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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Kyran 15th August 2018, 1:32 pm

    Kyran's  brow furrowed as Gaia asked about Adalinda. "She's...uh...she's... I'm not sure what description fits her to be honest. I don't know what a friend is and I don't want to use the wrong description for her." With the new revelations he was having, Kyran wasn't sure exactly where Adalinda fell. Was she a friend? An acquaintance? Someone he used to know? Just a guildmate? It was impossible to tell. Not until he talked to her again and Kyran had a feeling it would be a long time before that happened. While he thought about the dragon slayer, there was a troubled look on his face.

    Gaia's assertion that the test was new confused Kyran. There were clear signs that a test was required for the magic from well before now. "Perhaps the Murifri Wafaiors added a secondary test to prove someone was worthy. Or there is another piece to the puzzle we're missing. Whichever it is, we'll find out when we find them." Kyran kissed Gaia before sweeping up the books he had brought. It didn't take him long to put them away. This was exciting. Kyran was surprised the demons weren't protesting more. Prodding them, he was surprised to find them asleep. Did Gaia send them to sleep? Or was something else at play here? Kyran gently took Gaia's hand when he was back at her side. "Shall we go then, baby? Or maybe you can teach me more lewd acts to embarrass you with in public?" His teeth flashed in a mischievous grin.

    The jewels to pay for the train tickets to the mountains came out of Kyran's pocket. He had dragged Gaia along...sorta which made it his responsibility. While they were on the train, he used his iLac to look up a few things. The Murifri Wafaiors were dying out but that didn't explain why they truly wanted an outsider to take their trial. It seemed a little suspicious to Kyran. However, he did have a tendency to be paranoid. "I'm... not sure about these Murifri Wafaiors." Kyran said to Gaia as they were pulling into the station. "Why would they want an outsider to learn their magic? It seems like they would be more focused on saving their tribe." He frowned looking out the window as the train came to a stop. He hadn't been able to find where the tribe resided either. There had only been a contact number. One that Kyran didn't want to contact.

    Stepping out onto the platform didn't help Kyran's uneasiness. His fingers curled around Gaia's. That small bit of comfort was something needed at the moment. Someone looking like Sylvia passed by. Kyran's head whipped around to follow the woman's progress. Not Sylvia after all. Kyran could tell from the slight limp in the woman's walk. Sylvia didn't have a limp. Or she hadn't. It didn't matter. Kyran had mixed feelings where his mentor was concerned. "Something isn't right, Gaia." Kyran said as if he hadn't watched a strange woman walk away from them. "I can't put my finger on it but I'm never uneasy without a reason. Life has honed those skills into me." His thumb rubbed the back of Gaia's hand. "Be ready, baby. Just in case."   

    WC: 542
    Total: 3,539



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Posts : 619
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Gaia 15th August 2018, 4:06 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia raises an eyebrow to him as he wasn't sure what to label this Adalinda person. She tilts her head to him, as that didn't tell her his connection to this other girl at all.

    As he proposed his own theory on the test, Gaia shrugs her shoulders. "Or they changed the test for outsiders." She gave back and stands up to put the rest of the stuff away with him. As he came back to her and grabbed her hand, Gaia blushes softly, before she punches his arm a little. "Kyran! No! Behave!" She pouts as she crossed her free arm over her chest. "Lets just get going..." She grumbles as she shakes her head to him. The tarot reader actually had a pout on her lips as he had teased her with that again, glaring slightly. She wasn't actually mad, and sighed as she followed him out of the library.

    Gaia let Kyran drag her about, and was reading through the Dark Phoenix books without the use of her glasses abilities. She glances up her boyfriend as he talks about the Murifri Wafaiors and how he wasn't too sure. "Could be a number of possibilities as to why... magic too strong for them to be able to handle anymore, unable to reproduce, low birth rates, dying faster than they can, or deaths from whatever killing off children." She frowns. She closes the book and stashes it into her bag as she noticed the train had been stopping. Noya had road on her lap as she had slightly curled up on the bench against the window to read. She follows Kyran off of the train, and smiles gingerly to him as he grabbed her hand. As he whipped his head around as another woman passed by, Gaia's smile dropped as she didn't know how to take that little bit that she saw...

    "Well... I don't know what could be wrong... And I suppose it's a good thing I keep my staff with me now after our last date... Don't need to be handicapped again..." She grumbles. She looks around as Noya was on her shoulders, looking around for any potential danger. Usually Noya can pick it up before she could, and was wonderful help. "Where are we going?" She asks Kyran now, wondering where they needed to find the two members of the Murifri Wafaiors at. She let Kyran be the one to deal with that bit.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Kyran 18th August 2018, 8:24 pm

    Kyran wasn't so distracted to see the smile come and go on Gaia's face. His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment. Why had the smile vanished? Host. Please. I'm not the kind of girl to get jealous like that but the mistress clearly likes having a one woman man. You looked at another girl. It felt like something was crawling over his skin as Malinda spoke. Was she being nice? That was just creepy. He was grateful for her help however. Kyran lowered his mouth to Gaia's ear."I wasn't checking out another woman. I thought I saw my mentor and I've been searching for her for a few years now. Turned out not to be her, just someone who looked a lot like her." His teeth grazed her ear briefly. "I've only got eyes for your ass. A pretty body means nothing but an attractive personality is sexy as hell." Kyran pressed his lips to her cheek.

    Gaia's questions brought Kyran back to their task...and the danger that lurked about them. Something dark was hiding within the crowd. He couldn't pinpoint where however. "The mountain is that way." His finger indicated a peak past the town. It cast a shadow onto the town that nearly shrouded half the buildings. The top of the mountain was peculiar as well. Instead of sloping in a gentle cone, the tip of the mountain was actually a cylinder. Kyran didn't like the look of the steep sides of the cylinder. He also didn't like the fact that the lighting made the mountain near the base of the cylinder appear to be stained with blood. "We could call the Murifri Wafaiors..." He admitted reluctantly as he steered her through the crowds. It was time to move as far from the train station as possible. Maybe then his uneasy feeling would dissipate.  

    Unfortunately, those emitting the dark auras weren't willing to wait. The moment Kyran and Gaia cleared the crowd, they attacked. They appeared to be humans with black veins protruding all over their bodies. Their skin was a grey pallor with flaking white patches. Kyran would have called them possessed. Each of the five enemies wielded a sword leaking black smoke. Interesting. What was more interesting was the reaction his demons had to them. All four seemed to be frozen somewhere between fear and excitement. They wouldn't be any help. Relaxing his entire body, Kyran waited for their attackers to get closer. Then he exploded into action.

    A leaping kick connected with the foremost attacker's chest. Kyran used his momentum to push back and land on his feet. Sidestepping a sword swipe, his right hand grasped the man's wrist. His left connected with the elbow in a claw strike, breaking the arm. His foot slammed into the man's knee for good measure. A sword came down on Kyran's shoulder causing blood to spray. The dark tendrils tried to sweep into Kyran's body. He could feel them squirming about. Every muscle went taunt from the pain. His demons snarled, attacking the intruding tendrils en mass. Strange but something for later. An elbow to the sword owner's ribs produced a satisfying crack. The sword was released. Kyran spun, grabbing the man's head in his hands. He ached to simply twist, to end the man's life. Instead, the edge of his hand brought the man to unconsciousness. People in the crowd were beginning to notice. They screamed, running away from the fight. Battle focus blocked out those distractions. Gaia and his opponents were the only focus. Two opponents were down. Three remained. Kyran hoped that Gaia was alright. He had no doubt she was alright, Gaia was apart of a legal guild but Kyran couldn't help worrying.

    The sword in his shoulder forced Kyran to his knees. Whatever was attacking his system was stronger than his natural regeneration. It felt rather similar to being infected with Sol's poison. His demons were desperately fighting against the intrusion. "What's happening guys?" Kyran wheezed his vision fading in and out. Your head is too crowded! We don't need any more! Medea screamed. The others said more or less the same. So the sword contained demons, did it? Could these attackers be failed applicants for the magic? Kyran reached back and pulled the sword free. His blood splattered on the ground. After a brief look at the sword, Kyran tossed it aside. It wasn't important. "Gaia, baby? Are you alright?" His vision was blurry, a natural response to trying to force demons out. He hoped it was a natural response in any case. "I can't see right now so if you can give me a kiss, maybe touch my face... Speak first though so some stranger isn't trying to take advantage of me." This blindness could be an issue. Especially if they had to climb the mountain. "If you could grab my iLac and call the saved number for the Murifri Wafaiors, I'd be grateful. It seems we need more help then I realized."

    WC: 834
    Total: 4,373



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Gaia 21st August 2018, 1:11 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia jumped a little as she felt Kyran speak near her ear, and she blushed in embarrassment that she had done so. As he mentioned what he wasn't doing, she blinked a little, blushing deeper at his teeth on her ear before she quickly reached her hand up and covered it to stop him from nibbling on it. She was pouting at Kyran as he finished and kissed her cheeks, taking a deep breath and shaking her head a little. Sometimes she couldn't handle him and how he pulled at her heart from time to time. She followed his finger as he pointed to the mountain and nods to him a bit as she followed behind him. Gaia seemed only slightly surprised about the people getting around them as soon as they broke free of the crowd, and frowns a bit. "That doesn't seem too great..." She mutters as she shakes her head a bit. The swords made her shutter a bit, and she takes a deep breath to reassure herself.

    As three of the five went after her, Gaia grits her teeth and quickly twirls around her staff to smack one of them in the face. Noya wasn't on her shoulders any longer. She was scurrying around to bite these guys in the legs, slowing them down in the process. Gaia skipped a couple steps back rather elegantly and twirls a bit before she brings down the staff on one of their heads, knocking him out before she repeated the same process with the other two, seeming to dance a little differently each time. Gaia had looked around to see if there were any guards of sorts around to apprehend these guys. Noya had run up to Kyran and was putting her little mouth near his arm where the cut was. She opened her maw and let a breath of slightly warm air on it, trying to heal him. Gaia had just spotted a couple men who seemed like they could have been from the Rune Knights, and waved for them to come over. Her head snaps over to Kyran, and she quickly went over to him. "Yeah! I'm fine. What about you? Noya seems to already be working on you. Good girl." She smiles and pets the ferrets head while she worked. As he talked about not being able to see, Gaia was confused. "What? You can't? Why?" She had placed her hand on his cheek as she spoke, and nods to his request of fetching the iLac. After he told the location on him where it was, she fetched it and pulled it out, looking for the number. She called it and put the iLac on speaker for them both to hear.

    "Ello?" An accented male voice said.

    Gaia glances to Kyran. "Hello! We're here at the train station to see about the test for the Salvator Alitis test. We were kind of attacked though... Their swords had something on them and my boyfriend was cut and it's doing something to him. May you come to us? We're pretty much out in the open next to a group of knocked out people with black veins or whatever." She explains quickly, but clearly.

    "Ah! Another for test! Yes! We shall come! Stay there, we be there soon. Stay on phone." The voice said again as Gaia heard the man speak in another language to another through the phone and them running to them. Two men soon approached, garbed in their traditional attire, and bowed to the two. Gaia had hung up the iLac and put it back as she grabbed Kyran's hand and stood up so he knew she wasn't leaving him. "Ello! You are here for test, right?"

    "He is, yes." She says as the men look over at Kyran. "Can you help him?" She questions as they seem to nod and gets closer to Kyran. "Hold still for a moment... they're going to do something to your shoulder..." She wasn't entirely sure what they were going to do, but Noya had rested herself in Kyran's lap, wiggling a bit so he knew she was there.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Kyran 23rd August 2018, 8:00 pm

    Kyran tapped his shoulder at Gaia's question. "Whatever that sword was, it injected something into me. Something the demons don't like and are actively fighting." He jerked as Medea was slammed into the side of his mind. She was up in an instant, back to fighting the intruders. "I think either the fighting is damaging me or the things invading are. Either way, the worst of the damage seems to be restricted to my ability to see." Kyran smiled in the direction of her voice. His hand blindly reached for Noya. After accidentally poking the ferret in the ribs, Kyran managed to scratch behind her ears. Unbeknownst to him, his eyes were pitch black including the whites. The black writhed as if it was alive.

    Simply listening to everything going on around him was confusing. Yet at the same time it helped Kyran notice other things. Such as the wind moving through clothing, the gentle panting of the various living things around him. It opened up another way for him to see. His hand squeezed Gaia, letting her alone know that this was scaring him. What was happening, while it opened a wondrous new way to see, filled Kyran with dread. What would happen if his demons lost? The approaching footsteps stopped on either side of Kyran. They spoke rapid fire in another language but Kyran was somehow able to understand it.

    "He cannot take the trials. He is one of the Tainted!" The one on his left hissed. He hadn't been the one who'd spoken on the phone or just recently. Fingertips brushed the edge of his left shoulder. Kyran nearly jumped. His skin crawled at the touch and he desperately wanted to get away. "Gaia..." He choked out, hoping she was nearby. Hoping she'd understand. The two Murifri Wafaiors continued speaking as if Kyran hadn't said anything. "Perhaps that is exactly what they need. Look at these men. Applicants each and every one! Yet they became the Tainted. Perhaps this one can succeed with the little Taint he has naturally within." The other voice made a noise as fingertips brushed Kyran's right shoulder. Once again his skin crawled and he only wanted Gaia. She made him feel safe, feel wanted. "Enough, Rohiro. We are already short on time. The council approved him for the trial before we even got the call." The disgruntled voice spoke under his breath. "Fuckin' witches. They'll be the death of us all." Their fingertips dug into Kyran's shoulders. His entire body went taunt as the invading black was pulled from his body. Every muscle stood out, quickly being covered in sweat. When the men removed their fingertips, Kyran found he still couldn't see. To the others, Kyran's eyes were now their normal blue gold. His pupils looked dull however rather than a vivid black.

    "Your sight return over time. Now we get up mountain. You take trial." Kyran turned his face toward the speaker. His expression was incredulous. "Can I take this trial without my eyesight?" There was a pause Kyran did not like at all. "Yes but it be difficult. Come come. No time. Must go. Sun reach zenith soon." So the noon sun was important then. Kyran unsteadily got to his feet. "Babe? I'm going to need your help." He held out his hand in what he thought was her direction. The demons were collapsed in a tired pile but Malinda still managed to say Grab her boob. Squeeze for a squeak. The comment was so unexpected that Kyran blushed. His hand drew back halfway to avoid just that scenario, hopefully. Teasing Gaia when it was just them was different from teasing her while they were in company.

    "We musta be careful." Rohiro said, his accent thick. "There more Tainted along way. You defend him til sight back?" Kyran assumed that the man was looking at Gaia. His back tensed at the suggestion. He'd always fought his own battles. His mouth opened to protest, then quickly shut again. Trust was important in a relationship. His lack of trust had almost gotten Gaia hurt. Kyran slowly let out a breath. "This is hard for me." He admitted in a low voice once he heard the footsteps of the men. Kyran hoped there was enough distance for a little privacy. "I don't know how to trust, Gaia. Every time I've put myself into someone else's care, they've let me down. Yet here I am doing it again. I'm trusting you to lead and protect me." He grit out the last to words, a testament to how difficult they were to say. "Please don't let me down." The words were a whispered prayer as much to Gaia as to whatever god might be listening. Kyran couldn't handle Gaia letting him down. It would break him.

    WC: 802
    Total: 5,175



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Gaia 3rd September 2018, 7:46 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Clearly Gaia wasn't pleased to hear that something was put in him from the sword that was used to attack him, and she really didn't like hearing that the demons were fighting it. She let her hand move to rub her thumb just under his eye while looking at how black it was. She takes a deep breath and keeps her jaw shut for a moment. Of course she was worried about him. She only hoped he could be healed quickly. She squeezed his hand back as she smiled softly to herself. She was squeezing his hand as reassurance that he wasn't alone and that she was there for him. Gaia quickly grabbed Kyran's hand with two of hers to comfort him, figuring he wasn't comfortable with the other two speaking around him, especially when he had called out her name. Gaia grinned to Kyran as she smiled to his face. She figured he could see now, but how dull his eyes looked, made her smile drop.

    Gaia helped Kyran up off of the ground and smiles as she made him hold her staff as he reached out for her, and grabbed his wrist to wrap it around her shoulders. She was going to be his eyes, and she figured it'd be easier to help him by being next to him, despite being so short. "Of course you're going to need my help. I got four eyes to see." She giggles and looks up when one of the men said they must be careful and asked if she'd defend him. She gives the man a sharp nod, determined to help out. As Kyran admitted that trusting was hard for him, Gaia stopped for a moment. She put herself in front of him as she poked him in the chest, not moving her finger. "You listen here. You can trust me of all people. If you're doubting I'm not a strong girl, you need to rethink yourself. I'm getting stronger and stronger every day. And I'm only able to keep going up. I'll be your princess knight this time. And while I do that," Her hand moved and she poked at his forehead. "You can talk to your damn demons and tell them to help you the hell out! I know you got a dog one or whatever in there. Tell it to help use it's other senses to not let you die. Or else I'll be the one killing you all in the afterlife." There was amusement in her voice as she smiled to her 'threat' and grabbed Kyran's wrist to drag him along again with the two men.

    They had stopped to let them have a quick moment, and gave her a look. "I wasn't going to be long with him, don't worry..." Her voice was soft as she nods and keeps on pulling Kyran. "Lets get going!" She was actually a little bit excited about this now. She wanted to see what this place was, or wondered if she would even be allowed to see it or not. Gaia had no issue helping Kyran up the mountain, and if anything was to come out and attack them, she'd take her staff and smack the things a few times to keep them out of their way before continuing on their way up the mountain.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Kyran 5th September 2018, 12:53 pm

    Kyran smiled at Gaia's little joke. He liked her glasses. They were cute and enhanced one of his favorite parts of Gaia. His smile, stolen by memories, returned when Gaia began her tirade. When she poked his forehead, Kyran gently touched her wrist. Following the line of her arm, he was able to cup her cheek. It took a few stumbling steps to press his forehead against Gaia's. "I wish I could give you my memories, help you see why this is so hard for me, baby." His thumb caressed her cheek. He found that his sense of touch was more sensitive with his eyesight gone. The sensation made Kyran feel closer to Gaia then he probably was. "I trust you, my princess knight. You're one of the strongest people I know. Stronger than I am, that's for sure." Kyran rubbed his nose against Gaia's on a whim. "I wish I was strong enough not to have any doubts but every person I've trusted has stabbed me in the back. Show me the way, princess knight. Lead me out of my land of shadows and into your land of light." Kyran leaned forward, his lips slightly open. He was leaving the choice of a kiss up to Gaia. Once they kissed or Gaia rejected it, Kyran turned to the subject of the demons. "My demons don't follow my commands. Ahriman would simply go after blood and I'd be struggling to control him. Besides, I don't think our hosts much like my demons. One of them clearly didn't like the fact that I had them."

    It was difficult ascending the mountain while heavily leaning on Gaia. Kyran nearly growled with frustration every time she had to pull away to defend him. He hated that he couldn't stand next to her to... well to fight as a pair. The thought was entirely foreign to Kyran but not altogether unwelcome. He'd always been alone. He always fought by himself even in a crowd. Now there was a want, a need for something more. Yet that something more couldn't come from just anybody. It had to come from Gaia. For Gaia, he'd be willing to risk sex. Kyran could only hope that she wouldn't be as cruel as Claudia.

    The sound of stone scraping on stone signaled the end of their journey up the mountain. Kyran's sight had partially recovered, allowing him to see rough dark shapes. That allowed him to see the secret tunnel that the two Murifri Wafaiors had opened in the side of the mountain. Interesting. Maybe the climb to the very top could be circumvented. Once they were inside the tunnel, Kyran looped an arm about Gaia's waist. "Thank you." He murmured, kissing her cheek. "Not just for helping now but for giving a grumpy, antisocial man a chance at being in a relationship with you." Kyran paused wishing he could see her face better. "I hope... one day... we can be more." He didn't know what that more would be. Married? His only example of marriage was his parents whom he had no wish to emulate. Children together? That was wishful thinking after what Claudia and Mr. Tiwin had done. Living together? Kyran wasn't sure if that would be safe unless today paid off. All the negatives might have made others see the future in a dim light. For Kyran, however, so long as Gaia was beside him, the future was as bright as the sun.

    The tunnel led into a large cavern that encompassed the heart of the mountain. It looked like a small city had been built about it. However, from the little Kyran could make out, there weren't too many people in the city. The cavern was almost eerily quiet. Their guides turned back towards them. "Part here. Applicant come with. You stay." The speaker indicated Gaia. Kyran shook his head. "No. Gaia comes with me. If this test requires, I stand on my own, fine. However, she'll be there to watch all of it. I want her to witness." Especially if he failed. While it was cruel, Kyran wanted Gaia to be the one to deal the final blow on his tainted body. The Murifri Wafaiors exchanged a look. Kyran couldn't actually see but he got the impression of a smile. One of them nodded and the other led the way. "First test: Test of Heart. Council test purity. Second test: Test of Magic. Magic test you once you reach."  Kyran nodded, thought the explanation hadn't really explained anything. The Murifri Waraiors led them into a wide open chamber. Seven cloaked figures stood around the edge of the chamber.

    "Welcome Applicant" Seven voices spoke as one. Kyran was pushed forward by one of their guides while the other pulled Gaia off to the side. Kyran stood still in the middle of chamber. The seven figures advanced upon him, their arms outstretched. He tensed for their touch. "Be judged. Pure of Heart or Dark of Mind. Be judged." The seven touched Kyran. A sensation similar to what Kyran had felt earlier invaded his body but seven times more powerful. He threw his head back, his mouth open in a silent scream. Black mist flowed from his entire body encompassing not only Kyran but the seven figures as well. The mist emits a a piercing shriek, swirling like a storm about the center of the chamber. There is no telling what is going on inside the mist whatsoever. Kyran felt like bugs were crawling through the entirety of his being, pulling apart every inch and leaving the pieces to hover. He felt his sense of identity disintegrate with each passing second. All the while, he heard the voice of seven but one.

    "He is tainted by demon blood." Kyran felt them shifting through his early memories. He could see the bloody house that haunted his nightmares. The many tortures he'd suffered in his early years quickly followed. "He has paid for it through no fault of his own." The sensation lessened for a moment. Kyran took a deep breath preparing for the next assault. "There is blood on his hands, wrath in his heart, demons in his head. This one cannot be allowed to obtain our magic. Yet, he has a desire to be good, a need to do the right thing, and a drive to protect all those around him. These traits deem him worthy." The mists receded as the figures pulled their hands away from Kyran. He collapsed upon the ground while they returned to their original positions. "We deem this one worthy. Let him ascend to the next test. The Angel will judge him." All seven figures vanished in poofs of black smoke. Kyran could hear one of their guides mutter under his breath in their native tongue. He had a feeling he knew what the man was saying and he had to agree. Fucking witches.

    Kyran got to his feet unsteadily. His sight had improved further after that grueling ordeal. Now he could see blurs of color instead of simply dark shapes. "I can only hope the second test isn't so harsh" Kyran grit out through his teeth. One of the guides laughed heartily. "Congrats. You only one make second test!" Kyran looked at the source of the voice in shock. He was the only one to pass that test? Impossible. There was no way he was the only one with the right traits to reach for this magic. One of the color blurs moved toward him. Kyran tensed but the man merely patted him on the back. "Let go to mountain pass." Kyran reached for Gaia's hand. He had a bad feeling about this supposed mountain pass.

    It turned out his bad feeling was correct. The 'mountain pass' was little more than a sheer cliff climbing straight to the top of the mountain. They had to make a climb of just over 200 meters without any sort of climbing gear. Their guides weren't going to make the climb though. They weren't 'worthy' to look upon the angel. In addition, they couldn't use any sort of magic. The only magic that worked on the cliff or at the top of the mountain was the Salvator Alitis. Kyran looked over at Gaia. "I don't suppose you could carry me up there, princess knight?" He teased, though there was strain in his voice. The first test had taken more out of him then he had let on until just then. "Also mountain pass, my ass. More like the Cliffs of Insanity." He has very good arms. He didn't fall?! Inconceivable. That word. I do not think it means what you think it means. What were his demons babbling about now? Stupid creatures. You feel victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous, is never get into a land war in Asia but only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Aha ha ha ha hahaha Aha haha haha... Kyran heard a crash inside his head as if Erebos had fallen into something. He shook his head slowly. "I will never understand the demons in my head. They are downright crazy" He looked up at the cliffs in front of him. "Shall we go, my princess knight?" Kyran turned and kissed Gaia quickly. Just in case they fell. There are five greatest kisses in the world and this one surpassed them all.

    Kyran pulled away from Gaia and started his climb. Despite his honed body and passive magical increases to strength, his arms shook from the strain after only 50 meters. He had serious doubts about his ability to make it to the top. He looked around to see where Gaia was and how she was doing. The sight of her helped to bolster his failing spirit. Strength didn't exactly flood back into his body but he started focusing on the next lift. Then the next one. Then the next one. Before he knew it, they were some 500 meters in the air. Kyran could felt his eyesight clear up. Excitedly, Kyran looked up since he'd lagged behind Gaia right as the wind blew across the cliff face. With his newly restored sight, Kyran had gotten a eyeful of his girlfriend. His cheeks heated swiftly but he couldn't resist calling out. "Looks like my eyesight is back! I must say the view is great from down here, baby! There are some awesome ass-ets!" Kyran struggled to close the remaining 200 meters. His arms were shaking with every single movement. Hopefully the next trial wasn't going to be combat or anything requiring his arms. He didn't think he would be able to lift a pebble. The top of the cliff suddenly appeared in front of Kyran. He barely managed to grab the edge. As he did, his feet slipped out from under him. Kyran was hanging by his fingertips, his strength gone, his feet in midair. It looked like it would be the end of him.

    Then a radiant figure reached down and pulled Kyran up. He was cradled in soft arms, his head pillowed against a voluptuous chest. It must be Gaia was where Kyran's mind immediately leapt to. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. As he weakly lifted his head, it became clear that the shining woman holding him was taller than Gaia. She had an ideal figure, alabaster skin and feathery wings hanging at her sides. He couldn't tell if she was wearing clothing or not. Kyran's skin began to crawl. He hated being in close proximity to people, especially a potentially naked strange female. "Madam? Could you please put me down?" "You are the applicant, are you not?" The woman had an angelic musical voice. It hurt Kyran's ears. "I am. However, I have a woman of my own and this is making me feel uncomfortable." The angel smiled down at him kindly and set him next to Gaia. "You have a good male there, Gaia Sabin but be careful with him." Kyran got an uncomfortable feeling that this angel knew everything about him. The angel turned on her heel, walking toward a sword place in the center of the plateau. The sword was ornate, with twined dragons their tails making the hilt and their heads twining near the final edge of the blade. Kyran politely turned his head to look at Gaia as the angel was indeed naked.

    "What is the test, may I ask? And may I have your name?" Kyran asked inspecting Gaia's face. "My name is Eae, Kyran Dyer. Your second and final test to obtain Salvator Alitis is fighting me." Kyran's head snapped toward her. Was she serious? He couldn't use magic up here. She was nearly a god-like entity. Kyran took a deep breath. "If I don't want to fight you?" Eae smiled coldly, vanishing from where she stood. Kyran blinked before she appeared before him. Her foot connected with Kyran's shoulder and launched him across the plateau. The landing created a crater in the plateau, forcing Kyran to cough up blood. "Do not interfere, Gaia Sabin." Eae said softly. "Interference with this test will end in the death of Kyran Dyer."

    WC: 2208
    Total: 7,383

    Last edited by Kyran on 20th September 2018, 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Gaia 20th September 2018, 12:17 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    A smile had grown upon the tarot readers face as he brought himself closer to her before he put his forehead to hers. As he continued to call her his 'princess knight' she begun to blush and swore he could feel the heat coming off of her cheeks. "Doubt I'm stronger than you, but I'm glad you trust me." She murmurs quietly. She was trying to not blush at his comment of her leading him out of his land of shadows. "Please, my land of light has it's shadows." She mumbles before she sees him leaning forward. She couldn't help herself and leans in to kiss him back briefly. "C'mon." She tugs on his arm, and glances back at him. "Not even me threatening the demons will work? Jeez... they're all lame then." She chuckles. quietly. "And our hosts can shove off, they're apart of you. It's not like you had wanted them, right?"

    Gaia was a bit surprised about the secret tunnel that they happened upon when they reached it. She leads Kyran inside and was a bit surprised when he grabbed her around her waist. She blushes, but smiles that he kissed her on the cheek. "Well... there was that pull to you that had me wanting to be with you." She smirks. When he continued, her eyes widened, wondering what exactly that meant. Her blush from before, seemed to attack her whole face as she didn't know how to respond to that. A smile was growing on her face though.

    While they went into the cavern Gaia looked around a little. She was a bit impressed by the buildings within the cavern. She wanted to know more about this place. Maybe she could see if there were any books or something she could use to translate things they did have. When she was told she had to part with Kyran, Gaia starts to pout a bit as she was getting ready to break free from him before he says she stays with him. She didn't know how to respond to this as she pouts a little to him. "Kyran..." She mumbles a little before the two warriors seemed okay with her going. Taking a deep breath, Gaia allows herself be lead to the open chamber, looking around it eagerly. She was distracted by the voices to realize that the guides had begun dragging her away from Kyran. "Hey! What gives?! You could simply of asked me to come over here!" She shouts rather angrily. Noya was making hissing sounds of anger as well at them. Her anger quickly subsided as she watched Kyran and the figures go to him. She was worried about him now, what he'd go through, or what they were doing to him. She covered her mouth a bit as she stared intently at him. Clearly she was struggling to stay back. As the mist cleared and Kyran fell on the ground, Gaia quickly ran to him and grabbed his arm when he stood up. "You okay?" The concern was clear in her voice. When he reached for her hand, she eagerly gave it to him and hugged his arm, even with her staff slightly in the way. "You got this, babe... You know I'll be supporting you the entire way during this second test..." She mumbles while leading him after the guides.

    The mountain pass they came across had Gaia worriedly looking up at nearly a ninety degree angle. She looked a bit concerned. She takes a deep breath and looks over to Kyran, shaking her head a bit. "I don't know if I can even get up there on my own..." She admitted a bit. She knew she was decently strong from her dancing, but even she had limits. "You sure you're up to this...?" She mumbles quietly. When he called the cliffs the 'Cliffs of Insanity' she giggles a little. She cocked an eyebrow to him and rolls her eyes. "You do understand them. They're crazy. That's all you need to understand." She teased. She had put her hand on one ledge that was level to her, and looked back to Kyran again when he went to kiss her. When he broke the kiss, she was blushing deeply, and nods. "Lets do our best..." She murmurs before she begins to look up and prepared to pull herself up on the mountain. Gaia wasn't as physically strong as Kyran, and she full on knew that, as well as the fact that her arms were shorter than his, so it made climbing a little difficult for her, especially in her skirt with her cape. She even used her staff to help her climb, using it as leverage to help pull her up, much like one would use a knife. She knew she was slightly ahead of Kyran, but she didn't want to look down. She would have to rely on Noya keeping watch on him for her.

    She gasped slightly at the wind, her foot nearly slipping before she caught herself and positioned her foot again. Kyran's comment though, got Gaia looking down at him with bright cheeks. "Kyran! Behave yourself!" She hissed down at him. She was glad though that he could see clearly once again though. "My boyfriend's a pervert... but I guess the bright side is he's only one for me." She snorts to herself, unsure if Kyran did hear her or not. She wouldn't mind regardless. When she got onto the top of the cliff, Gaia slightly moved to the side and laid on her back while she groans loudly, happy to have her arms free of climbing. She didn't want to do that again for a while.

    Gaia had looked over as she saw Kyran's hand, and started to sit up to help him, but she was just a tad slow as he started to slip. "Kyran!" She had gone to help him, but she didn't think she could even pull him up herself. That was when the figure pulled him up herself before the tarot reader could make it to him properly, and Gaia took a few steps back. She wasn't sure what to make of this person that was hugging her boyfriend rather close to her chest. Her cheeks slightly puffed up. Of course she was jealous of this chick who was taller than her and might actually have bigger boobs than her. She was being slightly pouty as she seemed like she was casually talking with Kyran to her. She shivered at the woman's voice too. Her voice wasn't that beautiful sounding, or she didn't believe it was. When Kyran was freed from the woman's arms, she started checking him over, before she was spoken to herself. She glanced over to her, and huffs as she puts her hand on her hip. "Be careful? Meaning what? That he enjoys peeking under my skirt? Or with his demons in his head?" She brought her other hand up to point at her temple. Honestly? She believed she might be able to help Kyran, or at least woo the demons into behaving around her.

    After seeing the sword near the angel person, Gaia's head tilted a little. Was that the final test? She wasn't sure. She still wanted to know more about the city since there hadn't been much to begin with at the library. Gaia hadn't noticed Kyran was looking at her at first, not till he spoke, then she glanced just over the rim of her glasses at him before she blushed and smiled to him. Her burnt sienna eyes look back at Eae as she said the final test was to fight him, and takes a deep breath. Then she blinks. Those two warriors weren't allowed up here cause they weren't worthy to see this angel, but she was? Had there been a second test she wasn't aware of that was for guests to come along with?! She was a little confused. Then Kyran had to go ask about not wanting to fight the angel, and her staff was pointed at her as she kicked Kyran back. When she was told to not interfere, Gaia hesitated. She slammed the butt of her staff on the plateau, and glanced back at Kyran. "Hey babe. Succeed, and you can come to my house." She smirks to him, her eyes were actually ready to kill in a sense though, but she was holding herself back. Noya didn't seem to get the memo, so Gaia had to hold onto the creatures scruff to keep her from attacking. In actuality, if Kyran survived, she planned on taking him anyways, but she was hoping voicing that aloud would give him slight incentive. "If I'm not allowed to interfere, where can I go to still watch and not be in the way?" She asked the angel, voice stern as she didn't seem like she was playing around.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
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    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Kyran 20th September 2018, 8:20 pm

    The angel laughed at Gaia's question. The laughter sounded like light bells chiming. "No, dear Gaia. His heart is fragile. The wrong move will shatter it and send young Kyran spiraling into a world of darkness. You hold the key to his heart. He's given it to only one other. That woman threw it in the dirt after stomping all over Kyran's heart. Show him how love truly works." The angel turned away from the tarot reader. Gaia's other question had Eae looking over her shoulder. "Stay there." Shields sprung up around Gaia. They floated in a circle, turning transparent to allow the card mage to see. Eae spread her wings and took to the air.

    Kyran struggled from the hole he'd created. Eae wasn't holding anything back. He heard Gaia call over the distance. A frown curved his lips downward. "Come to your house? Is that significant somehow? Gaia, I don't understand!" He called out over the distance. Kyran focused so much on Gaia's confusing statement, he lost focus on the battle. Eae landed beside him. There was no reaction as she slammed a gauntleted fist into his face. A cut opened upon his forehead sending blood streaming down his face. Kyran looked at the angel with one eye. "Is that all you've got?" He asked gently. Eae frowned at him. Armor formed about her body instantaneously. "Then I will come at you with all I have!" Her voice echoed inside the armor, making the musical quality turn somewhat sinister.

    Kyran activated the ability of his armored coat. A red ring burst out settling out at a fair distance. Eae's next strike caused Kyran to teleport away. "Come now, angel. Are you even trying?" He taunted forming a spear from his blood. Hold! Medea cried just as he was about to throw it. Kyran stopped wondering why the cat had stopped him. Angels are tricky, dear host. Things are not always what they seem. Go for the sword. Not the feathered one. Kyran wasn't sure if he should trust his demons. There was no reason to trust them. Yet they were sworn enemies of angels. This might be one of the few times they were telling the truth. It was a chance he would have to take. Eae was too powerful to take straight on. She reminded the redhead of Sol. Power radiated off of her. Shifting on the balls of his feet, Kyran sprinted for the sword. Wait! Kiss her first! A scowl slipped into place on Kyran's face.

    Eae landed in front of Kyran before he reached the sword. "Running away? I'm disappointed" A glowing golden sword formed in the angel's hand. "Die!" Kyran slipped under the strike. Another step took him in stabbing range. Holding firm to the spear, Kyran slammed it into Eae's wing. She screeched stepping away. Kyran flung his blood out summoning up a spell. "Yandere! Come forth!" A swirling crimson portal formed behind Eae. From it stepped a woman with crimson hair covered in a tight red latex. Her hand clutched a jagged dagger. Eae didn't seem to notice the new addition. She stepped forward sweeping with her sword. Kyran used his spear to block. The spear shattered into red shards upon contact. "What?!" The sword kissed his cheek, laying it open. The Yandere let out a terrible shriek. The crimson woman leapt upon the angel, striking savagely with her dagger. Eae jerked back in surprise. A path was once again open to the sword.

    Kyran made his way toward the sword. Eae clawed at her back trying to dislodge the furious Yandere. Before he passed them, Kyran saw the dagger plunge into the angel's side. It was twisted savagely. Golden sparkling blood sprayed from the wound. Then Kyran was passed them. The ornate sword stood before him. Its hilt seemed to lean toward him. He grasped it tightly. The first tug refused to pull the sword from the stone. Placing his foot against the stone, Kyran yanked the sword free. As it was held aloft, a magical wave reverberated across the plateau. All magic was wiped clean, the Yandere vanishing along with the shields surrounding Gaia. Eae vanished when she was touched by the wave. Well done, Kyran She said from inside his mind. Kyran almost yelled out in despair. He didn't need another voice inside his head. The sword in his hand slowly turned to mist. The back of Kyran's neck burned and he knew, rather than saw, a tattoo of the sword imprinting itself upon that flesh. The magic of Salvator Alitis was his.

    The redhead staggered over to Gaia. The fight had injected him with adrenaline but the energy from it was wearing off fast. Kyran collapsed only a few feet from his girlfriend. "What did you mean?" He asked with a cough. "What did you mean I could come to your house? I don't understand." Kyran looked up at Gaia. She was absolutely beautiful. A grin slowly covered his face. "Also, I heard you. I'm a pervert, am I? Perhaps I am. I quite enjoy... what did you call them? lewd public acts? They're fun when I do them with you." Kyran chuckled, a feeling of joy expanding within his chest. His laughter echoed through the air of the plateau. He'd done it. He'd obtained Salvator Alitis. And he'd done it with his girlfriend. Those demons could suck it. Even if he hadn't obtained Salvator Alitis, Kyran knew he'd have found a way with Gaia. Kyran grinned at Gaia. "Thank you, Gaia Sabin. I wish I had better words but all I have right now is thank you."

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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2 Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions pt 2

    Post by Gaia 21st September 2018, 11:53 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia was taken aback a bit at the angels response to her question. She couldn't help but blush a bit while she nodded to him. When the shield came up, Gaia blinks and looks around before they turned invisible for her viewing pleasure. When Kyran questioned her comment on inviting him to her house, she removed her glasses and put her hand over her face while looking down. "Sweetheart... in most relationships, or ones I've read about, inviting a significant other to their home is a step. What happened to you questioning seeing the inside of my house earlier today when we went to the library?" She snorts to him a bit. She realized he had been distracted by her after she finished talking, and quickly shushed herself to allow Kyran to fight without her distracting him too much. She placed her glasses back upon her face so she could watch the fight go on. The tarot reader leaned forward a little against the shields as she watched the two fight. Of course she was concerned over Kyran with how reckless he was seeming like he was being fighting this angel thing. It made her cover her mouth as she worried over him.

    When her boyfriend managed to get to the sword, Gaia was keeping her eyes on the angel for a moment, in case she were to go after Kyran once again, but Kyran struggling with the sword caught her attention. She couldn't help but giggle as he was trying to take out the sword. She was reminded of a few fantasy stories she used to read as a child that had dealt with a sword in a stone. She gasped a bit when the magic within the area disappeared. She wasn't sure if the shields were truely gone, so she held out her hand and took a couple steps, till she was sure that she was out of range of where the shields had been, unless those suckers moved... which would suck to her. Gaia watched as Kyran came over to her, and couple help but smile a little to him.

    She walked up to him and crouched down, while putting her arm between her legs so she wasn't letting him get another peek up her skirt, and poked his forehead. "You were wondering about seeing my house earlier when I first met you... I was formally inviting you there. You can... hang out with me there or whatever, instead of some misshape date again." She snorts to him softly. When he revealed that he heard her, she glares and flicks his forehead. "Brat... They may be fun to you... but it's not always comfortable to me..." She mumbles with a pout. She was about to help him up when he thanked her, and she grinned a bit to him. She didn't need to respond, or she didn't think she needed to, and simply kissed his forehead as she helped get him up so they could get down. "You don't have to say my full name..." She chuckles softly.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:37 pm