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    The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos

    Post by Oras Auro 12th June 2018, 8:11 pm

    Izayuki seemed to agree with Oras and what he had said about the world being dangerous despite it being a human world. In all honesty, the human world was mixed with so many races, gods, demons, and other such non human beings, that one could say it wasn't a human world, but a convergence center for any race at all (Or like men in black). Half animal creatures, serpent like monsters, gods, demi-gods, angels, demons, fallen angels, celestials, were only a few of them. He'd read a book on it back in the library of the black rose guild. There were a long list of beings and races that existed in the realm of humans. Oras wondered if he himself was human, or if he belonged in a different category. Regardless of what he was, he didn't want any of this in the books of libraries of any sorts. Perhaps in a journal of his to keep track of his abilities and any random information related to his soul, but that was it. He didn't want this knowledge to end up in the hands of others, especially strangers, as well as enemies. He wondered if people would eventually figure it out, especially if he was active in the world at some point. However it really wasn't something he could think about right now. Bottom line of the matter was this: The human world was very dangerous if you weren't careful, and could very much be as dangerous as this realm and it's people. He needed to take precautions, both magical, physical and mental means, in order to stay alive. The first good step would be to lay low for a while until he could fully understand his abilities. Until he could understand them they could very well betray him at any point. Not only should he lay low because of this, but he wanted to perfect his magic before becoming more open. He could operate as a spy, investigation, other missions like this for the guild. Or stay behind the scenes and come up with strategies, decipher clues and problems that are brought to him. If he did go out he needed to ensure he had all information on the location, enemies in the area, as well as neutrals, points of interests, targets, who to avoid, etc. Another step was to ensure that he had a good appearance and name. Once he became strong enough he could make a decent name for himself so that those who did know him would think twice before doing anything. Though he could go the opposite direction and keep hidden, and act as the guild's wild card, only coming out when surprise was on their side. Therefore he could-

    It was then that Izayuki spoke again, interrupting his thoughts and focusing back on the Yokai again. As he did so he winced as he remembered that physically, while he could move he was not yet back at one hundred percent just yet. The guild master explained to him that while she did in fact have a way to lead them directly to earthland and the guild hall from anywhere, it would require him to be in perfect shape. Stable in mind. Stable in body. And stable in emotionally. If he was stable and he was sure of it, she would lead them home. He just stared at her for a moment or two before replying.
    "Seeing as how I'm still physically recovering, I just died, and my soul is literally the definition of unstable, I don't think I'll risk that just yet. Maybe in the future if I can tame this soul of mine. I suppose we could just walk home." He returned his focus to his weakened body. He could walk but it would be troublesome the way things were. If he left it like this they would be struggling the whole way. Or rather he would be and Izayuki would be slowed down very greatly. Therefore, using his magic, he summoned physical illusions that appeared around his arms, legs, torso, waste, midriff, and tightened around them. They moved in a way to double the strength of his body, though it was a bit painful to attach. He moved his arms around a bit and nodded. "This should do the trick, I won't have to worry about slowing you down. When I'm home I think I should lie down and rest though..." As he stood there he thought about this trick he had just done. If he could use his illusions to increase his physical strength, and keep his body from shaking, perhaps he could do something to his opponents. He could definitely use physical illusions or telekinesis to move objects or pi to grab and pin down his opponents. The more ideas he had, the more options he had, the more his fighting style would change. It fit not only his philosophy now but his soul. He kept changing things the more ideas he gained over time. He already changed the spells and abilities of his magic once before and he wasn't afraid to do it a second time. Especially if it made his magic far much more powerful, potent, and unpredictable.

    As Izayuki and Oras began to walk towards their destination, there was a moment of silence between the two. Oras took the time of silence to ponder a few things. Some realizations, reflections and questions that he was now asking himself. He had isolated himself for so long for a variety of reasons. The surface reasons which he believed and told others, was a tactical and survival reason: He didn't trust others because no one could truly be trusted. If you expected someone to backstab you then you were prepared for if they did so. By not trusting someone you naturally investigated them to see if they would intentionally or unintentionally cause you any sort of harm, be it directly or indirectly. He was safe being isolated. While it was a fact that more numbers meant stronger defense and offense, Oras needed people he could trust and rely on. Otherwise there was no teamwork and just chaos. They just got in his way. That entire matter with Ruvel and his guild was proof of that. None of the guild members seemed to really know each other, and Oras didn't know any of them. Yet they insisted on teamwork and not solo work, so he really didn't have a choice. They won in the end as the monsters were nowhere near strong enough to handle them, but it wasn't easy due to the chaotic 'teamwork'. However there were deeper reasons he was isolated. He was afraid. Afraid of being betrayed by someone he'd let come close to him. A friend, family. He was also afraid of losing a friend or family all over again. More than that, he wore his mask because he was afraid people would look into his eyes and know exactly what he was: A coward. Weak, defenseless. Just trying to cling to life in the hopes that he could live. His fear kept him alive, but didn't give him a reason to live. Now however. He was a part of a guild. He was allies with the guild master, her adopted family. His, adopted family. They had a goal, and while he didn't have a personal goal of his own he could start by helping them. Taking down the magic counsel and it's corruption? Those who put innocents in harms way? He remembered Lucie, who wanted to destroy the magic counsel, and hated them for reasons unknown. Who desired to bring them to ruin no matter who stood in her way. Even if it was the innocent. Oras needed a short break, but he wished to talk with Izayuki about the guild, how he could help, and about this Lucie. See if she believed it would be worth it to find and talk with the girl, see if she'd be willing to aid her in strike or assassination missions... So long as she could control herself and not kill or harm innocents. As for wearing a mask...

    When he was strong enough, enemies of his family would fear that mask when it approached.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos - Page 3 TEm5Pci


    The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dangers of Mystery, and the Power of Chaos

    Post by Guest 12th June 2018, 8:42 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ H Rank

    Izayuki observed as he created makeshift illusionary assistance for himself, so he could walk. As he mentioned walking, however, the Bakedanuki could not help but laugh out loud. They were in another world entirely, after all, just walking from one planet to another did not work as easily as one may have hoped.

    Of course, the Bakedanuki herself had ideas on how to get them back faster, or reduce the need for Oras to use his magic. However, she kept silent, understanding he probably did not want to feel like a burden had she used her own charms and magic on him. Perhaps a walk while he gained his strength back would be useful, and thus, with a nod and an eager step forward, the duo would begin to move out of the desolated realm of Torochi, and back into the general atmosphere of Nazo.

    The sun looked as if it were setting now, no longer dawning. The shadowed ground would remain the same-- but to renewed eyes, would have something of a bright spark of life to it. Eventually, the two would reach the field of spider lilies once more. Izayuki was personally satisfied that they managed to find the place again without the world shifting on them yet again. Utilizing her Kurochi-- the darkness energy that made up her body, grim claws sliced a rip through the atmosphere, opening up a small portal for the duo to utilize. The energy itself held an aura of madness, and would pick at the minds of others, pushing insanity upon them, thus was why the Bakedanuki wanted to wait until Oras regained some of his strength. Upon walking through, they would end up in the Black Rose library once again, home at last.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:28 pm