Fairy Tail RP

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    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:


    Post by Aliannah 19th December 2018, 10:04 pm


    My Light...

    Soft crystals fell all around them, silently glistening in the night sky. There was no wind to turn the diamonds of water into something that was painful and thus they simply floated down from the sky in a veil of white promise. The snow that came before Christmas eve. The evening that was only a couple more days away.

    Aliannah couldn't remember the last time that she had spent Christmas with anyone, it was always only her. The only time that it hadn't been was when she was younger, and now that seemed so far away and such a distant memory. But the last Christmases that she could remember were either in the sickly scented hospital or on her own while she was training to control her magic. Maybe this year she would be able to spend it with someone.

    The blonde and her partner had spent a couple days in Magnolia after the festival had happened and she could tell now that the festival was a celebration of the last days of warmth before the cold finally and officially set in. Now, she was out in the park a little south of the main town.

    The trees were barren, but slowly were being decorated with the jewels of snow. White illuminated the area and though the clouds covered the sky, it was almost like the sun had never left. A soft smile, with child like innocence spread across the face of the girl. She held her hand out to catch one of the falling flakes. This Christmas would be different.

    The girl had bought winter clothes only a day before, hearing that it would be cold soon and she was glad that she had. With her red scarf wrapped around her neck the girl cozily nuzzled her nose down into it, her smile never fading. Looking into her outstretched hands, blue citrine orbs took in the sight of the delicate frozen structure melting into a single water drop.

    Lifting her head the girl shook her hands and stuffed them back into her pockets.

    There weren't many people out now, most of them inside decorating for the upcoming holiday and baking cookies for the mysterious and miraculous man that came to deliver presents. But the people that were out now were the ones that were able to enjoy the silent falling of the miracle that came from above.

    Closing her eyes the girl lifted her head up to the sky and allowed fro the flakes of snow to fall onto her eyelashes and cheeks, the cold biting at them and turning them a rosy pink. The girl didn't feel like a girl who had had her life saved by an angel who had had everything taken away from her. She wasn't some super magical person who people were supposed to be scared of. She didn't feel like someone who had had her family killed and her sister off on her own adventure. She didn't feel like the girl who was awkward around everyone and found it hard to make friends even though she loved helping people. She didn't feel alone.

    A small girlish giggle escaped from her chapped but pink lips, making her sound like the age that she actually was. "This is the best." The words left her lips in a hopeful and delighted wisp of her voice, only allowing the most nearby to hear.

    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 567/8000



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of the Aurora
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Mentor : Aliannah
    Experience : 4962

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Frozen Armory
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    Post by Dekkys 21st December 2018, 1:24 am

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    Two days had barely even passed and a healthy dusting of snow already covered the streets of Magnolia town. Yet the near-constant festivities not only seemed to keep themselves up in the face of the rapidly-plummeting temperatures, but they seemed to even be growing. Tiny light lacrimas of green, red, white, and all sorts of brilliant jewel-tones now lined every building in the town and soft tones of white, orange, and yellow flooded the streets during the night. Laughter and hot chocolate flowed freely and so did the gift-giving. Elias ended up having to dip into his meagre savings for a winter outfit of his own. Brown boots, multi-use but otherwise nice with an ankle cut. Long-johns under a pair of forest green pants, a bit of a looser fit, otherwise fine. They matched well with a low crew-cut blue sweater and dark grey overcoat. Finished off with a simple black scarf he’d found in a corner stall. Normally Elias hated using black in any of his clothing, but tiny snowflakes stiched of silver threads patterned each end. He had shelled out a small fortune for the thing. Resisting the temptation was impossible, though, and it wrapped up his outfit perfectly.

    Still, the christmas vibes had already begun infecting Elias and no one should ever have to spend the holiday alone. He didn’t know how much Aliannah appreciated the holiday but Elias was hardly going to allow something so trivial to detract from the holiday spirit. The cold drives people together. Around fires and into groups for that ever-necessary warmth and with being in such close proximity to others, the people themselves were bound to get closer together. Combining that with a little bit of thoughtful gift-giving, plenty of laughter, and not-so-healthy helpings of food always created a great holiday in Elias’ eyes.

    That first point still concerned Elias though. The act and energy put into giving a christmas gift was never something to be taken lightly. It had to be personalized, particular, heartfelt, and above all, something the recipient would appreciate. Yet for the first time in his life, Elias found himself at a loss at what to get his only real holiday companion. The interesting times and small talk on the high road and Aliannah’s initial discomfort with festivals hardly gave Elias enough information to work with. Nor could he ask her, those kinds of questions never got anywhere. People had a silly habit of saying they didn’t really want any gifts for the holidays. They never consider exactly what the act of gift-giving means to both the giver and recipient. Elias always considered himself the type to care far more about the act of giving than of receiving.

    Few people wandered the streets even just past midday and most of the stalls remained closed. Only the regular-season boutiques and restaurants welcomed the occasional pedestrian and even those places had their hands full preparing for the festival rush. Christmas was still a few days away. That left Elias plenty of time to find a little bit of a gift. Though he had to find Aliannah in the first place. The two had split up the previous day to chase down a few necessities and she hadn’t been there when Elias checked the following morning. So he wandered through a silent snowfall, trying to think of the places Aliannah might be. That night, he decided, would be the night that he found something to give his friend.

    A familiar blonde stood ahead in the road. Aliannah. Enjoying the simple joy of Magnolia’s winter landscape. Elias could all but feel the smile on her face from a few feet away. A part of him was surprised to see it and the rest was absolutely delighted.  A smile overtook Elias’ face.

    “I have a feeling tonight’s gonna be a good night,” Elias said as he approached Aliannah. “This snow is perfect so far. And I heard of a Santa parade they do only on the first snowfall. I was wondering if you’d like to go to that?” Elias couldn’t think of a better opportunity to learn more about his newfound friend, especially since he hadn’t known her for very long. Submerging oneself in the Spirit was always the perfect way to figure out a gift.

    WORD COUNT: 1282 | 8000


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:


    Post by Aliannah 22nd December 2018, 12:50 pm

    My Light...

    The cold nipped at her nose, the stories of Jack Frost biting at your nose was no joke. Feeling her nose begin to run a little bit the girl moved her head from looking up at the sky to looking at the trees that surrounded them. How the falling snow dusted the branches, adding a layer of winter icing to them.

    Snowflakes found their place on her eyes lashes and in her hair. Honestly, they were everywhere. Looking from the trees to her scarf the girl could see the small individual shapes of the ice crystals against her red scarf. She really couldn't see them against her white jacket, but it didn't matter because she knew that they were there anyways. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she could feel the snowflakes that had landed on her face melt into little droplets and seep into her skin. She could see the white of the flakes against her dark eyelashes. The snow was something of a miracle.

    The girl didn't know how long she had been in her own world, but when she heard the voice of her companion only feet away the petite girl realized she had really zoned out and that she hadn't heard the crunch of the snow under his foot as he approached. She also didn't know how long she had been out. If Elias was coming to find her she had probably been out for while and maybe, just maybe he was worried.

    The words that left his mouth agreed with the girls thoughts. It was going to be an amazing night, full of lights, decorations, music, and most importantly good food. Thinking about the time that they had been here the angel realized that she hadn't eaten as much as she should to support her body and she new that the angel that inhabited her would probably scold her if she didn't start eating more. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, the girl worried just slightly about Alyia. Had the angel ever had a good Christmas? Did she spend it with her guildmates? But the blue eyed beauty didn't really have much time to think about it as the blond behind her mentioned a parade.

    A parade!?

    Aliannah had never been to one of those. She had heard of them from other people, that they were fun and joyous, like festivals, but not quite so rambunctious. That people would walk by all dressed up and that sometimes they gave out candy. Her eyes flickered the Elias with delight being held in them and her body soon followed gracefully. "A parade? I've never been to one of those. I've heard about them. That they are pretty, colourful, and they give out candy. Is this true?" At the age of 20 the girl had done things, discovered things, been to death and back, but never had she ever been to a parade.

    Looking at Elias with eyes that glittered like the snow that fell around them, a child like innocence imbedded in them as well as curiosity and joy, the girl pulled her hands out of her pockets and reached to tug on the corner of his jacket slightly. "We should go. Please!" Her voice was full of energy, with a whining tone at the end of her outburst. She slightly tugged at Elias's jacket like a small child and looked at him with hope.

    To be honest with herself, Aliannah was getting awfully friendly with Elias very quickly, treating him like she would her close friends. Realizing this, the girl's eyes widened and she moved to pull her hands away from his jacket. She had probably scared him now. She needed to be more careful about who she treated like friends. But along with the though of her friends, the girl realized that she didn't really have any anymore. Cirven had left, her sister had left, and she was alone. This thought alone hit her like a wall of bricks. Christmas was a time of season where you should be gathered with your friends, bringi- PRESENTS! She needed to get Elias a present, she hadn't even thought about it. She was terrible. Once again the girl got caught in her own thoughts, not realizing that she hadn't put her hands back into her pockets and that her fingers were turning slightly red from the cold. Maybe she could get Elias a present from one of the small boutiques here in Magnolia. What would he like?

    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 2034/8000



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of the Aurora
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aliannah
    Experience : 4962

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Frozen Armory
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    Post by Dekkys 25th December 2018, 12:27 am

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    For a moment, Aliannah appeared years younger than she seemed. Almost full of a childish glee at going for a parade. No one, Elias decided, should ever have to go their entire lives without seeing a holiday parade at least once in their life. Yet at the same time, he wasn’t surprised. His friend certainly hadn’t talked about herself much but behind blonde hair and a pretty face he saw the shadows of a life roughly lived. He had seen that even back in a nameless town in the cursed lands. Killing looked to be something that came easily, what was surprising, though, was how comfortable she had gotten with Elias.

    She even went so far as to grab the edge of his coat. A tangle of golden hair fell over her face before she shook them to the side and her eyes gleamed. Elias felt that she would even be jumping up and down had she not been holding onto him. He imagined faint golden light outlining Aliannah’s form just as she asked to go.

    “Of course,” Elias said, “I’d never turn down the chance for a good parade.” A comfortable laugh escaped his lips and settle into a comfortable smile. Aliannah’s eyes widened and her hair fell to cover what Elias thought was a blush as she pulled away.

    The parade itself certainly appeared to be common knowledge among the townsfolk, so only a few simple white flyers dotted the town. Elias stole a quick glance from a lamppost to make sure he remembered. Most of the parade travelled down Magnolia - the street that seemed to be the namesake of the town (or vice versa?) - before turning onto Oleander Avenue and twisting its way through smaller streets before returning to its starting place at town hall. He had found distressingly little information about the parade itself but it was sure to be delightful when old men clamored about the pride and passion they’d been putting into their work every single year. So much pride that they didn’t let a single secret slip after a free pint of ale. It excited Elias more than his face could possibly show.

    Elias hadn’t noticed the last few seconds pass and now he’d caught himself staring. Staring. Staring.

    “It should’ve just started by now,” He said, finally breaking his gaze. “I’m pretty sure if we go this way,” he pointed vaguely southeast, “We should be able to find the beginning. Not to mention there’ll be plenty of shops around. And food. I could really go for a hot chocolate.”

    Part of Elias wanted to reach for Aliannah’s hand as he started walking. Her excitement, though, seemed to directed towards the parade and Elias remained gloveless in the winter air. His right hand still managed to slip free of its pocket despite the cold. He made sure to walk close to his friend, keeping a light conversation on the walk over.

    “We haven’t talked much about ourselves,” Elias said, stopping to order a hot chocolate from a smaller stall. There weren’t a lot of interesting things Elias could think to talk about, mostly his family and their tendency to spend as much as they could afford on their holiday celebrations. Not that they were on the wealthier side of families in Minstrel, but Elias’ parents put a lot of heart into their celebrations and that made a huge difference in a country where money made everything. Their touch was personal, literally. Both Mother and Father put their own backs into the holidays rather than hire workers to do the heavy lifting for them and that paid off. Gift giving, too. Everything was made with their own two hands. They saw it as a point of pride. Elias had a little sister back home. Adah, all full of wit and a fiery temper that betrayed her aptitude for softer magics. She had a real talent and deserved the family heirloom more than Elias ever could. At the same time, though, he had the sense that Adah’s magics would conjure something even greater. He really had to write her a letter. Elias and his mother hadn’t parted on the best of terms and he chose to leave the reminiscing at that all while asking questions of his own, both of family and blatantly directed at things she might like as a gift. He had no idea how Aliannah would react.

    The strings of people grew thicker as the two approached the route of Magnolia’s Holiday Parade. Elias hadn’t been the only one with the bright idea to camp out well ahead of the route in hopes of finding a good spot. Even a cursory glance along the road showed homeowners and shopowners alike renting out their balconies and rooftops for parade-watchers. Though the thickest of the crowds weren’t anywhere close to wandering down quite yet, and Elias had spotted a smaller gap in the crowd with no one to fill it.

    He would try to grab the girl’s hand, arm, or anything and pull her closer. The parade approached and Elias would show Aliannah to a front-row spot just as the parade rounded the bend, led by a giant floating sleigh all cherry red and pulled by enchanted reindeer. A giant Santa Claus waved to the crowd, throwing wave after wave of miniature presents - and even that remained in the distance. Easily a dozen more floats had yet to be seen.

    WORD COUNT: 2940 | 8000


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:


    Post by Aliannah 25th December 2018, 1:16 pm

    My Light...

    The words of agreement reached Aliannah's ears and the girl snapped out of her stupor. A small piece of hair that had detached itself and fluttered down her cheeks that were dusted slightly pink was swiftly brushed to the side of her face as the girl looked back up at her companion. It seemed like she wasn't the only one that had zoned out for a few moments. A small smile broke out across the girls face as her fingers grasped the edge of her sleeves with her chilled fingers. At notion of the parade probably already getting started blue citrine opticals opened a little wider. She didn't want to miss it! Her smile slightly faded as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and she pulled at the dried pieces of skin that were cracking on her lips.

    The parade was in one of the directions that she didn't know as the girl, while being in Magnolia, spent most of her time in the parks climbing trees and reading books. True, the girl had spent the majority of the time they had spent in Magnolia is small bookshops with a cup of hot cocoa and marshmallows reading books as she curled up into chairs like a cat. There were several books that the girl had read that she enjoyed. Several fantasy ones and several ones of the history of Magnolia, the guild Fairy Tail and the fun, yet destructive, mages that were part of the guild. She read about adventures and dragons, fairies and magic, family and friends. It was nice. Through all of the training that the girl had done she hadn't been able to read much. Reading had been her escape from the white confining walls of the hospital once she had woken up. Books could take her anywhere. She could do anything. Of course it wasn't just books that had kept her company, she had begun to listen to music. Playing it, singing it, but the girl had never told anyone as the music that flowed from her body then and still slightly now wasn't hers, it was Alyia's. The angel had not just given her life but also the attributes that come with being an angel, so music.

    Aliannah followed quickly behind Elias, she didn't want to get lost, and though he was about her height he seemed to walk slightly faster than she did. Feeling like she didn't want to lose him she stuck close and it seemed like he was thinking the same as he also stuck close to her. The two continued their walk with a bit of small talk until they stopped at a small stand that sold hot chocolate. The blonde had been here before and she could vouch that the hot chocolate was really good and the minute that the hot cup fit into her hands, the girl could feel herself thawing. Elias had started to talk at this time, talking about his family, how they were during the holidays, that they put their heart and soul into everything that they did and they did everything by themselves. He talked about his parents, his little sister--Alyia would have probably gotten along with her--and how he hadn't left on the best terms with his family.

    The girl held a slightly soft sad look towards the boy, but it didn't take form of a frown for long as her lips pulled up into s just as soft smile. She was happy that Elias felt comfortable enough to talk with her about it. In return the girl began to talk about her twin sister, how wonderful she was, how she had protected Aliannah when they were young and even when they were older. She discussed lightly the fact that she had been in a hospital most of her life and that when she was okay to leave her sister had been there it take her home. She talked about how she was part of West Fiore Trading Company and that the people there were nice but she hadn't been around a lot due to self training. Of all the dark things that had happened to the girl when she was young she had only left them for the male to assume. After all, it was Christmas, people did need to know her sob story on such a joyous holiday. The entirety of the conversation the girl had hidden behind her cup of hot cocoa, trying to hide some of the vulnerability that she was displaying. Alyia had warned her about sharing her secrets and getting too close to people.

    As the two of them talked and shared stories the petite girl hadn't noticed the crowds of people growing thicker around them. It wasn't until someone had bumped into the female that she had realized where they were and how many people were around them. A sharp intake of breath was all the reaction that came from the blonde as she sturdied herself, she should have known that parades would have drawn crowds if they were as fun as she had heard. Yet, Aliannah had stuck close to her companion in hopes that she wouldn't lose him. So when he grabbed the hands that wasn't holding her hot cocoa and pulled her into a spot that was large enough for both of them to fit the girl wasn't completely yanked off of her feet. The girl slid in front of her blond partner and slightly to the side of him, the spot that she was taking made them fit like a pair of puzzle pieces in this tight spot.

    The spot that Elias had pulled her into was in the very front and the sky blue eyes that belonged to the girl were able to take in everything. She could see the large red sleigh coming around the bed being pulled by reindeer that seemed to be enchanted. Her mouth fell open in awe as she took in the sight of a large man atop the sleigh. Santa! Her lips pulled up into a toothy smile and her eyes crinkled at the edges. She could see the small presents that were thrown from the man to the people all around. Lifting her hands into the air, one empty from letting go of the hand that she had been holding and the other with a cup of hot cocoa, she snagged one from the air and swiftly opened it to reveal a small assortment of 4 chocolates.

    Plucking one of the chocolates from the box and popping it into her mouth the girl then turned to the man whom she was spending Christmas with. "We can share." She held out the box of candy towards him wanting him to take a piece for himself.

    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 4072/8000



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of the Aurora
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Mentor : Aliannah
    Experience : 4962

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Frozen Armory
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    Post by Dekkys 29th December 2018, 10:49 pm

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    No wonder Aliannah always shut herself off in crowds, she’d spent most of her life alone in a hospital room. A wave of sadness washed over Elias, no one should ever have to live a life like that. At least she had her twin. A little bit of color her days better in the face of a hospital’s sterility. Elias transformed that sadness into a quiet resolve to make sure Aliannah’s holidays didn’t disappoint. He couldn’t allow it, not even in the legendary town of the Fairies. Elias could feel Aliannah’s face lighting up as the parade rounded the corner. An almost heavenly radiance lifted his spirits. It was an infectious feeling. The smiles of everyone around her broadened just from the quiet cheer the little blonde exuded. Elias almost couldn’t recognize her from the dead-eyed killer he had met what almost felt like a lifetime ago.

    The parade approached. Aliannah’s cheer even reached Santa Claus himself, he threw one of his candy-filled packages. Just a few chocolates, but perfect. She motioned for Elais to take one. “Thank you.” He said while popping it in his mouth. Dark chocolate and caramel topped with sea salt. His favorite, the sheer coincidence of it couldn’t have been anything other than fate. The day was destined to finish well.

    Holiday tunes followed Santa’s sleigh. Dozens of men dressed in toy soldier costumes marching in perfect time proudly playing their holiday tunes. They set a beat to the rest of the following parade. Baton twirlers in flowing, frosty blue dresses spinning in such a perfect sync that their cheer infected each and every step. The mayor himself marched with the local Wyvern Scout troop number Two Eighty-Four and their own float, a giant rolling snowflake.

    So much cheer and so much pride. Magnolia town itself put its back into each and every one of their celebrations, but Elias found it hard to believe anything could possibly top the magic passing before his eyes. Each float held its own look. Even the most boring sounding of groups found itself walking along with a charm and a smile. The local chess committee had a castle fashioned of ice with their members playing game after game atop each of four towers. A women’s group built a miniature winter wonderland topped off by a christmas tree knitted entirely out of yarn. Streamers, applause, music, they all overwhelmed Elias’ senses with delight to the point where he almost felt like a kid again, anxiously waiting for the day he could open boxes under the tree.

    Elias whispered, “This is more incredible than I ever could have imagined.” Red flushed through his cheeks the moment he realized he spoke aloud. Though only one man to his side chanced at a knowing smile. The parade entranced everyone else.

    Even though her back was turned, Elias thought he could feel what passed through Aliannah’s head. That same childish glee neither of them had felt for a long long time. At least that’s what he liked to think. Surely that smile she had shown proved as much.

    As the final float passed by, Elias chanced at a question he couldn’t ever imagine himself asking. “So what would you like from Santa this year,” he said from behind Aliannah.

    WORD COUNT: 4618 | 8000


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

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    Post by Aliannah 31st December 2018, 4:44 pm

    My Light...

    Seeing as her blonde haired companion took one of the chocolates the girl closed her eyes to cherish the one that she had placed into her mouth. It was creamy with an undertone of peppermint. The perfect flavouring for the holiday. The sweetness of the dessert was something that no matter how much Aliannah ate it, it would never go away. It was delectable and refreshing. But the girl had only been eating the tremendous amount of sweets it took to regulate her body for almost a year. She could imagine that given more time, she would grow tired of the taste. A soft hum made presence in the back of the girls throat as she opened her citrine orbs and focused back on the parade.

    With a not so hot chocolate in her left hand and in her right hand a small box, that now only contained two chocolates, the girl looked in awe of the people that were passing by. There were decorations everywhere. People were colourful and sparkly just as others had said. They were joyous and bright. The colours reflected in the eyes of the girl as she took in the sight.

    First to pass were dozens of people dressed in toy soldier costumes. Looking at them the girl could see that they were made to look slightly like wooden toys. It must've been very uncomfortable to more around in them. But the significance that they had on the transition from one float to the other make it seem like they were there to protect Santa and signify the coming of something great. Following them was blue, snow in the shapes of dresses swirled around them. It was like winter hand manifested itself into cloth.

    There were so many people that passed that the girl seemed to forget how much time had passed. Everything was fun and glamorous. It was decorative and festive. Everyone was seeming to get into the holiday cheer. But of course that was what this parade was for. To establish the holiday cheer and bring people together so that everyone could feel it.

    The snow hadn't stopped either and now there was a light coating of the white across all of the people what had been watching the festival. It dusted across the top of the head of the girl, landing on her eyelashes and decorating her scarf and coat in white speckles.

    But this cheer and resolution for a wonderful white Christmas couldn't cover the sense of magic that Aliannah could feel in the air. At first she thought that another mage had appeared just as the Woman's Group that had built a winter wonder land scene passed by. This sudden source of magic marked a tick in the back of the mind of the girl. Not because of magic itself, as there were many mages in the area, but because the feeling that the magic gave off. The feeling that was growing in the stomach of the girl gave her premonition that there was something bad that was going to happen. Her fingers gripped more tightly around the cup that she was holding.

    But from her mind she was snapped to reality from the comments of how incredible the parade was from Elias. Her smile had grown stiff on her face, and there it stayed. But the nervous feeling that rose in her chest diminished for just a moment as she watched the last float go by and with it a question from the male behind her. With her hands filled the girl carefully put the box of candies into her packet, for later, and reached to grab the hand of Elias. "I don't know really. I've never really been asked that. But if anything, absolutely anything, I would wish for a forever. I know it doesn't make much sense, but anything that could last forever. That would be the best present." Eyes glittered like stars as Aliannah looked up slightly at the other. Opening her mouth to ask the other the same question the girl was quickly distracted by the magical aura that she had felt earlier growing.

    Mouth snapping shut the girl looked in the direction of the source of magic, her eyes searching for the exact place it was. But being a second to late a bright flash filled the streets and the magic that had gathered imploded. There, now, instead of a pinpoint human source of magic was a portal. Worry flashed across the face of the girl as people screamed and scurried away in fright from the magic explosion. This was not good. Where had this surge of magic come from and why was it here! Turning away from Elias the girl turned and took a step towards the portal just as something appeared from it.

    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 5420/8000



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    Post by NPC 31st December 2018, 4:44 pm

    The member 'Goddess Aliannah' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :

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    Post by Dekkys 3rd January 2019, 2:39 pm

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    No sooner had Aliannah whispered her dreams of a forever that everything, as a way of putting it, went to shit. Screams shattered the holiday air and the freezing cold finally extinguished warm feelings in his chest. Magic. A sinister, destructive, and dangerously purposeful magic swept across Elias’ lips, sweeping away everything he was about to say. Aliannah had already taken a step towards the danger. The panicking crowd parted around her. Elias followed suit. One step and the pale rainbow of the aurora cloaked his form, rapidly shaping itself into an unadorned set of light field plate just as his foot hit the ground. The next step came a deep blue cape lined with white fur. His steps felt lighter, faster. Breaking out into a sprint, Elias called to him one last weapon: the wintry chains. A simple wooden handle flashed into his hand and a frostbitten chain extended from one end. The action may have been preemptive but that didn’t stop the sinister feeling in the air.

    Moments later as Elias stepped through the last strands of the crowd, he finally  got a view of the chaos. A white and red portal filled the air with the slight scent of peppermint, only to be taken over by five polar bears, each standing on their hind feet and clawing at the innocents around. Insane giggles and the crack of a whip washed over the polar bears’ roars. A little elf, all dressed in black and white, clung to a saddle on one of the polar bears while shouting unintelligible commands to the rest. Elias couldn’t even tell if the bears understood the little thing, only the whip which threw them into a bloodthirsty rage. They had already clawed two people to death. Blood already stained the powdery white snow and holiday storefronts.

    Elias always considered himself to be a calm person. Cool, though not always the smoothest. He liked to think he always approached a situation objectively and rationally. Not this, though. Two people had been clawed to death on Christmas and the air of the holidays had been shattered for the town. It was inexcusable and it set Elias’ blood to a boil. His muscles clenched and he sprinted even faster as Elias let out a battle cry.

    The elf spotted him. He shouted something and his whip cracked. A polar bear let out a roar and swiped one paw, shattering a pillar of ice which launched Elias into the air. The momentum kept the wizard flying, but the sudden loss of movement threw off his balance and he was struck squarely in the chest by a frosty snowball thrown by the evil elf. It didn’t take a moment for Elias to respond in kind. His chains lashed out and wrapped themselves around the little elf and Elias wrenched it free from its saddle and slammed it into the snow below.

    “Asshole,” Elias shouted just as the Elf’s head struck the flagstones. The elf only laughed and Elias conjured a bolt of red light, striking the Elf again.

    “It’s all part of the plan,” The elf said with a giggle. “Christmas is over! Cancelled! Forever!” the thing let out another fit of maniacal, nasally laughter in the midst of all the chaos.

    Elias swore. He couldn’t do much while his chains held the elf in place. It didn’t make for a very practical weapon and, of course, there remained the problem of the five polar bears running loose. They were thankfully ignoring Elias and the elf, perhaps out of some kind of combination of fear and the knowledge that their evil little master would be done in by Elias’ magic, but that the whip still held pain for them and they would be forced to obey if they got involved. Stuck in a trap of his own making. Stupid. Elias would have punched himself for making such a mistake if he were anywhere else.

    Hopefully Aliannah had his back.

    WORD COUNT: 6081 | 8000

    Pridwen 90/120 | Cloak 90/90 | HP 300/300 | MP 240.5/300:


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Post by Aliannah 4th January 2019, 10:41 pm

    My Light...

    As Aliannah had taken a step forwards so did Elias, his body shimmered and on his skin morphed a set of armour that glistened right along with the snow. The blonde girl could feel the sinister magic drifting through the area and permeating the air causing for several people to choke and cough. Taking a glance over at her partner the girl could see that he had not only formed an armour but also taken initiative to conjure a weapon as well.

    There was no other mages that seemed to stick around to help the situation and it swiftly grew dim as monsters began their rein of danger and damage. 5 pure white polar bears erupted from the portal an galloped into the streets tearing at the people who were still there and on each one was an elf that was dressed in all black and white. But Aliannah was too slow in saving the people that had already been clawed to death and her heart pulled at her chest. A small intake of breath was all the warning that she gave as she let out a shriek. Why had the world been so cruel to her, why is it that the moment that she is able to feel peace from her training and feel at home and comfortable with a person that it is always taken from her. She was devastated. But she needed to pull herself together. She needed to. This was what was expected of her. She needed to be strong. She needed to protect other people. Midst of her shriek she had dove into one of her strongest spells. "I CALL UPON HELL'S TERRAIN".


    The area around Aliannah soon grew dark and as did the area around her. Stones jutted up from the ground and cracks appeared all around them. It was no longer the flat snowy terrain that the area once was. It was no longer cool to the touch, it was now hot and humid, the kind that sticks to your skin. This was the world of demons and whoever came through that portal was just that. Christmas was canceled for now. A snarl ripped from the lips of the girl as she looked back towards the portal and saw that there were now 5 more polar bears entering her terrain.

    Her once blue eyes that flickered like diamonds were now a dark colour, like an ocean in an uproar. The girl may have looked petite in her scarf and her earmuffs, how she had leggings under a pair of shorts and a jacket on, but her eyes said anything but. The girl pulled her scarf from her neck and her earmuffs from her ears tossing them to the side. It was now far too hot for such things. But the female knew that she would probably never see them again. If she was not holding on to it when she canceled the spell, they would be lost to this world. That didn't matter at this time as a wicked smile grew across the face of the girl and she could see the monsters tripping and falling. Several of the elves had fallen off of the backs of the polar bears and into the lava that now resided between the cracks of the stones.

    Upon looking at the chaos that she had caused to the other enemies, the girl yanked her pendant off of her neck and didn't need to watch it as it elongated into its rightful form. With her lips pulled up into a sneer the girl took off in to a sprint to several of the enemies that seemed to be in chaos. Calling upon her spell that would activate her blade the girl went through a series of attacks; swiping down to shove an elf back into the lava whilst piercing its head; to a sweep under the legs of a polar bear, causing for it to fall to its knees and keep the elf pinned into the lava; to a jab into the hand of another elf that was barely handing onto the side of a rock that below resided a pit of lava; to the polar bear that it had ridden on, delivering a blade through the side of its head and allowing for the girl to launch herself into the air as she spotted Elias in a stick situation. Her blade came down quick and clear, through the heart of the elf that he had trapped.

    Eyes looked up at the male and quickly looked away, this had probably ruined his Christmas. Yanking her blade from the elf on the ground the girl stood up and stabbed her blade into the ground so that she could put her hair up into a pony-tail. Once done, the girl pulled her weapon from the ground and looked around at the mess that had been made. A low growl resonated through her body as the girl took one last look at Elias before she was gone. She was not gone to forwards or sidewards, but up. Wings had burst from her back as the girl took to the air. Her wings white with black tipped feathers.

    Taking in a deep breath the girl dove. She flapped her wings one before tucking them away and shooting towards the ground where several polar bears had been, trying to figure out where they should go next as they had isolated themselves on a rock that was more like a cliff. Closing her eyes the girl barreled into the one on the front causing for it to knock into the one behind it and so on, like the domino effect until the last one on the edge had fallen off and down into the fire pits below.

    While she had succeeded in ridding herself of one beast there were still two more that were looking at her with blood thirsty eyes.

    Spells Used:
    HP: 590/600 MP: 530/600
    Enemies Left:
    Elves - 2
    Polar Bears - 8 - With one injured(Legs cut)
    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 7070/8000



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    Post by NPC 4th January 2019, 10:41 pm

    The member 'Goddess Aliannah' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :

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    Post by Dekkys 8th January 2019, 10:58 pm

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    The fight had just barely begun when Aliannah’s words split the chaotic air and the town’s flagstones began to crack and the air changed, becoming more humid and stale. Heat washed up from below the earth while the sky became thick with black, billowy clouds. First the people and their screams faded, then the town, and finally the snowfall began to slow. Those few remaining flakes hit the ground with a barely audible hiss and the little elf’s smile dropped from his face for barely a moment. A poker face if Elias had ever seen one. All that remained now was Elias, Aliannah, their enemies, and that faintly swirling portal, that stupid red and white swirling portal.

    Elias stole a glance back toward his friend. That peaceful glow he had been so happy to see was gone and her crystal eyes had been replaced by tempests. Nothing existed behind her face other than pure, unadulterated hatred and Elias could feel the pressure of it from where he stood.

    Only Elias stared too long. His chains had released their grip and a quick flick of his wrist barely deflected another strike from the Elf’s whip in the midst of panicking polar bears. A blade erupted from the thing’s chest before Elias could so much as raise his arm for a retaliation. Aliannah pulled her blade from the ground and the elf and paused, barely meeting Elias’ eyes for a moment before her gaze slid past and her head dropped. Where he would have expected shame or sadness in the girl’s eyes, yet instead a growl resonated from the back of her throat. All full of a predatory need for blood. The wizard didn’t have any time for guesswork before wings erupted from her back and with a great flap her angelic wings, launched herself into the sky for an isolated rock covered in polar bears.
    Following would have been an option if more wintry creatures emerged from the portal. Confusion captured both Elias’ face and that of an elf riding a giant christmas tree. He could have sworn even the tree gave off a gasp of shock before focusing it’s gaze on Elias. All three of their eyes seemed to lock on each other for a moment which felt almost like an hour. Only Elias shifted in the wake of a stifling breeze and a flat stone cracked and the christmas tree, of all things, reacted immediately by launching a trio of christmas ornaments at mach speed.

    Green whizzed past Elias’ eyes before blue and red struck him in the back. The wizard responded in kind with a stop. Numerous spikes of ice erupted from the ground, small chunks out of the christmas tree and one even struck the elf in the chest. The ice shattered into shards of pale blue light before the wizard filled the air with his chains. One lash snapped a branch, another shattered an ornament and at least two others others struck the body of the elf before either of the two took a chance to react. A single snowball flew through the air and struck Elias in his face. He stumbled backwards before conjuring a pillar of ice to launch him in the air. A string of tinsel wrapped itself around the pillar just as Elias’ foot left it and his chains lashed out again, knocking the elf off its perch on the christmas tree, crashing town to the stones below. A sickening crack announced the breaking of the little thing’s neck.

    More tinsel of red and white filled the air, wrapping its way around Elias’ arms and legs before slamming him into the earth below. Elias let out a yelp of pain and the wintry chains escaped his grip, fading into pale white light. The wizard struggled and pulled at the tinsel as the ground below him shifted and cracked. A red and green present, wrapped as generically as possible broke through the stones and a weird network of roots raised it before Elias’ face. Another, smaller root wove its way around the gift, slowly lifting off the lid to a faint golden glow before opening it completely.

    WORD COUNT: 7764 | 8000

    Pridwen 90/120 | Cloak  45/90 | HP 285/300 | MP: 223.5/300:


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Post by Aliannah 9th January 2019, 6:47 am

    Here is a roll before my next post.



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    Post by NPC 9th January 2019, 6:47 am

    The member 'Goddess Aliannah' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :

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    Post by Dekkys 9th January 2019, 12:25 pm

    I forgot to roll for my gift from the Christmas tree so here's that


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

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    Post by NPC 9th January 2019, 12:25 pm

    The member 'Dekkys' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Die_03_42160_sm

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Age : 26
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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Post by Aliannah 10th January 2019, 9:50 pm

    My Light...

    While the girl was focused on the polar bears she hadn't noticed the other monsters that were emerging from the portal. The red eyes that looked at her were her main priority. They glared at her like she was the only thing in the plane and that she was the one who had caused for the fall of the world. True, she had changed their surroundings to something that was no longer wintery and thus possibly caused them pain and impacted their abilities, but these monsters had come to her world and caused terror. If they were going to play this game, they were going to play it her way.

    As two pairs of red eyes attempted to pierce through her they failed remarkably. With one of their partners down, they seemed less dangerous. Or so she thought. One burst from its frozen position like a blizzard and raced at her. It's teeth were bared with anger and hatred. As it reached where Aliannah was the girl jumped into the air with her scythe on one hand, her wings no longer open at her back, placed a hand on the snout of the beast and leaped on top of it. Her small body seeming even smaller as she straddled the bead backwards, her scythe swung around her head just to stab into the back of the beast earning her a roar from it.

    With her position she could see that the other bear was coming for her and upon the thoughts that it probably wouldn't try to attack its companion the girl thought wrong and long claw managed to scratch along her right arm, the one that she carried her scythe in, as she lunged off the side of the other bear. With a hiss the girl could feel the blood dripping down her arm and onto the rocks below, sure she healed quickly, but this hurt none-the-less. Her jacket was now ripped and was quickly being stained by ruby red. Eyes flashing gold in warning the girl raced forwards and dug her good hand into the fir of the beast she had leaped off of and hauled herself over him just as her body illuminated gold and condensed power burst from her body, hitting both of the bears. The light stunned them as pain from her magic wracked their bodies.

    Her scythe in the hand on her injured arm the girl placed her body weight behind her attack of stabbing through the side of the bear that had attacked her before kicking it off of her blade and causing it to tumble into the pits below. With the momentum of her kick the girl maneuvered her body so that the force would allow for the blonde to swing her blade around and chop off the head of the other beast with a sickening crunch. As her blade came in contact with the ground the girl looked up from her battle to see what else had been happening.

    Shock and confusion filled the face of the girl as she saw a Christmas tree running rampant like it was some sort of deranged deer. Her blue eyes indeed shocked as her face formed something almost comical. A single piece of hair falling into her face had the girl resurface from her shock and start to make her way back over to where her partner was in combat with a living tree?? Passing by the bear that she had injured earlier several elves had surrounded it. "I call upon Speed of the Demon."

    Magic flooded through the girl as she could feel things slowing down around her. With a series of punches and kicks, including a sloppy, wet snowball to the face, the girl managed her way through the several elves and to the bear. Though it had attacked her world and it had killed someone--based on the blood on its claws--the thing looked pitiful. With only a moment of a sympathetic expression on her face the girl lifted her scythe, cut another leg of the bear before piercing her blade through its heart.

    That was another monster down and the girl looked back to her partner before seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, the portal. There, emerging from the portal was another wave of monster, another Christmas tree and 3 more elves to go along with it. A low curse in a language not known to man escaped the lips of the girl. Just what they needed, more enemies. Following her curse was a soft tired sigh, she just wanted a peaceful Christmas, not a piece filled one. Letting her emotions drain out of her the girl made her face blank and moved towards the new coming monsters.

    Not even getting 5 meters away from the new monsters the new Christmas tree looked at Aliannah and shot several decorations at her face, which were cut apart and brushed to the side with her scythe, but small scratches marred her cheeks. With the heat the the underworld contained the snow was quickly melting off of the tree, leaving it bear and seeming to realize this the tree threw a present wrapped in blue snowflake wrapping paper, topped with a white bow, at the feet of the girl. Upon it hitting the ground an explosion rang through the air.

    Spells Used:
    HP: 549/600 MP: 530/600
    Enemies Left:
    Elves - 3
    Polar Bears - 7
    Trees - 2
    Big Boss Guy - 1 (Not yet appeared)
    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 8656/8000
    NOTES: Actually, wish us luck.

    Last edited by Goddess Aliannah on 10th January 2019, 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Post by NPC 10th January 2019, 9:50 pm

    The member 'Goddess Aliannah' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Die_06_42164_sm

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Post by Dekkys 11th January 2019, 1:20 am

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    Trapped, motionless, Elias couldn’t do anything but stare deep into the present before a blast ice and freezing wind smashed into his chestplate. A dent the size of a watermelon collapsed, knocking the wind out of his lungs and making it even harder to breathe. The tinsel losing its grip was the only blessing Elias felt he could count. The moment he could freely move his legs, a pillar of ice launched him into the air, which would have been a great thing had his cloak decided not to disappear in midair. A bare few moments passed before Elias already started to feel heavier and the ground began approaching suspiciously fast. Too fast to panic. Elias tucked and rolled the moment his feet touched the ground. Strands of tinsel grasped the air helplessly where he would have been if he’d made the mistake of sticking his landing. That seemed to be a trend; none of Elias’ enemies reacted well to speed. Every attack missed so long as the wizard was moving. Though the lack of his cloak made that very movement so much harder. Losing his only speed spell, even temporarily, could prove to be the end of Elias if he ever got caught on the wrong foot.

    Even so, he stole a glance over at Aliannah tearing her way through a gang of Elves and polar bears. He couldn’t tell much from so far away. All he could really make out was a blur of scythe and wing. The girl only slowed down enough to be seen for a bare moment and that caught Elias’ eye was a single bloodied sleeve. Two more ornaments struck his back and Elias face planted into Hell’s cracked stones. The wizard let out an audible curse as his armor cracked into a thousand pieces of pale, multicolored light. Defenseless. The wizard managed to dodge more flashes of yellow and red before responding with a blast of his own. With an outstretched hand, he launched a basketball sized sphere of wavy, pale red light which slammed into the tree in what Elias guessed to be its eye. The monster let out an audible groan. It sounded like a mix between a human and the wind rustling through branches. Elias wasn’t about to give himself time to contemplate it more before calling upon the last weapon in his arsenal. Carnwennan. The wizard called out the weapon’s name and it appeared in a gust of wind. A shortsword, somewhere around 30 inches in total length with a well-polished blade and a simple birch wood grip. A chill rose from around Elias’ feet as a pale blue mist rendered him invisible to the naked eye.

    The christmas tree stopped attacking, clearly surprised at Elias’ sudden disappearance. It began reaching out with strands of tinsel, trying to figure out from where Elias would decide to strike next. Strands of red and white probed further and further out before the wizard finally decided to capitalize on its confusion. He whispered a word of power and became formless, yet solid. Just like the wind itself. A mere instant passed before Elias found himself above the tree. A simple thought and he materialized, though still invisible, and brought his blade down the center of the tree’s trunk.

    He couldn’t feel the cuts. The tree almost sliced too easily beneath Carnwennan’s edge and it had been cut almost perfectly in half by the time Elias’ feet touched a branch-covered ground. Audible cracking seemed to echo through the empty land as the once-living christmas tree slowly fell apart. Tinsel unravelling and ornaments shattering against the ground beneath it. Normally Elias would have looked away from such a sight but his heart burned and his hand twitched too much to look away. That monster had ruined Christmas. It had to pay and even outright destruction was too light of a price.

    The sweet taste of victory didn’t last. No sooner had Elias managed to catch an extra deep breath than more monsters emerged from the portal and Aliannah’s trail of slaughter grew closer. More polar bears and a few more elves emerged. Elias didn’t hesitate to start cutting into as many as he could. They couldn’t see him, not with the Cloak of the Wind and that made it all the easier to harass the creatures while those in the front found themselves slaughtered by Aliannah’s scythe. They were winning. Finally. Elias cut the throat of another elf before thinking more. Once the last of these Christmas-ruining beasts was cut down, he would finally cut the portal in half and hopefully, just hopefully, he might be able to scavenge together a half-decent ending to the best day of the year. Hopefully.

    But those wishes never lasted. Another christmas tree led the charge against Elias’ angelic friend and it had caught her with another present, wrapped up in snowflake paper before a great flash of light… erased her clothes?

    “I swear I’m not looking!” Elias shouted just after getting an eyeful Aliannah’s almost too-thin form. Blonde hair flowed and fresh blood splattered her porcelain skin before the wizard could tear his eyes away. He stuck his shortsword in his belt, reappeared, and sprinted in Aliannah’s general direction while ripping off his coat. “You can put on my coat!” Elias shouted again while balling up the coat and throwing it, “It might be a little big though!” He drew his sword again and sliced apart another wave of tinsel while slowly turning invisible. He kept up the onslaught, being careful to keep his back to Aliannah while keeping enough distance between her and the monsters for her to cover herself up. Two more elves fell while trying to trap Elias, their cherry red blood staining his invisible blade while it tore gashes across the flanks of any polar bear who dared approach too close.

    Then something else started to emerge from the portal while Elias plunged his sword into a polar bear’s skull and kicked aside two more elf corpses.

    “HO HO HO,” sent a chilling echo through the air. Overpowering even the roars of the polar bears.

    Seven feet of rolling fat clad in crimson and dirty white stepped out from the portal. The giant man waddled with a bloodied ax on his shoulder and a muddy brown bag full of soiled gifts. On his shoulder sat a crackling elf carrying a silent, golden jingle bell and behind him trailed another blood-soaked polar bear and a christmas tree laden with red ornaments and tinsel. Santa Claus himself had joined the battle with his crimson-covered honor guard.


    Kill Count:

    • 3 elves
    • 2 polar bears
    • 1 christmas tree

    WORD COUNT: 9757 | 8000

    HP 285/300 | MP 187.5/300:


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Post by Aliannah 12th January 2019, 7:44 pm

    My Light...

    Confusion ran through the mind of the blonde girl as she didn't feel any pain after the explosion. She wasn't hurt, there seemed to be no spots other than her arm that stung with pain, so what had that explosion done? It seemed confusion was evident on her face as she looked at the Christmas tree and it looked back at her shocked. Why was it shocked? Eyebrows furrowing for expression of further confusion the girl looked beyond the tree and made eye contact with a polar bear that swiftly looked away. A warm chill ran down her spine and the girl paused for a moment. She shouldn't be feeling any air against her skin, she was completely clothed! Eyes widening in realization the girl bit her tongue, not hard enough to draw blood, and gripping her scythe swung it around and cut the tree into 5 different pieces before crouching to the ground embarrassed.

    The voice of her companion rang through her head and she internally cried, he had seen her naked--even though he had claimed not to. But the girl wouldn't cry, she really didn't have time for it. She could feel the magic presence of Elias getting closer and closer until he was only a bit away. His voice range through the open air as she threw his jacket at her. Without even looking up the girl stretched out her bad arm, that due to her magic was almost nearly healed, and caught the jacked in her hand. Blood still dripped from her arm and onto the ground, it would most certainly stain the jacket, but the girl didn't worry about that, she would buy him a new one later.

    Without moving from her crouching position the girl swung the jacket around her shoulders, she didn't care if it were a little big, she had no right to. Arms slipping through the sleeves she stood up and spun around in order to button, the slightly too larger jacket, up. This sucked, this really sucked, first her clothes were ruined and then they disappeared totally. This really, really, sucked. She had paid good money for those clothes and now she couldn't wear them again. These things had ruined her time, her day, this moment, the peace that she had had before Christmas.

    The girl didn't have to look to know that Elias was finishing off several other monsters, besides they deserved it at this point. Rage boiled through the girl, lighting her up from the inside out, power ran through her, power that didn't come from the angel, but from the heavens themselves. A soft glow coated the body of the angel. The moment that she found out who had caused this mess she was going to send them back from which the came.

    Aliannah didn't see the man emerging from the portal, but she could hear him, she could feel him. This was the reason that all of this chaos had started. Aliannah wasn't one to kill people, unfortunately, so there had to be another way around this.

    Blue eyes closed as power ran through her body and golden orbs appeared in their place as the blonde opened her eyes. Magic of eons passed through her body as her lineage came into light. Literally. With new power in her veins the angel spun around. "Thanks for the coat." Her voice was laden in melody and rage as the girl walked up to stand beside the male. Her golden eyes stared down the round man dressed all in red with his entourage by his side. She was really done with all of this madness.

    Biting her bottom lip the girl met eyes with the red man and he looked at her with challenge, she placed her hand in front of Elias as it to tell him not to move from his spot. "I call upon Chaos." Words that the girl had only imagined she would say slipped out of her mouth. One of her golden eyes turned red and the girl infiltrated the mind of the man. At first it was a struggle he was fighting her, his anger and hatred fueling his power, but it was nothing to the power of the heavens. With one last shove against the man's mind she broke through. A smirk lifted the lips of the girl and she took a step forwards, Elias's jacket fluttering around her legs. With her eyes still on the man he was completely under her control. "Leave and never come back. You've ruined Christmas for so many people with your selfish vision. People are joyous around Christmas every year, it may be the only ray of hope that people have and instead of only seeing the darkness in the world you should see the light that your holiday brings people." The voice of the girl started off snide, but slowly moved to something begging and almost lecturing. "Go back, take your minions with you, don't bother the people here in Earthland. Focus on your holiday that brings joy to so many people, focus on it and make it even better."

    Magic fluttered under the skin of the girl, fueling her power over the large man. None of the monsters had attacked at the time as they saw that their commander was out of commission and seemed to look at him with wonder as to what to do next. Without a word the large man turned around and walked back through the portal with all of his monsters following him in confusion. The moment that all creatures passed through the portal it closed and the magic that surrounded it disappeared as well.

    A sigh escaped the girl as she released all of her spells. The magic from them dispersing in to the air. The terrain around them turned back into a snowy white wonderland and the golden glow that surrounded the girl faded back to normal.

    It was done.

    Taking in a shaky breath the girl sunk to the ground, not minding the chill that ran up her body, and looked at the spot where the portal had once been.

    Spells Used:
    HP: 600/600 MP: 530/600
    Enemies Left:
    All enemies were sent back through the portal.
    ...shines for you
    WORDS: 10,780/8000
    NOTES: Actually, wish us luck.



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Posts : 120
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    Mentor : Aliannah
    Experience : 4962

    Character Sheet
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    Post by Dekkys 15th January 2019, 9:39 pm

    Elias Bishop

    Knight of the Aurora

    Elias had just stared into the face of beauty and terror at the same time.

    What a fool he was, thinking that Aliannah had needed any protecting. She probably would never have noticed with the tempest of rage, blood, and light she’d become. The soul of an angel corrupted into a weapon worth nothing more than the lives it cut down. Elias had only taken a glance backwards, just to make sure his friend was okay. Instead her form glowed with a sinister gold. Simply meeting the girl’s blinding eyes blew away every scrap of wind mana cloaking his body and knocked him to the ground.

    She thanked him for the coat in some kind of multi-voiced melody. A chorus? Elias got up to follow only to meet her steel-like arm. She didn’t even need to say the words and the wizard got back on his knees, unsure whether to keep watching Aliannah and his jacket fluttering around her legs or to turn away and spare himself some image of the girl he’d known mere minutes before smiling brightly at a parade.

    Or had it been hours?

    Didn’t matter. A spell slipped from the angel’s lips. A command so powerful even he felt compelled to comply.

    Elias could’ve sworn he was closer to Aliannah’s strength. No, what he saw now proved he couldn’t hope to possess a fraction of her power. The girl simply bursted at the seams with magic and something told him that few ever got to behold that power.

    She sunk to the ground. The world itself seemed to sigh. Elias started to move towards her and hesitated. Aliannah hadn’t ever been one for talking, he knew that, but it seemed that she had been hiding so much. He took a breath and a step forward. The least his friend deserved was a hug.

    So he approached Aliannah from behind, slowly, as she stared at a dusting of snow on the ground and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. A bit of an awkward side hug, but maybe the gesture would be worth something.

    “Come on,” Elias said quietly, “Let’s get you some clothes.”

    And the cracked hellscape slowly faded into flagstones.


    WORD COUNT: 0000 | 0000


    WINTER WONDERHELL[EVENT|Aliannah&Elias] Dekkyses
    Elias, Color=#9966ff
    Ville, Color=#0099ff

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:14 pm