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    Siege destroyers.

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 484
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    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 26th August 2018, 3:42 pm

    She makes her way through the town with her hands within her pockets wearing a dark blue t-shirt with no sleeve with two long tears along the back of it. The tears within the shit being two inches in diameter and vertically being about a foot long. The girl wearing black pants as her amber gazes turns towards the sound of something happening as she spots what looks like a old man that is saddened. She shrugs her shoulders as she continues on her way. 'His problems really aren't mine.' She thinks to herself before a hand grabs her arm as she turns her head to see the same old man gripping her arm as he starts to speak towards her.

    "Please you have to help my people! My town has been forced into servitude by excavating the more dangerous parts of a mine. There are a bunch of bandits forcing us to work to death! Please you have to help my people!" The old man speaks to her in a desperate tone of voice as she just nods her head having already decided to agree when hearing the circumstances of what the job would entail. A small grin appearing on her face as for what is in her mind a promise of at least a fun time fighting against whatever these bandits could have. The raven haired black girl nods her head. i will help you out then sir. Just lead me towards this village and i can promise that whoever these bandits are won't last that long. She says in a confident voice towards the man.

    268 words.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 26th August 2018, 4:45 pm


    Word Count: 214/100
    Post Count: 2/15

    How interesting. To be honest, Balthazar hadn’t even been aware that there were villages and towns in this area, with it being dominated by old ruins and all that historical kinda stuff. Until he had found out about this apparent trouble with bandits happening in the area, which technically didn’t surprise him considering the location, but it did pique his interest nonetheless. A bunch of crooks like that sounded like a fairly easy confrontation to deal with, and he could check out these village settlements in the area on the way to boot. Two birds with one stone, as they say. Maybe he could even find something shiny while scouting around these ruins and whatnot.

    In any case, he had been wandering about at a mostly casual pace, not feeling like he had to be in a huge hurry or anything. Well, he wasn’t planning to be at least, until he happened to catch sight of an old man seemingly bothering a definitely younger woman about something nearby where he currently was. Huh. Guess he couldn’t keep lollygagging around for much longer, ey? Deciding to poke his head into the matter since he was around, he’d walk up to the two, giving them a cheerful wave in greeting. “Yo, mind if I come along?”


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 26th August 2018, 4:54 pm

    After her confirmation with the old man about heading towards these ruins to take down the bandit problem she turns her head to catch a sight that she wasn't quite prepared for. Her eyes widening for only a brief moment at what she is seeing as her mind tries to process what exactly she is even seeing. You're...you're a bat. She says rather plainly sounding rather shocked as she points towards the person in front of her looking equal parts still rather shocked and curious. The raven black haired girl walks forward towards the man in front of her and slowly moves a finger towards him to poke him in the chest. If that would be allowed her brows would furrow ever so slightly and look at the man and nods to herself and say softly to herself. Okay, yep he is real not an illusion. She would then smile ever so slightly and back away to give yourself some personal space as she looks towards the bat boy in front of her. You can come along, and sorry for the uhmm...greeting. You just don't see something like you everyday you know? She says in a apologetic tone of voice towards the creature in front of her not even knowing if classifying it as human would be correct.

    She then glances back towards the old man who seems fine with the bat like creature coming along seemingly more so preoccupied trying to drag her back towards the ruins to make it in time before someone is killed or horribly injured. You can come along bat. The name is Amora Shade wandering mage just looking for something fun to do. She says towards the creature in front of her before turning around and following the old man towards wherever there destination is meant to be. Gesturing for the bat like creature to follow her if he wishes to come along. She then glances over towards the bat male once more. Soooo...how are you a bat? She asks the most glaring question in her mind to how this could even be possible.

    350 words 3/15 posts


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
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    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 28th August 2018, 4:25 pm


    Word Count: 249/100
    Post Count: 4/15  

    “Uh…yeah?” Balthazar would respond to the kinda obvious statement coming from the woman once she saw him, proceeding to blink a few times as she approached to poke him. He wouldn’t stop her from doing that, albeit the action did surprise him a little bit. Sure, it wasn’t exactly the first time a person thought he was odd and out of the norm due to his looks, but it certainly wasn’t common for them to do something like this. He’d scratch the back of his head sheepishly. “I guess so…though there probably are plenty weird people all across the world, heh.” Well hey, if dragons and the like existed, then most other beings were hardly farfetched.

    The bat-like man would briefly glance at the seemingly desperate old man, wondering just how bad the situation had to be for people to act this way. “I’m Balthazar. Nice to meet you. I was looking around since I heard stuff was going on here, and it seems it’s true enough.”, he’d state with a faint chuckle. Well, at least taking a trip out here wouldn’t be a waste of time. Sticking his hands into the pockets of his pants, he’d follow the two at a casual pace, his tone somewhat amused as he answered the new question that was tossed at him soon after. “Well, I’m kinda sorta a demon I suppose.” He had no idea how exactly species genetics worked anyway. He never particularly dabbled in biology or anything regarding such.


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 28th August 2018, 4:35 pm

    She nods her head satisfied with her little tests to make sure that she hasn't gone insane and started seeing weird variations of animal like people, or this being some kind of prank by someone with illusion magic to try and set her up for some kind of trap. She glances towards the batlike man with amber colored gaze and nods her head at his word finding quite a lot of truth in how it seems like this world can have anything and everything happen. You can say that Bal this world is a bit strange honestly. She says with a small chuckle as she rubs the back of her head while saying that before quickly stopping as she follows his gaze towards the old man. Not really remembering the full name that easily so just sticking to the shortened form to help herself out in making sure she won't seem totally forgetful from not saying a name at all.

    She then glances back with a look of confusion at hearing the term used to describe himself. I'm sorry but what is a demon? Also since you want to help out to take out this old man's bandit problem what can you do in terms of a fight? I am a takeover user of the beasts of the wild. She says honestly with a bright and happy smile across her face. Walking alongside the bat humanoid like being as the old man is trying to lead them towards the direction of his town as fast as his body allows him to travel. The raven black haired girl glances around their surroundings. Seeing plenty of rocks and broken structures all around as they make there way through the area as she finds herself rather curious what caused the collapse of this area to be almost lifeless at a first glance.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 1st September 2018, 9:20 am


    Word Count: 258/100
    Post Count: 6/15

    Red eyes would blink a few times. “Well, we survive in it quite well, so I guess the weird’s not such a bad thing, ey?”, he’d quip, a little amused at the topic. Yeah, he was probably a bit stranger than most, even among those that seemed to have animal-esque features, but perhaps it was also just pure luck that those of his kind weren’t commonly found travelling around Fiore. Heck, he was pretty sure most of his family was still sitting on their asses away in his homeland, doing their own things. Not that he would complain about that fact though. They’ve never really gotten along well.

    He’d scratch his cheek when she inquired about what a demon was, rather unsure how to even answer that. Some things were hard to describe properly without going on a full on tirade to get your point across the way you intended it. “Uhh, a type of non-human species? I have no idea how to really explain that.” Trying to would just make matters more complicated anyway. Balthazar would shake his head light-heartedly. “I’m a God Slayer…I use fire based spells. Burning things is fun.”, he’d answer, trying to keep it simple enough, seeing as there was no way to get all the details out there.

    “Hmm, this place is pretty messed up, eh? Did those bandits cause all this?”, he’d question soon after, as they made their way through a rather destroyed area, which implied that some sort of a struggle had been happening here at the very least.


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 1st September 2018, 3:00 pm

    Amora chuckles at Bal's words and shrugs her shoulders once more as she just continues walking through the wastelands of this place with her hands within her pockets just enjoying the scenery since it is different then what she is use to. I mean i guess? Can't be that bad if we're living and managing to find happiness. She says in a mix of just unsure and acceptance of what you say not really having anything to disprove or say against that as she flicks back towards the surrounding village that is in ruins. A grin going across her face at the sight of it from the thought that something possibly strong had to have passed through here to cause such destruction since all the towns she had been to had guards that looked like they could handle themselves to some degree.

    She looks over towards Bal and tilts her head at that and glances over his form ever so slowly when hearing himself describe a demon. Okay....so a demon is something non-human but can at least have a human like shape. Hmmm i guess i will have to ask my partner that later, or go and find some book and actually read about it. She says with her voice becoming somewhat whiny and childishly pouty when mentioning the idea that she would have to sit down and read something to try and learn about it. When hearing the title of her magic she looks towards him with a raised eyebrow. God Slayer? That sounds...really arrogant. She says flatly not knowing how else to describe hearing such a magic with a title like that. But if it can use fire i guess the difficult part of this mission might be not causing widespread fire through the town. Amora says a bit jokingly with regards to burning the town down.

    Their guide just nods his head as he looks back towards the two of us. My town is just up ahead two miles from here. This use to be our neighbors. They didn't get the same luxury of at least being worked to death. We haven't seen anyone from this little town after the bandits had come through it. He says in a very solemn tone as he continues walking forward.

    7/15 posts


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
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    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 2nd September 2018, 7:02 pm


    Word Count: 344/100
    Post Count: 8/15

    “Well, as they say, it can always be worse.”, he’d comment casually as they kept walking on. Just like how it was fortunate they weren’t currently being ambushed by whatever or whoever left behind this damage they were seeing around them. Chances were pretty high that the ‘cause’ of this destruction was still within the area, and likely not way too far from them either. Assuming it were those bandits in question though, that was to be expected, albeit, they could still not be entirely certain about what they were about to face, and when exactly. So yeah, he’d rather be optimistic about living while he was able to live without getting knocked around by some assholes. Not to say he would allow them to do so freely of course, but one always has to expect the unexpected in a way.

    The bat-like man would chuckle faintly as he heard her talking about studying up on demons later. Well, that was fine by him, really. “Sure why not? It’d probably be a better way to get a solid answer if it actually interests you enough. I think demons can kinda vary quite a bit, so I find it hard to put together a description in short.” Could be human-like, and while that appeared to be a common thing, he was pretty sure there were demons who had a full on beastly appearance too. It was kinda a combination of things at the end of the day, rather than one specific trait. “Eeeh.”, he’d snort sheepishly at the comment about his magic. “I didn’t name it, so I got no idea ‘bout the intended meaning behind it.” He hadn’t quite considered that before, to be honest. “Anyhow, I’ll try my best not to burn everything, don’t worry.”, he’d remark in response, offering his companion a brief smirk.

    “Huh…well, that sounds like we might run into them once we reach the town. Guess we better get ready for a scruffle.”, he’d muse aloud, stretching his arms a bit as they steadily closed in on their destination.


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 3rd September 2018, 6:46 pm

    Amora looks back towards her companion with and shrugs her shoulders ever so slightly when he mentions the possibility of herself being interested about things. It is more so not interest just wanting to make sure i can learn enough to make any demons that are perfect choices for prey and hunt them down when it comes time for doing so. Especially if they are strong it will be lots of fun to hunt them the stronger that i can figure out they can become or if there is no limit at all like there seemingly can be for mages. She says rather cheerfully and happily with a bright smile as she then focuses on the path in front of her while listening to the man behind her as the black haired girl prepares for whatever is going to be on the other side. When hearing that he hadn't actually named the magic she turns her head with genuine confusion on her face and a slight tilt of her head. Wait you didn't name your magic? How did you learn about it then if you didn't like create it yourself or something like that? Amora says as her mind tries to understand such a thing since such a magic sounds rather unique and would have to had been created by the person themselves rather then taught in a book or something.

    When the duo would arrive near the town the old man would stop them behind something that could provide cover and point towards the town. That is where the bandits are keeping my people. I wish you the best of luck. He says in a rather appreciative tone as Amora just gives a thumbsup with a happy smile. Don't worry we got this for certain! I mean there is probably very little possibility of like sneaking but yeah. She says with a sheepish chuckle as she then happily moves forward and activates her first spell as wings sprout out from her back fitting through the holes within her shirt that she had made as the raven haired mage takes to the sky to assault them that way to begin with.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 4th September 2018, 5:40 pm


    Word Count: 333/100
    Post Count: 10/15

    Well, that was an answer he certainly hadn’t expected to hear. Balthazar would cock his head to the side slightly, giving the woman a somewhat odd look. “Ain’t it a little rude to think of someone as just a tool for hunting?” Especially in the case of those that were on the same level of sentiency as your normal human. That’d essentially make it as if you were saying you’d happily mark other people as your prey just to see what they were or could be capable of. Yeah sure, there were always someone people who deserved a bit of a smack down, but thinking that little of them in general was a strange way to go about with things. In any case, he’d scratch his cheek sheepishly at the whole magic and names matter. “Nah like…It’s one of those magic types you learn from a different being. That’s why this one is called God Slayer magic…I’ve been taught how to use it by a holy creature. He was an annoying ass, I’ll tell ya tho.” But hey, all that training was kind of worth it in the end, and he wouldn’t say he didn’t like his flame prowess, as much as the process of gaining it had been lots of work, and dealing with a rather sassy flame God.

    The bat-like man would peek around the provided cover, trying to get a glimpse of said bandits, though he wouldn’t get much time to see anything, as his companion had quickly chosen to get going and took to the air. Pursing his lips briefly at the sight, Balthazar would just shrug to himself after a moment, opting to follow after, dark flames dancing around his wings as he glided his way up. “Don’t leave me behind, would ya?”, he’d quip as he looked downwards to take a scope of the area. An aerial attack would probably do well at catching these guys off guard though, so he had no reason to really protest.


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 4th September 2018, 10:16 pm

    She looks over towards Bal and just shrugs her shoulders to his question not seeing much of a difference in most other things that people use for survival. Don't humans use dogs for hunting? Birds of prey? How about just killing creatures that could have sentience for all we know but they just can't express it? I don't see a difference if i wish to hunt that i don't just do so especially when i've only heard bad things about demons so why not just hunt some for fun if they prove to be a hindrance to people?..well okay mostly bad things you are setting a good record for bat demons being cool people. She says in a innocent tone of voice and speaking honestly genuinely not seeing what would possibly cause a problem with the words that she is speaking to him. The raven haired girl looks forward and would just continue her walk as they discussed before arriving at the location. Seeing most things as just a opportunity for fun and a challenge to overcome and demons seem like a fun last step to fight against if they can be strong opponents unlike anything else she could go up against. Plus if she can defeat them then that is just one more step up in the food chain she can consider herself on her way to being the apex predator in as much progress as can be reached. When hearing Bal's explanation of how he has received his magic she just gives him a look as her mind takes a few minutes to remember a singular word as she nods her head. Mmmk...so you got taught how to kill a god by a holy creature. That seems unusual. She says not having any better word to describe it other then that.

    While she is in the air she looks down towards the village trying to get a sense of what her enemy could be down there and where she should go for her first strike into the village. When hearing Bal speak she turns her head towards the man and just gives a small wave. I was certain you could follow after all you are a bat so i would hope you could fly. Though next up is how do we attack. Do we go from center outwards ,or go from outwards from two separate sides and attack inwards and hope they don't try to rally any towns people as like hostages? She asks the bat person besides her knowing that a good plan of attack was needed and coordination could be key in that fact to overcome these odds.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
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    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 5th September 2018, 4:01 pm


    Word Count: 332
    Post Count: 11/15

    “Well, there’s a difference between reasonable use, and abuse just for your own entertainment.”, he’d half shrug at that. “I was just saying though. You sounded like you wanted to go massacre demons simply because it sounded like fun. I don’t mind if they deserve it, or there’s some use from them being dead such as how we gain food from certain animals. Just think it’s rude to torment for pure amusement.” If anything you could stick to non physical things if you wanted to have your bout of fun, such as jokes and teasing. Then again, maybe it was just him since he didn’t see a lot of value in murder left and right, unless there was a reason for doing it. Like for example right now, if they did end up killing some of the bandits…well, the guys kinda asked for it by oppressing innocent villagers, did they not? “Guess some of them like to keep a check on their own kind? Dunno, I never dug deep into it.” Plus, it’d kinda make sense that a magic coming from a God would have the ability to face off against and potentially defeat another? Similar level scale or something like that.

    Squinting downwards, the bat-like man would offer a faint hum as he considered their options of approach. “If we attack from center, they could scatter in all directions, making us chase them individually one by one. I’d say closing in from sides would do better. If we can get them to come together in one place, we could take them out faster.” Hostages were a potential whichever way they forced the bandits to move, as long as there was someone around they could grab. And outside of that, cornering them together and then taking them out at once sounded like a less tedious strategy. The two of them couldn’t keep a bunch of bandits in check if they all scattered away in several directions. Well, theoretically speaking, so to say.


    Character Links:
    Neah Wolphrax
    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 5th September 2018, 6:42 pm

    She looks towards Bal while within the air and tilts her head to the side with a innocent like naivety to her gaze as she looks towards the human like demon. Massacre wouldn't be the word i would use as i said i would just want to hunt some demons that would deserve to be put down so i can see what kind of strength i can put to others. I mean..unless all demons deserve to be killed then i would use them all as prey, buuut so far i have no reason to do that. She says with just a small shrug of her shoulders not caring that much about debating the idea of why she shouldn't just hunt prey that could interest her as long as they are dumb beasts with no sentience. She glances down towards the village just taking in what Bal says as just a thing to keep in the back of her mind as she quickly flies down towards the left side of the village trusting that Bal would know where to go to do the best plan they have for the moment. Just attack from both side to force the bandits to deal with both threats thus making it easier to kill them all for there evil acts they have committed.

    Once she lands on the left most side Amora smiles to herself and makes her way into the village with her wings unfurling outwards to the max distance ready to kill any person that gets in her way. She activates an additional takeover as she gets covered in scales as she then turns invisible entirely to the naked eye as she then start investigating the village. Walking around slowly and observing the patrols that she can spot trying to find as many people as she can before she acts against them. Adding another partial takeover she activates porcupine as quills cover he arms ready to be fired at various enemies from long range. The raven haired girl looks around and finds one patrol as she turns towards them and fires off a volley of quills towards the patrol of two thieves and one marauder. She watches as the two thieves quickly duck out of the way as the marauder gets hit by a barrage of quills causing him to stumble back before falling over dead. Quickly following her attack up she fires a barrage of arrows at where the thieves dodged towards hitting them with arrow like feather killing them as they pierce various parts of their bodies including there neck.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 118
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer 1st Gen
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    Third Skill:

    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 6th September 2018, 5:32 pm


    Word Count: 417/100
    Post Count: 13/15

    “Y’know, I’m pretty sure they’d all have different levels of strength anyway. Just like humans and other beings can. I guess good luck assessing overall power levels, heh.” To be fair, Balthazar doubted killing off a bunch of demons would say much about how strong they were as a race. That’d be like…beating up a couple weak humans, and based on that believing humanity in general is all as weak as that. Pretty bad strategy to employ in his opinion, but yo, to each their own, right?

    In any case, the bat-like man would furrow his brows briefly when the woman took off into the town to get a fight going without a word. That wasn’t the most coordinated thing to do, but he hoped the bandits would not be hard opponents to beat either way. Unless they used magic too, in which case this could become a mild hassle unexpectedly. Opting to go from the right instead, so that they could meet up in the middle along with any stragglers who tried to run away. Staying airborne, he’d make his way through the area, using the buildings underneath as a cover to not be seen too early, until he came upon a group of two thieves and a marauder having a chat on the corner of one street. As quietly as he could, he’d land on top of the closest building, before swooping towards them, using his fiery needle shower to give them a surprise burning bath. He managed to hit the bulky one, making him collapse on the ground from the searing fire piercing him, but the swift thieves managed to duck away from his range.

    Too bad for them, they likely couldn’t reach him with their little knife thingies while he was up in the air. While they were gathering themselves from the surprise assault, he’d breath a cloud of burning ashes in their direction, which would be a lot harder to avoid, giving them small burns as they tried to scamper away. Gliding after them for a bit, he’d eventually toss one of his exploding fire orbs at them, once they were close by each other, taking them out with a noisy pop. That’s probably attract some more of them to come check the scene out, but that was technically what he wanted anyway. They’d notice intruders have been afoot soon one way or another, and getting them to gather sounded better than having bandit ambushes from the back at the worst moments….


    Character Links:
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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 6th September 2018, 10:37 pm

    She smiles towards herself at taking out the small group of bandits as she then turns around as her invisibility is still in place as she quickly moves along through the area observing her surroundings looking for her next group of targets. Her eyes glance around as she surveys the most outer reaches of area to try and eliminate any people traversing near the exits on her side of the town to take out as many as possible. Her eyes shifting around as she spots something that is different then the previous enemies she has seen as this one is holding a gun and has two of those muscular people guarding him seemingly. A smirk plays across her lips as she quickly moves onto a building near this patrol as she points her wings towards this new group of enemies. She positions her wings just right towards the marauders wanting to take out the big slow ones first since it means she could rush the range user who would be by himself. She quickly once more fires off a barrage of feathers and quills towards the group of three people as she watches the marauders taking all of the hits while the gun user hides behind them. which is greeted by ten bullets being sent directly towards her as she quickly crosses her arms and takes three bullet shots. She blinks as she only feels concussive force from the hit instead of a unbearable piercing feeling as she looks down then towards the gun user. Magical bullets...interesting. She says softly towards herself ignoring the fact that the enemy hit her despite her invisibility which she ends since by this point stealth is out of the window since the sound of the gun going off will bring people for her to fight. She activate her minotaur takeover causing her right arm to bulk up in power as Amora quickly shoots over towards the gunslinger intending on finishing the man off with a singular punch if she can get that lucky.

    Thieves: 4/12
    Marauders: 4/12
    Gunslinger: 0/5


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 7th September 2018, 4:29 pm


    Word Count: 319/100
    Total Word Count: 15/15
    Enemy Count: T: 6/12; M: 4/12, G: 1/5

    Well, Balthazar’s little battle noise seemed to have an effect pretty soon, and a guy with a gun accompanied by a pair of those measly thieves soon appeared to check out what was happening. The bat-like man would blink at the newest addition, considering just how much trouble a gun would be. He didn’t fancy the idea of getting shot, for that would be unpleasant, normal or magical bullets. Deciding to not stay up in clear view, letting that guy to attempt shooting him down like a bird, he’d swoop down, landing on the ground as he released a focused energy into it, turning an area around him into a gooey magma pit. The swift thieves have jumped out of the way, but he did get the gun guy, trapping him in the hot lava pit which would most likely finish him off soon, as it’d last for a decent while and it was unlikely one could climb out of there in time to save their life without proper magical help. That asshole did manage to aim and shoot at him before he fell in however, causing Balthazar to get hit in the shoulder by one of the energy bullet showers. Ouch, that stung quite a bit.

    That was a magical gun then, eh? Mildly annoying, but he’d at least know to be more careful now. For now though, he’d stay still in place, rubbing his sore shoulder slightly, trying to bait those thieves into approaching him for an attack, so he could flame them at the same time once they got close up. Luckily for him they weren’t smart enough to predict that, on top of the fact that their weapons were close combat based anyway, and he’d soon send them flying to crash into nearby buildings with a tsunami fire wave. The bat-like man would huff. This was a bit of a hassle…how many were here anyway?


    Character Links:
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    Amora Shade

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 8th September 2018, 2:13 pm

    She rushes towards her opponent and quickly punches him in the stomach knocking the air out of her opponent as she then moves behidn her opponent grabbing his shoulders and getting behind the gunslinger. Slamming her foot into the back of his knee as she hears a rather satisfying snapping sound and then follows up her attack with a swift strike to the slinger's temple knocking him unconscious. Pointing her wing downwards at the gunslinger she fires off multiple arrows into his neck guaranteeing the kill as she then turns her head seeing three thieves and two marauders around her. She smiles and rushes froward towards the maruaduers deciding to humor herself with some hand to hand combat. She ducks under a hit aimed for her head from the marauder before countering with a swift kick to his shin forcing the enemy back a few inches. Hearing the sound of footsteps heading towards her she turns and jumps to the side dodging two knives that were aiming to cut her up as she fires off a storm of quills puncturing the thieves in multiple places all over ending there lives in a instance. Amora turns her head toward the now three enemies that are around her in the form of two marauders and a singular thief. Well come on you going to fight me or not? She asks with a grin wanting a fight that can actually get her blood pumping with excitement since so far destroying the groups of bandits have been surprisingly easy.

    She watches as the trio rushes towards her as she just relaxes and watches as the thief reach her first swinging a knife at her as she grabs the human's hand and gives a raised eyebrow. Very close but not close enough. Amora says with a dark chuckle as she throws the thief towards one of the marauders who just smashes the thief away making the thief slide along the ground. One down. She says teasingly as she fires off a arrow through the thief's neck killing him as she backs away to keep the two enemies in sight that move in synchronization to try and attack her. She activates her fourth takeover a pair of minotaur like arms that fit her size as she raises her new arms blocking two punches from the enemies with her new arms. Quickly she moves and goes to punch the one on her right only to have him take the hit by blocking it with his arms forcing him away from her as she fires off another storm of feathers into the one behind her. Wanting to finish this she knocks another down into the ground and then finishes one with a punch to the head breaking the skull as she then moves towards the last remaining conscious one. Flying over towards him to break her opponent with a strike to its head. Completed.

    Thieves: 9/12
    Marauders: 6/12
    Gunslinger: 2/5


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 11th September 2018, 12:41 pm


    Word Count: 334/100
    Post Count: 17/15
    Enemy Count: T: 10/12 M: 8/12 G: 2/5

    Letting the gunner drown in the lava pit he had created, Balthazar would take a brief breather, simply letting any other opponents come to him, rather than wasting energy on chasing after them. The mild ruckus seemed to be proving useful for drawing them in to either see what was up, or in attempts to get rid of the intruded they have become aware of. It both saved him time, and let him gather his strength in between each brawl. It’d be a shame if he got taken down by a bunch of bandits after all. It would seem that most of them didn’t even use magic, which would only make the matter more embarrassing.

    Soon, he would hear the sound of some more bandits running over towards his location, but he wouldn’t budge, casting his flame armor defensive spells as they came close, reducing any of the damage their swings could do by an extra chunk. Having them close up, he would turn around swiftly, stretching his arms out and sending one thief spinning away with his fiery tornado before coating his hands fire and creating large burning claws, slashing at the two marauders that were left behind. Unluckily for him, they were smart enough to backstep some, causing him to not shred them enough for a kill. Scoffing faintly, he’d go after, engaging the duo on a brief match of punches and kicks, eventually managing to take them down, with the combination of his physical force and the remainder of the damage he had inflicted on them earlier.

    “Sheesh, how many of these guys are here even?” He had already wiped out a solid bunch, but they still kept coming, as proven by the gunshot he had narrowly managed to dodge only moments after voicing his complaint. Not wanting to get shot through again, he’d take a more cautious approach this time, attempting to bind the gunner with his fire vines to keep him in place long enough to get a KO….


    Character Links:
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    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 18th September 2018, 11:05 am

    Amora smiles to herself with a nod of her head as she once more hears the sound of footsteps heading towards her as she just nods her head rather curious if this is just it. A bunch of weak thugs with guns and strength to push the towns people to do what they want which would make sense since most would be cowering in fear from possible death when their is a gun pointed at them. 'Though that doesn't explain why they don't try to strike them during the night when their guard would be the lowest. Even the strongest beast of the forest can be taken down when their guard is at their lowest, so a bunch of cubs like these shouldn't be able to make a entire town fear them.' She thinks to herself as she watch two more thieves, marauders, and even another gun user show up as she just shrugs knowing the routine by now. Pointing her wings at the opponents she quickly fires off a volley of feather like arrows with a rather bored expression on her face as she does so. She watches as the entire volley is taken out by bullets and a bunch of miniature knives blocking the hits for the most part as she sees the two marauders then charge forward. Okay, so they're a pack that actually knows how to work together. She says softly to herself with a small smile. 'Maybe they can keep things interesting.' Amora charges forward and goes for a swing and lands a rather strong punch to the gut of one of the marauders as she quickly follows up by dancing around the swing of the other dodging along with it a bullet and more knives being thrown towards her by his allies.

    Quickly thinking she charges up her other arm with electrical power and punches the other in the back and discharging a lethal amount of electricity into the enemy stopping his heart. She turns towards the two thieves that are on either side of her on the rooftops and the gunslinger in front of her with his gun pointed straight towards her. She quickly fires her quills at the thief to the right of her firing all around him and at him forcing the sharp small objects to puncture his body like a pillow leaving him for dead. Two left. She says with a smile having enjoyed this fight at least slightly more than the others as she rushes forward. Heading towards the gun slinger that fires bullets at her that she sidesteps enough to avoid any lethal shots but doesn't stop them from impacting against her body. She hears a soft whistling sound as she turns and grabs the thief that was heading towards her and knocks his knife away as she holds him by the neck. The black haired huntress turns towards the gunslinger as she charges forward with now a human shield in hand as the gunslinger just fires away anyhow killing his ally quickly. Once Amora would get in range with her superior speed she would punch the slinger in the face knocking him to the ground and then finish by knocking him out by stomping upon his head. She waits for a few moments not hearing a single sound around her as she nods her head at the lack of anymore movement. Time to head towards the center of town now. She says to herself as she makes her way over towards the middle most point in the town.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 20th September 2018, 4:03 pm


    Word Count: 282/100
    Post Count: 19/15
    Enemy Count: T: 12/12 M: 12/12 G: 5/5

    For a while after the last assault, there appeared to be a period of calm. It was hard to say whether that meant all the bandits have been taken down, or they were just not in immediate vicinity at the moment, but seeing as there was no foolproof way to be sure, Balthazar chose to move further in this time. Change of battlefield to not be around already scorched areas in case more fights broke out. Despite trying to move carefully, it would appear some stragglers were still around, as he had to dodge a volley of gunshots soon, narrowly avoiding most, though one managed to nick him in the side.

    Two more gun wielders? Man, what a pain. Not wanting to be sniped at more than he already had been, he’d blow out a mist of smoke, obstructing the two ranged attacker’s vision so they couldn’t properly try to aim at him, before he took to the air, unleashing his flame needle attack in their direction. One of them was a hit, pinning the gunner to the ground with the force, though the other appeared to have deflected the attack with a bullet storm of their own. “Tsk…” Using the momentum between the attacks, the bat-like man would swoop down towards where the bandit was, grappling onto the gun to avoid getting shot at point blank. A bit of a struggle would ensue, earning him a punch in the shoulder, but eventually, he’d knock the guy out with a swipe of his fire scythe slash.

    Swinging his wings a few times to clear out the lingering smoke, he’d make his way further towards the center, hoping nothing more would jump him.


    Character Links:
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    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 20th September 2018, 4:44 pm

    The black haired huntress makes her way through the alleys as she bends her knees and kicks off the ground and lands upon a roof with a rather happy smile on her face. Quickly reacting she rushes forward along the roofs to easily navigate towards the center of town as she can see some kind of flames shoot outwards from their. Able to hear some vague loudly spoken words of something that sounds rather masculine as she nods her head able to take a guess that it might be the leader of this group. With a nod of her head she activates her Chameleon takeover, scorpion, and simian strength. With a nod of her head she activates the invisibility once more like she had done to sneak into the town as she jumps down onto the ground and quickly rushes towards the area where she had seen the fire. Sprinting along the ground as the yelling becomes more articulated and defined as she can pick out the words if she felt like it. However, striking from the shadows is deemed more important to the hidden Amora as she closes in till she is about around him. Acting quickly she lashes out with her scorpion shoving the tip into the shoulder of the man injecting the venom hidden within. Quickly following up she moves in front and punches the man in the stomach as she pullls out the stinger of the tail and deactivates the invisibility. Wandering mage Amora here to come protect this pack from the wolves. The black haired huntress says with a look of absolute glee on her face wanting to make sure each prey that she can see as worthy remembers her name before she puts them down. Getting into a fighting stance with her legs bent one in front of the other with her tailed paired next to her right fist as she is ready to strike out at a moment's notice. Not caring for the civilians running away behind her and away from the man.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 22nd September 2018, 2:23 pm


    Word Count: 145/100
    Post Count: 21/15

    Staying up in the air for now, to make moving forward easier, Baltazar would quietly glide his way over the buildings towards the middle of the town, watching out for any potential trouble. It appeared that there weren’t any capable bandits left though. Either that, or whoever was left at this point decided to just hightail it and save their hide. Well, not all, as he would soon come upon the currently occurring battle. Was that the main big guy? It’d make sense considering the location and a lack of any other opponents.

    Regardless, now that he was here, might as well join the fight while the confusion was still high enough. Trying to take advantage of the distraction the woman provided by assaulting the guy, he’d fly around from the other side, sending a bunch of fire needles to pierce into the man’s back.


    Character Links:
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    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 22nd September 2018, 4:46 pm

    Amora grins as she stares down her opponent whose hands get covered in a low aura of flames as she just charges froward uncaring of the fire that she will have to get past possibly. Just as she could guess she sees a barrage of flaming bullets heading towards her as she forms her armadillo shell and turns to face the attack gritting her teeth slightly as the flames hit the shell. The attacks leaving burn marks upon the shell along with first-degree burn as she looks up and sees the civilians have scattered for the meantime meaning she can focus on actually fighting now. She turns around and charges forward once more getting rid of the shell due to the awkwardness of mobility while using it as she moves in to attack getting within melee range. Her tail shoots forward for the jugular as the man knocks the tail away and fires off a jet of flames towards the black haired huntress who ducks low towards the ground to avoid where he was aiming while striking with her leg towards his right knee. The enemy mage backpedaling away while once more getting ready to seemingly fight her hand to hand rather than with magic as she gets up onto her feet. She slowly inches forward as the man remains still and once she gets about halfway between the distance she sprint forward crossing the distance quickly as she stares up at him with a smirk as she uses her scorpion tail to once more start off the combat engagement.

    The tail whistling through the air as it aims for the shoulders only to be back handed away as the black haired huntress quickly follows up with a punch with her left arm as the fire mage grips the wrist tightly to not let her get away as Amora just smiles at that. She uses her right hand to block a attack to her gut from the enemies knee shoving the offending limb downward as her arm that gripped grabs onto his arm also. her right hand quickly grabbing his neck also to keep the man in place as the fire needles pierce into his back as she just smirks. Fell into my trap fire mage. She says in a playful tone knowing that in actuality it was from the other mage helping her, but if she can try to lie her way through this she can keep the focus upon her to allow more sneak attacks. Aren't having porcupine quills useful? Set them up with some trap knowledge and you can have them shoved into your back if you set it off. Takeover mage for the win. She says teasingly as the man looks at her with anger as Amora just smiles now knowing that it is very likely that this man might not be the smartest if he thinks that she is working alone. Considering his men split up into two different sides of town, but only one is fighting him at this moment and is willing to believe the enemy. Lashing out with her stringer she shoves the stinger into his shoulders as the poison seeps into his system as she than pulls the stinger out.


    Neah Wolphrax
    Neah Wolphrax

    Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Neah Wolphrax 10th October 2018, 1:55 pm


    Word Count: 212/100
    Post Count: 23/15

    That certainly seemed to have worked out conveniently enough, and based on simple observation from the distance the bat-like man kept at the moment, it would also appear that their opponent didn’t know about his presence just yet. Well, probably. Most mages did have the capability to sense magical signatures, but things could always get mixed up mid-battle. That said, Balthazar would stay airborne, gliding a bit closer, observing the situation for the time being. As great as it was that the woman had the bandit in a lock right now, their proximity with each other did mean he could not attack recklessly himself, for he’d risk hurting his own comrade in this fight as well. It was even harder when destructive fire magic was his go-to.

    Waiting for a good opportunity to get a proper strike in, he’d cast his copy spell for now, creating a lookalike clone of himself made of fire next to him, to be ready to offer a hard flaming punch at the bandit when he could be sure he had a good enough of an opening. Could a burning punch to the back of one’s head knock them unconscious? The idea certainly sounded pleasing, as it would make this whole scruffle that much easier to settle.


    Character Links:
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    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Siege destroyers. Empty Re: Siege destroyers.

    Post by Amora Shade 14th October 2018, 8:28 pm

    Amora grins to herself enjoying the fight and the toying with her opponent enjoying her time while doing so having faced threats that were much more difficult than the opponent in front of her because of her mentor. 'I swear he likes to put me in situations that are above my strength..maybe i should start thinking more about my safety before i accept going with him on these adventures.' She thinks idly to herself while quickly backing away from her opponent, her prey, as she looks at the man as her scorpion tail moves from one side to the other as the scales along her body glint from the flames that surround her as she gets ready to fight once more. Just having scorpion and chameleon left to her at this point as far as she is concerned. Moving quickly she charges forward as she sees the mage respond in kind towards her attempt at just charging to him like it would be an easy feat. "begone you pesky woman! Burn in a sea of flames!" She hears a masculine voice come from the fire mage says as his heads jut outwards and she sees him open his mouth afterwards? As a sea of flames move towards her as she can only kill her momentum as she slides forward unable to kill it totally as she reacts just by covering her face as the flames wash over her.

    'This..kinda hurts.' She thinks to herself as the burning sensation can be felt on every part of her body as eventually it ends as a fresh bit of cold air washes along her body creating a stinging yet refreshing feeling. Slowly opening her eyes she gazes forward towards the mage with a grin on her face as the man rushes forward catching fire as well. 'Kill the pain.' She thinks to herself as she closes her eyes as a silver aura envelops her letting it happen as her eyes snap open as all pain disappears with it. Lets let the real fun begin. She says in a low growl like tone as she launches herself forward punching the man across the face as her fist gets in contact with the flames as her hand gets singed and burnt from the fire. Her fist leaving a burning feeling also from how cold the aura is as she gazes towards the man with a ferocious and predatory gleam in her eyes.



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