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    Rubide Bloom - Nana's Gemstone Magic


    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
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    Completed Rubide Bloom - Nana's Gemstone Magic

    Post by Nana 30th August 2018, 10:43 am


    Magic Name: Rubide Bloom
    Magic Type: Holder Magic
    Description: Nana manifests her gemstone magics through the blades she carry with her. By touching any person or object with her blades, Nana can sprout gemstone of any size or shape she so desires, provided that she has the MP or Physical stamina to do so. The more physical force she puts into an attack, the greater the effect of her magic. She can also shatter and control any clusters of gems she have created with thought alone, and they act as an extension of herself and her blades. Rubide Bloom, the two blades she carries with her at all times are about 2'7" long, not including the handle, and these blades she can also swing with relative ease.

    Strengths: (What are the strengths of your magic? List all strengths possible, if the magic is strong in stunning, burning, large area damage, single targeting, etc. list it.)

    • Physical Fitness improves the Magic's Potency

    Weaknesses: (What are the weaknesses of your magic? List all weaknesses possible, if the magic requires channeling -time- to use, able to hit self or allies, drains life if used, etc. list it. You must have at least the same amount of weaknesses as strengths.)

    • Magic is locked to the swords themselves, meaning that she cannot sprout any gems wherever.

    Unique Abilities: (List the abilities it provides, make sure to separate each ability! Abilities are like passive traits, or a hidden power that can be activated for a very limited amount of time. These abilities are Unique to your characters specific use of the magic! As a starting D rank character, you can have 3 unique abilities.

    • Ability: Stored Energy - Any ally on Nana's side can imbue gemstones created by Nana with any elemental ability they so desire, allowing them to essentially store magics for later use. The mage and Nana herself must both put conscious effort into storing the spell within the gem, meaning that in the heat of combat, this is a very difficult ability to use against an enemy, and thus its primary use serves as preparation for future conflicts.
    • Ability: Rubide Bones - Being so intimately tied with her blades, Nana's bones are incredibly tough while she's holding the Rubide Bloom, making it impossible to break them under natural circumstances.
    • Ability: Spell Damage - Due to her inherent magical strength, Damage dealt with Spellwork done by Nana is increased by 50%.

    Plot Abilities:


    Name: Lotus Bloom
    Rank: D
    Type: Area of Effect
    Damage: 20HP
    Range: 30 Meters
    Speed: 15 Mps
    Duration: 2
    Cooldown: 3
    Downside: None
    Description: Nana swings her two blades into an object (like a wall, a person or most commonly, the ground) causing an explosive growth of Gems to burst forth from the ground, knocking away everyone unfortunate enough to be nearby with a concussive strike of polished gems. What remains after is a beautiful formation of gemstones in the shape of a newly blossomed lotus flower. The flower itself remains as a structure on the battlefield for 2 turns, before shattering into pieces, unless Nana dismisses it earlier.

    • The Spell has a tendency of blowing everyone who gets hit by it quite far, often disorienting them for a few moments as they recover.

    Weaknesses: (List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least the same amount of weaknesses as strengths. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic.)

    • While the attack itself is powerful, it cannot be used willy nilly, as Nana's Gems cannot discern friend from foe, and anyone and anything caught within its range will get heavily pummeled by it.

    Name: Rosepetal Volley
    Rank: D
    Type: Single Target
    Damage: 40 - 10 = 30 HP
    Range: 60 Meters
    Speed: 75 Mps
    Duration: 1
    Cooldown: 2
    Downside: This Spell cannot be used on its own. It only has a use while Nana has at least one structure of gems active.
    Description: Nana can shatter any of her gemstone creations into small, sharp shards which she can hurl at her enemies as magical projectiles. Using this ability dismisses all effects of the gem she shattered to use this ability in the first place.

    • The tiny shards are incredibly difficult to see from a long range, and given their velocity, are quite difficult, but not impossible, to dodge


    • The downside to the small, sharper gems is that they aren't as damaging as other attacks of that class, and the gems don't have a whole lot of stopping potential aside from pain factor. Getting hit by one is about as painful as having a razorblade cut you at 75 mps, but it has nowhere near the stopping power like that of an arrow or gun. Hardy mages and armored foes can keep on running through the attack, even if it still damages them.

    Name: Coachwhip Path
    Rank: D
    Type: Single Target
    Damage: 40 HP
    Range: 75 Meters
    Speed: 60 Mps
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Downside: The attack is in a straight line and cannot curve.
    Description: Nana digs her blade deep within the soil beneath her and swings it in an upwards motion while running towards her foe. Once the blade breaks contact with the ground, a long line of sharp crystals form rapidly, impaling anything and everything in its path, until it either reaches Nana's intended target or until it reaches the maximum range limit of 75 meters.
    Strengths: (List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)

    • Despite being a single target skill, it can damage anyone and anything that happens to be in the attack's line of fire. This strength is situationally useful, and situations where this perk pops up are quite rare, since all of her targets need to be in a straight line.

    Weaknesses: (List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least the same amount of weaknesses as strengths. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic.)

    • One of Nana's blades has to be submerged for at least a second prior to the spell being cast properly, leaving her more exposed than she normally would be.

    Name: Rubide Pollen
    Rank: D
    Type: Single Target
    Damage: N/A
    Range: Melee Range
    Speed: (Put the speed of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the speed each spell type has)
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Downside: N/A
    Description: The spell makes Nana's blades to "pollenate", leaving behind a faint trail of diamond dust whenever her blade is swung. Targets damaged by her blade while this spell is active will have the damaged bodypart completely encased in crystals for a turn, rendering that body part completely useless.

    • Essentially making the most durable shackles on the planet, the shell created by the pollen can both be used to trap someone, or to protect someone else from damage. Regardless of who gets the pollen on them, the effects remain the same.


    • Seeing as the source is flittering diamond dust, its very hard, next to impossible to maintain on the blade during harsh weather conditions like heavy wind or rainfall. Of course, magics that create gusts of wind of strong splashes of water has essentially the same effect.

    Name: Diamond Garden
    Rank: D+
    Type: Area of Effect
    Damage: N/A
    Range: 45 Meters
    Speed: 25 Mps
    Duration: 5
    Cooldown: 6
    Description: Nana Sinks both of her blades into the ground and takes a deep breath, before a beautiful garden made of various kinds of gems sprout from the ground. Once Nana's done, she lets go of her blades, empowered by the area around her. While this spell is active, Nana has 100% control of all gemstones in the area, and can use them for either spellwork or for mundane attacking. While in her garden, her magical potency rises, increasing all damage done by 75% for the duration. In addition, her spellwork is no longer restricted to her weapons.

    • Nana loses the weakness most Holder users have in their dependance on the equipment. The garden itself becomes her medium, and she can do everything she could normally do, but with her hands or feet instead, allowing for much greater freedom.


    • While she's not locked to using her weapons to manifest her magic anymore, she does need to stay on the ground for any of her spells to even function properly. Knocking her out of the garden puts Nana at an extreme disadvantage as a result.

    Completed Re: Rubide Bloom - Nana's Gemstone Magic

    Post by Guest 2nd September 2018, 6:03 pm

    Hello Nana!

    Shiny gem magic! Everything is almost good to go, there are just a few corrections needed that I listed in this lovely color. Please edit and bump! ^o^


      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:48 am