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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Posts : 492
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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 7th July 2018, 7:01 pm

    The day as warm and Haraka had just returned from his room with some basic cooking supplies. The day was young, he had gotten off work a half an hour ago, and he was ready to relax. It seemed like the perfect day to test a table he had made recently. The first time he tried to make a glass table, it had taken a lot of time to plan it out. The portions were thinner than the wood tables he had made in the past, but that was due to the nature of the type of glass he had made. This was how he ended up walking not too far from the guild to one of the many spots full of plant life. There he put down his bag and what looked like a thick glass suitcase. The 'suitcase was gently addressed, fabric straps being untied before he could begin to unfold the object. It became a small four panel table, enough space to hold a small gathering of snacks and people... if they didn't mind a low table that doesn't use chairs. The grass would be good cushioning to sit on, so everything was okay. The table had a water pattern, waves of the ocean carrying flowers. The first panel had tulipa tarda, the second panel had lavenders, the third had Chrysanthemums, the final one had shimobashira flowers. The table legs were tall enough that the half demon could tuck his folded legs under a portion of the low table.

    Next step was the bag. He opened the bag, pulling out a jar full of cider that was made a few days ago by himself, the spices still sitting inside. Sometimes it was amazing to be able to use things a few days after they were made, especially when he first made it. A heater was removed from the bag as well as a kettle. He lit the ancient design of a portable heater before placing the kettle on top, then slowly pouring and filtering the ciders contents. With all the liquid in the sizeable kettle, he put the remainder away to be used for something non food related later, or thrown away. Next? Dark chocolate covered frozen Bananas coated in some chopped nuts were pulled from the bag, wrapped on a cloth and placed on the table. The next ones were mochi that came in two cloth wrappings, the first cloth being full of frozen strawberry, the next full of frozen musk melon. After that? Some kuwara senbei, frozen dark chocolate coated dragon fruit balls, and a moist upside down pear cake that had been made in a skillet, so it wasn't all that tall or big, nor did it have any frosting. It looked like the perfect setting... maybe he could lure someone over to eat with if he put out multiple cups? So that's what Omaras started to do.


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 8th July 2018, 4:19 pm

    Working for a company like guild was a little weird. The environment was slightly different as things were focused on business, customers, clients… it was all a different take on the guild system of Fiore. Instead of a guild building, which felt more personal and intimate, they had a large office building. Their guild members were workers and office employees rather than guildmates. Modernization at its finest, perhaps, but it was just all too new. Exploring around the office, the area was filled with trade, ships, docks, and various other businesses. Further beyond, one Jaeger would imagine there would be residential, smaller shops, and such homely based foundations.

    Back at the office, Jaeger was given the duty of protection for shipments and some basic inventory as product came off ships. He was a low employee, needing to work his way up the guild and business. The man would need to make some waves, do his job well, and start meeting some of the other named members. The mage would need to be productive instead of his usual laid-back self, had to save that for his time off from jobs or general work around Tolgalen. Speaking of, it was getting to be about that time to call it a day. He put in some work for the West Fiore Trading Company, soon, he’ll have to start taking on jobs outside of the island to help safeguard product and such.

    With the time reaching to mid afternoon, food was the next objective. Once food was procured, lounging may commence! Jaeger could ponder on his new life, all the new people in his life, and just how he’ll go about forging a future…. Or he could nap and dream of another reality, who could tell which would happen. But for now, the man must recharge himself with some treats and drink. He merged into the ground, went and clocked out, or did whatever he needed to do, and then started shifting around for refreshments. On his way out of the main building, he noticed another man about to have some food an beverage. This gentleman had long black hair, bluish skin tone, and a great looking able.

    Jaeger scooted himself up to the table, looking everything over. Of course, it’d be rude to just take something without permission. He maybe a little devious, but he’s no barbarian! The young fellow moved and shifted various plates around on the table, setting it as if he were expecting guests.

    “Excuse me, are you expecting anyone? These decorated fruit corpses look delicious.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -
    Remaining MP: 200MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 426 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Experience : 494,070

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 14th July 2018, 6:37 pm

    Haraka looked at the new face that walked over with his deep sapphire blue irises, giving a gentle smile. His plan had worked, one person has already arrived. His voice rolled out of his full lips as soft and gentle as ever, "I'm not expecting anyone, please sit. My name is Haraka Omaras, please help yourself. The cider shouldn't take too long to heat up." Part of him wanted to make small blankets to sit on so he could take off his shoes. It would be perfect with the low table, but then his feet would be closer to being bare around a stranger. Did he really want to shed away clothing for the sake of comfort at the sacrifice of his decency?
    No, of course not, especially when there was no decent reason to.
    One thing his grandmother told him when he was young was definitely to only bare your nude feet around a betrothed, or family members. Part of him said that was stupid and old fashion, the other part just scolded the hell out of him for dare thinking of doing something like that. Wasn't he already far too eager to bare flesh for swimming as it was? Thus one side won over the other, the shoes would remain.
    "All of the ingredients were created with love in a very literal sense, I am connected to the spirits of a lot of plant spirits who are all too eager to create plant corpses for my use. You wont find any tastier fruit." But maybe they minded the talk of spirits? This person was a stranger, he didn't know what kind of talk was acceptable.

    While Yona wasn't the norm, he still shouldn't expect others to understand what he means. What if the stranger thinks he's getting religious over food? It felt silly, but it was better to be safe than sorry. "That was just my way of saying these snacks are high quality." Though they were also all cold too, but he didn't need to say that. Should he explain the snacks? It might be good. He looked down at the foods, mood still pleasant. This might be a nice way to meet someone, by sharing food that he loved.
    "The green tinged mochi has musk melon inside, the white mochi has strawberry inside. The cracker looking item is kawara senbei, and the dark chocolate balls are full of frozen dragon fruit flesh." The banana explained itself, it wasn't in a shape that made it hard to tell it was a banana, nor was it coated in anything that made it difficult to tell. Mochi made it hard to tell what's in the middle of something, as did being cut in a shape the fruit doesn't come in. As for the senbei? Not everyone even eats senbei, let alone can tell a pile of them on a plate when they see it.
    "I'm glad this glass came out so sturdy, this is very nice... What should I make next?" This last line however was spoken a bit extra quiet, to himself more than anyone else. It was fun to meet new people, to see if they would enjoy chatting, or eating... but it was also fun to be able to create something new, a little exciting even. It almost felt like creating a new life, but that was silly.


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 2nd August 2018, 11:35 am

    Food invitation success! Jaeger shifted closer and sat down, sort of. He was sitting with his legs crossed, but kept himself merged. Where the ground met his legs, it looked like strands and fibers were stretched out to his white suit. The finely crafted wood and glass table sat low to the ground, which helped to keep himself fused to the earth, stone, and grass below. On the glorious designed top sat delicious looking foods and beverages. Chocolate covered bananas, a kettle with some spiced liquid inside, balls of what looked to be some sort of dough, but he was unfamiliar with it. This guy was prepared for a proper sweet toothed lunch and he wasn’t expecting anyone in particular! So an invite was given to Jaege to have the seat and join him for this lunch.

    “Thank you., I am… Jaeger.”

    It was nice of Haraka to do something like this. Not only was a decent thing to do, it was a good way to bond with co-workers. However, there was something… weird about it. The blue skinned man was pretty nice and polite, maybe even a little overly so. But it was the hippie vibe that got him. Jaeger himself was all about nature. His magic, the balance of good and evil morality in nature, but this seemed to go further into talking with plantlife and such. Should he bring it up? Ask about what he and the plants talk about? Though those questions surely would make it awkward or as if he were poking fun at it. That wasn’t intent… not entirely anyway. As a plant user, he is connected, but his talents are fairly broad.

    “Well, everything so far looks delicious.”

    The mage then picked up a piece of the White Mochi. The ricey white paste was covering a strawberry, very tasty indeed. However, one shouldn’t start their meals off with desserts! One must always have a main dish before desserts. The treats were nice, but only as a reward for finishing their dinners, right? Jaeger sniffed around, to see what his average nose could take in. To see if anything stood out against the seafood and ocean waters that would get his mouth watering. Moments passed… and nothing. They were not close enough to all the restaurants and such to smell their food and the sea is just too strong.

    “How about some grilled fish? Seems like it could be a nice savory meal before or after such great treats.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -
    Remaining MP: 200MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 415 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 494,070

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 5th August 2018, 6:37 pm

    "It's nice to meet you Jaeger." The half demon spoke, glancing briefly at the drink. He doubted the cider was fully warmed up, it had only been a few moments. It was nice to see the stranger start to settle down, bringing a smile to his face. Now, what should he start on first? Maybe the kawara senbei? The cookie like items had an adorable designs, or as adorable as sweets designed after tiles could be anyway. His fingers hovered over them before gently picking one up.
    "Thank you. Honestly work in the hospital wore me out, so everything here I did make, but not this afternoon. Every ingredient used was created and worked on the time the item was made." He smelled the senbei before taking a bite. It still tasted incredibly fresh, all it needed was the special warmth freshly made had. This was something re heating wouldn't be able to achieve, but it didn't make it any less satisfying to bite into. This would be perfect with the cider, as soon as the liquid was finished heating up. Grilled fish? Haraka was a bit surprised by the suggestion, fish? Ah... but it did make sense. A savory meal before sweets, it sounded like a full meal. Well, this was fine.
    The young looking old man shouldn't just rely on the work he did on other days to be the only thing needed in a meal when it's more than himself. Where he just wanted something quick and easy, Jaeger was right. The quick and easy method wasn't a full meal. Still, he doesn't have fish or meats on hand. What could he do? Well, he did have a clay pot in his bag, and another heater.

    "I don't have meat, but I think it would be okay to cook something fast, filling, delicious, and savory. The full fold out glass table has proven itself sturdy, a little more weight wont harm it. I've succeed in perfect white root glass." He looked over at his bag, opening it to grab out another heater and fuel for it. The heater was placed on a free space on the table next to the cider. He lit it up then reached back in the bag again, pulling out a sizeable lidded clay pot.
    "What sounds better for lunch, a vegetable stew, noodles, or potato pancakes? Unfortunately the closest to having fish at this table is myself." Though he wasn't even a fish, was he? Either way the clay pot went onto the heater, some clean clear water and a little blue salt going inside before the lid was put back on. No matter what was cooked, the water would still need to heat up. "I'm half crustacean, giant deep sea mantis shrimp demon to be exact."
    He didn't apologize for it, nor did he see it as something to be embarrassed about. It was part of who he was, something he prided himself in. Why? It was the ocean waters that flowed in his veins and made up the majority of his magic. Sure, technically it had a head start over the other half due to old soul issues... But Omaras preferred it that way.


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 16th August 2018, 7:14 am

    There were options for lunch, though nothing really meaty. On him at this moment, he could make vegetable stew, noodles, or… potato pancakes? That last one was an odd choice. Jaeger, in all his time alive, has never come across potato pancakes. What were they he thought. Were they just normal pancakes made from potatoes, or maybe it was just some potato dish that got called pancakes based on what it looks like. Additional information pylons were required and by that, more questions needed asked. However, before he could utter out his quiz, Haraka spoke again on his very nature. A shrimp… mantis.. .demon thing. Staying in thought, he looked down to the newly prepped heater and hen up to Haraka.


    He said before looking to the heater and back to the blue skinned man a few more times. In all honesty, Jaeger wouldn’t just fry up some random fish person on the street, or at least not an ally. That would just be rude and in poor taste! He was much more of a gentleman than that. Though, if the fishman is an enemy, all bets are off! The nature man would defeat the enemy, fillet the meat and start cooking over an open fire. Who wouldn’t, right? Fresh fish without having to go fishing.

    “That certainly is a unique species of fish…. And demon.

    I’ll go with some Vegetable stew, if you would. Thank you.”

    Jaeger nodded to himself over his choice of lunch. So far, the encounter with his Haraka was going well. Though, he expected more people to join as this was just set up outside the office. It’s a pretty high traffic area, though on the other hand, it did sort of seem like a private little thing as it was just the two. Jaeger could see why others might not want to just interrupt a possible private event.

    “So, Haraka, how long have you been with the company? Got any tips for this weird newbie on the job? I’ve really only just started here at the West Fiore Trading Company.”

    The young man stated and asked in wondering how another made their way in this business. Jaeger just wasn’t quite used to a guild being so… trade and business focused. Most of them, if not the standard, are a group of people under one roof doing job requests and such. Okay, it wasn't all that different but not exactly the same.
    “How about some grilled fish? Seems like it could be a nice savory meal before or after such great treats.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -
    Remaining MP: 200MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 408 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
    Position : None
    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 494,070

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 17th August 2018, 9:51 pm

    "Mantis shrimp are a type of crustacean, not fish. Also they are only shrimp in name." The half blood did say he was the closest thing to fish there, not that he was a fish. Then again, many didn't really know much about the ocean waters. He was glad that the man thought about his choice in food, At least they would know it was fresh. "My species of demon may seem unique, but full blooded ones do exist in hell." That sounded bad, but reality was reality. In any case, it was time to start working on the stew? A cutting table wasn't brought out, but he did create a few small fabric cloths. Why? Well, why dirty a cutting board or knife when he had perfectly good talons? First? He opened the pot, creating the essence of some of the herbs he wanted as a broth base. Garlic, a little olive, onion, get a lot of tomato essence, a tiny bit of thyme, basil, oregano, then he made a peppercorn, crushing it into a powder using his talon like nails. The half dragon did that with a few more peppercorns until making some celery seeds than grabbing a spoon out of his bag. It was used to mix the reddened seasoned water before taken out and the lid was shut again.

    The first things made than minced was ginger, celery, and onion. After that the shittake mushroom, carrot, and tomatoes were chopped. Potato and eggplant were both skinned then chopped. The minced items and the mushroom were added into the clay pot whoms water was already prepared and awaiting. After those cooked a bit he would add more. Eggplant had the lowest cooking time, so it would definitely go in last. "There we go, the first few steps of a stew is complete. In just a few minutes I will add more of the ingredients." Now, what was he asked before? Yes, how long had he been working for the company. That was at least something he had no issue with answering. He was open enough about things that he doubted many would notice he had things he wasn't open about. Then again, the openness he currently had was in part due to his first mission with Johann. After that? It made it easier to open with others. "Some months, so not exactly the newest or oldest member of the west fiore trading company. I joined because... despite being born with magic? Until a few months before joining, I never actually used it."

    How to explain this without sounding paranoid? Well, it couldn't be paranoid if it was true. What he wanted to say were life events, not flights of fancy. Ah... asking for fish again? The agitation lead to her female form slipping through. She decided to just ignore it, there was no fish. No, she could do one better, but after the first topic was finished. "I used to think that if I would, the darkness I was running from would find me faster. The want to stop running and to be able to survive if that darkness is still alive and still searching was why I joined... But that took time to fully admit to myself." Haraka had let herself run for so long that it felt like she was still picking up the pieces that were left behind. The half demons mind was a real mess, wasn't it? But at least not as big of a mess as before joining. She was still pretty new to using magic, wasn't she? But there were people that have done better in shorter time. The young looking old woman was far too aged to be praising herself. "Jaeger, I promise to grill fish if you get one." Because Omaras wasn't getting one. She had already spoken just how fish-less this table was!

    Tips? Was she experienced enough to give a newcomer tips? "Work with others on missions, even when you don't need to. It's a good way to bond and learn." That was the only that the mixblood had to offer. Why was she the one answering all the only one answering questions anyway? It was about time she asked some. "Why did you call yourself weird? Why don't you tell me a little about yourself. What lead you to joining the guild? I promise not to judge, lost that privilege after enough times of running away and crawling over corpses... and under... climbing the- well, just feel free to share anything. Let's get to know each other as fellow workers trying to relax a bit on a busy day."


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 28th August 2018, 7:43 am

    Fish, crustacean, octopus, prostitutes…. it’s all the same from the smell to the feel. Jaeger wasn’t the most attentive to the differences of some creatures from the sea. It just mattered how they tasted once grilled and cooked, the food part, not those that do the dirty dirty for jewels. Though, his newly met coworker mentioned there were plenty more of full blooded ones in hell. A very likely and true statement, while Jaeger hadn’t explored the entity of that realm and hadn’t seen any, but he could very easily believe this. There were so many different sides of hell that had hundreds upon thousands of different creatures and beings.

    After making the distinction to the blonde weirdo, Haraka began to go through his ingredients and started prepping the stew. From garlic to mushrooms, it was all worked on and either tossed into the boiling pot or set aside for a later step. Next, the shrimp answered how long he has been with the company and why he joined. New to magic and on the run from some darkness, the will to survive and weather the storm it might bring. Not a bad way to go, Jaeger could assume that joining a guild could also be useful for that and learning how to use your magic.

    “You know, sometimes embracing the darkness that chases us could be uplifting. Sometimes, it could help bring out your true self. Though I guess it depends on what the darkness is that searches for you.”

    FISH! The man stated that he would grill a fish specifically for him if Jaeger were to go out and get one. A challenge was given to the nature mage. It would be… easy-ish for him to do! The only challenge would be to actually catch one, they can be some slippery buggers. However, before he could just bolt and get one, his pal asked him to speak of himself. Why was he weird and what lead him to the guild.

    “Well Haraka, it’s a great tale! I’ve been around the world, i’ve been in a guild destroyed by beings of another plain of existence to one that just up and vanished from the world. The last one trapped me in hell for a bit, torture and what have you. They finally allowed me to be release…. But when they did, placed me in some crate.

    That crate was shipped here… full of wine. I exploded from the crate only to find this island and one of the higher ups, Sol. I needed some work, so I joined up.

    …. Now to get that fish!”

    Jaeger explained and rushed away. His body was still merged, from Harakas angle, it’d probably look like he was stretching out of the dirt and stone. The suited man bolted for the water, going right over the edge of the docks and unmerging from any material he had previously melded to. He was gone for 10… 20… 40 minutes before he came back up with a few sizable pollock fish, his favorite kind. The man walked right back over to Haraka, soaking wet, and held up his catch of the day.

    “Will these do?”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -
    Remaining MP: 200MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 530 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 494,070

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 30th August 2018, 7:30 pm

    Embracing the darkness? That would be considered if Jaegar hadn't suggested that specific darkness. Instead? She couldn't take him seriously, giggling herself into changing back into the gentler male side. It seemed like he tried to say things, but it mostly came out as garbled laughter. By the time the male had managed to quiet the amusement, the blond had already fled to fetch a fish. "I'll just apologize and explain once he gets back." The mixed blood quietly said to himself in his normal gentle voice. What Omaras hadn't expected was the length it took for the other to return. By that point, the stew was fully prepared, every seasoning and ingredient created, cut, and added. It was all cooked. The cooking tools had clay  items put over the heaters so the cider and stew would remain heated, but not over cook. It was a reminder how bad some people were with catching sea food, but at least it was a decent quality of fish. Haraka moved the stew over off of one of the heaters, placing it on a thick clay plate. The mixed blood hadn't thought he would be taken seriously, but a deal was a deal. "You know as much about the ocean as a fish does about the land." That comment would likely be lost on this person, as they couldn't tell the difference between a crab and a fish. Still... An ice blue hand reached into a large white bag, pulling out a pan for frying.

    Taking one of the fabrics left over from making the stew before, the doctor started using his shimmering talons to skin and clean the fish. It was easy to remove the head, fins, and skin. Getting the bones and unwanted parts out was also just as easy, leaving only the large portion of meat. "You did a good job, even if it took you a long time. I will cook it finely... though still a bit surprised you actually ran off to get a fish." Who does that when met by a remark that was meant to be sarcastic? Apparently the person that kept asking for fish. Was that just something they really wanted? he removed the clay item from around the heating tool in two pieces, allowing the item to heat back up to a cooking heat. After that? He held a hand over the pan, getting some essence of olives and garlic before putting slices of the pollock onto the pan. The pan quickly filled with fish meat, barely fitting it all within its limits in size. Taking out a bottle, he added a tiny bit of soy sauce into the pan before making and adding a little orange essence. It's more common to use lemon, but he thought this would be just as good and help keep the food in a flavoring in some sort of theme. It wouldn't take long to cook the fish at least, and he had made sure what he used to cook it with wouldn't overwhelm the meats flavor. "I'm sorry for laughing before. I know you didn't mean to suggest I embrace a group that wants a lot of pain or  death to befall me."

    He kept his eye on the fish, moving the pan at certain times to make sure everything would cook evenly. How should he put this? "I've seen enough to know that there is a darkness in our world that is like the ocean. There are different depths, each layer harder and harsher than the last." Dark blue irises briefly fell on the person. Was this too dark? But he wasn't going to take any of it back. "But the light of the land is just as steady and undeniable, even if a lot vanishes in certain times.. only to have new lands appear." But he supposed light was that was as well. Things that were once seen as steady symbols of peace, light, and hope would always fall eventually. This didn't mean there would not be new lights, for there was always a light. "I never want to fall fully submerged into the darkness though, even if I know it will always be there. The shades of grey are already tricky enough. There's no confidence in me when it comes to swimming in the darkness without drowning to become something different." That different wouldn't be him, but the faces of his family that the young looking man had fought so hard to not be like. He started flipping the sizeable pieces of fish meat with his aquamarine blue talons. "I never want to become my family." There was a pause, eyes going back from the food to the person.

    "Jaeger... You got here a very strange way. At least you're alive, but that's still strange. Do you miss your old life?"


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 18th September 2018, 6:15 am

    Gender Bender! What a great ability…. Just think of all the fun and… fun] situations you could have with such a talent. So many pranks could be had with such a skill, become a woman, catfish some poor soul and then change back into a dude at the last second. While a twisted way of living, it could provide some very entertaining scenarios. However, Jaeger didn’t fully notice the change before just taking off to the ocean. Once back, the fish man apologized for laughing and such about his own darkness.

    “They’re a lot less likely to kill you if you join them, if its an option. Can’t beat them, join them, as they say.”

    Of course Jaeger didn’t know what darkness he ran from, what was in it and why they wanted him dead. He recognized the broadness of such a statement, but it could always work to get them off your back until you can destroy it from within. As he thought about this point, he began to get a bowl of the vegetable stew prepared. He planned to put the fish in it one that was ready as well.

    “Darkness and Light are a very fickle things and a lot of it depends on your own perspective and your own morality. Generally speaking though, I find it you always want to be in a gray area. Too much either way and you just drown in imbalance. You can never get rid of the darkness or light, one cannot exist without the other. The trick is finding harmony with both within your own life as nothing is really ever so Black and White as people like to make it out to be.”

    Vision went from the blue skinned demon to the pollock being cooked on the portable stove unit. Jaegers mouth watered from the smell of it cooking. For him, it was the best fish to eat, from its taste to it smell, nothing about a pollock was overpowering. The mage looked forward to cutting the fish up into chunks and putting them into the stew. However, that thought was cut short when Haraka mentioned that the darkness he spoke of was family. Family can be such a fickle thing, you can’t choose who you are related to through blood but you can pick who you consider family. Though he never had his own family ramp up to the point of trying to kill him, Jaeger didn’t have such a fun blood relation either.

    “I get ya about family, you never get to be the one to pick who you are born into. Mine threw me away to be raised by monks when I was an infant. The monks were fair people, but they weren’t parents. In my old Life, I had a son that had ran away. His Mother? She could have been family… but she ran off with another man. I ended up having to get rid of our house we would have used to raise the kid.

    My old life was… interesting, but I don’t miss it to be honest. There’s nothing left for me in it.

    As for being alive…. Well…. Depends on what you mean by life.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
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    Post Word Count: 538 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 28th September 2018, 12:04 pm

    For a few minutes, Haraka gave Jaeger a blank expression. He was a little flabbergasted that someone that sounded like they knew anything would be stupid enough to suggest that. He already knew what would happen if he tried join them, it was very clear what would happen. But it stopped as soon as the young looking man realized that this person probably didn't realize that the fellow coworker wasn't stretching the truth. Sadly, there were many people who did that very thing. This wasn't even a recently birthed phenomenon! Thousands of years ago, his mother Fennos ended up giving some people placebos when there was nothing wrong so the person would stop acting like their world was about to end. What should he do about this nonsensical talk then? The ice blue skinned man thought, moving the bare fish meat around the pan. The man had promised to cook and prepare the fish if they got it, that's all he needed to do. So, should he? Yes, that would be the best way to keep the fishes flavor peaked. Fry it in the clay pan, then add it to the stew after. "Jaegar, I can assure you that your ideas of me joining the people who want my death or suffering is a horrible one. Repeating a suggestion to join them wont make it suddenly not a horrible idea." Yes, lets get that idea out of the window. He used his talons to safely move the meat around to make sure each peace would be evenly cooked. Yes, destroying a group from within sounded like a wonderful idea. This was only a good idea if you were not well known in that group, he would have to look, sound, and, and feel like a wholly different person.

    He had been hunted more than long enough for him to be sure that if they still existed, they definitely knew basic information on the mixed blood. Dark and light was fickle? "I think part of the cause of ones own internal balance isn't too much of light or dark, but how they handle it." The fish meat seemed perfectly cooked, so he lifted the clay pan from the heat. The fluid from the fish meat would add a good touch to the stew. With the movement of some talons, the half dragon started cutting the fish meat into finer pieces. "I can see why you would call light thinks like fickle and subjective. I've seen many innocent adults, children, and infants murdered in the name of good though my life. Why were they seemed evil? It depends on the time in history and location. Sometimes it was religious beliefs in the family, or the culture the person came from, and even race. Calling it blind murder to those who strongly call those groups as evil or wrong could easily earn you death. Suggesting to not kill them in a gentle way could also earn scoffing or remarks on being either a sympathizer, or naive to believe such." Certainly, there are people who very strongly believe that their own ideals are the absolute at everywhere for everyone. Still... "But those opinions wont change that they were innocent people killed. While beliefs on whats moral can be fickle, I feel that it doesn't change some truths about the light and dark." With the fish meat all fully cut, he opened the stew pot back up.

    Taking  a wooden spoon, he carefully started to pour and fold the fish meat into the stew. Yes, keep all the ingredients in tact, don't break anything, just mix it all and let the flavors get to know the fish for a little bit. Yes, this would definitely be fine savory food to have before anything sweet. All of this was honestly more work than the mix blood had wanted to put in cooking right at that time, but it probably wasn't all that hard to push Omaras to work hard even while feeling worn out. "I feel that certain things will always be good or bad, but I do realize it's only an opinion. But... I remember watching my adoptive mother with amazement as she treated patients." He turned the heaters off, stuffing the now empty pan into his bag. It was doomed to return home where he would clean it than put the object away. "Kings and nobles both brought offerings to her as if she were a goddess to be pleased, but she never let anyone buy her. In her time of life, she was the greatest doctor and a moral one who would treat anyone of any rank, regardless of money or lack there of. She had a foul temper, was littered in scars, and would beat anyone up that got in her way." His mother, that wild strong willed woman that argued with a giant ice dragon about child rearing. Thinking about it brought a smile to his lips. Though that smile died when Jaeger started talking about family and their old life. Well, he had asked, this person had answered very honestly.

    It was a reminder that he had been lucky to end up with many family figures in the first years of his life. How should he respond? Maybe with the truth. "The woman who gave birth probably didn't even notice she was with child. It was the woman that became my grandmother that cleaned me up, the cord broken by the cold and her steps. My fire spirit kept me warm until a woman found me that I grew up calling my grandmother. My birth parents were among the people that killed most of the population of my home country before it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Despite that? Genetically, they aren't my parents. That country had a spell on it that allowed those born in it to be blessed to a certain degree with the blood of one of the gods of our country. Occasionally that god or goddess was even reborn, even our one goddess who removed her godhood... because people refused to stop believing in her, as she was the one god that had sacrificed for others well beings. Depending on how strong my blessing is? Genetically, I am probably akin to being like a child of hers. The family I don't want to be like was her family, who was also my grandmothers family. Old world ice dragons who had very old and stale beliefs, their out of date way of thinking, blind hate, and inability to even make an attempt to understand other sides... That's what I meant when I said I never want to be like my family. I don't understand how it must have felt for you to grow without a family, or to make one only to loose it yourself... If you want to share, that's okay."

    Haraka opened the pot of stew. It should be enough time for the ingredients to have gotten to know each other well enough. "If you don't, then that's okay too. As you've already said, that was your last life. Right now you are here at the west fiore trading company with a weird half dragon waiting for you to serve yourself some stew."


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 9th October 2018, 7:08 am

    The debate of the century! Questions of morality and how it is in the world. They each had their views and on some points they shared a similar opinion. People need to find and handle a balance in their life, though Haraka said it in a different manner. However, they differed after that. Jaeger was more of the mind that everything is up to the person and/or group while his co-worker thought there to be a definitive authority or rules on morality. One could suppose he has a point, wonton murder on some random child or mother could be heavily uncalled for. This is the point it gets weird as there really isn’t some governing force to definitively say this is good and this is bad.

    “Well, you have a point at the deaths of children and such, those could definitely be seen as a horrible thing and bad in morality. Still, there really isn’t a god or force or some other natural set of rules to what is good and bad. It’s a concept and guide set up by a group of people that then form villages, governments, countries, ect.”

    Jaeger watched the fish being cooked, his mouth salivating with the smell of it sizzling in the pan. The blue one used his talons to move everything and skilly divide the fish into separate pieces. Before long, the stew pot was opened once again. The aroma of the stew filled a small area around them. The steam rising and carrying the smell of it to the noses to the random fodder that walked around the work building. The next point of their conversation came after the nature mage explained a bit of his old life to him and it was dwarfed by Harakas story. After hearing it, it made more sense on how joining this group was a terrible idea.

    “Yup… you have me there. I can see why my idea would be terrible. Looks like you had a pretty tough time, growing up with people like that, it’s surprising you didn’t end up like the rest of them. It’s best to have that influence that kept you from all that mess.

    My life wasn’t as bad, the Monks at the temple were good and did what they could for all the orphans they took care of. And when everything is said and done, all you can do is take it one day at a time.

    Here’s to new beginning and living our lives with freedom to be who we want.”>

    Jaeger replied, picking up a glass of cider and giving small toast to the blue skinned coworker. Afterwards, he reached down and began to fill a bowl with the vegetable and pollack stew. It smelled wonderful and hopefully it tasted as such. The mage picked up one of the set utensils, dipped it into the and pulled out a bit of the food. The steam rose from the liquid, its flavor filling the air even more now that it wasn’t locked away in the cooking implement.


    His noise was pretty audible, it was very good and full of different flavors.

    “This is delicious, thanks for making lunch. Kind of sucks that no one else stopped by for it.”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
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    Post Word Count: 544 Words.
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 30th October 2018, 10:49 pm

    Haraka let out a sigh before starting to pour himself some of the warm apple cider. Was there really not a natural good force? ...No, there was. He had felt it before anything else in this world. At a time when the man was a baby, it was forces of nature that willingly saved him. It was natural that helped him live until his grandmother found him. "If that was true, I wouldn't be alive. While most forms of nature are neutral beings that don't know much outside of survival, that's not the roots of nature. The forces behind life or death, some of those forces include elemental spirits. I have known a fire elemental since I was a newborn, she kept me warm in the snow until someone found me. She didn't need to do that, she had no master at the time, nor any want for one at the time due to her past. My own mother hadn't even noticed I was born, but the forces of nature had... Before I was old enough to walk? I was learning about medicines, because I wanted to. I always felt drawn towards medicine, the thoughts of being able to make someone that can help others are some of my earliest." Of course this is something he knew was unusual, just now how much or why. Nature only shows that sort of love to special people, but a newborn is rarely the case. or those it was, those people were either going to grow up into something amazing, or they were a piece of nature. The issue with the first option was that Omaras grew up thousands of years ago. If it was a prophecy of greatness, than the man would already have been a well known figure at some point.

    Did he have qualities of the second category? The issue was, not all forces of nature were in spirit form. There were forces just as raw that had forms of flesh that would return to the world each time their deaths came. They got a better treatment by the forces normally simply because... those people were part of those forces. But of course Haraka wasn't thinking about any of that, nor did he know any of it. What he did know was that it felt like there were some solid good and bad, positive and negative, it wasn't just a chaos knocked into order. The half demon smelled the spiced cider in the cup, the warm and layered flavor wafted in the scent. it was a pleasing thing to him. "How do you explain those things in your theory, Jaegar?" Ah... did he have a tough childhood? Yes, but part of him liked to imagine that it wasn't something so horrible that it would be permanently damaging. At the same time? There was a reason that he had avoided other dragons for so long. It still had its grasp on him to a degree, even after thousands of years. "I had my adoptive mother and others who loved me, so it wasn't that bad. I know how it feels like to be raised by a family, even if it wasn't a normal one. Doctor Fennos Omaras may not have been a wealthy woman, but she was a genius doctor in her time." He smiled a bit, thinking about her was always a way to warm up his heart a bit. "She was so amazing. I miss how she would worry, be watchful, make sure I ate, tuck me in, be protective to the point that it probably didn't help me get ready for what was going to happen but... She was a mom."

    Still, he liked that toast. It was enough to cause the half dragon to raise up his own glass a bit. "To new beginnings and living lives with the freedom to be who we want." It was nice to relax a bit. Haraka waited until the other finished serving them self, sipping the cider a bit as he did. "If you look around then you might understand why. They're too preoccupied to notice good food and a relaxing location so nearby. Modern life for some can be very busy" With that said, the young looking man started to serve himself, filling a bowl with stew. There was certainly enough stew left for more people to join in, but nobody had yet.


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) SnakeWeaver

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    Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open) Empty Re: Spiced Cider & Snacks(social/Open)

    Post by Nekros 24th November 2018, 7:02 am

    The fish man went on to explain a situation about a Fire Elemental saving him as a baby. There was no master, no one to force her to do anything, nothing. This didn’t really dispute his point of there was no natural deity or force that set up rules on what is good and evil. To Jaeger, it sounded more like this elemental made a personal choice on what she found to be good to her own moral compass. There wasn’t some force behind her, telling her to do it. Telling her if she didn’t help, she was an evil creature. No, just seems like a sentient being made a free choice to do something that helped a baby. However, this is how Haraka saw the world, and it was his choice and free will to do so.

    “I would say it’s a single being that made their own choice and did what THEY felt was right, not because some primal nature force of good told them to or guided them.”

    The shrimp man toasted with Jaeger, sharing the same sentiment. It was about time they lightened up the talk. It was healthy to have serious and deep conversations, but the undead man tried to steer clear of them. They could come with a lot of stress and unneeded argument if the people involved escalate to anger too quick.

    “I guess, they’re really missing out though. Life will pass them by as they do nothing but work, need to take a few moments to relax and just enjoy the surroundings. Poor saps.”

    The man took another bite of the food, it was really good. This could be bias as this is really the first home cooked like meal he’s had in ages, but so good. The mage would spend a good few minutes eating and delight in its flavor. For him, the previous conversation could end now. They both had their opinions and they’ve been talked. Though it really wasn’t a conversation to convince the other to view things another way, just sharing. To keep his food and beverage warm, he’d use his magic to just keep things to a warm temperature; it would be a shame if it all got cold before he could finish his bowl.

    “So, we’ve gotten to know each others past a bit. What sort of magic do you use?”

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
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    Remaining MP: 200MP
    Total MP: 200MP
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    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 395 Words.

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