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    Another piece for my collection -I- (Solo, C rank job)

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Completed Another piece for my collection -I- (Solo, C rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 18th February 2019, 4:28 am

    Words written: #500
    Total written: #500/1500
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Alexandra had to wonder why some missions had been left with so much openness as she yawned in the horse drawn carriage. Her left leg being massaged much like her right by the two servants she had taken with her on the trip this time. Today Alexandra was supposed to make some person disappear for some noble. Not exactly fun sounding but seeing as she was not allowed to take many assassination missions past the Nightmare guild hall she was left with little choice.

    _____Right hand gripping the door of the carriage as one of her servants started to really work her muscle causing the woman to be both annoyed and pleased. One hand this servant was not supposed to do anything more then the simple massage, but she was going rather well and seemed to have adjusted without being told to think of such meaning Alexandra's magic was not as complete as she thought it to be. Moving her leg slightly to further check as she would be left having to redo her magic later on the servant.

    _____Moving her legs to hint it was time for them to finish up and chuckling as she had such an urge to play some more with the broken toy only to feel the carriage stop, hinting she was where she needed. Clicking her tongue before she waited for her boots to be returned to her feet as she got up and opened the door to oversee Crocus. The royal capital, somewhere the killer wished to never be herself but also knew she would be walking on hot coals here. There was no doubt rune knights would be crawling as the king of Fiore lived within the city and it annoyed her the job was here and she was not given a defined location.

    _____Stepping out of the carriage as she looked towards the male holding the reins awaiting her next order, the same the two woman waiting within the carriage had been. "Park the carriage under that tree near the river and tend to the horses and that annoying wheel while I'm away. When we return home each of you will get rewarded for doing so well, and more if you do properly with me away." The servants nodding as the woman left them to their own devices wondering how well they might do with such a loose order like she had given.

    _____Hand tapping the side of her skull as she approached the outer gate of the city recalling the information she was given about her target. A woman in her late twenties, liked by most the other common folk, long blonde hair and a dislike for things against 'moral' codes of the good. Alexandra knew one thing, she would not agree to take on any more jobs that she was given such brief details about her targets, or things that would describe most the people in a city. Grumbling as she hoped her majesty would lend a hand.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Completed Re: Another piece for my collection -I- (Solo, C rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 18th February 2019, 6:56 am

    Words written: #520
    Total written: #1020/1500
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____The hunter wondered what bait would work to lure the woman out, her only ideas also likely to lead knights to her location proving rather troublesome as the woman was left walking the streets for a few hours simply looking around and asking questions with her spell speak in hopes to get another lead. Sadly as blond seemed a rather common hair color in the area her search led her in circles a number of times.

    _____When the sun was starting to go down, and considering she had arrived when it was only creeping over the horizon Alexandra sat down to take a break grumbling loudly over the waste of time this was starting to become. She had so many better things to do with her time, but she did not know when someone else might start searching for the woman also and needed to deal with the issue before she lost the job. Her magic sensory sending a flag as someone new entered her range and she glanced over to make sure it was not another knight to avoid.

    _____It was rather annoying, but seeing as she was grey skinned, red hair, glowing green eyes, fangs, and a black dress never sat well with anyone keeping trouble at bay. Thankfully it seemed to just be a cloaked figure approaching her making an eyebrow raise as the stopped a few feet from them. "Are you the one looking for the woman?" - "I could be, however forgive me darling but I never trust a hooded figure for information, might you remove it so I can trust you aren't a knight, person after me, and or something to that nature?~" Alexandra charmed her words as she adjusted in her spot and glared the figure over. Just from the voice she could tell it was a woman, the fact her chest also showed under the cloak giving her gender away more as Alexandra smiled watching the woman remove the hood.

    _____Blonde hair, late twenties, female, as if Alexandra need more reason to raise an eyebrow over the situation. Had her pray seriously sought her hunter out? Keeping any approach withheld as the woman got closer holding her chest and glancing Alexandra over twice, the woman winking in reply the second time out of playful habit as she did the same to make sure they had been even. "Are... Are you the one hunting me... or the one here to help me get out of the city..." The words almost broke Alexandra's composure with a fit of laughter, how stupid would someone have to be to ask a question with the easy answer if they had been hunting the woman?

    "It all depends on what you know darling.~ Please, take a seat beside me so we can talk and come to an agreement in favor of all parties in this matter." Alexandra tapped the spot right beside her, even if the woman wanted to resist she found herself approaching and sitting beside the hunter at the whims of charm-speak and possibly worse if Alexandra felt the need having the woman in arm's length.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Completed Re: Another piece for my collection -I- (Solo, C rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 18th February 2019, 1:51 pm

    Words written: #490
    Total written: #1510/1500
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____It did not take much to tell the woman was aware her actions had not been fully her own, just the nervous energy in her eyes and frame foretold such as Alexandra sighed and wished she had her servants to massage her sore legs from walking all day. But seeing as they likely had finished tending to the horse and the annoying wheel the woman did not have much time before they tried to find her for the next order no doubt. Reaching to pull the woman over holding her head as black flames licked her cheek and Alexandra let go having done what she needed.

    "Come and follow as we talk darling. Tell me why they want you gone and if it is major I'll be sure to make it swift death... otherwise i can give you a place to hide away from them..."

    _____Alexandra did not exactly leave much room to argue with as she had rewrote the woman to do exactly as she was told by the control mage and so as they walked and the woman spilled the details she was at a lost as to why she was so compliant even most spell speakers had to keep talking to keep others under effect but Alexandra just walked and teased her. Reaching the carriage Alexandra was shocked to see nothing seemed wrong. Turning to the woman she was sent to make vanish one way or another as she smiled and reached out a hand.

    "I'll spare your life.~ However as payment you are going to work that value off as my servant.~ You old life can be returned to after such debt is paid darling.~"

    _____It was rather fun watching the shy hand reach out, and the shock in the woman's flushed face when she was pulled in and her lips stolen by the dark mage who took it with passion. Hands reaching to the woman's head as black flames showed once more and she made sure to make a few minor changes to the woman's personality and the sort while she kept her focus on the kiss and broke it playfully rolling the woman's tongue with her own. Hands moving to the blonde's as she twirled the woman into a dip and smiled.

    "Shall we be returning home then... My plaything?~" - "As you wish master.~"

    _____A blushed smile across the woman's face as Alexandra lifted her back up and followed behind her into the carriage. A smile acorss the primal mage's face as the blond removed her cloak and rested a head against her, legs moving to the servants across as the removed her boots and stockings once more and resumed the massage. The carriage moving back to where the guild was once more as Alexandra brushed the hair from the face of her newest item in her collection. The fun she was going to have, the mere thought got her excited as they rode in silence.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:20 pm