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    Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 5:18 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1

    It was the day following Art's monstrous hangover and to say the least he was feeling much better. After going home and sleeping the day off, Art had woken up feeling good once more. He decided to do some travelling and headed on the first train to Talonia, arriving around mid day. He stepped off the train, taking in the summery air. It was a nice change of pace, his little encounter at the guild yesterday had done nothing but irritated him. Hopefully somewhere like Talonia would provide more fun and less judgement. But who knew what was to come, all he knew was that he no longer had a thumping headache. 

    He was wearing a very casual look today, denim jeans, a white t-shirt with some form of designer logo. He wore a light blue denim jacket, with rips in the arms; sold to him by a very pretty and flirtatious sales assistant. In the pocket of said jacket, he had found a little piece of paper with her number on it. Although he wasn't about to call her yet, he wanted her to wait a little longer. 

    As he walked, his trainers pounded the pavement, he debated what action he would take. He could head to a bar, although he wasn't sure he craved alcohol at present. Maybe something a little gentler to start. He stopped in his tracks, finding something that took his face. There was a outdoor café, he thought about for the moment. He hadn't eaten much breakfast before he left, a bite to eat would go down well about now. Finalizing his decision, he made his way into the café, eyeing up the menu. As he got to the counter, her looked up at the options. 

    "What's good here?" He asked, directing his questions towards the member of staff behind the counter. 

    WC: 308

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 5:30 am

    Amora glances around the town that she had arrived to for the week in training herself at the very least in some form of manner. She glances about the town and then back down towards her hands with a frown feeling like a part of her is now gone as she clenches her hand into a fist tightly. 'It's okay all i need to do is find the mentor for whoever is meant to train me, and then i can go and quickly get started on this.' She thinks to herself with a quick little nod. However, before she could think to take her first steps towards traveling anywhere in any sort of manner she feels her stomach grumble slightly from a lack of food as she sighs softly. Fine i guess i do need to get something to eat...though where would be a good place to get anything. She says softly to herself in a curious tone of voice  as she just starts wandering aimlessly through the town that she is in. Barely keeping in mind the address she is meant to head towards to get her first steps of training in.

    She makes her way through the town while wearing a jacket that is black in color with a hood attached that is currently up. The coat having the outside outlined with nice soft fur of an animal as she has her hands within the pockets of the jacket. Underneath wearing a simple black t-shirt with no sleeves to speak of. With herself finishing the outfit with some grey shorts and simple running shoes. Her amber eyes glancing around from shop to shop dismissing them one by one until her eyes catches onto a small little shop.

    Cafe? She says softly to herself while gazing at the sign with a slight tilt of her head. Having never seen one of these before, or at the very least never bothered to remember such things. She quickly shrugs her shoulders and enters the building. Entering the small little shop she just glances around and feels like a fish out of water immediately as she gazes around with uncertainty. Not moving as if paralyzed as she tries to process where she is meant to go first, and who she is meant to talk to get anything within the cafe. Not really processing the people around herself at the moment due to her mind being more preoccupied trying to figure out who she is meant to walk and talk to.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 6:43 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv1

    Art was pleasantly surprised by the diversity of the menu, they did a range of sandwiches, burgers, steaks , cakes. Heck they even had a ice cream section. It was a niche little café, it didn't look like a brand either, he wondered if the food was up to par. It would probably be quite fresh based on the style of the café. He proceeded to order a grilled cheese and ham panini accompanied by an iced mocha latte. Reaching into his jean pocket, he pulled out the necessary jewels and placed them on the counter. The server gave him a pleasant smile before taking his payment and giving him a little figurine stand with a number. Asking him to take a seat as they would bring the food over to him. As he turned to make his way to a table, he spotted a girl walk in through the café doors. Immediately catching his eye.

    She was tall, wearing a black jacket and grey shorts. She had a nice little figure, long dark hair, amber eyes. Attractive was an understatement. And her legs, Her legs went on for miles, smooth light skin. Art couldn't help biting his lip at the sight. Damn... He thought, she was definitely his type. He hadn't imagined arriving in Talonia would present him with a hottie so soon. But he wasn't about the turn down the opportunity to get to know such a fine specimen. He began to walked across the room, casually placing his number holder on an available table with two seats, in case the encounter went well. He sauntered over to the girl. He noticed immediately she was taller than him, but that was okay. His self-confidence and general attitude was enough to make him the tallest man in most rooms. She looked a little lost, almost unsure of herself. Plastering on a friendly smile as he stepped up to her.

    "Hey there kitten, do you need help?" He asked, his voice was polite yet smooth, he didn't want to lay in on too thick too soon. He had to play it cool.  Offering her help would be his first option and would tell him enough about her to see whether she was worth further pursuit. Boy did he hope so, he really wanted to get to know, and those legs.

    WC: 391
    Total: 699

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 6:53 am

    She continues glancing around the little cafe building with uncertainty showing within her eyes and stance as she tries to figure out anything. 'Okay..remain calm..remember what Verus told you.' She thinks to herself taking a few deep calming breathes slowly steadying herself as she focuses back on her surrounding rather then letting the whole thing overload her. She focuses back and sees somebody walking over towards her as she quickly examines him as fast as she can trying to do a magic sensory and then feels nothing happen. A small frown playing across her face as she is reminded for the reason why she had traveled to this town within the first place. Amora's right hand balling up into a fist at that fact as her eyes flare up with anger and disappointment all at the same time before she quickly banishes such emotions seeing the man in front of her now. Knowing that keeping a friendly face is important since this anger is meant for him. All these emotions meant for herself and her arrogance that had gotten her where she is now.

    At hearing his first words she shifts her weight towards her right side of her body with her arms crossed at her chest as she looks towards this man. Not really knowing what the term kitten means but taking it as a compliment since most cat like beasts are excellent predators. Thanks for the compliment mister, but i am just looking for something to eat really. Well..i am kinda new to town and lets just say i never been to one of these places before so i didn't know where to order. It just seemed like a nice place to eat is all so i went in with knowing nothing at all. She says with a small chuckle at her own situation as she moves her right hand to rub the side of her neck in embarrassment.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 7:29 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48

    There was a brief moment when Art thought the girl looked angry with him, had met her before? Maybe he had already been with her and forgot to call her back. He racked his brow through the many faces of women who had succumb to him, but this girls face or legs did not come to mind. Surely not. Maybe there was a different reason, maybe he had beaten up her boyfriend during a pub brawl, or offended her whilst deeply inebriated. He almost considered asking Morte, the demon inside him never forgot anything. But he didn't want to lure him out unnecessarily, he didn't like interacted during the best of times. He didn't need his cruel words interrupting him when he was hitting on a woman. There was something about the way Morte spoke about women, it unsettled him. There were certain things even Art wouldn't do, and yet Morte spoke of them as though they were nothings but rag dolls to play with. Frankly it made his nauseous.

    He heard her speak up in response to his question, she didn't seem angry with hi, but rather accepting of his greeting. She told him what was ailing him, earning herself a warm smile from him. "Aww well let's get you sorted then. The counters over here." he told her, nodding his head in the direction of where the server was waiting. He turned and began to lead the way to it. "The selections pretty good here, I myself am trying a panini and an ice latte. Order whatever you like," Reaching to his pocket, and pulled out more jewels on the counter. "This is on me." He told the server.

    WC: 282
    Total: 981

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 7:40 am

    She looks towards the man and waits calmly for his response and then just smiles rather happily at him being willing to help her out with the whole not knowing what to do thing. She just nods her head and follows along with him towards the counter and looks at the menu of what they are serving. Scanning through the foods one by one till she lands on something that she can recognize right away without any training whatsoever. She gazes towards the steak and then forces her gaze away from it knowing that it can be saved for a later day for when she had earned such a wonderful treat. She looked towards the burger section and just nods her head at he options before looking towards the nice server with a bright smile.

    I would like a burger i don't particularly care for what kind since i've never had one. Just give me whatever you would recommend really. Though if it helps any i am more of a meat person myself really, and i have found myself enjoying foods that can have a sort of spice to them. She says with a grin on her face at the thought of having something like that right. She then blinks realizing what is happening and turns to her companion that has kindly helped her and gives him a smile. Thank you so much for paying this by the way. You're really being to kind to me. I promise to pay you back in some manner for all of this help. Amora says while gazing towards the man with her amber colored gazed. That shows nothing but gratitude and sincerity with every word she speaks.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 8:38 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv48

    The girl seemed genuinely grateful for his help, which was nice. Her happy smile only making her cuter to him. He watched as she ordered a burger, which was impressive. It admittedly irritated him when girls pretended to eat healthy then proceeded to pick of his place. It should a falsity of character, but this girl wasn't doing that. Art's eyes widened when he heard her mention she enjoyed meat. He pressed his lips together trying not to snicker at that one, Be cool man... He thought, pulling himself together, and doing well not to show his immaturity.

    Once she had ordered, he made his next move. "Would you care to join me at my table? I'm actually here alone and you seem like lovely company." He said.. Following this he led her back to the table he had picked earlier. Listening to her gratitude about buying her food. He was glad she had accepted his offer for the food, it was just another sign that he had made the correct move. The company of such an  attractive and friendly girl was always a win in his mind. No matter how far it went or didn't. Reaching down, he pulled the chair back out her so she could take a seat. It wasn't exact a fine restaurant, but he knew the gesture would have the same effect. Then he proceeded to slide in the seat opposite. Her words brought a slightly flirtatious look it his eyes, the promise of returning a favour brought all sort of lavish thoughts to mind. "I'll bear that in mind." He said softly.

    "My name is Artemis, but you can call me Art if you like. Would you mind if I asked your name?" He asked following his introduction.

    WC: 295
    Total: 1276

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 10:51 am

    Amora just nods her head as the exchange of currency is done for the food that she herself and ordered and her new companion had done for there meals that they were getting from this nice little cafe. She once more hears the male's voice as she just nods her head not minding the idea of joining someone for a meal to spend the time within the village. Sure i wouldn't mind some company, and you've been kind enough to try and get to know more if possible. She says in a happy tone of voice having changed some words around before she had spoken. Remembering her lessons when interacting with others within the world of how information is key for anything, and thus the less a person knows the more you can protect yourself.

    Amora follows the kind shorter man then her towards the table in question as she watches him pull out a chair as she quickly remembers some culture lessons she taught herself from reading. With that in mind she sits in the chair with a nod towards her partner for the meal to show a sign of gratitude for the act of doing so. You didn't really need to pull me out a seat. I am more then capable of doing so sir. I don't need to be treated like some kind of princess or anything. She says with a small chuckle at the thought of herself being compared to something as great as a princess . Even if such a comparison is on such a minor school as just being showed some decent manners when in the company of another. At hearing a name she just nods her head with a grin. The name is Amora it is a pleasure to meet you Artemis. She says with a nod of her head as she glances around the shop for only the briefest second to identify some quick escape routes. The hunter side of her wishing to make sure she knows every option she has when in new territory.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 11:17 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111

    Art was pleased that she had accepted his offer, it was another sign that today was turning out to be a good day. No headache, sun shining, food on it's way and to top it off a beautiful girl sitting across from him. It was a perfect way to lift his spirits from the crappy days that had predated it. He smirked at her remark at not being a princess. "Well there's a surprise, from what I can see you have a face fit for a queen." He responded, Art really had no restraint when it came to chatting up a woman, the words came to him. Leaving his lips before he had time to moniter them, he was trying not to lay it on thick, but it was hard when she looked like that. 

    "Amora…" He repeatedly softly, letting it linger on his tongue. "It's a beautiful name and the pleasures all mine." A waitress came over started by bringing over their drinks, Art picked up his iced latte. Bringing it to his lips, he took a sip. It's cold liquid coating his tongue, thrilling his taste-buds before sliding down his throat. He licked any traces of foam off his lips and let out a sigh of pleasure. It was the perfect day for a cold drink any way he could take coffee went down well with him.

    "So Amora, what do you do for fun?" He asked his red eyes locking on her amber ones, his gaze relaxed and steady. He had decided to set their conversation in motion with a relatively easy topic.

    WC: 267
    Total: 1543

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 11:29 am

    She chuckles softly at Artemis' compliment towards her a smile forming on her face unable to stop herself from doing so if she wanted to do so. She then looks him in the eyes remembering that doing so was polite or something like that. You seem to like making compliments. Amora says in a very amused tone as she says every words. Seemingly appreciating the compliment that was made her way by the tone of her voice. She then gets a bit of a proud look when hearing that you liked the sound of her name. She nods her head very satisfied with herself at that little fact. Amora then hears the sounds of footsteps making there way towards herself and Artemis as she quickly glances out of the corner of her eye to see the server walk towards them. Identifying the source as someone friendly she instantly relaxes. After that Amora gives a smile as she takes her simple ice water and begins to drink it to cool down from the heat.

    When hearing the topic of conversation Amora pauses setting down her drink as she rests her right elbow upon the table and her hand on her cheek as she looks upwards as if having to think heavily on such a question. 'What have i done that could be counted as doing for fun?' She wonders to herself as she goes through her daily schedule and then nods her head as she then gets her elbow off of the table and sits straight back up. Well for fun i don't have any hobbies really. My days had been and are going to be spent training myself for survival when i go and do jobs for mages, and as a kid even then i was too busy hunting for my own survival .She says just being honest with this information since nobody seems to be against people of the magically inclined nature all that much and thus such information won't be deadly to imply to others.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 11:57 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv111

    Ahh, she's too cute. He thought as she appeared to enjoy his compliment. He leaned forward, resting his elbow on the table and using his palm as a chinrest. "I have little filter when it comes to something I like the look of, just let me know if it gets a bit much." He told her. Ashamedly he had to admit the fact he had put off a woman before, being too forward with the wrong kind. It didn't always work in your favour. Those were normally the kind of girls that wanted a different kind of man, a cruel man. A form of self sabotage, women on a destructive path or self loathing, chasing a man that would bring further punishment to their own lives.

    Artemis had shared many intimate nights with women and not pursued them further, breaking hearts as he went. But he told the women beforehand he wasn't looking for love, and they had chosen to ignore him, to have him anyway. Never did he want to hurt a woman though, not really, he enjoyed the passion of producing pleasure on both side. Pain wasn't his game, he never sought to dominate or control a woman. He knew someone who did though, someone unbearably close to him.

    "Wow, you're pretty determined, you must be strong. Strong and beautiful, that's a dangerous mixture for a woman. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I know that better than most." He said with a laugh. He noticed her remark about her childhood and decided to pry gently. "Your youth sounds pretty harsh, sounds like you didn't have much of a childhood?"

    WC: 275
    Total: 1818

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 12:17 pm

    Amora just shrugs her shoulder at the comment of being unable to hold back with compliments not minding them in the slightest since they are meant in good natured manner. Not really catching any sort of romantic or anything undertone from not knowing the concept at all. Compliment is a compliment nothing wrong with it. Amora says towards Artemis as she picks up her drink once more and enjoys its coldness which is the only really enjoyable part of it. Amora gazes forward and smiles at the sentence and shrugs her shoulders having heard the saying before she can only guess since it is ringing a very vague bell within her mind. She quickly dismisses such memories starting to remember the fires.

    Welll childhood wasn't the greatest really. It wasn't till i lived on my own that it was anything really exciting really. Not much learning honestly, and.. Amora pauses for a bit biting her lower lip ever so slightly as i her left hand rubs her shoulders ever so slightly before she catches herself and forces her hands back down. There were some good spots within the childhood. had some friends who i was told disappeared one day without a trace. That was when i was back in the village i lived in. For my childhood what i would call the good parts though. I had spent lots of winters within a cave hunting all manner of beast that would try to hunt me. I became the apex predator through using the magic that i had at my disposal. I learned how to trap my prey in and then finish them off. She says in this ever so slight cold detachment when talking about the beasts that she hunt. Viewing them as simple prey to hunt and kill. I respected them. Noble creatures that i made sure to use as much as possible from when i had to kill for food. They were truly like parents teaching me the new world i lived in which was the forests. They do so without really meaning to since i just observed and learned from there own behavior. She then finishes her sentence as she runs her hand through the fur that lines the hood of her jacket with a smile. Smiling from knowing that the beasts had made the forest her home and raised her without doing so all at the same time.

    She then glances up towards the man in front of her with a smile on her face. Well no reason for me to be the only one sharing. What about yourself? Any fun hobbies? Maybe know any interesting people? She asks curiously towards Artemis with curiosity shining within her eyes.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 12:55 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69

    Amora's tale was a hard one, as he listened to her story, he casually sipped his drink. Taking in the details of it, harsh as they were. If there was one thing he knew about women, it was that they wanted you to listen. To really listen. To tell and share their story, their hardships. To facilitate a friendly ear, they could divulge themselves to. Sure he only listened for as long as he was interested, and sure he only remembered as long as he was interested. But it still allowed them a short time of letting go of their internal struggles, getting them off their chest, opening themselves up. Talking was therapeutic after all. Although Art didn't take on that philosophy himself, he never spoke to anyone about his inner goings on. No one outside of his family knew his true self, his own suffering. Heck, most of his family didn't know, nor did they care to.

    "You must be very skilled to have survived on your own for such a time," He tried to picture it, her in the woods, hunting. It was difficult, she was put together so neatly, how could he picture her feral and untamed. Maybe it was a side he had yet to see, the thought was tantalizing to say the least. Her question caused him to lift off of his chin, sitting back in his seat. It was his time to divulge, just a smidge, "I personally enjoy travelling, seeing different sights and whatnot. I'm a bit of a partygoer so I tend to look for the place that's the most fun." He replied, his words well rehearsed, offering her a convincingly friendly smile of his own. I also enjoy gambling, drinking and seducing women, but you don't need to know that.

    "As for interesting people..." He reached up scratching the back of his head, that was a tougher questions, his friends were pretty neutral individuals. Hardly even friends really, there was only one person that came to mind. "I suppose the most interesting person I know is my grandfather. You may or may not have heard of him, His name is Mephistopheles Jager, and to say the least, he's kind of a big deal." His voice transitioned from flirtatious and confident to much more strained and serious. He wondered if she would recognised the name of the current head of the Dagger Family. A family known in Fiore for it's wealth, power and secrets.

    WC: 412
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 1:08 pm

    Amora looks towards the man in front of her scanning him for signs of anything she can get off of his way of demeanor, and not really picking anything up in terms of words or posture. Knowing that could just be her lack of experience with such a skill unlike her partner who can seemingly tell a person's intentions with just a singular glance. She just gives a kind smile towards the man known as Artemis. Well i wouldn't say i am that skilled. it was really all of my magic helping with the entrapment of the creature that i hunted. Plus it was pretty useful having the earth at my command whenever i had wanted it to move to strike. Hunting was practically easy with such a thing at my side since all i needed was a well placed trap. Though i guess that could be impressive for a child to know. She says the last sentence softly towards herself and then just shakes her head no at that fact. Thinking anybody could do that within the time that she had to learn how to hunt properly no matter if they were a magic user or just a normal person. Hunting a beast could be done within a snap of a finger if one studied there prey long enough.

    She listens to the hobbies and interesting person and just shakes her head no at what she hears. For the important guy i don't know him at all. Besides i was just curious so i could try to learn more of this world, but if the guy is related to you i don't really care. You're you not some name and thus you will be treated like everybody else. She says with a nod of her head and a grin upon her face. For your hobby though traveling does make sense it has been a lot of fun honestly. Thooough. Might be a bias since i love nature more then i do civilization. I hate the stupid rules you humans created for your civilizations. I understand the purpose, but makes things less exciting. She says with a shrug of her shoulders as she takes another nice drink of her ice water as she eyes over towards the area where i think the kitchen is. Starting to wonder how long food usually takes to make within such establishments. Not minding the conversation of course 'Though i could really use something to eat i am starving.' She thinks to herself while pouting ever so slightly outwardly with such a thought.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 1:31 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv69

    Her words suggested she was a humble girl, not one to oversell herself. She just stated it how it was, it was a nice change of pace to a lot of the fake airy girls he spoke to. He thumbed his glass, it was already halfway empty. He would have to order another when the food arrived, otherwise he wouldn't have anything to down his meal with. He stared at it, before decided to speak once again. "I think it's impressive, as a child, I probably wouldn't have been strong enough to survive what you did." He flickered back to that day, he hadn't even been able to handle a bit of suffering. Bullying and criticism, had driven him into the arms of an evil demon, a mistake he could never undo. What this girl had done, probably from a younger age too. It was no small feat. "You shouldn't sell yourself short." He added, looking up from his glass.

    Her words regarding his grandfather took him be surprise, his face turned blank. I'm not my name huh? It was a peculiar thought, if he wasn't a Dagger, then who would he be. He didn't want to think about it. He looked away from her again, looking out of a nearby window. "To be honest, I wasn't really gloating. He really is the most interesting person I know, he's been through a lot in his lifetime, more than I could ever dream to achieve." There was a quiet layer of respect in his tone, although it was sided with a bitterness he could not hide. "Although not to offend but I believe you're wrong about not belonging to my name, at least only in my special circumstance. I will always and forever will be a Dagger, you could say it's my fate." The words we're firm and honest. It was the most honest he'd been in a long time. It was he that was in line to take over as head of the family, it had been decreed and there was no escaping that. Trying to escape their families laws, resulted in two potential outcomes; disownment or death. However most of the time it was both.

    As she spoke about his hobby, he shook away the negative energy he realised had cloaked him. It didn't do well for him to think about these things, not when he was supposed to be entertaining a lovely lady. "What would you consider exciting then?" He asked, hoping to steer the conversation back to her. It was then that the waitress returned once more, placing the plates of food in front of them. Art quickly asked for a refill of their drinks before she left.

    WC: 452
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 1:49 pm

    Amora watches her companion look down towards his drink as if to think on something and smiles a bit able to pick up on at least something with that. That something had happened when he was younger. That or he wants to refill his drink though she is a bit hopeful towards the childhood part rather then the refill. Just the idea of someone who might have a experience that would be something to talk about, and to be able to talk with about there troubles with could be a healing experience for the man if that would be the case. Well even if it is something amazing possibly. I still won't view it as such. I'm just a normal girl living the life of a mage and learning from her mistakes as i make them really. She says with a bit of a forced smile knowing she is probably giving away a bit too much in comparison to her companion. Knowing full well her partner would criticize her for such a behavior, but she is hopeful by opening up herself maybe this man in front of her might do the same.

    She smiles happily at the tone the man takes as he talks about his grandfather as she nods her head. Able to easily sense the pride and respect this man has towards this man. I'm glad you have someone you can possibly look up to then if he is such a man, or if that would be someone else. Having a role model to follow does help shape your entire world i've come to learn. She says with a slight giggle escaping her lips before she quickly composes herself once more as she looks you within the eyes. her Amber gaze not breaking eye contact as she begins to speak. Your last name can be Dagger, like my last name can be Shade. Though i am not defined by Shade as you don't have to be defined by Dagger. We're our own people going down paths of life that don't have to be defined by our names. You could rename yourself to anything and find ways to cut ties with a family. Then you wouldn't be a dagger you would be whoever you would wish to be So the question would be then do you freely accept a fate that doesn't have to be if you don't like it? Or find a way to become who you want to be and not what would be expected of a Dagger. She says in a rather serious and calm tone of voice as she speaks towards the man.

    Amora then breaks eye contact to smile at the waitress as she starts coming towards the table and gives her a nod of her head as her only sign of thanks before taking the burger she had ordered and beginning to eat it. Once she finishes her first bite she just smiles rather happily. This is so good! She says rather excitedly with the biggest smile upon her face. Before she quickly returns her gaze back towards you as she thinks. Hmmmm things i find exciting. Well the first that comes to mind is the hunt, and doing a job. They are so similar really. You get a target, you observe and learn, then you strike. What can i say really i've been raised and most of my life has been about the hunt and the freedom of nature. I can't really say it doesn't get better then that. She says and then pauses for a moment and then turns to a slightly more quieter tone. Though living on your own is honestly kinda lonely. So while i can hate civilization for its rules. At least it is nice to have other people to talk to. She says with a small smile.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 1st July 2018, 2:40 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71

    "You're humble huh? That's a nice quality in a person." He told her honestly, it was. It was fine to be proud of yourself but arrogance and boasting were not an attractive feature to bare. Although he couldn't really talk, he was pretty arrogant himself when he wanted to be. However, these would not be one of those times, he didn't need to be arrogant in front of her because she gave him no reason to be.

    He also picked up on the fact, she was kind too, the way she spoke to him about his grandfather and his lineage. Her attempt to advice him life changing advice, it was sweet. It was as though he came from a world full of possibilities, ones that she was laying on the table for him. Cut ties, change his name, it was all a fanatical dream. Did he even want to get rid of his name? He wasn't even sure. It came with wealth, power and status. Something his family had spent years of suffering to gain, could he really throw it away. For what, so he didn't have to deal with the feedback , the constant berating. A lot of people died so that he got to have that name, would throwing it away lay waste to all those souls. There was also the possibility that when he was in charge that the criticism and difficulties would come to an end. Maybe...

    "I appreciate your encouragement but it's kind of complicated. Besides its not a bad name really..." He told her , a smile on his features. He didn't want to discuss it much more, it was a sensitive subject, one of his 'avoid at all cost' topics and yet they had strutted right into it.  Art got to work on his cheese and ham panini. It was tasty, and worth the wait. The way the toasted bread crunched between his teeth, the soft texture of the melted cheese. It was a great snack. He swallowed his bite, acknowledging her words. He put down his half-eaten Panini, picked up a napkin and dabbed his mouth. No woman enjoyed a guy who spoke with their mouthful after all. He had noticed her passion as she spoke about hunting and nature, it was a view to behold. Her animated speech as she described it to him, making her all the more appealing to him.

    "You're really something you know that, it's been a long time since I've sat in the presence of such a beautiful, strong spirited person. I'm glad I picked this cafe, a real stroke of luck on my part."

    WC: 440
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 1st July 2018, 3:02 pm

    She just gives a smile and a small chuckle at the constant being called humble as she just gives a wave of her left hand as if to wave the words away from her. The girl of raven hair just enjoys her meal that she has been provided by the kind person in front of her. Savoring every single bite that she can get during her stay within the very nice cafe that has been found by herself. Making a mental note to remember its location, so she can come back once more to enjoy of its food again. She glances towards her companion with a rather simple look. Rather curious about the man in the terms of what he is about. Knowing that he is rather nice and everything on the outside to others and probably the inside if given time to learn what he is like. Though one can never be to careful with people as she had learned. There is usually always a darker side to every person that one can encounter one that people would prefer to stay locked away and out of sight as far as possible.

    At hearing her response to his name she just nods her head as she looks down to her meal seeing that she is about halfway through her meal. Well even if it might be seen as complicated to yourself Artemis. Sometimes the most complicated things have the simplest answers to them. She says to Artemis with a small shrug of her shoulders once more as she continues her meal. Wondering once more why humans make problems that could be simple more complicated then it would have to be, or is it that man has formed more complicated scenarios via obligations they feel to one another? She looks down in thought of that question finding herself thinking about it and staring off into space ever so slightly to focus on her thoughts. Before she could go into any meaningful depth she hears the voice of Artemis once more as she listens to what he has to say. She then grins and proceeds to speak. Well i am going to be in town for probably the day before i head on off towards the final little town where i am meant to be learning something called...yeah it was Takeover he called it. She says with a nod of her head after thinking on it for a moment. Then goes to continue eating her food.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 2nd July 2018, 3:26 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv71

    Art smiled at her comment, deciding to leave that topic at that. Maybe it was simple, maybe he was overthinking it. But it wouldn't do to dwell on it now, it was a long and complicated history. Diverse and complex, to analyse and break it down, it would take more than a five minute conversation to resolve. Especially as there were so many parties involved. Art picked up his toasted sandwich , once more taking and bite and working further through it, chewing it slowly as to avoid choking. He often did little things like this, despite his blasé nature, his little mannerism indicated years of training in etiquette. He watched her as she spoke, pleased to see she enjoy her compliment. Then as the sentence progressed, it did not indicate to him in anyway what her magic type would be, so when he heard it, it took him by utter surprise.


    Art immediately started choking on his Panini, the shock of her magic sending it down his airway gullet instead. He raised his hand to him mouth, coughing into his hand. He dropped his sandwich and with his free hand. Reached for his iced latte, taking a hefty gulp of it to try and settle his throat. After a few moments, he calmed down. His eyes streaming a little, he cleared his throat. "Sorry about that, went down the wrong hole... so " He coughed again, smaller this time. "Takeover huh? What makes you want to study that"

    Of course this was the case, of all the luck in the world. Bringing him an attractive little thing with legs that didn't quit. Of all the magics she would want to have, it had to be takeover. The same magic as him, a magic he had mistaken obtained as a child, a magic he detested. But he couldn't judge, as long as whatever she took in wasn't as evil and sadistic as Morte. It couldn't be so bad right, then came a voice that sent a chill down his spine, speaking in an amused cruel voice in his mind.

    'Your words hurt me Artemis.'

    WC: 357
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 2nd July 2018, 1:36 pm

    She looks over towards her companion with a slightly worried look as he begins to choke upon his food as she starts to move to try and help him until he raises a finger as if to say he has this. With that i just shrug my food deciding to trust the man as i slowly sit back down and eat my own food rather carefully as i wait for the man to catch his breathe from the experience he just had to go through. When hearing the question she just shrugs her shoulders as she tries to remember the conversation she had with her traveling partner. Mmm...well my partner told me that he thought it would fit me the best. Saying something like how i already fight like a beast when in battle. Why not get a magic that would help support that by allowing me to use what i kill even more so then just there skins and such. Amora says with a small shrug of her shoulders as she then finishes up her meal and takes a nice deep drink of water enjoying the still rather nice cold part of it. The ice having melted somewhat during the time of the two talking to one another.

    She looks over towards the man in question and thinks back to his rather surprised reaction and tilts her head to the side ever so slightly. What is the matter with takeover magic? Have some personal experience with it that wasn't all that pleasant? She takes a guess knowing that for magic usually a big reaction like that isn't involved unless there is a fear for it, or someone has some sort of trauma with it that would warrant such a thing. 'Unless it is something rare or dangerous? Hmmm never really considered that part. How dangerous is it trying to learn this kind of thing.' She thinks to herself getting lost in some thoughts before she quickly forces herself back to reality to listen to what Artemis would have to say to her question. oorrrr is it like super dangerous to learn it? She adds in the end to throw in her latest thoughts.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 3rd July 2018, 10:18 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74

    The sound of Mortes voice in his mind was always one that sent Artemis into a state of discomfort. He didn't like having him there, listening to his conversation. Could you give us some privacy. He thought, directing it to Morte. He heard laughter in his ears, laughter only he could hear.

    She's a sexy little thing isn't she, I agree about those legs, delicious.

    Shut up. He thought in reply as loudly as he could.

    Now, now, no need to be rude. I'm just agreeing with you about how beautiful she is. Bet she'd make for a tasty snack.

    Artemis ignored Morte's words, trying to put his focus back on Amora. He listened as she mentioned how a partner told her that it would be an ideal magic for her as it made sense with her hunter nature. He couldn't disagree, it was sensible, just unfortunate. "So you would be taking on the qualities of an animal. Or were you thinking of more otherworldly creatures?" He asked.

    It seemed she had noticed his little coughing fit as more than just that. He once again tried to play it off. "Nothing's wrong with it, I was just eating my food too eagerly. Poor timing on my part." The lie came out smoother than the cheese on his panini. But that wasn't a surprise, lies came easy to Artemis. He'd been lying for as long as he could remember, and he couldn't remember a single person he probably hadn't lied to. It was just a defensive reflux to him.

    "Well from what I know about takeover, you can either slay a creature and absorb its power, or you can make a contract of sorts. There might be other ways, but those are the ones I'm familiar with. The main difficulty I suppose, is learning to control it, it's dangerous in the sense that if you don't control it well, it can take over you and you can hurt people you care about." Or worse... Especially when they had a personality like his. Maybe if had taken in a simple minded beast it would have been easier to subdue, maybe he would have ,a stereo the power with ease. But the fact that Morte wasn't just a regular demon meant that he was difficult to control.

    WC: 386
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 3rd July 2018, 12:53 pm

    She watches the person from across the table calmly waiting to her the responses to what she has to say. She looks towards the man and nods her head yes to his first question. I was definitely thinking just animals. After all the beasts of the wild can hold some of the most dangerous abilities within the world. If one isn't careful enough any sort of beast could sneak up when a person is unprepared and send them to a early grave. So while i won't have anything overly huge and flashy like some people can. I will still be just as deadly, but more so strong enough to defend those close to me. She says with a tone of confidence and a grin upon her face as she imagines the challenges that will be put in front of her during her time trying to do this takeover magic. Not knowing much, but if it does involve slaying a creature to utilize its abilities it does make for a interesting and rather fun time for herself. That her magic will force her to go on hunts to try and gain new powers for her to use.

    'Though that does bring the question of what sort of creatures i should go after first.' She thinks to herself as she then quickly dismisses the thoughts for the moment to focus back on the conversation. Worries and doubts can be saved for later when she is accomplishing the magic at hand. She then pauses slightly at the words of having to control this magic or she could lose control. Some sense of worry filling her at the thought of having to do so from the fact of knowing that isn't exactly her strongest suit when in the middle of battle. I thank you for letting me know about this little thing. It is a bit nice to get to know some of the things i should be prepared for. Though i am curious what about yourself? Are you a mage of any kind, or are you just a traveler just enjoying the world and wishing to see its sights? She asks curiously just wishing to sate her rather simple curiosity that wishes to know its answers to the questions that she has.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 4th July 2018, 1:39 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv74

    There was a small relief within him when she said animals, animals were weaker minded creatures. Although he wasn't particular sure why he was concerned, he didn't even know the girl. Yet, his own personal experience with making a contract with a demon meant he had automatically felt the urge to stop the girl. But he hadn't, he couldn't. It wasn't his place to make the decisions for others, plus if he did if meant revealing more of himself and his own story. Something he wasn't ready to do.

    "I feel like that would suit you very well, I wish you luck in your training." He said, his demeanour relaxing once more. Was Morte gone again? He wondered, he wasn't saying anything maybe had decided Art ignoring him was dull, or maybe he was waiting for something to say. Her questions regarding himself, gave him the base for his own answer. "You could say I'm a traveller, although I can't stray too far I'm a member of the guild known as Silver Wolf. So I often do jobs for them and have to return for duties. It can be a little dull, but it's a good way to make money and build connections." He told her, not actually mentioning his magic, he was a mage, but a mage who didn't use magic was a strange thing to come by. It was something Art preferred not to discuss, he hoped mentioning the guild would distract her from that topic.

    WC: 250
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 4th July 2018, 1:56 am

    Amora smiles rather happily once more at saying how the idea of animals would suit her rather well as she looks down in thought of such a thing. Knowing that it is truly a rather good fit for her hunter nature, but there is the doubt of figuring out who the takeover works and what will happen to her when she first attempts it. However, even with such unknowns she has to be brave to them and face them with no fear at all for what will be presented to her. That she can't allow herself to fail within her task of remaining someone useful that could help others with the skills that she will acquire. Thank you for the compliment Artemis i can only hope it will be a good fit, and that i can be smart enough to find creatures that will be useful for myself. I feel like finding the right beasts will be difficult enough not even taking into consideration like how difficult it will be to slay some of them. She says with a small chuckle at her sentence. More so out of nervousness for the hunt ahead of her then this being a joke of some kind. She knows that she will have to hunt and kill progressively stronger creatures to make herself any bit useful to her allies, and that isn't even taking into consideration what she will have to kill to be useful earlier on also.

    At the mention of the guild that catches her attention as she smiles from ear to ear. Now having a source of someone who can inform her directly what the experience of joining and being apart of one is like. To know the motivations behind why people join and create one. She grins at that fact of such a nice fountain of knowledge beyond her mentor's rather biased outlook she could imagine he has despite his words of not being as such. So this Silver wolf. What are they like? More importantly what do they stand for if you know? She asks curiously wondering if such a guild would be worth her time to at least see more members of, or if the people within it would be more of a hindrance and a problem for her in trying to communicate with them. She can only hope the former to try and make some new companions. Finding the travels to be rather..lonely in all honesty without a companion to make it better. 'I've gotten way to use to having a partner at all times...i wonder how he is doing now that i think about it.' She wonders to herself for a brief moment as she then glances back up remembering her initial question that wasn't answered. She goes to open her mouth and call him out for her it before she does she pauses for a moment. She glances into his eyes trying to get a read on what he could be feeling in regards to not saying anything about his magic. 'I wonder why he wouldn't say anything. Just wanting to withhold information, or is there a story that he doesn't wish to discuss. either way i probably shouldn't ask and just wait. If he would want to tell he will when he is ready.' She thinks to herself, and mentally nods to herself to settle the issue for her.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 4th July 2018, 3:19 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv28

    Artemis smiled as she spoke about the slaying of beasts and tracking down what ones she would need for her takeover. "I'm sure it will be a great fit, do you have any specific animals you're interested in? Eagles, Tigers, Bears etc?" He asked, now that they were moving away from the link between takeovers and demons, he felt much more comfortable discussing it with her. He picked up his sandwich and finished it off, polishing off his latte. "After this would you be interested in sharing a sundae?" He asked, they had caught his eye when we had been at the counter, but it was little strange for a twenty-two year old man to enjoy a sundae alone. But with a girl however, it was the picture of a lovely summer's day date.

    "So this partner that's helping you, what's your relationship to them?" He asked, it had caught her ear, and made him wonder if she was already taken. It didn't matter if she was, she was hot enough to pursue regardless. He just wanted to know what he was up against. Her question about Silver Wolf led him to believe they had move away from the topic of his magic, something that made him glad. "It's a pretty new guild, focuses a lot on development and research. It's quite nice, keeps me grounded I guess." It gave him something to possess that wasn't laid claim to by the Dagger Family. Something he could enjoy without that association.

    WC: 252
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] Arv4

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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