After several days of walking Simon arrived at Peace Village. "Stupid over priced trains. It took me forever to get here! I've got to find a better way to get around." He trudged around town for several minutes before finding the library and heading inside. He looked around the library and found the help desk. He approached the librarian "Excuse me can you help me find a book?" The librarian looked down at him "I would dear, but some rascals rearranged a number of books. What book are you looking for you might be lucky and it could be among the few untrifiled with." "I'm looking for 'A Tale of Twenty Two Cities' do you have that?" The librarian frowned "I'm sorry that book is missing." "So it's been checked out?" "No it's no where to be found. I'm sorry."
Simon let out a grown, a simple job for some pocket money was about to become a painful chore. "I guess I'll try to find it then." He turned to look at the bookshelves "Atleast it isn't a BIG library."
Simon let out a grown, a simple job for some pocket money was about to become a painful chore. "I guess I'll try to find it then." He turned to look at the bookshelves "Atleast it isn't a BIG library."