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    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,587

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    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Empty [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person

    Post by Aedion 27th October 2018, 2:45 am


    Post WC: 613 words
    Total WC: 613 words
    Job Info: Just a good ol' social
    Tagged: @Karasuki
    Music: Spicy Calamari Inkantation

    It hasn't been long since Garnet joined the Guild of Fairy Tail. In fact, it happened very recently. But he enjoyed his time in Magnolia. In terms of size and amount of people who were in the city still paled in comparison to Inkopolis, he was glad to be living in a bigger city. He grew up in a great metropolis, afterall, and he could admit that he was a city boy. The only pressing issue was that he wouldn't get to know the land he landed into if he stayed exclusively in Magnolia. Thus, he had decided that it was a great idea to head outside.

    Garnet had no destination in mind, he just packed a few essential things and put on his favourite set of clothes - a v-neck, black t-shirt with fingerless gloves, a set of black shorts with short leggings underneath it, black combat boots and black bandana with a bottom half of an Inkling skull printed on it. Soon after, Garnet found himself standing at the city's railway station, eyeing the many different departures. He had no idea what any of those places were, or where they were, so he just hopped onto one of the trains.

    The trip took a bit of time. The train had some stops, but Garnet didn't feel like getting off, deciding that he would stay until the last one. He filled out the travelling time by surfing on the network on his smartphone, looking up information about the destination he was heading to. It seemed that it was popular with mages who weren't in Guilds? That probably would've been his town if he hadn't joined Fairy Tail. But then again, it seemed like it was much smaller when compared to Magnolia, so probably not.

    When the train finally arrived, it was late afternoon. Garnet got off the train, along with a number of other people. The Inkling walked around the town for a bit, taking in the scenery. It definitely reminded him of rural towns from back home. Along the way, he saw a peculiar building, with a rather inviting sign hanging on the side of it. It seemed to be a bar, of sorts. Something that Garnet suddenly craved, now that he was reminded such establishments exist. A drink for a victory that he had found a Guild to join, sounded like a good idea. For the first time in a long time a smile adorned the Inkling's face, as he stepped inside.

    Garnet pushed open the door and stepped inside. There was a number of tables with chairs. The bar counter had a rather large amount of stools aswell. A lot of the tables were occupied, so the counter it was. The bar itself had a sort of rustic look. But at the same time, something just felt unsettling, in a way. He was given a few looks as he passed by, but none lingered enough for Garnet to give them a stare back. The Inkling sat down on a bar stool at the counter and took out his smartphone. The bartender eyed him with suspicion written on his face. Garnet tried to ignore that as he typed away on his smartphone, showing it to the bartender shortly after. On the screen it said: What would you recommend for a drink? The bartender read it and looked at Garnet. "What? You mute or something?" Somewhat rude, but Garnet would only shrug in response. The bartender only shook his head, but took out a bottle and poured some of its contents into a glass, that then landed in front of Garnet. The Inkling would nod in appreciation and take a sip.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Do4zQ5K

    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Aedion Malphur ⭐ Primary Magic: Nova Imperator (Coming Soon) ⭐ Aedion's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template shenanigans: Here be template

    Lineage : Villain’s Soul
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 525

    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Empty Re: [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person

    Post by Karasuki 10th November 2018, 6:22 am

    Karasuki had promised Geralt long ago that at least once a week he could take control of her body. The evil pirate king who shared her split soul with his was aggressive when it came to his time out of her head. Karasuki needed to go to a place where nobody knew her face or her name and Geralt was in her mind grumbling with anticipation. "Are we there yet? Can't you just let me out now? You know I won't do anything!" Karasuki thought back to him, "No, no, and yes you would." And her facial expressions were the only hint that she might be having a conversation, somewhat looking a bit strange and crazy while on the trip here. Geralt was getting impatient and rude even, as he always did. She had spent hours on the train trying to read her book, but every time she got inside the pages, the pirate had jerked her out with pirate shanties or annoying physical threats to passersby. She had to be on her toes more than normal to keep him from bursting out of her skin.

    It was a relief when the train finally stopped and she could step outside into the town. Her feet moved hastily forward, looking for a quiet place without any people, a place where she could transform somewhat and nobody would see. Karasuki knew there was a part nearby and that was where she was headed. However, her entire body yanked backward as Geralt took partial control, getting her attention without words directly in front of what appeared to be a bar. "The Soul Bar?" Karasuki whispered, "Really?" "You never let me drink. Just this once. Order me up a pint and then we can go to the park like you want to do." Karasuki tried to turn away: the bar looked a little seedy, compared to Ace of Spades. For her, this place was filled with unknowns and while she didn't mind them, Karasuki already stuck out of the crowd with her purple hair and librarian-like fashion sense. Karasuki wore a flowing button-down white shirt and for Geralt's sake, a long black skirt. She carried a flat bag of books, as always, looking like a young scholar. At least her guild symbol on her forearm would make evident she was a little more than ordinary, but in a place filled with guildless mages, she wasn't so sure she would be welcome in their watering hole. She fixed her glasses and found that her feet would not move back onto the stone walkways. "Go inside," Geralt demanded.

    The young woman hated when he got like this. She let out a sigh, wondering just what she would see inside as her hand clasped the door handle and turned. Even if it was late in the afternoon, the Soul Bar had more people than she had thought would even fit inside. There were filled tables of rough looking men and tough looking women. More than a few of the tables stared as she entered and her face heated up. She swallowed hard and strode toward the counter. "Good afternoon sir!" She greeted. It was abundantly clear after she said it how odd it was a greeting for such a place. "I am here to purchase a beverage. A pint." Geralt chuckled at her inside her head. "You know even without the drink, I couldn't have paid for such entertainment." The bartender looked at her gruffly, not sure what to make of her. "A pint of what? Are you lost, little lady?"

    Geralt hastily said, "A pint of ale of course. Strong, good ale. Ale fit for a man." Karasuki looked up at the bartender, keeping her cool, "No, I'm not lost. I am interested in a pint of good strong ale. Fit for a man." The bartender tried not to laugh and failed. He turned away to get a pint-sized container and stepped back behind the bar. "I see, you're buying for a friend. Poor lass." Karasuki frowned, "No, it's for me. I want to take it to the park." This buying a drink thing was really becoming a catastrophe. She glanced around hoping for some of the eyes in the bar to turn away but it seemed the more she talked, the more they stared. There was another at the bar, an unusual looking male with a cool-looking smartphone in his hands, and she wondered just what he was thinking of her.


    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person X2MWsFB

    ~Kara's Links~

    Kara's Color Code: color= #cc33ff
    Geralt's Color Code: color= #00cccc

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,587

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    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Empty Re: [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person

    Post by Aedion 26th November 2018, 3:53 pm


    Post WC: 242 words
    Total WC: 855 words
    Job Info: Gool ol' social
    Tagged: @Karasuki
    Music: Still lazy

    Whatever had been poured into the glass Garnet was holding on, it burned right through his throat. And not exactly the good kind of burn, that Garnet enjoyed during an evening after a victory. He slightly winced, trying not to grab any more attention to himself than he already had with the bartender. A few short moments after, a girl sat not too far from him at the counter. The Inkling didn't pay too much attention to that, as he surfed the network on his phone. Though he did overhear a few pieces. A request for a pint and the bartender's reaction. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be glad or angry that he treated her the same way as he did Garnet. The girl then seemed to have specified her order and Garnet also heard an another remark from the bartender. He was starting to regret his choice of seat. Then again, he didn't exactly have much of it to begin with.

    Garnet was swiping through an article, when he felt eyes on him. His gaze and head shot up, looking for the source. He didn't have to look long or far, since it was the girl that did the latest order. The Inkling couldn't exactly pinpoint the emotions that were written on her face. He would cock his head to the side a little in confusion. Was he supposed to say something? Even if he was, he couldn't.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Do4zQ5K

    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Aedion Malphur ⭐ Primary Magic: Nova Imperator (Coming Soon) ⭐ Aedion's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template shenanigans: Here be template

    Lineage : Villain’s Soul
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 525

    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person Empty Re: [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person

    Post by Karasuki 5th December 2018, 6:46 am

    Karasuki looked nervous but she couldn't help but stare. He looked like a summon of her's, sort of. He looked like he was someone who might come straight out of one of her books. Karasuki pulled her book out and looked at it as Geralt chortled inside her mind. "What're you so interested in him for? We have plans." Karasuki shook her head in response, thumbing through the pages of her novel. There was nothing in the pages that indicated a missing character or creature. Karasuki approached him carefully, sliding away from the bar, around the stools and over to him. Before she could open her mouth, the bartender came over with a pint for her.

    "Here's that pint for you," He said gruffly setting it down. He rested his hands upon the bar squinting at the male. "I can see why he's caught your attention. But either he's one of those rude new mages, stuck in their iLacs, or he don't talk." He pointed at the male and laughed, "I'll give you a drink on the house if you could get him to speak." Karasuki frowned deeply. She pulled out a few jewels and put them on the bar, her face starting to turn pink. Her temper was actually quite terrible, though only those who angered her enough knew this. Her ex-girlfriend, Masha, had been the last person to get her to that sort of level and it was months ago now. But there was something about this situation that drove Karasuki nuts. He reminded her of a summon, and certainly was unusual, but she had nothing but respect for strangers or strange beings.

    This was not how you treated sentient or living things, and she had thought others followed that same rule of courtesy. "It's one thing for you to tease me about getting a drink in your establishment," Karasuki began, standing tall and raising her voice. Geralt shifted uneasily, feeling her change in mood, worried it would spoil his getting a drink. "What are you doing, girl?" He asked in her mind. She pretended not to hear him. "It's a far cry from treating a person with such disrespect. He is clearly a patron of your business! As a paying customer here, you should treat him with complete courtesy!" Her anger mounted and she pointed brazenly at the bartender. Now all eyes in the Soul Bar were on her. "Nobody likes getting pointed at. Nobody appreciates being talked about as if they aren't even there. Who do you think you are!?" The bartender began to look embarrassed and then angry at her shouting.

    "Listen, little miss, if you keep on like this I am going to ask you to leave," the bartender said patronizingly. She made fists with her hands and slammed her book down on the counter, her voice getting even louder. She threw the jewels, one by one at the bartender himself. "He. Deserves. An. Apology," Karasuki demanded. "And if you think I respond to 'little miss', you'll see for yourself what carrying on is all about!" The purple haired girl flashed her eyes upwards, glowering at him dangerously. The bartender twitched at each jewel that hit him. The others in the bar started to laugh a little. Karasuki hated making a scene and suddenly felt a bit guilty. Isadora, her adoptive mother, had taught her to stand up for others and for what she believed in. But had she caused more harm than good for the male besides her? She had just wanted to talk to him after all. Now all eyes were on the both of them. "Girl, please, take the drink and just leave," Geralt pleaded in her head.

    Karasuki picked up the drink and her book and then squared her jaw, lifting her eyebrows in unison. "I'm waiting," She said to the bartender. The man cleared his throat, looking utterly baffled. He wasn't really sure what to apologize for. He wasn't really sure why this lady was yelling in his bar. Nothing quite like this had happened amongst the sober afternoon bunch he had found in his bar on a regular basis. This was something he expected from drunks, not the the little bookworm. After a moment, he looked to the male at the bar with his phone. "Erm, sorry about that. Guess I forgot my manners here." Karasuki looked pleased with herself about the whole thing now. She turned to the male besides her and said, "I'm truly sorry I caused such a scene. I'm going to leave and let you enjoy your evening. Take this as my apology," Karasuki said dropping a handful of jewels on the counter besides him. She didn't have much else so she hoped he would take it.

    Then the woman turned and headed towards the door of the Soul Bar, pint in hand. Geralt breathed a sigh of relief. "Hell, I thought you were going to throw the ale at him. As much as I love watching you lose it, I haven't been so scared in years."


    [Social - Karasuki & Garnet] A New Place, a New Person X2MWsFB

    ~Kara's Links~

    Kara's Color Code: color= #cc33ff
    Geralt's Color Code: color= #00cccc

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:04 am