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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara




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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Posts : 1798
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Experience : 3,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 27th July 2018, 5:55 am

    Job Details:



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 27th July 2018, 11:34 pm

    It was the usual mornings for Sara, the early sun rays shining directly in her face as a means to annoyingly wake her up from her blissful sleep. 'I should really start using my curtains a bit more often' she thought idly as she rubbed her eyes to get some of the sleep away. The usual routine started after that, get up and get dressed in her job clothing minus her coat, and brush her hair before making it in a rough ponytail. Tired eyes looked at the book on her night stand, it was a book that she had picked up in her stay at Oak Town, it was an old book about Lost Magic, she liked studying that certain category of magic, as most was used by one or two people , at least thatwere the people recorded in the book. "Might as well take it with me" she said to her self as she looked through her window one last time before going out to the guild hall. She really wanted it to rain and just stay in for the day.

    Her walk to the guild hall was mostly unneventfull taking a few detours to finally look at the Crystalli's many buildings. She was still amazed by the technological and magical marvel the ship itself is, and her amazement wirh it won't dwindle down any soon. Entering the guild hall she went straight to the bar where a barman stood and was cleaning some cups. Taking notice of her the barman spoke up "Good morning miss what would you like?" He greeted with a polite smile "Just a cup of coffee with extra sugar please" Sara said with a smile of her own as the barman went on with her order. Moments later he returned and placed the cup of coffe infront of her, she thanked the man before she took the cup of coffee and went to sit on one of the tables placing her book on it. She glanced at the job board for a moment before sitting and opening her book. She would look for a job later, it was time to wake up a bit.






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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Posts : 1798
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Experience : 3,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 29th July 2018, 12:47 am

    630 / 4,000

    Recently, Valeria had been going on a job frenzy. It was like she was on some addictive drug, but she was probably addicted to the feeling of earning money on her own. That was a nice feeling. She met a lot of people while doing jobs, and she realised that jobs were her ladder to success. More recognition and more power. Those are the things she thought that would carry her to where she wanted to be, to prove to her father that she could stand on her own two feet and did not need his support for anything anymore in her life. She wanted to be recognized as Valeria of Crystal Swan, not the daughter or heir of Mr. Soandso. Her stubbornness had taken her this far, and it was too late to turn back now anyways, not that she was thinking about it. She was much happier now. Being able to make her own decisions and depending on herself for everything felt amazing. Back to the present, Valeria was dressing up to for the day. She was going on a job, again. Although she had wanted to take Ezio with her, she didn’t want to bother him too much since she had been doing that a lot now and she couldn’t tell if he was annoyed with her already or not.

    “Clocky, tell me the time,”
    she said in a singsong voice, lightly tapping on the sensor on her lacrima powered alarm clock. Of course the clock was not going to talk to her or something, but sometimes Valeria liked to talk to objects, not that she was a weirdo or anything. She was mostly talking to herself anyways. When the tiny screen lit up with numbers, Val’s eyes slightly bulged in shock. Time was passing too fast today and she was going to be too late to go on a job. The reason she was panicking now was because she didn’t want to get back home too late at night. The thought drove Valeria to quickly tie up her hair into her usual pigtails with black ribbons. Looking in the mirror about two thousand three hundred and six times before leaving, Valeria almost forgot to pick up her fancy little iLac. She couldn’t live without the device these days. “All set!” she said to herself and left her room feeling like she forgot something even though she didn’t.

    Once she was in the guildhall, she rushed to the request board to look for a job to do as usual. Out of all the jobs, one of them stood out to her. Even though she couldn’t take the job alone considering the rank, she couldn’t help her curiosity. Maybe if she looked around, she would find someone who wanted to take it too. The rewards were pretty good, and it was too interesting. Vampires...Valeria know those creatures were rare. You couldn’t find one so easily. Taking the job sheet off the board, she brought it to one of the tables in front of the bar in the guildhall. To her eleven o’clock was a girl with dark hair, having a cup of coffee. Valeria read the details one more time to make sure she knew what she was getting into and schooched over to her left so that she was face to face with a girl. “...Hi,” she said, awkwardly smiling at her. “Uhh...do you wanna do this job with me?” she asked, goosebumps breaking out all over her skin. This was her first time doing this, so of course it was very weird and she was nervous as heck. Realising that she should probably show the job details to the girl, she handed the job sheet to her. “I’m Valeria, by the way,” she added.



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 29th July 2018, 2:59 am

    Sara wasn't sure how much time time had passed, the only thing she knew for sure that her coffee was now cold, so much for the wake up drink. Time had passes that she was sure of guild members had gone in and out with jobs, not that she payed any attention to anyone that came in and out. The book she was reading had her too occupied, hoping to see one of her parents names in the book was even keeping her even more occupied from the casual things happening around her. Both her parents were lost magic users and yet she couldn't remember anything about their magic.  It was a long time ago she hadn't thought about her parents in a while, a sad smile had made its way to her face as she remembered a simple memory with her parents playing with her. 'Maybe ill visit my old home soon' she thought with sadness, but slowly curiosity replaced that emotion, she needed to look into something there, a lot of things actually, her parents never worked or sold anything only in the farm for fresh vegetables, they lived in a spacious house and never had problems with money, maybe there was more to her family then she knew. Shocking her head from side to side she resumed her reading on the book, the coffee forgotten again.

    A few more hours passes from then and early morning was well behind her, not that i mattered to her she didn't expect to do a job in sometime maybe even not today, or so she thought. Moments later the guild doors were opened and someone had rushed in. Looking around for said person Sara saw a girl with dark brown hair rush to the job board and look around for a job to go on. That was the last thing Sara had noted before she returned to reading her book. A few moments later she heard footsteps coming right at her, turning her head towards said person Sara noted that it was the same girl from before but this time with a job request. The girl had greeted Sara with an awkward smile, before asking her if she wanted to go on a job with her. Sara was about to ask about the job request but before she could do that the girl had handed her the job details as she introduced herself. "Its nice to meet you Val, you don't mind me calling you like this right?" she said with a small smile before continuing " I'm Sara. Sara Ravencrest.". Finishing with her own introduction, she took note of the job. The job was in the Cursed Lands 'Great is like that place if following me.' she thought with a sweat drop  taking a look at the next part of the job request made her interested, vampires? They were rare and from the hunters words they probably could take a beating before going down, a perfect test for her new spells. "The job sounds interesting, you can count me in, i'll even get to know more people from the guild" she exclaimed with a smile before handing the job request back to Valeria, and getting up with her book in tow  "You can sign us up, I'll be back in a moment, and before i leave i'm C-rank, i hope its not a problem." she said as she marched towards the doors of the guild hall, once outside she used a bit of her magic to enhance her speed, so she could get her coat and leave the book at home.

    A few minutes had passed and she was back, this time her dark coat with her as slivers of black lightning dissipated into the air as she had deactivated her magic. Leaning onto the doorway of the guild hall she spoke up "If everything is ready we can leave." she said as she smiled at the other dark haired female. It was time she made a little bit of more friends and this was the perfect opportunity.

    WC:1041/4000 ; Post WC:679





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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Posts : 1798
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Experience : 3,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 29th July 2018, 4:49 am

    1,430 / 4,000

    “Yes, you can call me Val. Most of my friends do that, too!” said Valeria enthusiastically. “It’s so nice to meet you, Sara.” You could tell that she was extremely nervous and excited at the same time from the way she was looking at the girl called Sara while she was reading the job details. With a million thoughts in her head, the heavenly body mage couldn’t help but doubt that the girl would go with her, so when Sara agreed to t take this job with Val, of course she was surprised. “Oh goodie! I’ll wait right here,” she replied, wondering about the part where Sara talked about signing them up. She didn’t know that was a thing. She never had to sign up for her previous jobs. Maybe it was because the job was B-rank now, they had to sign up in case they went missing or flat out died? The thought sent shivers down her spine. Sara mentioned that she was C-rank before leaving, which was the most important thing Valeria forgot to ask, so her eyes widened a bit, nodding quickly. “That’s right! I almost forgot to ask about that, but since you’re C-rank we’re good to go, because this job is B-rank and we’re both C-rank,” she said. She spoke a bit too fast because she was slightly embarrassed and still nervous. Hopefully Sara understood what she was trying to say.

    Since Valeria didn’t know where to sign up for the job, she walked over to the request board and looked around. Maybe if she asked someone near the board who looked experienced or something, they would know where to sign up for the job. She poked a muscular arm that belonged to a buff man who was probably about five years older than her. She had never seen him in the guild before. “Excuse me sir, do you know where I’m supposed to sign up for jobs?” she squeaked. The man simply pointed behind the board without saying a word and Valeria felt like the biggest idiot in the whole world. There was a counter right behind the board with a book and pen on it. She nodded her thanks and went over to sign her name and Sara’s in the book, together with the name of the job in one of the empty spaces for the job title to be filled in. Thank god Sara mentioned her name and rank before leaving to get ready. After everything was filled out, she turned away to go back and wait for Sara. A while later, her job partner appeared leaning on the door telling her that they could go if everything was ready. Valeria checked for her iLac and then nodded. She had already prepared to go for a job before she left her room, so she had everything she needed with her already. She walked over to the door as well, so that she was standing next to Sara.

    “I’ve never been to the House of Lost Souls. Pretty edgy name right?” she said to Sara with a chuckle. They were going to have to hire a lacrima powered carriage. Those things were so damn fast compared to a normal carriage. She down from the gate of the guild, which was literally looking over a town she couldn’t name. Since their guild was on a ship, they needed to get down first before they could travel on land. So that’s what they did first. And once on land, Valeria went ahead and hired one of those lacrima powered carriages. You had to pay a little bit more but it was worth it. Of course she made sure Sara was okay with this and if she wasn’t, Valeria would offer to pay for the both of them. She wasn’t very fond of being slow with anything. While on the way, after thinking it through for a bit, Valeria decide to pop the question. She figured that Sara agreeing to come with her on this job could mean that she was not part of any team. If that was the case then she would probably want to join a team. Valeria thought that it would be nice if Sara was on her team even though she had never seen Sara perform during jobs. What could go wrong, right? She had a feeling Sara would be a great addition to the team. “Hey Sara. I feel like you’re not part of any team,” she said, turning to face Sara. “So I’d like to invite you to join my team. There’s only one other member and he’s my best friend Ezio. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him or seen him around the guild. He doesn’t talk much to be honest, but he’s very patient and kind.”



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 29th July 2018, 6:04 am

    Sara giggled as her partner mentioned how edgy their job location is. "Aren't all vampires edgy like pearly white skin and some beautiful face under with the mentality of an emo" she said trying to help up with breaking the atmosphere, she noticed that Val was a bit nervous and thought of various ways to make her feel more comfortable. "I just hope there aren't any of the ghoul thingy's there like my last job its was disgusting and it bit me" she said and showed of a bit of her left where she was bitten in a comical matter, of course the wound had healed it was sometime ago when she had finished that mission already. As they landed they entered a town which she couldn't name, she didn't really listen to where the flying ship was going and just waited for it to land every time and figure out where she was in the process. "Don't worry will split the money." Sara reassured Val, she had offered to take a magical carriage and even pay the price alone if Sara didn't want to take, but she wouldn't let her current partner pay for the whole thing. "Its true i don't have a team currently" she answered as Val continued and asked an unexpected question to Sara to join her team. They had just met how could she expect that question but gave it a bit of thought. She had to get into a team sooner or later, or at least do jobs with someone, sooner or later it was going to get harder to do solo jobs. "I'd love to join your team Val" she answered as Val had explained a bit about the other member of the team "I haven't met him or seen him although he probably was there but when something has gotten my attention i tend to ignore what happens around me" Sara said sheepishly, she didn't do it on purpose it was just happening sort of. As they continued walking through the streets Sara spotted a magical carriage and went towards it. As they both paid the man that was driving it she told him to go towards the Cursed Lands,he tried to argue a bit with Sara but she narrowed her eyes dangerously at the man and quickly had agreed to drive them close to their destination. She didn't like being intimidating but sometimes it worked faster then anything else, maybe except flirting but she didn't really feel like flirting with someone that's probably fifteen years older then her or at least he seemed to be that old. As they boarded the carriage Sara looked at her new teammate "We should get to know each other a bit better. Ill start, i like noodles and almost everything with them, exploring and going to places i haven't been to and train riding!" Maybe she said the last part with too much enthusiasm for a girl her age and blushed a bit before continuing  "I dislike the time it takes for the noodles to get ready, dark mages and i don't really talking about my childhood" she said with a sad smile but it didn't stop her from talking more about herself "My motivation is to explore places that people have never been to and be a great mage one day. And this is the magic i use" she said and extended her hand and channel magic to her palm making a small electrical ball appear that was black in color with a purple outline. "Its a type of lost magic that is mainly offensive and for enhancements for my self like speed, reflexes, agility and even physical strength" she finished, asking Val to do the same if she felt like introducing herself a bit more, and reassured her if she didn't want to mention something she would be fine with it.

    WC:1689/4000 ; Post WC:648





    Moderator- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- A-Rank- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Posts : 1798
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Experience : 3,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 29th July 2018, 7:29 am

    2,380 / 4,000

    Valeria couldn’t help laughing out loud when Sara mentioned how vampires were naturally edgy with their pale skin and pretty faces. She didn’t know what vampires were like herself, but what Sara said was what she had heard of them to be like as well. When she talked about how she was bitten by a ghoul in her last job and showed the wound, Valeria looked closely at the faint wound. It was barely there, but you could see it if you looked carefully. “Oh dear, you need to be more careful,” she said, sounding almost like she was scolding Sara, which she definitely wasn’t. A big, satisfied grin appeared on Val’s face when Sara said that they would split the money. Not because Val was stingy to pay the money, but because she saw a trait of a good team player at that moment. Speaking of teams, Valeria almost screamed in excitement when Sara agreed to join her team. “Oh my god, that’s awesome! And it’s fine Sara, you’ll get to meet him some time soon!” said Val, her energy levels exploding after the thought of going on more jobs together. While they were hiring the carriage, Valeria noticed how at first the carriage driver did not want to take them to the Cursed Lands. The name already was a warning, but Val and Sara were going for a job and they could take care of themselves. Before Valeria could do anything, she saw that Sara had given the driver a death stare. It was a pretty amusing sight. Valeria would have never imagined Sara could do something like that with the cute and innocent looking face that she had. Then again, you had to look out for the ones who looked like they wouldn’t cause trouble. But of course, she knew Sara only did that because it was necessary.

    Even though they hired a lacrima powered carriage, the journey to the Cursed Lands took some time. That was probably because their ship was over a town too far away from their designated location. Since it was going to take a while, Sara figured they should get to know each other better during the ride and Valeria agreed. Sara began to talk about herself while Val listened. “Hm, let’s see,” she said, taking a few moments to think of what to say. “I like animals!” she started. “I used to have lots of pets. Dogs and cats, some birds, fish in a pond in front of the house I used to live in...some horses, and even more.” She stopped there, not wanting to reveal more about her childhood. Having too many animals could hint to Sara that she used to be a rich girl, and she didn’t want that. But the exposure to said animals was one of the reasons she loved animals. The other reason was because she was like her mother—kind and loving to every creature that existed. “I also don’t like talking about my childhood,” she said, her eyes flitting to look away from Sara to hide her expression from her new teammate who was now talking about her magic. Valeria pretended to be looking out the small window next to her while listening because she felt tears coming to her eyes that she quickly blinked back. She didn’t want Sara to see her crying like a stupid idiot. It was because she missed her mother a bit after thinking about her. “A lost magic, huh? I’ve read about them but I’ve never met someone with a lost magic. Mine’s one of the more basic ones. It’s called ‘Heavenly Body Magic’. Of course I didn’t name it myself,” she chuckled, “I matched the abilities I have to the abilities that a certain magic allows the mage to use, and I found out that magic like mine is labelled with the name ‘Heavenly Body Magic’. Right now I can’t do much, but according to what I’ve read, previous Heavenly Body mages could do some impressive things once they were at a very high rank, y’know,” she laughed.

    While they were talking, the carriage came to a stop, and Valeria peered over the tiny window to see what the driver was up to. It had been about twenty minutes since they started the journey, so she figured they were probably here. But she couldn’t see anything frightening in view yet. She nodded at Sara and got off the vehicle, walking around it so that she could talk to the driver. “This is it?” she asked. The driver shook his head and told her that she would only have to walk a bit further to reach the Cursed Lands and that the reason that he stopped was because he was too afraid to go any further. Valeria rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh. She was clearly unimpressed with this coward, but she nodded, “Fine then. We’re paying you a bit less for that, though,” she said and brought out some jewels, waiting for Sara to do the same to pay the driver. Val didn’t mind having to walk a bit. She could even learn more about the place. And since Sara said that she had been here before, Val realised she didn’t have to worry too much about getting lost, even if Sara hadn’t been to every nook and corner of this place. “Alright, I guess we have to start being careful from this point onwards. Do you want to lead the way?” said Val. She would walk side by side with Sara towards the Cursed Lands, with her eyes peeled and her ears perked for danger. She had heard many bad things about this place before.



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    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 29th July 2018, 8:57 am

    Sara listened to Val with a smile as she listed the animals she's had as pets and horses, and she was surprised to hear that she had even more then that, but she had suddenly stopped and when she said the same dislike as her, she had understood why, maybe it brought bad memories, as it did to herself. " I used to have a pet raven. My whole family had one it was like a tradition, i didn't know why every time i used to ask, but they would always say when you grow older." she said trying her best to keep herself from breaking down. Her childhood was a mess after she was ten, everything had went down the drain for her and for years she would isolate herself from others with the exception of a few people that had broken through her shell. She wanted to improve that, the isolated life was choking her and she was going to work on improving that. Val had started talking about her magic then, which sounded quite impressive and not so basic as she said it is. " I didn't name my magic, my mother had given me and old book and i was drawn to it and after my mother used to help me train it everyday. For someone that said 'I don't like talking about my childhood' i talk a lot about it don't i?" she asked as the carriage had stopped.

    Both of them stepping outside Sara took notice that they were close to the woods she could see them from here, the dead tree's of the Cursed Lands. She heard Val say they would pay less for not being close enough and chuckled to herself as she brought out her share of jewels. Taking their jewels the man quickly turned the carriage around and in a minute or two he was outside. She let out a sigh "He sure was a big scaredy cat wasn't he" she said. She heard Val tell her they should be careful and nodded, who knows what may be lurking around then just vampires, that place was probably cursed. She agreed to take the lead but she wasn't really leading as Val was walking with her side by side. As they made it right before the forest Sara stopped "Its just like the last time i was here, even the sun tries to hide from this cursed place. At least there is no fog like last time so we won't get lost and end up at a cemetery with a ghoul." she stated and started walking forward again. "Don't worry though you won't see the ghoul and we're not gonna get lost i'm pretty good with directions when i can see." she reassured Val if she didn't like to see decaying purple creature were large teeth or getting lost wasn't her thing, Sara was accustomed to getting lost, almost every explorer was. As the moved Sara was looking around for the the strangely dubbed the House of Lost Souls. "So what are we expecting to see ghosts." she said jokingly, like ghosts were real those things were meant to scare young kids,right? She contemplated on that, knowing this place ghosts were the least that should surprise them. As they continued moving noticed something. There was feint glow there, she mentioned for Val to follow her as a means to grab her attention. Getting closer they could finally make out what it was, a feint glowing barrier and beyond that was a house in a big clearing it seemed oddly out of place for a hunters house there was nothing close. Maybe this was what the hunters had said in the job description, the wall that didn't let beings without magical power to enter. She waited for a second before reaching out with her hand. She probably shouldn't have tried it everything in her was screaming to move her hand back and not touch the barrier she had just found,maybe part of her explorer vibe was telling her to do it and see what happens, but as soon as her hand had touched the barrier it slipped through without a problem. " I think we're here, lets find out why there's a barrier here" Sara said and started to look around, it was odd this house is in the middle of nowhere and it has a barrier, something seemed fishy. "This doesn't feel normal who would put a barrier here, especially if he knew there was a new bred of vampire he knew about, it just doesn't sit right for people without magic to do this" The suspicion in her voice was clear, it didn't seem right for a normal hunter to hire a mage to do a barrier that is if the hunter wasn't a mage himself but they would have known that right?

    WC:2502/4000 ; Post WC:813





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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Posts : 1798
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 30th July 2018, 2:17 am

    Rolls: 2 / 5



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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by NPC 30th July 2018, 2:17 am

    The member 'Valeria' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara OdAaNwh VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara OdAaNwh



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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 30th July 2018, 2:34 am

    3,150 / 4,000

    Even though Sara said that she didn’t like talking about her childhood, she did share some bits of it, which was totally fine by Valeria. She didn’t mind at all. She laughed a little and said, “That’s alright. I guess those are the good parts,” not really expecting a reply to confirm whether those were exactly the good parts or the bad ones. It was clear that both Sara and Valeria were disappointed in the lack of courage their carriage driver displayed. “Indeed,” she said in agreement. “I guess it’s good somehow, since we can get to know the environment better.” As they moved into the Cursed Lands in search of the House of Lost Souls, Sara talked about her previous experience her with the ghouls and fogs. “Damn, I can’t imagine having to do that.” She really couldn’t. Maybe she would if she had at least one other person with her, but not alone for sure. She wasn’t that good yet to be confident about going into a fogged up place all alone in enemy territory. “You’re pretty brave for being able to do that,” she said with an impressed grin. She was also glad to hear Sara say that she was good with directions. Thank god for that, she thought to herself. If not, they would probably be lost many times before reaching the house. Valeria kept her hands by her side in case any threats appeared on their way. The sorceress wasn’t very used to this kind of job, so she was trying to be extra careful with everything. “I don’t know,” she said in regards to Sara mentioning seeing ghosts.

    After a while of walking, the two came to a large house with a visible barrier outside of the house, as if warning them not to pass through it. Valeria felt like this had to be it, but she didn’t know if walking right in was the right thing to do. They could be at danger. But even before she could test this out, Sara let her hand pass through the barrier, and nothing happened, so it seemed that there was no danger. However, she still had to talk to the leader of the hunter group, so she pulled out the iLac she brought. There was a number written on the back of the job request and only now Valeria figured out what it was for. “Something’s off,” she told Sara. “Don’t go any further. Let me talk to the client.” And so she dialed the leader of the hunter group, waiting for her to pick up. When she did, Valeria bombarded her with a million questions. “Hi, we’re here at the house it seems but there’s a barrier around it. It isn’t blocking us from entering, but it still seems weird. Huh? What do you mean? Yeah, it looks pretty old, yeah I can see that. So we’re at the right house? Should we go in? Alright.” That was the end of the conversation, and since Val was speaking loudly and had the client on speaker. She pocketed her iLac and took a deep breath. “You’re totally right. None of the hunters know how to use magic, so we gotta find out. We go in now,” she said, a little anxious but also excited at the same time.

    As they entered the huge house, Valeria told Sara, “Be careful, Sara. I hope our enemies haven’t gone ahead and set a trap for us or something because this sure looks like one,” while studying the interior of the house. It looked like it was built over a hundred years ago. Turning back to face the wide staircase in front of them, creepy translucent figures floated towards them. Ghosts? Sara was right, and even though she had said it as a joke, it happened to be true. “Oh shit, watch out!” she told Sara in a hushed tone. The two ghosts moved towards them, almost as if they were going to eat them. Valeria had never seen ghosts so she didn’t know how to get rid of them. She couldn’t kill them, she couldn’t hurt them, so she thought it was the best idea to run. She gestured for Sara to follow her and once she found an opening, sprinted past the ghosts as fast as she could. She had no idea what other creatures were crawling in this place, but she had successfully run past the very first obstacle. Turning around to make sure that the ghosts had lost sight of her and that Sara wasn’t left behind, Valeria would continue to look around the house.



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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 30th July 2018, 3:52 am

    Monster Roll

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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by NPC 30th July 2018, 3:52 am

    The member 'Sara Ravencrest' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara OdAaNwh VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara OdAaNwh VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara R2fEWNz

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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 30th July 2018, 4:52 am

    Sara halted in her trek towards the house, Val was right they couldn't just stroll in without any information and listened closely to the conversation with the client or more so to Valeria as she couldn't really make out what the client was saying, focusing back on the house in front of them, trying to spot anything abnormal about it, but saw nothing. She felt being watched, as soon as they had passed the barrier she had this feeling of something being there,watching, studying and analyzing every move they make, the feeling was new for her, even when she got lost in the fog and fighting that ghoul she didn't feel anything like this. Val had finished her call by now and had confirmed her suspicion of the hunters not being able to use magic, Sara never knew there was a magic too keep ordinary people out of places, it was useful, but to be used for something like this when it was a hunter's house, it was off in so many ways. "I don't like this" was the only thing she said before she followed Val into the house. 'I'm starting to hate this place more and more' with those thoughts she entered with Val eyes peeled and looking for any danger that may approach them.

    Once they had gone inside Valeria warned her to be careful, nodding she to her teammate she started looking around the house was old and Sara felt like it could collapse on them any minute now. The creaking wood made the house all that more creepy. Suddenly Val had called out to her to watch out looking in Val's direction she saw her dodging two translucent figures, ignoring Val as she was now behind them the ghosts went towards Sara, quickly shifting her position she waited for them to get a bit closer, she noticed them extending their hands to touch her, but before she could make her move she felt two more little magical signatures behind her, turning her head slightly she noticed more ghosts trying to grapple her, facing forward again she swiftly tried to move between the two in the front of her narrowly dodging a hand that was aimed at her. Going towards Val, Sara noticed her looking in her direction probably to see if she was alright and keep track of the ghosts, reassuring Val that she was fine, Sara turned her head back towards her previous position the ghosts gone as if they were never there. " I'm slowly starting to hate this place more and more" she said and continued moving forward the ghosts now out of site.

    As they had continued moving forward through the house, Sara kept an eye out for those things that had passed them, ghosts or not she didn't feel like getting touched by one today. Stopping in her tracks, she asked if Val was hearing it, something was talking in a strange unknown language. Looking down at her arm she noted that it was shaking, was she feeling fear from just noise? She had also frozen in place she couldn't move her legs, Sara was afraid, afraid of what was talking, it was feint as if it was not there or close, and yet she could perfectly hear it as if it was standing next to her whispering directly into her ear, words unknown to her. Moving her other arm to the shaking one she quickly send a little zap trough her system, stopping the shaking successfully. Pain usually fixed problems like fear and it helped her regain her composure. She had taken a look at Val before continuing, making sure that whatever this was it didn't have the same effects on her as it had on Sara, if it did she would zap her a little bit enough to break her out of her stupor.

    In front of them stood on last door that was slightly opened, "I think this is it, lets be careful who knows what we're going to find behind this door" Making her way towards the door handle, she turned around to look at Val one more time to make sure she was ready before pushing the door open. What met them next was a little chapel with an altar at the end like every chapel had. Upon entering the room Sara had ignited her magic, lightning moving between her fingers. They had found the book it was siting on the altar, but it wasn't the book that made her activate her magic it was the thing behind the altar. Sitting on a chair was what looked like to be a vampire, his head resting on his fist as he looked at them with a creepy smile before he spoke up. "Finally the little intruders made their way here, i was starting to get bored waiting for you" he was speaking in a rather deep voice, if he was expecting some kind of retort from Sara he wasn't going to get one, the only he got was a little bit of more electrical increase around her finger making it more profound and clear. If he made a move Sara would match him. The only thing she worried about was Val she didn't know her new teammates battle prowess, if he tried to go for her Sara would engage first.

    WC:3396/4000 ; Post WC:894





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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 31st July 2018, 8:27 am

    3,865 / 4,000

    Valeria waited for Sara from her current position, eyes bulging at the sight before her. Two more ghostly figures had joined the party and had her guildmate surrounded. While she was thinking of a way to get her friend out of this situation, Sara bolted out from the circle, running towards her so Valeria joined her and pretty much ran around until the ghosts were out of sight. She was kind of panting after this like some dog. Silence fell upon them, only to be replaced with strange, distant murmurs after a moment like someone was whispering to them or something. Valeria turned around and checked to see if anyone was nearby. It was only the two of them. She figured someone was trying to spook them out. “Do you hear that?” she asked Sara. Realising this was only hindering their mission, she added, “Nevermind, we’re getting distracted.” The bravery that she was putting on was half fake because she was also kind of scared of the voices. They were speaking in a foreign language that she couldn’t understand so it was all the more disturbing. “We still haven’t found the hunter who’s supposed to live here. Maybe he’s hiding from all of this?” And then she followed Sara who found a way to get to the last room that wasn’t locked. After trying almost all the doors in the house that were mostly locked, they were glad to find one that they could actually open. It also happened to be the last one, so the both of them were prepared for the worst. Even though Valeria was still a newbie at this level of jobs, she wasn’t too scared because Sara was there.

    With a nod, she entered the room with Sara, and was greeted by a very smug vampire sitting comfortably as if anticipating their arrival, which seemed to be exactly what he was doing after what he said. Valeria quickly looked around to see if there were others in the room but it was only him—and the book that they were here for, which was perched on the altar near the vampire. All they needed to do was get the book and sprint, but where was the hunter to whom this house belonged to? Was she misunderstanding things? The vampire had clearly taken over this house and wasn’t going to let them go with the book for sure. Had he killed the hunter? Maybe that was what the barrier was for, to trap the hunters and kill them? Or to take over the house and keep the hunters away from the book? While these negative thoughts polluted her mind, she kept an eye on the vampire who just couldn’t stop mocking them. She saw that Sara was prepared to fight, and so was she. The vampire stood up. He was dressed very nicely as if he was waiting for some important guests. “Well then, if you are just going to stand around,” he said, and raised one hand to create a beam of blood. From the moment he started to speak again, Valeria waited for him to do something and once he did, she moved out of the way immediately. She did not have a well thought out plan, but she hoped that Sara would know what she was doing and cooperate. “Come on! I’ll kill both of you in one shot. Do you think I even tried for that one? I was only testing you!” he laughed out loud. He was getting cockier and cockier.

    Blood Leech - The vampire points its arm out at his target and fires a beam of blood towards them. If it hits, the target will lose 20 HP and the vampire will permanently gain 25% to its physical abilities.

    A celestial whip appeared in Valeria’s hand, her grip tightening on the handle. Keeping her eyes on the vampire, she signaled for Sara to do something. Her plan was to grab the book with her whip first while Sara distracted their enemy so that they could at least secure it before they attempted to kill the vampire. If Sara understood her signal, Valeria would wait for her to make her move and once she found an opening, the heavenly body mage would whip her weapon forward in an attempt to wrap it around the book and bring it back towards her, catching it firmly with her free hand. Only once the book was surely in their hands, they’d try to kill the vampire, if that’s possible.

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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 31st July 2018, 10:07 am

    Was the owner of the house killed by the vampire? What was in the book so important that even a barrier had to be put up, or had the hunter died out of old age, the house itself was pretty old. Maybe Val was right, maybe he was hiding. Sara hadn't voiced her opinion on it, the best course of action was to get the book and get out of here, the sooner the better.And when they had met the cocky vampire Sara was half sure there was no one except them, well it terms of allies, the cocky vampire could always have more friends waiting to jump on them if their buddy started losing. The vampire had attacked first firing a beam of blood at them, where was he aiming, Sara would have questioned him in a way to mock him, but seeing his great pride and ego with the idea of killed them instantly somehow didn't fit for her. Lightning rushed to her legs as she moved faster the normal, dodging the beam before it even got close, she noticed Val had dodged it also and had given her a signal to distract the vampire, a small wicked smile appeared on her face, as a plan was getting formulated in her brain, it cost a lot of magical power but it was going to buy Val enough time to get the book. Putting her fingers together lightning gathered between her pinky and index finger before it was fired on point with the help of her thumbs acting as aim support "Discharge" calling out the name of her spell as it went towards its desired target. "That's how you aim" she said in a mocking manner as her attack hit dead center, as the smoke cleared Sara grit her teeth as the vampire spoke again "That tingled, you should try something else" he wasn't even hurt one bit by her spell. The vampire started turning his attention towards his other opponent, she was failing to get the plan done and grit her teeth more. Focusing pushed magical power through her whole system, lightning shrouding her "Lightning Step" She murmured, feeling her magical power surge through her was intoxicating, she would have let it take her, but she wasn't alone and she couldn't let her battle tendencies to completely take over her. Charging her hand with more lightning on top of the current one as she put her the hand in a spear like manner, more black lighting appeared on top of her finger tips like a spear tip. "Lighting Cutter" The only warning the vampire got was her calling out the name of her spell and the loud crackling sounds it was making.Sara had closed the distance between them in the a matter of second leaving potent electricity in the air as she moved, the vampire was surprised it was evident that he wasn't expecting such speed from the small girl, when she got closer her hand flew forward in an attempt to stab her opponent with her spell. Spell hitting dead center Sara thought she had gotten him, those thoughts were cut short as a claw was descending towards her, she dashed back instantly getting some distance before stopping. "It seems a draw first blood" the vampire smugly added as he licked the blood of his claws. Sara clenched her right arm as there was a now bleeding wound right below her shoulder, she took a quick glance to examine it, the wound was from her shoulder to her elbow. She would worry about it after they get out of here, it wasn't bleeding too much to be a priority right now. Sara looked around for Val, hoping the girl had gotten the book, once she did Sara would tell her that they needed to leave and run as fast as they could, she would keep the same pace as Val she wasn't someone that would leave her friends behind, and with her attacks not working on him she would just need to keep him occupied more if Val was in need of more time, going on a passive offense was the best course of action here if she had to buy more time.

    WC:4101/4000; Post WC: 705





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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Fair 31st July 2018, 11:26 am

    4,155 / 4,000

    Sara caught on Val’s signal and did everything she could to distract the vampire who was then fixated on Sara’s attacks while Valeria snatched the codex with her whip. Since they already got the book, there was nothing else to do as written in the job description. The client had stated clearly that only the book was important, so their next step now is to run. Just as they were both preparing to do that, the vampire managed to cut Sara on her arm, which caused Valeria’s eyes to widen in shock, knowing that they didn’t have time to waste to get out of here. “Yes, we need to get out of here now!” she said and took the lead getting out of the house. Of course the vampire kept chasing them, but Valeria was a fast runner, and hopefully Sara was too.

    Only when they would reach the spot where their carriage driver dropped them off, Valeria would stop to catch her breath. She held the book tightly the whole way, only now panting like a dog because of all the energy she spent on running. The vampire stopped following them past the barrier, probably afraid of the vampire hunters being able to reach them. That was what the barrier was all about. Once they both caught their breaths and were able to talk, Valeria would say, “Thank god we made it out alive. Let’s get a carriage to deliver this book to our client and return home.” So just like she said, they would hire a carriage and travel to the address where the client lived, and then get an ordinary carriage back to the down where their guild’s ship was anchored. It was finally time to rest.



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    VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara Empty Re: VAMPIRE HUNTING (Pt. 1) ; job ; Sara

    Post by Killua 31st July 2018, 11:43 am

    Sara quickly followed behind Val, the girl had made a bit of distance before Sara started running but the effects of the Lightning Step ability still lingered and she had quickly caught up, the vampire left behind as he screamed and chased at them. When Sara caught up to Val she deactivated her spell, now running beside her dark haired teammate as they made their escape. They hadn't stopped running, they kept on going and going, till they had reached the initial location when they first started the job, where scared carriage rider dropped them off, while her friend caught her breath, Sara tore off a bit of her now ruined coat and made a makeshift bandage for her arm. "Yea lets do that" She said as she agreed with Valeria, she wanted to get this over with and get a hot shower, they had a bit more left before they we're finished and the hard part was already behind them. "Its time to finally get this over with". Nothing more important had happened on the job from there, they went got a carriage that got them to the address of the hunters, got payed and from there it was the normal trip back to the ship. It was time to get some rest, for both of them.



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