Fairy Tail RP

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    Love Me Across Time & Space!


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th May 2013, 5:02 pm

    Fairy Tail Boys: RPed by Heero
    Fairy Tail Girls: RPed by Alye

    Heero and Serene had no idea what they'd gotten themselves into. Heero was playing around with a forbidden bit of magic he'd found in one of the tomes in the Sky Tower. Supposedly, this series of enchantments and spells would open up a portal called 'Anima' into another dimension! Another universe! Garfield's home world!

    Heero had always wanted to see the home of the Exceeds, and he'd prepared a crazy bit of a enchantment set up. Runes had been blazed into the ground with lightning in a perfect circle into the grass around Serene, Heero, and Garfield.

    They looked like they'd just been burned into the ground, as they were smoldering in grass patches, in too many runic designs and symbols to count; Magnolia's East Forest, not too far out from the town itself. If he could show off for Serene, and get to Edolas; then so much the better!

    Finally, Heero; after studying the page with the 'final result' of correctly done runes to open up Anima, slammed the book closed and tossed it outside of the Runic Circle.

    "Alright, ehehe, I've done it! This should do it!" Heero motioned all around at the runic circles he'd blazed into the grass, the circle was about the size of half a front yard; pretty big, and the symbols were numerous. Heero seemed dumb, but actually loved to study old stuff in particular, he had a thing for artifacts, old clocks, ancient magics he loved all of them... when he could calm himself or pull himself away from brawling or pull himself away from either Serene or his modeling duties at Sorce Magazine. Why? Because Zeus the Lightning Dragon was old, and Heero idolized him, thus idolizing all things with history in his mind without knowing it.

    "Let's join hands! All we've gotta do is combine our magic power with that of an Exceed, sorry it took so long drawing! We need Garfield to put the most Magic Power into it out of all of us, you up for it partner?" as he nodded towards his Exceed, he noticed a comical, yet serious look of determination upon Garfield's face.

    "Aye!" Garfield nodded once, sprouting his white wings and floating up between Heero and Serene, he grabbed both of their hands on either side, as Heero took Serene's as they stood in a perfect triangle in the center of the runes. Heero couldn't wait to take Serene to Edolas, heck, he couldn't wait to see it for himself. He was sure how he felt paled in comparison to Garfield's feelings. He'd never seen his homeland, let alone an Exceed from there. He couldn't imagine how his partner and best buddie was feeling; he'd hardly ever seen him look so determined. As soon as they were all prepared, they began pouring massive amounts of magic energy into the runic circle all around them; as Garfield's wings began to glisten and sparkle rapidly as he continued to float between them; holding their hands.

    The ground all at once, and all of a sudden, began to rumble. But the three of them had to keep their eyes closed and concentrate while the effect was building. The ground stopped rumbling as quickly as it had started; and a gigantic white beam of light erupted into the skies from directly beneath their feet, swallowing them up whole; causing the clouds above Magnolia's East Forest to twist into a vortex, high in the heavens as the white beam pierced it.

    The roar of the gigantic white beam of light was somewhat peaceful, somewhat frightening. It constantly emitted a noise similar to an extremely loud hum, yet a piercing screech as well. Everyone in Magnolia pointed towards the spectacle off in the forest, some dropped their belongings; even amongst magic, most had never seen an effect like this before.

    The beam stayed there for the better part of an hour; and people had gathered around it in the forest, staring into it and wondering what in the hell it was in general.

    'Thhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiip', the light twisted upon itself in a double helix, and exploded into a vast array of sparkling firefly like orbs of light that fell down from the skies, like snow onto Magnolia's East Forest.

    Heero, Serene, and Garfield....were gone. All that remained; was the huge book, a tome bound in black leather, filled to the brim with forbidden spells. Remained behind, sitting on the grass harmlessly; as one of the children from town spotted it first. He ran over, and picked it up. The little boy with green hair and bright blue eyes looked over the book a few times; no pictures on the outside...useless. He turned and chucked the book into Magnolia East Forest's lake.

    As it hit the water, his mother grabbed him by the ear. Chastising him for doing so and pulling him off back towards Magnolia town with the other townsfolk who began clearing the area. A shot of the runes in the ground still sizzling in a mighty circle, and a camera shot of the tome...sinking into the lake would be shown before the camera would fade to black.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 26th January 2014, 6:45 pm; edited 3 times in total


    × Bio
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th May 2013, 5:34 pm

    Heero, Serene, and Garfield lay in a huge patch of dirt somewhere in a forest...not unlike the one they'd apparently just left. For some reason, they appeared to be in the exact same spot. Although the forest was mildly different; and they were laying, unconsious in a dirt clearing in the forest rather than in a grassy spot surrounded by runes blazed into the grass and a black tome on the ground.

    Actually, all of that had seemingly disappeared.

    They all lay collapsed, at peace. Sleeping even. Their breath, the sounds of it was all that could be heard. A rabbit, a squirrel, various animals came close; but none got too close, nor close enough to stir them over the next 30 minutes or so.


    "Stop rushing me!" a voice, quite annoyed and exasperated came from somewhere off in the trees near the clearing.

    "Take this seriously, can't you even sense that something was off about that huge ass light in the skies? It didn't even seem familiar to you?"

    "Honestly, I stopped listening to you awhile ago, Gray."

    "Natsuuuuuuuu, this isn't funny, something could be really wrong; don't you remember about Anima?!" a higher pitched voice said.

    "Anima...like a drawing?!" a long awkward silence came over the voices probably the other two looking at the third one as if it were the dumbest thing in creation itself.

    Three beings emerged from the treeline surrounding the circular dirt clearing. A guy with a white coat, black slacks, and no undershirt. He had dark hair, and sharp features. His hair was somewhat spikey, but swooped around his face like Heero's had when it was short. He wore a cross necklace around his neck, it traped onto his chest. His body was quite in shape and chisled, just like Heero's.

    The other guy had pink hair, and rounder features. By comparison, Heero's features were less sharp than the first guy, but not as round as the second guys. The second guy, besides his pink hair, had another feature to him that stood out. A long scarf, that trailed well to his waist. He wore a blue jacket, with one button buttoned. It had yellow trailings on it. He wore fluffy white pants, loose fitting, and a pair of brown sandals.

    The last individual was a cat; who looked a lot like Garfield minues a few spikey hairs popping up on Garfield's head. He didn't look as sly as Garfield, but looked more goofy in his mannerisms compared to Garfield's slyness. The most noticeable difference was that this Exceed was blue, and Garfield was orange.

    "H-Hey look over there, Natsu!" Natsu looked in the complete wrong direction comically, as Gray grabbed him by his shirt and pointed him towards the sleeping trio on the ground in the forest clearing.


    Natsu and Happy finally notice them; and with anime speed, at a blur, Natsu is crouching over them.

    "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" a huge anime symbol for 'OH MY GOSH' pops up over Happy's head, as the camera shows him up close comically with both his paws on his face as he screams. "One of them's an Exceeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!! Do you think they came from Edolas?!??!"

    "No way...we didn't see these guys at all when we were there...that cat's pretty orange, you'd think one of us would remember a---" Gray for the first time spots Serene...sleeping peacefully on the ground, her buxom curves and legs curled up in the most kawai manner in Gray's mind as beauty bubbles and sparkles appeared all around her sleeping frame. "W-------w-----w---what the?! There weren't any girls that cute in Edolas!"

    Natsu notices the girl with an "Eh?", as usual. He turns and looks towards her, still crouched over Heero as Happy floats over the sleeping Garfield with his wings out. "Looks just like Erza, and Lucy to me, those things are big up top, and more stuff is big on the bottom...what's the big deal?" Natsu had a sarcastic face, but was laughing at his own 'cleverness' in figuring out that situation all on his own.

    "N-Natsu you can't be that thick skulled!" Gray got the 'what the?!' symbol over his head, baffled by Natsu's reasoning. But then again, there was no actual 'reasoning' in Natsu's reasoning at all.

    Suddenly, another group, larger than the first emerged from the trees. This group was complete with an old man, short, wearing an orange and blue get up, complete with a hat to match. One hand behind his back, the other stroking his mustache. A huge man, shirtless, with silver erratically spiked hair on his head, a guy with long black hair, somewhat spikey, and facial piercings. His hair trailed all the way down to his back, he had on navy blue mostly, he had his arms crossed; inspecting the situation.

    All three of them closed in on the other two individuals and the blue Exceed hovering over the sleeping three.

    "Ohohohoho, what have we here?" Makarov looked from Heero, to Garfield....then to Serene. He then exploded into a huge array of words that no one could understand, jumping around and flailing as if he'd found some hidden candy in his pocket. "We, as Fairy Tail, naturally, bring them back to our Guild and must surely assist them! Here they are, in the center of the forest, as we, Fairy Tail, come forth to investigate an unnatural beam of white light in said forest!" by this time, Makarov is standing on top of Elfman's head, one finger pointed to the sky, giving a grand (and secretly perverted) reasoning for them to bring them back to the Guild with them.

    "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? You can't be serious, let's just try to wake them up!" Natsu protested, slowly but surely moving a finger closer...and closer..to Heero's forehead.

    "For goodness sake, he can't defend himself just poke him, you idiot!" Gajeel yelled, barking with his arms crossed, obviously irritated that Natsu hadn't already flicked Heero in the head with a finger. Lily walked out from behind Gajeel, the black Exceed with a scar on his face had his arms crossed just like his owner, but when he saw Garfield sleeping on the ground, his jaw dropped as he tried to speak but couldn't get the words together.

    "Don't worry Gajeel, Natsu will wake him up, he's loud, like a Man!" Elfman chimed in, in his mind if anyone could wake someone up, it was Natsu. Elfman then inspected Serene for himself, beginning to drool a little. Then loosing control and blurting out again."S-she's definitely, a Man!"

    A close up of Natsu was shown, as he gulped once, his finger shaking. Who knew if it was a trap...or what? He gathered his courage, and was just about to pluck Heero in the face, when he heard a female voice come from the treeline.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 26th January 2014, 6:46 pm; edited 3 times in total


    × Bio
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 22nd May 2013, 4:24 pm


    A powerful and stern voice rang from the trees, causing the pink-haired male's fingers to stop in their tracks. Four figures appeared through the woods, three taller than the one on the side. As light fell upon the figures, crimson red, bright blonde, deep blue, and wispy aqua colored females emerged into the clearing. The voice that had called out belonged to the powerful Titania, Erza Scarlet. As the woman's name implied, her crimson locks whipped in the air as a breeze rattled through the once calm forest. Her armored form walked forward with a regal grace as she looked slightly annoyed with her guildmate.

    "Natsu! Don't go touching people that you don't even know! Don't you realize how rude that is!?", the next female said as she emerged from the trees. This woman was a latently powerful Celestial Mage named Lucy Heartfilia. Possessing most of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys, this innocent looking woman is more resourceful than her looks imply, as her short white and blue skirt and tight white and blue v-neck tee brought out the beauty while her guildmates knew of the equally powerful mind that lay beneath.

    "Natsu-san! Are they hurt?", a soft voice followed as a little girl, probably ten years of age at the most, melded into view from the trees, her long blue hair separated into two hanging ponytails on either side of her head. This darling girl is Wendy Marvell. Her power is special, as she is the Sky Dragon Slayer. She can use her powerful winds to mend those around her, or devastate them at the same time. While she holds much power, this child is sweet and kind beyond words, her seeming nativity from her young age was a fleeting thought as she can be just as sharp as her older counterparts.

    "Gray-sama!", a quirky voice called out as it's owner emerged from the foliage as well. This woman is Juvia Lockser. A powerful Water Mage, this woman was once the enemy of her guildmates along with Gajeel, but found that having friends was much more important than anything she had ever felt before. She abandoned her ties with her former guild and joined with these people shortly after. At times, she can be quite thick headed when it comes to the people around her, especially when she purposefully went out of her way to make friends with her guildmates, when they had accepted her already. Her hair was done up in playful lazy curls as she walked forward, her eyes locked onto the back of the Ice-Make Wizard, Gray.

    Erza walked up to the scene, and as she did, her eyes widened as she saw the sheen of light blue hair. Her pace quicken for a moment, but when she noticed that the hair was much too long to be his, she relaxed. The girl knelt down next to the sleeping man and looked him over. "I sense a immense power coming from him. He's obviously a Wizard", the woman said as she looked over towards the girl.

    Lucy walked over to the girl and tilted her head to the side. Her eyes widened as she gasped. "L-Look! They have the guild mark on them!", she called out in astonishment.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th May 2013, 10:01 pm

    No sooner did his finger nearly pluck the sleeping blue haired guy's forhead, did Natsu hear something that caused him to not only scream; but fall backward into the dirt onto his face. The way she called his name...it seemed to echo throughout the entire area, good lord did she have to be so crisp and frightning all the time?

    Natsu sat up; his face covered in dirt, and expression unimpressed, obviously upset about being startled in such a manner.

    "W-why did you---" as soon as Natsu shook the dirt from his face like a dog, Lucy had already appeared on the scene, and basically let him know how all around rude he was before moving on. A large anime sweatdrop appeared over Natsu's head as his eyebrow twitched in anger; as Lucy and Erza walked by him as he sat on the ground. He sprang up quickly, and walked behind them as they moved in closer to the guy, girl, and sleeping orange Exceed.

    The camera switched to Gray, as he made one movement to follow the others; until.


    Gray got the anime symbols for 'OH NO!' his expression said it all. 'What? They brought her too?!', he spun around at lightning speed and rubbed the back of his head.

    "Yeah, I'm here too, Juvia." Gray said, rolling his eyes but giving her a sideways grin, a large anime sweatdrop forming over his head his mind saying 'please, whatever you're about to do....for the love of all things holy, don't...'

    Gajeel walked up next to Wendy, answering her question for her without even looking down at her or uncrossing his arms.

    "Nah, they're just sleeping, don't get too excited Wendy. We don't need you healing them, we don't even know who they are or what they can do yet."

    The little Dragon to him was more than a guildmate she was a sister; they had been through a lot together...and though Gajeel didn't ever show it, he loved her dearly. In Edolas together, she stood alongside he and Natsu when facing off against Mystogan's father...from that day forward she had his respect. Although somtimes in her mind he could swear she knew nothing of the world.

    "Ha, Gajeel's trying to stand in for Carla and take care of ya Wendy. It's his way of showing affection." Lily had a comical dignified face as the camera switched to him, arms crossed as Gajeel flailed once and stomped on the ground towards him.

    "I see...." Makarov hadn't moved in awhile, his face had grown firm. He was thoroughly inspecting the trio, and seemed to become aware of a few things all at once. The light, it was Anima. But they didn't come from Edolas...no...something else had happened. But he'd yet to figure out what...for now...wherever these travelers had come from; they were stuck here. As Lucy's voice was heard, Makarov flailed in his orange and blue outfit, falling onto his face. "T-they have the guild mark?!"

    The camera would bounce up and down on Serene's guild mark as everyone of them would scream loudly, it showed EVERYONE on camera screaming. Heero then at that moment awoke to the sound of A LOT of people screaming, which seemed to irritate him as he'd apparently been in a deep sleep.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he woke up, flailing thrashing around and smacking Garfield who woke up as well with a mirror image scream to the one Heero let out. He clutched Heero's face like a surprised cat when it just woke up; Garfield also had an 'irritated' anime symbol above his head for awhile.

    "Hey! Hey, look people!" Garfield then spotted Happy, who spotted Garfield spotting him. They stared each other down for about twenty long seconds before both of them screamed out and flailed, Happy on Natsu's shoulder and Garfield on Heero's head. Lily also uncrossed his arms and stepped forward a bit next to Gajeel who gave him a curious look, but smirking a bit. "T-Two Exceeds!!!" Garfield pointed from Heero's head, one orange paw covering Heero's blue hair for balance.  

    "Y-yeah! Maybe we made it to Edolas!" Heero said, still sitting indian style on the ground from the position he'd woken up from. "H-hey Serene wake up...uh..hey folks...s-sorry, one second." he moved closer to her on his knees and grabbed her by the shoulders, he lifted her slowly; hopefully this woke her. "Wake up...we've got company..."

    When she'd come too, Heero would let her sit up on her own, and stand to his two feet; inspecting the people surrounding him. His features contorted as his blue hair, falling around his shoulders and bright golden eyes moved from person to person. The intensity with which he looked at them seemed to cause all of them to go quiet; even Natsu.

    At this moment everyone was sensing the precise same thing.

    "So you're Wizards." Heero said finally, not budging an inch. He sniffed the air a few times, his eyes flicking from Natsu, to Wendy, to finally Gajeel with whom he locked eyes with, and continued to lock eyes with as he spoke. "Don't make any sudden movements." Heero said as Gajeel glared back at him for awhile.

    "HEY!" Makarov stepped forward, arms behind his back. "You appeared in the forest young man, after a bright beam of light called Anima brought you here...do you know anything about this?" Makarov had the gentle smile of a Grandfather asking a retoricle question, he could tell Heero was brighter than he let on. Heero blinked a few times in complete surprise; but slowly, a small, and genuine smile appeared on his face.

    He nodded as only he could. A half smile actually appearing on his face as he stood in front of Makarov. He could sense immense power from this man, not only that but immense respect being given. Heero admired this and seemed to calm down around him for some reason. But then; he spotted the Fairy Tail guild mark.

    Which caused him to scream extremely loud, not so calm anymore.

    "OK?! What the?! You're Fairy Tail Wizards?!"

    "We would've told you that a long time ago if you hadn't jumped to conclusions." Gray said quickly, a smart aleck as always. Rubbing the back of his head.

    Natsu seemed awkwardly quiet, his face contorted into some form of thoughtfulness as he stared at Heero. Happy was also somewhat quiet, staring Garfield down.

    "I-I am too!" without thinking, Heero pulled of his shirt like Gray. 'Woooooooooooooooooooow!', his perfectly chiseled body was shown for a moment, as he turned around showing his gigantic baby blue Fairy Tail logo upon his back.

    "W-WOOOOOW! Now that's Guild Tattoo Is a MAN!" Elfman approved of it's size and bravada, stomping forward and balling up his fist.

    "I knew it." Natsu nodded to himself, still trying to actually think. He had already been thinking that this guy was from a different Fairy Tail, and this just confirmed it.

    "Don't act like you've just made some major discovery, he just showed it to us all nimwit." Gray said, a comical panel of him with his arms crossed being shown, he and Natsu got in each other's face immediately as Natsu defended his intellect.

    "What I figured that out all on my own, some people don't have brain that only makes up perverted things you know!" Natsu and Gray continued to get in one another's face until Heero suddenly shouted out at both of them, still shirtless.

    "Hey! Both of you shut the hell up while we figure out what's going on here!!!" Natsu and Gray, knees both bent forehead to forehead got the anime symbol for 'what the hell did you just say?!' over their heads before in a flash; there was a three way forehead butt going on between Gray, Heero, and Natsu.

    "Say that a little louder would you now?"

    "Don't act all tough Natsu, I'm handeling you right after I teach this guy some manners."

    "Yoi yoi, the only one who's doing any teaching around here is me; pose for your class picture boys."

    A purple aura of doom surrounded all three of them comically from everyone elses point of view, until a huge cloud of anime stars and smoke burst forth with Gray, Heero, and Natsu's faces in it. The cloud rolled around uncontrollably in the dust for awhile Gajeel eventually got pissed off.

    "T-that's enough! Act mature in front of the Guild Master!!!" he shouted, stomping forward, when they ignored him he ran forward and dove into the pile. His face joining the fray of stars and smoke. Elfman stomped forward, balling up a giant fist of his own.

    "T----THAT'S A MAN!" and bolted forward, leaping in with a crash and causing the size of the cloud of stars filled now with all the boys faced except for Makarov to grow about 20 feet tall.

    ".........................." Makarov's mustache twitched, his expression as if he had no idea what to do as the camera moved behind him as sweatdrop appeared on the back of his oratched on helplessly.

    Last edited by Heero-chama on 29th September 2015, 9:04 pm; edited 2 times in total


    × Bio
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 3rd June 2013, 5:09 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 21bnhhw

    Why do they have to be so brash about everything? Natsu, always ready to start a fight, and Grey following him up as usual. Even this man with his long blue hair that looked too much like Jellal's was just as brash as her guildmates. The crimson-haired woman looked on passively for a bit but when she noticed that their shenanigans were causing the Guildmaster some sort of embarrassment, the Titania began to grow angered.

    As an ominous red aura began to emanate from Erza's voluptuous frame, the woman took a step forward as her armored fist balled in tension. "Enough...you...idiots! Is that anyway to treat a guest?!", the woman roared as she flew forward at astonishing speed and walloped each of the brawling men, even Heero.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    "E-Erza, you hit the guest too...", the girl tried to explain, but Erza completely ignored her. Knowing full well that trying to talk to them was useless, Lucy's bright brown eyes fell upon the woman that was with her. The blue-haired guy had called her Serene, so that must be her name. Walking over to the girl and getting onto her knees, Lucy took Serene in her arms with some effort. "Her tits are just as big as mine, which means they're just as heavy! Grungh!", the girl thought to herself as she pulled the woman to a sitting up position.

    "Serene! Sereeeeene!", Lucy called out as her blonde locks bobbed in the air. After a couple of moments, and a swift smack to the face, Serene began to stir. "H...Heero...", the girl whispered as her eyes began to open. Lucy looked over to the blue-haired mage and the orange Exceed. One of them must be named Heero!

    Lucy looked down to ask the girl a question, but when she did, she found her arms completely empty. "Wh-Whaaat?!", Lucy yelped as she jumped up, her face full of surprise. "Where did she go!?", Lucy called out as she looked around. A sound to their far left made them all look as Serene's form seemed to shift back into sight. The girl was backing away, a frightened look in her eyes. "W-Who are you people?!", Serene called out as she moved back, unaware of the rock behind her. With a yelp, Serene tripped and began to fall.

    Yet she never touched the ground.

    All of a sudden, a bright light shone from the various golden keys at Lucy's waist, causing her to look at Serene as a beam of light shot outwards from that one key and solidified whilst expanding in the space of mere seconds. All of a sudden, Serene was in the arms of an orange-haired man, clad in a suit with blue glasses over his eyes. These glasses caught the light of the sun, gleaming them over as he smirked. "A lady should never be allowed to fall...", he said smoothly as he lifted Serene up close to his face. "Especially one of your beauty...", he said as he puckered up to kiss poor Serene.

    "Get away!!", Serene yelled out as she raised a hand to his face and sent the orange-haired man flying with a blast of force. The man went sprawling and landed with a groan.

    Sighing, Lucy raised that key towards Loki, and force-returned him to the Spirit World.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 317jvop

    Oh no. Everyone was getting hurt and fighting again! Wendy sighed and shook her pigtailed head at the sight of Erza scolding the others. Natsu-san deserved it most of all, but she would never say that. Feeling a move in her arms, Wendy realized that Carla wanted to get down, so she opened her arms and let the female Exceed fall gently to the ground. "She uses a odd magic", Carla noted about the woman named Serene. Wendy nodded but she really wasn't thinking about it. She was staring at the panicked woman as a look of sadness grew on her face. Wendy's arms wrapped around her flat chest with a sigh as she gloomed for a moment.

    After a quick scolding from Carla, Wendy found herself walking over to the woman, a soft look in her eyes. "E-Excuse me miss, but are you alright? We wouldn't hurt you, I promise!", Wendy ended with a cute bob of her head.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rj2hc8

    Gray-sama... Erza hit Gray-sama! She struck Juvia's beloved angel! But...she is so scary... Juvia sighed lovingly as she stared at Gray with his shirt off, her pale skin flushed with a tender blush. "Oh, Gray-sama...", she said with a smile.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 4th June 2013, 3:46 pm

    As the brawl cloud filled with stars, and the arguing heads of Heero, Natsu, Grey, Elfman, and Gajeel grew larger and larger; they began to show no signs of stopping, nor the brawl coming to a close anytime soon.

    Suddenly; in a flash of motion, as if it were all happening at once; Erza had flown forward in a whip of her red hair and KOed them all at seemingly impossible speeds. A bright yellow impact twist and flash later; and they all were piled on top of one another, twitching. It had seemed like one solid hit, but in reality she'd hit them all individually; she really was that fast. Heero was on the bottom of the pile, and Gray lay sprawled on the top; with Natsu, Gajeel, and Elfman sandwiched in the center.

    The pile quickly fell apart like blocks falling down as they all landed in different positions in the dirt.

    "G-gaaaaaahaaaa, why?! I didn't start it!" Natsu said, with a huge lump on his forehead, sitting up indian style with tears streaming out of his eyes anime style as he tenderly held his fingers around the huge bump; afraid to touch it.  

    "Aaaaaaaah! She broke it! She broke iiiiiit!" Heero shouted, swearing up and down she'd broken his face as he clutched it and rolled around.

    "Tch...tch....tch!" Gray twitched upside down with his head in the dirt and bottom exposed.

    "W-why! I...was...defending the Guild Masters honor!" Gajeel said, faceplanted into the dirt; his long spikey black locks covering his face as his voice was muffled.

    "E----Erza-chan! Is too much of a man sometimes! We're her comrades!" Elfman bursted out in a streaming set of tears as he sat up indian style; not managing too control himself. Heero was still rolling around on the ground; swearing up and down his face was broken.

    Happy, Garfield, and Lily merely floated in place; wings out hovering around Master Makarov, who sighed an anime puff as the guys began to collect themselves and stand to their feet. Natsu's bump had vanished and Heero still had two anime tear bubbles in his eyes as they stood up. Gray looked aggravated with the 'pissed off' anime symbol above his head for a few moments, Elfman wiped his tears gingerly, hulking over a bit as he usually did; so large yet so gentle at times...times like these.

    Gajeel got up and fumed at Erza.

    "Dangit Erza-chan!" he stomped forward in his usual manner, barking; his expression crazed.

    "No one told you to jump in Gajeel." Lily stated plainly, as Gajeel immediately whirled his head around with an extremely surprised expression, his cat always had a way of slapping his logic to the side with just a minor sentence.

    "S-Serene!" Heero watched as the blonde girl from their troupe went over and helped her up; as soon as Lucy bent down and sat Serene up. Both sets of breasts shook and jiggled, Lucy's from bending down, and Serene's from sitting up.

    'Woooooooooooooow!' as the camera popped up and down on Serene's black and white shirt and Lucy's blue and white one. Heero immediately spun around, blushing intensely.

    "..............O_o" he looked extremely awkward and rigid, like he'd snapped to attention in the military. Gray was in exactly the same mood, as he was standing, snapped to attention next to Heero with his back turned for a few moments; before he slowly turned around, blushing. He gulped as he kept his eyes on Serene. She didn't handle these strangers all too well; within a series of events, Heero extended a hand nervously on the spot as a large anime sweatdrop appeared over his head.

    "S-Serene, calm down! T-they're Fairy Tail like us, something went wrong with the spell and---we'll....damn, what did happen?"

    Happy, Garfield, and Lily all got the 'are you kidding me?!' expression as they popped behind Heero on camera. He didn't even know what went wrong, nor what happened.

    "H----he's no better than Natsu, he might even be dumber."

    "Hey what was that, cat?!"

    "I doubt it, your Slayer seems pretty dumb. I mean, Heero just opened up a cross dimensional portal, can yours do that?"

    "H-Hey Natsu can read, he learned!!! You orange....orange.....man you're orange!" Happy failed, as he and Garfield leaned into one another mid-air, wings out as they pressed foreheads. Lily, from behind, whacked them both with a double hammer down fist on top of their heads, causing a flash and twist on screen as Garfield and Happy were thrown to the ground.

    As Garfield slapped against the ground, he complained as he sat up back to back with Happy. As soon as he did so, he made eye contact with Carla. In the blink of an eye, he had her leaning downward into his arms like a perfected dance dip. Anime bubbles and stars drifted behind him comically.

    "I've been waiting a long time to meet a cat like you." he said earnestly. The illusion was shattered as Garfield dropped Carla when he got distracted by Serene near Lucy and flew over nearby the two of them.

    Gray was completely entranced with Serene, but deep, deep, deep, down he cared about how Juvia felt about him. He didn't want to make a move, nor say anything while she was around; but this girl was extremely beautiful, then again so was Juvia, but shit that girl was annoying. Gray got an anime sweatdrop over his head and blushed at his predicament between two women. He actually froze up and didn't move an inch when he heard Juvia's voice behind him. He thought it was annoying, but truly he'd grown accustomed to it.

    Makarov made his move as soon as Loki made his and got creamed, flying off into the skies and landing upside down in the dust. He leapt inbetween Lucy, and Serene's arms; their breats both bouncing as his head landed in Serene's twins, and his legs stretched across Lucy's.

    "Alright, as we've been trying to explain to you young Lady, we're Fairy Tail. I assume...you know what Anima is? Well, it seems one of you, who knows who, figured out how to open it. I think....you two are from a parallel universe, just like Edolas. Except this one was exactly like ours; because...you two are Fairy Tail Wizards, am I right?" Makarov reassured Serene all while snuggling into she and Lucy's breasts like a hammock mid-air. If either of them moved, he'd fall down inbetween them.

    Heero had sense gotten pissed at Loki, and nearly laughed when Serene blasted him away, but as soon as Makarov leapt into she and Lucy's...twins, Heero began to twitch and got extremely upset, balling up a fist but blushing intensely as he stared at what Makarov was doing.

    Makarov however, hopped down before long and pointed one finger to the sky dramatically.

    "It seems we've gained two new members! Unfortunately, there is no way on this side to open up Anima once again, since..." Makarov cut his eyes at Erza, crossing his arms before continuing. "Since Mystogan returned home..." the old Guild Master was wity, and knew bringing up Mystogan would remind Erza of none other than Jellal, Makarov had his own opinions on Jellal, but he kept them to himself around Erza. Because he loved her, and Jellal had proven himself an ally many times despite his past.

    The camera would shift to Heero, who stood looking somewhat less upset, but like he was digesting the situation.

    "Karyū no Tekkeeeeeen!" out of nowhere, Natsu was using Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, whirling towards Heero with his fists covered in flames. The camera would show the ground itself carving up as Natsu's flames ripped forward. Everyone leapt back, it didn't feel like Natsu was messing around; even Gajeel and Gray took one step back in surprise.

    Heero turned and raised an eyebrow, a slightly surprised look on his face. Before a bright yellow aura of lightning ignited around him, and he quickly spun and grabbed Natsu's fist in his hand.

    Immediately, the impact of the flames and lightning collided whipped away on wind, as Heero felt like his hand had just been hit with a hammer while on a desk, and Natsu felt as if he'd just split three knuckles. But both of them clenched their teeth, barring toothy Dragon Slayer smiles.

    A close up of Natsu was shown as his entire arm shook in Heero's grasp.

    "Heh...." Natsu breathed.

    Heero's arm shook as well, as he struggled to hold the weight of Natsu's fist.

    "Buahaha....." Heero grunted as their arms shook.

    "I smelled ya, you smell like Laxus, except you smell like the real deal not some Lacrima phony! I can smell your Dragon! He smells similar to Igneel!" Natsu said as he scarf drafted in the wind, settling as he pulled his punch back and Heero released his hand.

    "Laxus? Interesting."

    Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Makarov all looked intensely serious. Looking over at the shirtless Heero with the baby blue emblem on his back, they all realized one thing. He and Natsu had been holding back when they'd done that...and the energy that was released from them both...was insane. Even when Natsu had fought Sting at the Grand Magic Games...it hadn't been on that level of Magical Pressure, since Natsu had grown stronger since then. It was incredible that this...Heero could even do what he'd just done.

    "A---aye!" Happy was incredibly surprised, but excited, even cheering Heero on a bit too. Nodding.

    "Y----yeah way to go Heero-kun!" Garfield said, putting an arm around Carla for no reason on camera as he said this. But Garfield's praise was shortly cut off as both Heero and Natsu began immediately rolling around on the ground, Heero clutching his wrist and Natsu clutching the front of his knuckles.

    Happy had since jumped on Garfield's head for his 'attack' on Carla and began bashing it with cute Exceed 'paw' noises, as Garfield flailed around trying to get the blue cat off him; but when they spotted their Dragon Slayers.

    Both Happy and Garfield got huge anime sweatdrops over their heads.

    "So what do you say, Serene?" Makarov looked at her, turning around as he was standing just infront of both she and Lucy. "Care to see what our Fairy Tail looks like? There are plenty of others who I'm sure would love to meet you, I know this may seem like alot; but I'm sure Fairy Tail can still be your home...regardless of where in the Universe you may be...hohoho." he spoke in the gentlist of grandfatherly voices, impressed with himself, yet an intriguing and curious tone came with his voice as he placed his hands behind his back in his orange and blue get up, looking up at her. Completely ignoring Heero and Natsu, who now were sitting on the ground conversating with one another.

    "Natsu, you have no class, this guy's a complete stranger and you just flew at him like that cause he smelled funny? What if you were wrong and creamed him?!" Gray said, accusing Natsu of no class....when he'd already stripped down to his boxers somewhere along the line, he walked up towards Heero and Natsu who stood to their feet.

    Heero and Gray's chiseled abs looked as if two supermodel level guys were standing there conversing with one another, as Natsu, Gray, and Heero began to get along midly. Gajeel walked over and joined them, remaining silent with his arms crossed as all three Exceeds, even Garfield and Happy no longer tussling (for now!), floated around the group.

    Heero eventually left the group of guys, walking straight up to Serene, standing next to Lucy. He was exactly the same height as Gray and Natsu, so he was a good bit taller than both of him. He took Serene by the hand, and stared into her eyes deeply; lovingly. The slightest bedroom smile of a smirk came across his face as Happy immediately blushed, and yelled out.

    "G-good lord he's smooth! Gray, Natsu, take notes! You really should!" Gray and Natsu both smushed Happy between their shoulders as he was bobbing up and down, keeping him pressed there.

    "I think they're telling the truth. Let's go with them." Heero stepped forward, and leaned his forehead into Serene's forehead for a few seconds. Causing even Makarov to blush as the Guildmaster cleared his throat. Gray blushed and got a mild bit jealous, but remembered Juvia was behind him; as Natsu also began to check Serene out; but then spun his head between Serene's chest, and Lucy's chest. Making some sort of mathematical calculation that would probably take the pink haired Slayer hours to compute.  

    "Well, yes then, onward!" the little orange and blue Guildmaster pointed a finger to the skies, and began to trot off.

    Heero, still holding Serene's hand, walked alongside Serene and Lucy, as Garfield, Happy, and Lily all seemed to be floating together, discussing various topics. Garfield had already asked them if they'd been to Edolas; and was getting the full run down from Lily as they bobbed along together through the forest; furthest ahead of the group, leading the way back to town. They noticed that Garfield knew the way, only confirming their story even more.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 26th January 2014, 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 5th June 2013, 3:36 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 21bnhhw

    Erza stood off towards the side, by the guild master with a slightly annoyed face as she listened to the boys gripe. Honestly, what did they think they were doing? Erza noted that recently she had been showing more and more of her emotions then she had ever had before to her guildmates. It was odd to her, but she understood that it was a good thing. Sighing, the woman noticed when the other Fairy Tail mage from another Earthland-like place began to wake up. Erza watched on as the woman reacted to Lucy and then to Loki. When she let off a blast of odd magic, Erza raised an eyebrow. This "Serene" didn't look quite that strong, but the Titania had learned quickly that appearances were deceiving. She did send Loki flying with a mere wave of her hand. Her eyes slid over to the one that had hair like Jellal.

    The crimson-haired woman's eyes widened as a slight blush overcame her regal features. Erza knew that this man wasn't Jellal, but the way his muscles gleamed in the light... Erza turned away quickly as she took a deep breath. Uncanny, simply uncanny...

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    "That's right! We wouldn't hurt you!", Lucy called out with a soft smile towards Serene. However, when Natsu attacked Heero outright like that, Lucy's eyes darkened as her hair covered her darkening pupils.

    "Natsu...", the woman growled as she stomped over towards the pink-haired Slayer. Before he even knew what happened, Lucy delivered a strike to his head that left a bump the same size as Erza's. "What the heck is wrong with you!? You don't just attack someone out of the blue like that!", the woman scolded him as all eyes rested on Heero as he walked over to Serene.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 317jvop

    Wendy watched with a curious look on her face as Heero walked over to Serene. When the two met, Wendy watched on as the two exchanged a few words and looked lovingly towards each other. Wendy's features became shrouded in a red blush as she watched them. A thought raced through her mind as she imagined herself in Serene's position and Mario in Heero's. "Ah!", the girl said as her face seemed to glow from the heat coming from it.

    Shaking that thought away before she passed out, Wendy went over to Natsu to treat those throbbing lumps protruding from his head, a little blush still on her cheeks.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rj2hc8

    G-Gray-sama's shirt is off! Juvia's eyes filled with delight as she saw the light of day shining against Gray's muscular form. The woman's heart fluttered as she shook from side to side, love quite evident in her eyes. However, when Juvia saw the way he looked at that woman, Serene, Juvia's heart trembled. A flash of anger crossed her face as a bluish aura emanated from her. "Juvia's new rival...", the woman said as she eyed Serene dangerously. However, as Juvia sized the girl up, she noticed how she was looking at Heero. Serene looked at him like how Juvia looked at Gray-sama.

    Maybe she wasn't Juvia's rival after all.


    Serene sighed a bit after calming down. After this Fairy Tail's guild master got himself off of her and Lucy's cleavage, Serene bowed in apology to Lucy. "Could you please apologize to your Celestial spirit for me? ", she said. Lucy nodded to her with a smile. When the group finally decided to move out, Serene began to get anxious. This place was so different, yet so similar at the same time. She wondered if this dimension's Magnolia was different from her's. Unable to hold in her feelings anymore, Serene raised a hand in the air. A magic circle appeared in the air above her as a forcefield melded up from the ground, becoming a large platform before long.

    Serene snapped her fingers, and the platform began to rise into the air. The Fairy Tail mages from this dimension let out a little startled noise, but Heero and Serene were quite used to it. Serene made the platform rise until she could see Magnolia in the distance, in all it's foreign glory.

    "Wow!", she called out as she scanned over the landscape. "It looks just like our Magnolia!", she called out as she looked about. Noting their Fairy Tail sitting elegantly on the coast line, Serene began flying forward, sending everyone's hair flying backwards.

    As they flew, Erza spoke.

    "This magic of yours is quite unique. Could you tell me about it?", she asked with a friendly tone. Serene nodded and began to speak. "Through the materialization of my magical power, in the air, I'm able to manipulate it to form fields of varying density and size, with each field taking up more or less magical power dependent on the field utilized. By shifting through the light spectrum, I am also able to render myself wholly or partially invisible at will with a thin layering field over my body. I may also render other targets invisible with the same field-like structure around the body of the target. Most commonly, I can generate force fields around myself or others. I can vary the texture and tensile strength of the field to some extent, rendering it highly rigid or as soft and yielding as foam; softer variations on the field enable the user to cushion impacts more gently. I'm also able to make shields opaque or translucent to effectively block variations of light such as laser-beams, or make them semipermeable to filter oxygen from water, though the latter is harder then it sounds.

    Finally, I can also shape my force fields into constructs, usually simple shapes such as barriers, columns, cones, cylinders, darts, discs, domes, platforms, rams, ramps, slides and spheres. By generating additional force behind the constructs, I can turn them into offensive weapons, ranging from massive battering rams to small projectiles such as spheres and darts. Hollow projections such as domes can also be created. By forming a force field within an object and expanding the field, I can also cause my target to explode. T-Though, it is impossible to do inside of a living being because the constant motion in their body makes it too difficult to form the object. Oh! And I can also travel atop animated constructs such as ramps, stairs, slides, columns and stepping discs, enabling me or others to fly, as you can see!
    ", she finished with a smirk.

    "However, I'm not the special one here. Heero is! He is the Lightning Dragon Slayer of our guild!", the girl exclaimed with a proud smile.


    Love Me Across Time & Space! Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 6th June 2013, 9:13 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rr85eo

    Natsu walked along with his hands behind his head; with a rather happy expression on his face. His scarf trailing down past his waist. His Exceed, Happy, noticed this mood and bobbed up alongside him with a hand to his mouth.

    "Natsu, you look excited about something!" the blue cat bounced up and down alongside his Slayer, curiously. Natsu had his eyes closed, but opened them; keeping his hands behind his head though.

    "This guy, Heero; he's really strong! I think...he might actually be as strong as me!" as soon as Natsu said this, Happy got a 'whaaaaaaaat?!' expression that thundered onto the screen comically; he'd never heard Natsu speak this way before. "That just means I'm gonna have ta kick his ass even sooner than I'd planned!"

    "Oi, I can hear you ya know!" Heero, walking in the front of the group alongside Makarov turned and got a 'pissed off' anime symbol above his head that flashed a few times. But got a grin after a few moments, and nodded towards Natsu. Who returned it with a toothy slayer smile.

    "Heheeee...." Natsu, lowered his hands from his head and yawned. "Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! Happy! Let's just fly there, this is SO boring; and I'm hungry."

    "Natsu you're so lazy!" Happy said as his eyes lowered comically. "If all you do is eat without exercise you'll get fat! You don't want to end up like Lucy do you?!"

    "Good point." Natsu nodded to himself as they both expanded their cheeks in contained laughter while walking.

    "At least she doesn't talk as much as you two!" Garfield commented, bobbing alongside Makarov, Heero, Lily, and Carla in the front of the group. "Seriously, it's like a never ending source of comedy with you two." Garfield quipped, crossing his arms a bit as he flew. Snarky as ever, Happy fumed a little but Lily smirked a smirk quite similar to that of his Slayer. "Hey, that's a compliment blue cat, you're funny OK?!" at this, Happy blushed and gave Garfield a thumbs up (paw up!) with a golden twinkle on it's end. Garfield flew into an uncontrollable fit of laughter at this; he'd never met an Exceed like Happy...or Carla for that matter. He looked to his left at the white cat bobbing up and down next to him; and got an intense set of blush on his face, but looked away before she (or the blue cat) could notice.

    "Happy, seriously. Fly me." Natsu said after about two more minutes of walking. Before Happy could quip back however, something moved beneath Natsu's feet. "?! ?!" appeared over his head. Immediately, he reacted as he was lifted into the air. "Wahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" he held onto the sides of the lift, clutching it at his full strength as he looked down at the ground zooming away from him. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

    "?! ?!" popped up over Heero's head as his head looked left to right with anime speed for a moment, before an anime sweatdrop slid down his head. He knew exactly who was responsible for this. He opened his mouth to complain to Serene but as soon as he did; his face turned extrmely blue and he fell backwards onto the lift.

    Natsu's face also began to turn an extreme shade of blue as both of their eyes got comically white and round as soon as Serene mentioned Heero being special.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rynaqs

    "W-what the?!" Gray took a step back in surprise as the invisible lift appeared. He looked left to right, and realized it had come from...her. Wow, she was amazing. But then again...so was he. Gray didn't even have to look behind him to know Heero was behind him. Gray rarely would admit anything like it; but...he could see something between them, something extreme, something deep. He smiled a bit, competition was nice. But was it right? He shouldn't, especially not with the way he felt about Juvia...Juvia. He looked over to his left; there she was, near him as always. It made him smile deep down, but he didn't wear it on his face; he merely crossed his arms cooly and closed his eyes as the lift went higher and higher into the air.

    As soon as Erza spoke to Serene, Gray got a bit curious himself.

    "Yes, please do tell." Gray said honestly; he like any other Wizard was interested in this new type of magic he'd never seen before. As he listened to the sound of her voice, he got lost in it a bit. He took everything she said in, nodding to himself as it began to make perfect sense. Materialization, he knew all about it. So similar to his Ice-Make, in many ways; yet so different. But then...as soon as he was about to speak and make comparisons to her, she mentioned him again. So he was a Dragon Slayer, Natsu had been correct. The Lightning Dragon Slayer huh? Which means...that he's like Laxus...only the real deal...maybe potentially even stronger than him; although Gray didn't think he was yet. Then again he hadn't seen every trick up this guys sleeve.

    "Yoi, Heero; how special are you huh?" Gray taunted, but in a brotherly manner. But as he turned around....a large anime sweatdrop appeared over his head as they flew; his hair flapping around his face. Heero and Natsu were....completely immobilized. Both of them were urling off the side of the raft, even after they'd finished throwing up; they both continued to clutch the side of the raft. Natsu was literally screaming, like a cat latched onto something; and Heero was full on crying, staring at the ground below as if he was about to crash into it any second, he stared downward with an intense fear in his eyes as he crawled from the edge of the raft and latched onto Elfman's leg as he cried. Gajeel also was still managing to stand; but his face was completely blue and his hand was on his mouth.

    "S-Special huh?!" Gray said as the anime sweatdrop moved down his head and disappeared. He closed his eyes and smiled a bit, shaking his head and looking forward to Magnolia Town. His home. A real smile appeared as he looked upon it. "Just like yours eh? That's pretty impressive Serene-chan!" Gray nodded to himself.

    "He liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes you!" Happy popped up over Serene's shoulders in what seemed like an instant.

    "W-what?! I do not! That's absurd! Just because you've got a cat crush on Carla doesn't mean we all follow in your footsteps!" Gray leaned forward towards Happy, balling up a fist and barking at him as Happy got defensive and jumped on Gray's head, bashing it with several cute Exceed paw noises as they flew. "Gyah! Get off!" Gray struggled to even reach Happy, swiping with his hands above his head as Happy managed to avoid and stay clamped onto him as they flew.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 30n93x5

    "G-Get off me! Be a MAN!" Elfman protested as Heero clinged to his giant leg. He began to flail the leg at comical anime speed as Heero latched onto it like glue regardless of the speed at which Elfman shook it. "Natsu-kun! Get up you're setting a bad example! This whole situation with you two is NOT a MAN!" Elfman barked, balling up a fist and leaning towards Natsu who was...practically dead by this point, head hanging limply off the side of the raft, completely blue.

    Elfman gave up, deciding this whole unmanly situation was going to continue until they arrived back at the Guild.

    Instead, he listened to Serene describe her magic. He had plenty of experience with different types of magic. His sisters in fact used magic that you didn't see everyday. As he listened to her magic; he thought to himself that she could do some pretty amazing things. He wondered how much she trained, how manly she was when it came to her magic. How serious she was about it. Because her body was DEFINITELY A MAN!

    "That sounds excellent, Serene-chan." Elfman crossed his arms, Heero still gripping it on camera crying hilariously as he stared at the ground below as if it were going to swallow him up. Creating a hilarious paradox of a calm Elfman talking while Heero was clipped to him in such a way. "You can make things appear and disappear anytime?! You're really a MAN!"

    "S-she's really not!" Garfield quipped on screen, his face appearing huge and blocking the view of anything else.

    "You'll get used to it." Lily said, leaning into the other half of the screen, his face also large.


    "W-what you just said Aye! I guess there's a cat in every dimension that says it! I really am when it comes down to it, just THAT cool!" Happy put his hands on his hips like Superman as he stood on the front of the raft.

    "Saying "Aye" is a MAN!" Elfman nodded towards Happy with an intense expression as Garfield and Happy both appeared on his head. The three of them did a unanimous "AYE!" on camera together as the raft flew closer and closer to Magnolia.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 1z374nm


    Why did she have to do this to him? He looked so weak, so unpleasant right now. He knew he did. Gajeel had his hand 'clasped!' to his mouth, for fear of what would happen if he let go. This was so uncanny. She had no respect! She didn't even ask if he'd prefer to travel this way or not! No he didn't like this new girl; not at all! Yes, she was curvy, yes she was as intelligent as Erza-chan or Lu-chan, but for this, Gajeel would make sure to torment her, make fun of her, and do anything possible to make her life as brotherly miserable as possible when they got back to the Guild.

    Yes, he still considered her his sister Guildmate; even though she was from another dimension, Gajeel's values ran that deep. However, she'd earned herself an enemy in many other ways.

    Lily appeared on screen, eyes comically low as he leaned into Gajeel.

    "Gajeel, you've been awfully quite this whole ride." Gajeel spun away, trying to avoid his cat. But Lily popped up on the other side of him at anime speed. "What, nothing to say?" Lily then landed on the raft, walking up closer to Gajeel.

    Gajeel had a look that said 'Get Away!' but it was a hilarious and comical look, as if he were afraid of his cat. Without warning, Lily actually jumped into Gajeel's shirt! And began tickling him at the speed of light. Gajeel himself...was reduced to a state of paralysis. Shaking so much it made the 'anime shaking noise' as Lily tickled him. He refused to end up like Natsu or that Heero character, but his expression looked like he was about to burst.

    Lily comically popped up out of the back of Gajeel's shirt, looking to his left.

    "Impressive willpower, Gajeel-san, but you won't hold out much longer." Lily dove back into his shirt as popping spots under Gajeel's shirt were shown where Lily was tickling him. Yes, his cat loved to shoot him down and mess with him at any given turn. They were brothers, rivals, and best friends; so this opportunity could not be missed.

    Gajeel shook eventually so much, that he had to release his hand as he fell forward face down. His features immediately turned blue and his cheeks puffed up. 'Bleeeergh!' he leaned over the edge next to a still NOT moving Natsu, and urled. He looked down and began to scream at the top of his lungs as three anime 'noise' lines appeared over him comically. He clutched the edge of the raft and just continued to scream at the ground as trees whizzed by below him.

    Lily popped out of his shirt, crossing his arms as he opened his wings and smirked.

    "So easily defeated." he bobbed up and down dignified.

    "G---get....you....for....this........cat!" he couldn't take his eyes off of the ground below, and after a few more seconds; it seemed to get even more horrifying to him for some reason as the town began to appear below them, houses whizzing by below as Gajeel literally screamed like a child, his expression looking direcly down at the town as if he couldn't take his eyes off of the horror.

    Garfield had already flown into a fit of laughter as somewhere along the line he'd decided to ride between Serene's boobs, a 'plop' was heard as his head appeared out of it. He continuously laughed at Natsu, Heero, and Gajeel's predicaments from his position. As Happy looked at him curiously....and then in the next moment looked towards Lucy's vacant set of twins.

    "That looks comfortable Garfield, c'mere Lucy!" Happy then began flying towards Lucy, pawing his way up her shirt and attempting to climb down into her boobs, only he got stuck upside down, his but and tail waving around in her face on accident. He couldn't seem to right himself, he was stuck between the thickness of her boobs. Eventually his but started bouncing as he struggled to free hismelf. 'Such a bad idea!' he thought to himself. "Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" he'd say as the camera would zoom out and echo Happy's voice comically as the raft neared Fairy Tail and banked downward towards it.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 35kuc0x

    Makarov had literally been sitting indian style on the very front of the raft the entire time. In one of his silent, meditative states of mind. It was funny; around all of the carnage of his Guild, and even all of the happenings on this very raft back home; Makarov usually was able to remain completely silent, and calm, speaking only when spoken too; or when he'd had too much to drink and lost the ability to reach the meditative state he was in now.

    Insane amounts of magical power, and years of wisdom. All within one being, sitting on the front of the raft as the noise behind him reached an apex. He chuckled a bit to himself; this being the only noise heard from him on most of the ride.

    'These two fit right in', was the thought that made him chuckle. Heero was somewhat like Natsu, although he appeared to be even more animated at times than him. Though Makarov sensed a deep sort of knowledge within him, after all, he was the one who'd opened up Anima. Such a feat. He thought briefly of the magical genius Jellal again, and nodded to himself. Yes. Heero was on that level of knowledge. But his carefree spirit, and desire to have a good time completely swallowed up any hint of him being anything more than a foolish child. A disguise he wore; but why? Natsu himself had many layers, the deeper one got, the deeper one found out how much he cared about family. On the surfaced though, as with Heero, a disguise; he didn't seem to care about anything. One cared for knowledge and perhaps love, the other for family. Amazing how well they masked it. Or...were they masking it at all? This was just....them.

    The las thought made Makarov smile. He loved to see people being themselves, it brought a certain light about them; and Serene. Serene seemed to be a prodigy, just as certain of her actions as Erza had been growing up; yet as deeply intelligent as Lucy. Her vocabulary, the way she spoke; it was like a poet, compared to Lucy's writing ability. He wondered if she truly would be able to love Heero the way she wanted too. After all, he like Natsu would have many layers of defense; although he seemed to have let them down for her. Something Natsu hadn't done for Lucy....yet. Makarov enjoyed a woman's body, Lucy's especially; but he did care for her in another way as well; and wondered if Natsu would ever be as intelligent as Heero....actually he probably never would. But he hoped he'd be intelligent enough to let his guard down for Lucy, and care for her more and more on a personal level.

    "Hmmm?" Makarov finally opened his eyes as he sensed the Guild. The moment they banked down towards it. "We have arrived!!!"

    The camera would show Fairy Tail and zoom out a bit with an 'impact' noise.

    "Faaaaaairy Tail!" Makarov would stand to his feet and point to the skies with the Fairy Tail symbol. Happy and Garfield mimiced him perfectly, appearing on either side of him comically making their best 'Makarov' face. As they landed, everyone eventually would make their way off the raft.

    Heero, Gajeel, and Natsu however, would simply 'fall' as it was de-summoned, or disappeared. The two of them remained on the ground, twitching as Makarov actually stepped on them! one at a time, using them as his red carpet into the Guild comically as each of them would twitch and yell out in their voice as he stepped on them.




    They all complained one at a time as he went bouncing off of Heero's head last and leaping a short little hop forward as the little old Guild Master led everyone inside. The Slayers would follow shortly afterward at the very back of the group, all of them looking rather green but comign around, immediately as they entered the Guild; they would all be greeted by a certain, familiar, voice that belonged to a certain silver-haired buxom young lass.


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 20th June 2013, 11:29 am

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 30w48rd

    Everyone's alright! Even...Erza... The white-haired beauty thought to herself as she watched them all land on a strange magic field. She put down her waving hand as she noticed two people and a orange Exceed with her guildmates. "Hello! Welcome to Fairy Tail!", Mirajane said with a smile so gleaming that it rivaled Heero's on a scale of cuteness. Serene stood there in awe for a moment, just staring at the white-haired girl. For some odd reason, this woman reminded Serene of Heero's sister. She just couldn't figure out why...

    "Master! Is everything alright?", Mirajane asked, giving her guildmaster a curious look.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 21bnhhw

    Erza had been subtly admiring Heero's hair, that looked so much like Jellal's, when the fine silence had been stricken by the shrill voice of no one other than Erza's rival, Mirajane. On the outside, Erza didn't react at all, but when on the inside she rolled her eyes. Like she really cares... The scarlet-haired woman thought to herself as she stepped off of Serene's forcefield. "Yes, everything is fine. It seems that light was actually an Anima-like transport made by Je..Heero. This is Heero, Serene, and Garfield. Guys, this is Mirajane", the woman ended on a bored tone, mostly on Mirajane's name.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    Lucy pulled back towards Serene and covered her mouth as she whispered to her. "Erza and Mira have been rivals since they were children. They try to hide it now because it would make them seem childish, but they secretly try to outdo each other all the time!", Lucy ended with a smirk as Mira noticeably twitched but kept her smile anyway. Lucy winked to Serene and walked over to Natsu to help him up while Serene did the same for Heero. "S-Sorry...", Serene said to the three Dragon Slayers. Oddly, Wendy was fine, but Serene didn't question it.

    As they all walked into the guildhall, they were assaulted by a ocean of noise, somewhere between welcome backs and hellos from all the Fairy Tail guildmates. However, Serene and Lucy both dropped their Dragon Slayers into a chair and leaned against each other as they wiped sweat from their foreheads. "Why are you two so heavy?!", the girls asked at once. They had no idea that they're chests were mashed up together, and almost every man in the room was wide-eyed. A boy with black hair and a open vest came up to Serene and held his hand out for her to shake. "Oi! I'm Romeo! It's nice to meet you, Rene-chan!", the boy said with a smile that resembled Natsu's oddly. Serene bent down a little to shake his hand as she smiled to him. "Hi there!", she said as she shook his hand, his grip firmer than she would have thought.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 317jvop

    Romeo-kun... Wendy blushed as soon as he walked by her. Wendy usually didn't let it show, but she had a strong crush on the boy. Carla was the only who knew, or at least the only one that Wendy had told. The white-furred Exceed flew over to her and fit into her arms as she sighed. "Calm down, Wendy. Or he might notice!", she said with a slightly annoyed look. Wendy make a cute peep noise as she realized that Carla was right and turned away.

    Serene was soon being hounded by several men, including Jet who was telling her about himself at seemingly the speed of sound. Serene was beginning to get disoriented when the door to the guildhall opened and Serene could feel a magic power -quite- similar to Heero's walk into the room.


    Love Me Across Time & Space! Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 30th June 2013, 5:35 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Ng281w

    As soon as Lucy and Serene's boobs pressed together, they squished and shined with a 'wooooooooooooooooooow!' as Macao, Wakaba, Elfman, and Jet all screamed; Macao and Wakaba getting nosebleeds as they usually did; nearly passing out.

    Two footsteps hit the floor of the Guild Hall as sunlight poured in from outside, shadowing the figure in the doorway. It seemed they echoed loud, more loud than normal footsteps would've. Since everyone in the Guild Hall, save Natsu, Heero, and Gajeel (all of whom had anime swirlie eyes, Heero and Natsu in their chairs and Gajeel being tended too by Levi).

    Everyone in the Guild seemed to draw silent for a moment; as the camera panned up on an individual with a pair of stylish cowboy boots; black jeans, black belt; an open shirtless body, and a very large fur coat with an even larger collar, colored tan. The camera continued to pan upwards as spiked headphones and a lightning scar would be shown across sharp features, yellow spiked hair; and a face that could remind one of Makarov if they looked carefully.

    "What's going on here?" Laxus stated plainly, looking mildly serious; but slightly amused as he noticed Natsu passed out from one thing or another; this brought him some mild happiness.

    "What's that smell in here?!"

    "It's probably you! Since you just arrived!" Happy popped up over Laxus' shoulder, raising one paw in salute to his statement before Laxus backfisted him Rafiki style into the wall off of his shoulder.

    "No it's not that, Happy." Laxus said casually to the cat, who had his head stuck in a wall as if he were having casual conversation with Happy and hadn't just backfisted him into a wall. Laxus' nose wiggled a few times, and then noticed the guy in the chair next to Natsu. He followed his nose, moving across the room in a swoop of his large coat until he stood behind Lucy and Serene. "Move." he said, standing over them both from behind. After they'd do so, he'd sniff closer; and then stand back to his feet. "Lightning Dragon, he smells like Natsu; only a little like me." Laxus commented, crossing his arms. "I was eavesdropping a bit, I followed you the whole way...you say they're from a Mirror Dimension...that would explain it." Laxus said, not even bothering to look at Serene yet. When he did in the next moment though---

    "Tch..........." he blushed a bit and whirled around at anime speed after he'd checked her out. "Not bad...." he crossed his arms under his jacket across his chest and walked off towards the Top Floor.

    "Laxus!" Freed blushed and facepalmed, as he noticed his Team Leader's reaction.

    "Not bad at all, wouldn't you say babies?!" Bixlow talked to his floating totems as they floated up alongside him and nodded up and down.

    "W-what?! What are you talking about, that's nonsense. She's doesn't even look that good." Laxus lied, blushing visibly. He was a big bigger than Heero, Natsu, and Gray; rather than having a chiseled slim supermodel figure; he was way too big. More like a musclebound body builder that you see in magazines. "Natsu! Wake up!" Laxus yelled from across the room as he walked away.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rr85eo

    For some reason, Natsu heard Laxus' voice; and woke up instantly; his eyes shooting open from the swirlies into a "!!!??!?!" above his head. He immediately shot up from the chair, and threw Heero from it backflipping into a wall. "Where's he?! Where'd he go!!!" Natsu barked, bending his knees and clenching a fist. "There!!!" Natsu ran towards Laxus full speed across the Guild, flames building on his hand. "Fire Dragon's...." before he could finish, a 'ping', mark was seen by his foot as he slid across the floor on his face; a sheet of ice sliding from the floor to a wall. Natsu crashed into it comically; his legs raising and flattening as his face hit the wall.

    "Tch!!! Graaaaaaaaay! I'll get you for that!" Natsu hopped back to his feet and balled up a fist once more his anger now redirected towards Gray. Who'd seen a golden opportunity and simply couldn't pass it up. Natsu comically took long stomps towards Gray across the room; his knees bent. But it simply wasn't his lucky day. As a flash of yellow lightning and a fist filled the screen; Heero had recovered and stood in place of Natsu in the next moment as the Fire Dragon went flying backward, passing Mirajane and knocking a tray of drinks out of her hand as he hit the bottom of the front of the bar; rubbing the back of his head.

    "That's for springing up like that! You could've stood up slowly like a normal person! No apology or anything!!!" Heero barked at Natsu comically as Natsu instantly got in his face. Natsu and Heero went forehead to forehead for awhile before Natsu slugged Heero with a left hook; Heero slugged him back with a right cross; and soon enough an anime cloud of stars was seen as the two Slayers went at it again.


    Heero and Natsu appeared again out of the cloud, Natsu with Heero in a headlock. But Heero biting down hard on Natsu's forearm and wrist, causing him to scream out in pain.

    "Do you think they'll ever get along?" Garfield floated on screen with shade lines shadowing his head.

    "That is highly unlikely, they both have a warrior's spirit!" Lily chimed in.

    "Aye SAAAAH!" Happy said; somehow he'd gotten his hands on a whole baked fish and sat at the end of the table; a huge bite taken out of it's mid section already.

    "Oi! Gimmie some!"
    "No way, find your own, orange cat!"
    "Hey! This is Fairy Tail, you're supposed to share!!!"

    With that, Garfield and Happy fell into a fit of stars and clouds of battle just as their Slayers had, falling off the table and tumbling all across the floor locked in cat battle. Lily was left......just with an anime sweatdrop over his head as he watched the spectacle. Eventually, a black paw came up to his face in a massive facepalm.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rynaqs

    Gray literally was about to explode; he had tears on his eyes. No, it was too perfect; he leaned back on a wooden pillar; his mouth wide and head tilted back as he laughed. It was the kind of laugh that would make others laugh if they payed attention; as he took a breah to catch his breath a few times; then began laughing again as it welled up within him.

    It was too perfect; one simple sheet of ice resulted in all this. He watched Natsu and Heero in their headlock standoff, and Garfield and Happy tumbling around the room; all in fruition of his perfect Ice-Make.

    "Ahahahaha Zuki Zuki! This is just too good, Natsu! Don't let him bite you like that! Heero, body slam! Flip him over!!! Happy----Happy I can't believe you're actually fighting!!!" Gray fell to his knees in laughter at this point; barely able to stand, as eventually he picked himself back up to his full height, and slipped his hands into his pockets, shrugging. "I guess, not everyone can be a genius like myself when it comes to battle."

    As soon as he said this, a humongous pair of arms wrapped around him; it was Elfman, who also was in a HUGE fit of laughter at the situation. He literally was crying, it took Gray about two seconds to put his arm around Elfman, as the camera would show them both in the background; pointing and laughing at the brawls between Heero, Natsu, Garfield, and Happy; eventually Gray managed to stop laughing, exhaling an anime puff.

    He'd cross the room to Serene and Lucy; standing near them as he slipped his hands into his pockets again.

    "Look at those fools go!" Gray commented, looking over Serene and then looking over Lucy. "You two look alike." was all he said, awkward and short, as Gray usually was. With that, he slipped his hands into his pockets and walked off again.

    But he'd already stripped down to his boxers sometime in all the commotion; as he walked off across the room, hands in his boxer pockets, chiseled body exposed.  


    Love Me Across Time & Space! 35kuc0x

    Makarov, had been sitting on the bar; halfway through his eleventh beer; yes already, as he wore drunk blush and his eyes appeared to be closed.

    "ENOUGH!" as he said this, he reached forward with one arm; it expanded into a gigantic fist like rubber and lifted Natsu and Heero up into the ceiling with a thud; everyone in the Guild comically looked up in either fear or surprise; as Laxus smirked once again at Natsu's pain. He was beginning to enjoy watching Heero get into it too.

    Makarov would withdraw his hand like a rubber pully, as the two Dragon Slayers fell to the ground of the Guild with a 'thud', Heero reduced to anime tears again as Natsu tried to remember how it all started in the first place; eventually yelling Gray's name.

    "Quiet!!! I have an important announcement!!!" Makarov had stood to his full height on the bar, which wasn't much; as the orange and blue clad Guild Master pointed to the skies. "Tomorrow! The Festival of the Dragon King is going to be held in Magnolia!!! We, Fairy Tail! Must put on a show! We must be prepared!!!" he swayed and leaned to his left; almost falling over drunk, as Laxus put one finger on his shoulder and leaned him back up comically; he never broke his finger pointing to the sky pose. "We have two new members! Heero and Serene! I see everyone has gotten to know them a bit! Show them around town!!! Things may be different here! As Guild Master of Fairy Tail; I am still their boss, and---they will be participating as well!"

    Gasps and cheers rang out; as Heero smirked and smiled, crossing his arms.

    "Heh, I'm a celebrity where I'm from; I don't mind putting on a show, no one can compete with my stage acts." Heero flicked his nose with his thumb, and smirked charmingly; as anime sparkles flew all around him.


    "He reminds me of Ichiya-san, sometimes..." Lily commented with a sweatdrop over his head.

    "But he's SO much better at it! Aye SAAAAH!!!" Happy raised one hand in salute.

    Happy and Lily cut in, popping on the screen with huge heads as usual as Heero glittered in the background.

    Natsu made a distasteful expression, as he breathed out an anime puff at this news. He'd had...several bad experiences with plays and shows concerning his Guild. Erza...usually got out of control; he feared even looking in her direction right now as now that Fairy Tail would be performing at the Festival, she probably....well; he'd better not even think about it.

    Makarov laughed a hearty laugh as he watched the reactions from this news around his Guild; downing another mug of beer, likely in excitement. That made twelve; within ten minutes. Cold empty, frosty mugs. Did the Guild Master have a problem? Probably.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 30n93x5

    "A Festival in Magnolia?! That's a MAN!!!" Elfman clenched a fist, getting extremely excited. He wondered what he could do. A funny thought bubble of him turning into various monsters would be seen; as he put a hand on his chin in thought.

    He mischevously ran around Magnolia, terrorizing children in with his Takeover in different forms. He began giggling and then all out muffled laughter to himself as his thought bubble got more and more extreme. Suddenly, Jet ran past him in circles super fast from his own excitement level; the smoke blurred around Elfman as he eventually got frustrated and reached a single hand out into the circle; impacting and stopping Jet as he grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him into the air near his face.

    "Oi! Stop that! Walk like a MAN!!!" Elfman said as he set Jet back down to his feet; walking off hilariously with a stomp towards the Master. "Master! I'm a MAN! Surely I'll have a lead role in the performance portion of the Festival?!" Elfman actually flexed, in different poses, pointing and directing his muscles to flex and boucne in different areas.

    "Waaa! No not Elfman too!" Garfield had grown to like Elfman's attitude in a short amount of time;  but he had no idea how crazy he was; and as soon as Garfield said this, Heero was in Elfman's face. A wild wild west showdown occured, as Heero and Elfman began flexing in various poses. Sparkles flying all around them as Heero threw his shirt off and continued; Elfman getting more and more competitive as this persisted.

    "I applaud you for challenging me like a MAN!" Elfman said as he turned his back and flexed both his arms upwards, bicep style. Glitter flying all about him.

    "Not bad yourself! I see why they call you a MAN!" Heero put both hands behind his head, flexing his abs as sparkles flew everywhere as the two persisted.  

    Eventually, the two of them stopped; and wrapped arms around one another; bursting into laughter and stomping off towards Serene and Lucy; arm around one another's shoulder.

    "Oi! Lucy! Serene! You two are going to be in the Festival too right? It'd be a MAN if you two performed as well!!!"

    "Oi oi! I'm gonna have to agree, akachan~" Heero looked somewhat serious, for a moment, closing his eyes as Elfman had his arm around him. "We don't have anything to do, and there's no telling how long we'll be stuck here; anyway, we might as well!" Heero was pretty serious deep down; as he always tried his best to make any situation not only bearable; but happy. They'd lucked up actually. They were by all means; home. They knew Magnolia well, the same shops were here; just different people. Heero could bet his house wasn't though...he wondered where they'd sleep tonight...and period even. Since the festival was tomorrow.

    "Oi....I just realized we don't have anywhere to stay...." Elfman took his arm from around Heero as the blue spikey haired Slayer looked a bit down in the dumps. Garfield floated up alongside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's...my fault we're here Serene, I'm sorry." Heero got a bit silent; before he heard a pair of footsteps approaching.

    "Oi oi oi! Get your head outta your ass already, what kinda people do you think we are, we won't let ya sleep on a bench in the park or something!" Natsu walked up, plopping down on a bench in the group of Heero, Elfman, Lucy, and Serene. He held his arms out to the side and rested them on the bench behind them. "You can stay with me and Happy, Heero. Garfield can come too; we'd be glad to have you two!" Natsu said with a warm, and earnest smile that Heero hadn't ever seen him give. Heero's expression was shocked for a moment, as his mouth hung open. But eventually he closed it and returned with a smile that was almost exaclty like Mirajane's earlier, eyes closed.

    "Thanks...Natsu-kun." that was it. The first time they'd been somewhat cordial and nice to one another.  

    "Aye SAAAH!" Happy then put a paw to his mouth. "But our place is a wreck....Lucy's cleaning didn't last very long last time....she doesn't clean as well as she thinks she does..."

    "Letting your Guildmates room with you! Now THAT'S a MAN!!!" just about everyone surrounding Elfman got anime sweatdrops over their head; but laughter persisted. As beer mugs were toasted all around the Guild, things swinging back into normal; as..normal as Fairy Tail ever could be.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 1z374nm

    As Gajeel got slapped too by Levi, eventually he stood up; rubbing his head in frustration as he still felt somewhat dizzy. As it wore off; he looked down to her, pursed his lips together and blushing a bit.

    "W-what, I suppose you want some kind of thanks?" he comically crossed his arms and looked up, away from her purposely. Of course he was thankful, of course; he felt glad that it was her who'd come. But, he'd rather actually jump from a cliff than show any weakness, even for Levi. Altough he'd always stick around her, stay near her; maybe even tag along somtimes. Just to let her know how he felt; since he couldn't do it verbally or physically...yet. He felt bad sometimes but; he felt it was the right thing to do at least to keep her safe.

    The Master always used him as his Spy Wizard, often sending him to other nations with Lily; and on extremely dangerous tasks. If they were ever more than they were now; Levi would probably worry her pretty face off. He wouldn't want to have her staying up all night, waiting on any word from him whatsoever only to get nothing.

    "Oi!!! Gajeeel! What're you thinking about?!" a shattering sound was heard as Happy popped up over Levi's head, looking Gajeel directly in his face as he used Levi as a stepping stool.

    "Yes, please tell us, Gajeel-san." Lily popped up over Gajeel's shoulder from behind, leaning over onto both of his black paws curiously.

    Gajeel got the anime symbol for 'pissed off' flashing above his head as the two cats prodded.

    "Nothing now! Thanks to you two cats! Don't you know anything about privacy, or at least letting someone think!"

    "I didn't know you COULD think Gajeel!" Happy said, wagging his tail a few times as he rode on Levi's head, leaning into both of his blue paws like Lily was on Gajeel's shoulder.

    "I was also unaware you could perform this feat." Lily chimed in shrewdly and comically; jibing at Gajeel.

    "What's that?! You're supposed to be on my side, cat! Bah, let's go, Lily!!! See what you've done?! Levi-chan?!" Gajeel blamed her for no particular reason and stomped off comically on camera; Lily riding on his shoulder giving happy the 'twinkling thumbs up for trolling' as he left, riding on Gajeel's shoulder. Happy put a blue paw to his mouth, riding on Levi's head and muffling laughter as his cheeks expanding; giving Lily a 'thumbs up twinkle' in response as he left riding on the Iron Dragon's shoulder.


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Posts : 81
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    Age : 28
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 27th July 2013, 6:34 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    Either Natsu was getting heavier, or I am getting weaker, Miss Heartfillia thought to herself after she dropped him and Serene dropped Heero into chairs. Just about the same time that Serene had felt an odd magic power behind her, Lucy felt it too. However, it wasn't odd to her. She knew it to be Laxus. Lucy turned around just in time to hear Laxus pretty much order them to move. Serene looked up at this huge, hulking frame of a man...and rolled her eyes at him. "You could say please...", she said gruffly before she moved back towards Heero. Serene began to completely ignore this "Laxus" and turned away with her nose in the air. Lucy looked at Serene and giggled a bit to herself. The blonde could tell that the newest Fairy Tail member meant well. Laxus too.

    When Laxus turned around to check Serene out, Lucy brought her right arm up under her chest to bring it up while she eloquently framed her face with her left hand, anime sparkles appearing around her. "What about me??", she called out to Laxus, who in turn ignored her. A couple of depressed lines appeared over her face as her head dropped a bit. When Bixlow commented on Serene as well, Lucy immediately went at it again...only to get ignored again. Lucy sighed as the sparkles disappeared from around her as she walked over to a chair and sat down. Serene noticed Lucy go sit down and decided to follow her.

    When all the boys cat-and-human began to fight, Lucy grumbled off on how no one appreciated her beauty. Serene was about to say something again when there was an intense flash of light from Lucy's waist that caused Serene's eyes to widen and Lucy's to do the same. The girl's blinked and then there was the same suited man from before standing there, light glinting off his glasses as he moved them. With the speed of a lion, his arm was draped over Lucy's shoulder. Serene was surprised as her mouth hung open, but Lucy was completely unphased as she sat there with her legs crossed and her chin in her hand. "Lucy, I appreciate your beauty and so much more~ Just let me show you how much I-", he managed to say before a forcefield hit him right in the gut, sending him flying. "Gyah! What did I say?!?", he said as he rocketed through the air. Lucy held his corresponding key in her hand and waved it to the side, a trail of light following it. Loki disappeared in another flash of dazzling light as Lucy sighed.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 317jvop

    After her blushing about Romeo finally faded, she looked around to see Lucy and Serene sitting by themselves. The little blue-haired cutie trotted on over to the pair and slid into the seat across from them, her little frame just able to be seen over the table. "So, Serene-san, what is your universe - your Fairy Tail - like?", the girl asked with a blink. Serene chewed her lip for a moment as she looked around. "Well..", she muttered before she was interrupted by a certain redhead. "I'm certain that her's is just like ours, except that the people are not the same", Erza quipped in with her usual explanatory tone. Serene looked at Erza and then back to Wendy and nodded. "I see! So, your universe has Dragon Slayers and all different kinds of magic like our's does?", she continued to ask in her cute soft voice. Serene nodded once more. "Well, yes! Heero is a Dragon Slayer after all. Actually, I think our universe's Sky Dragon Slayer is a little girl too!", Serene said with a giggle. Wendy's head fell in shame as depressed lines appeared over her head. "Just because my chest is small and I'm short doesn't mean I'm little...", she mumbled. "W-Wait, what?!", Serene asked in confusion.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 30w48rd

    "Oh, my my! It's okay Wendy-chan! I'm sure Romeo loves you just the way you are!", she said with a closed-eyed smile as she walked up. Natsu then flew across the room and smacked the tray of drinks right out of her hands, sending the drinks flying into the air. The same exact key at Lucy's waist flashed in light once more and in the space of seconds, Mirajane was in the arms of Loki. He whisked her off in front of the girls and laid her gently on the ground then got onto his knees, sparkles all around his eyes. "Oh, Mira-chan! I will save you whenever you need it! The only thing getting you wet shall be m-". The sound of a crack could be heard as Mirajane's fist pounded Loki right into the floor. He laid there twitching for a moment before he disappeared in another flash of light. "What did I say...", he muttered as he faded.

    Mira could be seen from behind, a vein poking out from her balled fist as she looked on with her centerfold of a smile. As the boys kept fighting, Serene found her eyes lingering over towards Heero. This world was so familiar, yet so foreign at the same time... At the back of her mind, she wanted to be held at that moment, but she could see that Heero was having fun. It was written on his face. Before anything and all, Serene would never do anything to take a smile off his face. She loved it too much to see it go.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rj2hc8

    Sitting silently next to Cana - who was on her twelfth barrel of beer - Juvia watched Gray. He's such a genius, indeed! The blue-haired girl thought as she admired him from afar. Cana looked drunkenly down at Juvia and sighed heartily after setting down her barrel, the tab shaking a bit. "If ya love him so much, why don't you go talk to him?!", she followed with a small burp that made her giggle. Juvia looked to Cana and then back to Gray. "Juvia couldn't possibly do that... Juvia is fine just looking at him. Juvia doesn't want Gray-sama to change", the girl said and went back to admiring him. Cana sighed and lifted another barrel. "Love...pfft", she said and went to guzzling once more. Juvia blushed heavily when Gray - for some reason - striped down to his boxers and stood there, his immaculate body shining in Juvia's eyes. "Oh, Gray-sama~", she sighed to herself as she put her head down, a goofy smile on her face.

    That goofy smile slowly began to change to a annoyed scowl when Juvia watched Gray walk over to Lucy...and Serene. "Rivals.... Rivals of love!!", she seethed as she watched him say something to them and walk away. Cana dropped her barrel with a satisfied gasp. She looked down at Juvia and raised her eyebrow. She followed the aggravated girl's eye until she spotted Gray - almost naked as per usual - with Lucy and the new girl. Cana snorted as she realized why Juvia was upset.  "If she only knew...", Cana muttered to herself, bringing the barrel to her lips. " "GRAY, YOUR CLOTHES!", she shouted before taking another long drink.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 21bnhhw

    The boys were fighting. Again. Oh! Boots with flight magic? For how much... !!! appeared over the woman's scarlet head. 2,000 jewel!? What a steal! Erza clicked the purchase button on the holo-magic screen and slid the boots into her pocket dimension where she stored her equipment. She'll try those on later! The girl flicked her finger over and the selection of boots changed into a catalog of swords. The Titania smirked as she began looking over the fine selection of weapons...until she heard the Master announce something. With speed that only someone like her could manage, she closed the interface and looked around to see if anyone had been looking at her. Much to Erza's relief, no one was. They were all focused on the leader of Fairy Tail.

    As the news of a festival reached the Queen of the Fairies ears, her eyes began to sparkle. "A festival?! I will not disappoint! I will perform a show that will be the prefix of perfection!!", the woman said as she began to imagine different scenes in her head, requipping into an outfit matching the scene rapidly. Erza was pulled from her thoughts when Elfman and Jella- HEERO walked over. While they all talked, Erza found herself staring at Heero's chiseled form. It was so...so... Erza bit her lip rather hard and fought the blush that wanted to form on her face with all her might.


    Serene stood up from her seat and closed the distance between Heero and herself in no time. In that moment, when she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, there was no one around. No loud Fairy Tail, no Garfield, no magic, no Earthland, nothing. Just her and him. "It's okay", she muttered lovingly into his ear after she brushed one of his blue locks out of the way. This moment of tender love made everyone else grow silent, blushing. The two Strauss siblings smiled cutely while Erza looked away and Lucy and Wendy looked over and Natsu and Romeo.

    When the offers of shelter were given, Serene was just as taken aback as Heero was. "Natsu is right! You can stay at my place! Besides, it gets a little lonely when I am by myself. I would love to have you while you are here!", Lucy said, her hair bobbing to the side. Serene smiled to her and nodded, a tear brushed from her eye. "Thank you, Lucy-chan. You are one of the nicest people I've ever met!", Serene said. Lucy waved her off. "Aww, no I'm not! Your one of us! A Fairy! Anyone here would have said the same thing!". Serene looked around and saw everyone smiling and nodding to her. The raven-haired girl chuckled a little and nodded back to him. She stepped to the side and let her hand fall into Heero's. "We'll be just fine", she said and kissed his cheek.

    ~ *Four Hours Later* ~

    Serene stepped out of Lucy's bathroom wearing a pair of white-ankle socks with blacks stitching, a pair of black daisy dukes, a white shirt with the Fairy Tail symbol in a rich velvet black and a panda beanie on her head that tamed her long hair. She plucked at one of the strings and smiled to Lucy. "We're the same size in everything, Lu-chan! Thank you for letting me hold some clothes!", Serene said as she walked out and twirled around, feeling very cute. Lucy only smiled. She finished making Serene's bed and stood up, wiping her hands on each other. Serene walked out into the living room and blinked in confusion at the table full of junk food sitting on the counter. "I know I eat a lot, but that is a bit much...", Serene said with a embarrassed chuckle. There was truth to that statement to be honest. Back in their universe, there had been a food eating contest and Serene had gotten in second! Heero had marveled at where she put it all...and she showed him later that night.

    Lucy gave her a mischievous look as she closed the fridge. Serene raised her eyebrow. "Oh, it's not for just us...", the girl said. Almost as if by magic, the doorbell rang~!


    Love Me Across Time & Space! Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 28th July 2013, 12:10 pm


    Love Me Across Time & Space! 35kuc0x

    Makarov sat on the bar of Fairy Tail; everything seemed to be winding down for the night. The lights were off; and small lamps caused the Guild to glow at every corner with a comforting nighttime array of lights. Jet was on mopping and floor duty tonight; so he pushed the duster around the floor at ridiculous speeds; and went about gathering things from tables that weren't clean.

    Everyone had long since left the Guild for the night; only Makarov, Jet, and Laxus remained. Laxus leaned on the bar, arms crossed; next to his Grandfather as Makarov sat; seemingly watching Jet, smoking his pipe. However he was merely deep in thought at this very moment; they'd just recieved two new members; and it was very pleasing and curious to Makarov; the Guild Master. Each time someone new had joined; Gajeel, Juvia, Carla and Wendy; Makarov took an interest in it, a specific interest in each of his children. He was thinking on his two new ones at this precise moment.

    "Mmmmm, I wonder; that Serene." Makarov said aloud to himself; puffing on his pipe as he sat on the bar in his orange and blue outfit, the dimly let Guild Hall glowing; empty in front of him. This hall was usually at about +1000 Decibals in volume; so now, in this silence; Makarov's thoughts were the only noise besides Jet cleaning in his mind. "Perhaps....she's like Lucy." Makarov wondered for a few moments, as the camera would switch angles on him. "She may be the Fairy in their universe...that possesses the power of true love." he thought for a moment to himself. Lucy hadn't accepted her gift for drawing people to her; in fact Lucy and Serene were likely the same person; but from different parallel dimensions. There were many differences between them however; just like there were always a slew of differences between Fairy Tail, and their Edolas selves. Natsu had told him he was an Evil King bent on conquering Edolas; and the fact that the Edolas Makarov was actually Mystogan's father all these years. "Heero...." Makarov saw an image of Heero turning, and giving him a thumbs up with a toothy Slayer smile; as it faded, an image of Natsu giving him a full toothy cheesing smile would appear and fade as well. "So similar....yet so different." he stated once more, mulling over Heero as he had done to Serene a moment or two beforehand. "Those two....will make welcome additions to our family---" Makarov's gruff, but amiable voice rang out at a low tone. "I'm going to enjoy getting to know them; as I did Gajeel, Wendy, and Juvia. I shall show them how a true family loves." as comical images of Gajeel, Wendy, and Juvia played through his mind; he quipped to himself, staring out at the empty Guild Hall with another puff of his pipe; smoke billowing and curling around him.

    Just then, his Grandson next to him---who stood taller than Makarov even whilst he was sitting on the bar; spoke.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Ng281w

    Laxus listened to his grandfather mull on and on about the two new members of the Guild. Laxus stood with his arms crossed; watching Jet clean at a ridiculous speed; Laxus was mildly impressed by this, and watched him go. The glowing dark Guild Hall was peaceful, very much so.

    In Laxus' mind, memories of the past replayed themselves. A young Natsu and Gray slamming one another around; a young Mira and Erza at one anothers necks as usual. Lisanna staring at Natsu from across the room; himself, a little shorter, much skinnier, in his teens; headphones on arms crossed watching the show everyone else put on. A young Cana; learning the cards best she could. Time sped up to Laxus; as more recent events eventually began to play in his mind.

    Not so long ago; he'd tried to take over this Guild Hall. As he thought this to himself; Laxus heard the sound of Jets footsteps, looked to his left at his Grandfather; and admired the beautiful Guild Hall at night; it was often or rather; always in a state much the opposite of this. So Laxus at times hung around late with his Grandfather as the Guild was closing to get a taste of the empty, peaceful building that often rested under all the chaos. He couldn't believe he'd tried to undo so much history; or rather alter it forcefully. This Guild's next master had to have a pride in the Guild beyond anything Laxus knew. He'd only begun to conceieve of the type of pride and love it took to be a Master of Fairy Tail. Deep down, he still wanted it; but he needed...work on his people skills. A fact he'd accepted; and he was going to stick around and learn how to---how to be understanding and caring as best he could. Although; he frequently failed at it, secretly he was trying to learn, although he would do his best not to show it. Eventually, Jet walked up to the two of them at the bar.

    "I'm done for the night Master~" he quipped happily, leaving the broom behind the bar; and saluting the Master and Laxus both as he walked, waving goodbye to them with a salute without turning around and looking at them as he walked from the floor, to the entrance; and then outside into the streets of Magnolia; headed home.

    "Mmmhmm." Laxus nodded in agreement to everything his Grandfather had said; turning to him with his hands in his pockets. His large black and furred trenchcoat hung on his body-builder sized frame as he turned and leaned on the bar with both forearms; relaxing. "Oi, oi, I wonder if Heero, Natsu, and Gray will all get along with eachother---" Laxus thought to hismelf for a brief moment. "Not to mention that Serene and that Erza; did you see the way they were both looking at that Heero kid?"

    Makarov nodded with a gruff 'mhm', taking another puff of his pipe.

    "Often, love triangles can bring out the best---and the worst in people though; and it's also all so much fun to watch--hohohoho." Makarov's expression changed to a goofy one; his eyes a pair of then arced anime lines as he laughed. Laxus got a sweatdrop over his head, and then spoke once more.

    "She is rather......(beautiful)." Laxus thought to himself on Serene. He wondered how everything would go, if Heero would even notice Erza; or even worse, Serene noticing how she was looking at her boyfriend. He also wondered to himself if Lucy, Natsu, or even Gray (who he'd already seen look at Serene a few times) would start liking one of the two new members; as, if Laxus' hypothesis were correct about them; it would only be natural. For some reason; Laxus began to silently think on Mirajane. He shook these thoughts free; and stood to his full height. "I'm turning in for the night..." he said, turning and moving away from the bar as his fur brimmed coat swayed behind him from Makarov's point of view.

    "Laxus..." the way he said it, caused Laxus to freeze at the sound of the gruff voice of his grandfather from behind. He stopped in place, waiting for the old man to finish. "Nurture and protect the younger ones; in your own way. Watch out for them all." not only did Makarov mean Heero and Serene, but the Natsu, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Lucy, Wendy and the rest of the lot as well. Laxus understood this; and nodded once without turning around with a 'hmm'; audibly escaping from him. He then continued on his way out of the Guild, his footsteps echoing throughout the empty Building; leaving Makarov sitting on the bar, alone in the Guild Hall puffing on his pipe. The old master would likely stay there until the the late hours; sitting there, smoking his pipe and mulling over all the thoughts in his old Wizard Saintly mind.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rynaqs
    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rr85eo

    Natsu and Gray and Heero sat around laughing; Heero and Natsu had been about to go out to eat for the night in Magnolia. But instead of hitting the town, Gray had stopped by. Lucy had told him to head over and grab Natsu and Heero.

    "Yea, I think she's got some food, I heard Wendy and Erza (good lord maybe even Juvia) are stopping by too!" Gray quipped; Happy sat on his head; his tail swishing back and forth a bit as the bright blue cat replied with exactly what you'd expect hm too. "Didja see any fish!" in response, Gray just got a sweatdrop over the side of his face. "I haven't gone over yet, y'know! You just immediately want recon information on seafood!" Gray barked.

    "So you don't have any info on if there's fish being served or not...Happy I think we're gonna have to fly solo on this one. Let's head over there!" Garfield quipped in a voice slightly less bouncy in comparison to Happy's but more mischevous in nature. The two cats voices were similar; yet different. "Aye!" Happy agreed, standing up on Gray's head as sparkles flew from his paw. In a blur, Happy and Garfield were gone, likely heading off to Lucy's or nearby to set up some elaborate plot too eventually bust in and steal all the food.

    "There's no stopping those two..." Natsu's expression looked like someone in a state of shocked disgust and humour; although some good seafood never had done him wrong.

    "Well....I suppose we should head over, you guys say you've had dinner at Lucy's a lot right?" Heero smiled a little; sitting on the extra bed they'd dragged from a bed shop earlier in Magnolia in Natsu's house; which was pretty much a wreck. Yet it was clean in random areas, likely Lucy stopping by to clean as Heero had heard Happy quip about a few times.

    "Yea; we've had a few get togethers over there in the past couple of years." Gray replied. With a shoulder shrug and a headshake.

    They began making their way through Magnolia Town; weaving through a few streets to get to Lucy's and approached the house quickly, the three of the rambled on amongst one another.

    "Alright who's knocking!" Heero exclaimed as they neared the front door.

    "I usually just go in, regardless, eat what I want, and pass out where I want." Natsu rambled on, leaning in close to Heero comically on screen.

    "That's why she always assaults you! I think you like seeing her kick the crap outta you! You must get off on it!" Gray accused, barking at Natsu from right outside the house.

    "Take it back!" Natsu barked at him. As Heero rang the doorbell. For some reason not bothering to wait; he pushed the door open.

    "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!" he announced himself, walking into the house with a stretch. He hadn't even waited for anyone to answer; but as he looked towards Serene he didn't care. Her 'curves' were being hugged by an all white Fairy Tail shirt, black short shorts, and a pair of white and black striped socks. Complete with a panda hat. Heero blushed intensely for a moment his face filling up with red like a thermometer; but kept his cool. Deciding instead to go in for the kill. Heero plopped next to her on the couch; causing her to 'bounce' as he appeared at ridiculous speeds, arms relaxed on the couch and one leg crossed gentleman style.

    Sparkles flew all around him as he sat next to Serene, trying his best not too look at her.

    "Lucy! Is all the food done or what!" Natsu called into the kitchen to the blonde like an asshole. The table was packed full to the brim with food and he still considered more in his mind as he walked in and stood near the table.

    "Natsu, don't eat anything major until everyone shows up!" Heero glared at him threatningly from the couch next to Serene; a toothy slayer grit exchanged between Heero and Natsu as Natsu turned his head and glared at Heero from the table.

    Gray walked in and stretched; finding his usual chair in Lucy's house and plopping down in it, completely relaxed as it was his usual seat. He inhaled and breathed deeply; the food smelled pretty good.

    "Natsu don't be rude! What about Wendy and Erza, not to mention Happy and Garfield-----oi...where the hell are those cats...they left before us, they should've been here by now!" Gray shook his head and shrugged; knowing whatever they were doing, it was probably no good. In the back of his mind, Gray was wary that Juvia would show up with Erza and Wendy for dinner. Lucy unlike the majority of the women in Fairy Tail was girlfriends with all of the ladies; and any of them through various adventures and experiences with Lucy would likely feel comfortable coming by at any time; including Juvia; as she and Lucy were once forced to fight one another and somehow pulled through.

    Secretly, Gray did think Lucy was extremely hot; just as she'd found out when they'd first met Gemini and the Celestial Spirit managed to clone him. However; he also found her to be extremely dizty and goofy; having known her for more than two years now. So he was less and less attracted to her as time went on; except for physically. Both she and Serene were something else to look at, even now. Juvia might've been as well if she wasn't so damned crazy and psychotic all the time.

    "Who knows where Garfield is...." Heero said with crossed arms on the couch next to Serene. Slowly, and comically on camera his eyes moved and just 'stuck' on her boobs with an anime symbol once as he failed to contain himself and accidentally ended up staring for a long thirty seconds or more, even with a few minutes of trying to focus before looking at her in the black and white outfit. 'Crap....look away!' Heero said as his eyes planted firmly on them. Accidentally, he moved down to her legs and thighs. 'Don't look there, idiot!' he turned away from her blushing again and just stared at the food in failure.

    "Oi! Last time we were all here together like this was before the Grand Magic Games!" Gray recalled, stretching. He recalled; also thinking on the gigantic ceremony they'd recieved upon returning from the Games; victorious. Tens of thousands from around Fiore packed the streets of Magnolia upon their return; that was a good day. Being here like this for a Team Dinner reminded Gray of the Games. Although he looked around again, knowing that it wasn't a true team dinner without Wendy, Erza, Happy, and Carla; now including Garfield. Where were those cats.....

    (On the Roof)

    Happy and Garfield sat across from one another; on their butts. A blueprint of Lucy's house sat between them as they were ninja bandanas upon their faces; Happy pointed with a stick at certain areas on the blueprint. Apparently, a raid was going down. Tonight. Exceed style. Who knew when they'd strike?


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 3rd September 2013, 8:00 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    The fridge was empty but the table was full. Lucy smiled. The last job that Fairy Tail's strongest team went on had actually hauled in a bonus so Lucy had some extra spending money to splurge with. She had brought every single junk food that one could possibly think of, several different choice meats, and there was fish stashed away in the freezer for their cute and cuddly Exceed friends. While Serene was in a white Fairy Tail shirt, Lucy was wearing a quite large, bright and fiery red sweater that was way too big for her. It had been a gift from Natsu after he had accidently burned up the one she had been wearing that day. That was over a year and a half ago. Her hair was completely down and she was wearing red and white Fairy Tail patterned socks as well. She bumped the sleeve to her sweater up again before she unscrewed the cap to a huge bottle of grape soda. She knew it was one of Natsu and Gray's favorite flavors so she made sure she had bought plenty of it!

    At the sound of the doorbell Lucy opened her mouth to say come in, but it was too late. Heero walked in anyway. The girl made a slightly disappointed face as she went back to pouring the soda into cups. He's like Natsu so much, it's kinda scary... The thought crossed her mind without a second thought.


    Serene beamed when she saw her Lightning Dragon Slayer walk in. She blinked in concern for a moment as she saw his face get very red oddly for some reason. She tilted her head to the side and was about to say something but he seemed to recover effortlessly when he sat down next to her at a insane speed. The girl leaned over and kissed his cheek as her hand rested on his for just a moment, her panda hat nuzzling his ear for a couple seconds. "Hi akachan!", she said sweetly.


    "No! And don't you touch anything either!", she said with immense authority. Lucy then thought about Natsu and his incessant whining and she sighed. You get one bag of chips! Nothing else until everyone else arrives and I finished preparing!", the blonde wailed as she placed the sodas back into the refrigerator.

    Serene got up and headed towards the kitchen. Along the way, she stopped by Gray and fist pumped him with a cute smile and then high-fived Natsu hey as well. Never fear, Lu-chan! I am here~", she said in a fake-superhero voice. Lucy decided to play along. "Oh, my hero! I could never finish by myself!", the blonde said as she slide another two liter into the fridge. "The..uh...Amazing...What's my superhero name?", Serene joked. Her and Lucy giggled at their cuteness as they worked together to finish. When they finally did, the table looked about ready to fall as it literally filled to the brim with food - junk food to be exact. Lucy tapped her chin as she raised an eyebrow. "Now, how're we..." She was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

    "Hellooo? Is anyone home?"

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 317jvop

    Carla sat comfortably on Wendy's head while the little girl made her way to Lucy's house for the get together. "I really like our new guildmates! Heero-sama is really funny and Serene-chan is nice too! But, don't they remind you of Natsu-san and Lucy-chan for some reason?" Carla shrugged a bit even though Wendy couldn't see her do it. "I guess. They both are dummies, they have that in common." Wendy smiled a little. She knew that Carla didn't mean that. The two rounded the corner and got onto Lucy's road. As the two walked, Carla looked up and saw the huddled forms of two Exceed sitting on Lucy's roof. She didn't bother to say a word. She just sighed.

    When the two made it to Lucy's front door, Wendy let Carla down. "I hope this will be fun!", Wendy said with a little smile as her hair bobbed in the moonlight. Carla nodded to her and crossed her arms as her tail swished back and forth. The little Dragon Slayer extended her hand forward and knocked lightly on the door. "Hellooo? Is anyone home?", she called out. The door opened quickly with the combined image of Lucy and Serene beaming down at the girl. "Wendy!~ Carla!~", they both said in unison. Wendy smiled and waved and Carla smiled a bit at them. "Come in!", Lucy ushered her in and closed the door. Serene turned around in time to see Natsu sneaking up on the table of food with his scarf wrapped around his head to hide his face. Her eyes widened as she lunged forward. "Aaaack! Stay away!" The Firey Slayer yelped and shot back for the living room. Serene smirked triumphantly. Lucy came in and praised her for her hard work while Wendy went into the living room as well and said hello to the boys as she sat down on Lucy's loveseat.


    Love Me Across Time & Space! Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 16th December 2013, 5:11 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rr85eo

    Natsu scrambled back into the huddle of Heero, Garfield, and Happy across the room, with his scarf wrapped around his face like a ninja. He let out a "puff" of exasperation as Garfield, Heero, and Happy all stepped up to him anxiously.

    "How'd it go! Did you get a piece of fish?!"

    "C'mon! C'mon!"

    "At least tell me you got a leg of that turkey."

    Natsu lowered his scarf from his mouth and after a moment of stern expression; he looked utterly defeated, a sweatdrop popping up over his head.

    "Nothing....I was found out." Natsu sulked into the floor; defeated on all fours---then popping to his feet as a "!!!" popped up over his head. "At least I've still got these!!!" Natsu yanked a bag of chips from his coat; sparkling in triumph.


    Heero punched Natsu; as his face was shown from the side; he went flying into the kitchen with a bam! symbol. The bag of chips twirled into the air; as Heero caught them with one hand, sparkling.

    Almost immediately; Heero's head was beset upon by Happy, the blue cat grabbed onto Heero's head and began to bonk him on the head repeatedly with the comical Exceed noise. Heero spun around and flailed, falling into the kitchen with Natsu. The refrigerator shook as Heero and Natsu tangled and bashed into it; Garfield flew in and tackled Happy mid-air as the rumble continued.

    Eventually; they accidentally ripped the bag of chips open. All four of them; the two Slayers and two cats were shown on camera; watching the chips fall like leaves onto Lucy's kitchen floor; eyebrows (and fur) twitching.

    Simultaneously, they all gave up; and comically collapsed on their faces.

    "Dammit..." Heero said picking himself up too his feet; as Natsu, Happy, and Garfield were already on the way out of the kitchen, waving back to him comically.

    "Clean that up for us, will ya, Heero?" immediately Heero barked with a comical "what!" even Garfield pointed directly too a broom he saw as he floated out behind Happy. Mumbling and groaning to himself; Heero snatched the broom from the side of the fridge and begun sweeping up the utter mess they'd left.

    He'd look at Serene with a oops; as he knew she was probably giving him an evil eye of some sort. He returned to sweeping for awhile; until he heard a 'tap tap, at the door.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rynaqs

    "Oi, oi, oi, finally we can eat." Gray said, tapping a finger on the side of his face as he looked over his shoulder at Heero sweeping in Lucy's kitchen. "You missed a spot, blueberry." he pointed at a rogue chip Heero hadn't swept up.

    A dustpan came flying out of the kitchen and hit Gray in the face; flipping his usual seat over as his legs twitched angrily before he popped the seat back up right side.

    "W-what! I was trying to help you out!" Gray crossed his arms and shook his head; smirking at Heero who raised an annoyed eyebrow at him but then shrugged and laughed at Gray who laughed back. Gray stood up as Wendy and Carla arrived; putting his hands in his pockets.

    Somehow his shirt was gone.

    He walked over to the table; joining Natsu, Happy, and Garfield as Heero finished sweeping up the chips and joined them as well; slapping his hands together as if to say "a job well done".

    Natsu didn't know the first thing about cleaning; so he eventually leaned in and asked Heero "what that tool was he was using earlier", Heero blinked at him like he was crazy and then realized he was serious; telling him it was a broom. Natsu repeated the word "broom" a few times to himself and made the sweeping motion.

    "Forgive him Heero, he has about as much culture as a squirrel." Gray said with crossed arms and closed eyes.

    "What was that, you cold faced bastard, I just saw you looking at Serene's ass!" Gray went forehead to forehead with Natsu as Heero joined in at Natsu's last statement.

    "Dammit, Serene and Lucy worked hard on this dinner! Have some manners!"

    "You just punched me in the face for a bag of chips!"

    "Maybe I should've punched Gray instead!" Heero's eyes cut to his left in the three way headbutt.

    Natsu glowed red, Gray had a blue glow, as Heero had a yellow one comically in the three way headbutt standoff.

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 35kuc0x
    Love Me Across Time & Space! 30n93x5
    Love Me Across Time & Space! 1z374nm

    A 'tap tap...tap tap tap' came rhythmically upon Lucy's door. When it was opened; Gajeel, Elfman, and Master Makarov were visible out in the night's glow of the streetlights of Magnolia Town.

    Immediately; a fist stretched like rubber over the dinner table and slammed Natsu, Gray, and Heero into the floor with a punch from a giant hand above. They twitched on the ground; wincing in pain as Garfield and Happy held up "10" signs out of nowhere.

    "Sorry for the rabble rousers, Lucy, Serene. You two probably worked hard on this family dinner." Makarov said, walking in blowing his bubble pipe; eyes closed as his arm stretched back into normal position.

    "HOLY S@#$ this dinner is a MAN!" Elfman clapped his hands together once loudly and rubbed them together in front of himself. "Huhuhuhuuhu."

    "Calm down, Elfman. Everyone's not here yet. Juvia and Erza haven't arrived." Gajeels stomach rumbled once as the steam rising from a ham caused him to blush embarrassed. "Eh..Serene, how about just one chicken leg?" a rare Gajeel moment of comedy ensued as he leaned in towards Serene.

    "Hmph, a true warrior knows patience, Gajeel-kun." a voice came from behind them, as Lily flew in and closed the door bobbing up and down.

    Happy and Garfield; excited that all four of the Exceeds had arrived, flew over to Lily who smirked at all the attention he was getting. Eventually, Garfield looked towards Carla in complete awe for a split second; but then turned away before she could notice.

    "Ah, I see--- like Happy, you also lack a warrior's courage." Lily appeared behind Garfield from nowhere, arms crossed smirking. Garfield leaped up on one paw, surprised. Garfield began completely berating Lily, name calling as the black cat merely ignored him with his arms crossed smirking.

    "Hmph." Gajeel said to himself; smirking a bit at Lily's antics with the other cats as Natsu, Gray, and Heero finally picked themselves back up by the table.

    "Did that knock some sense into you?" Makarov appeared from nowhere; behind them blowing his bubble pipe. All three of them; cherry hair, blue hair, and black hair; bowed comically with sweatdrops over their heads. "Ohohohoho, Lucy! Serene! Look how humble they've become, all ready for dinnertime now!"

    Makarov would then spin, and pose (not quite as good as Heero or Ichiya); sparkles flew as he eyed Lucy and Serene's racks; and hips.

    "Surely an old man deserves some kind of reward right?" he held a finger to his lip innocently.


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Serene 16th December 2013, 7:42 pm

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2nj04p

    As Heero was in the kitchen doing his best immitation of sweeping, Serene was indeed giving him the evil eye. She expected her Heero to act far better than Natsu and Happy, but she knew now that that was false. Serene was actually prepared to discipline him to a higher degree but when he turned to her with the most apologetic and kawaii look on his face, Serene stopped in her tracks as his face began to sparkle and rainbows sounded off behind him. The girl blushed a bit and nodded before quickly turning away from him and going back to the fridge. Serene saw Lucy sitting there giggling her head off which made Serene a bit embarrassed. "I-It's not funny, Lu-chan! H-He's just really cu-". Lucy put her hands up as she took a deep breath. As she wiped a tear from her eye she fixed her shirt. "I knew they'd fight over the food, but that was wonderful! I can't believe Heero hit him!". Serene blinked in confusion as Lucy started laughing again. The brunette looked a bit shocked as she then realized what Lucy meant. "You knew that would happen?! Lu-chan, that's so devious!" Serene said as she giggled a little. Lucy shrugged a bit as she laughed a little more. "When it comes to boys, you want to make sure you're always one step ahead of them! Besides, they play jokes on me all the time. It was payback~" Serene nodded in understanding. "Payback, hmmm..."

    She didn't even hear the tapping at the door until it was almost like knocking.

    Serene put her bowl of macaroni down quickly as she finally heard the sound and went to go answer the door. She turned the handle and stepped to the side to allow whoever was there to walk in but suddenly felt a burst of magic and opened her eyes in time to see the Master's hand become insanely huge and stretch into the dining room. The movement sent her loose hairs flying from under her hat. "W-Welcome...", she managed to say as she processed what exactly just happened. Even Lucy, who had been bound to have seen this before was taken aback. However, when Elfman spoke, Serene snapped back to her senses. She clapped her hands together and a wall appeared in front of Elfman, hitting him square in the nose before she made it disappear. "Watch your mouth! Wendy is in the other room!", Serene scolded with a motherly tone. She waved Elfman along but stopped when Gajeel asked her for a turkey leg. She turned to the bird but caught Lucy's eye. The blonde did nothing but wink as she turned back to what she was doing.

    Serene got the message.

    The girl smiled cutely to Gajeel as she turned around with a plate and a chicken leg sitting on it. She gave it to him with a curt nod and sent him on his way to show his..."prize" to the other boys. The chicken leg looked absolutely delectable and it was absolutely fake. It was just a force illusion created by Serene to play a trick on Gajeel. Once he took a bite of it, it would simply disappear in a burst of light. It wouldn't hurt him at all, but Serene thought it would be funny!

    As Lucy and Serene walked into the living room, Serene noticed the Master in a jolly mood as he looked at them. The brunette smiled to him, but noticed he wasn't looking at her directly. She blinked in confusion for a moment before she followed his line of sight...right to her chest.

    "You want a reward, hm...? Tell me, how can I help you?" She accentuated her words with a subtle crack of her knuckles as her face darkened and her eyes appeared to get redder while her aura poured out angrily. Lucy giggled nervously. Serene-chan certainly did remind her of Erza or Mirajane when she got mad...

    Speaking of those two!

    Love Me Across Time & Space! 21bnhhw & Love Me Across Time & Space! 30w48rd


    The holler pierced the night like a hot knife slicing through butter as two figures could be seen shooting through the cityscape of Magnolia at breakneck speeds. Just what could be going on?


    Love Me Across Time & Space! Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj
    King Zenshin
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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by King Zenshin 26th January 2014, 8:12 pm


    I'm sure this was the place. A major disturbance in this area's leylines... any kind of disturbance doesn't happen, so a massive one like this... what could it be. It's times like these where I wish Aegis was still around he thought as he tapped his foot on the ground impatiently in the very same place that Heero and Serene had disappeared from. He noticed an imprint in the grass in the shape of a rectangle, there must've been a heavy box here or something... but where could it have gone?. Another question presented itself, fantastic. The members of Fairy Tail had said that Heero and Serene were off to the forest to open a portal to Edolas, but that was crazy. The amount of magical power and preparation that required was immense, far too long for Heero to do in an afternoon... not without the help of a forbidden... no... he didn't...

    Shutting his eyes tightly and putting his forehead in his palm, Zenshin was able to piece together what happened. Heero more than likely found a forbidden spell book and used it to attempt to open a portal. The book didn't go with them, though, looks like it was up to him and the blade master to go and rescue their fellow saint. "Leonard, it looks like Heero screwed up the spell. Check the brush over there for a big book, it should be pretty noticeable. I'll check around the lake." he told his companion on this journey. With that, he walked over towards the lake, searching the bushes that lined the border of the body of water with little luck, no book. What he could hear, though, was a faint humming sound, a droning that was coming from nearby.

    Zenshin looked to his left and to his right, no book, but the humming grew louder when he turned his head towards the lake. You've got to be kidding me... how did a heavy, forbidden spell book get into the bottom of a lake.... "Don't bother Leonard! I know where it is! Just wait around the runes in the ground, it shouldn't take too long to retrieve!" he exclaimed as he jumped into the water, swimming towards the center before diving down. The lake was so dirty and murky that he almost missed the book, but thanks to the humming noise as well as the faint, purple aura around the book, he was able to get it on his first dive.

    He quickly swam up and out of the lake, catching his breath as he put the book down and conjured a large beach towel to dry himself off, wouldn't want to catch a cold. Dismissing the towel after he was done with it, he opened the book and found the portal spell Heero mistook for a portal to Edolas spell. Dammit Heero... read the names of forbidden spells before you use them... Just because it has a diagram of a portal doesn't mean it's the kind you want he thought with a cynical expression, thinking that Heero must have mistaken it in this way. "As much as I don't enjoy dabbling in dark arts, if we want Heero and Serene back, we need to perform this spell..." he said, legitimately weighing the losses for a second.

    No! If I can do something about it, I will. We have to get those two back! he thought, quickly snapping out of that mentality. As he read Anima, he was glad that Heero had already carved out these runes, otherwise it would've taken hours to go there. Upon reading the final page of the spell, his face turned grim. "Says here that we need to combine magical energies with an exceed... that's unfortunate. There's also no substitute. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to exert myself before getting to this 'alternate universe' that Anima promises. Oh well, I guess it's a good time to test my magic to its fullest" he told Leonard, upset at the fact that he didn't have an exceed. "Prepare yourself Leonard. This could get uncomfortable for both of us"

    Zenshin took advantage of the scale and damage that Heero's screw up with the dark spell caused. It had actually weakened the leylines in this area enough for him to actually pass through, given enough effort. He was able to 'tear' open a door into the other universe in this weakened area, but not to the same place, unfortunately. "When I say go, run into the light" he informed Leonard, not wanting to keep the door open longer than he had to. In a snap of his fingers, a square doorway of light opened itself in the epicenter of the runic circles, "Go!" he called out to the blade master. After he made it through, Zenshin ran through as well. Then, white.

    When he awoke, his vision was blurred, but quickly came back to him as his right eye focused on the ceiling of the building he was in. It actually seemed quite familiar... wait a second... "My guild?" he said quietly, not noticing the group of people crowding around him. "YOUR guild?! Who the fuck do you think you are and why do you have our mark?!" This was the diction of a man, but the sound came out of a woman's mouth. Zenshin slowly stood up, taking a look at his surroundings. Yep, this was definitely Sabertooth, but it wasn't his guild. It was a much more active, stronger, guild than the one he ran. This must be a parallel universe... interesting he thought as he was stared down by just about everyone in the room. That's when he locked eyes with a blonde haired man, a mage with the same resolve on his face as a dragon slayer. "Could you tell me how to get to Fairy Tail?" he asked, assuming that's where Heero would have to be. He already knew the way in his world, but this was different, maybe the town was in a different place to. All he could do now what wait and hope they didn't all attack at once.


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Haru-senpai 26th January 2014, 10:32 pm


    Sting sat on the throne of Sabertooth, sipping what he thought was gonna be beer from a mug; holding it by the handle he lifted it too his lips and then let out a huge spray of mist...Apple Juice?! With a sweatdrop appearing over his head; he heard a snickering and muttering from behind the throne of Sabertooth in his guild.

    "Fro-sama thinks that was a bad idea!!!"

    "C'mon he'll never find us!"

    Sting twitched in anger, standing over his throne with a snicker and pouring the apple juice down behind it without even looking. Scampering from out behind he throne, bolted Lector and Frosch. The two cats, one in a frog suit; and one dressed like a young kid; scampered off at a run; wet and surprised.

    "Ehehehehehe." Sting marveled at himself for a moment, whirling the empty mug on one finger as he walked away from his throne, ready to actually maybe enjoy a real beer.

    The halls of Sabertooth sparkled, looking majestic as ever. As wizards socialized about this and that, laughing to themselves about recent events. Pride filled Sting, as he looked around the room. He spotted Rogue in a corner; arms crossed as Frosch reached him, the frog suited cat climbed up on his shoulder as and leaned on Rogue's black hair, causing the Shadow Dragon Slayer to smile.

    Sting smirked at this and looked around for Lector; who he saw looking up at the ceiling---in shock or fear, or maybe he just saw a huge spider or something up there.

    As Sting looked up, he put a hand up over his eyes in front of his blonde hair to look. He saw a Light, it was building, and building, and expanding. From within, tumbled a silver haired guy. He fell down to the floor; completely knocked out.

    "Is it alive, is it alive!" Lector ran up and hopped on Zenshin's back, sitting with legs spread and tail swishing back and forth. The brown cat poked the back of his head curiously.

    "Fro thinks it's a man!" Frosch stood nearby, tail wagging in his green frog suit.

    "Well.......do you think it's someone who followed us after seeing everything at the Grand Magic Games....?" Rogue said, waking up next to Sting, as Minerva stood nearby as well; looking not impressed at all. Sabertooth as a whole wasn't surprised by magic or even flashy magic, but someone had just fallen from....who knew where into their guild, and they all by now sensed he was a wizard.

    When the silver-haired guy finally woke up, he sat up throwing Lector backward onto the floor with an Exceed 'bump' as he rubbed his butt, calling Zenshin rude.

    "Fro thinks he's alive and well! Is he scary?!" he said hiding behind Rogue's leg who like much of Sabertooth, remained quiet; interested.

    As soon as he spoke, Minerva snapped. Looking to his left, Sting fumed a bit at the beautiful woman; wearing her usual two, hair so black it shines braids that dropped well past her ample ass.

    "Minerva, he's a guest, and a fellow wizard what is wrong with you?" Sting said, harshly, but ending with a smile as he cared for Minerva as well as a sister.

    "Hmph, perhaps she thinks he's cute." Rogue chimed in, joking a small bit as well with a smile curving on his lips.

    As Sting heard the silver-haired man speak; he noticed that he seemed to ask him directly.

    "I believe you know full well where it is, as Guildmaster of Sabertooth however; I won't be letting you just stroll on out of here towards one of our allies Guild Halls.....unless you mean them no harm." Sting's thought settled on Natsu and Gajeel, on Lucy, Juvia, and Gray, on Laxus, and his might; on Erza who had returned Lector to him, carrying him sleeping into his arms.

    "Sorry if I'm being harsh but....why do ya wanna go see em anyway? You're a capable wizard we all can tell."

    Mumbles from around Sabertooth filled the hall in agreement, everyone was slightly interested.

    "Where did you come from...." Rogue knew things weren't always as they seemed. His future self did just come through time!, to cause quite the attempt at releasing a Dragon Armageddon. This stranger could've come from infinity or beyond for all they knew.

    "Fro-sama thinks he's nice!" apparently Fro had been breaking down Zenshin's character and disposition from his facial expressions alone while staring at him, and as he spoke he opened his arms towards Zenshin with a beaming expression as usual. Rogue looked downward, a small somewhat blocked smile crossing his mouth.


    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rr85eo
    Love Me Across Time & Space! 2rynaqs
    Love Me Across Time & Space! 1z374nm

    Natsu and Heero both were laughing their asses off, at Gajeel's failed bite on the fake piece of Turkey. As the table full of food began to really come together; Gajeel got extremely upset and asked Lily why he didn't warn him.

    "A Warrior does not help another see through their opponents, attacks, this is a lesson one must learn on their own." Lily said as only he could, arms crossed tail swishing, black fur a shining. Gajeel balled up his fists, and actually couldn't believe that Lily saw through it the entire time and didn't warn him.

    "Rene, that was pretty smart....but you wouldn't ever do that to me with a fish right?!" Garfield had a quick double flash above his head; and thought to himself for a moment. "Wait a minute!" he could recall more than one time where fish had appeared from seemingly nowhere...fish he could never seem to catch. "Don't tell me you've been playing that trick on me for years!!!" Garfield fell on all fours, defeated amazed at his own stupidity.

    Gray appeared from nowhere, patting Garfield on the back.

    "Whoa there...it's ok there orange cat. I'm sure you're at least three times smarter than Heero or Natsu."

    Heero and Natsu who were laughing at Gajeel stopped and fumed, but Heero couldn't stop.

    "Did you see his teeth when he missed?!" Natsu laughed and imitated him as Gajeel from nowhere broke the now empty plate over both Heero and Natsu's heads simultaneously as they were standing close to eachother cracking up, and shaking hands at their own jokes.

    Just as Heero and Natsu sprang back to their feet, about to jump at him; they heard a scream. They all recognized the voice as Mirajane, it sounded like she was either really mad at, or searching for Erza. Even as a far away call, they could hear her.

    "What...that was Mira for sure!" Happy commented, munching on a large slab of salmon that he really shouldn't have had.

    "Oi oi oi, why in the hell is Mira lookin' for Erza for like that? Are they back at it again like the old days?" no one responded to Natsu's question as Heero, Gray, Garfield, and Gajeel all had their eyes firmly planted on Serene and Lucy's racks. They were shining and bouncing perfectly in the light of Lucy's house.

    Gajeel was the first to pull himself from the trance as Natsu wondered what the hell was wrong with them all.

    "Man you guys are spacy! Wake up!" He then punched Heero in the back of the head randomly, sending him flying out through Lucy's front door, breaking it as flames followed him from the hit. Lucy would likely have to pay for that.

    "Why did he choose me...." Heero said sparkling on the ground, butt in the air. Gray and Garfield still had their vision firmly planted on the girls.

    "I didn't think it was possible, but their lower bodies are just as attractive as their upper bodies." Garfield said inspecting them while sparkling, orange tail swooshing back and forth.

    ".....I wonder if I could ever make an ice sculpture of a female body....never tried it." both of them stood with one hand on their chins, with their retarded Gray and Garfield thoughts as Heero stood to his feet outside Lucy's house, door missing now.

    "We've gotta help em!" Heero ran up to Serene and kissed her on the cheek inside the house. "I'm going to investigate!" he said, sparkling and spinning her once in a dance move.

    "I'm comin' Erza!" he said, after spinning Serene and kissing her. Natsu attepted to roughly grab Lucy, and spin her around; failing miserably, who knows where she ended up as he let her fly from his hands. Rubbing the back of his cherry hair, Natsu laughed a laugh of apology...and fear.

    "Godamn, you're an ungraceful creature." Gray said appearing from the side out of nowhere. Gajeel, Happy, and Garfield all nodded simultaneously with Gray with their arms crossed as Natsu declared that none of them knew what they were talking about.

    Heero bolted towards the voice, and eventually thought he saw something up ahead that looked like Erza and the girl from Fairy Tail's bar, Mirajane. Another S-Ranked wizard.

    He slid between them, with a sparkle; standing to his feet as sparkles flew everywhere. Hitting one pose, Heero spoke.

    "Just how long did you think it would take me to get here~

    Another pose, and even more sparkles.

    "What seems to be the trouble Erza-chan, Mira-chan?" Heero's voice was low and smooth during the sparkling phase. As he was now wearing a tuxedo out of nowhere, he took Mira by the hand and kissed it, as sparkles flew from his lips, he did the same to Erza, as he spun to his feet. His tuxedo disappearing in a flash of anime speed.

    "But...is something really wrong? Or do you just like yelling at one another." Heero asked, raising an eyebrow and reverting to normal out of nowhere.


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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Rose

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    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by King Zenshin 27th January 2014, 4:31 am

    In his haste to locate Heero and the actual guild hall of Fairy Tail in this world, he failed to realize that his magic *actually worked*. What he also failed to realize was the fact that Leonard didn't fall with him, unfortunately. That was another problem he would have to solve before leaving this world. The things I do for Heero sometimes... He really owes me one this time around... he thought as he tucked the large leather book into a bag that he had just conjured up. "Fro thinks he's alive and well! Is he scary?!" a voice said from behind him as he stood up. It was an exceed, a cat dressed up like a frog who spoke in the third person, there was nothing this crazy in his world.

    "Minerva, he's a guest, and a fellow wizard what is wrong with you?" a voice came from the same man he had locked looks with. A guest in my own guild, huh? I guess I can't argue with that. I'm in their world after all, not my own. "I believe you know full well where it is, as Guildmaster of Sabertooth however; I won't be letting you just stroll on out of here towards one of our allies Guild Halls.....unless you mean them no harm." Sting said, yet he still hadn't introduced themselves, none of them had. "You call yourself the guildmaster? Well, what a coincidence, I am too." Zenshin responded with a grin. "Sorry if I'm being harsh but....why do ya wanna go see em anyway? You're a capable wizard we all can tell."

    "Now that, I can tell you. I'm sure you have your own handful of powerful, but stupid mages-" he began, letting that last part sink in and for a few of the mages they knew come to mind. "Anyways. He botched a spell to go to Edolas and ended up here. You see, we're from a world just like this, except the people in the guilds are much different. For example, in the Sabertooth I'm from, there are only a handful of people, unlike this crowded guild hall. And over there, I'm the guildmaster" he finally said, feeling safe among Sabertooth mages, regardless if they were from *his* guild or not. Zenshin pointed to the Sabertooth tattoo on his palm to emphasize the statement of him being from a parallel Sabertooth.

    "That's ridiculous! He's just some wanna be fan that knows a bit of teleportation magic! He's just a faker!" a voice called out from the large crowd that had formed around him. A few other voices started mumble in agreement. Zenshin honestly didn't have the time and patience to try and argue for the truth of his story, so he thought a demonstration was in order. His head shot in the direction from which the first man who questioned him, everyone else parted like a wave upon seeing this sudden movement, leaving only the other man in his sights. "Faker? You should really listen to people stronger than you." he said, pointing to the dragon slayer who seemed to think he was a capable mage.

    "Take your own advice buddy! Don't worry Sting, I'll take him out and we can get back to normal." he said, marching towards Zenshin, causing the ground to shake with each step. He's so big... When he was just a few feet from Zenshin, he brought up his arm and smashed it down, the arm itself expanding as it came down. Titan magic... interesting Some of the mages were just too afraid to step in and stop this guy from assaulting the stranger, and some were just indifferent. He sighed and summoned his sword and sheath, The Memory, in his hands. Zen knew that he shouldn't use a blade against a fellow guild member, no matter how stupid they were, so he simply used the sheath to block the incoming hand. The arm was large and heavy, causing the ground under him to crack as he blocked, but still, he was able to stop the blow. Some of the seemingly newer mages seemed to be awestruck, as if this was the first time someone had ever blocked such an attack by this man. "Sting's your name huh? I'm Zenshin. As much as it's nice to meet you, could you do something about him?" he said, fearing that he might go too far in defending himself from the self righteous titan mage.


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Bladestorm
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Love Me Across Time & Space! Empty Re: Love Me Across Time & Space!

    Post by Sir Leonard 1st February 2014, 11:58 pm

    Leonard was asked to investigate Heero and Serene's disappearance with Zenshin. It seems the pair was trying to open a portal to Edolas. What a foolish endeavor, why would he even do that? But then again, this is Heero we're talking about and this really counts as normal Heero behavior. But the thought gave him a comical sweat drop in every step towards the scene to investigate. When the arrived, Leonard immediately caught the whiff of a Dark Force. With runes scorched to the grass and a rectangular imprint, Leonard quickly deduced the usage of a forbidden spell. It was surprising for him, he didn't know Heero would go that far as to use a forbidden dark spell for god knows what reason.

    Leonard remained fairly silent in the course of their investigation while Zenshin directed their movements. He asked Leonard if he could check the brush for signs of the book they used in accomplishing the portal. With a nod of acknowledgement, he walked towards the brush, keeping a keen eye on every detail, feeling the magic power that has come and gone in this place to recreate the events in his mind. With his eyes closed, Leonard took small steps, while his head was turning to both sides as he tries to feel the magic power left behind, tracing it. But his concentration was broken when Zen said he had found the book. And so with a sigh, he hurried back to the center of the scorched on runes.

    As Zen read through the book, they found complications that would opening a portal impossible. Because in order for the spell to work, there must be in possession of an Exceed's magical energy.Unfortunately, none of them has one and it made him look down as he could tell Zenshin was upset about this fact too. But there has been much anomalies created by the dark portal that may actually bypass the original procedure. So he raised his head up and told Zen "There has already much destruction and anomaly created by Heero, perhaps we can use them in creating a portal of our own?" with much enthusiasm to make up for upsetting Zen. However, he had the same idea to which he simply nodded to. Zenshin was just as determined as him to bring Heero and Serene back, which is why he was willing to risk exerting himself on this endeavor.

    As Zenshin was tearing up the fabric of the dimensional divide, Leonard stood back to give him some room. The energies crackled and slowly a tear in the space in front of them was opening. Leonard didn't wait for Zenshin's signal, he jumped in once the tear was big enough for him to go through. He dived in to it headfirst and he could a sting as each part of his body passes.

    A quick flash of light blinded Leonard and the next thing he knew, he was diving straight into an open wine barrel. It shocked him good that it widened his eyes, entering the barrel with a splash. By the way his feet were wriggling about and how he was making the surface of the wine bubble, it was obvious that Leonard was desperate to get out and get a move on. But after seconds of trying, he snapped and destroyed the barrel, making quite the noise. He laid on the floor back side up, drenched in wine and holding Juigoku.

    With a sigh, Leonard stood up and changed Jigoku to Sky Heart to dry himself up, returning it to his pocket space afterwards. Well, it's only a matter of time before someone comes here and investigate, that was quite the ruckus. But where am I? he thought to himself as he looked around. Clearly he was in a wine cellar, but whose? He searched around the cellar for clues regarding where he was. He grabbed one of the barrels and turned it around. Strangely enough, he found a familiar mark on it, the mark of Sabertooth. Sabertooth? Why the hell would that portal lead me here?" he thought but then he heard footsteps fast approaching, he looked towards the exit and there he found two armed men bearing the mark of the guild.

    They gave him a mean look and all he could was raise his arms in surrender. The men approached Leonard with caution and one of them asked "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Leonard wondered why would this man ask who he is. Does he not know that he is Leonard Dragonbane? Wizard Saint and former Guild Master of Fairy Tail? But as he looked back, Leonard and Zen were trying to open a portal to a different dimension. Perhaps it worked? He wasn't sure, he needed more proof.

    On the other hand, the man's companion said "Search the guy, he must be carrying something dangerous! Leonard on the other hand gave no reaction and simply stood there like a statue with his hands in the air while the other guy searched him. "He's unarmed." the other guy said and they both looked at him in the eyes. "I don't know he looks suspicious. Besides why would he end up here without anyone noticing? He must be a mage! Look for a guild mark!" This made Leonard's eyes widened because he was afraid to be mistaken for a Dark Mage because the first place anyone would look for a guild mark was on the shoulder.

    Because of that, the men grinned at him because they found his Kusanagi mark on his right shoulder which they mistook for a Dark Guild mark. It was at this point that he was about to say something but he decided not to continue when one of them said "Let's bring this spy to master Sting!".  Leonard thought that would be better given his current situation. There he could explain exactly who he is and what he was doing, and therefore he let them take him. The men nodded to each other, grabbed Leonard and walked him out of the cellar, presumably to the hall's lobby. It was at this point that Leonard was able prove that the spell did work and they were in Earthland's alternate reality and not in Edolas.

    The men brought Leonard to a wide hall, exactly the same as the Sabertooth's Guild Hall back in his reality. He also found Zenshin already making a scene as he was battling someone with Titan Magic. Zenshin? Really? he thought as a frown appeared on his face. But he could actually help him in his defense if these men had already began to trust him judging by how he and the Titan Mage was given room to fight. Then he looked forward and saw a man with a white Sabertooth mark on his shoulder. The men made him kneel down before him and one of them said "Master Sting! We found this Dark Guild Saboteur in the wine cellar. He was planning on something very suspicious. He's unarmed though." Leonard on the other hand, simply looked at the Sting character in the eyes, silent. But underneath the silence, he kinda hates being called unarmed... Besides, as a ReQuip mage, are you truly unarmed at times?

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