Fairy Tail RP

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    Tables and FAQ's


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Tables and FAQ's

    Post by Admin 29th June 2018, 6:07 pm

    Last edited by Admin on 29th June 2018, 6:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Re: Tables and FAQ's

    Post by Admin 29th June 2018, 6:08 pm

    Tables and FAQ's LNTX3j2

    FAQ on Creating Magic and Abilities

    • Overview: Here on FTRP quite a bit is allowed, from time manipulation to fire magic you can make a wide variety of concepts and abilities. However, there are a few things which aren’t allowed or are restricted in applications. These amendments are hard rules which should be followed, unlike normal magic rules which can be adjusted under some circumstances.
      • Creative Freedom: FTRP encourages creative freedom when it comes to magic creation. To preserve this creative freedom, we will not make amendments to every possible abuse. However, the staff team retains the right to pull any application that is deemed abusable either alone or when combined with other abilities or spells on a case-by-case basis.

      • EXP and Jewel increases: Outside of a custom lineage, one cannot increase jewel rewards with their magic (golden lacrimas, gold rush lineage, etc. can still be used and stack with each other). Regardless of ability type, one cannot increase the EXP earned from a job with an ability in any way. There are other avenues to do so, such as a team and guild bonus, etc.

      • Immunities: One cannot make themselves 100% immune to anything. You can be resistant to it, but you can’t be completely immune to effects, damage, or even entire elements or magics. The only exceptions to this are your own magic (such as being immune to your own spells hurting you). Otherwise please only create effects that allow you to be resistant to something if you wish to try and decrease its effects.  

      • Counter Chains: With the banning of Immunities, counters are going the way of the dodo, too. You can have an ability which states “if the enemy hits me with X type of spell, Y will happen to it/me” but you cannot have an ability that states that “if the enemy hits me with X type of spell, Y happens, and X doesn’t affect me, and if Y can’t happen due to X having an ability preventing Y, Z happens, ignoring all their stuff.” This is considered a counter-chain, and possession of one will result in the application being pulled.

      • Auto Hits/Dodges: Abilities which can affect the inside of a player character or player-associated NPC aren’t allowed. You cannot spawn your attacks inside of another, you can manifest them outside and have them enter, but you cannot automatically hit an opponent from the inside without even touching them. You also may not automatically reflect damage to an or from an opponent without utilizing the necessary effects. Similarly, you cannot auto-avoid an opponent's attacks that hit you. You can, however, absorb an attack with shield spells or armor, of course. Spells with the wording of "if X happens, then an opponent is automatically affected with Y" are not allowed, as such spells and abilities do not give opponents a chance to dodge, constituting an auto-hit. A spell or ability always has to include a realistic way for an opponent to dodge a spell and its effects/consequences, or is otherwise considered an auto-hit. This includes spells that automatically take effect as soon as one sees, hears, or otherwise senses a target, this scenario similarly constituting an auto-hit.

      • Nullifying Magic: You cannot have abilities which can nullify, deactivate, or shut off an entire magic, type of magic, element, etc. You could negate a single spell or effect at a time, with a spell or per MP cost, but you cannot shut down a person’s entire magic, equipment, abilities, or lineage. Not only is this concept not fun, but it also is one of the things which promoted immunities in the first place. The only exception to this is the Truth Lineage (and only the Truth lineage, not custom lineages with Truths wording in it). See Negation effects in the Magic and Spell rules for more information on nullification.

      • Compounding Buffs: Buffs cannot increase other buffs by any total amount, for instance, you can’t have a 200% increase that is then affected by a 50% increase to become 300%, it would be 250%.

      • Rounding: When calculating damages, healing, defenses, etc. as well as buffs and you get a decimal number in the end, we round down to the closest number. This also universally extends to most other site systems such as jewels calculation, exp calculation, etc.

      • Magical and Physical Damage in UA’s: If a Unique Ability deals damage (physical or magical), then that damage uses burst values equal to the character's rank. Melee and spell damage may not be combined in a UA.

    Tables and FAQ's TijiXmD

    Character Stats Table

    RanksHealth PointsMagic PowerCharacter SpeedMelee DamageMagic Sensory
    D-Rank200 HP200 MP40 Mps20 HP100 Meters
    C-Rank300 HP300 MP60 Mps30 HP150 Meters
    B-Rank400 HP400 MP80 Mps40 HP200 Meters
    A-Rank500 HP500 MP100 Mps50 HP250 Meters
    S-Rank600 HP600 MP120 Mps60 HP300 Meters
    H-Rank700 HP700 MP140 Mps70 HP350 Meters
    X-Rank800 HP800 MP160 Mps80 HP400 Meters
    Y-Rank900 HP900 MP180 Mps90 HP450 Meters
    Z-Rank1000 HP1000 MP200 Mps100 HP500 Meters

    Tables and FAQ's TfogIbd

    Job Table

    RanksMinimum Solo Word CountMinimum Group Word CountJewel RewardEquipment Reward
    D-Rank500 Words1,000 Words5k JewelsWeak
    C-Rank1,000 Words2,000 Words10k-20k JewelsStrong
    B-Rank2,500 Words5,000 Words25k-40k JewelsStrong (+)
    A-Rank5,000 Words10,000 Words50k-75k JewelsLegendary
    S-Rank7,000 Words14,000 Words75k-100k JewelsLegendary (+)
    10 Year10,000 Words20,000 Words250k-300k JewelsArtifact (+)
    100 Year11,000 Words22,000 Words150k-200k JewelsArtifact

    Experience Table


    RanksEXP RequiredJob EXP GivenGuild BonusTeam/Mentor Bonus
    H-Rank/10 Year550,000EXP56,250EXP70,312EXP84,375EXP
    X-Rank/100 Year1,200,000EXP175,335EXP219,168EXP263,002EXP


    RanksEXP Required
    D+ Rank0EXP
    C+ Rank350EXP
    B+ Rank2,750EXP
    A+ Rank15,000EXP
    S+ Rank40,000EXP
    H+ Rank900,000EXP
    X+ Rank1,500,000EXP
    Y+ Rank2,750,000EXP
    Z+ Rank5,000,000EXP
    O Rank50,000,000EXP

    Tables and FAQ's XUlV3Yt

    Weapon and Armor Table

    RanksMelee Additional Weapon DamageArmor DurabilityPet/Companion Melee DamagePet/Companion HP
    Weak2 HP50 HP5 HP150 HP
    Strong4 HP120 HP10 HP200 HP
    Strong(+)6 HP150 HP15 HP250 HP
    Legendary8 HP180 HP20 HP300 HP
    Legendary(+)10 HP210 HP25 HP350 HP
    Artifact12 HP240 HP30 HP400 HP
    Artifact(+)16 HP270 HP35 HP450 HP
    Mythical20 HP350 HP40 HP550 HP

    Tables and FAQ's C1nxeVw

    Buff’s and Debuff’s Table


    Tables and FAQ's EwjT6TC

    Normal Spell and Technique Cost / Duration Table

    RanksSpell MP CostsBlood Spell HP CostsTechnique SP CostsMax Spell/Technique Durations
    D-Rank20 MP40 HP30 SP3
    C-Rank30 MP60 HP45 SP5
    B-Rank40 MP80 HP60 SP6
    A-Rank50 MP100 HP75 SP7
    S-Rank60 MP120 HP90 SP10
    H-Rank70 MP140 HP100 SP20

    Normal Spell Damage Table

    RanksSingle Target DamageMultiple Target DamageArea of Effect DamageBurst Damage
    D-Rank40 HP30 HP20 HP40 HP
    C-Rank60 HP45 HP30 HP60 HP
    B-Rank80 HP60 HP40 HP80 HP
    A-Rank100 HP75 HP50 HP100 HP
    S-Rank120 HP90 HP60 HP120 HP
    H-Rank140 HP105 HP70 HP140 HP

    Normal Spell / Technique Durability Table

    RanksSingle Target Durability (x1/x2/x3)Multiple Target Durability (x1/x2/x3)Area of Effect Durability (x1/x2/x3)Burst Durability (x1/x2/x3)
    D-Rank40 HP / 80 HP / 120 HP30 HP / 60 HP / 90 HP20 HP / 40 HP / 60 HP40 HP / 80 HP / 120 HP
    C-Rank60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP45 HP / 90 HP / 135 HP30 HP / 60 HP / 90 HP60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP
    B-Rank80 HP / 160 HP / 240 HP60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP40 HP / 80 HP / 120 HP80 HP / 160 HP / 240 HP
    A-Rank100 HP / 200 HP / 300 HP75 HP / 150 HP / 225 HP50 HP / 100 HP / 150 HP100 HP / 200 HP / 300 HP
    S-Rank120 HP / 240 HP / 360 HP90 HP / 180 HP / 270 HP60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP120 HP / 240 HP / 360 HP
    H-Rank140 HP / 280 HP / 420 HP105 HP / 210 HP / 315 HP70 HP / 140 HP / 210 HP140 HP / 280 HP / 420 HP

    Normal Spell / Technique Range Table

    RanksSingle Target Max RangeMultiple Target Max RangeArea of Effect Max RangeBurst Max Range
    D-Rank60 Meters45 Meters30 Meters15 Meters
    C-Rank120 Meters90 Meters60 Meters30 Meters
    B-Rank200 Meters150 Meters100 Meters50 Meters
    A-Rank300 Meters225 Meters150 Meters75 Meters
    S-Rank400 Meters300 Meters200 Meters100 Meters
    H-Rank600 Meters500 Meters400 Meters200 Meters

    Normal Spell / Technique Speed Table

    RanksSingle Target Max SpeedMulti Target Max SpeedArea of Effect Max SpeedBurst Max Speed
    D-Rank60 Meters Per Second30 Meters Per Second15 Meters Per Second30 Meters Per Second
    C-Rank120 Meters Per Second65 Meters Per Second30 Meters Per Second60 Meters Per Second
    B-Rank200 Meters Per Second110 Meters Per Second50 Meters Per Second100 Meters Per Second
    A-Rank300 Meters Per Second165 Meters Per Second75 Meters Per Second150 Meters Per Second
    S-Rank400 Meters Per Second225 Meters Per Second100 Meters Per Second200 Meters Per Second
    H-Rank500 Meters Per Second350 Meters Per Second250 Meters Per Second300 Meters Per Second

    Normal Technique Damage Table

    RanksSingle Target DamageMultiple Target DamageArea of Effect DamageBurst Damage
    D-Rank50 HP40 HP25 HP50 HP
    C-Rank80 HP60 HP40 HP80 HP
    B-Rank100 HP80 HP60 HP100 HP
    A-Rank130 HP110 HP75 HP130 HP
    S-Rank150 HP120 HP80 HP150 HP
    H-Rank180 HP145 HP100 HP180 HP

    Normal Technique Healing Table

    Note: Values for Supportive Techniques scale differently than those for Spells.

    RanksSingle Target HealingMultiple Target HealingArea of Effect HealingBurst Healing
    D-Rank20 HP15 HP10 HP20 HP
    C-Rank30 HP20 HP15 HP30 HP
    B-Rank40 HP30 HP20 HP40 HP
    A-Rank50 HP35 HP25 HP50 HP
    S-Rank60 HP45 HP30 HP60 HP
    H-Rank70 HP55 HP35 HP70 HP

    Tables and FAQ's WFUDb10

    Requip HP Table

    RanksNormal Spell Armor HPRefined Spell Armor HP
    D-Rank60 HPN/A
    C-Rank120 HPN/A
    B-Rank180 HP205 HP
    A-Rank240 HP280 HP
    S-Rank300 HP355 HP
    H-Rank600 HP700 HP

    Requip Damage Table

    RanksNormal Damage for Spell WeaponsRefined Damage for Spell Weapons
    D-Rank7 HPN/A
    C-Rank14 HPN/A
    B-Rank21 HP30 HP
    A-Rank30 HP41 HP
    S-Rank41 HP55 HP
    H-Rank55 HP72 HP

    Tables and FAQ's G6Z2Eih

    Summon HP Table

    RanksNormal/Bronze HPGrande/Silver HPImmaculate/Crystal HPUnknown HPZodiac HP
    D-Rank50 HPN/A70 HP80 HP100 HP
    C-Rank100 HPN/A140 HP160 HP200 HP
    B-Rank150 HP180 HP210 HP240 HP300 HP
    A-Rank200 HP240 HP280 HP320 HP400 HP
    S-Rank250 HP300 HP350 HP400 HP500 HP
    H-Rank350 HPN/A450 HP500 HP600 HP

    Summon Melee Damage Table

    RanksNormal/Bronze DamageGrande/Silver DamageImmaculate/Crystal DamageUnknown DamageZodiac Damage
    D-Rank5 HPN/A10 HP15 HP20 HP
    C-Rank12 HPN/A20 HP25 HP30 HP
    B-Rank19 HP24 HP29 HP34 HP40 HP
    A-Rank28 HP33 HP39 HP44 HP50 HP
    S-Rank35 HP43 HP50 HP55 HP60 HP
    H-Rank47 HPN/A60 HP68 HP75 HP

    Tables and FAQ's HohCMCU

    Advanced Spell and Technique Cost / Duration Table

    RanksAdv. Spell MP CostAdv. Blood Spell HP CostAdv. Technique SP CostMax Adv. Spell Duration
    D+ Rank30 MP60 HP45 SP5
    C+ Rank45 MP90 HP60 SP6
    B+ Rank60 MP120 HP90 SP8
    A+ Rank75 MP150 HP110 SP9
    S+ Rank90 MP180 HP135 SP12
    H+ Rank105 MP210 HP155 SP25

    Advanced Spell Damage Table

    RanksAdv. Single Target DamageAdv. Multiple Target DamageAdv. Area of Effect DamageAdv. Burst Damage
    D+ Rank60 HP45 HP30 HP60 HP
    C+ Rank90 HP68 HP45 HP90 HP
    B+ Rank120 HP90 HP60 HP120 HP
    A+ Rank150 HP115 HP75 HP150 HP
    S+ Rank180 HP135 HP90 HP180 HP
    H+ Rank210 HP160 HP105 HP210 HP

    Advanced Spell / Technique Durability Table

    RanksAdv. Single Target Durability (x1/x2/x3)Adv. Multiple Target Durability (x1/x2/x3)Adv. Area of Effect Durability (x1/x2/x3)Adv. Burst Durability (x1/x2/x3)
    D+ Rank60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP45 HP / 90 HP / 135 HP30 HP / 60 HP / 90 HP60 HP / 120 HP / 180 HP
    C+ Rank90 HP / 180 HP / 270 HP68 HP / 135 HP / 205 HP45 HP / 90 HP / 135 HP90 HP / 180 HP / 270 HP
    B+ Rank120 HP / 240 HP / 360 HP90 HP / 180 HP / 270 HP60HP / 120 HP / 180 HP120 HP / 240 HP / 360 HP
    A+ Rank150 HP / 300 HP / 450 HP115 HP / 230 HP / 345 HP75 HP / 150 HP / 225 HP150 HP / 300 HP / 450 HP
    S+ Rank180 HP / 360 HP / 540 HP135 HP / 270 HP / 405 HP90 HP / 180 HP / 270 HP180 HP / 360 HP / 540 HP
    H+ Rank210 HP / 420 HP / 630 HP160 HP / 320 HP / 480 HP105 HP / 210 HP / 315 HP210 HP / 420 HP / 630 HP

    All Advanced Spell / Technique Ranges Table

    RanksAdv. Single Target Max RangeAdv. Multiple Target Max RangeAdv. Area of Effect Max RangeAdv. Burst Max Range
    D-Rank90 Meters68 Meters45 Meters25 Meters
    C-Rank180 Meters135 Meters90 Meters45 Meters
    B-Rank300 Meters225 Meters150 Meters75 Meters
    A-Rank450 Meters338 Meters225 Meters110 Meters
    S-Rank600 Meters450 Meters300 Meters150 Meters
    H-Rank800 Meters700 Meters600 Meters500 Meters

    All Advanced Spell / Technique Speeds Table

    RanksAdv. Single Target Max SpeedAdv. Multiple Target Max SpeedAdv. Area of Effect Max SpeedAdv. Burst Max Speed
    D-Rank90 Meters Per Second45 Meters Per Second25 Meters Per Second45 Meters Per Second
    C-Rank180 Meters Per Second100 Meters Per Second45 Meters Per Second90 Meters Per Second
    B-Rank300 Meters Per Second165 Meters Per Second75 Meters Per Second150 Meters Per Second
    A-Rank450 Meters Per Second250 Meters Per Second110 Meters Per Second225 Meters Per Second
    S-Rank600 Meters Per Second340 Meters Per Second150 Meters Per Second300 Meters Per Second
    H-Rank800 Meters Per Second600 Meters Per Second400 Meters Per Second600 Meters Per Second

    Advanced Technique Damage Table

    RanksAdv. Single Target DamageAdv. Multiple Target DamageAdv. Area of Effect DamageAdv. Burst Damage
    D-Rank80 HP60 HP40 HP80 HP
    C-Rank110 HP80 HP55 HP110 HP
    B-Rank150 HP110 HP80 HP150 HP
    A-Rank180 HP145 HP90 HP180 HP
    S-Rank210 HP160 HP110 HP210 HP
    H-Rank250 HP200 HP125 HP250 HP

    Advanced Technique Healing Table

    Note: Values for Supportive Techniques scale differently than those for Spells.

    RanksAdv. Single Target HealingAdv. Multiple Target HealingAdv. Area of Effect HealingAdv. Burst Healing
    D-Rank30 HP20 HP15 HP30 HP
    C-Rank45 HP35 HP25 HP45 HP
    B-Rank60 HP45 HP40 HP60 HP
    A-Rank75 HP50 HP35 HP75 HP
    S-Rank90 HP60 HP45 HP90 HP
    H-Rank110 HP80 HP60 HP110 HP

    Advanced Spell Summon HP Table

    RanksNormal/Bronze HPGrande/Silver HPImmaculate/Crystal HPUnknown HPZodiac HP

    Advanced Spell Summon Damage Table

    RanksNormal/Bronze DamageGrande/Silver DamageImmaculate/Crystal DamageUnknown DamageZodiacs Damage
    D-Rank7 HPN/A15 HP22 HP30 HP
    C-Rank18 HPN/A30 HP37 HP45 HP
    B-Rank28 HP36 HP43 HP51 HP60 HP
    A-Rank42 HP49 HP58 HP66 HP75 HP
    S-Rank52 HP64 HP75 HP82 HP90 HP
    H-Rank70 HPN/A90 HP102 HP120 HP

    Advanced Spell Requip HP Table

    RanksNormal Spell Armor HPRefined Spell Armor HP
    D-Rank90 HPN/A
    C-Rank180 HPN/A
    B-Rank270 HP308 HP
    A-Rank360 HP420 HP
    S-Rank450 HP524 HP
    H-Rank900 HP1000 HP

    Advanced Requip Damage Table

    RanksNormal Damage for Spell WeaponsRefined Damage for Spell Weapons
    D-Rank11 HPN/A
    C-Rank21 HPN/A
    B-Rank32 HP45 HP
    A-Rank45 HP62 HP
    S-Rank62 HP83 HP
    H-Rank83 HP105 HP

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:10 pm