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    Howl at the moon


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Posts : 439
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    Howl at the moon Empty Howl at the moon

    Post by Cecile 2nd June 2018, 3:26 am

    Job Title: Werewolf hunt
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: C rank or two D ranks at least.
    Job Requirements: 5,000 words total in thread.
    Job Location: Cursed Lands Locations
    Job Description: So recently people have been hearing the howls of a werewolf it didn't mean much, wasn't alarming at all; Until the wolves attacked. In the middle of the night a village was ripped apart by the beasts and now the neighbouring villages have put up a mission that someone goes to the cursed lands and hunts down the werewolves before they can emerge from the cursed lands again on the next full moon.

    Weak: Random Animals
    Creatures living in the woods, all smaller than wolves, only require a D rank hit to take down and only deal D rank psychical damage, have no magic.

    Normal: Normal Wolves
    These are wolves that live alongside the werewolf pack, less dangerous than the werewolves, but still a threat they are the size of average wolves and utilize no magic. Require 2 C rank strikes to take down, and deal C rank physical damage.

    Strong: Young Werewolves
    The younger pack member's far from puppies these are the newly made adults who are already somewhere slightly over three feet tall, have minimal magic abilities and very strong dealing B rank melee with their body. 4 C rank strikes to take down.

    Boss: Grown Werewolves
    The largest of the werewolves, fully grown at over 4 feet tall they are fully magic capable, just as strong as the younger wolves and require 10 C rank hits to take down due to how durable they are.

    Reward: 20,000 jewel and C rank exp
    Could get some stuff made from animal pelts for fun if you really want.


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Howl at the moon Empty Re: Howl at the moon

    Post by Cecile 2nd June 2018, 5:17 am

    At the guild
    It was quite some time since Cecile had taken up a job. After all the spoils from the last one were large enough to live a leisurely life for a couple of months, but before Cecile knew it all that money was gone. Slothing around for some time without any income, while going out for dinner, parties and a bunch of new but mostly useless stuff had depleted her funds faster then she expected. So she was once again forced to pick up a job from the board in the guild, and luck wasn't with her. All the good jobs were already taken and the ones that were still hanging were either a lot of work or seemed like a bore. She couldn't help but sigh as she picked up the only job with the biggest reward, knowing that this was going to be a hassle.

    Lycan Woods
    The village that had requested mages to deal with the werewolf problem was quite far from the civilized world. Bordering the Lycan Woods, along with some other backwater villages. So Cecile knew she couldn't expect much luxuries and comfort around the place, but it was even worse than she originally thought. The streets weren't even paved, the entire route towards the town was just some unleveled dirt road. The town itself wasn't much better, it was a bit of a farmers community and the centre of town were just some localized shops and an inn. 'I'd better try my luck there' she mumbled to herself. She pushed open a heavy wooden door, that scraped over the floor. Only to reveal a rural interior. Big wooden tables and chairs, with on the walls pelts and a large moose head hanging as a proud trophy. There was barely anyone there, the innkeeper himself which was a bit of an overweight man. Who was cleaning a tankard with a cloth that you couldn't really call clean. His apron was equally filthy. From the first sight, Cecile knew she wouldn't want to spend a single night in this place. The rest of the patrons weren't much better either, locals she assumed, sitting in the darker corners of the room.

    'Well hello there honey!' shouted the innkeeper 'You must be here for the job! Great because the other one has just arrived as well' 'Wait what?' Responded Cecile a bit dumbfounded 'what other one?' She wasn't told about any other mage taking this job, sure the job could have been picked up by someone else while she was travelling, but still Cecile rather worked alone.

    wordcount: 430/5000

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 38
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
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    Howl at the moon Empty Re: Howl at the moon

    Post by Yond 5th June 2018, 11:30 am

    Yond had been flying around in the sky while trying to think up some way to make a good a moment of jewels. This was due to the fact that he had gotten so low that he could just barely pay for a single drink. Those right at that same moment he came up with a great idea of gambling instead of drinking the last of his jewels away. So he had begun hopping from bar to bar in each city to gamble with whatever amount of jewels he had. It wasn't really the smartest plan but he didn't really have any other plans or any clues for a treasure to hunt for. As usual with gambling, he had made a lot but lost most of it each time he chances cities. "This one is gonna have to be the last city." Yond had mudder to himself because he was now left with less than what he started with. Spent a great amount of time looking around for a small town in hope for some better luck then he had in the bigger ones.

    Flying into the cursed lands is something that most people would call carelessness but to find a small enough town that had to be only right area to go. After a while of looking, he had found a village that had been hidden away by a large forest and it seemed like the perfect place. Flown down to ground an walked into the village, he had asked the first person he meets if they had a bar and where it was. It had seemed that the bar was where everyone went to because not only was it a place to rest but it also is the place to find work. This information made Yond smile as he thought that he may be able to get some extra jewels before talking his way into a job. Little did Yond know that his plans may not work out as he planned as he made his way to the bar and walked inside. From outside it sounded like everyone had been having a great time and making a lot of noise but then has he stepped within it everything goes real quiet for a moment and everyone had been staring at him. "Time to DRINK!" Yond yelled out as he walked up to the bar. "Hahaha! Drink! Drink! Drink!" As everyone at the bar started to crack up laughing and went back to enjoying them self. Lucky enough it seemed that the drink out here in the middle of nowhere a bit cheaper as he found out while taking a sit and watching other order and pay for their drinks. "What will you be having?" The barkeep asked him because from what he had said before it had been clear that he came for a drink or two. "Bottle of Rum!" After a moment the barkeep came back with the bottle and handing to him in exchange for some jewels.

    After a little while and finishing off his second bottle of rum because they were damn right dirt cheap. "Hey, barkeep! Are there any jobs around these parts for a guy to make some jewels?" Yond had yelled towards the barkeep as he noticed even if the drinks were cheap he didn't really have enough to gamble with at a place like this. The barkeep makes his way down towards him, he places a new bottle of rum in front of Yond. "This one is on the house. As long as you help us out with a little animal problem in the woods." The barkeep made a request that had been impossible for him to say no too, so he grabbed the bottle and started drinking it. "You know how to make one hell of a deal!" Those before he could finish saying anything the barkeep had cut him off. "But, there is another person that will be coming along with you for the job. So you must wait for them to show up and then you can both take on the task fast." Yond wasn't one that worked much with others but a free drink can never be turned down so he shook his head and waited.

    Sitting there at the bar waiting, there hadn't been that much time that passed before some young lady came walking into the place. The barkeep had pointed out that she must have been the other person for the job that had been offered to Yond as well. He had taken the last drink of his free bottle of rum as he gotten up and walked over towards the young lady. "Hello there pretty little lady, it seems that I have gotten a treat of seeing you while working." He had said while pointing at her as he walked up to where she was. But he didn't stop once he got to her, Yond keep on walking towards the way out. "My name is Yond and now it's time for work so let's get going! It's just a simple animal problem so there should be sweat to it." He said loudly while he had started laughing as he believes it to be a fairly simple and easy job that should have just taken one of them.

    Post Wordcount: 884
    Thread Wordcount: 1314/5000


    ☴ [ Locker of Creation ] ☴
    Howl at the moon T5vEeyp

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Howl at the moon Empty Re: Howl at the moon

    Post by Cecile 24th June 2018, 4:58 am

    Cecile looked like a mess, her clothes were wrinkled and her hair was a mess. The long walk to the town didn't do her appearance any good. This entire job was one big annoyance and on top of that now you had this thug of a man who basically stepped on her last nerves. Sure if you were that kind of girl, then what the man said would surely be a compliment. But Cecile couldn't help but feel belittled by him. 'Excuse me!' she said angrily 'How dare you to-' but before she could even finish her own sentence she was already cut off. The man who she thought was approaching her, just walked passed her and interrupted her in the middle of her words. Which enraged her even more.

    The heels of her boots clacked loudly against the floor as she angrily stepped towards Yond and cut him off by standing in front of the man and the door. She was angry, first, he spoke to her as if she was some high school girl and he outright gave her a command. Sure he might introduce himself, but that didn't get him off the hook. Besides, it also looked like that he had no idea what kind of creatures they were facing 'Listen up you ape!' she sneered 'I haven't dragged myself through the mud to this backwater town, only to be ordered around by you, who clearly has no idea what he is about to face! Do you even remotely know what we're up against?!'
    She could see from the blanc expression on his face
    that he clearly no idea. Which infuriated her even more. 'Ugh!' she continued with a sound of disdain while pulling out a book from her vintage bag. While almost instantly flipping over to the right page and shoving that into his face. 'Look' she said while the page revealed a picture of a rather gothic and fearsome creature, the werewolf. 'We're not simply trying to chase away some pesky animals! No, we're up against these monsters. And if the info in this book is right, then we're probably going to face an entire pack!'

    She slapped the book closed and took a step back. And as she put her hand in her sides she stared at Yond with a self-complacent look. 'So you see? If you really have no idea about the job, then you should really consider backing away from this. And let a pro like me handle this.'

    Post Wordcount: 416
    Thread Wordcount: 1730/5000

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