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    A journey to a new place


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 10,419

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Stylus of Thoth
    Third Skill: Pandor's Vessel

    Private A journey to a new place

    Post by Segodon 17th May 2018, 2:28 am

    A man dressed in a brown ragged kimono with muddy pants walked around the docks on his straw slippers. He carried a chipped black lacquered box on his back among other bags and items. Some of them some scrolls were visible, sticking out of a bag. He carried a straw hat on is head, bellow it peaked brown hair into his neck and onto his forehead. The docks where bruising with people, sailors, fishers and dock workers were busy with their everyday jobs. Ships of a dozed kinds where laying next to the wooden scaffold docks and some larger ships next to the stone docks. They where loaded and emptied, seagulls looked eager at the fisher’s ships for a bite.
    Haruyuki opened his brown leathered coin pouch and sighed. There where four coins, three different currencies. One from Midi, one from Minstriel and two from Ca-elum. None had any significant worth and wouldn’t get him of this place, a harbour city of Ca-elum. Haru was looking for a ship that would take him away from this island nation. He had been travelling here for weeks without finding anything that could help his quest to become the best strategist in the entire world. Haru looked around him, “So many ships…” But which to take, without money. He shook his head and walked over the dock. There where oriental sailing ships, galleys, galleons and fisher boots. Their sizes differ greatly, somewhere as large as a skiff while others were large and fitted with two to three sets of sails with rows of cannons in their hulls. Then, somewhere in that forests of masts, he saw a great iron beast. The largest ship he had ever seen, and surely the most heavily armed and armoured one. Its cannons weren’t placed in its hull but on elevated positions on the deck. There where masts and two large chimneys and other structures as well. I can easily hide on that beast. He walked on yet kept looking at it discreetly like none other could. No one got on or off the ship at the moment, nor could he see anyone on deck. He walked to a fish stall and bought a raw fish with unions, throwing one of the Ca-elum coins at the merchant. It was a famous dish of the area, famous for its taste and for seagulls snatching it away. Haru checked his surroundings. Safe. He took a bite and almost gagged. The merchant laughed and Haru threw the remainder of the fish to a seagull. A sailor said something in a strange language and shook his head. He walked away from the docks into a calmer side street and then turned around into a back alley.
    It was there where Haruyuki took off his straw hat and the wig, revealing a black lacquered jingasha helmet and his red hairs. (conically shaped helmet) He removed his old clothing and took a red kimono and white pants, reinforced with plates, out of the lacquered chest. He strapped a black chest and backplate around him and a shoulder guard on his left shoulder. He attached his gloves and placed his old clothing in the chest and walked out of the ally. His new outfit stood in great contrast with the other. The first had earth tones and made him look like a peasant, apart from his sword. His new attire was that of a warrior, with the colours red, black and white. All clean with only an occasional repair of the fabric and a scratch on the armour. Haruyuki walked back the route he took, the ally out onto the street that leads him back to the docks. He walked straight for the metal giant, he moved through the busy dockworkers. He walked with hasty steps, something his left leg couldn’t handle very well. Then he was at the wooden staircase that would lead him on the ship. His left arm grabbed the railing to support his limping leg. He walked up and then he heard someone else walking, towards him. Greet and walk on, if he asks what I do here then I tell him that I’ve been hired as a guard. Haruyuki repeated his deceit in his mind and faced the person. "Hai" greeted Haruyuki in the tongue of Midi.



    A journey to a new place Sig_210
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 18th May 2018, 5:44 am

    A familiar, fresh breeze was blowing through Johann's silver hair as he stood at the bow of the massive steel warship, overlooking parts of the sea and the harbour in this coastal city of Ca-elum. He, or more specifically, the West Fiore Trading Company, had taken one of the fleets battleships to escort smaller transport ships after reports of pirate activity in the area, and seemingly, the large guns and the flag of the WFTC had been enough to deter any possible attackers. They would have to make sure to eliminate any pirate thread permanently at a later point in time, though. Pirates were a constant nuisance the thalassocracy of the West Fiore Trading Company had to deal with, they had even been bold enough to attack one of the settlements on Divide Island itself before being eradicated by the might of the fleet, but had dared to nonetheless. The trade routes, especially between the countries of Fiore and Ca-elum, were vital to the existence of not just the Trading Company, but all manners of trade on sea, and naturally the organisation placed great importance on keeping this trade free from criminal influences. The Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company, thus, had taken this matter into his hands, accompanying the sailors of the WFTC on their course to Ca-elum to supervise the delivery of the shipments.

    Johann sighed with one short breath before turning around, his eyes going from the sea to the stacks of wooden crates beside the ship, supplies for the journey back. They had been in harbour for around a day now, and it was time to head out to sea once more, not without a few more deliveries, however. This time though, the Vice President and the crew of the ship would do it personally. His hand on the railing he made his way to the improvised wooden ramp that led off the side of the ship before slowly making his way down to the workers before, as he was used to, addressing them, asking about the wares, the shipments, supervising the work, occasionally shouting a command etc. before finally and after a good bit of work, everything had been stored away safely and the sailors had been ordered to return to their stations. He himself made sure that everything was in order and would be the last to return to the steel giant before him, making his way back to the wooden ramp when another man hurried, nay, more like limped, towards the stairs, dressed in full armor and colours much different than those of the sailors of the West Fiore trading Company. Johann was intrigued, he had never seen the man before, and naturally assumed the worst, approaching the other from behind to make his way up the wooden stairs after him, placing a hand on his shoulder, the other offering a greeting perhaps ? The tongue was wholly unfamiliar to Johann. Still, he smiled at him with friendly expression, the rune he had left behind as he took back his hand would be unnoticed. "Good day, friend." Johann continued walking up the wooden stairs behind as he gave a wave to another sailor, the command to have the ramp lowered and preparations made to get the ship ready "I haven't seen you around here before ... Oh, but of course, you must be the one the council has send ?" Johann bluffed. There was no council, and they certainly didn't send anyone, but he would see if the other would indeed identify himself as a member of this fictional council. Johann had the understandable suspicion that this man before him, the man dressed like a rag tag soldier or mercenary, would indeed be a stowaway, or perhaps even worse, a spy. "My apologies, Sir. I am Johann von Weiss, Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company. Please, follow me to the officers quarters for some tea, if you like. The journey back to Divide Island is going to be long and we'll have much time to get better acquainted", sort of pushing the other up onto the ships deck lightly, the ramp behind them lowered as soon as they stepped off, the ships horn giving off a loud, muffled roar, the sign that the ship was about to leave harbour. From the two large smoke stacks, black smoke started slowly rising up before the ship, with one large jolt, moved forward, out towards the open sea. Johann moved towards a small metal doorway on the ships side, gesturing for the man to follow him, ready to draw his rapier in the blink of an eye at any second should the man try anything funny.



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 10,419

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Stylus of Thoth
    Third Skill: Pandor's Vessel

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Segodon 20th May 2018, 8:40 am

    Haruyuki turned around, he was so focused on who might be on the deck that he neglected the idea that someone would board the ship. Send by the council? That was something Haruyuki could use, hopefully. “I am Takenaka Haruyuki, I am a strategist and trained in the warrior arts. I have heard that pirates endanger the trade.” Spoke Haruyuki, neither confirming nor denying the notion he was sent by the council. He had learned the language of Fiore through books, yet books don’t teach the pronouncing very well. What I luck that I’ve learned it, thought Haruyuki. Von Weiss? That’s Minstrel. Haruyuki has been multiple times in that nation and had heard last name’s like those. “Ah, tea would be very nice.” Said Haruyuki, with a smile. Sailors were preparing to set sail and the stairs where removed. No way back anymore. Haruyuki didn’t like that and the ships horn sounded as well. Giving a little jump to Haruyuki, who was surprised by the loud and sudden sound. He followed Johann and took his helmet off his head, he placed it on his belt.
    They ended up in the officer quarters and Haruyuki was offered a seat. He took his sword and sheath out his belt and laid it on the ground and placed his helmet next to it. It wasn’t something Haruyuki liked to do but he had to show trust towards his host. He sat down and looked at Johann. He himself didn’t know what to say or do.



    A journey to a new place Sig_210
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 21st May 2018, 5:30 am

    "Takenaka Haruyuki, hm ? Midi ?" Johann repeated in his head as he led the other across the deck and through the small metal doorway. The man said, be it with peculiar accent, he was a strategist and heard about the pirate attacks. Well ? Most people on the coast would have. News like these were spreading quickly these days, and so that fact wasn't too telling for Johann. In fact, the person he was now leading through a narrow hallway remained an enigma to the Vice President, for the time being. He had no ideas about his intentions, but treated this case with a lot of suspicion, there were many enemies to the West Fiore trading Company, and it wouldn't be the first time their competitors or other groups would try something to destabilize the organisation. A few metal pipes on the ceiling of this metallic hallway roared and sizzled as they walked past, and Johann finally came to a stop before another metal door, knocking twice before opening it and gesturing for the other to come in.

    The other stepped inside, Johann doing the same and closing the door, locking it behind them. The officers quarters were relatively simple and scarcely decorated, and not too sizeable, but still offered relative luxury for the high seas. A bunk bed was embedded into one side of the room, two sofas and a table between were on the other, and a closet for clothing and storage on the other side. On one of the couches, a man with black hair looked up from a book briefly as the door swung open, putting down a pair of glasses when he saw the newcomer step in, followed by Johann. "Please, Sir, take a seat", Johann pointed to one side of the couches politely while moving to the other side of the room and speaking something into a lacrima, Artorias, his knight, moving over on the couch a bit before Johann, too, took a seat.

    "So, Mr. Takenaka. You have introduced yourself a strategist and addressed the pirate threat in these waters ... Say, what is your business on this ship ? Who hired you ?" while the other would put away sword and helmet Johann and Artorias wouldn't even think to let go of their weapons for but one second. Then again, both The Vice President and the falcon in human form would be more than adequately equipped for a fight, even without a blade to back up their side of the argument. A small knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, he rose from his seating and went over to unlock the door, taking a small silver tablet from a sailor dressed in a blue and white uniform before closing the door once again, hurrying back to the other two before placing the silver tablet on the small table between them. On it was a glass can of freshly brewed green tea, a small string of vapor rising up from the opening on one side, sugar, milk and 3 cups. Johann took a cup and added a bit of sugar before pouring tea into it, the falcon doing the same, but adding just a sliver of milk, and Johann gestured for Haruyuki to take a cup as well. "So, let's be real here then, Mr. Takenaka", he placed down his cup of tea on the tablet after having taken a sip "We both know there is no council, and you were indeed wise to not respond to that. Still, I do not know you, you do not wear a guild uniform, I have never seen you around nor have I authorized hiring anyone, and trust me, when it comes to the safety of the West Fiore Trading Company, I am very good at remembering faces. So, I ask you one final time, and please, answer honestly, who are you, why are you on this ship, and" Johann's hand had been placed on the hilt of the rapier at his side now "if you are indeed a spy, then who are you working for ? It would be wise to answer truthfully", the Vice President's eyes were fixed on the man, watching carefully, observing his every move in detail, prepared should it come to the unthinkable.



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 10,419

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Stylus of Thoth
    Third Skill: Pandor's Vessel

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Segodon 21st May 2018, 11:16 am

    Haruyuki greeted the other person in the room, a man with black hair. “Hai.” Said Haru, with a slight bow. “Thank you.” Said Haruyuki when Johann offered him a seat on a couch, Johann sat down next to the other person on the other couch. The room was plain and simple, room to sleep, to store things and a sitting area.

    Haruyuki hides his reaction to Johann’s questioning while he was laying away his sword and his helmet and his backpack. He seated himself properly and thought in the meantime a reply, but someone knocked on the door before he could give a reply. A servant brought in ‘tea’ on a silver plate. That is tea? Thought Haruyuki, while he looked at the greenish, watery substance. He looked at the example of his hosts and neglected the sugar and poured himself a cup of ‘tea’. The substance was still hot, he felt the heat coming off the ceramic and a faint stream of steam came off the ‘tea’. Johann spoke again, demanding to know everything. “I didn’t know there was no council.” Said Haruyuki, still having his tea in his hand. “So far, I have spoken the truth. I’m Takenaka Haruyuki and I’m a strategist, I’ve also heard that piracy is acting up. Why don’t I wear a guild uniform? I wouldn’t know what a guild is. I’m not hired by anyone, but you could hire me for against the pirates. In truth, I seek employment besides my quest to collect the arts of war. But I didn’t board this ship for employment. I entered it to get out of this country and find a new place to proceed my quest.” Said Haruyuki, his eyes fixed on Johann. “You think I’m a spy?” Haruyuki laughed, “Than I would be the worst spy in history. If I had to spy on this ship, then I would have observed it and have seen what uniforms you wear, and I would sneak on the ship and get myself one of those uniforms. Though I would actually get someone else to spy on this ship, I don’t think you would have many people here from Midi."

    Haruyuki leaned forward, “Sun Tzu says: There are five classes of spies. Local spies, inward spies, converted spies, doomed spies and surviving spies. Whom would I be of these then? I would have chosen an inward spy for the task to spy on this ship.” Said Haruyuki, with a smile. It was a bad habit of his to brag about his knowledge. He continued, “Thought it’s the best to use all five, yet that pose’s a difficulty with traders.” He opened up his arms, almost spilling his tea. “So, what will you do with me?” He knew that talking was the only way to keep himself alive, there was no escape from Johann’s judgement or his sword. He then took a sip of his drink and closed his eyes for a moment. What is this?



    A journey to a new place Sig_210
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 22nd May 2018, 11:05 am

    "Oh ?" Johann gave back surprised to the others comment "Is that so ? Hired by noone, looking for work ?" Johann repeated  what the man called Haruyuki had offered him as a response "Then you're perhaps not the best strategist, good man, or a very desperate one. What did you expect would happen if you just sneaked onto a warship ? ... Perhaps you are the worst spy in history ..." Johann took the ceramic cup into his hand again, taking a sip before placing it back on the tablet "... perhaps you were willing to take a risk ?or perhaps you say all this make yourself seem less suspicious ? Perhaps you are a simple thief on the lookout for any valuables, and a stowaway in any case. Or perhaps, ...", the Vice President focussed on the other intently, his dual coloured eyes locked onto the Haruyuki's ones "... perhaps things are as you explained. I am not one to tell, nor can I know for sure, but the West Fiore Trading Company has ways to find out." Truly, the other needed only to be looked at by Ruvel to know everything about him, and especially if he was indeed telling the truth, but Ruvel was back on Divide Island, not here. For the time being, Johann had to come up with a different, more improvised solution.

    "In any case, this ship is headed back for Divide Island, the headquarters of the West Fiore Trading Company, and you, Takenaka-san ..." Johann brought up what little he knew of Midi customs and language "... it seems you have no other choice than to accompany me back. Now, about your employment status" Johann now stood up, walking up and down the small room, his eyes still locked on the newcomer "as it so happens, the West Fiore Trading Company always accepts new recruits. Would you have approached me differently, I would've gladly accepted your request and tested you in accordance with the laws of the West Fiore Trading Company and Tolgalen, but as it stands, I cannot be sure about your alignment, Takenaka-san."

    "But I am willing to make you an offer. You mentioned that you consider yourself a strategist. As it so happens, the West Fiore Trading Company could potentially require your services in the future. And you also mentioned the pirate threat" with that, Johann stopped where he stood before getting closer to the man that called himself Takenaka Haruyuki "Our plan was to try and find out more about that on the way back to Divide Island. If you want, you can assist me and my advisor, Artorias ..." the Vice President pointed at the man on the couch for a second "... in this matter. You seem to know about strategy, and you will get the chance to prove yourself. Or of course, you could spend the rest of the journey in a cell" Johann now stretched out his right hand and extended it towards the man before him "So, Takenaka Haruyuki-san, what will it be ? And if you take my offer, what strategy does our oh-so-smart strategist suggest ?"

    Word Count: 2.022

    Last edited by Johann on 15th April 2019, 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 469
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 10,419

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Stylus of Thoth
    Third Skill: Pandor's Vessel

    Private Re: A journey to a new place

    Post by Segodon 23rd May 2018, 4:38 am

    Haruyuki listened to what Johann had to say and his ego was hurt after Johann commented on “Not the best strategist.” He grabbed a leather pouch that hung on his belt and emptied it in front of him. Three coins rolled over the floor, each different from each other. “Do you think I would get a ride on a boat with that? Why did I take the risk to get on a big boat like this? Simple, the large it is the more room it has to hide someone. The larger it’s crew is which means there is no one that knows everyone. Even with a proper command structure, I was in fortunate to run into you and as you said it was a risk.” He paused for a moment, “I would be a worse spy, as I had said so myself. I did tell you, I haven’t lied so far.”

    Harayuki frowned San? He knows? He had not expected that Johann would know anything about his culture. He frowned once more and leaned forward after hearing Johann talk about his employment. “Em-emmployment?” He asked confused, he had not expected that Johann would do such. The spirit of their conversation seemed to have levelled that out but didn’t. “You speak of recruits? That’s something for the lowly peasants?” He wondered what Johann would mean with that. “Of course, you’re not sure, I do not blame you for that.” He grinned, No one would.

    Johann continued and Haruyuki nodded when he heard about the pirate threat. That was something he could potentially help with, but how could he further help a trading company with. He couldn’t linger longer on his thought, Johann continued on. He pointed to the other in the room, apparently named Artorias. “Hmm, let’s not go for the cell.” He looked at the hand Johann reached, did he have to return his, almost full, teacup? He stood up and bowed slightly, still not sure what he had to do with that hand. “I’ll help, sure. And for what I will suggest…” He grinned, “I suggest... a spy!” He laughed, “Or a scout for that matter. One must first find out the strengths and weakness of one’s opponent.” He placed his cup on the table and took a scroll from his possessions and rolled it out. “Sun Tzu says; By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.” He pointed at ink on the yellow papyrus, the character’s written in the tongue of Midi.

    “Do the people follow their general? Which of the general has most ability? With whom benefits the most from the geographical location and weather? Whom has discipline enforced most rigorously? Which army is stronger? On which side are officers and men better trained? In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment? If I know these then I know whom wins, but to figure such out one needs weeks if not a month of preparation. At least in our case. What I need to know are the enemies size and its location. I do not think we could ever wish to know more in this case, that would be difficult.” Haruyuki was in his element, the thought of planning his first battle was most exciting. Yet he did not dare to ask Johann about his own forces.



    A journey to a new place Sig_210

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 7:19 pm