Fairy Tail RP

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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 15th September 2017, 10:03 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    Kaori was sitting atop the largest ship in the entirety of the port town of Hargeon. Coincidentally, and not at all related to the fact that it was also her flagship, she was sitting atop the most powerful ship in all of Hargeon... the Arc of Destiny. The ship alone was one-thousand five hundred feet from front to back and three-hundred fifty feet across. It towered at six hundred feet above the sea, and had two massive guns that a grown man could walk in, jump around and never hit the top of the barrel in. The top of the ship had a hatch that opened up to reveal a third one of these guns, and the sides had another hatch with two more half their size... the most terrifying part of the ship was that a man could still never hit his head on the top of the barrels if he jumped around in them. Hargeon Port's government had no problem with Kaori parking such a monstrosity in its port as the one who owned it was technically a government official herself, and held high status in the Magic Council as a 'Star' of sorts. While people did know of the ship, since it stuck out like a sore thumb; no one had ever seen the insides. No inspections were performed of the vessel since the ship was also considered Midi territory and any trespassing could be considered an act of war. No one was taken on board who wasn't crew, and the people who were crew were people Kaori all knew better than they knew themselves.

    She was sitting there meditating on recent events, trips to other planets where she made friends with oversized birds with different elemental affinities, trips to ruins that made Kaori hate ruins with a passion, and a spoiled slumber party. A man had appeared behind her who wore a pair of black dress shoes polished to a perfect shine. In the middle of the bottom lace was a solid gold flower, a hibiscus. He wore a set of black dress pants to match, and a well cared for shirt of the same color was tucked into them. From his neck dangled another golden hibiscus, as though it were symbolic to the man. His broad shoulders gave way to normal sized arms, the muscular structure hidden behind black silk sleeves; courtesy of his dress shirt. The man wore a dark grey tie that had a crimson outline on the top, and holding the two tie ends together and preventing wind from flicking them about was a golden clasp. "Master, there is a familiar scent lurking." the human form of the dragonhound stated calmly. He didn't normally point out 'familiar scents' so Kaori raised an eyebrow at the odd comment. "Who do you smell?" she asked. "I am unsure... it's something I smelled on you after that ship crashed in the port and released the oversized snakes." Ikuchi replied, causing Kaori to let out a sigh. "No rest for the wicked..." she said while getting up. She vanished and reappeared in her room, preparing to intercept after she got her gear.

    Kaori's combat attire consisted of a white kimono with light blue trimming, and a katana that was in a black sheathe. She knew the katana was an inferior weapon to most blades, but it was the national sword of her clan and she wore it proudly. A satchel was worn that contained her tactical and explosive items, two fusion cells included, as well as a few other trinkets that she thought would be of help. A pair of sandals were worn that weren't particularly 'fashionable' but were good for fighting in. Her cat mask contained light blue markings to match her robes trimming, and rounded off her attire. After she had that on, she had vanished and met Ikuchi at the docks. "Our target is moving to the marina. Will this be an execution?" the man asked, confirming the mission before making any rash decisions. Kaori replied by saying "I'd rather find out his or her cause. If they're here for normal reasons, I'll have no reason to fight." with a calm voice as she began walking. "And... if he... or she isn't here for normal reasons?" Ikuchi asked, confirming the alternative. "Kill them."

    Ikuchi nodded in understanding and the two ninja vanished. Kaori had appeared atop one of the rooves of a nearby structure and watched her target moving. Her reason for finding him was that Ikuchi was a blood born hunter, he could track a scent anywhere in the world and their target's was very distinct. Feitan wouldn't hear them coming since neither produced sound from moving, but if he had an enhanced sense of hearing he'd hear the sound of a water droplet falling on a body of water- but only one. Kaori's scent matched that of her surroundings at all times, another of the blessings she was given from birth that she was yet to understand; but it helped keep her safe so she didn't complain about it. The two would watch quietly while the man moved through the city. The only thing they couldn't avoid was the man having any instincts to let him know he were being watched... then again, he walked into Lamia Scale's territory; he should expect it. As soon as he'd arrive to the marina, he would see Ikuchi sitting on a barrel with the dock workers casually going about their day. A well dressed man with tattoos on the back of his hands that were half covered by his sleeves, also wearing a mask that concealed only his eyes and the top of his nose should set off red flags for even the remedial. Behind Feitan Kaori would appear seemingly from nowhere. "Sup." she would say in a fairly casual tone. She was sitting on one of the posts with a leg folded over the other and her arms crossed over them, a very relaxed position. She raised a hand and gave a gentle wave, trying to seem more passive than aggressive. If Feitan would attack the Kaori, he'd notice it was another of her clones that she loved spawning- as he might remember from their last encounter. "So, what brings you to Hargeon? Business, or pleasure? Or... both?" she would ask after a couple seconds, still remaining friendly enough.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 1,067/6,200
    Mana: 100%
    Lineage: Strong(+) Armor
    Golden Lacrima: +25% Jewel

    Last edited by ○Kaori on 22nd November 2017, 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 17th September 2017, 1:13 pm

    Feitan sighed heavily as he shook his head. He hated Hargeon, it was a despicable place where the vile creatures that were the weak, sick, and worthless. He had been happy to come here and kill them with his guild. It was his true pleasure and joy to put so many worthless people to the fangs of Basilisks. He was also sure that his guild’s mistress had spirited away several of the basilisks for the guild. Feitan himself had quite the interesting pet. As he walked through the city he could feel the twin set of eyes on his back.

    Orthrus the great Twin Headed dog was moving through the alleyways and back streets. He would not allow Feitan to get out of his sight, nor allow anyone to hurt his master. The pair were in Hargeon for a special side job. They had recently seen a poster on their Guilds’ job board that told of a special treasure on Divide Island. A treasure hunting was truly the most thrilling job. He didn’t have to share any profits with anyone really. Instead, he just had to go get it. He wasn’t concerned about the damned pirates who would dare to fight him or come after him in some way. They would die just like anyone else.

    Still, Feitan was here to secure a ship, and he had the strong feeling he could get it done without paying and without spilling blood. To this end, he walked through the streets of Hargeon heading off towards the docks. There would be plenty of ships there for him to find and possibly one to use. As he walked through the city, however, he let his aura and his magical presence sink into his body using the skill of In. He was invisible to any scanning method that tracked using magical energy, aura, or other ethereal factors to track him. At the same time, he was using his En to stretch his senses out in a thirty-meter sphere around himself. He caught the aural impression of every disgusting little normal human that passed through this sphere of influence. He began to tap his fingers to his thumb to keep a count of all the people that passed through the sphere.

    He arrived at the marina and felt the presence of the man with Tattoos before he saw him. Upon seeing him Feitan’s face turned into a scowl his brows drawing tight together. Of course, given that the cloak he was wearing covered the bottom half of his face there was no way to tell what his expressions were around his mouth. Yet, his furrowed brows showed that he did not like it. He was not surprised however to feel the intrusion of Kaori into his sphere of influence. Recalling her from the assault on Hargeon Feitan’s features slowly became one of joy and the smile that no one could see was wide; full of the madness that threatened Feitan’s soul and mind every day. Slowly his body relaxed and he spoke looking to the Kaori sitting on the barrel.

    His En ability would be undetectable by her, or anyone without the ability to use their true aura. So, she would not know that any clones that were within his range were clear as day to him. He shrugged his shoulders as held up his hands almost as if in surrender “Ah, you speak as if the two are mutually exclusive. I am here on my own business. I am going treasure hunting if you must know. I came here to procure a ship. Be it through ‘proper’ channels or ‘improper’ ones it makes no matter to me. I must get to Divide Island that is where my treasure is. I am going to get it.” Lowering his hands, he began to laugh softly giving a shrug “If you have a ship and wouldn’t mind two passengers one large, and one small I wouldn’t mind allowing you to come with me to hunt the treasure.”

    It was then that Orthrus made his appearance. He had been watching the whole exchange, but he saw that his master wasn’t in any danger. Still, the hand signal was one that told the great twin- headed dog that he was needed. So, he had walked over to stand behind his master and watch the ninja girl with one head while the other watched the Tattoed man warily, but he made no hostile move.


    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 17th September 2017, 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 17th September 2017, 3:41 pm

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    Kaori listened to the man, not moving while he spoke. He mentioned he were going after a treasure and he'd come to the port to procure a vessel, either through gentle or bloody means. This information didn't phase Kaori as she'd stolen, stowed away, and been allowed passage on ships before so she had no room to judge. He had determination to get this treasure, the likes of which Kaori had only seen in books. He'd mentioned that he would be willing to share some of his bounty with her if he'd be allowed passage on one of her ships- providing she didn't mind having passengers. Kaori reached into her satchel and pulled out a small iLac. "Hey, Salty... would you mind pulling up to P-31?" Kaori said into the phone fairly casually before hanging up and putting the device back in her satchel.

    The ship that towered Hargeon, visible from where all the personal ships in the dock were, had a side panel open up on it. A small dot flew out from said panel before it began closing again and made its way to the empty slot in the docks next to Kaori. She jumped from sitting on the post and waited for the decently sized vessel to finish landing. "I don't care much for treasure, I've got plenty of it...." Kaori vanished and appeared hugging Feitan's dog thing and rubbing its side. "... but your dog's so cute I can't help myself!" Kaori said as Ikuchi felt a sweat bubble beginning to form from her logic, or lack there of... As the ship got lower to the ground and began opening the cargo bay door on the back of it, the vessel began turning to angle the platform the door doubled as toward the dock. Winds whipped around from the screaming engines, causing Kaori's hair to flicker behind her violently.

    Ikuchi stood up and began walking into the ship, with Kaori gesturing to the large, empty space within. There would be enough room for Orthrus to enter and walk around comfortably in the cargo bay. Once everyone was in and the doors were closed, Kaori would say "Call me Kay." in a fairly straight forward tone. From near a door on the opposite end of the room from where everyone entered, a strong voice would say "Ikuchi" announcing the name of the servant. He opened the door and began walking into the vessel where he'd make his way up to the helm where Salty was. "Where to?" the old sailor asked. "Divide Island." Ikuchi replied and took a seat at a nearby weapon control panel. "Thinkin' we'll find any trouble?" "It is difficult to ignore the possibility."

    Kaori had taken a seat near a workbench and pulled a katana out of her satchel, placing it down on the table and preparing several grinding stones. "Feel free to walk around my ship, just don't enter the rooms; they belong to other people. If your companion is hungry you'll find an assortment of meat in the kitchen." Kaori then pointed to an intercom on the wall with a red button "Use those to let Ashley know to come assist you finding your way around." Kaori said calmly. She didn't consider Feitan a threat, and didn't think of him as an enemy since he wasn't attacking. With that in mind, Kaori treated the man as an ally rather than the traditional way a legal mage should treat a dark mage. As far as she was concerned, the two were not so different... the only difference was ideological. If Feitan at any point called Ashley over to help him, he'd find a four foot tall child with honey blonde hair, violet eyes, and a very sweet personality coming to his aid. She wore a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a pink sweater overtop it that had the zipper completely undone.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 1,719/6,200
    Mana: 100%


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 20th September 2017, 7:30 pm

    Feitan felt the presence of Orthrus as the big twin-headed dog closed the distance between them. The big dog was not happy with the smell of the girl, nor of the fact that there were so many people he didn’t know. Feitan had given him his orders as well as the task that was his to complete. He was to act as the sounding rod for Feitan’s madness and keep him in line. He closed in one head going to each side of his owner’s body. Snarling deeply, he watched the two foes carefully. A small snap of Feitan’s fingers and the hound relaxed immediately, instead taking a ready stance behind the Demon Soul wizard.

    Hearing her calling for someone Feitan made himself ready, but he was not going to attack. Instead, he watched as that eyesore of a ship launched a single smaller craft. The dot flew closer and became a recent vessel. As soon as she vanished Feitan turned around to look at Orthrus and Kaori. Kaori might not have noticed, but the serpentine head had shot out nearly striking her. Yet, a small pulse from Feitan’s magic stopped it dead in its tracks. Reeling as if it was struck the serpentine head/tail dipped back. Orthrus himself didn’t like to be touched, hugged, pet, or even looked at too long. Still, he stood there and let Kaori do as she liked; it seemed that Feitan wanted her help for something.

    Feitan slowly turned to look at the vessel that was coming closer and saw that it was opening a cargo bay door. As the two providing the vessel neared the ship they followed. Looking at the empty space Feitan nodded his head in approval as he moved through into the cargo bay, with Orthrus right at his heels. The pair filled good enough room and Feitan yawned loudly as he watched the exchange between the other people.

    When Kaori moved over to sit down Feitan gave a click of his tongue and moved over to sit down in a seat that the two heads of Orthrus formed for him. He flicked his wrist and produced his special flute from the thin air. He shook his head slowly as he relaxed in the crook of Orthrus’ necks “He will eat our enemies when we kill them. As for me, I don’t eat much.” Yawning he pulled his flute to his lips and began to play. The sound, however, wasn’t given any magical qualities to it so there was no risk of the madness affecting anyone. His music was sweet, vibrant, and full of hope. This was a hilarious contrast to the madness of his mind and body.

    Presently, he called out “Ashley!” loud enough to be heard. He didn’t care about the girl. He did, however, enjoy an audience. When the song was over he spoke “Alright, we are going to look for buried treasure. It is called the “One Piece” it is on Divide Island. The one who is going to pose a threat to us is a pirate named “Blackstache”. He can use Cannon Make Magic. No one knows what that is, and he will be guarding the island as well as the treasure. We must kill him, and his pirates. I trust that you will not have a problem with killing pirates. I do not want to have to debate over moral scruples.” He flicked his wrist again and his flute vanished before he looked Kaori dead in the eyes “I will be happy to share my treasure with you. I only ask for you to stay out of my way.” He said simply. At that point, he gave a big yawn and lay back comfortable in Orthrus’ neck. His body ached from the bone coverings that were covering the twin-headed hounds’ body.

    This was his naptime and he would rest until they arrived at Divide Island.

    WC: 1,395/6,000


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 24th September 2017, 12:56 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    Kaori had Ashley sit near her, having very little trust for the other perty in the room. The battle they had was somewhat vague in her mind as the last thing she remembered of the battle was one of the snakes collapsing a building, resulting in her losing sight of her opponent. Their attack on the small port town had been effective in causing some destruction, but not effective enough in causing lasting destruction. The guild had been bewildered as to how all the buildings were repaired in only a week, and the only evidence of the attack having taken place were the lives that could not be repaired, or restored at all due to them being dead. As the alleged 'dark mage' had played his song, Kaori remembered each note as they were played as she figured it may be useful at a later time. If nothing else, it was relaxing to work to.

    While Feitan was busy sleeping, Kaori was making sure her weapons were sharpened. The problem with the katana was that it was made of steel that was as easy to dent as it was to sharpen. Her sword was a seven man sword, meaning it could cut clean through seven men before getting stuck in the eight, but that only meant it required even more maintanence than say... a two, or even a three man sword. The cause for the blade's lackluster edge was that it was made of something called 'takagane hagane' which was extremely high in carbon. Unfortunately, that same crappy steel was what made it easy to sharpen, the reason the blade got so sharp, and was so flexible. It was a catch twenty two between quality and longevity, which was part of the reason some people carried two with them.

    After a while, when they had arrived just a mile or two away from Divide Island, the ship jerked to the side suddenly and almost made Kaori cut herself on a throwing knife. Kaori used her telekinesis to press the button near the door and shouted "Salty, what's going on!?" after which the old man replied "We're taking fire." Kaori put her throwing knife back in her sleeve and got vanished to reappear at the helm, leaving a clone of herself behind. Looking at the island, there was a mounted cannon atop a somewhat old looking tower that was the reason for the ship having to dodge cannonballs. It wasn't so bad since they were moving fast and most the attacks had landed behind them, the one operating the cannon obviously not very experienced at his job. The coast line was covered with small black dots moving about, getting their guns ready for when the ship got within range for something they were carrying. "It appears we're fighting morons, master." Ikuchi said while looking at a screen, showing the ones on the shore were all using hammers and tiny swords. Kaori's eyes turned to bored, highly unamused orbs at the sight of the inferior weapons. "Ikuchi..." she said with a blank tone. "Yes?" he replied, already knowing what the order was. "Light 'em up." she said and began moving to the cargo bay to prepare for landing. Ikuchi put on a smile and took a seat at the gunner's console. If Feitan was still in the cargo bay, Kaori would say "Nothing to worry about, just an annoying landing." in a cold tone.

    Ikuchi pressed a button on the console, causing two flaps below the chair to open up and the seat lowering itself into the floor. From the bottom of the ship, a hatch opened up and a double barreled minigun emerged. Ikuchi was behind the gun and stared down the site in the middle with a smirk, his favorite part of the ship... Two covers that was covering the triggers were flipped up, and Ikuchi pressed and held down a pair of buttons at the top of the gun to make the barrels spin. He took aim at the cannon that was firing at the ship and began singing as he held down the triggers to release a hellstorm of bullets. "Somebody once told me the world was gonna rule me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed! She was lookin' kinda dumb..." he continued while sending out fifty caliber rounds at a rate of three thousand freedoms per minute, turning the tower the pirate's cannon was mounted on into rubble, and the beach into a graveyard.

    Upon landing, a collection of dead midgets and fools with hammers still in their hands were laying in their own blood. Some were cut completely in half, and most of the midgets were missing a large chunk of their bodies from where the massive rounds had hit them and decided to take a souvenir. One man was still alive, his only wound being a missing leg and he was desperately crawling to the safety of a box of hammers. Kaori reached over to a bow she had laying on one of the racks in the cargo bay and loaded a solid steel arrow before firing that arrow straight into the man's head. Ikuchi appeared next to Kaori while straightening his tie and said "It seems I missed one." with a dignified tone. "No, you hit him; just didn't aim high enough." she replied while slinging the bow over her body. "So, mysterious person, do you have a name or do I have to find that out of my own accord?" Kaori asked while standing at the edge of the ramp that the cargo bay door doubled as. If he told her his name, Kaori would say it was nice to meet him. If he didn't provide it, she'd use her psychic power to look into his past and reply "Very well, Feitan." with a cold tone. She wouldn't need to see anything else, so she wouldn't be looking for anything else.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 2,720/6,200
    Mana: 100%

    Sorry for the long wait

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 27th September 2017, 10:33 pm

    Feitan did not bother remembering the attack on Hargeon, it was so worthless, and such a minor blip in the sea of his madness filled mind, it was overlooked. He just enjoyed playing his music as it reminded him of the better times. There weren’t many good times or better times in his life, so the few he had he treasured more than a king would treasure his kingdom. He didn’t think anything of the people he shared this space with, but instead, let himself rest peacefully in sleep. Orthrus, on the other hand, had no such ease and all his heads were ready and watchful of the two women that shared the space with him. They were no threat to him and Feitan so he was happy to relax.

    When the ship was suddenly rocked to the side Feitan shot awake looking around and spotting Kaori. She was shouting to a speaker and he heard that they had come under fire. This made him stand up and move around nervously. He didn’t want to be stuck in someone else’s power. Being shot and him not being able to defend himself was just not good with him. He hated this whole situation and he wanted to be free of this ship so he would have a chance to fight on an even playing field. As Kaori told him there was an annoying landing he rolled his eyes taping his fingers to some invisible rhythm that was starting to get faster and faster. He had plenty to worry about and he hated the whole situation. Still, he was unable to do anything about it so he just stood there next to Orthrus shaking his head.

    From inside of the cargo hold, Feitan could hear the gun going off, not Ikuchi’s singing, but the sound of the gun going off. He had no idea what was taking place outside of the ship or on the beach of Divide Island. This was the point where he was starting to get concerned and angry. He had to wait true enough, but soon he would be free of this box. As he waited he watched the deadly precision of Kaori’s attack, and how violent she could be. The ramp was down and they could get off the ship he moved towards it. Hearing the question about his name Feitan blinked and looked to Orthrus asking “Do you think I am Mysterious?” The great hound gave what could only be described as a shrug before he walked off the ramp and onto the beach. Feitan smiled the gesture hidden from sight as he turned to look at Kaori “You can call me Feitan.” He said simply before following Orthrus onto the beach.

    The scene that greeted him was truly a violent and bloody one to be sure, but it only made Feitan smile wickedly enjoying the sight of so much carnage. Orthrus was already moving about snapping up several large chunks of gore and carnage wolfing them down as fast as he could, relishing the feast before him. Looking around Feitan smiled and looked to the forest that bordered the beach nodding his head slowly “The forest is the most likely place. We only need to find the pirate. If we find him, he’ll have a map to the treasure and then we only need to follow it.” Reaching into his cloak he pulled out a small can and opened the top before swallowing the contents. Throwing it behind him it would land in the sand and the label “Sardines” would be clear as day.

    No sooner would he swallow than he would start to dry heave and fall to his knees doing so shaking violently. This reaction caused Orthrus to react and he stood over Feitan looking menacing both heads alert and his tail snapping here and there. When Feitan started to wheeze his own breath he pats Orthrus’ belly shaking his head “I am alright. They are only sardines.” Once Orthrus let him up he stood and dusted himself off like nothing happened smiling back to Kaori again the gesture rather useless considering she couldn’t see his lower face. “So, shall we go hunt a pirate?” he asked before turning to walk towards the woods. As he walked he began to speak just loud enough to be heard by Kaori if she decided to follow him “Fire washes the skin off the bone and the sin off the soul. It cleans away the dirt, and my momma didn’t raise herself no dirty boy.” The moment the last word was said Feitan’s body was engulfed in flames that were darker and somehow more wicked as well as stronger than typical flames. Then they sank into his skin and left Feitan standing there looking like the Red Overlord Magnus.

    Walking into the forest he looked this way and that letting his hands become wreathed in flames. Stopping in his tracks he looked to Kaori smiling the gesture creepy and sadistic “Do you know why I picked the Emperor of Fire?” he asked as he held his hand to his right out to the forest. No matter the answer he would smile and say, “Because you have to use fire to smoke out your quarry.” Snapping his fingers, he caused a pillar of flames to swallow up a tree. This fire was the demonic fire of Magnus’ Netherworld. They spread among the foliage rather quickly jumping from tree to tree, and burning everything and anything with them. Crossing his arms Feitan looked to his great companion nodding.

    There was a shout of surprise and a scream all at once the flames died and Orthrus was gone only to return a few moments later with a midget like the ones on the beach in his mouths. The little midget didn’t have a mushroom anymore instead having a charred pot on his head instead. Laughing Feitan grabbed the man’s face and licked his lips “So, you’re my little snitch. Now tell me, where is your captain, and where is your camp?” he asked his hands slowly starting to become alight with flames making the man scream as his face was burned.

    Admits the screaming the man cried out “The divide! E-east end of the forest! Stop! Please!!”

    Feitan turned to look at Kaori nodding his head “So, we are going to the eastern edge of the forest. The Divide is north of us if my personal view is anything to go with. We have our heading.” Now he turned his attention to the man letting his face go “We don’t need him Orthrus.” He said taking the man’s pot off his head tossing it away and starting towards the direction that he knew was south-east. Orthrus followed him snapping and ripping apart the man in both his sets of jaws. The screams were terrific, but once they died down Feitan’s laugh could be heard a touch of madness creeping into it.



    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 4th October 2017, 10:31 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    The man's name was Feitan, and he seemed okay enough for the most part. He didn't force Kaori to find his name out by overriding his privilege of privacy, so secrecy wasn't at the top of his priorities; though, with his attire it was definitely on the list. Kaori had sensed the tiny man hiding in the bushes long before Feitan had decided to take the lead and turn into a flaming demon of sorts, but Kaori didn't stop him since it gave her an opportunity to study the man and learn some of his abilities. She had no reaction to him setting the place ablaze to lure out the midget pirate, and even less reaction to how he killed the man after he fulfilled his usefulness. From what she could tell, he enjoyed the sound of people suffering- which would be a difference between the two of them that she accepted. Kaori had never liked hearing people in pain, it's why she always resolved herself to either kill or let her enemy live. If she let them live, she healed them and established she wouldn't be merciful if there was a next time. If she decided to kill someone, she did so quickly so they wouldn't need to suffer; normally beheading them was the choice she made. He however, was part of a clan devoted to being the school play ground version of evil... So it was assumed that he just defaulted to 'kill them all' as a rule.

    She let him lead until they came to a hill where an encampment was down below. "Hold here and let me handle this." Kaori said and paused at the top of the hill. "Not that your method isn't efficient, or that I have a problem with it; but I'd rather not burn down the whole island." Kaori then changed her appearance from her normal look to that of one of the midgets. If the two headed dog was paying attention, he would have noticed that before, Kaori had literally no scent- or seemed like it, but now she smelled exactly like the midget he'd finished eating not long ago. "Trust me, you don't want to go down there..." Ikuchi commented, knowing exactly what was about to happen. She vanished and reappeared in the middle of the encampment, between a pair of tents where no one was looking. Feitan would hear a voice in his head identical to Kaori's, in fact, it was her's, using her telepathy. 'He's not here.' Kaori said and began moving throughout the camp towards a decently large tent that looked like someone of authority would live there. It was almost in the exact middle of the place, most likely to keep the officer inside surrounded by cannon fodder, and was the perfect place to plant a bomb. Kaori could feel the heart of the man inside, he was relaxed and felt contentment- right up till he felt Kaori's heart and it's neutrality. Kaori vanished and reappeared next to the tent, waiting till the man walked out before vanishing again and reappearing inside the tent. When he came back in, Kaori was quick to behead him and leave his corpse on the ground.

    Kaori took a minute to look around the area, and first noticed a table with several things on it. The most important to her was a map of the island with several encampments plotted, but no treasure. Either way, it gave her a better idea of where her targets were and by default, where Feitan's target was. Kaori reached into her satchel and pulled out a decently sized cylindrical object that had a handle on the top, and a biohazard sign on the side. She pressed a button on the side and planted the item on the ground, turning the handle and pushing it down to start the timer. She vanished and reappeared in front of her group with five fingers held up. Four fingers... three fingers... two fingers... one finger... Her hand jerked down when it turned to a fist, and the entire encampment was consumed by a small nuclear explosion. There were no screams of pain, there was no plea for mercy, just the sounds of science being weaponized. It was the same bomb that destroyed the ship carrying the basilisk eggs that Feitan's guild crashed into the port, and it hadn't lost any of its power... "There's another three encampments on the north side of the island. We should get moving before the radiation sets in." Kaori said nonchalantly while holding the folded up map between two of her fingers and moving on.

    Passing through the camp, the area was already beginning to get colder. The radiation would be bad if they stuck around, and if their own magic didn't add some protection, Kaori would be more cautious- but that wasn't the case. The ground was steaming from the heat of the freshly cooled glass, the tents and wooden barricades were reduced to ash, metal frames for the cots and barrel rings were reduced to metal puddles on the ground, and the shadows of the men and women who died were permanently plastered on the ground. A monument to the sins of man that would never be taken down without other men. Kaori showed no signs of caring for the hundred or so that just died, they were enemies anyway.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 3,620/6,200
    Mana: 100%

    Sorry for the long wait... again x.x

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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 6th October 2017, 7:33 am

    As they arrived at the hill and Feitan was told to let Kaori handle this he gave a frown at her. Crossing his new large muscled arms across his chest not seeming to be very amused by the idea of waiting right where he was. Hearing her reasoning only made him frown even deeper than before “I would only burn half the island. After all, this island is divided into two equal sections thanks to this stupid pirate we are hunting.” He replied with his arms still crossed and still not entirely convinced about the course of action that Kaori was recommending. Still, without a better one, he had no choice but to trust in whatever judgment that she wanted to use and force him to submit himself to. When Kaori changed herself to look like one of the midget pirates both Orthrus and Feitan were slightly dumbfounded as to how they were to perceive this sudden change. Orthrus was indeed paying attention and both of his heads noticed how her scent had changed so dramatically without any visible effort. It was quickly decided amongst all three heads that magic was a large part of this so there was no point in trying to understand it.

    The pair watched as Kaori walked down the hill in her new disguise. The comment from Ikuchi earned him a raised eyebrow of inquiry from the madman “I don’t fear anything that she may plan to do. I don’t fear her either. Still, whatever, if she thinks it will be faster for her to go alone then I will not stop her.” He said watching the camp for any signs of life. That was when her voice appeared in his head. He clutched at his head and screamed “NO! You’re not in there! I am not hearing you, you can’t be in there!” Shaking his head in his hands he tried to dislodge Kaori not realizing that she was using telepathy and not some other kind of evil trick. He had so many voices in his head already that he just thought another demon had gotten in somehow and was now playing with his mind. Orthrus, on the other hand, was there ready to act and his heads carefully sank their fangs into his arms while his tail came around to wrap itself around Feitan’s waist to keep him in place so he didn’t run away to do something stupid. As Feitan seemed to calm down he looked to Ikuchi with the madness on full display in his eyes. Slowly his hands came down to his sides and he asked in a sing-song voice “~Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk? Maybe you can answer, I have to know, the dragon asked me and I couldn’t answer. I must answer. Riddles need to be answered after all. Riddle say, Riddle say, Riddle say me and I shall answer thee.~~”

    With a sudden lunge that Orthrus seemed to have anticipated Feitan tried to get at the man in the suit. Thankfully Orthrus had done his job and was holding Feitan in place keeping him from having any chance at attacking Ikuchi with the big red hands that kept opening and closing into the proper claw shape one would need to strangle someone. His madness was interrupted however by the sudden arrival of Kaori who seemed to appear in front of them. This caught Feitan’s full attention and he tilted his head this way and that. “~What kind of magic moves faster than a blink, causes one to think, and has no kink? What magic can move a mountain of a man as fast as light and leave no trace in sight?~” Slowly his eyes began to regain focus and some of their natural color as he watched the countdown. When the explosion went off he frowned glaring to Kaori “That’s the bomb you tried to blow me up with, isn’t it?! You know how rude that is!?” he asked in a hissing accusation.

    Now that he seemed to regain his wits Orthrus carefully let his master go looking to the two temporary allies with more caution than before. Much to his credit Feitan didn’t seem to notice the deep bite marks that he now had on his arms thanks to Orthrus’ restraining him. Following after Kaori Feitan scoffed in his dry amusement “Oh, so I can’t burn the island down, but you’re perfectly allowed to turn it into a radioactive wasteland. How’s that fair? At least my flames will help most of these plans germinate and grow even stronger than before. Your poison is just that, a poison and nothing will grow here for a good long time.” He said chastising the ninja girl. As they passed through the carnage and destruction Feitan didn’t even look at it, seeming to be pouting that he didn’t get to destroy things this time around. Still, he walked right along with her looking northward to hopefully spot some foes before her calling out “I get to destroy at least one of these camps before we leave.”

    WC: 4,474/6,200

    OOC: No problem. Here's a real first taste of Feitan the madman. ;)


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 10th October 2017, 1:17 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    Upon Kaori's appearance, Feitan had said something that was somewhat amusing, but also pointless in nature... “~What kind of magic moves faster than a blink, causes one to think, and has no kink? What magic can move a mountain of a man as fast as light and leave no trace in sight?~” A rather curious riddle, to which Kaori thought 'Reality magic' but didn't say it since she was counting down; and in actuality, she wasn't wrong. Kaori had met a mage who could alter reality when she first arrived to Fiore, a woman who defended her against her brother and got her medical attention. Using magic that alters reality could alter the person's speed, and is generally 'perfect' magic as any imperfections could be altered on the spot. Though, Kaori had no idea that he had gone nuts and didn't bother to ask why his companion was biting him. After the explosion, Feitan's companion had released him and he exclaimed “That’s the bomb you tried to blow me up with, isn’t it?! You know how rude that is!?”

    Kaori had laughed at him, at first it was a small giggle, but then it came out a bit worse as she had trouble containing it. While walking through the blast zone Feitan had said he wanted to destroy one of their fortifications before they left the island, to which Kaori had looked at him with a blank expression through her mask. 'Most likely he'll take his time doing that...' she thought seeing as how he had his dog thing tear apart the midget instead of just killing him quickly. "Fei, you mentioned that my trying to kill you and your companions back then was rude. I'd like you to understand something... I'm not part of Lady Ceostra's clan, and I'm not some saint. I'm the head of the Lareci Clan of Midi. Anyone who makes themselves an enemy of me or my allies dies alongside anyone who tries to stop me. But if you or your clan ever decide to attack the port again, please by all means, let me know a more polite way I can try to kill you; I do take requests if I'm in the mood for it." Kaori had ended with a more light hearted and sarcastic tone. If Feitan had asked about why she didn't attack him instantly, or why she hasn't tried to yet; Kaori would reply by saying "You were just passing through... Shady people pass through the port every day. It's the guard's job to handle capturing criminals, not mine. If they start wrecking things, or releasing giant snakes; then I'll step in."

    Kaori had listened to his rant about how radiation is nothing but a poison, and naturally, Kaori had a counter to that argument based on countless books she'd read. "Perhaps you're right, but there's benefits from nuclear fallout. Human excrements are difficult to get rid of, put it in a body of water and it poisons the nearby area, put it in the ground and it does little for the plant life around. Nuclear weapons will incinerate those excrements, including the ones buried in the ground so there's nothing to poison the land. The radiation will prevent humans from returning to that spot, allowing animals and plants to retake the land. Radiation can spur evolution, sometimes altering genetics to the point of creating entirely new species. You'd need quite a bit of nuclear fallout to make a land completely uninhabitable, and mine aren't nearly that strong. They're made for powering a single machine, not entire cities; I just did enough research to know how to weaponize them."

    "We have company. Six men about two hundred yards out." Ikuchi said out of nowhere. Kaori vanished from sight and reappeared closer to them. Two midgets were carrying supplies and four were guarding them, a logical formation. Kaori vanished again, reappearing as four versions of herself, each with a sword in the guard's head. The first two guards were stabbed from their mouths to the back of their skull, the last two were stabbed from the back of their skulls through the mouth. The two midgets were unarmed, and were shown the same mercy their comrades were given- a quick death. Their heads hit the floor when the four Kaori's vanished and one reappeared between them, her sword was flicked and sent an arcing spatter of blood around her and then it was gently sheathed. She didn't look much like a ninja, but she attacked with the same speed and precision as them. She also deployed unconventional tactics such as explosives, distractions, and prioritization like they did; the only true difference were her flashier clothing that she wore to make herself a more obvious target. Kaori had followed the path up and looked down at what lay before them, a rather large camp that might contain their target; but Kaori was unsure. "You said you wanted to destroy one of their camps before we leave, don't take too long- I get bored quick." Kaori would say and lean against a nearby tree. "She really does." Ikuchi commented.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 4,475/6,200
    Mana: 100%

    I like crazy Feitan ^^


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private FN4I7td

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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 13th October 2017, 9:08 am

    Feitan thought about this and shook his head along with his finger “No, no. Not blowing me up is rude. It isn’t the first time someone tried to blow me up with a nuke. What is rude, is that you would use it in front of me when you know that you tried to use the same bomb to kill me once before; without a warning. That is what is rude. As for the people in my guild, they are hardly companions. I owe the Dragon, and the Mistress a debt. A debt I haven’t paid back yet. So, long as I owe them this debt then I must do what they say. I must not disobey them. However, they are kind enough to let me continue to make a living and make money. Money makes the world go ‘round after all. However, if you were to kill me then, I would request decapitation. It is one of the most fun ways to die.” He said as if he had some experience in dying. He thought about it and then looked to her “I’ve never been to Midi, I was born…well in some shithole somewhere. We called it hell, but several people call it ‘Sin’ I haven’t been there since Hisoka dragged me to the Netherworlds. Oh, I am a musketeer in Minstrel. Whatever that means.” He said shrugging his shoulders. He really didn’t seem interested at all in what her reasons were for not killing him when he arrived in the port.

    Hearing about the radiation and the rationale behind it Feitan couldn’t exactly fault her. He shrugged his shoulders clearly bored “Evolution is the only way to go, so I can’t fault you for that. At least we both have a general goal. Evolution, should be the goal of all. Your problem is that you try to protect the disgusting pathetic leeches in places like Hargeon rather than killing them or attacking them to try and force the survivors to get better. If they don’t have magic they aren’t worth much to the world anyway. As you yourself have put it there are too many humans with their human excrements poisoning the world. If the only remaining people were those with magic at least they could be useful.” He said rather simply almost as if everyone should know that this was how to the world worked.

    Feitan looked to Ikuchi and then shrugged his shoulders showing that he really didn’t care about company, and in fact, he was hoping that they would find foes to stop them. After all, he wanted to kill something on this trip. It wouldn’t be much fun if he didn’t get to kill things. Kaori dispatched the company that they were supposed to be expecting. She pointed out that there was a camp ahead and that she would leave it to him. If he didn’t hurry then he would be lost. Giving a shrug, he made his way down the road “Well, can’t say I am worried. Really, I can fly, but sure. I know how to put on a good show.” He says with a smile on his face a soft laugh coming to his chest “Orthrus stay with them. If she does get bored, ride back with them. You know the way home.” He instructs his twin-headed hound.

    As he makes his way closer to the camp he spots the one thing he really wanted to find. A campfire. This was the perfect thing for him and he strolled over to the fireplace drawing his sword as he did so. There were a few midgets and a couple of guys with hammers, but none of them tried to stop the strange red man as he walked through the camp “Come one, come all! I am here to have some fun with you!” Everyone was so wowed by the fact that someone was willing to do this and was so strange to be sure. Feitan ignored the look and walked into the fire smiling and looking at everyone one “I have a magic trick! Here it is!” holding his right hand up like a claw he suddenly consumed all of the fire and used it to make himself a giant.

    He stood 10 meters tall and he smiled as the blade in his hand was perfectly suited to him keeping the dimensions. Pulling it up he let wind swirl around the blade before he brought it down on the camp slashing through it and the pirate with five giant slashes. These cut through men, tents, and everything else. What didn’t get destroyed by the gigantic slashes of energy was soon burning. He rampaged around like this for a few minutes leaving flaming destruction in his wake. Before too long he was done rampaging and he looked in the direction of his companions nodding his head in approval “Let’s go!” he boomed as he walked through the forest. He wasn’t completely sure where they were going, but he had a general direction in mind so he kept going. The size of him didn’t change, and he set a very brisk pace considering the size of him.

    WC: 863/5,337


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 23rd October 2017, 1:49 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    Kaori had found it odd that Feitan had actually took her sarcasm seriously and told her his preferred method of death, but she would keep that in mind the next time they fought. Considering as Kaori was a mostly good person, and he favored laying waste to people it was likely that they'd have some sort of conflict. He later stated something peculiar, that it was an issue with Kaori's mentality that she protected the weak. Kaori had held off on her reply since Ikuchi had detected the enemies that she disposed of, and then came Feitan's display. After destroying the camp, Kaori appeared on his shoulder and said "Here's something to think on." with a calm voice. "I don't see any problem in protecting others, I see it as my choice. Your problem is that you forget your place, born of Sin or born of Midi we're all part of nature and we all have our place. Humans were never meant to evolve the way you're thinking. We evolve mentally and advance technology to make up for our short comings. Weapons, armor, scuba suits, cities, and clothes were our ways of gaining claws, thick hide, gills, packs, and fur. Dislike normal humans all you want, but they're the reason most magic is even possible. Wizards may have founded magic, but normal humans founded the principles that magic is built on. Humans founded the laws of physics and nature, and their desire to overcome those laws pushed them to try and upon trying, they succeeded. If those laws were never founded, no one would want to overcome them." Kaori then stood up and brushed some hair out of her face. "Plus... I'd get bored if I didn't protect people."

    Ikuchi had remained on the ground and walking behind the titan sized man. He had no opinions on the matter his master and Feitan were discussing since he was about as disconnected from humans as Feitan's pet two headed dog. Ikuchi had lived long enough to see humans tear each other apart of the most petty of things, as well as band together under a single banner for a righteous cause. He'd seen them snake each other out of things that may as well be table crumbs, and give away entire houses and treasure troves. There was much to understand of the humans since their existence was very different from animals. Animals were driven by the desire to survive to see the next morning. They sometimes formed packs to help that cause, or prevent boredom, or just not be alone... Humans had goals beyond survival. They wanted to unlock the mysteries of the universe and continuously find new mysteries to solve. They formed packs for the same reasons as animals, but they didn't work with each other nearly as well, yet they still remained in their packs.

    "Hey, Fei?" Kaori said, turning to face the large head. Since she was still wearing her mask her voice was slightly distorted, but mostly understandable. "I've never had the chance to speak with my enemies for this long, so I'd like to ask you a some thing. For me, I've lived the past decade killing people in mass but I can't say I like doing it, so I kill them quickly. Why is it that you enjoy hearing them scream in pain? Is it only restricted to humans as other denizens of Sin, or do you enjoy pain from all walks of life?" Her tone implied that she didn't think he was wrong for enjoying it, in fact, her tone was very neutral. While true legal wizards would take shots at him for enjoying killing, call him scum among various other rude names, and practically chastise Feitan for his preferences, Kaori had seen it as a simple difference and nothing more. Just as humans helped to keep the populations of animals at bay, other beings who killed humans helped keep their numbers slightly down. What ever his response was, Kaori would give the same two words that carried just as little judgement as her question. She would say "I see." and nothing more of the subject.

    A bit of walking later, another camp had been spotted and there was no question on whether their leader was present. The sound of a cannon firing and Kaori dodging a ten pound lead ball was all that was needed to know they found their target. "He's yours, we'll handle the subordinates." Kaori sad and performed a back flip off Feitan's shoulder if he hadn't knocked her off already. She'd vanish and appear behind one of the enemies, a midget with a gun that he was trying to use but didn't have enough time to practice with. It was hard to practice using a gun when your head was rolling, so the midget would have to settle for just laying on the ground till the buzzards got around to cleaning him up. She vanished again and moved to a man getting ready to throw something, cutting his hand off before his head half a second later and vanishing again. Kaori was best suited for taking down single targets, but she was alright to deal with groups due to her speed and efficiency. Ikuchi hadn't done anything to help in the battle since he didn't want to reveal his abilities to people who were technically his enemies. Kaori's reason for not going after the mage was that she didn't come here for the purpose of killing him, that was Feitan's area which made it so he was Fetan's prey.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 5,406/6,200
    Mana: 100%

    I like crazy Feitan ^^


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private FN4I7td

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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 8th November 2017, 11:13 am

    As they walked, and she appeared on his shoulder Feitan gave her a glance. He kept walking in his new giant form, but he listened intently to what she had said. He suddenly started to laugh aloud bellowing sound. Shaking his head, he held up a massive finger and shook it “Well, you have given me some of your views allow me to tell you mine. Where you are born is insignificant. It is what you do with your life that makes your life matter in the long run. Now, your problem is you forget yourself, and what you are. You see humans may not evolve like traditional animals. However, they are still animals and are therefore subjected to the rules of nature. The absolute rule of nature is Survival of the fittest. This can be brawn or brains. It matters not, but what is inescapable is that the strong have every right to prey upon the weak. I am first and foremost a part of nature. Simple as that. It is my right, my duty, and the sign of my status as a predator that I prey upon the weak and kill them. I don’t need to eat them thankfully; human tastes lousy. However, I am well within my rights as a human to kill them. This is something you would’ve already known should you have lived in Sin. It is kill or be killed there and protecting others is almost a guaranteed way of getting yourself killed.” This last few sentences seemed to be said in a distant voice, and Feitan’s eyes were miles away reliving some past event that consumed his mind.

    Presently, he shook his head and smirked “As for magic. You’re wrong. Magic was always here, it wasn’t until the Demons, and the Angels started teaching mortals how to use it that they discovered it. Magic has no principles, it is a living breathing thing. It is unruleable, and can’t be regulated like those foolish wizards like to believe. Magic’s only limits are the limits of the one using it. Normal humans scared of the clearly advanced evolution of their race have tried to put limits upon those who should be ruling them. They still see themselves as the same, when they are not. Those without magic are the lesser stage of evolution and should be either slaves or corpses. That is the way evolution works, what has come and is new replaces what was, and what is old. Now the laws of physics and nature were already here, no humans founded them. Humans only observe them, categorize them, and try to overcome them in the best way they can. Even so, those laws are still all powerful. After all, if a meteor came from the sky and crushed your Hargeon city that would be the laws of nature dictating what was going to happen. It is only in Humans however that you find a driving need to overcome something. Animals find a way to coexist with those rules and thrive all the same. Humans are inherently different and that is in large part due to the demonic influence in their construction. However, those are Secrets I am not allowed to share.” He said before looking forward again “Your last reason about being bored is all the reason you need, and it justifies your choice to me completely. I fully enjoy anyone who would do anything to relieve their boredom.”

    Orthrus looked to Ikuchi and walked silently by his master’s side. He understood all the words, but the deeper meaning wasn’t important to him. He was saved by this being and brought up to be an anchor for Feitan’s madness, and yet it seemed that his madness was being fully controlled while interacting with this woman whom Feitan must view as his equal or his better.

    Glancing at Kaori at her calling of him he raised his brow “Yes?” Hearing her question, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head to look at her “Pain is a proof that we live. A painful death is the proof that you had a life worthy of living, that you didn’t go through life as cattle, or as a sheep. I give painful death to those I kill because to do any less would be a grave insult to them and the life they lived. However, if I can tell that they are cattle, or sheep the death is quick and much less painful. They aren’t worthy of the dynasty that pain attests.” He started to walk again and slowly his whole aura changed as his eyes and tone took on the hint of madness that threatened to consume him “Besides, have you not heard the beautiful music that screams make? It is like the finest symphony. There are so many sounds, so many stories, and so much…. life in a scream. I wonder what my screams sound like…it has been so long since I heard them, and I have changed so much since the last time I really screamed. I hope someday I will find my death screaming and filled with the sweet agony that is my life. It isn’t much of a life, but I hope it was worthy of tremendous amounts of pain.” He said his voice sing-song in nature. A sudden thought struck him, and he looked at her in confusion “I didn’t know you considered us to be enemies. Well, I’m sorry to say that I don’t return the connection. The attack on your Hargeon was just a job for me. I owe a debt to the lady of serpents and the Poison Dragon. I was simply making good on that debt. It was purely business. Had you not attacked me, I would not have attacked you. Even so, I am sorry to say that I can’t return the emotions you have for me. At least, not yet anyway.”

    They arrived at this next camp to find that there was indeed something to it. The dead giveaway that they had found what they were looking for. The cannonball was a bit of a shock, but it wasn’t aimed directly at him so there was no real cause for concern. Instead, it was aimed at Kaori, and he didn’t bother with it. Yet, she told him that he would be able to handle the pirate. This made him smile and he charged into the camp headed straight for the man who had just summoned up a cannon to launch a 20 lbs cannonball right at Feitan. The demon soul wizard was quick to dive to the side crushing a healthy portion of the forest. Orthrus rushed forward towards the location of the cannonball finding the target in question. Blackstache the pirate looked as stupid as his name, and this only made Feitan more determined to kill him. The twin-headed hound was ready and found his target. His right head snapped open and a bolt of lightning shot out towards the pirate who was standing there waiting for someone to make an attack. He turned just in time to see the bolt of lightning come straight towards him. The pirate did the best to avoid the attack, but the fact that he was near so much metal like his cannons, so it was impossible to avoid it. The bolt struck the cannon and bounced between it and one other. Before it was finally attracted to Blackstache and struck him.

    The light and sparks that traveled around the cannons were the perfect signal for Feitan and his skill. Slowly he summoned his aura up around him and let it break off to form into four separate equally vicious looking Aura Wolves. These wolves were several different colors and seemed to be made of very different things. The six wolves were made up entirely of aura they were roughly the size of Orthrus and only two of them were the same. One took on the appearance of being made of living flames, another was made of bursting fireballs that could only be accurately described as ‘explosions’ the other two were made of a strange purple goopy substance that dripped off their bodies. All in all, they were interesting to say the least. They slowly advanced towards Blackstache ready to attack him. In his attempt to get away he summoned up a pair of cannons that started to firebombs and barrels of rum at the wolves. All four of them had their instructions and knew their jobs. Ducking, dodging, and doing their best to avoid them. The first one to reach Blackstache was one of the twin wolves made of the purple goop. No sooner had he arrived at his target than he sank his fangs into it and exploded. Everything in a ten-meter radius was covered in this purple goop-like slime and started to glow with a very strange color.

    The pirate captain looked to the goop on his body and groaned “What is this filth?!” he roared out turning to fire a cannon at Feitan who was slowly focusing his hands to glow with flames. Then he shaped the flame slowly into a single existence. This took his eyes off the second goop wolf that came and sank fangs into the man exploding at once doubling the coating that its twin had splattered on everything.

    Feitan smirked and licked his lips finally ready “It is called Slag, and it helps what I want to do to you.” He said in a bellow taking his stance and sending the flames forward. They took on the shape of a large serpentine-like dragon. Surging forward at Feitan’s directions it made its way through the sky heading off towards the pirate. Blackstache snarled as he summoned up another pair of cannons using them to fire 20 lbs cannonballs at the dragon made of flames. He was seeking to destroy it before it could hit him, and he did indeed cause holes to appear inside of it. However, what he didn’t know was that Feitan was far enough out of range that the attack wouldn’t hit him. However, the size of the dragon was indeed intimidating just as Feitan had intended.

    This attack was only meant as an opening for Feitan’s wolves and Orthrus to close in. They didn’t waste this opening either as the wolves were able to close the distance. The two of them sank their fangs into Blackstache’s legs and exploded in unison. A ball of explosive fury and massive flames they consumed as much as was possible. The slag that was covering the pirate captain made the flames and the explosion more effective. After all, it was the point of slag to enhance the effects and damage of all elemental weapons, spells, and other such elemental works. Blackstache screamed in pain as he rolled on the ground trying to get the fire that was on him off. The fire and this stop drop and roll act was the perfect opening for Orthrus to close the distance and with his second head he sprayed a cone of lightning out at the man zapping him with its full power. Yet, this wasn’t the last that Orthrus was going to do and slowly his mouths became aglow with a green light before the hound charged at the only now regaining his footing. Pulling up a cannon he shot a smaller nine-pound cannon at Orthrus. It slammed into the hound full force in the chest sending him flying backward.

    Feitan snarled angrily dropping the flames entirely from his body and attack. Instead, he focused his power into his left hand letting it glow with a brilliant white light. He found his target and aimed straight for the worm who would dare to injure his beloved pet. Sending his left hand forward in an open palm thrust towards Blackstache. From his hand came a beam of demon slaying light that slammed full force into the pirate sending him flying through his base. Yet, there was a very normal to Feitan alone consequence of this ability of his. In a roar of flames, his form reverted to normal and he stood looking very normal as far as he went. Yet, there was an air of weakness about him that he didn’t have before. Still, he didn’t let this stop him and instead he held up his right hand towards the sky.

    As soon as he did so he was struck by a thunderbolt which gave his wrists a pair of metal bracers. His cloak transformed into a scarf, and he was now standing as the demon Overlord Laharl. Holding out his two hands his power focused and then shot out towards the pirate. He was struck by one of the blasts, but he also managed to use his cannon make magic to summon up a handheld cannon and fire at Feitan with a mushroom. The impact sent Feitan staggering back as did his attack against Blackstache. The pair stood for a moment and glared death at each other before Feitan’s scarf reached over to grab his blade Tessaiga. His hand however shot out and sent a sphere of wave magic flying to slam into Blackstache once more even as the pirate had been summoning up another cannon.

    Holding his left hand into the air a rune circle shot up into the sky tearing open a rift between this world and Laharl’s Netherworld. From it emerged a ray of dark energy that zapped Feitan covering him in the power of Dark Meteor. With this newfound power, he shot forward flying towards Blackstache with all the speed he could muster. The scarf passed along Tessaiga to Feitan’s actual hands and he closed with Blackstache bringing his blade down to slash into the pirate as hard as he could, and the scarves formed into two great fists slamming into the man from both sides. This seemed to Drop the man to the ground and Feitan wasn’t done there. He grabbed the pirate in both of his scarf fists lifting him up and pulling him in either direction his arms in one fist and legs in the other pulling in either direction. This held the man tightly and he screamed as he was stretched so painfully. Feitan’s eyes were swirls of madness as he spoke “You hurt my pet, you dared to damage your better. You have to die, and I will enjoy your death rattles!” The screaming continued until Finally Feitan brought his blade up and slashed through the waist of the pirate and cut the man in half. Dropping the two halves he moved to search them soon finding the map that Blackstache had which would lead Feitan and Kaori to the treasure.

    With this done he flew slowly over to Orthrus who was nursing his wound as best he could, the bone-like armor that was just a natural part of his body was cracked in many places, and he looked up at Feitan worriedly. The mad man gently placed a hand on both of the hounds’ heads. The battle was done now all that was needed was to find the treasure and for that he had to wait for Kaori to finish her dirty work.

    WC: 2,545/7,882


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 3rd January 2018, 6:12 am

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Nviajx11

    There was no reply given to Feitan's comments on magic, his views on life, or his reason for enjoying killing people. There were many things that she disagreed with, namely there being beauty in screams of pain, but she knew that arguing an opinion was like trying to prove the existance of an imaginary deity- it's pointless. Upon disembarking her massive steed, Kaori had heard him joyfully charging into battle with youthful exuberance most youths couldn't even produce. The man that Kaori relieved of his hand issues had held the bleeding stub while screaming, something that let Kaori know it was time to end his suffering. She vanished and reappeared bringing her blade down on him and cutting his spine open, destroying his central nervous system and killing him at the same time. She turned around and saw that she had quite a large group of enemies to deal with and readied her blade. Time seemed to slow down as her mind went blank and revisited her past, a time when she had also walked right into a trap.

    Kaori's eyes returned to reality before narrowing, her sword taking on a white glow. She would never be defeated again, not if she could help it. Kaori vanished and reappeared in the middle of the group of enemies and beheaded one before vanishing and reappearing as ten version of herself. Each version formed a white sword in their hand that was four feet long and completely straight from tip to blade. It was double edged with no guard. The group had vanished and began cutting down the subordinates one by one until they were all on the floor. With the enemies all killed off after the short and lackluster battle, nine of the clones vanished to leave the original by herself. The ability was something Feitan had seen before to a much lesser extent, back when Kaori was just toying around with him, and she highly doubted that he saw her use it this time since he was in the middle of a fight with their boss. Kaori had finished them just in time to see Feitan assume the form of a male with blue hair, gold wrist cuffs, shorts, and a scarf to combat the leader. The ninja hadn't moved at all, not even when he was hit by the cannonball. She didn't have any concern for him, he seemed strong enough to take a hit and she didn't want to intervene until he was close to being dead. She glanced over to the two headed dog while Feitan was getting ready to attack Blackstache again and noticed it was hurt. 'Do you honestly think healing it would be go without assault?' Ikuchi had asked Kaori in her mind. 'Feitan may be misguided but even demons have hearts. I doubt he would have an issue with us helping his friend.' she replied. Ikuchi had vanished from his position afar and reappeared near Kaori, knowing he would be helping with the healing process.

    Kaori's attention was returned to Feitan and his battle when a loud scream was heard, but it didn't sound like Feitan himself- well, not the on in pain at least. Kaori looked away and closed her eyes while Ikuchi covered her ears. Ikuchi was old, he had seen all manner of being tear themselves apart figuratively and literally. The sight of blood and screams of pain no longer plagued him, but were no choir to his ears. He watched and listened as the demon tore the man before cutting him in half, then notified Kaori when it was safe to look. She and Ikuchi had approached Feitan and Orthrus as he was rubbing the beasts heads, enjoying his victory. The sight of blood had no effect on Kaori, it was only the screams of pain. Feitan thought it to be a sign of life, but Kaori thought it to be disgusting and brutal- even by Leraci standards. She still wouldn't judge him for it, his clan likely held those standards. The ninja and her servant had looked at Orthrus and the many cracks in his body. "With your permission, we can help him." Kaori said calmly. If Feitan allowed it, Kaori and Ikuchi would both place their hands toward the beast with a white magic circle appearing. Even if the two headed dog were an infernal being the spell wouldn't harm it at all. Kaori's magic was based on emotion, which could be used to hurt or heal her enemies and allies. Orthrus would feel warmth and love from Kaori, and devotion from Ikuchi. He would feel that Kaori was healing him because she cared, and Ikuchi was doing it because Kaori wanted him to. Feitan would feel the same things from Kaori, but nothing from Ikuchi. The stranger things about the ninja being that her magic could only be felt when she used it, and she didn't seem to care who she used it on. The cracks in his bone armor would begin vanishing and be replaced by the bone that was already there, only leaving a stinging sensation that would go away in time.

    If Feitan didn't let Kaori heal Orthrus, Kaori would ask "Did you find the map?" in a calm, respectful tone. If Feitan let Kaori and Ikuchi heal Orthrus, she would ask the question afterwards. If he did have the map, Kaori would pull her iLac out and take a picture of it to send to Salty. The ship would be hovering over the site with a digging auger, something that worked faster than shovels and required less energy. There would be one for Feitan if he chose to use it and one for Ikuchi. Kaori would be busy checking on the ship's minigun to make sure nothing got jammed or hit during the not-so-surprising surprise attack. The auger worked fairly simply, point it at the ground, push it in, and hold down the button. After half an hour, and twenty holes, Ikuchi would begin questioning just where the hell this thing was since he hadn't found it at all. Though, if Feitan had found it, she would joke saying she thinks it'd look cute on him.

    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Job Info
    Word Count: 6,441/6,200
    Mana: 100%

    Sorry for the wait... again x.x


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private FN4I7td

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private Empty Re: Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 11th January 2018, 7:07 am

    Feitan did notice that there was no comment from his temporary partner on magic, his views on life, or his reason for enjoying the killing of the worthless. Yet, he also noticed that she didn’t seem to have any kind of reaction that he could see. He supposed that it was a lot of things to absorb all at once, but there was no real cause for him to be worried about it, and there wasn’t going to be anything special coming from her. So, he simply chose to forget about her, and ignore her. He didn’t notice at all when she leaped off of his shoulder and instead lost himself in his fun.

    Orthrus looked up to see Kaori approaching and gave a deep growl in order to warn his master, but Feitan shook his head slowly “Quiet.” With that he turnat his head and looked to Kaori and Ikuchi. His face was neutral, and now she could see that his face was completely different than it had been, and he didn’t look like himself. What she could see as plain as day, however, despite the scarf was the Giant Laughing Coffin Tattoo that took up all of Feitan’s back. It was a black coffin, with his skin forming a set of eyes and a toothy mouth that was open in a clear laughing manner. When she offered to heal Orthrus, Feitan nodded his head “I would be grateful, and Orthrus would be as well.” He glanced down at the twin-headed dog a flash going through his eyes to warn his hound not to hurt Kaori. This was all the instruction that Orthrus needed and he relaxed. Feitan stood where he was and watched. Orthrus, on the other hand, felt those emotions and he seemed to get nervous. He wasn’t used to this honesty of emotion. He knew that Feitan loved him, after all that gruesome killing that had just happened was for him, but to see it so raw and intense made him nervous. He let out breathy whimpers looking nervously at Feitan, but he didn’t move at all. Feitan eventually felt the feelings from Kaori and he looked at her with a raised brow and curiosity written plain on his face. Still, he said nothing and let Kaori do her work.

    When Orthrus was healed up once more Feitan held up the map with his scarf hand nodding “yes I did.” He opened it up for Kaori to take her picture. Arriving at the site and seeing the auger he would start to dig, and even Orthrus would dig his own holes in order to find the chest. Eventually, Feitan stumbled upon it. Moving the auger out he reached down with the two giant red hands pulling the chest out. Breaking the lock was easy and he opened it to see the “Famous one-piece”. His face fell and went blank as he looked at it. Hearing the joke that it would look good on him he leaned back giving a bellowing roar of anger that sounded more demonic and terrible than anything. His left hand was glowing white and he pulled it to his chest and sent it shooting out in the direction that he and Kaori had come from a white beam of energy firing out to cut through trees and stones for meters. This caused his takeover to end instantly, his sword shrank into it’s standard form which was a battered katana that looked like it had seen better days. He stood there panting and breathing heavily his sickly green aura flowing off of him in waves. After a moment, he twisted his head popping his neck and instantly his whole mood relaxed. Turning he looked to Kaori eyes swirls of madness “~I have no use for such a silly thing. Please enjoy it, I’ll just take my share of the jewels. ~” he said in a slight sing-song voice. With that he sheathed his blade, took his share of the jewels and moved onto the ship with Orthrus at his heels and sat down ready to get back to Hargeon so he could go home.

    WC: 691/8,573

    OOC: No worries, sorry about the short post, but I figured we have met the mission requirements. If you'd like to make a last wrap up post and post this job as complete I would be grateful. Or just post it as complete your choice really.


    Kaori & Feitan: Find the "One Piece" (One Time Only): B Rank - Private TwlZpF6
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