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    Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam)


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam) Empty Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam)

    Post by Gaia 12th August 2018, 10:50 am

    788/1000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.

    "Bianca!" Gaia says with a smile as she held her friends hand and tugged her around the guild a bit. "This, is Sabertooth!" She throws her hands up after letting go of her friends hand, and grins. After she had saved her friend and the rest of the slaves from the slaver and the Djinn, Gaia hadn't wanted to let her friend out of sight. The whole flight back to the guild, Gaia was rather talkative to her friend, who seemed just as happy to see her and listened to her tell of her newfound tales after joining the guild. She didn't want to touch too much on the subject of leaving home and the travel from there, but she promised her friend to later tell her about it.

    In the guild, Gaia had pulled out her cards and grins rather wide at them resting in her hands. She enjoyed feeling their power more than ever now. "Lets go on a tour. You're allowed to come here because I'm here." She tugs on her left ear to turn her head and show her little guild symbol hiding behind her ear. Bianca chuckles as she goes over to grab her friends hand again. "C'mon, show me about your guild. Maybe I could see about working here too!" Gaia laughs a little to Bianca as she nods and starts going around a little to tell her a little bit about the guild hall and some of her favorite places to hang out. Gaia seemed like she was nearly dancing with each step she took, even to the point she twirled around a few times. Bianca was seeming to have fun with her as she grabs her friends hand. "Do you do readings?" Gaia nods her head to her, as Bianca's lips formed into a rather large smile. "Do a reading for me." She says as she grips her friends hands. Gaia nods as she pulls Bianca over to the side and pulls out her cards, showing off her magic just a little bit as she shuffled them. On an alcove, Gaia rested the cards out and had her friend pick three cards. "Past, Present, and Future reading sound good?" "Yeah... Want to see how great you are with an actual reading."

    A scoff escapes Gaia's lips, but she was still smiling. "Don't underestimate me." Her friend picks three cards and she flips them over. "They're all upright. The Queen of Wands for your past, Six of Wands for your present, and Six of Pentacles for your future. The Queen of Wands means you had someone in your past that greatly influenced your life, or even a guardian of sorts. You were watched over and had a great desire for life." She smiles softly to herself as it kind of reminded her something. She then picked up the Six of Wands. "The Six of Wands you've achieved victory somehow. And others will cheer for you as well. The Six of Pentacles... means hm... overall it means that there will be a balance in power and someone is being generous. As you were mentioning getting a job here a moment ago, you might be given one. It might not be one you'll be comfortable with, but if you act upon it, it'll be what you need and you'll have to get out of your comfort zone for it if you absolutely desire it."

    Gaia takes a deep breath as she gathers her cards together and holds them in her hands. Bianca looks at Gaia with wide eyes for a moment. "Can your cards be any more scary?" Gaia let up a laugh, slightly sticking her nose up. "Well, they're guides, not all ways are they right. In your case, I suppose for the past and present, they are. The future, that's a mystery." She had pulled out the Six of Pentacles once again, smirking as she shrugs her shoulders. Bianca giggles as she grabs her friends arm, making her hold her cards in her hands as she smiles to her. "Believe my cards are legit and my ability to read them are grand?" "I won't disbelieve you again! I promise!" The brunette giggles to the other. Noya had been resting upon her masters shoulders the whole while they were talking, and simply seemed content she was there. Gaia let go of the cards with one hand, and went to pet the pet. With how Bianca was holding onto her arm, she wasn't exactly able to put the cards away, but she was fine with that as she felt she'd be fine in the Guild Hall, but she did manage to grab her bag to hold the cards themselves so none slipped out.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam) Empty Re: Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 15th August 2018, 4:46 pm

    The Demon King

    It had been three days since the incident in the desert that lay between Fiore and Bellum where they had rescued Gaia’s friend as well as several other innocent people were almost used as unwilling tributes to summon a Djinn into the world. With Gaia’s hell they managed to save all the tributes and put the Djinn down completely during which Gaia’s magic unlocked itself. While this was a momentous occasion Kite remembered how desperate and discouraged Gaia was before getting her magic. He had given her words of encouragement before the job, telling her that it was her that made the magic special and not the other way around. Concerned that they would lose their meaning Kite had come up with an idea for her to make certain that the lesson sank in. He sat at the desk in his office at the top of the Yggdrasil and on his desk was a furry creature that had yet to be introduced to the guild yet. ”Ratatoskr, you feel like helping me out with something?“ the small but mighty squirrel sat in front of him “But of course!” He said in a high pitched squirrely voice “What can the mighty champion of Yggdrasil, Ratatskr do you for Guil Master?” Kite leaned in and whispered into the Squirrel’s ear the ”I need you to help me cement a lesson in one of my members. Her name Gaia...“

    Climbing nimbly on the walls Ratatskr tailed Gaia and her friend Bianca waiting for the moment to begin his mission. An opportunity presented itself after a tarot reading which Gaia held her cards in her hand instead of returning it to her bag. Leaping from the ceiling above them the squirrel god dropped down and pulled the entire deck of cards from Gaia’s unsuspecting hand. “Hahah! The mighty Ratatskr has done it!.” The victorious talking squirrel held the deck of cards up like a championship belt from a professional wrestling event. Anticipating an attempt to get the cards back by either trying to reach for them of jump after the squirrel himself but he was already on his way up the wall and scurried down the corridor. From behind Gaia and Bianca the sound of Kite's boots clicked against the floor and would stop once he was standing behind them. ”So that pesky rodent nabbed your cards?“ his hands were on his hips looking down the corridor and then at Gaia. ”You were on the receiving end of that mischievous Squirrel's prank.“ He said plainly and shook his head. ”He won't just give them back. You're going to have to hunt it down and take them back, a task that won't be easy without your magic.“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam) Gvf4gD8

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam) Empty Re: Alice In Wonderland (Gaia's B- Exam)

    Post by Gaia 19th August 2018, 9:27 pm

    1061 - 1849/1000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia and Bianca were giggling a little just before Noya lifted her head up, having heard something behind the girls. She let out a small hiss, but her master didn't hear her as she was too busy gossiping with her friend about something till it was too late. Bianca had let out a scream as the squirrel had snatched the cards from between the two girls. Gaia was in a bit of shock as the creature had spoke, and blinked at it a bit before she grits her teeth and removed her arm from Bianca's. "Stay here!" She cries out to her as she started to go after the squirrel. "Give it back!" She was actually tempted to call it a rodent, but that would have been an insult to Noya. Gaia spun her attention around as she heard Kite's boots, and motions her arms towards the direction the squirrel went. "Why are you seeming so calm about all this?!" She couldn't help but question as she shakes her head a bit before she let up a quiet groan to herself and hung her head. "Bianca, stay with Kite for a bit, please? Maybe he can finish the tour and see about getting you set up somewhere, either a job, or a home in town while I go hunting." She frowns as she looks to Noya, who seemed to nod and quickly jumped off of her shoulders and ran after the squirrel.

    The tarot reader was quickly running after her little ferret, a determined look on her face as she was rather pissed she let her cards go. She now was going to have to keep an extra eye on those precious things, and already heard the cards wanting to tear her apart for her letting them go to a rodent that wasn't Noya. It actually didn't seem to take too long for her to be able to find the squirrel, he seemed to be chilling around the area, and Noya was hissing at him. "Down kitty!" The squirrel thing seemed to say before it noticed Gaia coming up. "Oh ho ho ho! You've come to join the party! Come and get me! You'll never be able to get the mighty Ratatskr!" He cackles as he runs off again. Gaia had her staff in her hand and grips it tighter. "Noya! Bite him!" She growls as she pushed herself harder to get after the squirrel. She knew the bite wouldn't do anything besides sting the creature, as well as slow it down so she could catch it better. As Noya seemed to catch up to the creature down one of the corridors, Ratatskr had jumped up to get on the ceiling again and continues running and scurrying around up there. Gaia growls softly to herself as she puts her hands on her hips as she pouts a bit. "How does one catch a squirrel..." She mutters to herself before she glances at Noya. "Does he like nuts?" "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! I, the mighty champion of Yggdrasil, am undefeated!" The squirrel cackles down the hall. Gaia blinks for a moment as a grin came on her face. "Nuts..." She says and snaps her fingers.

    She stays silent as she picks up Noya and slowly starts to walk down the corridor. She glances around a bit, wondering if she'd see the creature. Noya was her tracker, sniffing him out with her nose. "Oh heavens!" Gaia says rather dramatically. "I suppose I did lose to the 'Mighty champion of Yggdrasil, Ratatskr!'" She keeps her eyes out as she tries to not grin. "If only I could congratulate him on his win and see how he does it!" To any normal person, she would assume that they knew her words were nothing but a lure to get him out. Noya had scurried off of Gaia again when she stood in the center of a four way path, staff on the ground as her feet were spread shoulder width apart. She had her head lowered and eyes closed as she listened for the creature scurrying down the hall. A smirk was on her face as she takes a deep breath. "Guess I'll never get to give the mighty champion his congratulations!" Just as she started to crack her eyes open, Gaia heard the creature let up a yelp as it's hind leg had been bitten by Noya and she was scurrying off away from the creature. Gaia grins as she glances up once more. "Hi there... mighty champion..." She mutters as she noticed the cards in his hands again. "None of those cards better get out of the bag... or so help me..." She mutters as the creature ran off again, despite at a slower pace. The hunt was on. She smirks as she quickly runs after him, then recalled where she was and sprinted down a different hallway that quickly looped around to an area not too far ahead of the squirrel.

    As soon as she made it to the crossroads, Gaia slams down the butt of her staff and jumped off the ground. As she swung around the staff like a pole dancer slightly, her legs managed to wrap around the squirrel, and they tumbled to the side a bit as they were rolling off track Ratatskr was going. "You're a tad bit slow there darling..." She mutters as she had made herself be on top of the creature. She quickly takes the cards and jumps off, picking up her staff she had purposely dropped to not harm either of them. She pointed the blade at the squirrel, and glares. "You touch my cards again, and I'm not going to let you off as easily..." She had started to get a feeling that Kite was involved in this, and with how the creature called himself the champion of Yggdrasil, it only took her a moment to realize he was something with the tree and the guild. Noya seemed to glare over at the creature as she put herself back on Gaia's shoulders while she had quickly stashed her tarot cards in her bag again. Gaia was clearly in a bad mood now as she stormed off away from the creature. She would have to talk to Kite about what happened. She wasn't having her cards be purposely taken once again.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used - Noya - Ice Bite:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 3:17 am