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    Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    The Hustler
    The Hustler

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    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by The Hustler 17th November 2018, 7:04 pm

    Cold, muddy, the first things Zaiyer felt upon gaining his consciousness.  Unusual, he was certain he didn't fail at his previous task, yet, here he was.  He opened his eyes, though they may as well have remained closed with how dark and foggy it was.  He was laying on his back, though quickly got back on his feet as his eyes adjusted to the darkness that surrounded him.  He surveyed his surroundings, though couldn't actually see too much; trees, branches, various different dangerous looking plants as far as the eye could see, which wasn't very far.  Zaiyer took a few steps forward, almost tripping over...  something, he couldn't actually see it too well, and it also didn't help that it was incredibly muddy and wet.  He wouldn't be able to safely walk in this place if he had no light, so, he decided he would create his own.

    His lightning magic would surely create enough light for him to see, even if it was only flickering sparks on his fingertips.  He brought his index, middle finger and thumb together, attempting to create small sparks of lightning to light the way, yet...  he couldn't.  This is quite odd. he thought to himself.  The last time he couldn't bring out his magic had to have been at least two decades ago, until now.  He didn't forget how to do so, he knew how it was supposed to feel like and could also feel the magic flowing within him, but no matter how hard he tried, for some reason, he wasn't capable of using it.  As he decided that magic was no longer an option, a large bolt of lightning shot from his fingertips and past his head, hitting a tree that loomed over him, sending it ablaze.  The lightning bolt was extremely loud, so it was certain to be heard from a distance.

    This is indeed very odd.  Though, I can see now, so I suppose this is an acceptable result.  Zaiyer didn't intend to start a forest fire, though, it is what it is.  With the tree now on fire, he could see very clearly.  In addition to the one tree being set aflame, nearby trees were also catching on fire because of how close they were to each other, creating a small forest fire, perfect to light the way for him, wherever he was going.  He began walking...  somewhere, he didn't know where he was, but hopefully it was out of the forest.  A few steps in, however, and he knew that there was something near him.  I've done this before.  Something is about to jump towards me.  No sooner than he thought that, a large, dark beast launched itself from the shadows and attacked Zaiyer.

    There was no way to dodge, though instincts made it so he would try.  He briefly forgot about the mud, however, and slipped, falling to the ground, which aided him in this circumstance as the beast flew above his head, barely grazing his silver hair.  He quickly turned around to get a better view of the beast, though he could not properly distinguish it as it appeared to be a large shadow, though, as it turned out, it was no beast at all, it had a humanoid shape, though, he still couldn't see it properly. Something was obviously wrong with his eyesight, but he would concern himself with it later.

    There was almost no way for him to beat this person without magic, and he had no access to said magic right now.  Several pieces of flaming branches and charcoal fell around the two as they simply stared at each other, observing and anticipating the first move.  For Zaiyer, this would be an uphill battle.



    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by Scinis 17th November 2018, 8:22 pm

    "Your body..."

    Red spots would appear from the shadow of the humanoid, whom was a fair bit shorter than the man who fired lightning from his hands. The eyes, and what could be assumed to be the head of the shadow, cocked to the side, as if investigating the man. It made a noise, almost like a soft, sensual "Mm!" as it stepped towards the male slowly. Raising a hand, but then quickly lowering it, the appearance of the humanoid figure became more clear as it approached.

    It, or she as it would appear, was a girl, a girl that was much shorter than the man, by almost a full foot. Her hair was a grey colour, and her outfit was odd to say the least, but the most standout part of her were her eyes, and her skin. While most of her skin was a casual creamy white colour, others were dark, dark black and red, like something was corrupting her from the outside in. And her eyes, her eyes were as black as night, sans the bits of red that made up the colouring. She walked towards him with a sort of limp, like she wasn't fully able to walk, or something akin to a zombie. And right as she got 2 feet away from the man, it was obvious she held no offensive intent, but the malice could be sensed through the air.

    "Your body... It's big and strong, and it rivals mine in terms of beauty... You know that, right? I just wanted to... Wanted to tell you that your body looks good..."

    Talking like a deranged psychopath, the girl went to reach towards his face, slowly, like a comforting maternal figure.


    Welcome to Fiore [Private] InvisNewSig
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by The Hustler 17th November 2018, 10:36 pm

    A feminine voice came from the shadowy humanoid figure.  The way she spoke...  It was quite strange.  Her movement as well, she was very odd, even by Zaiyer's standards.  He only allowed her to get closer to him because he couldn't sense blood lust, though he was still on guard for anything she might do.  As she got closer to him, he was able to see her better; she was far smaller than he, with a peculiar dress, her skin and eyes very unnatural.  Unless she was somehow changing her appearance with magic, there was no possible way that this girl was human, or at least a normal one.  Still, he would let her speak; there was no danger to him, so all he had to do was be on guard.  Then, she said something that was grossly inaccurate.

    As she was reaching for his face, he grabbed both of her wrists with his own hands and looked her dead in the eyes, his face nearing hers.  "You're wrong.", he stated in a factual manner of speaking.  "I am weak.  Far too weak.  I am the weakest I've ever been in a long, long time."  This was true; ever since waking up, in addition to not being able to use his magic properly, he lost a lot of magical power.  He let go of the girl's wrists and took a single step back.  "I have my share of questions, though I'll start with some obvious ones; who are you and why did you attack me initially?"  There was no hostility, anger, fear, or any emotion in his voice; it was hollow.  He was hoping that this girl might have some answers for him, such as where his organization was and how he got there.  He didn't remember seeing anyone like her there, though, they did keep their fair share of oddities.



    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by Scinis 17th November 2018, 11:36 pm

    As if her hands were oozing some sort of fluid, right before connecting with his face, the man gripped onto the body's arms, causing the eyes that were not human to widen, then glare immensely. The body affected the parasite within it's mind, so this action of grabbing its arms, which would normally spark a reaction of fear from the parasite, instead prompted one of anger while it was within this body. It jolted its arms backward once released, and flung them downwards.

    "How DARE you lay a finger on me!!? And then preach like a coward afterward, no less!"

    It was almost in an instant, but more of the ooze came from the body's arms this time, but instead of merely leaking out like before, it molded together and flew at the man's neck, wrapping around it and lifting the man off the ground a foot and a half before stopping and constricting enough to pain him, but not to kill him.

    "I shouldn't be humoring swine like you, but since you asked me nicely... You can call me Cynthia, Cynthia Link. Or maybe you'd know me better as Simon Ray, Edward Blackstone, Thomas Canapy, Felicia Andersen, or Sophia Grant?"

    The body listed off the well known victims of what was known as the Scinis Parasite. A parasite that's supposedly been spreading all accross Earthland, that people should beware of. Little did the world powers know that it wasn't your average disease or parasite, but rather that it was literally just one being. Only one person could be infected at a time, which is why the status of the parasite is extremely unknown, as the powers couldn't get ahold of someone that contracted the parasite.

    "Why did I attack you? Well, regardless of what your... disgusting opinion is on your body, and regardless of how weak you are now, your physical strength is all that matters... Your bulk... It's much greater than mine. Your body, your body is... better... I'll take it. Come on, don't you want to share a body with me?"

    Putting an emphasis on the last word with a wink and very suggestive undertone, the parasite within the girl's body didn't understand that humans had age restrictions on who could do what with whom. She rubbed the man's face, but what he would feel is not a gentle caress, but rather what could only best be described as dragging a steak across his face, as the parasite began to leak itself out of the hand she was using, feeling up his face and trying to steadily enter his pores.


    Welcome to Fiore [Private] InvisNewSig
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by The Hustler 18th November 2018, 12:38 am

    The girl attacked, or should it be called a thing?  Zaiyer was uncertain, though based off of how she spoke, he could assume that this woman...  Cynthia...  was capable of transformation of sorts.  He remained calm throughout her little talk, simply staring at her nonchalantly as he was lifted off the ground.  The pain she caused him, while it didn't particularly bother him, was worrisome.  He knew the limits of his body well, and he would not be able to stand this much pressure for much longer.  He began struggling, his body was beginning to fail him, and that's when the natural desire for survival truly began to settle in.  He had to release as much magical power as possible and hope it would be enough to damage Cynthia.  He didn't know what consequences it might have, but at this current moment and time, that didn't matter.

    Most of his remaining magic began to well up inside of Zaiyer, small sparks coming from his body.  With very little delay, lightning shot from his body and in every direction, zapping the young girl and setting more trees on fire, with an even louder boom of thunder than before.  He was let go immediately and fell to his knees, coughing a lot and wheezing, trying to regain air into his lungs.  After several seconds, he was back on his feet, though he was still breathing quite heavily.  "I have no interest...  in sharing my body...  with anyone.  It belongs to me...  and me alone." he said coldly, his eyes narrowing down as he stared at the girl.  "I don't care for any opinions that you may have of me.  You're insignificant; why should I care?  At any rate, that doesn't change anything - I am weak.  If you believe otherwise, then you're far weaker than I am, though you knew that already."

    He walked towards the girl and sat down in front of her, his cold expression changing back to his relaxed, emotionless face.  "Normally, when attacked I'd continue to fight until my target is destroyed or I am incapacitated, however, circumstances are different this time around.  I still need knowledge.  Knowledge of where I am.  You...  Whatever you are...  You've probably been around with that many identities.  You're the best current option I have to assist me.  Will you?"  Zaiyer didn't actually expect her to agree, but it was definitely worth a shot.  From his experience, she's likely to attack him or run away, with the second option being preferable to the first.  At any rate, he was certainly intrigued by her.  If he could learn how to perform the same transformations that she could, his jobs would definitely be a lot easier.



    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by Scinis 22nd November 2018, 8:42 am

    "Asking help of me? After what you just did?"

    The body now laying on the ground, surging with electricity, slowly sat up, and looked the man dead in the eyes. He was legitemately asking help of it, but why? Was he that naive? That stupid? Or a little bit of both? Regardless, the parasite smiled, and leaned in a little bit closer.

    "Sure, I can help you. But only because by the end of our little 'journey,' your body will be mine."

    It laughed, then stood up, still holding a zombie-like posture, despite her apparent high and mighty tone. It was clear that the girl, or whatever was inside of her, wasn't all too bright when it came to humans. And this was true, it just needed them as shields for the elements. That's why the girl didn't react too much to the lightning bolt striking her. She didn't exactly feel it, but she knew that if something like that were to happen again, she might actually be in a fair amount of danger. So, looking down at the sitting man, she spoke once again, but this time in a much less... antagonizing voice than before. Rather, a much more friendly one, despite her expression still being that of a viper about to strike.

    "The memory I have tells me that we're in a forest, formerly home to one of the most well-known Dark Guilds in all of the land. Now, they're gone for untold reasons... As for the land we're in, it's Fiore, although I assume you know that. How you got here? Heh heh.... no idea!"


    Welcome to Fiore [Private] InvisNewSig
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
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    Welcome to Fiore [Private] Empty Re: Welcome to Fiore [Private]

    Post by The Hustler 3rd December 2018, 9:46 pm

    Zaiyer ignored the comment that the young girl made about taking his body and listened to her intently.  "The Spooky Forest and Fiore...  That's...  Very odd..." he muttered to himself, placing a hand on his chin and standing up.  Certainly, he has heard of Fiore despite not knowing many landmarks and locations, mainly knowing the big ones, though he had absolutely no business there.  Also, guilds?  He assumed they were organizations similar to his own, though he couldn't be certain.  "Tell me more about yourself, these dark guilds and the main points of interests of Fiore.  Also, lead the way out of here." he said in his unchanging stoic voice, his body facing sideways but his head turned towards the girl.

    He had to get more information, what he had simply wasn't enough.  He had to unfortunately trust the girl to speed up the process.  If he had to, he was certain he could kill her after the amount of damage he inflicted, though not without taking serious damage himself.  It was quite odd, though, since one of these dark guilds also disappeared seemingly out of nowhere, or so he was lead to believe.  He very much doubted that his organization had disappeared or anything of the sort, but perhaps there was some relation?  Again, he sincerely doubted it. Either way, he had to get out of where he was, and would follow the girl as she walked.



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