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    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?


    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 34
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    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
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    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? Empty Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?

    Post by Cr1tikal 17th June 2018, 11:49 pm

    The country of Enca was a place that Aiyana could see her settling down in. The babes, the surfer guys, and even the seafood was amazing! It had everything the girl could want, minus the plentiful drugs that some countries had, and seemed to have great weather most of the year because of where they were located on the planet. The 'Fangs' that she had managed to chat with seemed interesting, all of them having pretty powerful water magic, and all of them had managed to let her know of the many things that she could do on the island. Instead of directly going anywhere fun, the wizard saint of pleasure had simply gone to her hotel and dropped off her light amount of baggage before heading back outside. She was planning to spend a couple weeks here, which was why she had brought anything at all, and Aiyana was ready to beat the person that thought they could ruin her vacation senseless if they did not learn who they were messing with.

    Maybe she would meet someone else that had decided to come all the way out here. Then she could take someone out on a date, or at least hang out with them for a little while as they were both on this beautiful tropic paradise of an island. Either way it would be a blast, alone or otherwise, as she would get to do something new!



    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? MQNhOUw


    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? Empty Re: Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?

    Post by Guest 6th July 2018, 10:35 am


    The small framed God of Ishgar somehow managed to let out a mighty grunt as she threw down a beastly crab rivaling the size of a fully grown adult onto one of the many beaches alongside Enca's shorelines. So great was the orange crustacean's mass that when its back met the surface of the earth, the ground vibrated a bit upon impact, sending a few partials of sand up with it. Anyone who knew what a dead crab looked like, would be able to tell this thing wasn't getting up anytime soon... Or ever again, for that fact. It's multiple legs and claws were forced inward towards its body, and the eyes had turned white and motionless. In many ways, despite not being related to them in any way, it sort of resembled a dead spider.
    The elven girl flung her head back to rid the blockage of her eyes due to her damp hair, the silver locks sending droplets of clear ocean water into the golden sand. Well, that had actually been pretty easy. When they said she was going to have to fight a giant crab under water she had expected at least a little hardship, but this thing had barely put up a fight. Sure, it got a few nips in and it managed to cut her skin a bit. Its pincers had gotten her in a few places, even as close as her bathing suit, which would have been tragic for her if it got snipped off. But thankfully the crab wasn't a sentient pervert, so no accidental slips for her on this day. But still, the slayer found it odd that they needed her to beat such a docile creature. Surely these famed 'Fangs' would have had an easy time defeating it themselves, but one of the elite members had sadly suffered from some sort of infection the last time they tried, and the others weren't about to sacrifice their careers on something like this. So of course, it was her job. Well, whatever. It was done, and now she could get on with other things.
    Reaching behind her the mage squeezed the remaining water out of her hair, watching as some of the Fangs who had sat back to watch took the crab and began to carry it away, needing a few of their men to do so. One of the Fangs approached Astrid as this was being done, thanking her for accepting and completing their request before handing her a small sack of jewels and running back over to join his fellow comrades.

    ... Now what? The one eyed god placed her hands upon her hips, looking around the rest of the beach. She had assumed the fight would take up most of the day, so she had her schedule completely wiped to do so. But now that it ended so early, what was she to do? Her gaze settled on the small families spread out across the shoreline, some building sand castles while others splashed around in the crystal clear ocean. She missed going to the beach. She couldn't recall the last time she had done so, at least not since her childhood. Her grandfather loved the beach, and loved taking both her and Lucius there whenever he could. It was never constant, but the times they did manage to were some of her best memories.
    A pang of sadness filled the girl as she reminisced, feeling the cooling tide lick at her heels. Perhaps she could still enjoy herself, even without anyone here.
    Looking down from where she stood the silvernette noticed the edge of the water held various colorful shells. Shells were always nice to collect. She always did when she was younger. Usually, eventually she would have so many just laying around her room that they were thrown out because she didn't do anything with them... But now that she was an adult, she could collect them and keep them without any troubles, right? Bending over Astrid began to pick at the wet sand for the most prettiest of shells, placing them into the other for safekeeping as she searched for more.

    WC: 694/4,000

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 34
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    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
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    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? Empty Re: Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th July 2018, 10:53 pm

    The island breezes felt good against her fur and skin, the happy vixen traveling through the town and heading towards the beach to see if she could find a good place to sunbathe. If she got likely she might even find some cutie of either gender to lather on the suntan onto her back. Who cared if they went a bit too high or too low, she would enjoy every moment of this vacation no matter what! Upon reaching the beach she would be granted an impressive sight, one she had not expected upon arriving there! The wizard saint that went by the name of Astrid was in the process of bending over in a wonderful display of her beauty as she picked at the wet sand by the ocean. Tails swirling about in the surprise of seeing a person she had met before on a faraway vacation, Aiyana would make her way over to see what exactly she was doing.

    Moments after noticing the woman, the celestial spirit would be close enough to see she was picking up the nice looking seashells that were washed up to shore. "Well fancy meeting you here, Astrid! What brought you all the way out here to these nice sandy beaches?" The woman, with her illusionary clothing, was in the appearance of bikini of a red color that showed off most of her skin and other features while managing to keep her as appropriate for public viewing.



    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? MQNhOUw


    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? Empty Re: Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?

    Post by Guest 20th August 2018, 12:43 pm

    Even in just a matter of a minute or two the elf had already managed to collect a few dozen seashells, her arm basically overflowing with them. Some complete, some with a hole or two in them. It didn't really matter to her, the saint was just relishing in the moment of being a free adult. One would think she would have had this realization sooner. You know, with becoming a full mage and being by herself for almost four years now. But there was nothing like collecting seashells without the fear of your family throwing them away. Maybe Erika would like some of these. If not, then maybe she could make them into a necklace or bracelet. Even if she didn't like seashells by themselves, she would probably like some jewelry. Girls will be girls.
    With many of the seashells just falling off of her arm and landing back down on the beach the saint would be making more work for herself, as she only ended up collecting the same ones over and over again. But she didn't notice, she was trying to look for the best of the best to make the various items with. So into the zone was she that she didn't even notice Aiyana was right behind her, so when she backed up to keep her seashell collecting flow going she ended up backing into her. Upon contact the concentration was broken. Feeling herself bump into someone or something her crimson eye blinked, taking a moment to process before she actually stood up and turned around, ready to apologize to whoever it was, a good chunk of the seashells falling back onto the beach with her swift movement. "S-Sorry, i didn't mean to-" she stopped mid sentence as she actually recognized the thing she bumped into. Well, not thing. The person. Even with the rather indecent bikini those ears and tails were very easy to identify. It was Aiyana. Astrid's concerned expression turned bright, a smile overtaking her lips at the sight of a familiar face. "Oh, Aiyana! What a wonderful surprise." She hadn't expected another wizard saint to be here, though this was a nice vacation spot to a lot of people, so it probably wasn't all that surprising to find someone of high rank here. Even heroes needed a vacation sometimes. And by the look of things- she was enjoying it rather nicely. "I was here on a job, but the it ended more quickly than i expected so i decided to spend a little time enjoying the land here. It's rather magnificent, there's all types of sea creatures we don't have back in Fiore." Holding what little seashells she still held in the nook of her arm she tilted her head to the side at the vixen. "What about you? Vacation? Your swimsuit is..." She would pause, her one eye scanning awkwardly over her exposed body "... A swimsuit." It was pretty, sure, but maybe exposed a little too much. Astrid was never much for exposing too much of her body, and was never too sure where to keep her eyes if someone else was exposed too much. She accidentally ended up staring a bit too long at the girl's chest while she looked her over, causing a small blush to overcome her cheeks, averting her gaze to the side to stop herself from doing it again.

    WC: 1,257/4,000

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
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    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? Empty Re: Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard?

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th August 2018, 9:21 pm

    For the longest moment, Aiyana thought that the cute Wizard Saint she was trying to talk to would not notice that she existed and was behind her. That worry would fade away when the other female accidentally backed up into her. It made Aiyana giggle, thinking about how awkward it would have been if she had been in a male form of any kind when it had happened. The nine tailed fox could have shapeshifted and done it as it happened, but this was a friend and she did not want to lose her as such over a silly moment. Once the other Wizard Saint recognized her she would go from apology to being happy to see her. She would explain why she was here and ask about her reason for being here before also commenting about her swimsuit. The eyeing of her chest and the blush that followed made it clear that her swimsuit was having the desired effect, and the fox woman would giggle a bit before giving answers of her own.

    "It's good to see you again, too! I came here solely as a vacation, to get away from the jobs and the people that know me over there. The people here only see me for me, not a celebrity or a person of a higher caliber, so it's a place I figured would be nice to sit out in the sun and enjoy some time doing whatever I wanted. Maybe we could find something to do together while we're out here?" The woman would say it as she looked over Astrid, doing in kind as had been done to her, before also commenting about her attire. "Your swimsuit is cute! Love the bottom especially, I'll have to try something like that the next time I go to a beach!" The vixen would not blush as the other girl did. She had no issues with looking at others, clothed or not.



    Barbers Botching Barbossa's Beard? MQNhOUw

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