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    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Neru Kipper
    Neru Kipper

    Posts : 35
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    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; Empty Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Post by Neru Kipper 16th July 2018, 6:59 pm

    264 Words

    It was not the most unique of views to perceive the knights and their student as weak fools for wishing to save the girl. Neru could always agree the woman was weak for being seemingly entirely unable to defend herself. The rabbit's own power had come from fighting against what most people would do. Long ago the bunny had chosen to be strong against the odds which overtime gave her the strength to do things no normal rodent would ever be able to do. What constituted a fool was all in the eye of the beholder. Neru was quite foolish in the eyes of other rabbits having the natural born courage to attempt fighting a kitsune. She also was foolish if you asked any other bunny girl having decided to save a succubus in spite of the danger the species presented to everyone in the world. Everything that was supposedly naive or idiotic she had done always seemed to end up with good results for her in some way.

    She was truly above the clouds now walking atop one for the first time as she climbed off the beanstalk with her bat-like wings extended encase the clouds were not traversable. "Rain, take my hand." the lavender-haired mage stretched her hand towards him in an open palm offering. "We have no guarantee humans can walk upon these clouds." at least if she held his hand then it could be ensured that somehow he would be alright, give him time to grip the stalk again if it turned out humans could not walk these grounds.


    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; DV2N7PQX0AAMgJO
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; Empty Re: Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 17th July 2018, 9:51 pm

    Rain Cicero ♛ Lamia Scale ♛ C Rank

    The young knight tried to gaze out at the large field of cloud, but was met by a hazy mist in his eyes. The fog of cloud would not let him see many feet in front of her. The blonde agreed he should take the lavender-haired girl’s hand for his own safety and proceeded to finish the final few feet of the climb onto the cloud. Cautiously, Rain began to ascend to the top. He had wings he could summon at a moment’s notice, but did not know if they would last the entire fall from heaven to earth upon use.

    Upon reaching the clouds, Rain realized that the hazy heavens were solid to walk on. It was an interesting feeling, as one normally would think that walking on a cloud felt like a pillow. Instead, it was unlike any normal rock ground or soft feature. The sensation was odd, and quite difficult to get used to. The knight continued to hold onto Neru’s hand, though, in case the clouds somehow opened up to allow open air to swallow him into a steep fall. He did not trust the clouds just yet. “Thank you,” he said gratefully, casting a thankful smile towards the young bunny girl. So far, as perky and odd as she was, she seemed to be better than his cousin, who was a strange country bumpkin with an annoying accident and rude sense of humor.

    Location;; Top of the Beanstalk
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 240 / 3,250


    Rain Slayer Magic
    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; F0b5270017e6cda0c412740e9cc4e39bc9361a38_hq
    Neru Kipper
    Neru Kipper

    Posts : 35
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; Empty Re: Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Post by Neru Kipper 19th July 2018, 7:05 am

    749 words total

    Walking on clouds was not very weird for the bunny girl. Obviously she had never been in the clouds before this was a new frontier for her. Neru had flown enough that the sensation of clouds beneath her booted feet was not incredibly abnormal it was kinda like prancing around atop thick tree canopies as she sometimes did. "It worked." she seemed relieved to see that he would be alright as she was entirely unaware he had wings as well. Neru often did worry about the safety of other's it was what had driven her into transforming from bunny to girl in the first place, defending kits who had been much younger and thus slower than her from the kitsune. Prey was normally driven to run away but this hunted creature was wired completely wrong and had no qualms about it. 'It would have been bad if he fell' she could hold weight in flight but she wouldn't have been able to catch him if he fell without holding her being as she couldn't fly too fast.

    "Why don't we get going?" the lavender-haired girl smiled as she tugged his hand slightly when she took a few small steps forward not wanting to get far from him. 'Hopefully this place is not aura based.' Neru would hate for the solid nature of these clouds to be some reaction to winged creatures and for him to fall through it he got too far from her. "Until we find some proof humans can walk unaided on these clouds I think it's best we stay like this." she did not exactly enjoy having to hold hands with some trap pretty boy but she also didn't want him dead just because she disliked him. "I am not a swift enough flier to catch you if something goes wrong." he deserved to know that and calculate it into any choices he made. "The wings are fairly new, a gift from someone I saved recently." after that one guild-mates reaction she didn't feel like risking stating she got the winds from a succubus.

    Neru strode across the clouds at whatever pace seemed best for the two of them. 'At least I barely feel him.' If she had to deal with some crawling disgust she was not sure she could keep in direct contact with him but he was docile enough to elicit no feeling at all from her. "I really hope that thing is still up here somewhere." she was actually very mellow compared to most rodents. Sure the bunny girl was optimistic and bounced around but otherwise, she seemed very calm for her species. "Defeating such a beast could be enjoyable." She would never fall to anything so they would win and have a new story to tell others. Lucky for Neru that golden beast was still alive and there was so much more up here to discover as well.


    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; DV2N7PQX0AAMgJO
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; Empty Re: Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 29th July 2018, 9:56 pm

    Rain Cicero ♛ Lamia Scale ♛ C Rank

    Rain nodded with a smile at the bunny girl, happy to see that his attempts to walk out on the cloud were successful. Despite the odd sensation while walking on air, it did not feel like he would fall through, nor was he sinking into the mists. The knight grunted in agreement at the suggestion to get going, with an eager grin on his face. “Thank you,” he said gratefully, keeping a hold on her hand. He was oblivious to the fact that she was not fond of men. Regardless, he continued to try to be a gentleman as he would to any lady, and kept a friendly grip on her hand, and not one that was too suggestive-- if that were even possible.

    She mentioned not being swift enough to catch him if he fell, which was disappointing, but understandable. At the end of the day, everybody had weaknesses to purge from themselves. “Someone can gift wings? I didn’t think that was possible,” Rain said in happy astonishment. Of course, the lightning dragon had given him electric wings as a spell, used with careful and precise manifestation of magic power. Wings like Neru’s seemed different, or perhaps that was only a trick of the eyes and his perception.

    The dragon slayer smirked as she spoke about hoping the thing was still up in the clouds. If it was anything close to a dragon, he would definitely have an easier time killing it. “It certainly would be fun,” the blonde agreed. “I wonder what it is exactly. Is it a giant chimera? Or perhaps a giant itself? Maybe… it’s a dragon,” he mused, his blue eyes beaming at the last words. It would be good to prove to his mentor exactly what he was capable of, utilizing the powers of lightning that he had been given.

    Location;; Top of the Beanstalk
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 544 / 3,250


    Rain Slayer Magic
    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; F0b5270017e6cda0c412740e9cc4e39bc9361a38_hq
    Neru Kipper
    Neru Kipper

    Posts : 35
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; Empty Re: Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;;

    Post by Neru Kipper 31st July 2018, 10:51 am

    1288 words total.

    Any sane adventurer would obviously hope rather desperately that the creature who made legends was still around. Most of the time good legends were only born when they could take down a nefarious foe. Without any of the frightening beasts of the world, she would have just remained some little rabbit and have been dead already. 'It would be so fun to best any creature whose rumors last until today' So long as she could take some sort of trophy to prove what she had done. Anyone who could not prove their exploits when they bragged about them, well such people were just fools who did not truly want to achieve more than what they were. Neru was never happy where she was the bunny was always aiming higher to escape the class of prey and one day become a predator.

    "I hope it's a dragon." everyone wanted to see one of those, something so legendary was worth going after for sure. 'Plus people once looked like giants to me so the only ones I haven't seen are the dragon and chimera.' Seeing new things was something that should drive anyone who had decent ambition within them. "We can fight and defeat it, bring back a proof for ourself." After all, she had never actually needed someone to tell her when she had done something great even if praise was nice she was self-confident enough for the both of them. Dragons were considered one of the apex magical predators of the world and for someone who wanted to climb the ranks of hunters it was a necessary creature to defeat. "A rabbit besting a dragon even with aid is an impressive idea." Being able to still be standing when a dragon fell would make her so happy.

    Walking for a while she realized that he had asked her something earlier even if the question was indirect. "On the subject of gifting wings, I suppose someone can, but my wings weren't the gift itself just an effect of it." wouldn't hurt to give her dragon slaying buddy a rundown of what she was, sure divulging info like this to someone of the male gender was disgusting but it was necessary if they were to defeat a dragon together. "I was born just a plain old rabbit and through life became humanoid, but for a long time I possessed no abnormal actually usable magic just the amount most citizens have." most of which was aimed towards hiding her rabbit status as the family that had taken her in after her colony didn't like the idea of something humanoid living with them, had not been fond of their clients finding out she was just a plain old rabbit. "Found a succubus under attack one day and decided to help her in spite of everything, by the end of it she offered to use magic they normally curse people with to allow me to utilize the same magic as her, so I can manifest traits of the species like the wings." She chose what many people would have done anything to avoid, turned what was averagely some horrid curse and made it into one of the best blessings she had ever gotten.


    Gilded Beanstalks;; Lorem/Neru;; DV2N7PQX0AAMgJO

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