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    Is it Alchemy, Chemistry, or just a mess?

    Inkormine Talea
    Inkormine Talea

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 75
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5,400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arachnea Dance of the Sun and Moon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Is it Alchemy, Chemistry, or just a mess? Empty Is it Alchemy, Chemistry, or just a mess?

    Post by Inkormine Talea 15th September 2018, 5:48 pm

    Job Title: Potion Making Assistant
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: 1 D rank mage or above with at least 500 words
    Job Requirements: Develop a new type of potion
    Job Location: Any town

    Job Description: A local potion maker needs assistance with developing a new type of potion to sell in the town shop. Your job is to mix random ingredients together and come up with something new. Payment is given for your creation no matter what it ends up as.

    Enemies: N/A

    Reward: D rank exp and 1,000 Jewels

    -- credit to Lumindis

    Last edited by Inkormine Talea on 16th September 2018, 7:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changing the topic to be more accurate)
    Inkormine Talea
    Inkormine Talea

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 75
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5,400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arachnea Dance of the Sun and Moon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Is it Alchemy, Chemistry, or just a mess? Empty Re: Is it Alchemy, Chemistry, or just a mess?

    Post by Inkormine Talea 15th September 2018, 6:16 pm

    Inkormine was wandering towards the outskirts of town in the morning, after spending almost an hour and a half yesterday getting a passport worked out, and hadn't that been fun filling out the other column of 'Race'. What a wierd form, expecting only humans to apply for passports. IT wasn't like there weren't other civilized races! Although he had had some trouble at the door until they'd also seen the guild mark on his arm. Everyone seemed so bothered of him because he was a spider person, but they always calmed down as soon as they saw his guild mark. While it was nice, it was odd and kind of saddening. Everyone who saw him seemed to think he was a monster which was depressing, but then everyone seemed hesitantly okay with him as soon as they realized he was part of Silver Wolf. Did a guild membership change peoples opinions that much for everyone? Why couldn't they just see he was a slightly confused man trying to figure out their strange country without sand?

    Inky sighed, unfolding the piece of paper he had tucked into one hand, a little request posted on a board in town about a local potion maker wanting help with something. He was here and it said at the bottom that mage guild members were welcome, so he figured he'd take care of it before heading back to the guild hall later today. It didn't take him too long to find the potion shop, he was practically outside of town at this point and it was the only shop in sight among the gardens. He went up to the door, knocking on it before trying the handle and, finding it unlocked, stepped into the store. "Hello? Im looking for the potion maker?" He said, wondering why the lights were out? Then suddenly there was a shout. "Get out! Go away!" And suddenly a book bashed him in the face, leaving him clutching his nose and resisting the urge to say something very unpleasant. "Ow, hey, what was that for?!" Ink asked sharply, sidestepping the door to see an empty bottle fly out the door and shatter on the ground outside. "Fiend, go away! Your not stealing my potions!" A voice he finally placed as female and elderly shouted, and something thumped the wall near Inky. "Steal your- What?! Im not here to steal anything!"

    Was the woman accusing him of planning to steal just because of his race?! That got him kind of steamed, and he rushed across the store towards the shadowed figure at the stairs, parrying a book aimed at his head. He grabbed the womans arm as she reared back to hit him with some green liquid in a bottle that was seething aggressively in its stoppered bottle. "I just came because you asked for help! You are the owner of Mimetic Potions and Texts right?" Then his guild mark started glowing again, illuminating the womans face a little, and she stopped pulling against him. "Oh, your a guild wizard. I thought you were a local hooligan trying to rob me before I opened the store." "No, I just came in because the door was unlocked?" Inkormine said, letting the woman go and stepping back a little. The woman went and flipped a switch and the little light lacrima hanging from the ceiling started glowing, illuminating her store. "Oh dear, did I forget to lock the door when I came in?" Then she looked him over and, surprisingly, didnt seem at all surprised. "Your a big man, arent you? Your going to help me with my potions?" "Well ma'm, I did learn a few nice remedies from home, and im sure they'll work well on humans too." Inky turned and started picking up a few leaves and pulling a thread from a little pouch on the side of his bag when the womans question stopped him cold. "What do you mean 'humans'?"

    Inky turned to face her, surprised. "And what is all that clicking, do you have a bunch of angry beetles in your bag or are the Trihorn's being noisy?" "Thats me walking, mam?" The woman adjusted her glasses, and then both Inky and the woman said 'Oh!' at the same time. "Oh no im sorry ma'm, I didn't realize you had trouble seeing, I must have surprised you in the doorway!" The woman snorted. "Well you did. I must say im surprised to see a spider person here in the store. I appreciate your not being mad for the greeting." She seemed a little sad as Ink shook up the bottle in his hand, then surprised when he handed her the softly glowing bottle. "It's a soothing medicine thats good for stress headaches." He said, then smiled back at the smiling woman. "That sounds nice, can you show me how you made it?"

    Thus the two of them sat down, had a little chat, traded basic potion recipes and had lunch. She was a nice woman, and it sounded like she left her door unlocked a lot. Inky wasn't the only one to get the book to the face treatment around here, and some laughs were had. Seemed like the people out here weren't so bad once they got over the initial surprise from him. And the lady gave him a little vial of cream to help the itch from the guild mark. But by the time he thought about using it as he left, the itching was all gone. How odd, right as he had forgotten about the guild mark except as just another part of him, it stopped itching.

    Word Count 941/500
    Job Complete!

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:05 pm