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    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) Empty A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi)

    Post by Cirven 3rd August 2018, 12:58 pm

    Job Info and Sign Up:

    "This place never will sit right with me. I tried to destroy it and leave it burning and only ashes left but as you can tell it won't just disappear at all." The duo of reaper and devil had found themselves in a rather familiar setting again together. Both adults hated the destroyed facility in front of them but they had a reason to come back to it and would have done this earlier but they had to gain their adult forms back before doing it. They had to overcome the memories of their reformation into what Cor Torva wanted them to become that haunted them. "Demi, are you sure about this? We could lose ourselves to our pasts and I don't know if we will be the same after from being here." He knew what her response would be. She was not weak minded in any way and she would have the drive and focus to get through anything that faced them. Truth was he was not worried about her losing herself but himself. He had done so recently and had no control over himself. Instead he found their enemies and completely vaporized them without any sort of mercy or care about who they were. He did not want to do that to her but he knew he had to force himself to move forward. "I sound stupid, don't I?" He spoke out as he found a way into the heavily damaged structure and went inside of it.

    The path inside would lead them into the training room where he had fought the 'reborn' Korvin in a gelatinous state that he thought he killed but would later come back as herself. He shook his head and sighed while holding his eyes closed. He opened them to find that a sword was quickly moving towards him that he quickly dodged by ducking under it. The sword came down towards his lowered torso now but he managed to jump back just before it could hit him but the ground below him was not so lucky as it was smashed into chunks. "Come now, Trase. You must show me all of what you have learned." A older man stood holding a large sword in one of his hands. Cirven looked down around himself and could see that the room was no longer damaged or in ruin. "Shut up..." His voice spoke out and sounded like it was his kid self again. He didn't have any control as his body lunged forward and attacked the man who blocked each attack of the young devil's clawed hands with his blade but seemed to be overwhelmed by the string of attacks. "Is this the power that you possess, boy?" The older man quickly cut his blade through the air towards Cirven and connected with it cutting through his torso. Cirven could feel a cold liquid building over his clothes as he fell to one knee and then to the ground as a deep pain built over his torso. "You need more training, boy. That anger needs focus. It needs to be guided and channeled against your enemies. It should not be used as if you were some wild beast." The man spoke from above the younger boy. A sudden burst of anger and energy came to Cirven and he quickly jumped up from the ground and aimed his claw at the older man's neck but was blocked by the flat side of his large blade. The blade was cut off from where Cirven had hit but the man did not let it phase him and stabbed the now broken sword into the boy's chest, forcing it through him and quickly pulling it out. "That was good but not good enough." Cirven fell to the ground again feeling another deep pain before he faded out of consciousness.

    Cirven shook his head again as his mind was brought back to reality. The memory had left him standing in place for what felt like half an hour but it was really only a short few seconds. "I really dislike this place..." He mumbled out followed by a heavy sigh. He moved around the training and found a pod-like gelatinous object. He figured it was what Korvin somehow came out of after their fight against each other. "I thought I killed her then but she somehow was in some sort of pod to be revived that whole time..? I wonder what exactly that did to her?" He threw out questions that neither of them could answer as he looked over the pod. He then turned to look at her again and check up on her. "You have any flash backs being in here like I am?"



    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) Empty Re: A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi)

    Post by Yuiisai 14th August 2018, 2:05 pm

    Demi had remained silent the entire way to the canyon, she found herself wondering how could she have been so god damn stupid to want to come back to a place that gave them both so much pain and sorrow. It didn't matter in the end she was going to have to come back to this place eventually, it might have been destroyed but it still had answers to many of the questions she had. She was surprised at how Cirven had reacted when he seemingly found out about the course of action she intended to take, she expected him to stop her and quite frankly call her insane for what she was wanting to do. Then again they both knew it would be foolish and how much of a waste of time to try and talk anyone of their family out of their course of action when they had decided it. He had decided to come with her though she felt like she was being babied by her childhood training and job partner, she couldn't blame him she guessed. She had been taken away from Cor Torva many years ago, she also knew that Cirven was more perceptive than most, with how Ruvel had reacted when he seen her hanging by the tree when they were briefly in the facility it wouldn't be hard to tell it was Ruvel who took the punishments. She herself hadn't been taking as harsh life as she had due to the other being her training partner, add that with the fact that she was currently a summon then she could understand the concern, still didn't mean she needed to like it.

    The two quietly made their way through the secret paths of the canyon only known to those within family, she remembered just how deadly these paths were. She paused for a moment her eyes closed as the sand blew harshly towards her "Listen, I'm only telling you this once so you better memorise this if you don't want to end up dying, understood!" the one who was meant to be her care taker said to her, the white skinned youngster with white hair, skin and skin tight clothing nodded. "These are the only paths that family are permitted to use entering and leaving the canyon, to go against this you'll be classed as a failure and terminated." he said handing her a piece of paper, her blood ruby eyes looking away "Don't waste my time with that piece of paper, your thinking loud enough that the entire guild can hear most likely." she said with an annoyed tone her eyes turning on him a dark smile appearing on her face as she leaned in towards the man after hearing his newest thoughts "Oh dare try strike me... you'll be sorry because you'll be missing more than an arm." she lent back to be standing up straight a thoughtful look on her face as she tapped her bottom lip "I would say ask my last dozen or so carers but I don't think they've found the bodies yet." her voice was almost sinister and eerie as she spoke the last bit "And I get it's filled with traps and so our new training ground but you just told me where they all are and how to disarm them. Thanks for that." with that she walked out of the room heading into the canyon informing the others of what to expect.

    She snapped out of the memory and looked to him "Think the traps still work or did you destroy them the last time you visited home?" she asked him with a somewhat amused voice, it was true she could have just got the information straight from his mind but it was an understanding between her and her family, she would never take without asking from them. Her mental link was so they could continue to talk inside their rooms and to share information between themselves without others knowing; all be it now she was more than a little rusty as she wasn't allowed to speak mentally within the facility she met Ruvel. It wouldn't really matter as they walked through the secret passage ways avoiding the traps regardless. Soon they found themselves at the entrance of the ruins of their old home and she didn't know how exactly to feel, part of her was scared given what they went through, part of her was angry, another part wanted to vaporise it out of existence completely. Her eyes turned to Cirven as he spoke "Trase, the building might eventually crumble into nothing more than ash and dust but to us it will always be here, it's part of us and we keep the god forsaken place alive." she said to him with a calm tone but there was an uneasiness still heard in it, she hated this place with every breath she took, with every fibre of her existence but still there was nothing she could do not without wiping it off the face of the world before taking out her family, her summoner and lastly herself; this however was something she couldn't do regardless of how much she wanted to.

    On hearing his question about wither she was sure of this course of action, he was was right that they could lose themselves in the past. This worried worried the reaper as they would then become their weapons once more, something that neither wanted but at the same time they needed answers and this was the only way that they'd get them. "We have no choice but to risk it, we can defend ourselves and within reason so can Rui but this now affects an entire nation of people. We can't risk them Trase." she said calmly to the other, though lowered her head smirking a little at him "Don't tell me your time away from me has made you soft Trase; because the idiot kid I remember training with wouldn't be so weak of mind to believe anything could affect him." she turned looking to him her hand going to his cheek making sure they had eye contact so she could read him "We done that a lot when we were kids Trase, we never harmed each other to the point of serious harm... something instinctual prevented it. Don't worry about me, I might not be as strong as I once was at current but I can still kick your ass if you don't thinking like a scared child." she said hoping it was enough to get the doubt out of his head so he could focus. She followed him into the remains of their former home and nodded "More than a little, but it's understandable given what we went through here." she said stopping in the middle of the dark guild hall.

    She followed quickly and quietly listening to any steps that weren't of Cirven's as they walked towards the training rooms, it was eeirely quiet but she had expected as much from such a desolate and isolated building. "Korvin's life essence is here." she commented being a reaper she could sense such things but couldn't help shudder "Doesn't feel right though, it feels almost ripped apart, poisoned and stitched together with other things. It's a horrible essence to feel." she said walking towards one of the healing chambers. Her hand moving to the one that Cirven was most often placed in, she had no idea but a few stray tears fell from her eyes as she thought back. "What happened to him?!" she demanded fighting against two men clad in armour, behind her lay a trail of close to dead people. "I swear you better let me through or I'm going to kill you all and I will take pleasure in doing it!" she yelled out only stopping as she heard foot step coming from behind her "Let her through, she needs to see what happens with failure." a woman with a lab coat said pushing up her glasses the two men looking at the scientist in confusion "Did I stutter? Let her through and I'd say now because she won't hold back much longer." she calmly said watching as the guards stood aside letting the young Demi run into the hall almost tripping over her own feet as she went to the only chamber in use.

    The scientist followed her, watching Demi's actions with curiosity. Demi placed her hand by Cirven's cheek tears falling for the first time in her life. "Don't die Trase, fight to live... please... please fight for me." she begged softly in a whispered tone, her ruby eyes reflected in the glass before she closed them placing her head against the chamber her hand unmoving from where his cheek would have been. She had been so distracted that she hadn't even noticed the scientist was their watching her actions. Hearing Cirven speak to her once more her hand gently clenched on the glass. "Yeah, you could say that." her words would show she hadn't been paying attention to what he had said, she hated this place and most of the memories that came with it. There had only been a handful of instances that she didn't hate the place but even then that was because they had made it happen and they had been extremely short when they did take place. Moving around she seen what Cirven had and moved towards it hearing his words she touched it shaking her head. "No this was for something else, something that no longer calls this place home thankfully but it will need to be dealt with eventually that's for sure." she brought her hand back quickly it was clear she disliked the energy she felt from the thing.

    It was then something caught her eye and she moved towards it "Trase, do you remember ever seeing a symbol like this here?" she asked pointing to the glowing royal purple rune as she looked at it studying it. It wasn't like anything she had ever seen before and now wished she had asked Ruvel to join them, but she knew for a fact that they had no idea what they would face here and even back in his normal form he was still far to weak to handle some of the things that could be lurking here. "I think it's new but normally when we seen this part of the room we weren't exactly looking at the decor now were we." she chuckled a little remembering back to how often they had to get dragged there after sparring. Scientists would keep an eye on them but they could still talk to each other without worry and had no need to worry about being hurt or some stupid test being done on them while they where inside the healing chambers, to do so could have ended in their deaths. She had to wonder how many died before they figured that one out, regardless those days were at an end thankfully.

    Word Count: 1'841


    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) 59882_s

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) Empty Re: A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi)

    Post by Cirven 16th August 2018, 1:31 pm

    The duo looked over the surrounding room and anything nearby to them. The devil was not the type to like the investigation side of things. He liked action over everything but knew that this part was needed in order to make the action part more in their favor. It did not help that the place they were in swarmed his mind with memory after memory of his past that he had recently remembered. It was like his life would forever be shaped by the past that he would rather forget besides a few chunks of it. There were too many situations where he wanted to just end it himself back then but couldn't because something kept him going. The woman he was with was one of those reasons. They had so much in common with being brought into a world they would have avoided as children. A life filled with being pretty much a puppet to those around them. Multiple trained killers in the disguise of children was all that they really were back then. He shook his head and brought himself back to reality from his mind sticking onto his past after hearing Demi's voice. "Wh-what?" He spoke out realizing that he was staring off into a hallway of the rundown facility. "A symbol?" He moved to her and looked at what she was talking about. It wasn't something he completely recognized. He had slight flashes of a symbol in his mind from the times when he was brought to the clinic area of the facility but they only amounted to bits and pieces that could not confirm anything. "Yeah, like you were saying, I rarely was able to remember anything when I was brought in here besides that my body was pretty much broken or breaking on me." He smirked at her. "I never got to see what was there clearly. For all I know it could have changed fifty times but to me it was the same mash up of blurred colors and designs."

    His gaze dropped from the symbol and onto her as he smirked at her again. He wanted her to return the smirk somehow but was not going to verbally ask for it. He looked away from her again and saw one of the glass healing containers that had long since been left dry of any liquid that it could have had in it. He slowly walked into the room as he stared at the broken machine. "I was in this one a lot, wasn't I? Being known as the failed experiment really did mean something, didn't it?" He spoke out once he stood in front of the machine and stared at it.

    Cirven felt his mind trail off a bit before a metallic blade flew the air towards him. He narrowly dodged it leaving the blade to stick into the nearby wall behind him. He was in the lightly lit streets of a city during the night and a man wielding two swords in each of his hands rushed towards him. The man quickly let out a flurry of attacks towards the much younger boy but found that his blades could not hit his target at all. "What the hell are you?! Why did you attack me?! Why did you have to kill her?!" The man yelled out as he attacked over and over. Cirven did not respond and only reacted through his actions. His training taught him that talking during a fight was wasted effort. It did nothing but create an opening that if you were strong enough, you would notice anyways. Speech was something the weak did to force openings in opponents and he was not taught to be weak. "Tell me!!" Multiple swords appeared around the young Cirven as the man continued his attack. These ghostly floating weapons attacked in unison with the man but the young devil was able to deftly dodge around them, even grabbing one of them out of the air and using it to deflect some attacks directed at him as he managed to back away. "I'm sorry but I can't let you live. I don't care if you are a child or not. I will have my revenge for her death!" The man exclaimed as a red magic circle appeared from over his hand and at the same time multiple magic circles of the same color formed all around Cirven. "Absolute Barrage." The man spoke out and removed his hand from in front of him, leaving the magic circle in front of him. He then quickly cut through the magic circle and at the same exact time a blade from each magic circle appeared around Cirven who tried to dodge the attack but the magic circles moved with him and allowed the attack to hit him cleanly. The man then attack the magic circle over and over again leaving the young Cirven to cry out in pain from each attack until finally dropping to the ground with little to no life left inside of him. The man approached the downed Cirven and spoke out. "I'm sorry bu-" Before the man could finish black electricity erupted out from Cirven's body and struck him causing him to spasm from it and pain to wrack his body. Cirven somehow pushed himself up from the ground and landed on the man's chest where he used the force of the impact of his body onto the man's to knock him onto the ground and pierce his claw-like right hand through the neck of the man. "Lure in those stronger than you and surprise them..." The bloodied and battered child spoke out as he pulled his claw out of the man's neck before falling to the side of the ground and losing consciousness from the pain he had suffered. His healing factor had not been able to kick in fast enough to heal him fast enough. "Idiotic boy...!" The older man who trained Cirven spoke out as he walked out of he shadows and took his body.

    Cirven would later wake up in the healing container now in front of him. "Anything else coming to your mind, Demi? I'm getting a lot of memories of things. Anything else you think we should check up on here?"



    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) Empty Re: A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi)

    Post by Yuiisai 16th September 2018, 12:49 pm

    She nodded to his words pointing to it, she felt like she had seen it before in the past but she couldn't put her finger on what it done exactly. This bothered to her no end but there wasn't exactly a lot she could do about it at current, all she could do was hope that she would remember in time but who knew if or when that would happen. "Do you Recognise it Trase?" she asked calmly her blood ruby eyes scanning over the ground, she couldn't put her finger on it but she felt at ill ease in this place even in its current condition. Sighing quietly she closed her eyes for a moment "I hate this place; but if we want answers this is the only place we will get them I would believe, but there are so many memories and very few of them are fond." she said holding her head as she felt a strange pressure in her head and it was anything but pleasant, she tried to push it to the side at least for the moment but it was hard. "Do you recognise it even a little? I do vaguely but I can't remember where I seen it or what it does and it's bugging me." she said honestly with a frustrated tone crossing her arms. She looked to the other with saddened and pain filled eyes.

    This place, were they believed they had been born, were they had been raised and tortured, turned into an elite team of tools that would be used like puppets by those who apparently had their best interests at heart. These days she could see through the veil of lies as if it wasn't there at all as now could all of their 'family'. They all wanted answers as to why they had been chosen, why out of everyone that had went through what they had why only they had survived when so many others had perished and why they had to be the ones to destroy the world. One question had been weighing on her mind since she was transferred to the gods facility. "Trase, what do you think would happen to us if we managed to do as they wanted us to and take out the old gods? Starting that apparent utopia run by puppet gods and goddesses?" she asked wondering if he to had ever thought of this, but then he had been classed as a failure, a reject, even a malfunctioning weapon that needed to be put down and destroyed this was of course after several attempts to fix the issues he seemed to have. No one in the family had ever seen him in such a manner, why would they though occasionally a hot head who couldn't keep his temper in check or ran into some situations without thinking, it had always been for the greater good of their group, it also came with punishments. She tried her best to keep him in check it normally worked but sometimes not even she could get through to him and knew during those times just to step to the side and let him get it out then try deal with the fall out.

    Hearing his answer she chuckled a little, she couldn't help it because she was one of the normal reasons he ended up in this place; that being said she ended up in this place just as often at his hands. Her eyes closed as she thought back briefly, she remembered feeling humiliated if she landed here by anyone else's hands, it had happened a few times before they realised her touch alone was enough to suck the life essence out of someone if she was irritated and so when she got angry they tended to take her down in some of the most brutal ways. Ways they normally only reserved for the one who had accompanied her on this task, after that the amount of safety protocols they put up like tying her down to her bed each evening started to become a thing. She hated that more than words could express, she wish she couldn't blame them for their idiotic fears but she did. It was almost like they believed that they would live forever if they kept her docile, yeah like that would ever happen she was only one child of death or had the fools that stolen her from her cradle forgot to spot her twin brother Oykai. It did however get her wondering why her family when coming to claim those who failed to pass the 'tests' and 'education' they were put through never thought to help one of their own. Her hand went to the back of her neck were her reaper charm sat her eyes opening "Perhaps I was separated from you so they couldn't tell..." she whispered to herself, to her it could be the only logical reason.

    Her blood ruby orbs turned towards Cirven as he spoke bringing down her hand "We were both here so very often for one reason or another Trase... it was the only time we ever got any decent rest." she commented to the other quietly almost as if she was afraid of being overheard by someone, she knew that they were alone but still this place was a place nightmares had nightmares. "For a failure you've got a stupidly high survival rate." she chuckled a little smiling "They built and trained us not to be taken down easily by anyone, you and I surpassed their expectations and they had no idea." she said quietly almost like they would be overheard by someone though she knew that was absurd as there was nothing dead or alive in this place but them thanks to what she was. "Yeah, to be classed as a failure meant death but even Lucian couldn't kill you and believe me he tried." she had never been a person of faith, even now knowing what she was she didn't believe in the higher powers but she remembered herself praying for death not to take him night after night. She also remembered swearing that no force in creation would stop her from taking revenge on the one who did claim him if he was taken from her, she still didn't understand why she felt so strongly for him back then she just knew that without him it would be more unbearable; whatever the reason was it seemed that death had listened and even through injuries that would normally kill someone within her 'family' he had managed to survive and for this she was always thankful. The death goddess had to wonder if he had ever prayed for death to end his suffering when she had threatened the destruction of the one who would have done it, that was a conversation for another time however; even then she was somewhat afraid of the answer and that was a new feeling for her but she had to guess it was because she didn't want to lose one of the few people close to her.

    She quietly watched as he seemed to go into a memory, this place seemed to do this to them a lot and she now just wanted to get out of here, but she would have to wait until he came out of his memory, to try and do it now would likely cause the two to fight out of instinct and that wouldn't be good for either of them, her more than him given that she was still weakened from being separated from her reaping weapon for so long. Hearing his voice she sighed shook her head "Just a lot of memories and questions I've never thought about in years. Lets get out of here Trase, nothing good comes from looking at the past but pain." she said as she taking his arm trying to smile but he would be able to clearly see though her facade. It was when she turned them and started to walk away the rune seemed to activate the room instantly filling in gas knocking them both out little did either know they were about to share a memory, their first job together.

    Word count: 1,374
    Total word count: 3,215


    A Walk In The Past (Job w/Demi) 59882_s

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:56 pm