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    Pleasing the Universe Spirit


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Pleasing the Universe Spirit Empty Pleasing the Universe Spirit

    Post by Brynn 2nd June 2018, 6:34 pm

    Akily looked down at the ground as she felt bored and unfulfilled with her life. She wasn't doing anything important enough to care about, or even think about. She had tried praying to the Universe Spirit in hopes of helping her do something good with her life but nothing happened. She even tried running around and playing like a normal kid, but she felt the emptiness in her eating away at her. She sat upside down, laid on the bench, and even jumped up and down on it. Again, nothing worked. Her boredom was nonending in a world full of adventure and purification. She couldn't believe that she was bored in such a time of importantness. As she began hating herself, she felt a vibration come from the pocket of her jacket and took out her phone. It was actually quite interesting to see a message come from an unknown number.

    On it was a request to do a job for them. They apparently noticed Akily in the dark guild world and thought that she was completely capable of doing this job. She looked away after reading this and smiled. She said to the Universe Spirit, "Are you proud of me? I'm making sure our message is being sent all around the world. I know that people will fear me and then, I will be able to control the world and bring it back from its pain." With a maniacal laugh, she read even more of the message. The job was apparently about intercepting a moving caravan. The other info seemed pretty vague since she barely even knew what was in said caravan. The only thing she could tell from the message was that there was some sort of important info inside the caravan. She thought the job sounded suspicious but she didn't want to pass on something that could make the Universe Spirit even more proud. After all, at this rate, Akily will be able to take over the world and finally gain approval of the Universe Spirit once and for all. She smiled to herself at the thought and texted back the unknown number, "Okay."

    She waited for a reply for another 5 minutes but there was nothing else. She knew there had to be more to say, but as she waited 2 more minutes, nothing else came up. Frustrated, she stood up and was about to walk away, but then there was the vibration again. She looked back to her Ilac and read the text. On it was the location the caravan was traveling to and the schedule of its traveling itself. As soon as she got that, she ran towards the nearest train and got ready for the ride to come.

    wc: 456
    tc: 456/2000


    Pleasing the Universe Spirit 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Pleasing the Universe Spirit Empty Re: Pleasing the Universe Spirit

    Post by Brynn 5th June 2018, 4:20 pm

    The train rides were boring as usual, especially with nobody to play with. So, she just played with her cards. She rolled her eyes as a few giggly college kids walked by her. With a laugh, they whispered to their friends and said, "Aww she's so adorable. I wonder where she's going at a time like this." Akily rolled her eyes as she just worked with her cards. She didn't feel like it was the time to attack them in public, so she just let them go free. She said to herself, however, that if they ever did that again, she would kill them in an instant. For their sakes, she hoped they didn't because she did not need more blood on her hands. Especially since she was going to take a lot more blood soon. As she stared intensely at her cards, she began to plan out the best ones for this job. She knew right away that her card of surprise was going to be the priority. Secondly, she knew she was going to probably need her card of perception to try and clear out most of the...and that was when she began to doze off. She definitely did not want to do something even more boring than what she was doing before. She just wanted to get a taste of blood. Just one simple slice across the neck, or even just a tiny cut from someone's hand. Like a kid, Akily needs to be entertained and tamed. She needs to have something to be interested in before she gets bored too quickly, which is where killing comes in. It satisfies her need to have fun just like the blood of the people she killed satisfies the Universe Spirit. She found herself in killing, just like a singer finds joy in singing, or an actor, acting. She looked back to see one of the girls get out of her group as she went to the bathroom. With an evil giggle, she muttered to herself, "Well isn't this perfect..." She stood up as she walked over to the same direction the girl was going and put a hand on her deck of cards.

    As the girl walked into the bathroom, she looked back to see Akily as she smiled towards her. With a smile, the girl let Akily go first, which was a huge mistake from her. As Akily complied and went into the little area, she sat there for a minute or two as she plotted out her plan. As she flushed the toilet, she activated her card of silence and quickly opened up the door of the bathroom as she saw the girl stare at her in shock. With one quick movement, Akily pulled the girl into the restroom and closed the door with a lock. The girl tried to scream but it was no use, Akily's card was stopping her from doing the thing she wanted most, which only made Akily even more excited. Akily kicked the girl down, but not enough to make too much noise. She pressed down on the chest of the girl with her foot and got prepared to kill her. As she raised up her card, she sliced it across the blonde haired girl as her neck began to gargle as she tried to gasp for air. But, the air was stopped by the blood coming from the neck of her. The blood of the girl dripped down towards the toilet as Akily tried to contain her laugh of enjoyment. Then with no warning at all, the train stopped, which meant only one thing, it was Akily's stop. So, Akily opened the door of the restroom and walked out as normal as possible, like nothing happened. As she got off the train, she could hear the scream of the girl's friends as they cried out from their loss. She laughed maniacally as she walked towards the direction of the caravan, hoping she could do even more to the people there.

    tc: 1126/2000


    Pleasing the Universe Spirit 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Pleasing the Universe Spirit Empty Re: Pleasing the Universe Spirit

    Post by Brynn 8th June 2018, 4:38 pm

    Akily was in a bush on top of a mountain, looking down upon the caravan as it struggled to move upwards. It had to be important if it was going through the trouble of going over Phoenix Mountains. It was probably one of the worst places to travel through on land. Akily couldn't even imagine what was important enough to need all this trouble the people around it were going through to get it safely to its location. As Akily rolled her eyes, she said to herself, "Adults...what is wrong with them. All of them and thinking that they have to make a big breakthrough just to survive in this world. Why can't they just live with what the Universe Spirit gave them, instead of corrupt them with their idiotic ways." With a deep sigh, she started to walk down the mountain as she saw rocks and pebbles as she walked down. She took in the scenery and realized how beautiful the Universe Spirit made Earthland. It was glorious in its ways as the golden sun shined down upon the landform, making it as though the area truly had a phoenix in it. She opened her mouth in awe as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. With that, she opened them and said to herself with a smile, "I'm ready now Universe Spirit! Thank you for giving me the strength to do this task." She dashed down the hill and went straight to the caravan where multiple people awaited her.

    It seemed like there were only 4 people guarding this caravan while people stopped to rest and gather supplies. It meant that Akily had the perfect moment to invade the caravan, but she felt magical presences within the guards. They were probably mages on jobs sent to defend the caravan, but Akily couldn't have that, now could she. So, she activated her card of surprise, like she planned on the bus, and went invisible. She made sure that those mages would not be able to sense, or even see her. This meant that it was now time to strike. As Akily observed the group, it seemed like there was a mage who had supportive magic on her hands. It wasn't regular support magic, but it was water based. She seemed to be able to create water out of thin air. Akily was able to feel the water's healing properties even though she was as far away as she was. There was another mage that had some sort of defensive magic. He was able to use the abilities of earth, which meant he could probably create large walls to block in enemies or even shield his friends. Those two were probably the highest priority since they were the only defenses against little Akily. For now, though, she still had two other mages to observe, because if she screwed this up, she could be facing all 4 mages at once. That could not happen, especially when she was getting so close to pleasing the Universe Spirit. So, she just kept observing while she was still invisible. There was a female mage near the front with her back turned. She seemed to know fire magic, which meant she was probably a mage who thought offense was the best defense. That meant she should be the one to go after once she got the water and earth mage down. As she looked to the other person on the side of the caravan, she saw a man that didn't look too much over his 20's. He seemed to know how to manipulate air, as in the ability to use air magic. He probably was an extremely talented fighter, with using the air to move quickly and use fast attacks to take over his enemies. He was the one with the strongest magic in his body, which is why he should be last so none of his friends can help him while he's fighting her.

    Now her plan was set up, and she knew enough about each of the guards to know how she could easily defeat them. She knew that she would have to keep one of them alive to send her message out to the world and tell of what she had done that day. She had to make people fear her, and maybe even cower back into the simpler lives they could have. Just so Akily could have an easier time at the purification when she needed to completely go through with the plan. So, she commenced with her plan and decided she would keep the water mage alive. As she commenced with her plan, she squeezed the handle of her card dagger and teleported behind the earth mage. As he was talking to the water mage, he fell face first into the ground as Akily's card dagger stuck out of his back. With a loud scream, the water mage cried out for help as she fell into a catastrophic state from the loss of her friend. She curled up into a ball as tears rolled down the cheek. The pool of blood was nearing her, but she couldn't get out of the state she was in. Akily couldn't help but smile at the sight of all of these things happening. All of a sudden, a fireball came straight by her face, but didn't hit it. Akily wondered if that was because the fire mage meant to scare her, or was just unskilled. Akily turned around to see the girl go into shock as she saw Akily was extremely young. Akily put on her scared little girl face as the girl walked over to Akily, about to go and comfort her. As this happened, Akily activated her card of chastity as she blasted the girl with a bright light. She then ran up to the girl as she sliced the disc right across the neck of the fire mage. That was when the air mage tried to attack her, and let's just say he died a very painful and awful death.

    Akily left the caravan with a very happy look as she left the final girl in shock from the death of her friends. She was rocking back and forth saying that everything was going to be okay, except Akily knew what was going to be happening after that moment. She knew the girl would be scarred forever, and would probably go into hiding, where she would repeat the story of Akily over and over again, just spreading the message Akily wanted to be spread. With that, Akily walked back towards civilization with the info in her very hands.

    tc::finished with needed


    Pleasing the Universe Spirit 3UHCyoD

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