The day as warm and Haraka had just returned from his room with some basic cooking supplies. The day was young, he had gotten off work a half an hour ago, and he was ready to relax. It seemed like the perfect day to test a table he had made recently. The first time he tried to make a glass table, it had taken a lot of time to plan it out. The portions were thinner than the wood tables he had made in the past, but that was due to the nature of the type of glass he had made. This was how he ended up walking not too far from the guild to one of the many spots full of plant life. There he put down his bag and what looked like a thick glass suitcase. The 'suitcase was gently addressed, fabric straps being untied before he could begin to unfold the object. It became a small four panel table, enough space to hold a small gathering of snacks and people... if they didn't mind a low table that doesn't use chairs. The grass would be good cushioning to sit on, so everything was okay. The table had a water pattern, waves of the ocean carrying flowers. The first panel had tulipa tarda, the second panel had lavenders, the third had Chrysanthemums, the final one had shimobashira flowers. The table legs were tall enough that the half demon could tuck his folded legs under a portion of the low table.
Next step was the bag. He opened the bag, pulling out a jar full of cider that was made a few days ago by himself, the spices still sitting inside. Sometimes it was amazing to be able to use things a few days after they were made, especially when he first made it. A heater was removed from the bag as well as a kettle. He lit the ancient design of a portable heater before placing the kettle on top, then slowly pouring and filtering the ciders contents. With all the liquid in the sizeable kettle, he put the remainder away to be used for something non food related later, or thrown away. Next? Dark chocolate covered frozen Bananas coated in some chopped nuts were pulled from the bag, wrapped on a cloth and placed on the table. The next ones were mochi that came in two cloth wrappings, the first cloth being full of frozen strawberry, the next full of frozen musk melon. After that? Some kuwara senbei, frozen dark chocolate coated dragon fruit balls, and a moist upside down pear cake that had been made in a skillet, so it wasn't all that tall or big, nor did it have any frosting. It looked like the perfect setting... maybe he could lure someone over to eat with if he put out multiple cups? So that's what Omaras started to do.
Next step was the bag. He opened the bag, pulling out a jar full of cider that was made a few days ago by himself, the spices still sitting inside. Sometimes it was amazing to be able to use things a few days after they were made, especially when he first made it. A heater was removed from the bag as well as a kettle. He lit the ancient design of a portable heater before placing the kettle on top, then slowly pouring and filtering the ciders contents. With all the liquid in the sizeable kettle, he put the remainder away to be used for something non food related later, or thrown away. Next? Dark chocolate covered frozen Bananas coated in some chopped nuts were pulled from the bag, wrapped on a cloth and placed on the table. The next ones were mochi that came in two cloth wrappings, the first cloth being full of frozen strawberry, the next full of frozen musk melon. After that? Some kuwara senbei, frozen dark chocolate coated dragon fruit balls, and a moist upside down pear cake that had been made in a skillet, so it wasn't all that tall or big, nor did it have any frosting. It looked like the perfect setting... maybe he could lure someone over to eat with if he put out multiple cups? So that's what Omaras started to do.