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    A Demise and a New Cycle


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
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    Completed A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 10th April 2018, 1:17 pm

    Last edited by Tamashi on 5th September 2018, 10:54 pm; edited 2 times in total


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 10th April 2018, 2:13 pm

    The white haired youth had listened to everything that the other had said and tried to understand it to the best of his abilities which at current wasn't all that good given he was exhausted and so his own unique filing system was in chaos. "If I learn how to control my requiems I won't go insane? I won't need to go to the graveyard of my kind?" he seemed baffled at the concept that the other had posed to him as he knew all requiems took their toll there was no way of avoiding it, but thought of slowing the corruption they gave peeked the requiem users interest. It was then he heard his guardians telling him that they where nothing but hollow words, that over using would just speed him to the inevitable end his type of magic offered "But if there's a chance I can slow it..." he said his head turning to the side feeling a pull for the first time in his life as he had no idea which path was true for him, he was not just damned by the magic he held but by the atonement he had to pursue for something he couldn't help when he was merely a few hours old.

    "Stagnant power?" he questioned not understanding what the other meant as it wasn't something he had ever heard before, he used his magic as it was needed or requested he was just far more careful in its use fearing the corruption it brought. He brought up his head as he heard his guardians once again speak, this time it was on Aiyana the celestial spirit who had become his mentor in learning but he hadn't seen her in so long but that wasn't due to either person's faults. They both had tasks that they had to tend to "I know I should see the fox lady but..." he turned his head once more towards Chaoris "You always said that having more than one teacher was beneficial because a person can learn many points of view and decide the right path from there." he said using their own words against them he smiled brightly hearing them concede for the first time since they had left the place he called home.

    "I'm not inexperienced in my magic, I just..." he paused for a moment sighing "I just can't afford to use it to much, to easy to go to the graveyard of my kind. When we go there no way my kind get off it." he said honestly fear heard in his voice as he touched the long string of seemingly unrelated purple runes going up his right arm turning them black briefly, an eerie tone coming from them almost like wailing souls in pain. "I will come and learn briefly, even help with your problem." he said hearing that someone was about to tell secrets to others that weren't theirs to tell, this was one thing that he had always been taught was indeed unforgivable as they often put others at risk and so such people where always punished harshly. This also allowed him to learn more about the one he had recently encountered that claimed to be a veil guardian, he still found some of the mannerisms strange for a guardian but believed the veil or its guardian being new so not found one they could use to enact their will through; all would be apparent in time though he was sure of that.

    Stepping forward he moved through the portal the other had made to their veil, his head turning one way and another as he took in the new sounds his hands going to his mouth and nose as he smelt the thick copper smell within the air "Where are we?" he inquired instantly wondering if he should be regretting coming through the portal, his ears still noting the sounds of combat "Fighting?" his hand lowering now use to the scent of death, he guessed the sounds where run of the mill as the other said that his veil was that of war. His head tilting a furrow in his brow as he took information of the dead of the place "Well it's not just a betrayal isn't exactly what you may think..." he said continuing to listen trying to understand exactly what was being said but several where talking to him at once on the same subject in the hopes to continue to protect their god and their allies. "He doesn't want the guild taken down and the betrayal isn't for protection but to replace you according to those who continue to dwell here even after death." he said wondering if this made any sense to the other.

    Word Count: 791


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 18th April 2018, 12:40 am

    Ah, the realm that he was the supreme ruler of. The realm of blood, battle, war, skulls, and honor. The coppery smell of blood ruled the realm, the God breathing in the scent with a sound that sounded almost content to those that listened to the slightest sounds. This was his home and no being was able to strip it from him. The sounds of battle rang out through the air all around them, the sight of it going as far as the eye could see. Even with the ebb and flow of battle all around them, there seemed to be pathways cleared everywhere so that the god of the realm could easily move through without anyone being in his way. Swords clashed upon shields even as Chaoris turned to the boy that had actually followed behind him. He had expected the semi-crazy child to stop listening to him, to simply go back to leaning on the walls of the madhouse he had found him in. It seemed the kid was listening to the dead like he had been doing in the mortal realm mere moments ago. Most of the things here were the souls of the dead, though there were also a large amount of 'minion' that he could create and destroy at will that most called daemons. These creatures held great physical power but showed no power in a magical aspect besides for empowering themselves even more in some way or another. They were obvious in this realm, if one were to use their eyes to see them, but would not give anything to advent unless Chaoris bid them to do so.

    The god would listen to him as he talked about the information he gleaned from the dead that was willing to speak to the strange being that Chaoris still had gotten the name of since they had met. "All in all, in a realm of my control that is something that cannot be tolerated. We will root out this traitor, figure out for which god he is now working with to undermine me. A pity that this person has turned traitor, a shame that someone in my service should turn out to be so weak in his allegiance." The words would seem to echo, his voice seemed louder in this realm even as he spoke in a standard voice like he had in the mortal realm. "Before we go and fight against this opposition from within I would like to know your name. There is no honor in secrets, and having a name to call you will make it easier for you to hear my call if you get separated in the madness that is sure to ensue."

    The god of war would say this as his weapons were readied, a whistle being made after the words finished so as to bring his pet stampeding towards them in a hurry. The Sight of Suicide was a gruesome creature to behold currently. It was clear it had been mid-combat before being summoned to Chaoris, blood and gore covered its body, pieces of some poor body trapped in the massive mouth of teeth as it made a loud roar at the two of them as he waited for the newcomer to the realm to reveal the name to call him by. A name held power over others most of the time, but not so with this god. Honor was given for knowing the name of compatriots and allies. To know your battle brother was something done out of respect. There was nothing else to his reasoning for knowing his name than what he had said, and he hoped that this kid would realize that.




    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 18th April 2018, 9:58 am

    Advent seemed to be more than a little overwhelmed with everything that was going on, he smelt the under tone of death and decay through the overpowering coppery smell of the freshly sprayed blood of fallen warrior and hero's alike. There was more to it though the constant ringing of weapons striking each other and the cries as someone got hurt, this made the the long youth shake a little; he knew that all guardians and the veils they possessed where different but he had in no way been expecting this. 'Did I make a mistake coming here? To say I would learn a little here?' he thought to himself not daring to mouth the words out loud afraid of the consequence such actions would have on him. He had been taught there was nothing wrong with a healthy dose of fear, that this was a defence mechanism and that they had been glad he was actually born with such a thing; though in later years it turned out it didn't show all that often much to their dismay.

    Here he was pretty sure that having that voice that told you to be afraid or to flee wasn't tolerated so quickly regained in composure, this stopped however as he heard a lot of metal clanging against metal near by. He hated how sensitive some of his senses where thanks to the loss of others but due to this he had, had to adapt and done so rather well as he used other ways to compensate. Where people seen an insane and blind teenager he was perfectly sane and had several different ways of 'seeing'. "Why are they making so much noise Orn? Is it because of your return?" he'd ask the other before looking to his feet now realising the viscus liquid between his toes, he would have asked what that was but he was sure he may not like the answer and so remained quiet his head turning this way and that as he continued to get his bearings. He was continuing to listen to the one who ruled this place as he should but so many dead talking to him at once about several different things made him feel like his head was about to explode, the runes on his body starting to glow "Shh.. Shh... Shh..." he said to himself quietly "Calmness... Calmness prevents destruction... preventing destruction stops unneeded death... stopping unneeded death slows the corruption... thus helps atonement.." he spoke softly the runes becoming inactive a deep sigh coming from his lips, this had been drilled into him for as long as he could remember and helped him keep his magic stable.

    "Their actions are an unforgivable act?" he asked finally as he pushed he many voices away and concentrated on the one that brought him here. He could tell that the other was speaking with his normal voice as he was standing right next to him but it seemed to boom to every corner of the great hall and further as if he was speaking loudly or it was coming over speakers; he'd have thought it was neat trick if he wasn't so confused as to how he managed it. "What happens to those who break the rules here?" he asked turning his head to look to the other, he knew there was rules and laws that had to be followed regardless of realm or place and that breaking these was never a good thing but on his travels he had found that every place, culture and realm seemed to have it's own form of punishment and the severity often depended on the crime. From what he understood treason which he guessed this fell under was always met by death, for that he felt sorry for the person in question because he was sure it wasn't going to be quick and painless.

    Advent blinked as his name was asked, he had never been asked by a guardian before and so assumed they had always known but figured this was some kind of test or formality within this realm "Advent..." it wasn't the name his 'parents' had told him that he was given on the day of his birth but he also had been told to give no one his real name or he wouldn't have been let off Shadow Island. He looked perplexed when the other spoke about secrets and there being no honour in them, did that mean not telling his true name made him shame himself and the line he came from? He tapped his head trying to help figure it out but nothing came so he had to ask "Orn, if I don't say my birth name is it classed as keeping a secret even though I was told never to speak it? Does that bring shame and dishonour." his voice pleading for guidance in this almost like it was something he was afraid of doing. It was then Chaoris would hear a gentle voice in his ear "Please tell him no, you know what happens to those like him if their magic is found out." she whispered "We've told him to tell no one to keep him safe from those who would try and use him or harm him because of it... if he must tell someone may it only be you alone and we plead that you do not use it in front of others. We wish our child to be safe." he whispered voice pleaded knowing at such a tone her voice couldn't be heard by Advent, all they could hope was he'd agree and have the honour to stick to it.

    Advent blinked hearing the whistle and then vibrations that followed it faint at first but rapidly getting more and more intense "A horse?" he enquired as he slowly walked forward as it stopped, his hand moved forward to feel it but was quickly brought away and not by his wishes. He didn't ask why he knew just to trust them on this and nodded. "So where is the one who done the unforgivable act?" he asked before his head tilted to the side a little listening for a long moment. "How bad would it be if they where at the centre of your sacred place and had those they where selling you out to there with them?" he asked blinking under his blindfold, he had to admit to go against the one they served was ballsy in itself but to do it in such a place with the people they where selling them out to; was a level of crazy he hoped he would never reach as that was as good as a signed death wish and warrant as any.

    Word Count: 1'123
    Total Word Count: 1'914


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 25th May 2018, 11:04 pm

    The boy was one that seemed quite curious, though his curiosity seemed to be hindered in gaining answers due to the spirits that hovered around and kept him from straying from the path they deemed he should keep. Chaoris knew he could simply try to kill them, but that would ruin any chance of bringing the boy under his tutelage and helping him learn to use his powers without losing his mind. To get him to perfectly manage his own demise, to lengthen it to near infinity in time to use his magic before he went mad, was not something completely out of his grasp. He just needed a buffer, a way to know when to stop from going too far. The god could do that, but he would not do it by force. There was nothing honorable in taking him as a slave so he would not force the kid to do his bidding just so he could use him for his own gain. It was just not the way that this god worked. "They do not make such noise because of me at all. This noise is a constant, an evolving mass of noise that shows the sounds of battles as the white noise of this realm. For us, it is pleasant, though I know it is likely the opposite for you right now. Do not worry, for you will always be able to hear my voice above it as well as any that directly speak to you while in here. It is the way of the realm, so long as I choose for it to be such." The last part was obvious. It was his realm, under his complete control without an competition to make any permanent changes while they were inside. Anything here could be undone by him, even the death of another.

    The boy would continue on by asking what happens to those who break the rules in his realm after repeating what chaoris had said about the treason being an unforgivable act in the form of a question. "As the veil guardian for war, honor, and the like, treason is one of the things we cannot allow to abide when in this realm. To do such brings on the worst thing you can do after coming here, complete obliteration. They will cease to exist once I get ahold of them, their soul will be sundered into shreds that even the best weavers of fate will find impossible to bring back. He will be erased from time, even those that think they can alter reality will fail to be able to find one where they can save him from what comes to pass." As this was his realm, most would find it impossible to change something that he had done in it. It would take a more powerful god, one meant for changing things another god did, to undo what he had done. Even then it might prove difficult, as it would lead to a war among the gods that got involved with it.

    Soon the boy would reveal a name, though the name given disappointed the god that was asking for honest answers. It was not his real name, he could feel it had no power nor weight to it when it was said in the boy's voice. It was a cover name, a name to use so that others did not know what his name really was. That was fine, but not when the ruler of the realm you were in was asking. The God of Blood would not have to say anything about his disappointment before the other asked if what he had done was shameful and dishonorable. Chaoris was not going to lie, but before he could speak he would hear the gentle whisper that was clearly the spirits that were trying to protect 'Advent' from him. They would hear a voice for only their ears as well, though it was in no way a whisper. "YOU WISH FOR HIM TO HIDE, TO BE A COWARD! I ASK FOR ONE THING, A NAME! YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE I ALLOW YOU TO BE, AND YOU CAN BE CAST OUT WITHOUT HARMING HIM IF I SO CHOOSE TO! I HAVE NEVER USED A NAME WHEN IT COULD HARM THEM, I KNOW THE POWER OF THEM. YOUR LACK OF TRUST, AND WANT TO ALWAYS HIDE AND DISTRUST MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE THE VILE TRICKSTER GOD HIMSELF, AND I PRAY YOU ARE NOT IN LEAGUE WITH THE CHANGER OF WAYS. THIS BOY WILL DIE UNDER HIS WATCH SO HE CAN PLOT AND PLAN, WHEREAS I CAN HELP HIM CONTROL IT! LET HIM SPEAK FOR HIMSELF, HE IS SAFE HERE SO LONG AS I AM NOT BETRAYED BY YOU OR HIM." The spirits themselves would hear the rage and bloodlust as the bellowed words were sent to only them without him having to move his own lips.

    With the warning given to the spirits, Chaoris would turn his full attention to Advent and comment on what he was asking. "At this current time, it does. This realm is one of honour, and to hide a name here is something that is deeply frowned upon. Especially when dealing with the one that watches over it completely. It would be like the watcher of the dead ignoring them to try and practice necromancy to use them to his advantage. I will use a nickname from here on out if you wish, but only at the price of your true name. It will not harm you, your name is safe in my mind and this realm." Chaoris would say this as the boy seemed to reach out to The Sight of Suicide. It was a good thing that he flinched back, as the unwanted and unannounced advance of the hand had resulted in a warning nip by the metallic creature. Had he not moved, the limb might have been torn at that point. "Where is the one that is turning traitor on me? That is a good question. It seems he is somehow managing to hide within the realm that I have all power in. That does not bode well for his allegiances as it means he is working for another like me, turning to another realm to harm my own. If they are in the center of this sacred place they will not survive long. For we are going to head there first and gather my trusted leaders and begin scouring the realm for their hidden existence from there. Come, we may talk more on the way. Tell me anything you wish to get off of your chest, ask me as many questions as you want about this realm and myself. I have no reason to lie about anything, and will try to help you understand whatever information I try to give you." The god would begin moving briskly, The Sight of Suicide following on the opposite side of whichever Advent would choose to walk at, so that they could begin their quick trek to the center of the realm that would soon find itself fighting those that did not belong here.




    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 27th May 2018, 5:04 pm

    Everything was so new to him, he was curious to see in his own unique way but he knew that was something that wasn't permitted as if he looked for to long he would see everything that included any secrets that the spirit didn't want known. Still, this once it would be allowed surely, he would just have to make sure that the blindfold wasn't up to high and he didn't glance at any one person or thing with a spirit for more than a few short seconds. Still he was hesitant on doing so, what if his eyes lingered because he seen something interesting? He would be flooded with vast amounts of information he would then have to sift through and file away in his own minds unique filing system, then again due to his minds protections he would likely forget them not that long afterwards. This made him wonder then if it was worth it, the counter of that was if they had a spiritual defence to it in some way; not that he couldn't bypass it given where his abilities came from but if they forced images into his mind then he would be immobilised in an extremely painful manner and unable to move til the images faded. He was glad however that this wasn't a known fact and worked hard to remember not to tell anyone such an awful weakness.

    He hated his accursed magic, it caused him nothing but a problem since the moment he was born. Something had happened to not only trigger his magic but make it entwine with deadly consequences on a mass scale, remembering this his hands clenched tightly drawing blood. This is something he never wanted to happen again. He wasn't an instrument of death like he was seemingly born to be, he would change that fate and though difficult he hand managed to do it so far. He understood that death was part of life but even if it was the only option left to him he would still try to find another way, it was how his 'parents' had raised him after he found out what he done as a newborn. He was brought out of his mind as Chaoris once spoke, he was surprised to find that it wasn't due to his return but the loud crashing noises of metal on metal was something that happened through out the day and night; something that he would have to grow accustomed to if he remained there. He would never grow accustomed to it he knew that and with his sensitive hearing he would end up wanting to hit everyone who was making the guardian forsaken noises constantly. "I won't ever get use to it, the chances I'll remain outside when I rest and train." he let the other know, he could use weapons as well as any warrior but he didn't see the point to making something already deadly any worse. His magic was something he preferred learning without others gazes on him, given he never knew what would happen or the way it would affect him either he believed that his method was the safest.

    He was glad when Chaoris said that no matter where he was inside the cycle he would be heard above all else, then again he guessed that would be the case or issues would arise especially if a battle ensued. "I'll try my best to keep that in mind Orn, but no promises." he was honest with everyone in regards to the fact he may not be able to remember them or the information that they gave him, he did try his best though just sometimes his best wasn't good enough. It was then he heard Chaoris answer his question on treason and the punishment that came to anyone who dared to commit it under his command. For now he ignored Chaoris and turned to one of the male parents he hand and scratched the back of his head "Yuui, was the same as home?" he asked innocently, it wasn't something that had ever came up in his lessons so now he was curious "Yes, to go against the crown was seen as unforgivable and the price of redemption was losing your life and hoping the gods would show you mercy." he explained his violet eyes going to Chaoris his head bowing in respect; Yuui was a warrior through and through had what happened not come to pass he would have been the one who would have taught Advent the arts of war in their entirety. Advent looked now at Chaoris now he understood there was a link between his homes homes honour and this place "I want to help punish the one who has done this terrible thing." he offered without a second of hesitation or thought on what it would mean.

    Yuui stepped forward his violet eyes turning towards the female parent who had spoken "Ari hush." his words stern almost as if it was an order to the other, they were all Advent's parents but he had obtained the right to be classed as the head of said family, the wind maiden glared for a moment but bowed in silence moving behind the taller male watching how he handled this. "I am sorry for the rudeness, however you can understand why we permit him to not speak his name." he said to the other his voice using tones that his ward couldn't hear in any manner of speaking. "I am grateful you have shown us hospitality within your cycle as a warrior myself I hoped that when I passed this is where I would have been fortunate enough to have ended up." his eyes going to Advent who was fiddling with his blindfold, he already knew what he was debating the moment that it started "Matray, keep it on." his tone that of a stern father Advent's hands instantly dropping to his sides. "I am unable to find peace until he passes or atones this I honestly do resent him for but I understand why this is my path at least in part." he continued before a sigh escaped his lips "Please be careful when you use his true name, we don't want them coming after him." he didn't elaborate further before looking at Advent "Speak your true name so that the guardian of the cycle may honour you with recognition." he said calmly

    Advent's eyes went wide under his blindfold hearing Yuui's words, he was shocked for a long moment before turning to Yuui "You said nev-" "This is different Matray, now do as your told. You know better than to talk back to me." he cut off before scolding the teen who could only nod in reply before taking a nervous breath to calm his nerves "My name is Matray Yaho'ganay Zeros." His name came through loudly, it was the first time in his entire life he had ever spoken his true name to anyone. He turned his head towards his family his expression showing uncertainty in what he had just done, he felt vulnerable that was for certain "I don't want to be called that, my name is Advent." his voice was cold and calm as he spoke, this is what he called himself and was as much his name as any more so as he chose it for himself. He really didn't care what he was called on the moment of his breath, as far as he was concerned his name was the one he had picked for himself. This was would the other male accept this, names held power he knew this and wondered if even though he was named one if the power would end up being shared because he preferred being called the other? He guessed only time would tell if Chaoris wouldn't.

    Yuui looked to Chaoris once more "He follows four guardians already, four cycles..." he sighed for a moment "He is an enigma; one that has to be taken care of carefully lest another genocide happen." there was more to it than that but he didn't exactly know how much to tell at this moment in time, it was clear in the man's violet eyes he was holding back information and it wasn't just on how dangerous Advent could be. "He aligns with no one without first asking us and of yet we've never trusted anyone to allow such a thing, so for the trickster guardian no as much as you may think it with how playfully whimsical he can be at the best of times. That however is his defence against his forbidden magic." he continued to explain "I wish I could say he was safe here but I fear it's not true, we make sure he is safe so you have no worry about us betraying you and he doesn't understand betrayal so you have nothing to fear from him." he explained each time he spoke unless being directed at Advent wouldn't be heard by the youth, soon he started moving back to the others but not before ruffling Advent's hair. "Yuui, if you weren't already dead..." he huffed fixing his hair.

    Advent turned his head away, he may have not classed his birth name as his true name but it was still the only thing believed was his and no one else's; yet he had been forced to hand it over to the other. He understood on some level why it was asked for but still he felt the last thing he had of his parents had just been stripped from him. His hand raised back towards his parents feeling one move and knew what was soon to come "Don't, I'm fine... don't worry..." his tone was cold which was unsettling even to Yuui as this wasn't something that usually happened unless something bad was to follow some time soon afterwards, but they remained silent and would be there if he needed to be handled. The warrior god wanted to see the teen without their guidance, fine they would give him as he asked and would offer no help or support to either in any way. Advent hearing the question tilted his head to the side and listened but this time it wasn't to those of death, it was something different he listened to "Your inner sanctum they say." his voice calm, even if asked whom he was referring to he would decline to give the answer, it was not his cycle that gave the answer but another even if it entwined with this one but then several realms relied on others for their balances so it stood to reason to find them there even if they held only a passive watchers ability.

    He quietly started whisper something in an unknown tongue even to his family, his head ever tipped to indicate he was intently listening as he received information and moved it to and fro until he got what he needed walking with Chaoris. "They are using another cycles magic that is already here within your realm to mask themselves. The others here would be death, as war comes with high cost. Life as there are living people here and rebirth as you can revive those have past in training or you have gathered to your cause.." he explained scratching his cheek a little "they won't tell me which they are using so that's for us to find out, but there's a chance we look at it and they'll flee or they may have the ability to choose another or possibly they're using all three." he said giving possibilities to the owner of the realm he was in, he could already tell even now he was glad not to be this man because the fate that awaited him would be anything but merciful from what he could work out by himself. "They won't even tell me how many but said you'll be happy with the number." he said keeping pace wondering why the ones giving him information where being cryptic all of as sudden, perhaps it was because of his current mood they had known better but who knew how the cycle guardians worked really?

    Word Count: 2'039
    Total Word Count: 3'953


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 1st June 2018, 9:12 pm

    So it seemed this boy felt that he would never get used to the sweet song of sword against sword, the braying of mighty war beasts, and the roars of all types of being as they charged into battle. What a shame that he felt that he would never get used to such noises. He had many in this realm that had stated the same exact thing when they had first visited this holy place of endless war. Most had gotten used to it over time, some still slightly complained, and others were no longer within the realm of existence. If 'Advent' gave it a chance he would slowly get used to it as well, or at least learn to deal with it being around him all the time. For a moments time, it would seem that this kid would chat with the spirits that he regarded as family, mentioning home before telling Chaoris that he wished to help punish the one that had set upon the traitor's path of damnation. That was all well and good, but for now he would wait to see if this young one would realize that if he did not get his proper name spoken aloud for him that there would be nothing for him to help with. Chaoris would simply banish him and his spirits from this realm, dropping him back into his problematic predicament he had been found in before the god of blood had brought him here. He had no time to deal with the dishonorable, and would not suffer them stay long within his realm of influence if he could help it.

    Before anything else was spoken by Advent, one of his spirits would step forward and speak to him in a better manner than the spirits had done thus far. After thanking Chaoris for his hospitality, and telling their charge to keep his blindfold on, the spirit that had been called Yuui by the one they cared for began to speak about what he was and why they were doing what they did. This was followed by the argument between the two as they spoke about revealing his true name, which eventually happened. "Matray Yaho'ganay Zeros. I am Chaoris Orneis. God of Blood, Battle, Honor, Skulls, and guardian of this domain of endless battle. You may call me Chaoris, or Khorne if you wish for a simple nickname." The full name of the boy was almost like the ones he gave to the creations of his realm that showed themselves to be more powerful than most of the others. It had power, it was clear, but it was not the most powerful he had ever heard nor spoken. He would give his full name in return which required the titles of the realm which he was over before he began to listen to the spirit named Yuui again. "I am pleased with your honesty, even if it was begrudgingly given. You have redeemed yourselves in my eyes, and I look forward to dealings with you in the future now."

    Not long after that Matray would speak up again to mention his inner sanctum. It was where they were heading, but apparently, this kid was using the spirits around this place to look for those that were turning on this realm for another. When he mentioned life, death, and rebirth, being used by those he was searching for he almost immediately knew which realm they were dealing with here. "The realm of trickery, plots, plans, and endless circles. They must have gotten influence over one of my worshipers and now have him eating out of the palm of their hands. This is not the first time they have tried to affect me or my realm, but this time they will have a reason to pause when they think about trying it again. Come, we will go to my throne and see what disturbance they have caused to try and hide. It is likely a rift in the realm, which will not be hard to find now that we know what we are looking for. No amount of bodies will help them now, death is all they will find even as their souls are shattered in my grasp."

    With that said the god would lead Advent to a massive brazen throne surrounded by even larger piles of skulls of various types. Human, beast, alien, even those of the daemons of other gods, the skulls of every type of being that was possible to have a skull lay in these piles. Even exoskeletons and bones of non-skulled entities littered the piles to show the more powerful of those kinds that had been slain by his followers. The sheer size of the throne showed what the true size of the ruler of this realm really was when he was not appearing to those outside of his realm. Who wished to speak to a massive titan when they could simply speak to one that just just taller than them in most cases, sometimes shorter if they were taller than him in some cases. "From here we will find their rift. Find a magical source of energy that seems to draw your attention to anything but the spot you tried to focus on. That spot is the rift we must walk into to reach them. Once we do that we will find ourselves being attacked, be ready and prepared."




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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 19th June 2018, 11:13 am

    Metal scrapping and clanging against each other was far from music in the eyes of the blind youth, he could understand why others may see the beauty in the unusual song. He also guessed it was a song that he could dance to given where some of his magic came to "The dance of dead... or the dance of protection... dance of honour..." he commented to himself as he tried to make sense of why they would do what they done, but at the moment he couldn't comprehend it, he wasn't a warrior in any sense so it would be something he'd need to learn about, perhaps he could talk to Yuui and the others within the guild to understand. "You know how those with my magic work... maybe not mine exactly but in general." he said his hand coming to his eyes almost as if he was inspecting them for a moment, if anything was thrown off then it could have a bad outcome to him and anyone around him. He lowered his hands and bit his lip wondering how this was going to help clean the blood from his hands and not add to it. "Orn, I done something really bad that I'm atoning for... how will serving this cycle help that?" he didn't want to go into what he had done, it was yet another thing he wasn't allowed to speak of for fear of what may happen to him if others found out.

    He listened quietly as he was recognised by the guardian of the veil and cycle, even to what he could call him but he wasn't ever going to remember either thing. Not because he wanted to be disrespectful or because he was to simple to remember names, it was just because of how his mind worked after the protections and such he put into place. Memories required physical triggers and that was something he didn't have for many things, 'Orn' was something that he'd be able to find quickly if he ever forgot. "Orn you gave titles and stuff... I guess I should do the same..." he said in a thoughtful tone as he sighed raising his head almost as if looking to the ceiling "I'm the prince of a now dead kingdom on Shadow island... and the title given to me is 'balancing requiem'." he had no idea what it meant he just knew that it was a lot of responsibility and a large headache at the best of times. He knew there was apparently information on what he was magically and on his title but was told never to seek it, that nothing good would ever come from it and so took the advice. He often forgot both though had moments of clarity were he'd remember and argue with himself about it, he had no idea why it wouldn't be good but it was an instinct he just couldn't shake and so followed.

    Yuui listened to Chaoris and bowed a little, his eyes going to his ward "You didn't have to say that Matray, you know this... in fact you shouldn't have." his tone was clearly irritated but due to the undertone it was more out of concern and worry than anger, there was much the guardian knew that he didn't want to be seen in the light due to it. Standing he looked at Chaoris in the eyes "Take care of him, there are dangers that are hidden from him. He feels them instinctively we think but we don't know for sure." he said to Chaoris alone, if asked he would decline for the moment as there where more pressing matters but knew this was a conversation that would eventually have to happen. Advent had no idea where they where going he just walked at Chaoris's side taking in the information the best he could. He wanted to remind him that he'd likely not remember any of this soon but remained quiet, he could have his parents give him the needed information and they were of course feeling helpful at the time; if not he was on his own trying to find it in the chaotic storage he called a mind, By the time he found what he was looking for he would have forgotten. "You need to forgive them Orn, they're super protective of me." he said with a weak smile, he wished they weren't but he knew they had reasons and respected that.

    "Those are other cycles I help, they aren't tricksters." he said now comprehending what the guardian of the realm he was currently was walking in said "It is what I'm using to find the information, like I said even as a requiem user I'm additionally damned because..." he trailed off not wanting to go into it, it was the bad thing that he had spoken about earlier so only shook his head "Nevermind, what were we talking about?" he said grinning hoping that the subject would be dropped but in honestly had no idea if this would indeed be the case. He continued to listen how a trickster seemed to have managed to do this before and that the threat was taken out, not just out of life but the cycles permanently; this scared the teen as he'd never wish that punishment on anyone. "You have a throne?" the commented not that it was strange he guessed given he was the guardian of the realm, he nodded to what was said and would show that he was serious about wanting to help doing what needed to be done.

    "I ask that you don't shatter the soul, I don't want to hear that kind of screaming again." he said covering his ears showing he was serious as he spoke on it, "I understand they don't deserve a warriors death but shattering a soul is..." he didn't know how to describe such a horrible thing to another, it made him shake and feel sick just thinking on it. He followed him into the throne room and turned his head to his parents as he heard one of them cry out "What's wrong?" he asked listening to the whispered words that where given to him "Well, I can see why she would be upset... she's a life priestess after all." he said scratching his head not to sure what else to say on the matter. "Your throne is made of skulls Orn? Do I even want to know about the rest of the decor?" he asked in a calm tone not exactly knowing what he should think or feel on such things. "I can find magical energy with my eyes easily but it means bringing up my blindfold..." he was hesitant as he spoke but moved his hands to the fabric around his eyes pushing it up just a little so he could search around. He moved around carefully each step almost as if a dance with how precise he was moving, soon he stopped in front of the throne "Well isn't that a kick in the teeth..." he said bringing down his blindfold once more pointing at the thing the man held most sacred he believed "The rift is on your throne." he said scratching his left cheek, all he could see it as was insult to injury and the one thing he could tell was Chaoris wasn't one that should be insulted if you hoped to survive in any manner of the word. "Orn, they are really, really stupid or well I guess really, really stupid because either they had no idea what the hell they were doing or they did and thought the insult would go unpunished or you wouldn't believe it them." he said with a bit of a shrug, to him it was what it was and it would be dealt with quickly, that was something he was sure of.

    Word Count: 1'317
    Total Word Count: 5'270

    ~Word Count Complete~


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 30th June 2018, 12:41 am

    Even as the sound of battle rage on around them, Advent would speak to himself about dance titles as if trying to name one that fit this realm. The honor one was the most accurate, or the dance of blood and battle, but there was no need to debate about such things at the current time. Even as they looked at the throne, Matray would bring up a few worries and questions that he had. Some about who he was, and how helping this realm would help himself. "I have no qualm with them trying to protect you, right now. This realm will help you find honor, even if it is not in the bloodshed and fighting part of it. To regain honor, to show you are the greater being in all aspects through it, will prove that even though you have done wrong that you will not let it defeat you. You are not what you did in the past, but what you do in the present. That is all that matters in the end for those that have an end to their life." The god would give advice that most would not expect from someone that an entire country saw as a wrecking ball of a being that only brought on destruction. "We all have a purpose, and if we let the past haunt us and halt our progress we will never see what that purpose it. Amends can always be made, but do not make the amends cost your entire life to do them. Be it a town, a city, a planet, or a galaxy of accidental death, there is no death penalty that you should take. Accidents happen, some grander than others, and no man should be blamed for them to the point of death. There is no honor in it, dying for something outside of your control because you slipped or hit the wrong button, and thus you should not allow it to control the rest of your life."

    The god would finish what he said before looking directly at where the portal was, as Advent also mentioned where it was located, before speaking up again. " I do have a throne of skulls and brass, and I understand what you say. There is one thing I will not forfeit here and that is the punishment of the main one here. His soul will be shattered, even if I have to remove you from this realm just before it happens. I cannot permit him taint this realm, or any other, with his ilk and thus he must be eliminated entirely. Now, shall we enter?" With that Chaoris would walk into the rift, wondering what he would see. Would he be angered beyond what he already was? Would there be an army? Or just a single being for them to deal with? They were about to find out real soon.




    Demonically Bound

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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 11th July 2018, 2:57 am

    The white haired youth listened to the guardian of the realm of eternal battle as he spoke, he had no idea that him trying to make sense of things had the other thinking on what would be the best way to describe a requiem best suited to what it was. Slowly he brought up his hand and rubbed the back of his head as he tried to make sense of what was not being said to him, with so much going on the youth was finding it quite difficult to keep up. Not because he was slow or dimwitted but because of how he stored information within his otherwise chaotic mind. "I'm glad you aren't worried about them protecting me, thing is they are super secretive and don't like me talking about a lot of things. They say the magic parents wouldn't take kindly to my sort of magic, that they'd either lock me away as a bad person or they would use me in weird experiments to see how my magic worked. I don't like the sound of either if I'm completely honest Orn." he'd tell the other in the hopes he could understand why his parents acted in such a manner especially when it came to him. "They aren't bad parents or anything, and they can come off as smothering but they're the only parents I have and if a place can't accept them as they are... they can't really accept me either." he seemed sad as he spoke those words as fitting in was the one thing he truly wanted more than anything else, he realised it be a bit more difficult due to how whimsy and eccentric he could come off as. He was lonely that was for sure but he refused to let that get him down.

    Then he heard how the other spoke of honour and remembered how Yuui had spoken a lot about it as he grew, he remembered how to the people he came from to lose honour was almost like a death sentence to prove you still had some remaining. To the blind teenager it just seemed a waste of life to do such a think but knew had he been raised in true culture properly he may have seen things differently. "Yuui's explained honour to me and what it meant at home I don't understand it fully but he's still helping me with it. I understand wanting to better yourself though." a smile on his face showing he was truly trying even if he was struggling with some concepts, though when the other spoke of doing wrong he brought up his hands again almost as if looking at them "I was a baby when I caused a genocide; my parents said they track people with my magic and take them to a temple for training but they're never seen again..." his voice low as he spoke, it was easy to see he held anguish on such things "My magic entwined and killed everyone, my parents said I sensed the evil in the people who came to collect me and that's why it happened." he opened and closed his hands a few times "Innocent people died because I sensed the evil within someone... my parents... they hated me, they told me when I was eight the monster I was... I tried to end it but they stopped me" he let everything out in the open and it felt like a burden had been lifted. "I've been atoning for my sins since I was a little boy and know I will be atoning the rest of my natural and likely spiritual life." he said his hands lowering.

    He continued listening to the other when he was told that just because he had done things in the past it didn't mean he was beyond redemption, that just because he had done something in his past it didn't control he could be in the future. It made the youth smile as he bowed a little "Thanks for the pep talk Orn, I think I needed it." he knew that their paths likely would cross on several occasions in the future for one reason or another but he knew deep within him this wasn't the correct path for him. That being said he did enjoy the conversation with the other and hoped they could have more. For now however he had requested to take down the traitor of his friend and protect the cycle he was guardian of. He was about to open his mouth and ask what in the Chaoris's past did he regret but he closed his mouth, realising that the other was a cycle guardian and had no right to ask such personal things even though he did say that he could look within his spirit for answers but he didn't like doing that to people. He again was thankful for his words and advice but he already knew that was set in stone, even if what had happened was accidental he still caused a genocide and had to atone for the crime or he'd never find peace at his eventual passing. "you're not exactly what one would think of a war guardian Orn, but I'm glad about that you've taught me a lot in the short time we've know each other. You are definitely an honourable guardian. I hope we can continue being friends." he said calmly walking towards the throne that was now the entrance to where they would meet their enemy.

    Advent nodded showing he understood that punishment was needed for the order to be maintained, he understood on the battlefield though he had never been on one that if there was no order within the ranks then chaos would ensue. "I understand Orn." he said with a smile his voice calm, he was curious on what was on the other side of the portal though, a child's excitement beginning to bubble inside him. "I said I would help punish your traitor and as I have honour I will stick to my word." he said with gentle voice. He knew that this kind of thing wasn't him but at the same time, to give someone your word was entering into a contract and to fail to fulfil that contract was the worst thing a person could do. As soon as the youth walked through he heard whispers but couldn't make out the words. "How many?" he whispered hoping to get an answer from the realm but it was eerily quiet putting the youth on edge. "There are no dead here Orn... I can't gain information from that cycle." he said moving forward but could tell there where some people near by.

    Word Count: 1'122
    Total World Count: 6'392

    Last edited by Tamashi on 24th July 2018, 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by NPC 11th July 2018, 2:57 am

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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 24th July 2018, 9:42 pm

    Chaoris was not surprised that most would not accept either Advent or his spirits that acted like his family. Most would be superstitious about them, or wary because of how they all acted. On top of that, they had their secrecy and most did not like a person that kept so many secrets being around them. He was not going to up and tell them that, not when he was already running on high tensions with them after the previous conversations points they had gone over already. The one he would talk about is when he gave up the major secret he was holding, the thing he was wasting his whole life over so far. "I see. So because of something outside of your control, outside of anything you yourself could influence, you are blamed by others for something that was only natural? The men of evil were killed, that is a good deed that was done. If your parents understood that part, why would they blame the untrained one that could not control their response when they realized what had happened? If any are to blame, it should be them and not you that needs to find forgiveness." The god did not understand the people of Earthland some days. A baby had sensed evil with its magic, something that did not know right from wrong for years to come, and had done the only thing that was possible to defend itself at the time. A babe should not be blamed, and any that did were the real evil in this situation. The boy would thank him for the prior pep talk and go on to mention that the God was not the expected one to think of when speaking about a 'war guardian.' It would be something to touch on later, though he had his suspicions that it was because he was not frothing at the mouth and looking for a fight twenty-five hours a day and eight days a week.

    The other side of the rift would send them to a realm that was between realms, a blank space that held nothing but those that wished to hide. There was nothing of note in the area, and only after focusing could he feel the presence of those that were trying their hardest to keep from being noticed. A stomp from his foot would send out a wave of blood in the direction he could feel them in, and caused them to lose their focus on the magic they were using to remain unseen. "Fools! To think you could hide from one that can sense you through your own blood and lack of honor! Your punishment is death, and your leader will find that even death is not enough for him! Fight! Show some courage and redeem yourselves slightly!" With that said Chaoris would prepare himself to fight, though would not don his armor nor would he ready his weapon against the ten mages that began to charge him. Others that looked like they were mind controlled would hobble towards advent, though they were so weak they were of no issue for anyone to take out in the scheme of things. Those that came at him seemed to be mages of a higher caliber, all of them holding some kind of fire-based magic and well versed in how to use it. None of that mattered to Chaoris, however, as he was not in the mood to give them the chance to do much with it.

    Even with just his bare fists, though they could be considered weapons when it was considering him, the man was able to easily knock the head of the first mage he came upon. The head went sailing, separated from spine and flesh, only to crush the ribcage of another as it nearly broke through his skin. The other eight grouped up close together, something that seemed like a good idea when one was fighting a single opponent, and each began to send out a spell or two at him. Not caring about the weak attempts to stop a god from coming at them, Chaoris Orneis would take the hits head on, layers of blood burning up and peeling back even as he created them at the impact spots for the spells that he charged into. The four closest to him in the group would find themselves each being punched in the throat, dropping them immediately with fractured spines and crushed throats, even as the back four would find themselves being beat with two of their fallen allies as he bludgeoned them to death with their own friends. It was sad that this group that was trying to turn his realm against him was so weak, so pathetic. Did they think that with these few alone they could have managed to deal with him at all? He was not even in his own realm right now, where untold amounts of his own minions stood at his beck and call. How had they planned to stop an army, an army that would fight and die in his name for eons as they were reborn in blood? Maybe their leader would have something to interest him or put him up for a decent fight. Either way the leader would show himself eventually. There was no reason not to at this point. They were already found out, he was in their hiding spot, and their support was now dead and dying. Soon he could rip the leader in half before shredding his soul, and oh would it feel so good to bring down divine judgement on this being.




    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Hania 14th August 2018, 5:02 pm

    Advent listened to everything that was being said to him, he decided to think on it for a moment before he answered. He couldn't argue the point Chaoris was speaking of, he did have no control over it as he had only been a few hours old at the time. There was no way he could have controlled natural instinct but then to have such magic at such a young age was also unheard of as far as he knew. "Yes, I've held the blame my entire life. I was told when I was eight when I asked why it was just us..." he stopped his hands curling into tight balls as his head lowered "I almost took my life then through guilt, they wouldn't let me do this... they stopped me just before I crossed over. I've been the balancing requiem ever since." he said in honesty to the other but when he spoke of the evil ones being destroyed and so it was a good deed it then brought up doubts in him "What about the good people? That would make it an evil deed at the same time, wouldn't it? The the people sent to get me might of not agreed with it, been forced into it or it might have been their belief system Orn... regardless I spilled blood of innocent people and for that I've to atone." he said quietly, he just wanted it over with in truth but it wasn't about to happen anytime soon.

    "My parents do understand that but at the same time, I killed them also." he said his voice showing shame on the matter "I don't blame them for hating me for what I done, I deserve their hate Orn." he brought his head up to meet his eyes and smiled "The dead resent the living for having what they no longer do, it took eight years but they understood I was a baby... that I couldn't control my bladder let alone such a terrible magic." he chuckled a little "And though I know some of them still hate me on some level I deal with it and move on, I have what they are envious of and I was the one who took it. Nothing will ever change that fact so I don't dwell on their deaths and just move forward in my atonement." his voice soft almost child like, it was as simple as that in his mind as that was how he processed it. "They should be blamed?" this actually confused the youth, he had no idea how his parents had done anything wrong "They should be the ones seeking forgiveness?" he shook his head at this "Without them I would have died as a baby, they used their energy to take me to where I was raised. They protected me and helped me learn... they still do." he knew that he was lucky to have them and he refused to believe otherwise regardless of the facts that laid before him.

    After entering the rift he noticed how the energy had changed some, even the spirits seemed different here but they again remained mute making it harder for the white haired youth to get a decent reading. "I hate when they're quiet." he commented more to himself than anyone else his hands going to his blindfold starting to remove it tying it around his wrist. His golden white runes easily seen in his eyes, the long set of purple runes starting to give off a black aura. "You guys made a mistake, allow me to help you learn your lesson." a dark smile appearing on his face, he felt the impending attack coming towards them both but wandered off knowing that the owner of the realm would be able to tend to the ones with little issue and would likely not want his interference which he could respect. "Come out, it'll be easier that way... I promise to be lenient if you do... if I find you... well..." he laughed darkly, the message would be clear to any listening he wasn't going to go easy. He heard a male ordering that his head be brought to them, well not just his but Chaoris's too, it was clear that this guy was deluded but still it was a thread on them so couldn't and wouldn't be left unpunished.

    Feeling the vibrations once more in the ground he dashed forward towards them not even bothering to stop to count, he didn't see the point as they were dead and hadn't realised it yet. He didn't blame them for their actions but at the same time they weren't guiltless and so it needed to end. One decided to throw a punch but the youth dodged out of the way punching at the arm quickly shattering it before quickly dropping taking the legs from beneath the man who had tried to strike first. As the man fell he flipped back up landing right on the man's rib cage a loud crack heard coming from Advent's feed as he kicked backwards knocking the second attacker back into two other right towards a wall, the sheer force of the kick and the hardness of the wall was enough to at least knock them out. "Boring..." he really did seem like he was starting to lose interest in the goings on, but just as he said this he was attacked by a woman wielding a rusty short sword. "Aww, couldn't afford something shiny? I'm not in the mood to get a shot today." he said taking a step to the side as the woman ran forward he took two steps to the left and stuck out his foot, not realising it was there the woman tripped over it her sword stabbing through another villagers neck. Advent moved behind the woman and sighed his arm going around her throat and remained there until she lost concious "You're lucky you have children to take care of." he whispered into her ear dropping the limp body into the pool of blood from the one she just stabbed.

    With six of his opponents out of the way he decided to take a little time to feel the vibrations, it was something that cost him as he felt something slash right down his back that made him glare. He despised those who would take a cheap shot, it was to be expected from such enemies turning he gripped the man's hand forcing him to turn the blade on himself and pushed it into his gut and twisted it. "Idiot." was all he could say coldly as he pulled the sword out pushing it through the neck of a woman rushing towards him "Will you please shut up, I'm in pain and you're giving me a headache." he complained pulling the blade out and twirling slicing the jugulars of the last two making their deaths quick and painless before dropping the blade. It had been their faults for allowing such a thing to happen to them but at the same time it wasn't as they had no idea what they were doing. At this point however he wasn't in his right frame of mind so they got exactly what they deserved in his mind. He waited to see if Chaoris wanted his assistance dealing with the next part but something told him that he wouldn't be, this was a matter of pride and honour and so had to be dealt with Chaoris alone.

    Word count: 1'253
    Total word count: 7'645


    A Demise and a New Cycle 59875_s

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    Completed Re: A Demise and a New Cycle

    Post by Khorne 5th September 2018, 10:00 pm

    It seemed that the boy, Advent, had fared well in the combat that had ensued and just ended. He had come out the victor and even had slain some even though he seemed to be against that type of thing with how he had been talking prior to the fights breaking out. That was a good thing, he was worried he would turn out some kind of coward that he would have to kill at the end of this current situation. He was already having to deal with traitors so a single coward, and his spirit protectors, was just an extra small task on top of the current deal. With the current group slain and no one else currently in sight, there would likely be no more need for him to participate in the fighting. The only ones left for him to deal with were the traitor and anyone he brought with him. Not long after him thinking about these things he would see a shimmer about twenty feet ahead of them. Knowing better than to walk towards it, these cowards always set some kind of trap, he would await the arrival of who was coming. Moments later, two men and a few daemons would pour out from the shimmering rift to enter the empty space they were all currently in. One was a stranger to him, though clearly was the one that held the control of the three daemons of the god of tricks and planning that were with him. The one he did recognize was a lower caste of fighter here in the realm, one that had shown to be a coward but had corrected himself before he had had the chance to step in and kill him. Such a shame that he was clearly not fully under him, that he had betrayed his god and turned to another god. Even worse was that, because he had hidden himself to the point that Chaoris could not feel him anymore, the man had the gifts that he had been bestowed by the god of blood.

    "Ah! It seems that even the God of Change and Twister of Fates could not foresee this happening. How odd that he promises me one thing and another happens. For a twister of fates, he is quite good at twisting it in odd ways that do more harm than good. Ah well! At least with him, I have more than strength and glory! I have whatever I want, whenever I want it! You never gave me that, you just gave me strength and more power." The man that spoke to him said it condescendingly as if he was above Chaoris, which brought a scowl upon the god as he listened.

    "Fowl betrayer! I am the God of Blood, Skulls, War, and Honor! You know what I am when you met, me when you devoted yourself directly to me! I give no promises other than what I tell each one, I offer nothing but the gifts that you earn for what you do! You wish for special fates? I do not tell you how your life is to go, nor do I weave the fates of others. Your life is yours to decide, fate is in your hands unless you let that two-faced god to meddle in your affairs! Even though you have been deceived by that god I can not forgive this kind of trespass. You have betrayed me and my realm, and all of those that serve under me! The penalty is death, your soul shattered so that even the gods cannot piece you together! Raise your weapons, and prepare to be removed from existence!" The words would bellow through the empty plane of existence they currently resided in, the speech seeming to echo out into the nothingness and somehow reaching back for them to hear again loud and clear multiple times. The group did as they were told, silently, knowing they had to either kill a god or die trying. There were no more options, they could not leave the realm with a god here. Chaoris had control now, and they had to break out through force. Their new god had abandoned them, and now they would pay for it in blood!

    Chaoris still had not drawn his blades, nor donned his armor, as he felt no need to deal with such pathetic creatures when there was a simple way to do this without him needing them. Not a word would be spoken once the battle began, there was no need to as there was nothing else to say. The three daemons would be sent at him first, likely to test the waters for some odd reason, and each would simply be hit with a splash of his own power with blood and simply dissolve them as if they were nothing more than ice sculptures and he was using a flamethrower on them. He was a holy being and any daemon fighting him was in for a treat if they thought they could even get close enough to hurt him. The two humans would then come at him, the one clearly for the Changer of Fates casting a time spell at him and showing how little he knew about the other gods and their powers. The spell would simply be absorbed into the war god's hand as he reached out and sent forth a blast of time magic that wouldn't be seen until it stabbed through the man's heart. The hole left would allow vision behind him until he fell to the ground dead.

    The last one, the one unworthy to fight because of how much of a traitor was, would also prove to be a coward as he tried to open another rift to try and run. A hand would reach out, Chaoris focusing on the gifts he had given to this traitor, and the man would fall to the ground with screams of agony as what strength he had left his body. "Now that we have you here, it's time for the final part of your punishment. Begone Advent, you will not want to be here for this." Chaoris would wave, a small goodbye as well as a forced removal of him and his guardians from this realm and back to a calm forest he had decided to drop them off in at the same time. With them gone the simple task of shredding the soul before him would take mere moments, though the screaming from it would last years in this rift-filled realm. The traitor in his following was dead, and now he could move on to things not focused on looking at those that worked with him.



      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:45 pm