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    Death of a mage


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Death of a mage

    Post by Hania 23rd September 2018, 5:10 pm

    It had been a year since the young white haired mage had left the safety of the forest ruins he had called home, in search of a place with others like him that he could call home without the fear of being attacked for what magic he possessed or for being different. He had believed he had found that when he came across the guild master and ruler of Terra Ignis, he was a noble man and an honourable fighter and mage by the Ardere Kasai. They had met on chance meeting in a forest while he was on his way to a job and the elder male had been waiting for a delivery, that delivery seemed to change everything for them both. Within the package a dangerous forbidden lacrima was waiting, one that sealed the souls of the dead tormenting them until they where released in one form or another. He didn't look to deeply into the lacrima but he could hear fifteen distinct voices begging for the pain to stop, to stop seeing their final moments over and over again. On asking it was later found out that the guild master's friend had asked for him to meet the messenger in that forest and deliver to him the package but when he found out what it was he became angered more so that his friend had allowed himself to turn into a demi liche in the hopes of immortality. The two had seen to that coming to an abrupt end but then the guild master himself had almost been at the end of the youths rage destroying a large skeleton that had been created with the souls of many innocent children. It was at that time the guild master seen the strength of the youth and offered him a place within his guild halls, one that Advent accepted but it wasn't all that long before he left not feeling that it was the place for him.

    Weeks turned into months and he still hadn't found a place to call home, though his path again seemed to change as he came across an unusual fox spirit. She wasn't like anyone he knew from any of the cycles and so became curious more so as she seemed to be able to see and understand his parents when no other could, it was at that point he found out that she was something called a Celestial spirit and was still very much alive. With a conversation with his parents her offer to become his teacher so that he could learn his magic was accepted and so he followed her to her guild of Lamia Scale where he was given a place to stay before they decided to do a job together. Before long however the youth again had become restless and this time without even gaining a guild mark had left to go wandering still finding that one place to call home. Eventually after a while of wandering he had come across his former guild master and ended up in a cursed mansion which seemed to have been a trap set up for the pair, the one who had taken residence had managed to separate them into two realms of existence where the youth could only here voices now and then with guidance. Problem was there was enemies and traps all around the place and his parents hadn't been much health especially when it had come to the final trap that seemed to separate him from his magic when triggered scaring the youth beyond belief. Passing the door he had come across his former guild master and the lich that now called the mansion home, he already hated the undead but when he seen larger soul sealing lacrima and the cries of those within he ended up in a rage destroying them and the captor of the souls with quickly.

    After this the youth had then requested his guild mark but as he got back to Terra Ignis he had found that the guild he was hoping to settle into was gone, there was no explanation as to what may have happened and that troubled him a great deal; if he could remember long enough he may have looked into it but the way he protected himself prevented such a thing from happening. Again he ended back on the road looking for the place that would eventually call home but ended up in a manor within one of the many cursed lands Fiore seemed to possess trying to get out of bad weather. He was exhausted and needed to rest but found none in the place, he did however come across another guild master. This one seemingly different from the first he had met as he had claimed to be the guardian of a cycle even saying he could look if he wished, that was more than enough to deture the white haired youth from doing such a thing. He had offered to help him and though he had a teacher he didn't see any issue in getting a bit more, it hadn't even crossed his mind that the person whom he was speaking was of a darker path. Then again he had been taught that everything was up to the perception of the one looking at it, he had even divulged things that he had never spoke before and given advice as he helped the guild master get rid of a traitor in his ranks. At the end of the job they went their separate ways on good terms. Advent wandered more and found himself in Hargeon Town once more, the place he first met his teacher and even joined the guild but while out on a job he returned to find the place he had tried to call home had disbanded.

    Again he wanted to know what had happened and so tried to find his teacher to find out what had happened and had began his way to the guild she had transferred to. An issue however came up. He had only been given a single year to find a home that he would be able to call home, if he couldn't he said he would return to the city ruins that was engulfed by the forest on shadow island without issue. He wanted to argue but he knew it would fall on nine sets of deaf ears and so saved his breath heading to the docks to barter passage back to Shadow Island. He knew he had tried, he couldn't remember what exactly he had done but he knew he had almost done it a few times. He didn't want to go back home, back to the isolation he had grown up with with only his parents, not when he had met so many interesting people and even found interesting places. "I want to spend more time here, I was close... so very close... I know it..." he whispered to himself in the hopes they wouldn't hear, the chances of that he knew was unlikely but thankfully if they did hear they remained quiet. It had taken a while before they got back to the island he was raised "Thank you for giving us passage." he said to the crew with a solum tone as he bowed. "Aye, neh problem yung'in', but wit makes ye' wanna come tae this god fursaken part o' the island" the captain enquired, he just shook his head walking into the mists fading from the old man's sight his clothing changing from its unusual black and purple outfit to a sky blue and white hanfu, his blindfold fading and a strange lotus crown appearing on his head. This made the old man rub his eyes and quickly get back on his ship to cast off as quickly as possible believing he had just ferried dead person to the island with what he had just seen. Advent knew if he argued and tried to correct him his parents would tell him it was better this way like they had many times before, part of him was starting to believe it too.

    What was waiting for him back at the home that was his sanctuary was something he hadn't expected, not even his parents could have foreseen. He stopped at the edge of the town feeling the vibrations within the earth his face showing concern, he had always believed this place could never be found by outsiders but his current situation showed him otherwise. "What's going on?" he whispered to his family as he cautiously moved deeper into the town. "Proceed with caution..." he was warned by Yuui, all he could do was nod his eyes scanning for the spirits of the intruders. He didn't want to do them harm but something told him that right now it was either him or them and so silently crouched as he crept towards one of them before surprising him and striking him suddenly to knock him out. He moved him into a near by house knowing if he left him out in the open it would just alert any others that where here and hunting him. He went around and managed to do this with several others, he after all had home field advantage he knew every nook and cranny of this town and how to avoid making noise there. Not to mention that he could see them due to their spirits where they had to rely on more conventional means, this however didn't prevent him from getting caught and surrounded by several people his eyes instantly closing; he didn't want to look into their spirits it was invasive and made him feel dirty. It was then he heard a voice he recognised "We thought we lost you our sweet saviour." a woman's voice rang out . he was about to move towards her but just as he was about to make his first step he heard a click of someone's fingers. "Move and we give them true death..." she said making his eyes going wide, he didn't want to lose his parents to people like her so put his foot back down "What do you want? I don't know you people..." his voice trembled a little in fear but he knew he had to keep calm, he didn't want to cause another catastrophe due to his magic reacting to his emotions. "I am very sorry to have to do this to those you care for, but it's for everyone's own good to do this. You have my sincerest apologies." she said watching as he balled his hands anger filling his eyes.

    "Are you deaf or just plain stupid because that didn't answer my question!" he almost bellowed, he wanted to take her out and knew he could with ease, he was stronger now thanks to his time in Fiore and the people he had met there. The thing was he didn't know if she was calling his bluff and if she wasn't if he could get to her before she killed them. This however was something that he wasn't willing to leave up to chance in case she wasn't. "Now, now our sweet saviourl; there's no need for such harsh words from the one that can change everything. More so if you don't want them harmed." As she spoke her last word he heard his youngest parent scream out in pain he turned to see Toshi on the ground crying in agony "Stop it! She didn't do anything wrong!" he begged the woman his voice showing remorse for what he had done. "Please just tell me what you want, I just want her to be left alone."  his voice sincere as he begged for her mercy which was soon given. "That is very easy, we want you..." he looked confused at what she had just said to him "Want me? Why?" his voice showing he was completely unaware about them or anything really to do with his magic. The woman looked surprised her eyes going to the lavender haired woman "You really haven't told him dear sister?" she enquired "Why would I have, he was never meant to be found... we won't allow him to be taken by the likes of you or them. I see with clarity now, what was done there he shouldn't go through... he is my son! I raised him" she said with a harsh tone, the other woman clicked her tongue hearing what was her sisters words. "This is the way it is, you know this" was all she could return "Very well, we'll spare him his fate for now but he needs to have his magic bound, at least for now..." she said with a sadistic voice "No help from any of you and we do not interfere... the moment any of you help or the seal breaks he is ours and believe me little sister... I will be watching." her voice showed it as a promise "He gets through the nine trials without his gifts and it will be proof that he doesn't need to come to the temple for his 'training' he fails and well... you know what happens, more so because just how important he is..." she said folding her arms "Now bind it, I know you can and no tricks because I will know." she warned the other "Then you let me send him somewhere he will have support, he'll be defenceless otherwise." she said moving forward her voice showing she didn't like the situation at all.

    The woman sighed "Very well, not like he'll be able to see or hear any of you and it wouldn't benefit us if he ended up dead." she said watching as her sister started to bind the requiems, the others watching on knowing if they dared move they put the others in danger. To their horror his snow white hair slowly started turning black "Matray, listen to me and remember this with every fibre of your being, we love you and are always with you. Remember your lessons and trust your instincts." she said tears falling from her eyes feeling sick to her stomach as she placed a letter in his hand pushing him through a portal hoping where ever he landed would understand his situation as she didn't know what to expect now, this was new and uncharted territory for everyone involved. Little known to any of them where he had ended up was Ace of Spades, the home of the sabertooths.

    Word Count: 2,424


    Death of a mage 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 9:59 pm