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    Key to the Darkness

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Key to the Darkness Empty Key to the Darkness

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th December 2018, 7:37 pm


    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal imagined that ‘special’ missions came and went as easily as a summer breeze. There had to be countless different issues and scenarios happening at once that required the attention of multiple ranks of wizards. Why he had been chosen for this specific mission was beyond him. But the Magic Council had asked that the job flyer go directly to him and only to him. He was asked to specifically avoid asking anyone to join him, which was even stranger than anything else. He’d made it a point to include Serilda on the last two jobs he had worked and they had seen success – to a point. The issue with Lexa and her clone was in its own category itself, he supposed. But as he stood there reading the details of the mysterious job, there was a small voice in the back of his head telling him to ignore the restrictions and ask her to come along. Or to reach out and ask Nessa or Markus. But he shook the voice off, marking it down as nonsense.

    He really wished he had just listened to himself. He was often his first warning against such things.

    The land he was journeying to didn’t have a name, nor was much known about it. It was nicknamed the ‘Ravines of the Lost’ because it’s deep trenches and winding paths seemed endless. There was also the case of the heavy fog that had settled within the rocky paths, thick and distracting. It was said that wind magic would temporarily open up a patch of free air but then the smog quickly filled back in, drenching the occupant in its haze once more. Most people were safe so long as they stuck around the outer edges of the ravine paths, where the fog was its thinnest. The few that dared trudge deeper had been lost forever or come back with no knowledge of what they had seen.

    But it seemed these trenches were switching up their mystery. As of late, several missing person had begun to build up faster than ever before. And even more disturbing were the bodies that had been piling up on the trails that many tourists came to visit. Battered bodies that had been bludgeoned and beaten, leaving dark marks on their strangely opalescent skin. Then there were the words etched onto their foreheads ‘You are free’; seemingly printed by some kind of marker or script magic. No matter what they used to try and remove the lettering, still it remained for all to look upon. The piling up of bodies and missing papers had finally prompted the Magic Council to send a squadron of Rune Knights into the mists, utilizing the best machinery and magic possible in hopes of traversing the mysterious depths.

    Days later, those bodies showed up as well; matching the same descriptions as the others. Half of the regiment was still missing but it was assumed they were dead as well. Risking another group of Knights, when their numbers were so low, was far too demanding. They needed a guild wizard to help them out. Flyers had been sent to specific guilds for specific people, hoping to garner some kind of attention and response. Mythal was either the first or only one that agreed.

    As he came upon the great divide, he was stunned at first by its majesty. It looked like a tear in the earth; as if some celestial sword had swung down and cleaved the soil in two upon its puncturing of Earthland’s crust. The rumored fog rose all the way up until it was even with the drooping ledge of the ravine, looking more like a smoky body of water than anything else. Just like he was told, the path in front of him diverged onto either side of the deep crack and the fog was only barely noticeable right at its start. Mythal took a long moment to look down to where the fog got thickest; where the paths were no longer visible and it was all guessing and feeling out. In that moment, he was glad that he hadn’t asked Serilda to come along. It wasn’t a fact of her not being a capable wizard, not at all. But it seemed otherworldly things, superstitious or supernatural beings and occurrences disturbed her on a spiritual level. She would have braved this pit but she would not have been at ease during any of it. That would have made the job that much more complicated. "Better she stayed,” he mumbled to himself, even as he pulled his travel bag forward to check his supplies.

    He’d packed at least a few days’ worth of food and water, just in case this trench went deeper than expected. He’d also made sure to keep the Sky Ring firmly wrapped around his finger; if he needed to make a quick escape, it would propel him up and out of the fog. Even with all of those things as back up, he still didn’t feel right about this. The air smelled wrong here – like the very ground was infected with something unnaturally wrong. Perhaps it hadn’t been some divine celestial that had carved this earthly wound but a demonic one instead. But even that didn’t seem right – he’d faced at least a few demons at this point and none of them smelled or felt like this.

    But a job was a job and he’d agreed to take this one on. He slid the pack back around and then took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the almost literal dive. Then he began his descent, opting to take the left path rather than the right one. It was the one that smelled the least imposing. The rock-carved trail was surprisingly smooth; it had been stamped down to near perfection for walks down. There was even a small guard rail that separated the path from the steep drop to his right, a perfect spot for some to look over and take pictures of the blinding fog below.

    The farther along he went though, the more undeveloped his trail became. The smoothness faded away and uneven grounding had him rising and falling with each ebb and flow of the floor. The railing ended right as the fog began to thicken, leaving him with the fun task of having to keep his balance. His thumb rubbed against the Sky Ring carefully, feeling it giving him confidence that he wouldn’t just plunge to his death over the edge. He reached out and leaned towards the rock wall to his left, feeling more secure as his fingers trailed over the uneven, stony surface.

    He lost track of how long he had been walking down the incline but what was more impressive was how long it seemed to continue downward. He looked back but only found the foggy wall there to greet his vision, the safety of the world beyond long gone. He stopped for a brief moment and leaned against the wall, his eyes scanning the smog that seemed to bear into his very eyes. Once he had collected himself a bit, he continued downward, an overwhelming dread setting upon his mind. Why was that? He’d been in arguably more intimidating situations and managed to keep his cool. But here he felt… flustered. Antsy, nervous even; like he was expecting something to come out of the dog and attack him. Maybe it was the fog itself doing that – maybe it was some magically infused haze meant to drive a person mad. It explains the people disappearing but not the bodies… unless someone cracked and went postal and has managed to survive down here ever since.

    Just as he was wondering about that, he found himself on a platform. The declining path had finally ended and now he was upon a stony staging. His pace slowed as he bent down, running his hands over the surface of the ground. Smooth once more, much like one would find inside of a house. The surface even squeaked a little as he brushed his finger across it. But as he stood back up, he felt an overwhelming shift around him. It felt like the ground had suddenly dropped an inch or so, just enough to get his attention and knock him slightly off balance. His senses were going wild as he kept his footing as even as possible; the utter silence that surrounded him was unnerving, reminding him of when he’d been inside Serilda’s Dead Zone. There was nothing solid but the ground beneath him and it was even unsteady. As he looked around at the endless white, his vision seemed to glaze over as well. He fell to a knee, looking down at the ground and blinking in an attempt to clear away what he supposed was vertigo. A heavy sheet of exhaustion was flung over his mind and all he wanted to do was lie down and rest, to sleep away the anxiety and wake again with renewed courage.

    And it was that feeling that beat out his willpower, the God Slayer slumping to the ground and going completely limp. He never even noticed the shadow in the dark, only feet away from him. It stared at the man on the ground and let out a small noise, much like a clicking sound. Then it began to walked forward, right to Mythal.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Key to the Darkness Empty Re: Key to the Darkness

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th December 2018, 10:09 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    He woke with a start.

    All his senses had returned to normal, though he felt like he had just waked from a bender. As he came spiraling back to consciousness, his eyes snapped open and he nearly launched himself up from the ground to his feet. He didn’t quite make it – going from horizontal to vertical was not something the mind could handle easily. As he came up, his body attempted to catch up to his mind but was still in the process of waking up. It resulted in him backpedaling several feet and then landing flat on his back, his arms splayed on either side of him.

    "What the hell…?” he asked to no one, his eyes now just beginning to clear. He thought the bright white that seemed to bear down on him was just the fog that had surrounded him. But as his vision finally sharpened, he could tell it was something else. This was like an endless blank white that spread… well, as far as his eyes could see. He lifted his head slightly to look around and found more of the same in every direction, with no signs of seams or lines that could separate walls from ceiling or floor. It was like he had become trapped inside a fully white cocoon.

    He was surprised at first – the white was about as pristine as he had ever seen. Normally such intense absence of color would have bothered him; it was quite literally the opposite of what he was comfortable with. But it didn’t hurt his eyes, despite the fact that it was as bright as can be. It was unnerving in its own sense; it didn’t seem to have an end or if it did, it was not easily placed. A continuous smooth color had a wonderful and terrifying ability to create almost a tunnel vision-like scenario, where the path just kept on going and going. Slowly he got to his feet and took a moment to turn in every direction, looking for some kind of sign that he wasn’t in an endless landscape. Much to his surprise, there was something; a thin little line he could barely make out as he turned almost two-thirds of the way around. It wasn’t much but against a blanket of white, it was distinctive. And as much as he hated throwing all his hope on one option, he didn’t have many others.

    He began to walk towards it, his pace a bit quicker than he would normally go at. It started off at a brisk step and slowly began to warp into running. As much as he hated to admit it, he wanted nothing to do with staying in here any longer. Just like the fog outside, there was no sound or smell or feeling within here. It was like the epitome of emptiness and it was unnerving. Even as his feet plodded onto the ground, nothing came out of it. He may as well have been standing in place.

    Yet his voice made noise; perhaps it was because the magic couldn’t quite control him, just his surroundings. His speed picked up a bit more as he thought about it but he nearly came to a skidding halt as he focused once again on the line. It was still just as far away as it had been, not seeming to get closer even a fraction while he ran. "That’s kind of annoying,” he growled out as he bumped up his speed yet another fraction.

    Suddenly, something flew up from the ground. It wasn’t an enemy, though he couldn’t quite tell with how quick it came up. He had just enough time to leap over it and roll across the ground, up and back on his feet to fight. But as he finally got eyes on it, he was surprised to find it was… a half-wall. It was some kind of device by the look of it, made up of electrical circuits that weaved in and out of the metal. Had it tried to trip him up? He stared at it for a moment longer before he turned and took off again. But he only made it probably ten yards before another popped up, causing him to have to leap over it again. Barriers – they were popping up as he got closer to try and slow him down. That or hurt him as he ran through them. He turned once more and ran, this time more aware of his surroundings. As the next one popped up, he leapt to the right to avoid it. The one that followed was easily vaulted over and the last one he pushed off the ground and flipped over. He was still prepared for more as he ran but no more came, leaving him once again running in the open white field.

    He couldn’t have been running more than five minutes before the ground on either side of him snapped open, revealing two ominous black pits. He tried to change direction, wanting to go to them and look down to see what he could see. But before he could, a fleet of miniature machines flew out from the holes, swirling up into the air and swarming. "You’ve got to be kidding me!” He yelled. A hail of bullets flew down towards him, the God Slayer diving to the side to avoid the pellets from hitting him. He rolled and shot up towards the swarm, his fist covering itself in his dark magic. He punched into the cloud of machines, the swarm spreading out to avoid the strike. But one of them wasn’t quick enough and it was crushed from the impact. He spun through the air but a sudden pain smacked him in the shoulder as a slew of bullets slammed into his back. They hadn’t managed to fully pierce his clothing but they had damaged the skin beneath.

    "Fallen God’s Chaos Blast!” He roared, spinning around and snapping at the machines. The ray of pitch black magic swallowed up the robots, disintegrating more than half of them. As the others came out of the dark storm, a little worse for wear, Mythal was already leaping up with his fist cocked and ready. He swung his arm to every side, destroying each leftover bot as he descended back towards the ground.

    Once he hit, he was surprised to find the black line nearly on him now. It looked simply like a drawn black spot, with no real intention or purpose whatsoever. As he cursed out loud at his bad luck, he saw two more circles open up on either side of the black line. Out of the holes came two figures; each of them looked like they were made up of fire but of the colors black and white. They stepped onto the ground, their unseen attention on Mythal. Yin and yang, light and darkness.

    "Come on then,” the God Slayer hissed as he charged forward, taking his attention to the dark one first. Creatures of darkness did very little damage to him, so as long as he kept his eye on the light one and focused his attacks on the one made of darkness, he could make the first bout much easier. But just as he got within striking distance, the black guardian unleashed a torrent of light energy. It slammed into Mythal, sending him spinning backwards until he hit the ground hard. He skidded along its surface before he slammed his fist down, halting his slide. His head snapped up to look at both creatures, still standing there.

    "Fine,” he groaned as he got to his feet. He pressed down on his arches, his heels rising up slightly as he built magical energy into his legs. Then he rocketed towards the dark creature again, the full power of his magic behind him. Before the guardian could hit him with another blast, the God Slayer’s arm had extended and had hooked around it’s body. The propulsion carried him onwards until he slammed his feet into the ground, practically sending the dark guardian soaring up into the air. He only stayed on the ground for a moment before he launched himself up into the air at the creature, his arm pulling back. But instead of clotheslining him again, he swung his arm forward in a vicious haymaker that pushed right through the flames of the guardian’s head and extinguished it. The monstrosity exploded in a flash of black flames, dispersing through the air.

    But the white guardian was above him and as its arms came down, it sent Mythal soaring back towards the ground. He hit it hard; enough so that the ground would have splintered and fractured were it normal. The impact knocked the wind out of him, his eyes bulging out. The white guardian came down, his fist leading the way, as he attempted to crush Mythal’s head. The God Slayer managed to roll away just in time, the fist disappearing into the ground but not breaking the floor. Mythal sprung back up and attacked, landing a few dozen punches into the creature’s head with his bare hands. It pulled back and unleashed a torrent of dark flames upon him, swallowing Mythal within its plume.

    But he was quick to prepare for it and he opened his mouth, sucking up the darkness around him. The whipping black fire swirled in the air and disappeared within his mouth as he drank it down, refreshing himself. Then, his eyes blazing with the dark flames, he leapt at the creature with his right fist forward, his arm cloaked in ash and black veins running the length of the limb. He carried it forward, pushing into and through the fiery creature for what seemed like eons.

    And then, everything went black.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Key to the Darkness Empty Re: Key to the Darkness

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 14th December 2018, 7:35 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal hit the ground. Again.

    This time he had somehow warped from one place and to another, landing hard on his stomach as he hit the indiscernible ground. He was lying on a solid surface at the same time, there was nothing there. He was immersed in utter darkness; everything around him was pitch black or so it seemed. As he groaned and pushed himself to his feet, his hands pressing against an invisible floor, he glanced around his surroundings. Darkness in every corner except for one – an area off to his right. And there stood the exact opposite of darkness; bright white platforms that resembled snow-covered ground, hovering in the air through some magical force. As if those weren’t strange enough, there was also a massive, ornate door that rose up from the pieces of ground. It was a pristine white, with detailed lines running on each side of the double doors. Stained glass had been set near the top half of each one, with another triangle-shaped glass setting above it. Golden knobs and door handles were set into the door, the means of which one might open it.

    "What… ?” Mythal asked, staring at the out-of-place houseware. He took a step towards it, now more curious than anything else. But the ground exploded from under him, blowing him backwards from the sheer force of the magical power. He bounced once, twice before he managed to come to a sliding halt on the ground, groaning as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. As his head cocked up to look back to where he had been, he spotted a figure standing almost exactly where he had been standing.

    It was a human of medium height, probably half a foot shorter than Mythal. His bright teal hair was a bright contrast in comparison to all the dark that made up the room. He was wearing a clean, crisp black shirt and pants with a gray vest and a loosened black tie around his collar. But the most disturbing part was the bright white mask he wore on his face, with ‘YOU ARE FREE’ etched in a creepy smile over where his mouth would be. Tiny black notches were etched around the leftmost eye, like some kind of marking of victims.

    "You the one killin’ e’rryone?” Mythal asked as he got to his feet, groaning slightly.

    The being didn’t answer. Instead, it brought its right hand forward, his hand stretched like he was taking aim at the God Slayer. But then a flash of dark magic equipped him with a weapon… or was it a key? In truth, it looked like a giant key that had a boxed in handle where one might grip it. The metal part of it, namely the shaft, was barely noticeable behind the inky darkness that had apparently corrupted it. Jagged, sharp points thrust out from the point of the key, like dreadful spikes off a barricade. The same darkness wrapped around the guard that surrounded the handle, converging on a sharp point at the end. A dark, chain-like keychain hung from the spike, swaying in the air smoothly.

    A giant… key… weapon. That was new. The humanoid pointed at the key in its hand slowly and then pointed at itself, trying to tell the God Slayer his name.

    "You’re…the key? Or yer name is Key?” Mythal asked, clearly confused.

    In answer, the man called Key waved the keysword in front of him. A moment later the ground exploded once more from under Mythal, this time sending him flipping head over rear into the air. But before he could hit the ground, his Sky Ring activated and caught him, causing the God Slayer to curve up into the air and then hover. "Don’t matter to me now,” he growled as he willed his body forward.

    He shot down and slammed his fist into the humanoid’s face, knocking him back a step. Mythal held it there but slowly Key began to turn back, resisting the fist buried in his masked cheek. He swung the keysword at the God Slayer, clipping him in the shoulder and sending him spinning. He righted himself and flew right back, this time raining a flurry of punches and kicks against the creature’s face.

    With one last hard punch, he sent the masked man stumbling back. His head snapped up and he twisted his body around to point the sharp end of the keysword at the door behind him. There was a loud clunking noise, like a lock disengaging that echoed throughout the entire space. Mythal’s gaze shifted to the door as it started to creak open, each door slowly pulling away from one another. Clouds of darkness broke through the crease as it expanded, flowing down out of the room beyond and onto the ground. Immediately Mythal could sense something was wrong; there was a deep pain in his stomach that felt old and familiar. He watched with trembling eyes as the door opened just enough to reveal a shadowy figure standing just beyond the threshold of the doorway. He couldn’t see her directly but he could feel her presence. He knew her without having to see her.

    The Absolute Divine of Destruction and Death; Faera herself.

    Before he could say or do anything – not like his body would have the willpower to do so anyways – Key spun around and set off another explosion from under his feet. This time the God Slayer wasn’t prepared, sent spiraling into the air and hitting the ground with a hard thud. Tendrils of darkness creeped up off the invisible floor and grabbed at his chest, trying to pin him down. He was in no condition to fight them off at the moment; his entire body was paralyzed and screaming in both pain and fear. He could feel her aura even from here, bearing down on him, calling out to him.

    Key was standing over him now, looking down behind the empty eyes of the mask. He brought the keysword around and hovered the sharp end of it over Mythal’s chest, right where his heart was. But Mythal was far away, his eyes focused on the shadow of the Fallen God that had tried to possess him. That would possess him. It was over…

    “Come on, boy. Ain’t no son of mine that’d give up that easily.”

    Just as the key came down to stab into Mythal’s heart, it was knocked to the side, causing it to stab into the ground. As Key himself tried to understand, a blur of something sharp came up and slashed the man across the chest, knocking him back several steps and causing him to drop his weapon. The blankless eyes came up and watched as Mythal got to his feet, using a sword to push himself up. The steel weapon hissed as he brought it up onto his shoulder, the God Slayer glancing at it. "Bout time you showed up,” he spoke to Curse, his personal weapon.

    Key’s arms came up, his fists clenching tight. An ominous purple and black light began to emanate off of him, the ground beginning to shake ever so. But Mythal was having none of that, rushing forward as he spun the blade around so that it was even with his arm. His magic surged into both of his arms, his skin paling completely white. Black rivers of darkness twisted through his flesh until they were stretched up to his biceps.

    He came within Key’s proximity and then, unleashed hell upon him. It was a blur of fists raining down upon the masked figure, fully-powered punches that slammed all over his enemy’s upper torso. The ground’s shaking shifted, the magical pressure coming off of Mythal taking control of its trembling. Key was knocked around like ball in a pinball machine, his body jerking every which way as punch after punch came crashing down upon him. As Mythal finished the attack, one last punch that knocked the masked man back a few steps, he muttered a loud. "God Slayer’s Secret Verse: One Thousand Falling Fists.” As the last syllable left his mouth, Key fell backwards onto the ground, his body going completely limp.

    Mythal turned his gaze to the figure of Faera in the door, her form having remained in the same spot. He brought Curse up to point at her, the tip aimed right at her skull. "Someday, Faera. I’m coming for you,” he promised her. He took a few steps and took hold of the keysword that Key had possessed, raising it up and pointing it at the door. His willpower became one with the weapon and slowly the door began to close, masking the figure from view. The last Mythal saw of the Fallen God, there was a dark green flash of her eyes and then the door sealed itself shut once more.

    The world began to fall away from Mythal, light swiftly crawling in from above him. "Just wait until then,” he muttered as he disappeared into the pillar of light that had come down to retrieve him, removing him from the darkness.

    All was silent in the dark realm for several long moments. Then the distinct sound of footsteps approached seemingly from nowhere. “Aye, that was quite the battle,” a smooth voice spoke, the voice elegant and carefree. From out of the shadows came the handsome man that Mythal had met in Oak Inn, walking out of the shade like it was nothing. He walked right up to the body of Key and stared down at it, snorting a chuckle. “He put up a fight but the lad wasn’t strong enough for ‘em,” he spoke to no one in particular. Though as he did speak, he turned his gaze to the door.

    “Aye, he did seem stronger. But it don’t matter none; he’s not goin’ to matter in the long run. So let him swim in his darkness and think he controls the tide. When his sister comes lookin’ for him, he won’t stand a chance. Too bad though,” he said, shaking his head.

    “A father never likes to see his children fight,”

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:28 pm