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    How To Dark Mage?


    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Discussion How To Dark Mage?

    Post by Victor 4th July 2018, 2:00 pm

    I thought that this would be an interesting topic to bring up as an eventually budding dark mage. I have seen a variety of people roleplay as dark mages and give up the ghost for a myriad of different reasons. But my questions are: how did you find success on site as a dark mage and what advice would you give to people looking to join the dark side of the site?

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    Discussion Re: How To Dark Mage?

    Post by Cr1tikal 4th July 2018, 3:20 pm

    The thing to remember about evil characters/dark mages is to remember that you are not meant to be the MAIN character, which no one on site is a main character, and that you are there to carry out your plan for what you are trying to do.
    For Chaoris this is to continue causing bloodshed and war, as that is the dominion he is over. It doesn't mean that he is mindless/unable to hold a calm conversation. Always remember to keep a personality, be interesting. Don't just be the 'I lack empathy and emotion and just want you all to die' cause then you're just a boring joe character that people won't find interesting.


    How To Dark Mage? MQNhOUw

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Discussion Re: How To Dark Mage?

    Post by Lester Drynedi 4th July 2018, 4:03 pm

    So an evil character. Before coming to this site I've only played non-legal/dark/negative types infact Lester was my first more legally aligned character, I've seen a lot of evil characters, and Im sick of seeing quite a few of them.
    First thing, they're still a character, they still need motivations, weaknesses, reasons etc. You like to kill people well thats great, why. You need a good history, preferably something better than the 'sole survivor of their village' or some demonic child who murdered their family, because I'm going to be blunt here- its shit. Its boring. Its overdone. You need more than just that, start off sole survivor and build on that.

    They need to have a reason for doing something, why do they hate everyone? Were they abused by someone who was tall and therefore harasses and assaults those who are taller than them? What are there weaknesses, Im not talking about the little dislikes we put as memes like 'bread' but you need something that you can tie into roleplay and mention.

    You don't have to always kill someone, even better, make a character who rarely kills. Dark mages are not always murderers, take a look on the news, you don't have to force your character to be a villain just look at those who now are in prison. Some got close, emotional manipulation, torture, theft on large scales. What do you find scary in the world, those who seem too perfect? maybe they just control or use illusions to manipulate.

    Don't set out make an evil character, make a character who takes negative actions because of something in their history, motivations or goals.



    Discussion Re: How To Dark Mage?

    Post by Guest 4th July 2018, 7:37 pm

    I'm not sure I could phrase it better than Lester and Aiyana to be honest, but I'll add my two cents when it comes to playing dark characters.

    For some reason, it seems that the majority of my actively-played character cast is evil/dark, or at the very least, morally gray. Why this is, I'm not too sure. However, despite their coincidental alignment, they all are extremely different and unique individuals. (My most-played character, a villain, never even killed people until well after she was already well known as a 'bad guy, to support Lester's point there.)

    Like Lester, what I suggest is to make a character first and foremost, not a 'villain'. If this character happens to go dark or evil and that is your intention, great. Or even better, if you started them as neutral but found while writing their history or roleplaying them that their decisions are evil-aligned or corrupt, also great.

    For a character to become a villain, it all boils down to their choices first and foremost, not just their actions. After all, choices come before action. (Note it all boils down to at least some poor choices and judgment, as it would not be wrong to say that villains are not the wisest individuals).
    To even get to this point of choices, you must thoroughly illustrate why they even make these choices. This could be from how they were raised, their interactions with others, their personalities, what they were taught, or more preferably, a thorough combination of just enough to give us a sweet dose of villainous predisposition.

    Evil characters almost always act on their wants and flaws, while good characters tend to act more on their needs and at least try to overcome or hide their flaws. Because of this, any character has potential to become evil. Additionally, anyone with a villainous predisposition also has the potential to turn good.

    Ultimately what I'd suggest to any person interested in playing a villain is to not aim for the 'bad guy' endgoal. Instead illustrate a well-made character and their goals, as well as why they want to achieve those goals. Give them a well-rounded personality, and don't let them fall flat.

    For example with my Lucie, she was a child who was possessed by a revenge-driven spirit. All she saw as she grew up was his revenge-driven desires and choices, so her understanding was molded to accept those actions as normal. Later on, she herself targeted a subject she wished to extract revenge upon, so her choices are blinded by that desire. If someone could patiently bring her to her senses, and begin teaching her other ways to handle her anger and hate, I'm sure she would probably come around.

    Another example, with Izayuki. She has every possible predisposition to be a villainous character, between how she was raised, the many sources of pain and loss and anger in her life, on top of instinctually being a non-human monster. Despite the burdens, she at least tries her best to focus on her needs rather than her wants, as well as the needs of her guild. She still tends to act on her flaws, without giving much regard for them despite being aware. This settles her more into a morally gray or true neutral alignment.

    I'm kinda rambling-- I hope this was insightful at least to a small extent. :') Am tired but Lester wanted my thoughts here~ Blame her.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:46 pm