Job Title: A walk down memory lane...
Rank: C
Job Location: Anywhere...
Solo Word Count: 1500
Group Word Count: n/a
Additional Requirements: Solo topic only.
Job Description: A simple mundane task makes you remember the good old days of your start on your journey, friends, or loved ones gone. Take this time to reflect and reveal what happened in your story...
This Job is Repeatable
Enemies: N.A
Reward: 20K Jewels
Rank: C
Job Location: Anywhere...
Solo Word Count: 1500
Group Word Count: n/a
Additional Requirements: Solo topic only.
Job Description: A simple mundane task makes you remember the good old days of your start on your journey, friends, or loved ones gone. Take this time to reflect and reveal what happened in your story...
This Job is Repeatable
Enemies: N.A
Reward: 20K Jewels