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    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by SeaGlass 7th December 2018, 11:55 pm

    Little Arcadia:

    After announcing each of the upcoming battles, Arcadia raced  down the street for the judges booth. She had dropped all magic around her, no longer needing it for her part in the Festival. The perfectly visible  and currently littlest of slayers rushed up the stairs into the booth two or three at a time. She had time, but she still had a little last minute preparation to do.

    Arcadia smiled and waved to  three judges probably already waiting for her. She waved to  friends and family,”Hey, big sister! Master Sorano!”, and bowed to Samira, “Good meet you, Ms. Samira! I'll just be a minute.”

    The littlest slayer was glad to find the pillows she hard arranged to brought to the booth were waiting for her. She stacked the two cushioned on her chair, and slipped her iLac from its pocket her dress. She tapped her iLac to the broadcast lacrima, syncing it with an app she opened.  It would allow her to remotely control the broadcast stream being sent from the various camera lacrima around town to the viewing lacrima set up in the booth and along  the streets of Magnolia. Jumbo viewing lacrima were available at the various arenas for the judges to illustrate any judgment through replay if it became necessary.

    Once her iLac was synced with the broadcast lacrima stream, she climbed up to her elevated seat on her pillows.. They made it so  she could see over  the the desk the microphone lacrima were set on.  She waved over to the wizard saints settled next to her, ”Uh..if I could get you all to say something into your mic lacrimas, one at  time. I need to test and set the levels, and then we'll be good to go.”

    When the levels were set, Arcadia tapped through her iLac, starting up the stream to broadcast out over the lacrima-net.  The pale blonde slayer  held up  one opened hand, and slowly and silently counted down from five with her fingers. When only her forefinger was held up, she swing it in an arc, and tapped the button her app to bring everything live. ”Welcome to the Fairy Festival Fairy Ring! As announced by yours truly, Arcadia Fairchilde, just after the parade, we'll be having four exciting battles featuring four Fairy Tail mages facing off four volunteer mages.”

    Arcadia tapped the controls on her iLac screen to set the viewing screens to a four-way split screen of each of  the contestants faces in the sky created by the lingering fireworks. ”Once again matches we will be featuring are Rina Everglades vs. Mia Liu, Althea Eventide vs. Kumi, Aven Alverson vs. Leona Jarnefeldt and Mura Kensho vs. Johann von Weiss. I gotta apologize to Johann “Mahdude” von Weiss for getting his name wrong earlier down on the parade stand. It is not Van Weiss.”

    She brought up various pictures of toys of all the battle participants, ”You may have seen the faces of our super awesome contestants on toys and souvenirs at various sponders' booths and vandors around the Festival. Be sure to pick up your favorite so you can root for them in style! A late addition to our collection is one more Aven figure! Seen here.”

    Aven Figurine:

    Arcadia tapped the screens to  along the streets were each assigned a different arena. In the broadcast/judges booth, a bank of viewing boxes  were unaffected by the the broad cast stream. They provided raw feed for the judges to watch each match.  She continued, ”Joining me today is our All-Saint Judges's Panel!  Saint of Humilty -  Samira Nassar! Saint of Tranquility – Sorano Granon! And  Saint of Purity – Nessa Cordelia Lux! They'll be offering the insights as well as making any judgments should any rules violations come up or clarifications be necessary. And in case both contestants are still standing at the end of a match's time limit they will confer and decide the winner!”

    The little slayer flipped through the various matches as the action began to pick up in each one. ”In Arena Atlantis, it looks like things are well underway. I've personally seen both Aven and Leona in action on separate occasions. They're both amazing and powerful wizards. They appear quite evenly matched, a real tactical showdown so far. Though I think Leona may have her hands full if Aven manages many more of those Seeker's Crcles. And Aven could likewise find his carefully laid plans  thwarted now that Leona has brought some of her big guns.”

    Arcadia switched her focus,, setting up a slow motion replay ”Are you serious?! Did you folks see that light show out at Arena Avalon!? Let's that again! Johann  nearly turning the whole arena crispy with against vortex of black flame! And Mura with one big slice of Nope!, putting out the flames! Would you expect any less from the Battle of the Saints! True one of them is a God of Ishar, but Battle of the Saint and God is not as catchy!”

    Her faerie green gaze shifted focus on the screens again, ”And in Arena Lemuria, it looks likes we're off to a blistering start. Thea is not wasting any time, and already getting up close and personal! And the mysterious Kumi! Did she just teleport or is she really just that fast?! Let's see in replay.” Arcadia tapped her iLac, putting the blurred dash in ultra slow repeat. ”Look at that, even ins slow-mo replay, you can't really tell!”

    Shifting her gaze to one more time, ”And it looks like we're just under way in Arena Mu! This should be one tense match u. Flame Demon Slayer vs Heavenly God Slayer! This Battle of Fairies should  some real fun to watch unfold!

    Having summed up the action so far best as she could, Arcadia smiled and glanced over to  Sorano, Nessa and Samira, “What do you all think? What can we look forward to in the battles today?  Anything that stands out to you so far? Feel free to use the power of the replay to illustrate your points.”

    Last edited by SeaGlass on 23rd December 2018, 3:21 pm; edited 3 times in total


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 9th December 2018, 8:21 am

    Nessa had arrived at the viewing booth, shortly before the fights were about to begin. She had managed to get changed into a normal dress to watch the fights in. Not waiting to watch the fights in the dress she had performed in cause it wasn't as comfortable as her normal attire. She took a seat in the viewing booths, eying over the several screens. She glanced over at Arcadia and offered her a small wave. As she greeted her, turning to look at her fellow judges, Sorano Granon, her guild master was one of them. There was also a woman there that Nessa hadn't met, but had most definitely heard of. Samira Nassar, one of the wizard saints, and rumoured to be one of the most powerful mages alive. Nessa had been able to sense her magical powerful before she even walked in the room, it was astounding. Nessa had just received saint status herself, but to consider herself in the same category with a woman like this seemed wrong. Next, to her, Nessa felt like a fly. "Hey there Sorano," She said to her guild master, before offering a friendly smile to Samira. "Hi there, I'm Nessa, Nice to meet you." She said in a polite tone.

    As Arcadia asked them to test their mics, Nessa leaned forward towards it, "Er... hello?" She said awkwardly, not really sure what else to say. She sat back, listening as Arcadia introduced the event. She eyed the screens, watching the different crowds surrounding its arena. It was such a good turn out. Each Stadium was full, although some more than others, after all, how often did you get to watch a fight between a Wizard Saint and a God of Ishgar. Nessa had never heard of a fight like this in her lifetime, and she was excited to see the result. All the pair ups were pretty exciting, there were a few people that Nessa wasn't familiar with, like the guildless mage that Althea was facing and although she knew Mia and Althea, she had never seen her magic in action.

    As Arcadia went on the introduce the fights, Nessa brought her hand to her mouth. Her eyes widened and she bit down on her knuckles a moment to stop herself from laughing as Arcadia apologised to Johann about getting his name wrong. Referring to him as 'mahdude', the furthest possibly nickname Nessa could have ever have imagined him having. Such a serious character like Johann being giving such a playful and silly nickname was hilarious, but it made sense based on his behaviour during the night of the black moon. Nessa glanced over at the Aven figurine and grinned a little, never did she imagine she would ever get to see Aven in the form of a chibi figurine. It was adorable and amusing at the same time. During the fights Nessa's eyes would dart between the screens, trying to capture every moment she could see so that she didn't miss anything. Hopefully, she didn't get too focused on a single fight and miss something important.

    The first fight that Arcadia addressed was Aven and Leona; this was a fight Nessa felt the most anxious about. On the one hand you had Aven, who Nessa had seen in action many times, being a member of Radiant Light with her. He was one of the best fighters she'd ever seen and wasn't to be underestimated. Then again she had also worked with Leona before, not only was the Guild Master of Silver worth a force to be reckoned with, but she was a naturally skilled warrior. Nessa honestly couldn't predict how this fight would go, as far as she had seen Aven had never lost a fight. But who knew in this case. Aven began by making quick work with his circles, they appeared in several locations, Nessa watched as they fired off multiple bolts of arcane light towards Leona. Moving at an impressive speed, to Nessa's surprise Leona took the blow, using her hands to shield and maybe even absorb a little of the damage.

    Nessa's eyes flickered to the fight between Johann and Mura, from the looks of it Mura had filled the area of the area with a green aura that was spreading towards Johann, looking almost like a green crown. Johann didn't offer a counter, he just took the spell full on, his clothes would singe, and the exposed areas of skin would appear with jade-coloured scales. Nessa had to admit, the effortless way he was handling the attack was kind of unnerving. The response was nothing less than what Nessa expected, after a few words, their arena was filled with a tornado of black flames. Nessa watched for a moment, wanting to make sure Mura was okay; Fortunately, he dodged the spell.

    She turned to look at Althea and Kumi's fight, at this point, she had managed to glance over just as Althea dodged a burst of magical energy, before rushing towards the girl. Nessa had to admit Althea seemed skilled in combat, her fighting still actually was kind of similar to her own. Maybe it would be worth having a little one to one sparring match with her one day. Finally, Nessa glanced at the fourth fight, recognising Rina's magical spear. She had often seen in on their missions together but wondered how she would be using it in this fight. She then glanced at Mia who was standing in front of a beautiful pony that had reared onto its hind legs. Although it seemed that it wasn't there to attack right now, as Mia threw a ball of fire at Rina.

    Arcadia addressed the judges for comments, Nessa leaned into her microphone. "This is so exciting, we have some real talented mages in the arenas today. Like I've seen a lot of these in action like I honestly can't call the fight between Aven and Leona. Both are so skilled in their own way; I think we can expect some real entertainment." She said, as she glanced over at the Arena Avalon, "Like I don't know much about some of the girls fighting today other than Rina, but from what I've seen so far, I'm impressed. As for last fight, I'm just glad we have insurance." She said as she glanced back to the fight between Mura and Johann once more.

    WC: 1068

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 28th June 2019, 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] 60582_s


    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by ivyleaf33 9th December 2018, 8:39 am

    Sorano entered the judges booth after Arcadia, finding the seat labeled with her name in carefully sitting down on the chair, carefully folding her hands in her lap before looking around. It was a lovely space, screens positioned before them with broadcasts of each duel currently going on, as well as several cameras positioned around the room to get a good shot of each woman who would be sitting inside. A control panel would float up before her as she settled in as well, providing her a way to manipulate the video footage and choose what to broadcast over her talking. A microphone would be clipped to her shirt, and the letter mage dutifully spoke a quick “Testing, testing,” at the request of her younger guildmate, who enthusiastically started up the stream of the booth. Nessa and the world-famous Samira Nassar would get into their positions as the broadcast began, the guild master nodding politely at each of the Saints before turning her face to the screens before them. The duels were about to begin.

    Arcadia’s chipper voice announced the dueling pairs, flashing the broadcast through shots of each battle giving a quick plug to the merchandise that had been ordered for the occasion. The new Executive Manager of Fairy Tail was definitely a modern, innovative person – merch was not at all something that Sorano would ever have thought up of. But she straightened to attention once more at the sound of her own name through the headphones, the dragon slayer quickly announcing the judges to the world. Soon afterwards, the battles began, flashes of magic slowly starting to pop up on each screen before them.

    For a while, the letter mage forgot to speak, mind too occupied with the task of trying to follow so many battles at once. She hadn’t taken into consideration how difficult it would be to watch the constant exchange of blows – being a slow thinker and a naturally quiet person didn’t help, either. Instead, she heard the constant chattering away of Arcadia, and tried in vain to follow along with all the action.

    Mia and Rina’s fight looked fairly straightforward so far, beautiful glowing attacks of light being exchanged. Mia’s fireball and Rina’s spear and petals attack were all pretty basic spells from what she could see so far, and she let out a quiet comment on that situation. “The battle in Arena Mu looks fairly straightforward so far. Their magic is beautiful, however.”

    It was a simple, rather boring comment, but the best Sorano could muster at the moment. Switching her attention to Thea and Kumi’s battle, she watched just in time to see the water slayer’s foot dig into the kitsune’s side. Kumi responded with a burst of energy – from what it seemed, another fairly basic fight. “Kumi and Althea look pretty evenly matched at the moment, too. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top.”

    As for the battle of the Saints – the fight between Johann and Mura, things seemed a bit more complex. Both had takeover-esque aspects to their magic, with Mura’s familiar spirits aiding him in battle, and dramatic bursts of energy starting off the fight from each side. Having tuned in just in time to see Johann manifest a scythe before warping quickly behind her teammate and swinging down at him, before casting a magic circle beneath his feet. Mura managed to dodge the scythe and negate the magic circle, but it seemed that the shaman had been damaged after all. He responded promptly with a scythe of his own afterwards, causing Johann to fly back. It seemed that it was her ace who had the upper hand so far? “Both of the mages of the Saints battle are powerful mages with plenty of experience. It’s going to be interesting to see how Johann responds to this newest setback.”

    The answer came soon enough as the God of Ishgar slowly stood back up, the runes on his body lighting up before releasing a wave of flames and teleporting into the air.

    After that, Sorano turned her attention to the final duel between Aven and Leona, only to watch as the circles he had set up around him burst up in a flash of bright light before catapulting an absurd amount of missiles at Leona. Sorano’s brow wrinkled in concern, wondering whether they should step in. Leona didn’t look like she was in the greatest shape, and those missiles looked really quite powerful. But the duel abruptly came to an end as Aven dissolved the missiles, collapsing in seeming exhaustion as everyone stilled for a moment in shock. He announced his surrender, much to the surprise of everyone, and the letter mage turned around to face the other judges. Would they have to announce a winner of this duel? It was a truly quite strange occurrence. “In Arena Atlatis, it seems things have taken a strange turn. What do you guys think?” Here, the guild master addressed the other judges, searching for their feedback on the issue.


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th December 2018, 4:58 pm

    It certainly was to be a strange day for Samira, or that was what she thought originally once it had started. Being selected as a judge for competitive wizard duels was not something she ever considered happening to her. She wasn't exactly competitive and not really one to partake in duels of her own. Perhaps that was the reasoning, or maybe there was a mistake in the paperwork and the Fairy Tail guild was just rolling with it since it was too late to call the real judge. Whichever the case, Samira made sure to be at the judge's booth area before the fights began. She had taken her seat, as had her fellow Saints and judges. Sorano she had technically met. Sort of. Did a mysterious party where they didn't really interact really count as meeting? Not that Samira really wanted to acknowledge anything about that event ever happened. So, that was a no as far as she was concerned. As for Nessa, even though she may had been the newest Saint, her name and image was well known from her status of Rising Star. Samira was a Wizard Saint currently, true, but never was she a Rising Star. It had become an interest and habit of hers to keep up to date with all of the newest names that appeared on that list because of that fact.

    Samira had greeted the small child with a friendly smile, one that quickly faded into a confused expression and a few blinks when it seemed apparent that she was not just some random child but the announcer and commentator. Or, that was what the summoner had concluded by the set up activities the little girl was doing. "Oh..." Well that was a thing. Her attention went back to the other two Saints. Nessa had introduced herself and greeted her, which Samira nodded and put on that same small smile she had a moment ago. "Nice to meet you, Nessa. I am Samira." Sorano seemed to be the quiet type given that she didn't really say much to the others that greeted her. Well, that was awkward. Was she always like that? Rather than a vocal greeting Samira just stuck with giving a nod her way to acknowledge her presence... and that was all. The fear and awkwardness of being ignored was not something that she wanted to experience at that particular moment. Honestly she was a bit uncomfortable around them all just as much as others seemed to be uncomfortable around her. Granted, she could fix the issue of her magic presence and the way it made people feel if they would just tell her about it! The woman genuinely thought that her magical signature was still the same as when she first became a mage. As for people fixing why she was uncomfortable that was just impossible. It was just a natural feeling that came with being around two other saints, being a judge for a dueling competition, having it live for all to see and hear, and being an obvious 'one of these things is not like the other' piece. She stood out, but not because of some higher power status people thought she had. More so because she was not a Fairy Tail mage, or even in another Independent guild like most of the dueling competitors.

    There was very little room for small talk after the introductions. Before she could ask anything that would resemble her version of small talk, she and the other judges were instructed to give their mics a test run. Samira looked at the mic and gave it a tap. "This is a test." She then looked at the others doing their own mic tests to confirm that she even did it right. If there was one thing few knew about her, it was that she wasn't a genius at working such devices. It was a miracle she could make use of her iLac's basic functions. After that, the broadcast went into full swing with Arcadia starting it off like a pro. All Samira could do was sit back and remain quiet throughout it while trying to process everything that was going on, on the lacrima screens. Thankfully her mind was spirit free and she was allowed to concentrate properly with the silence. The unfortunate aspect of that was she couldn't grasp every quick detail like she would have if they were all helping her by relaying the information they noticed. Oh well. She would just have to make do with her own set of eyes.

    Some of the duelers Samira recognized by their positions and status, others she did not. That didn't mean that they wouldn't be skilled or put on a decent fight though, and as the battles started and went on that proved to be very true. It eventually came time that Samira had to stop fully watching the fights and actually make comments like she was supposed to be doing. Right. Super important judge comments away! Her gaze settled on one of the arenas, Lemuria was its name from what she had heard of before. The contestants there being a mage with fox-like qualities that resembled many Samira had met in the past. The other being former Rising Star Althea Eventide. Thus far it looked as if the latter was not afraid of getting up close and personal to get an attack advantage in, and the former liked her distance. An interesting combination, but that didn't mean Kumi lacked any close quarter spells of her own or that Althea didn't have some long distance spells hidden away if she couldn't get close up again. "I believe the two in the Lemuria arena are just getting warmed up. Their battle may look basic now, but if this Kumi is like all the other mages of her kind then I fully expect her to have some interesting tricks to make a proper comeback for that first strike made against her. I anticipate in seeing how this fight develops, and how Althea manages."

    Next up for her focus was Arena Mu. One of Fairy Tail's Aces was competing there as was another Fairy Tail member. Huh, that was interesting all on its own. Not because they were both slayers but because they were both Fairy Tail members. Samira had thought based on the other match ups that it was supposed to be Fairy Tail versus a member of another guild. Was this Rina Everglades so powerful and spectacular that the only one that would take her on was the one called Mia Liu? Was she just as amazing? Was there some sort of rivalry? Was there some hidden backstory drama that could only be settled if those two fought in a duel to determine who was the strongest? What was the story behind this?! Eh, really Samira was probably just overthinking it and so chose to not bring it up. Just in case there were other reasons for it that were much less interesting.

    Samira noticed Rina with the spear and waiting for her opponent to make the first move. Mia had summoned a sort of fire-based pony, likely a creature that would aid in her power if Samira had to guess by the fact it remained there instead of attacking on its own after having been summoned like her own would have. A fire beam attack was sent towards the Heavenly slayer where it made impact, thus the first hit credit was placed on Mia's corner. That would not end there though. Rina took the fight a few notches forward in difficulty. Clones had been conjured and from that would come the strategy of confusion as more spells and abilities were used. "It would seem Rina is already raising the difficulty of the match. I wonder if Mia has a tactic that will help her overcome it. She is going to need to think quickly if she has hope for any chance of winning."

    The fight of the Saints came next. There... wasn't much to say about that really. It was a battle between two Saints! What were people expecting other than a good show of impressive power and counters?! Honestly. Samira recalled Nessa's comment about insurance and thought it was pretty amusing. A battle between Saints usually required a bit more than insurance. Wasn't there some joke somewhere that a battle between two Saints could cause a cataclysm? Well, a good thing that was either not true, or the two were not pushed to their absolute limits just yet. Actually, that was kind of concerning and brought a frown to the summoner's face. "I am not certain on the competitive levels of these two, however, thus far they are both proving their power behind their Saint status. There are times when competition can bring out even more power and determination. I only hope things do not get too out of hand should they get lost in their battle and forget the rest of us are even here." Things seemed a bit bad for Mura at that moment. Johann seemed to be as much as he started when it came to his energy and vitality, while it was apparent Mura was the opposite. Still, Samira did not count him out just yet. There may yet be some other abilities that had not been used just yet. Although, the same could be said for his opponent. An impressive battle that made her glad she never participated in such fights. Watching was more entertaining.

    The last fight was between a Fairy Tail mage known as Aven Alveron and the most recent guild mistress of Silver Wolf, Leona Jarnefeldt. Samira had known the original founder of the magic research guild and so she had high expectations for Leona. She was sure Leona would be able to prove her power and represent the guild well. As for Aven, Samira did not recall the name, but seeing as all the other Fairy Tail competitors were skilled she did not doubt that he lacked any himself. It must have been why a guild master was his opponent. From what Samira could tell during her previous looks over the fight, skilled may had been an understatement. It was getting to the point Samira was worried that Leona wouldn't be able to make much of a comeback if she waited too long to pull out her own big moves. Then the battle took a turn she did not expect. Something went wrong with Aven's magic circles once Leona tried out a plan that she may have hoped would stop some of their power. Leona was in trouble if she didn't have a very good defensive plan, it was obvious. Yet, rather than be struck with the dangerous number of powerful missiles everything just stopped and dissipated before there was a magical backlash that sent Aven on his back and depleted what must have been a great amount of magical energy from him, if not nearly all of it. The winner at that point was obvious. One mage was still standing and the other could not continue.

    Sorano had asked for additional opinions on the event that happened with the match. "Indeed. The battle took a strange turn I did not foresee. Unless Leona had a spell capable of protecting her against those attacks then I believe the match would have gone to Aven. From how the circles reacted and then vanished he either stopped them himself or he ran out of magic energy to control them. I am not familiar with his type of magic to be sure. However, this is not a competition that allows for what ifs or for theories. We have one mage still capable of fighting and one that cannot and has even surrendered the fight. The match is over in my opinion, and we have a clear winner. That is not to say Aven did not do impressively well by my standards. I foresee him being a tough opponent for any Wizard Saint one day, but first comes learning from this experience and mastering his magic so that whatever transpired here today does not repeat itself."

    Edit: 3-20-20
    WC: 2031
    1500 for C Rank Freeform
    500 for D Rank Freeform

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 20th March 2020, 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
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    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by SeaGlass 12th December 2018, 2:43 am

    Watching Aven's  magic circles go haywire and come so close to possibly smoking Leona before her very eyes, it was all she could do to not cry out. As commentator she was going her best  to not let any bias shine through. After fight alongside the Silver Wolf Guildmaster back on Celestial Sanctum against those so-called 'Terrors of Eternal Night'. So part of her wanted Leona to do well, and yet she couldn't bring herself to cheer against her own teammate. She had her fingers crossed for a draw or a really close fight that Aven won by decision.

    She felt great relief when all those missiles disappeared just before impact. yet she had to keep herself from yelling out again watching Aven fall over. Ever so briefly, she wanted to rush out there herself to make sure he was alright. She had a job to do though, and  besides having people on hand to look after that sort of thing, Leona was already helping him up. Her heart still pounding at that finish, she sat listened to the judges each add their on take. Her sparkling faerie green gaze keeping an active eye on the screens to keep track of the action in the other arenas.

    When it seemed the judges had each finished with their thoughts, she started in again. "Woah! Woah! Woah!  My heart is still pounding from what we saw out there in Arena Atlantis! So close to real tragedy narrowly averted by the Gentleman of Fairy Tail, Aven. And it does a heart good to see such fierce competitors come together like that after an all-out  match. Samira, you  are calling it in favor of Leona. Are we going to make that official? Because it does look like we do have our first winner. Guildmaster of Silver Wolf! LEEEEEEEOOOONNNAAAA!!!"

    "The action goes on in all the other arenas and it looks like things are heating up in Arena Mu! All those Rinas and I havta agree what a beautiful display their magic ma- Ooh HOhOho!" Arcadia putting the putting an overhead glimpse of Rina and her clones creating the petals shooting toward Mia followed by the rings of fire racing out to meet them on slow motion replay. "I was not trying to make a pun before, but look at that! Mia really is warming things up there now! The Battle of Fairies still looks pretty even!"

    Flipping the stream next to the action in Arena Lemuria, "Things are moving right along in Lemuria! A real back and forth exchange. It looks like Kumi and Thea are getting feel for each other's style. Hits that were landing when they started are coming up short. OH my a wave out of nowhere! It doesn't look like Kumi will be able to dodge that! Aaaand she gives right back to Thea! Or Ooh! Looks like Thea could only pick which blast of spirit energy to take. But it looks like there a little rain in the forecast folks!"

    Arcadia taps her iLac one more time to switch the stream to Arena Avalon, "And as could be expected of a Battle of Saints, a furious spectacle continues in Arena Avalon! It's any wonder the protective spells shielding the spectators can withstand that much punishment! It looks like Johann "Mahdude" von Weiss has a slight advantage, but don't count Mura Kensho out! Just look at these highlights so far."

    She picked out a few key highlight's to show the high powered back and forth. "It seems every time Mura  would look to claim the advantage, the God of Strength bounces right back, looking as if he was just starting the fight... Are! You! Serious!   Ohh! Just when you thought Mura almost out of juice and maybe done for the next time 'Mahdude' stru- Mura hits "Mahdude" hard in the soul! I'd say Mura almost, ALMOST turned the tables for good! But one thing is for certain about 'Mahdude' Almost is not good enough... Aand did 'Mahdude' just heal his opponent and himself? I see the Saints want to give the people the show they paid for!"

    Arcadia flipped back a split screen of the three remaining battles and checked the time on her iLac, "How are we looking at for time, Judge Saints?"


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 15th December 2018, 1:35 pm

    As Nessa looked over at Johann and Mura's fight, she noticed that Mura had summoned some kind-of long white weapon. The Saint of Spirit would release a burst of white light straight in Johanns direction, within seconds Johann was gone, moving across the arena in the blink of the eye. The flaming black tornado dissipated. Mura responded by releasing a series of slashes in his direction; this attack seemed to land. She watched as Johann, or rather Mars, summoned his scythe. She recognised it from that time the black dust had fallen on the land and they had been required to fight in the Celestial Sanctum. "This is really an amazing fight; you can tell these two are both working each other out. The level of magical skill being thrown around in this fight is truly a testament to their titles. I honestly can't call it right now," She admitted, at first she thought Johann had an edge based on what she knew of him. But she wasn't sure anymore.

    She would glance over to Althea and Kumi to see how they were getting on. She managed to catch sight of Althea releasing a wave of water magic at the kitsune girl. Kumi quickly used a magical barrier to shield herself. "It's interesting to see how Althea using a combination of combat skills along with her magic to deal damage, this is ideal for using less of your mana. You can see Kumi is one of those mages that it more magically reliant, meaning if she's not careful, she could quickly use up her store." She commented curiously, before looking on to the fight between her guildmates Rina, and Mia.

    Nessa was surprised to see that Mia's magical bore a slight resemblance to Avens, although where Aven used his cane to create his, Mia would draw them by hand. "I agree with Sorano on this fight, their magic really is beautiful. This has to be by far one of the prettiest displays of magic I've ever seen. They're pretty much even right now, although Rina's clones are going to be tricky, it was smart of Mia to use a multi-target spell to handle them. But consider the clones own abilities, this is another fight I'm not yet ready to call," She explained.

    Nessa would finally turn her gaze back to Aven and Leona, as she did she watch the exchange between the two. An exhilarating dance of magical skill and power, Leona would begin to summon additional beasts to the fray. Starting with a Jackal, that Aven handled rather quickly. As a result, Leona went onto to summon her Harpies, creatures Nessa had also witnessed in action back at the night of the black moon. All the while, she released a  blast of wind magic in his direction. What Nessa witnessed next caused her to rise in her seat, Aven's circles seemed to be destabilising. She could see the panic on his face, a look she had never seen before. The circles suddenly fired towards Leona, a dangerous level of magic, more so than would have been safe for any mage to endure. Nessa covered her mouth, unsure of what to do, should she intervene? But she was a judge, that would be breaking the rules. Then in a blink of an eye, the circles were shattered, and Aven was blown back from a blast of magic from the rupture of the circles. Nessa held her breath; the whole crowd was silent. Then he muttered those words of surrender. There was, and the arena erupted in sound. Nessa slowly sat back down, a little bit dazed by what she had just seen. She could hear her fellow judges talking next to her, but wasn't fully registering it.

    Finally, she snapped herself back, realising where she was and what she was supposed to be doing. "Yes, that was.. a shock. I think both mages did an excellent job there; I honestly don't think that fight was determined by skill. But a matter of circumstance, Aven Alveron is a true Fairy Tail wizard, and anyone that truly understands what just happened will see why I'm proud to consider him my teammate and friend." She left it at that. Listening as Arcadia declared Leona, the winner of the fight. She nodded, it was fair after all.

    She glanced over to Johann and Mura's fight once again; she could see Mura was injured. She winced, not enjoying the sight of her guildmate in pain. But it was to be expected. Johann's magic was ruthless at times, "Well I guess that Johann is taking the lead here, his magic is so fast it would take impeccable ability to evade it constantly-" She stopped talking, watching as Johann was hit with Mura's magic. Watching as the God of Ishgar fell to his knees, was she wrong, would this fight actually go to Mura instead? Then just like that, he vanished. Re-emerging behind watching as he would heal his own wounds, as well as Muras. Her eyes wide in shock, "What is he doing? Why is he healing him? Doesn't he want to win this fight? She said in confusion.

    WC: 864 | Nessa's Total : 1931 [ Handed in a C Rank Freeform]

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 6th March 2020, 9:07 am; edited 2 times in total


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] 60582_s


    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by ivyleaf33 18th December 2018, 5:36 am

    SThe battle between Rina and Mia seemed to continue on in a similar fashion, with Mia skillfully blocking Rina’s clones with a butterfly shield, able to stay sheltered from the onslaught. In response, she sent out circles of fire at the many versions of Rina, trying to gain the upper hand. Rina’s next move would show her clones seeming to block the flames, deflecting them down the ground. Huh? That was an interesting ability… Narrowing her eyes, Sorano leaned in to see roots growing out of her body, attaching her to the ground. Right, Rina’s plant magic. She’d seen that before, hadn’t she? But before the ensuing beams of light that burst forth from the holy mage could reach the lower-ranked Mia, a sharp, shrill whistle blew out, marking the end of the duel. Sorano sat back in her chair, thinking over what the verdict would be. “From what I have seen, Mia was able to avoid or block all of Rina’s attacks, while Rina did take a direct hit at one point. My verdict would place Mia Liu as the winner of this round. Either way, that was a beautiful battle to watch. Quite aesthetically pleasing magics from the both of them.”

    Ending her commentary on the battle of the fairies, Sorano turned her attention over to Althea and Kumi’s fight. Kumi had taken a direct kick by this point, and responded with a wave of rainbow energy, following up quickly with a ball of spiritual energy right afterwards. It seemed she used some form of aural energy, from Sorano’s vision. She recognized the familiar colors she used in her own magic. Althea’s combat skills didn’t seem to be able to predict Kumi’s second ball of energy, however, but she got back on her feet quickly. Sorano had seen the water slayer in action before, and was curious to see when she’d pull out her magic. She didn’t have long to wait – after directing a kick at Kumi, a massive wave would rise up above the arena, posing a definite threat to the aura mage. “If Kumi can avoid this one…”

    Sorano’s thought was interrupted as Kumi teleported backwards, dodging the blows successfully and even managing to protect herself from the wave. The exchange continued, both being much more accustomed to each others’ style of fighting now. Blasts of energy and attacks of water filled the arena, combined with Althea’s quick, graceful physical combat style. Just as Kumi multiplied into several clones, the whistle would sound, marking the end of that duel as well.

    “Wow, this one’s tough to judge.” Sorano’s dark eyes scanned both girls, trying to remember what had gone on in the battle. With the holographic controls before her, the letter mage scrolled through the footage, playing the hits that each had received. “Personally, I’m vouching for Althea. During the beginning, she landed quite a few successful hits on Kumi. However, I’d appreciate additional input on the verdict. Both are extremely skilled mages though, and I’d love to see a repeat match someday.”

    Samira and Nessa would both provide their thoughts on Aven and Leona’s match, and Sorano nodded slowly in response. That was fair. In the end, it was Leona that remained standing. With Aven not even being able to use his magic anymore, it only made sense that the prize went to the Silver Wolf master. “I agree. Congratulations to Leona Jarnefeldt, but outstanding skill was certainly displayed from Aven as well.”

    With that decided, she went on to observe the crazy back and forth of Mura and Johann’s battle. For a moment, the wound that shattered her teammate’s sword and sliced through his stomach seemed to spell the end of the battle. Her eyes narrowed in concern for her good friend and ace as he fell down, cracking the ground below him. However, she had no need to worry. Mura could take care of himself, and instantly the wound would begin to heal. Even so, Mura appeared much weaker than before, and he would have to take care for the rest of the fight. He responded fiercely though, causing even Johann – or whatever it was that was controlling Johann – to take a step back.

    Sorano was now confused, just as puzzled as Nessa was. “That’s definitely a strange move to make. I too am curious for the reasoning behind it – oh wait.” Here, she paused to listen to the dialogue that passed between the two. “Ah…they just want to fight some more, I suppose.” She let out a soft sigh. Being someone who preferred discussion over fighting any day, she never understood her guildmates’ desire for competition and fighting. But time was up now, and both had been restored to full health. “I frankly don’t even know what to make of this. It looked like Johann was about to take the win a moment ago, but now both are on equal footing again. Tie, I suppose?”


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
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    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] Empty Re: [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only]

    Post by SeaGlass 23rd December 2018, 4:24 pm

    As time was called in each remaining match, Arcadia  would tap a couple controls on the iLac app she had synced up with the whole viewing/camera lacrima system. A separate horn would sound in each arena. The matches had not been started with exact simultaneous precision, so each match's time was a few seconds to maybe a minute off one another. She let each of the judges get their last words, of any, in on each match before she would begin to wrap up the broadcast.

    Arcadia chimed in, "That's all folks! Time has been called all matches, and winners declared! We'll recap, but first let's all hear it for all of today's competitors! Win or lose every one of them gave us all the thrills and drama we could have dared hope for!” She called up at least two highlights from each of the fights, all played in slow motion, slowly dissolving from highlight to the next with stock orchestral music to play up the awesome displayed.  ”So lets all give one last rousing ovation! And remember you can still buy merch of the winners and all your favorites at a vendor booth near you!”

    On all the screens, Arcadia called up a title card that shone sparkling animation of the Fairy Tail logo against gradient background of blue. And one at a time, the four portraits of each battle winner was called up to fill a quadrant of the screen as she recapped each already announced winner. ”In Arena Atlantis, in perhaps the match with the most heart pounding ending of all, once again the winner is, LEONA JARNEFELDT! In Arena Avalon, our Battle of Saints proved to be one high-powered, miracle-that-the-arena-is-still-standing draw! Co-winners, JOHANN “MAHDUDE” VON WEISS AND MURA KENSHO! In Arena Lemuria, in a real back and forth battle our winner was able to turn the tide! Our winner is ALTHEA EVENTIDE! In Arena Mu, in a beautiful but deadly ballet our winner is MIA LIU!”

    Tapping the screen of her iLac app, she called up  a graphic screen that read 'CONGRATULATIONS!” in fancy font rendered in metallic gold, then all the screens went back to the simple screen of the Fairy Tail logo.  ”Congratulations to all our winners! And all our participants! Don't forget to stick around! Our Fairy Festival concludes with the beautiful cherry blossom viewing! Come see the awesome spectacle by yourself or make it extra special and see it with a friend or that special someone! All drinks are half off at the Fairy Tail guild hall through the end of the festival! This is Arcadia Fairchilde signing off. Love, Luck and Lollipops!”


    [EVENT] Fairy Festival Battle Broadcast/Judge Booth [Judges/Commentator Only] 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:37 pm