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    The Weight of the World


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    The Weight of the World Empty The Weight of the World

    Post by Terith 20th February 2018, 7:37 pm

    Job Details:
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    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Terith 20th February 2018, 7:40 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    It was hot.

    Far too hot for comfort, he thought, his body driven on sheer will power alone as he spans the bordering cliff sides of the Mysterious Canyon, a particular objective in his mind having yet to be fulfilled. The expectations that he amassed for the canyons prior to his arrival there were to be discarded instantly as he realized the size of the land in heavy steps. There was no memo to behold about the exact area in numbers, but the swordsman had been going for nearly half an hour and his search remains fruitless, the ungodly heat tailing him the entire time.

    There was a reason he was here, a good reason, he'd remind himself.

    If he were to count the preceding days, then it'd easy to say that it's been a month, in total, since he'd been robbed of his memories. Similarly, if he were to gather the entirety of what he's managed to recall over the duration of this period, then the hardest thing to admit was the state of his progress - there was none, him having long forsaken the task of retrieving what has been lost in favor of experiencing the present, playing the role of wizard just a bit longer before he'd bury himself knee-deep into the undoing his condition. Perhaps it was the allure of magic and the vitality of Ishval that charmed him in a way that his self-proclaimed responsibility could not, though it's safe to assume that Torian didn't have the strength, much less the will, to remember, as if the original necessity of his original memories lost the importance along the way.

    Laziness was a possible term, although harsh. To put it realistically, it was an odd mix of hesitance, and dread. They were the sort of feelings that reared their ugly heads when directed at the virtually unknown, and he'd often succumb to the doubt at the thoughts of his prior-self with different aspirations. Truly, in his brief time there, Torian would begin to appreciate the wizardry business for its second-hand benefits. For him, it was more than the jewels, more than the recognition; now it was the surge of excitement, the irrevocable sensation of adventure at an arm's reach.

    He, upon the realization of but a single gut feeling, believes that he was once taking this all for granted, that he wanted to go 'elsewhere'. And while he yearned to keep on pursuing wizardy, Torian could no longer feign ignorance towards the matter of his memories, not when the doctor mails him on a daily basis, inquiring of his status; not when the Origin spirit pesters him even more so, the insistence strong and pleading.

    'You're stalling.' the spirit had said once, a bitter feeling clipping at his once cheerful tones.

    'I know that.' he thought back, 'But where am I supposed to start? I'm not even sure where-'

    'The canyon. We'll go there first thing in the morning.'

    And it was decidedly so, the train ride there being largely uneventful, and surprisingly quiet as neither he nor the spirit inside his head processed the right words to spark their regular banter. None of them minded the silence, considering the weight of the situation quietly pressed on Torian's shoulders, demanding more attention than what could be given. It was alright, there was no harm in continuing the vapid quest for his memories, after all.

    It wasn't until the sun proclaimed it's wrath upon his person did he muster the urge to complain.

    "Stupid sun..." he mumbled, furrowing his brow as the swordsman peeled off his blazer with sharp, frustrated movements. It was humane for him to develop expectations, and he didn't exempt himself from thinking that the fates would be generous to him, offering him the lead he needed to promptly recollect all that was lost. But as he continued down the dirt path where the pebbles and earth crumbled from the lack of water under that blasted sun that felt far too close to the ground for some reason, he idly wondered if the journey there would warrant him nothing but a shower.

    A long one.

    "Stupid amnesia...!" he spat, arching a leg back to gingerly kick at a pebble lying at his feet, his eyes watching it tumble several times before falling into the deep gorge to his right, cascading down the cliffs in soft, little taps.
    out of character commentary
    734 words
    734/16000 words | sorry this took so long!

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Lilium 21st February 2018, 6:58 pm

    You'd think for winter, the weather would be cold, or at the very least, cool, but on days like this one, it was randomly hot. When it was a casual day, that certainly didn't matter but still, on days where mages were on missions, it was rather annoying. Most people, that lived where it was winter at the moment, had stored most of their summer clothes for the time being. As it's just a logical thing to do. However, the Mysterious Canyon where this job was taking place, was rather far away. The holy mage that had packed for the trip, didn't really think anything of it. But upon arrival, it turned out to be blisteringly hot. She had flown their high in the sky so the temperature felt consistent throughout until she passed the clouds.

    Rolling her eyes, the noblewoman would summon a much lighter outfit, glowing in a golden light over top of her body before it materialized. Changing your appearance whenever you need is something that she would have to get used to over time but for now, it was okay. She had been given a lot of other abilities in addition to this so she should be thankful. But considering it was her goddess' blessing to her after dealing with an unbearable trouble, she was still having a tough time debating if it was worth it. Lilium was looking forward to doing a job in all honesty. As of late, she had grown tired of sitting idly in the guild hall of Black Rose. Sure, she had been helping with repairs but it doesn't replace how free you feel during missions. And the fact that you were helping others made it feel all the better.

    Her cloak flowing in the wind behind her, she'd stretch her arms as she looked over the vast... nothing. There really was nothing in this canyon. But still, the naming for a lot of geography on Fiore was rather dull. It was very descriptive. You could tell exactly what you'd see if you went there. Sighing to herself, the Ace would open her iLac to view the mission details. So, it was basically destroy this Tesseract unit. Her eyes glowing gold for a moment, as she surveyed the land. It had to be fairly obvious as it would be a giant hunk of metal in the area of nothing. It was sure to stand out. However, as she focused more she heard a familiar voice in her head,"Be careful. You haven't done a solo mission in a bit." The holy mage appreciated the word of caution but she wasn't hearing it right now.

    Upon searching for a couple of seconds, her eyes narrowed in on an organic lifeform. Considering all the plant life in this canyon was dead, or near death, it had to be human. She saw the figure walking close to a cliff and she got concerned. Were they going to be okay? Summoning her white wings again, she would fly as fast as she could towards them. Trying not to stop abruptly in front of him, she'd look at the male. As much as she knew it was going to be a human, she was hoping it wasn't one. Lilium had found it especially hard to interact with people lately as well as. She would look past the male in front of her, gazing at the deep abyss of the gorge. As the age old quote says, if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back. Two shining red lights flickered on and a large mechanical being flew out of the gorge. Lilium unsheathed her blade and pointed it at the assumed Tesseract, her sword being held in a defensive position right now. It was easier for her to manage her words out in this instant, as the intensity of the situation was beating out her anxiety to talk at the moment. "Skipping the formal introductions I've practiced most of my life, my name is Lilium and if you value your life please run. I can hold this off and potentially manage to take this down alone." She hadn't really talked about her noble upbringing so freely so being able to drop it like that was quite refreshing. She didn't mean to sound harsh and she'd probably apologize later, but she was just venting to a stranger as she found it easier to do that than to tell a friend.  Not that she had many to begin with.

    The large mechanical beast shot out a large amount of smaller enemies. Some clouds of nanobots and rolling robots with an explosive core. Rather cheap as she only was able to use her sword at the moment. The abilities of her new magic had her confused, so she had been sticking to her armed combat at the moment. Using her wings, she flew up and the clouds of nanobots began to fly around her. As she continued her breathing, it stung with every small inhale. Switching her grip to a backhand grip, she sliced the matter around her as fast as she could. They were rather wild strikes with precision as she striked the nanobots around her. After a moment, the cloud of nanobots was reduced to fractions to the great number there was before. Grabbing an ethereal version of her sword from her sheath, she'd toss it towards the blonde male and teleport to the ground in front of him, in a stance similar to one she took when she first pulled out her sword. Honestly, if he looked away for long enough, he'd probably be able to believe that she didn't even move yet. Coughing a little before she spoke again, she'd focus on the robot in front of them, "Since I can guess you might be staying based on the magic within you, I'd get ready to defend." The suicide robots began rolling over to the pair as Lilium prepared to defend the stranger and complete her mission.

    Words: 1,003/8,000

    Last edited by Lilium on 5th May 2018, 4:32 pm; edited 4 times in total


    The Weight of the World QOmg1XE


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Terith 4th March 2018, 12:30 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    From a distance, a sound akin to that of birds and dancing winds momentarily drew his attention away from the heat, enough for Torian to consider angling his head the other way to see the approaching figure of a...woman? Judging from the figure, there was no mistaking the femininity, especially after she managed to settle herself closer for him to snap a better view. Her method of getting there, however, did briefly dumbfound him for a fraction of a second, since he was rarely given the chance to see actual, feathery wings attached to someone with very little distance in between. It was quite the spectacle, Torian thought, wondering if it was wise to inquire the young lady of her business there.

    Somehow, though, there would be no need to do so, not when the canyon answers all his questions for him.

    By the time he'd fancy a peep into the depths of the valley below to assess the source of the rumbling, it had no longer been just the shadows and the river curving its way through the earth that was to greet him, but something far more sinister as the darkness tore and writhed with an unearthly shaking, the gorge having spat out a colossal 'machine' from god-knows-where in a manner that foretold of many dangers to come, and it was perhaps not the best situation to find oneself involved in on a regular day.  

    Yet, for Torian, the issue of normality was a forgotten one when considering the events that'd transpire in the avergae wizard's life span. This much was, still, sort of expected - it wasn't a problem to realize that a threat would present itself one way or another, and what was left to become the cause of shock was what sort of form the menace would take, and this day appeared to favor large, overcompensating enemies that looked like they could convert mountains into plains on a whim.

    He breathed in, once, taking in the sight of the robot (as he know liked to call it) with more than just a passing interest. His current agenda held no space for an instance of combat but there was no stopping the irrationality of his excitement whenever an opportunity did occur. The swordsman curved his arm to his waist, inching towards the weapon that was tucked securely into the folds of his belt with practiced form. Still, his hand would no sooner retreat upon the realization of the lady's words, her presence resolute as she stood poised against their veering enemy.


    The underlying prickle in her tone had, as it should, taken him aback, hesitance brewing in his movements as the swordsman watched her take stance. Though he was free to interpret it as the faults of a sharp tongue, there was no basis to behold, and if there was ever a certain thing in his fragmented self, it was that he detested riding on assumptions because nothing lucrative ever came out of it. He nods once, acknowledging the urge for haste and the brief prompt for his name in return. However, against what Lilium requested of him, the swordsman chooses to remain where he stood, edging his right arm back unto his sword with his thumb digging into the cloth webbing that circled Kushinada's handle - an impulsive action that he could provide no reason to, despite not really needing one.

    Any attempt at his introduction seemed to momentarily die before it could escape his lips, however, his words stopping mid-way through their processing as he took one step back on purpose, if not to watch the girl masterfully handle the first wave of 'minions' that were primarily launched to intercept them. To his practiced eye, her choice of swordplay was not an unfamiliar one, but her technique encompassed a level of grace befitting of the manner that which she upheld herself, and it provided a stark, unyielding contrast to all the other examples he'd seen of this revered style.

    Would it have been too spontaneous to commend her for it? He wasn't too sure, though the lady's move to occupy the space before him with a breath's worth of time managed to all but bury the thought, his incentive to speak up overtaking his person as if he wouldn't get any other opportunity to do so later on.

    "...You're right, I am staying." he started, his head briefly tilting to mimic a casual bow as he spoke, which had been a habit of formality of his that he had yet to truly undo, "I go by Torian, and if you don't mind me being here, miss Lilium, then I'd like to be of assistance."

    While he was adamant to gauge her reaction to it first, the swordsman decided that it was best to act upon his proposal as soon as he perceived the danger that the mechanical unit (mecha oddly slipped into his mind, was it the right term for such?) proved against them. Wordlessly, he'd brandish his weapon as he dug one foot backward, the sword seemingly thrumming with delight from its release, though it was a minute sound that was only ever registered by his ears alone, strangely enough. He'd waste little time for pause or fanfare as Torian promptly impales the ground at his feet, where the small tremors that followed ended in a spike-like rapture a few meters forward after traveling underground. The attack would have caught a decent number of suicide drones in its manifesting, the impact rendering several airborne with a stutter, and a creak.

    The dry, cloudless sky is then peppered with the firey tint of the suicide drones setting off their destruction sequences, the first one triggering a consecutive display of explosions to go off with little interval in between. Their current position appeared to gain them no relative harm from the barrage, but it did not spare them from the malice of the Tesseract. Perhaps it noticed that the drones were no longer as effective, for it began to pour out several more of them across the plain, however not without releasing a fair armada of flying units to further compliment the rolling bombs, and, in essence, eliminate the threat that previously destroyed its swarm of nanomachines.

    "What are-" he'd whisper, the query falling to silence as a ray of buzzing energies made a beeline for their heads, the speed of its travel alarming him. At his insistence, a single, white-washed figure comes to intercept the beam's path after having formed from a brief flash of blue light. The figure stumbles on two legs before it appears to 'absorb' the damage incoming, though it's form would later shatter like a sheet of fragile glass as another stream of energy follows the one prior. Upon closer observation, the figure appeared in the likeliness of Torian before it was ultimately reduced to nothing but blue, airborne particles. Four more copies of his person would be called out to serve the same purpose, running about in various directions in hopes to temporarily deflect the attention from the original.

    In the time it took for the first clone to take on the shots fired by the Orbital Units, the swordsman had already utilized the time given to up the security of their location, a glassy blue barrier being held up by his free hand, cracking slightly under the pressure of taking one hit from another airborne unit. They didn't have much time for an exchange, though he pressed for one in a matter of urgency.

    "This won't hold up for very long..." he said, gesturing to the barrier that continued to wither away at his palm, "...Whatever your current plan of action is, I'll try my best to support it, though I won't get in your way if need be-"

    '-Since I wouldn't want to be a burden to you.' he thinks, but never truly manages to convey it across considering what followed.

    A second, brightly-lit beam breaks his defense almost entirely, the barrier torn apart into shards of blue with a third ray sent flying in the same direction.
    out of character commentary
    1353 words
    2,087/8000 | sorry, forgot to split the wc the first time around | it finally posted thank god

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Lilium 6th March 2018, 8:13 pm

    Lilium's hood flew off due to the gust of wind, her chestnut hair being freed from the confines of the cloth. To be completely honest, the holy mage wanted to tie it up for the time being. It was kind of getting in the way and she felt as though against this mech, it might work against her. The giant mechanical being seemed smart enough to fight to it's advantage but anything could be used against her in this situation. Coughing once more because inhaling nanobots was no joke, she almost felt some still in her system but it really stung, every time she took a breath. Perhaps having that much flair when she took out the cloud of them affected her more than she initially thought. She wasn't one to unnecessarily show off when she was fighting but it had been a good while since she had been in a proper fight. Touching her chest with glowing gold fingers, a small pulse of holy magic would radiate within her body, eradicating all traces of the nano bots within her body. She'd glance over at Torian. The blonde swordsman unsheathed his blade precisely, and Lilium would take a moment to gaze at the sword. It was rather gorgeous. Perhaps she and Torian could duel after, he couldn't have that well forged of a weapon and not know how to use it. Apparently, it did a lot of things normal swords couldn't do as well, as when the young man stabbed the ground, many spikes emerged and wiped out the nearby suicide drones. Lilium would summon her wings again, some feathers being scattered around the surrounding area as she prepared to fly. Resheathing her sword, she would summon her greaves and shoes, the holy equipment empowering her strength and giving her an addition ability if the situation gets dire. Lilium was about to take off but seeing a bunch of doppelgangers kind of threw her off. His magic was rather unique, it seemed to radiate from her sword and it had all sorts of abilities. A lot about this swordsman was intriguing and she kind of wanted to see the form that he studied. The noblewoman was only informed on the imperial style as it was the kind she practiced. It sounded intriguing to learn different styles of the sword, but how would one st- "Hey! You are kind of in a life or death situation! Not to mention someone else's lives are at stake too." Right. He had a point. By the time she had tuned back into what was happening, Torian was speaking to her as he referenced the barrier that he was maintaining. His magic really had him playing a jack of all trades role. He had defense, distractions and offensive capabilities. However, spreading yourself thin is not a good way to fight as you don't specialize in anything. When he spoke about a plan, the holy woman's breath stopped for a moment before she took a deep breath. That's what she specialized in and she was hoping that this ability wouldn't fail her now.

    Countless battle tactics ran through her head, along with their exact location in this canyon. Her eyes glowed a brilliant gold as she mumbled all her calculations. This was something that she did often now. When she needed to come up with things on the spot, she channeled the knowledge of Arcadia, a dimension full of fallen soldiers and used this to her advantage. She nodded to herself as a second beam of light shattered the blonde swordsman's barrier once more. She needed to work quickly, and probably brace for impact. Her eyes went back to their normal hazel as she glanced at Torian. "I'm going to need you to get ready to attack whatever more drones that this thing decides on spewing out. Once I've managed to weaken the mecha a bit, I'm going to signal you to do something." Smiling at him despite the oncoming laser beam which would most definitely shatter the barrier protecting him, "You can't get in the way if you are going to be a key factor." Fading in a flash of gold light, Lilium would reappear in front of the barrier. Working quickly, her two fingertips would shimmer gold as she drew a cross in front of her. Within a fraction of a second, a cross materialized and summoned a barrier behind it. The beam of light made impact with the cross however, she heard a crack in the barrier that she summoned. Her eyes narrowed as she saw her barrier break right in front of her eyes.

    It was very convenient to have a permanent barrier surrounding your body. However, it still hurt like hell when you had to take the brunt of a laser beam attack straight to your body. It was better that she took the hit as opposed to Torian. She didn't want anyone to get hurt while she was fully capable of protecting them. Standing on her feet, she'd summon countless gates to Arcadia, shooting magic out of the boundaries. Each blast of magic shot straight through a suicide robot, causing subsequent explosions. The mecha seemed to notice how quickly the duo disposed of the former underlings that it sent out, which probably had them marked as a threat. Countless drones were released from the body of the mech. A constant buzzing sound turned harsher as all the drones traveled towards Lilium and Torian. They began to open fire, shooting bolts of pure energy at a speed similar to a machine gun. Unsheathing her sword as quickly as possible, she began slashing at the energy shot. Normally, sword wouldn't be able to cut through the energy bullets but because Solais was imbued with magic, she was able to slice through them with ease. She ran towards the flock of drones as she summoned her wings again. It was best to get a running start and she leapt forward, charging at the drones. A lot of them were quick to avoid her initial slice, but she managed to get a few of them. Flapping the wings once, she made a crescent slash surrounding her, and managed to damage a fair bit of the robots, however they were a lot quicker than anticipated. Looking at Torian, her eyes would turn gold again as she yelled, "I'm going to do something, and I'd advise you look for cover while you do this. Just be careful of anything else." The holy mage would glance at her hip, seeing a ripple in the air next to it.

    After a brief moment, the ripple became a solid portal, and the handle of a lance emerged out of the portal. Grabbing it, Lilium would slowly pull out the holy lance of Rhongomyniad. It was a spell that she had gained access to fairly recently and it was a slow path to mastering how to use it. Holy energy in the air and atmosphere surrounded the lance and it was slowly being enveloped in a golden light. As she was channeling the magic, she felt that she was showing off her magic a lot. There was a lot more flair she usually had. The lance had reached maximum storage as her wings absorbed the residual energy, occasionally letting of particles of gold magic. Flying up high into the air, she listened to Arthur's voice as he spoke, "You really are trying to protect this person. Why are you trying so hard for someone you don't even know?" Arthur was partially puzzled and wanted to join in on the fight based on how anxious he sounded. Reaching a peak in the sky, she would point the lance straight into the air as she the sky turned a brilliant gold for a moment. "It's probably because he doesn't know me. Not as a noble, not as Hikari. Just as some mage who he met in a canyon. It's my duty to protect those who require it, and eradicate all evil." Pointing the lance to the sky, it would let out a brilliant gold flash. Pointing it at the mech, the head of the lance would begin to rotate as she flew straight towards the center of the mech. This wouldn't completely destroy it but it should clear out a couple layers of armor on the creature as well as wiping out all the drones that it released. She really hoped that Torian had listened to her and managed to take cover.

    The explosion of holy energy materialized as the lance made contact with the mech. Lilium is transported to Arcadia while the aftermath takes effect before she is transported back. When feathers begin to scatter themselves across the surrounding area, Lilium is transported back within a golden flash and places her hand on her heart, causing her wings to shatter and letting them provide a strength increase to any ally who touches it. She couldn't really use defensive spells to protect her new ally but she could at least manage to provide a buff. Snapping her fingers, a halo would appear above the holy mage as it provided an additional strength increase. Pointing her sword at the mech, who appeared to be recovering from the massive blast, she would listen for the clinks and whirls of the machine, ready to attack whatever came out of the robot next.

    Post: 1,567
    Words: 2,570/8,000

    Last edited by Lilium on 5th May 2018, 4:32 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Weight of the World QOmg1XE


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Terith 17th March 2018, 4:05 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    To the him who clings to his blade in both reverence and fear, having been sworn to a sword had involuntarily gave birth to self-proclaimed responsibilities, existing heavily as they stood atop his shoulders in reminder that he'd been fashioned to protect, preferably without neither falter nor fail. When it came to a point that he was forced to take action for the crumbled barrier, Torian urged his body to move, words reminiscent of a prompt to dodge bubbling at his throat that he'd wanted to Miss Lilium hear lest she hadn't been able to regard the incoming beam. His estimations were completely off tangent, however, and the swordsman could only mull over the unfolding scene in mortification as the lady intercepts the attack with as little as her own skin once her own defensive measure shattered at her palm, as if an attempt to shield him in a way that he hadn't managed to do for her.

    He startled, most if not all of his worries thinning as the lady rose without a need for strain, dulling any attempt for a forethought on healing and more counter-effective defenses that he might've conjured up in his vehemence. The swordsman shook his head, a minute motion that secured his reassurance that she, indeed, was sturdily built, perhaps even better than his current state. Had there been a time where he'd been confident enough to take a direct hit? Not one that he could remember, but if priorities were set in urgency, then it was only pivotal that he'd comply. Recalling Lilium's mention of additional drones and a goal to eradicate, his grip quivers, hesitance budding in one breath as he tried to filter it out of his system. It'd do them no benefit if he were to succumb to his weak confidence at a time so crucial as being depended on, perish the thought.

    Torian's knuckles pale at Kushinada's handle as he braces himself forward, attending to the scatter of drones that hadn't managed to break from the lady's blade. Having no regard for the grace of things, the swordsman's performance would have paled in comparison to Lilium's, though Kushinada's edge was as good as any when he'd tilt the weapon at just the right angle with each strike, weightlessly cutting through metal in calculated, deft movements.

    The irritating noise that Torian elicited from the collision between his sword and the drones felt horrifyingly familiar, his brain pulsing with recognition as he avoided a volley of intercepting energy beams, his body thrumming to the hum of his Mono no Aware manifesting his figure in the opposite direction. A lapsing stiffness overtook him as he hacked at an incoming drone, the sharp outline of his shoulders shaking in an alarming fashion.

    '...I...we...back then-'


    A brief intervention of the Origin's disembodied voice and the warmth of his presence existing within the Chronicle came to promptly disperse his instance of revelation that began to dull his reaction time. The buzz of Kushinada's Windy glyph immediately dug its shining blue markings across his chest as a response to the need to flee, sending him upward in a gust of air that enabled him to safely hover above the chaos, his heart erratic from the stunt and his proximity to his downfall at the mercy of exploding drones.

    'T...T-thanks.' Torian mumbled, directing his gratitude to the spirit whose existence appeared to waver, slightly, as if an attempt to shrug regardless if his essence lacked any shoulders to do so.

    'No big deal,' he said, the matter-of-factly tone heavily dripping from each syllable, 'I'm glad you were listening, but it seems you need to pay attention to someone else right now.'

    Regardless if his awkward, suspended position placed him at a distance, he was still quite able to register his temporary partner's plea for the swordsman to take up defense for whatever elaborate scheme that she were to move into next. He would not hesitate to offer her an acknowledging glance coupled with a small nod, resolving to traverse the vacant space to the right in a burst of air, his hood fluttering off wildly as the harsh desert winds tore at his gliding, accelerating form. He told himself to keep going, pushing forward still without need for pause until it became necessary. Finally, his retreating body stops for a breath, the eruption of potent magic spreading through the canyon in what he assumed to be Lilium's handiwork. Turning, he'd squint at the figures a few meters ahead of him, noticing the remnants of light briefly lingering there before disappearing.

    '...You remembered, didn't you?' he heard the spirit say as he took advantage of the small leeway of time, ignoring the initial hesitance that the words held as he raised his weapon, flecking off the dirt that matted Kushinada's shine in a light brown pigment.

    'What makes you so sure?' he asked.

    The origin huffs, noting the question with light jest, '...What makes you so sure that I don't spectate these things as they enter the Chronicle?'

    His palm tightens as he lowered the Etherblade, letting the winds bring him back to the heart of the battle while he adorns his next words in hope, replaying the hazy images in his brain over and over and over - never tiring to examine the faces that he recalled with stinging nostalgia, yet he hadn't truly begun to recognize them. '...It's...enthralling...' is the only thing he says, and both decide that it was enough, that they've managed to achieve progress against the dismal months prior.

    He...they, were going to complete the search, one way or another.

    Whatever animosity the machine harbored for them only seemed to fortify itself, however, for it wouldn't be too soon until it responded to the attack on its systems with a loud, ominous sound slipping from its stationary body. The giant raised an arm, brandishing a weapon from its back as it's hand lowered, presenting a large metallic structure that resembled a sword, pulsing in an energized red light that ran along the blade in a vein-like fashion. What followed was the activation of the machine's boosters, exploding in a flurry of dust as it relieved itself from its previous position and into the dry, paper sky. Its shadow that threatened all creatures below only grew as it descended, quickly so, with its sword striking the ground in a beam of bursting red, scattering dust and shearing the ground beneath.

    Torian at that time resolved to place a supple amount of trust unto Miss Lilium's abilities that she were far more capable of withstanding the attack regardless if it were at a precise proximity to her location - he needn't fret over her well-being at persistent intervals, after all. She was far stronger, and it was a welcoming fact. Unbidden, he'd send a single, feeble copy of himself close to the epicenter of the battle, its designation but his proxy as he shifted behind the large machine, its violent ministrations ceasing to quell.  
    out of character commentary
    1171 words
    3258/8000 words | this took way too long | way too long | i'm so sorry (/-\)

    Posts : 816
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    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Lilium 24th March 2018, 11:10 am

    Her eyes narrowed as the dust in the air rose along with the mechanical giant. For how bulky it looked, it moved quite freely and quickly at that. It was appearances failing to meet they reality that they portray once again. Although, the same could be said for how she acts too. Looking around, she'd catch Torian's glance as her eyes glowed golden while she analyzed him. Judging by his vitals, he overall appeared fine, if not a bit shaken up. Seeing the world around her get darker and she heard the sound of a quick descent from the plasma sword above, she summoned her wings and flew back without a moment of hesitation. The ground underneath where she was gliding had begun to shatter and crumble beneath the combined force of the plasma waves the sword of the giant radiated and the pressure of the landing. The shaky ground caused the noble to accidentally lose her momentum when a rock sprung behind her, causing her crash into it. The impact severely winded the noble as her wings faded out for a moment and she fell to her knees on the ground. That... wasn't a good way to avoid the beast's attacks and put her in more danger than before. Letting out heavy breaths in order to catch what she had lost, the ringing in her ears would out weigh the cry of the mechanical monster as it flew into the sky once more. Its red mechanical eyes focused on the holy mage as she used her sword to slowly making her way up, to a standing position. Looking up her eyes would widen in panic as she knew she had to brace for impact. It was too short notice for her to summon a barrier this time and she was praying that the passive barrier that was always maintained around her body was enough to tank this but even then, she knew that this was going to hurt.

    Or not. Lilium opened her eyes to see Arthur standing in front of her, using all his might to stop the mech from landing on her. His hands glowed with a brilliant gold light as he used a palm blast to send the mech back to where it initially jumped from. The former king would lift up Lilium and hop over towards Torian, so that she could potentially communicate a plan as she eventually caught her breath. Breathing out, she'd say, "Thank you." as Arthur nodded when they landed next to their mysterious ally. Stepping out of Arthur's arms, she'd nod to him as he took it as a sign to leave. She wanted to be able to battle without relying on him all the time, which while he may have disobeyed her orders this time, she appreciated the help when it was due. So, fading back into light as he went back to Arcadia, he'd glance at Torian before letting out a chuckle, saying to them, "Man, you have a knack at getting all the handsome blonde swordsman fighting alongside you, don't you?" Laughing as he made his exit, Lilium would make a quick glance at the swordsman that she had allied with for this fight and turning away before saying, "My apologies for his behaviour. I don't know where he comes up with all these kinds of thoughts." Looking at the floor, the warming of her face became undeniable as she shook her head. There was absolutely no need in thinking about what Arthur said further. He just had horrible timing for a lot of things and loved teasing the girl in order to get a reaction. Making a quick glance at Torian again as she continued to deny the red blush on her cheeks and tips of her ears, she'd breath in rather loudly as she summoned a staff in her hand. She needed to focusing on battling at the moment. Focusing on where the mech was, she'd point her staff towards the sky above it. A golden portal would form and without much delay, golden spears would begin to fall. The beast tried to slice as many spears as it could and it was working rather well. This was one of Lilium's weaker spells so she mainly meant to use it as a distraction, while she prepared to hit this thing with everything that she's got.

    Stomping her heel on the floor, a portal to Arcadia would open. The flow of magic would be very prevalent as she felt the natural holy energy from the paradise flow into her body, improving her strength. Placing two fingers on her temple, Lilium would receive the collective battle knowledge of all of the fallen souls in Arcadia to her disposal. Opening her eyes again, they would glow gold for a brief moment before dimming to the dull gold they were before, feeling an increase to her natural strength once again. Looking at the mechanical beast again, the noble would take off her hood as it faded into light, being sent to Arcadia. Her body glowing in a complete golden light as she winced in pain from some major organ systems being sacrificed for a spell. They were only temporarily gone but, it still really hurt. Wiping a tear away from her eye as she felt a large strength buff apply to her, she would enchant her gear as well, her one piece glowing a soft red. Now, her spells would be affected from all the enchantments that she had applied. It had been a long time since she had applied this many enchants to her body and it was a little bit overwhelming. If she got hit a couple of times, she might actually die due to sacrificing her systems but that wasn't really a concern right now. Her mission at the moment was to defend this stranger that she had found in the desert and defeat this beast. Her safety wasn't really a priority at the moment. A red ember would appear in the hands of the noble woman but heat would not be given off as the pure mana would absorb into her hand and spread through her body before creating a pair of red wings that would appear on her feet. She hadn't mixed her two magics together until this moment so hopefully, there wouldn't be any negative effects.

    Wielding her sword in a reverse grip, the holy mage would hop up in the air as she created a platform underneath her as she launched herself towards the mech at alarming speeds. The mech's red glare switched focus to this as she flew towards him. Looking at the monster as it's torso opened, letting out all the reinforcements that it could, it was a mix of every enemy that it had released before. But, Lilium wasn't the priority target. Some of the bots did flock to her but most of them were headed in Torian's direction. Kissing her teeth, she'd look in frustration as she knew she couldn't stop herself safely. If she created another platform and propelled herself back to him, she was at risk of breaking a bone from the sudden stop. Eyes narrowing as she gripped her sword tight while she landed, making a slash, a red afterimage would materialize as she continued slashing towards all the bots down below. There were a multitude of explosions due to the suicide drones and she had managed to clear just less than half of the swarm of bots that headed towards her comrade. It was completely frustrating as this went down. Snapping her fingers, a red clone of herself would continue on it's path, finishing her spell by continually slicing at the enemies while she made another platform to propel herself towards the mech's main body. Landing on it's arm, she'd scale its body towards it's head as she formed multiple gates to Arcadia behind her. Each hit would be rather weak on it's own, but as the beams of light made impact, they exploded in a red flash of mana, dealing more damage. The beast seemingly cried out in pain while she finally made her way up to the head of the beast. Her sword glowing in a red flare, she'd slash the head of the beast and an eruption of crimson mana would shroud them both entirely.

    Landing near where the mech had previously been, Lilium would pant as her eyes glowed a crimson red colour from the near constant usage of her Mana Burst. Looking at the impending robots approaching Torian, Lilium would summon her wings and attempt to fly towards them. But, fate had something else in store. Hearing a clink and whirring of a motor, two spears would impale through her wings as the noble let out a cry in pain. Falling down to the cold ground, she'd limply move her wings as she saw the mech aim a target beacon atop itself and Lilium. It was planning a suicide attack and she was in no condition to move. Looking at Torian, she'd scream out, pain in her voice as the spears latched themselves on the ground, further crushing her wings, "Just run! I'll be fine... I promise!" She'd find a way out of this mess potentially. Alone or with Arthur. Either way, she could probably manage on her own. At the very least, she'd want Torian to get away. He didn't deserve to die in this blast if that was the impeding fate. Grabbing an ethereal version of her sword, Lilium would hold it in her hand as she prepared to through it towards the swordsman. She closed her eyes, hating that she'd have to say this and rely on someone as much as she had to right now, "Remember when I said you were going to be a key factor? That factor came a lot sooner than expected! I'm really counting on you for this! Catch my sword! We've only got one shot at this." Whispering to the blade, she'd have to give permission for him to summon her to that location should he catch the blade. Throwing the ethereal blade, all Lilium could do is look at the mechanical monsters that approached him and the single shade of hope that she had with him catching the ethereal sword. Should he catch it, he'd be able to move her to that location. But if he didn't, she sure hoped that she had an immunity to explosions.

    WC: 1,747
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    Last edited by Lilium on 5th May 2018, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Weight of the World QOmg1XE


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Terith 28th April 2018, 1:31 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    Truthfully, though he was less than likely to admit it, the first trial runs for the cloning spell hadn't been the easiest to digest. Not only was the uncanny likeness somewhat appalling to him, but there existed an ill-welcomed side-effect upon his discovery of the actual state of their magical make-up, a reality that snapped back at him with an unrelenting bite. In theory, the clones are supposed to function and exist as entirely separate entities should they be produced correctly. But what was to become of him if this hadn't been the case?

    At first, Torian was under the pretense that whatever his copies were to undergo during combat was unlikely to influence the original in any way - and all this, to his horror, would further serve his undoing upon the death of 'another' Torian several moons ago, for its manifestation was possibly incorrect. In perfect recollection, the swordsman shudders at the memory of his abdomen being carved out by the enemy's relentless sword, the instances where he'd feel the curve of a monster's fist shaping his rib-cage, and the blood that puddled at his feet. The origin appropriated a comparison of the anomaly to fickle illusions that grow in potency over time, and while he's not wrong, he's not necessarily right, either. Torian hadn't withstand a physical wound from these enduring lapses of horrific pain, but rather mental ones, which run far deeper than any.

    Somewhat forgetting to remember is a viable option every now and then, and if he's lucky, the clones aren't imperfect and the spell plays out as it should.

    Nevertheless, memoirs of that caliber are almost always ingrained into him, somewhere apart from his brain, and Torian is all but powerless to suppress it from resurfacing when he produces a copy of himself, if not in fear that this one may be as incomplete as the one prior - that the pain of a death not meant for him would cause him to crumble.

    The first copy was a stable one on observation alone, and while that 'Torian' couldn't survive four energy beams to the torso, the original one was left relatively unscathed, and sane. It was possible that he expected the next few to be more than half-done, and that he'd have lowered his guard down beforehand. Otherwise, the next one wouldn't have been as bound to him as it was now, the original Torian being acutely aware of the world that the copy perceives, in not so much of a formal fashion, but more in a way that his senses were vaguely split between two very different scenarios; one here as he was, searching in fretful persistence for any weaknesses that they might have overlooked from behind the mechanical tyrant and the other down below, where the canyon's foundations shook beneath the plasma sword.

    He panics, and the urge to move registers even for the copy as its body spanned the direction opposite of the damage done. The speed at which the other Torian ran almost rivaled the original's ability, shockingly enough, considering the clones inherit nothing from the swordsman in terms of magic. Still, 'it' continued to trace a line that placed it relatively far from harm's way from the mecha's second swing, though not without conveniently angling its vantage point in a way that he could perceive what would befall on his younger companion, her presence cradled in the arms of a curious blonde stranger.

    'An acquaintance of her's?'

    Without a given prompt to take action, the copy stands there idly as the dusty air stills, and Torian observes in heightened interest as the pair approached in jovial skips through the other's eyes - seems either of them mistook the clone for the original, not that he hadn't foreseen the possibility when there was little difference present, especially under frantic circumstances when the mind's a bit too boggled by prior events. He couldn't blame her, particularly after a portion of himself appeared largely amused by the lady's confusion. Perhaps it'd be okay to tell her of this later in lighthearted jest? Ah...did he have that sort of privilege with Miss Lilium, though? Maybe it was too conceited of him to assume they were already on such terms with each other.

    In his musings, the swordsman looked about ready to neglect his previous plans to snoop around the mecha for a while - if not for a small moment, for he'd been a little too fixated at the scene unraveling below to truly place his attention elsewhere. No sooner did this decision cause his head to reel in confusion upon the other, more knightly blonde's incentive, his departure through an adjacent portal ceasing to end silently as he left a peculiar, albeit jarring commentary related to Miss Lilium and encounters with...handsome blondes...?


    Amidst the original's stiffening expression, the clone only tilts it's head in response, blinking slowly as it tries to interpret the conversation as it progressed. By chance, it comes to notice the red fluster that dusted across the lady's cheeks after she apologized for something that was completely beyond the copy's understanding. The color persisted even as she stole a single fleeting glance at it's form, and it processes the event with passing interest, realizing that the borrowed time it had to exist had quickly began to end.

    The original, meanwhile, looked to be more than a little shaken from the display, all manner of thought temporarily coming to a stop as a wash of confusion overtook him. 'Ehhhh? What..was that all about?' he thought, the poor lad completely taken aback that all he could do was linger there, dumbfounded. In his current state, the swordsman would have possessed an extremely limited insight into the function's of the feminine brain. But if were allowed to assume, then perhaps there truly was some sort of emotion behind that little flush that crawled up Miss Lilium's cheeks, and that it wasn't as dense a reason as the desert heat getting to either him or her.

    'Argh! There's no point thinking about it though!'

    Prying his attention away from what seemed to be a pointless train of thought, Torian opts to breathe some semblance of awareness back into his system as he exhaled, paused, and steeled himself in order to better calculate his next line of action. Even from the height from which he flew, the swordsman could see the girl with the sunset hair and her brazen choice to continue to fight back. Not like they had any other choice at that moment, yet her resilience was still as commendable as anyone else's. She combats the enemy with flourish, and skill, and her actions vaguely implied that she was still trying to protect 'him' regardless.

    Altruism is a noble creed, he thinks, up until the sacrifice becomes a far too heavy burden to bear alone.

    With his body angled downward, Torian leaves the safety of the skies in urgent haste, taking his clone's position at the far end of things as soon as its time was completely spent. It at least served some sort of purpose, even managing to fool the lady into thinking they were the same person. However, it was precisely for that reason that he ought to make it up to her, considering that the copy was so unresponsive from the point of its deployment. And while going as far as to save a someone as vague as an unknown man was a daring move, it was nonetheless a dangerous one, and he'd be doing his morals an injustice if he told himself that he wasn't in the least bit worried.

    From his vantage point, the swordsman could see an imposing set of drones seemingly honing on his current position. Apart from appearing deliberate, he noticed that the swarm composed of nearly everything they've encountered thus far - and each attack braced at his form in a myriad of beams and timed bombs and dark, menacing clouds. As he prepared to cleanly hack through the impeding machines, Lilium managed to have dealt with half of the latter part of the onslaught, regressing their enemy numbers by at least half.

    Still, like any battle, there were those who persisted, and Torian doesn't hesitate to meet their attacks in full as he sheathed the Etherblade back into its scabbard. He'd wait for the closest machine to breach the smallest possible distance from him before simultaneously brandishing Kushinada in a whiplash of energy that expelled violently from his person. The force of the impact successfully set off the suicide drones one after the other, the explosions quickly consuming the adjacent area. The ominous cloud of nanomachines soon laid scattered on the canyon's surface, whilst the orbital units that posed as the most aggravating opponents were somewhat thrown off by the blast, where they'd comically bump into each other before hurdling back down in a static fit, the noise of crashing metal following suit.

    'I don't think you should be rejoicing just yet,' the Origin said, abruptly so that Torian wondered what troubled the spirit, 'The girl - she's facing the giant machine alone. Help her.'

    The urgency in the Origin's choice of words was strikingly palpable, as if something agitated him in a way that had him feigning desperation. Heeding to these words, Torian searched for the lady's presence behind the rise of dust and smoke and ash, running all the while in avid determination. There's a flutter of color just beyond the plumes to his right, and he immediately deduces this as Miss Lilium, no more and no less, with her figure directly attacking the mechanical giant...or at least, that's what it appeared to be up until a blinding flash of red caused his eyes to wince back. He could hardly follow what transpired after as he narrowed his eyes, the lights from a distance skewing the swordsman perspective of the fight. Once he'd regain a clear footing on his vision, however, it looked that the weight of the situation only increased ten-fold.

    The giant, confronted with the burden of failure, raises its weapons upon itself. But this essentially implies that it'll be attacking everyone within the immediate vicinity in a final attempt to leave no winners. While still at a disadvantage, Torian had some leeway to flee, but for Miss Lilium, escape proved to be extremely difficult, even more so after she'd been pinned down so ruthlessly. As much as he desired to lend her a hand, an incoming horde of machines posed as the one worst possible obstacles he'd encounter at that moment.

    And yet...did she expect him to leave without an argument?

    "No!" he screamed, his face perfectly mirroring how mortified he was at the thought of abandoning her, in such despairing fashion, "You're not fine at all!"

    Pointless as it was, Torian was inclined to believe that it was in this way that he'd show his gratitude for her efforts to keep him unharmed - by voicing out that he too, valued her life as she did for his, for everyone.

    Altruism...really is bittersweet. That much he knew.

    The grip he had on Kushinada considerably tightens, one hand freeing itself in compliance to the girl's request. He'd trust her then, for it was the least he could do, even if she didn't have the time to tell her what the catch would essentially lead to. But if it was a role that demanded his full attention, then so be it - the swordsman would later dedicate the majority of his focus unto the approaching blade, eyeing its characteristic glow as it buzzed past the impeding swarm of machines. As soon as the sword was at a close enough distance, Torian moved to rush forward slightly, propelling himself using the brief momentum to lightly grasp at the weapon, his fingers clawing at it before he'd triumphantly peel the thing from its linear path, its light falling into the confines of his desperate grip.

    "I...did it..." he spoke, breathless. But little time was given for him to realize the feeling of triumph once the blade settled atop his palm, conveying Miss Lilium's intentions in a way that briefly awed him. Yet the onslaught of energy beams parading down his way from the new swarm proved to be a greater hindrance as he failed to evade one of them, getting shot squarely across his back with a slithering pain that was almost too unbearable...had he not been through far worse in the past.

    Biting a lip, the swordsman immediately turned a heel, extracting whatever sort of magic the ethereal blade possessed to retract the lady from her previous position over to his and, upon confirmation that the process managed to do exactly that, quickly put the current active glyph to good use just as the mecha completed the loading sequence for its suicidal cannon.

    "Hang on!" he tells her, grasping at her wrist in gentle insistence, the action mostly an attempt to have the younger mage secured between his arms prior to Kushinada's winds sending them the other way, dotting on a direction completely parallel to the machines and the ensuing burst of flames and metal and gasoline, the energy that it released quite literally throwing them off farther than intended.
    out of character commentary
    2215 words
    5473/8000 words | here it is finally | longer than expected

    Posts : 816
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    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    The Weight of the World Empty Re: The Weight of the World

    Post by Lilium 8th May 2018, 8:25 pm

    The holy mage felt her wings begin to fade away within their natural golden light, albeit a lot slower than they normally fade as she wants them to. Both wings were being impaled by something with a physical profile, which interrupted the wing's normal ability to fade away naturally. The holy mage had to take more precautions to make sure that she didn't also make the spears also fade away with the wings as it would affect her in the long term. Should she end up making them fade completely and disregard the spears, she'd have a near infinite pain in both of her wings whenever she flew because the damage would never properly heal. Feeling the wings slowly reach the point where the spears impaled her, she'd begin to work around fading the wings back into the Vault so that she wouldn't be at risk of screwing her abilities up. She already had enough faults out of combat, she didn't really need any to hinder her in the area she was the most effective in. After a couple of minutes, her wings had successfully faded back into the Vault as she rose into a kneeling position, panting to the strain on her body from the concentration of magic she exerted and the immense pain that had just been relieved.

    It was a rather foreign feeling. The Black Rose ace was able to deal with pain so easily but the amount she had just endured. It was horrifying. She was so certain that she was going to die within that moment and not within the impending minutes when the beacon strike made impact with her location. Placing her hands on her elbows, she'd scrunch up a little as she tried to brush the thoughts out of her head. If it had hurt that much with an attachment that she had summoned to aid her, how much would it hurt if it was her actual body? The thought of how fragile her body was an alarming thought. Why was she always so ready to throw it away? She was giving up this body in order to save this man she barely even knew? For what purpose? Was she simply that dismissive of herself that she didn't give herself a second thought? Snapping out of her small reverie, she'd glance towards the sword spirit that was flying towards Torian.

    The holy mage winced and looked at the floor as she heard the sword mage stand his ground and deny her offer to sacrifice herself to get away. Why was he so stubborn? Should he really care about this girl he didn't even know? She was of no real significance to him. Granted, the same could be said for the other side of this situation regarding her sacrificing herself so that he can live, but she refuses to see the fault in her ways. After all, she is a stubborn person. But hearing him deny her the ability to go through with her sacrifice and the proclamation that she wasn't fine at all, made her heart skip a beat for a moment. Not many people in her life regard her that way. Heck, she knows a lot of people who would probably take this opportunity to run. But, hearing the anguish in his voice as he regarded the thought of leaving her, it made her feel... something. She couldn't put her finger on what it was but, it made Lilium feel lighter. Covering her eyes with her hand as she took in a deep breath, she'd actually let it out a lot shakier than intended as her thoughts reached out to him, You're different. Good different. She didn't want to send him those thoughts, but since they were about him, it wasn't really her will at this point. If she has a strong enough thought about someone who is nearby, they will hear it, even if she doesn't realize. She hasn't been around people enough to be aware of this however, so this was a new experience for them both most likely.

    She was going to respond to his yell in her words, and not unconsciously through her thoughts but she was a little concerned with the onslaught of monsters that were making their way towards him. Moving to a kneeling position, she'd get ready as she saw the blonde swordsman reach out and successfully grab Solais. Feeling her magic transfer to the sword's placement, it was almost instantaneous how she found herself in front of Torian. Lilium felt her wrist being held rather delicately by the swordsman. How tender his grip was quite surprising. She expected a lot more of a firmer grip from the swordsman but he just seems to be full of surprises to be honest. Turning to the oncoming horde of monsters for a brief moment, the holy mage would draw a cross, creating a barrier as it shielded them from the beams of energy as they were shot at the duo. The barrier successfully blocked most of the attacks as the holy mage turned to the wanderer as she spoke, "I... appreciate how you ended up staying. Thank you." The holy mage wasn't going to admit that she was scared out of her wits as she waited for the beacon strike to land, which was actually quickly approaching.

    The enormous beam of light that pierced through the clouds and was quickly approaching the pre-chosen landing position. The holy mage heard Torian spur as she was teleported in front of him again. He must had not used all the magic at once or it was her actual physical body transported this time. She wasn't really going to think about it too much but she was a lot closer to him now than she expected. She felt his arms secure her in place as they launched in the way she couldn't really see. She was completely unused to situations like this. She was putting complete and utter faith within Torian right now and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. Leaning onto the older mage for some support, she'd let out a shaky breath as she leaned onto him. She wasn't expecting to have a crisis about her mortality today nor meet a person who genuinely cared about her well being as a person but here she was, in his arms. The holy mage would feel her face warm up slightly as she looked up at the slightly taller man. People responding to her cries for help were far and few in between because most people she saved chose to run for their lives instead of help because it's all they knew to do. After all, it was a natural instinct to preserve their lives. The subsequent explosion interrupted her thoughts as she leaned further into the blonde swordsman for support. The blast had knocked them extremely far and caused an intense increase in momentum as the holy mage continued to lean herself onto him, for support as she was unaware with how they were in the air in the first place. Why was she placing this much trust on this magus that she didn't even know. She wasn't as wary as she normally was around new people. Was it because he didn't know who she was at all? Or was it because he tried to save her instead of running from the situation that she was in? She always puts others before herself no matter the situation, so the fact that someone actually saved her was a little incredulous to her overall. She'd observe the male's form up and down, looking for a specific quality that made her act something that was far from her normal. On the surface, he felt the same as every other mage she has worked with.

    But, he was different. He had calmly worked to save her. Didn't even hesitate to call her out on her blatant lying in saying that she was fine. She doesn't have much experience with kind hearted people but Torian seemed to be just that kind of person as a whole. She felt the mana in the air radiate towards her feet as her spell that let her create platforms reactivated. Although, she was somewhat looking up at Torian before looking back to the small scarlet wings on her heels. She usually was completely focused when utilizing this spell but she was somewhat distracted at the moment. Fiddling awkwardly with her hair, she'd mumble out a "Thank you." Until she accidentally summoned at platform that was a lot bigger than intended. This magic circle was about the size of strike radius of the beacon. However, with how it was summoned, it acted similar to a raised tile in a kitchen floor, causing the holy mage to fall back first onto it due to the built up momentum from the blast and Torian's spell in general. Instinctively, the holy mage would wrap her arms around the sword mage's torso in a panic to stay attached, but in reality, she'd probably just end up dragging him down with her.

    Rubbing her head as she felt the rather hard magic circle, she'd realize how tightly she had grabbed the blonde swordsman and would look towards the canyon, not really wanting to deal with the current situation that they were in. They were safer than they were before, especially after the holy mage confirmed that the giant mech was destroyed, but he was a lot closer than before ironically. Even with how much she leaned into him while they were gliding, there was a comfortable distance. This felt a little more... personal with how close they were to one another. The holy mage's ears would redden as she looked to the side, "My apologies, I was panicking because... uh actually... it was nothing to worry about. Just was a little on edge." Clearing her throat would not dismiss the red staining her cheeks as she tried to hide it by placing her hand on her face, while trying to get up, only realizing that she couldn't really move. Ah, so it was like this. The holy mage would avoid the blonde male's eyes completely as she muttered a "Um, I'm not able to move so if you are well, would you able to move?" Lilium was trying her best to look everywhere except at him and she was hoping that he didn't look at her and her feeble attempt to hide her embarrassed form. God, today really was exhausting. Was she this off of her game today or perhaps it was the desert air. It could be chalked up to really anything at this point.

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    The Weight of the World QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:48 pm