out so quickly, by gender and age. Just how the hell did he get such information from just standing here. He was skilled, and Artemis was going to use that to his advantage. Artemis eyed the windows he had mentioned; his sharp eyes spotted that the wife's window was slightly cracked open, suddenly he knew what to do.

    "I can get close enough for my ability to have an effect without the risk of them seeing me, I'll find out what I can from the wife and daughter, while you plant evidence. I'll meet you back here after." He said simply. He heard a malicious chuckle in the back of his mind, telling him that Morte was watching anxiously. He knew why. Artemis didn't hide the fact from Morte that he hated reading the sins of others, it was like an intense invasion of privacy, and some of the things he saw were... unforgettable. But his job meant he needed to get information not openly available to the public, and what better way to do that then to rip it from their minds themselves.

    Artemis flexed his neck and shoulders; the Shark had already left to handle what he needed to do inside. Artemis's felt the dark magic pool out of his hands, the thorn black vines pushing at his armoured gloves. The gloves shifted, moulding around his magic and creating an opening, pushing through the material and out into the open air. The vines pressed against the ground, lifting his up slightly, and carrying him over the window. He positioned himself to the right of the centre room window on the first floor. Peeking around, he peered through a tiny gap in the curtains. The wife was lying there on her bed, her headphones in, engrossed in a book. There was no security in the room, meaning if they were guarding somewhere, they were most likely outside of her bedroom door. It was an opportune time to use his power.

    He called forth the magic from the source inside of him, Morte released it eagerly, allowing it to pour out of his body in a black mist. He stretched it as thinly as he could to make it less noticeable, allowing it to creep around the room, sticking to the shadows made the furniture and the like. It manoeuvred itself way over the headboard and seeped slowly over the woman. She let out a small gasp as her mind drifted into her subconscious and Artemis began exploring her thoughts. Her sins came rushing forward, like a wave of memories, starting small. Like the time she had pickpocketed a toy as a child, or the time she cheated on her high school boyfriend with her teacher. Little things, but not enough to sabotage her current husband. He needed something worse; he needed to go deeper. He pushed forward, feeling the uncomfortable probing sensation of forcing himself into her mind. He had to be careful, if he used his magic too forcefully, he could break her, and she would start screaming. This magic was designed to cause suffering, to show you your worse sins and nightmares, to riddle you with guilt. Using it this way was strange; he usually just blasted people with it as a means of rendering them immobile. This was the first time he had actually tried to learn something from it. A face came into the woman's mind, a man, they were talking in hushed tones. Something about... a charity, the GFTP, he'd heard of it. It was listed under one of his charity organisations, Goodwill for the People, they provided funding for homeless shelters and paid medical expenses for the less fortunate unable to cover the cost.

    "And Stephen doesn't know?"

    "No ma'am, the payments are listed under a guise of medicinal goods imported from Minstrel used to provide treatment for our registered patients."

    "Good, I can't have him know, Stephen is kind and caring when it comes to the people, but he so easily forgets about our needs. I need to ensure my families well-being... even if it means resorting to this."

    The conversation went on, but Artemis didn't need to hear much more, he got the details of the offshore account along with. He knew what he needed to; he withdrew his 'Sinner's Revelation' and used his vines to manoeuvre himself to where he was discreetly. As the Shark joined him moments later, explaining about the set up he had left. So he just... killed someone. It was a pretty strange thing, to have him so casually admit to murdering someone and setting someone else up. Artemis swallowed, but then again, wasn't that also what Deleronark did? These people... these assassins, they were just used to this. Did that make it ok?

    He heard his suggestion and shook his head, "I learned what I need from the wife, didn't even need the daughter in the end. The wife has been using one of Goodwill's charities as a means of embezzling jewels for herself. We can just hand this information over the publishers and along with the set up you just laid, Goodwill's campaign will be crushed and our mission successful." He said, it was strange, the words he was saying. He sounded so cold...so heartless, even to himself. Was this job changing him? He began to move, walking along, he thought about it. Still, maybe he could learn a thing or two from this 'Shark' guy, he had handled the task pretty expertly. In fact, from his perspective, the guy was an ideal candidate for his guild, despite his ridiculous accent. He stopped, "Mr Shark, This may be sudden, but I'd like to offer you a proposal. You see, I am the leader of a certain... underground organisation, we often handle jobs like these, you know things that involve 'discretion'. The skills you've shown are... impressive to say the least. We could certainly use someone with such valuable skills as yourself. Of course, the position would come with its own perks too; you would be paid handsomely for your work. I'm sure freelancing this type of career can't be easy, should you be interested, you would have unlimited access to jobs. Additionally, we provide any support you might currently be lacking. Of course, if you're not interested I understand, however... it would be a real shame. Why swim in a pond, when you can enjoy the whole ocean, wouldn't you agree, Mr Shark?" The offer was out there, his father might be a little annoyed that he decided to recruit someone without having them investigated first. But then again, this way HIS guild, maybe it would be a little easier if he just took charge..

    WC: 1437
    Total: 3746 / 3500



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    Smear Campaign  Empty Re: Smear Campaign

    Post by Cetus 26th February 2019, 5:57 pm

    Cetus' eyebrows rose behind his mask at Mr. Bill's information. That had been rather well done. Perhaps Mr. Bill wasn't as green as he might appear. Of course there was also the fact that the mage's magic might well be suited for this kind of job. There wasn't a way to tell since his partner had done it while Cetus was on his own mission. The show of initiative was appreciated though. Cetus rarely worked with people who were competent. However, there was a slight issue the assassin had with Mr. Bill's plan. "Dah ya have any poof of dis? Or issn it jus'a speculah'ion? Simplah giv'n ovah dah infah ain't good inna itself. We's need'n some a poof. Oddawisen we's gotten only dah son's deaf and drug us'in." They either needed to plant truth to really get reporters to look or have something that will make them look in the first place. Otherwise there wasn't a point. This close to the election, they wouldn't be chasing down anything that wasn't substantial. It wouldn't get out in time to ruin Goodwill's chances.

    Cetus was watching the house when Mr. Bill offered him a job. Actually, it sounded rather more like employment. The shark man watched his partner closely as the offer was made. Nothing in his body language really spoke of deceit. The deal being offered wasn't half bad either. However, Cetus hadn't gotten this far due to carelessness. Simply accepting wouldn't do. "Iffn I's accep' was ta say ya won' sahb me back when isa turned? Dere's always a cah'ch ta des tings. I've been sucked inta one cul' alreahy. I ain't lookin' ta join anahdda one. The pond canna be mush safah den da ocean." His eyes glittered behind his mask. The Law of Order had been enough cult for him. Blindly accepting this offer might land him in yet another cult. It wasn't worth that. "I ain't sayin I ain't interes'ed jus'n tat I don blindly accep'in too good deals. It'n lands ya in a world o' hur'."

    The shark turned his attention back toward the house. The wife was embezzling from a charity. She wouldn't leave the evidence around the house. It would be too easy for Mr. Goodwill to stumble across. In which case it had been handed to someone she trusted. Probably all handled by them too with a bit of a fee on the side for their mouth to stay shut. The little research he'd done told him there was a guard she spent time with. Likely he was the target they would need to hit. Well, he would need to hit. There was no need for Mr. Bill to participate. He could handle putting the call in to the police. Cetus could plant the evidence needed to implicate Ms. Goodwill in embezzlement.

    The assassin turned back toward Mr. Bill. "Tellin' ya wha', Mistah Bill. I'll grab dah evidence needed for'n dah embbezlin'. Puts it ina place iten will be found. You put'n dah call tah dah police for dis'n mess. I'll be'n tahwn ah few days. Ya investigate me'n like ah good employah ans we meet in's town iff'n ya's serious abou' dah offah. Bring'n me's sahm mah infah abou' ya orgahneezation den. We'lls see iff'n I'm a good fit den." The assassin slowly got to his feet. This was where it was time to part ways. At least for now. Cetus could try to do a little investigation of his own. He doubted he'd find much if anything if the organization was good. If that turned out to be the case, the assassin would join them. It was always good to have a bit of backup behind you on a job. Going solo was as dangerous as leaping headfirst into the 'ocean'. He'd been soloing for just a little too long. Without offering a hand, Cetus nodded to his partner before walking from the alleyway. He had some more work to do before the day was done.

    WC: 731


    Gabriel Bank

    Smear Campaign  CetusSigs

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:26 pm