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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 15th March 2018, 9:33 pm

    Job Info:

    "Hmmm. Looks like we're in for a mysterious adventure." Rin mumbled to Theo as she looked down at the GPS on her iLac. It really did come in handy for trips like this. They were heading towards the Unknown Lands, which were becoming more daunting the closer they became. Not knowing what resided in these lands made her all the more nervous, but she was also prepared for whatever came her way. Her stomach still a bit sore from the encounter she had with a mountain lion not long ago, she walked slowly and carefully onwards, towards the town that was their destination. "I'm not quite sure what these people will be like. Especially since their town is smack in the middle of the Unknown Lands, but hopefully they will be kind to us." she continued, looking up at her partner with a small smile.

    She was excited to be attempting a B-ranked job with her treasure hunting friend. She knew that he was strong, and would make sure that they were both safe, no matter what happened. "We're almost there!" Rin said suddenly, a shock of excitement jolting through her spine. She picked up her pace, running towards the village that she could see up ahead. Once she had reached the entrance, she looked back to make sure that Theo was behind her, before walking cautiously inside. There didn't seem to be anybody around at the moment, which worried her a bit.

    "Hello?" She called out, seeing if anyone would respond. The streets were bare, not even one person was seen walking through them. Rin turned to Theo, thoroughly confused by what she was seeing. "W-We're here to help! We were sent to investigate a missing delivery!" she called out once more. It was almost as if that was what they needed to hear, because as soon as she had finished speaking, people starting flooding out of there homes. Not just any kind of people, though. They had furry ears that sprouted from their heads, and tails that wagged behind them. C-Cat people?! Rin's eyes twinkled in excitement. They were so cute. She was even a bit envious of their cuteness!

    "So. You two are the ones they sent to help? Aren't you a little bit small." One of the cat people, a woman, spoke up, pointing towards Rin with a smirk on her face. Ouch. "S-Small...?" she grumbled, looking at the cat person with distaste. Maybe they weren't so cute after all! She puffed up a bit, trying to make herself look larger. "Yes. We are here to help. We were informed that you were expecting a delivery, but it never came. How long has it been since you ordered it?" Rin inquired, trying to find out as many details as she could about the disappearance. The cat woman sighed deeply, obviously quite exasperated with what was happening. "It has been a month." she said, shaking her head. A month!? That was much longer than she was expecting! "And these were cooking supplies, right?" Rin continued. "Yes... We have been running out of food... There isn't much here to eat in the Unknown Lands. Our children and elderly are getting hungry. That's why we decided to reach out for help." the woman replied, apparent sadness and worry in her eyes.

    Rin looked over to Theo with a distressed look in on her face. They had to help these people. "Alright, miss. We'll keep an eye out for the package. We'll come back to you with it as soon as we possibly can." Rin told her, ready to help in whatever way she could.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 16th March 2018, 2:26 am

    Theo was rather contemplative on the way to the mysterious town. He responded to her with smiles and sometimes wild theories, but much less frequently than usual. He'd love to say he was mentally preparing for the job at hand, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Theo just had days like these sometimes, when his eyes stared both into the distance and at nothing at all because his mind was several years, possibly even an entire life away. Travel was a good time to have these moments, since walking a lot and breathing at the same time could be difficult. If he'd been in a different state of mind, he might have used the time to get to know Rin better on a one-on-one scale like Lester had, but alas. Perhaps there'd be time for that later, when he was feeling more himself.

    Now that they had arrived, it was a good thing Rin was doing all the talking because Theo was thoroughly distracted by the cat-featured people of this town. Thankfully it had pulled himself out of his head and placed him in the here and now, but that didn't mean he was focused on the proper objective. His mind just kept repeating kitty ears and kitty tails, drowning out everyone's words for the most part. His eyes darted from face to face with a vaguely amused expression coloring the rest of his features. One person to his right had a rather shiny earring dangling from her kitty ear, so naturally Theo gravitated toward it for a closer look. So he didn't see the knee-high fence she stood within as she took a break from feeding chickens...THUD. "GAH!" Theo tripped over the small fence, tumbling into the pin and promptly getting attacked by spooked edible birds. One even laid an egg on him...nice.

    The cat lady scrambled, trying to keep her livelihood contained while also shooting eye daggers at the hapless helper from Crystal Swan. "So help me if you kill these old hens, we'll eat you! The eggs are all we've had for a month, and they are scarce!" the farmer hissed at him, laying her ears back as she snatched the egg laid on him as if it was made of gold. The chickens got their last flogs in before being herded by a broom into their tiny homes, so now the broom was free to be turned on Theo, as if he was a fox in the henhouse. For someone to have all the luck bestowed by an ancient Egyptian goddess, he sure did tend to be clumsy. "Sorry! Sorry! Stop hitting me...I just thought your earring was lovely!" he squawked, scrambling out of the pen to skitter back to Rin's side. As if these folks didn't doubt them enough already for their size... "Ah...let's go!"

    [472 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 16th March 2018, 4:32 pm

    Finishing up her conversation with the fluffy eared woman, Rin turned to say something to Theo, but realized that he wasn't there. Oh god... Did he see something shiny? Not again. She looked around frantically, trying to spot her friend before he got himself into trouble. But it seemed that trouble had already found its way to him. There he was... On the ground of a chicken pen, being beat by a woman with a broom. W-Was he trying to steal the chickens? But they weren't shiny... Shaking her head, she let out a small giggle as he blabbered about the woman's earring and rushed back over to her side. She had worried that he didn't quite seem like himself today, but seeing him still so obsessed with his shinies made her forget that thought.

    Once they had finished speaking with the cat people, the duo walking towards the entrance in which they had just came, and waved as they left the small village. Rin wasn't exactly sure how they were going to find the package, but she had managed to get some sort of information from the people. She knew the company's name, and their location. As they walked, Rin took out her iLac and attempted to search for the route that they would most likely have taken to deliver the goods. With only a few taps, she managed to find what looked to be the quickest way to reach the village, and decided that it would be a good idea to search that area. "Maybe if we try to retrace the delivery person's steps, we'll be able to find some information about the disappearance." she said, looking up to her friend, and showing him the route that they would be taking from here on out.

    Heading towards the path they were going to take, Rin tried to spark up some conversation with her friend, since he had been pretty quiet all day today. "U-Um... Hey, Theo. Do you remember what it was like to be a kid?" Rin said suddenly, a bit nervous that he would find her question to be strange. "I don't remember anything from when I was younger..." she continued. "I-I was found by Lily in a field one day. I didn't remember anything at all. Not where I was from, or who I was, or why I was stranded in a field all by myself. The only thing I could remember was my first name, and a few random words, though I didn't really know how to speak them well." she stopped for a moment, a bit upset. She hadn't really told anyone this before, and she didn't really understand why she was telling it now. "Lily taught me everything that I know. She helped me so much... But every day I'm haunted by those memories that I lost. Who was I? Did I have a family? Friends? I-I don't know..." A deep frown formed on her face as she continued to speak. She really did want to know more about herself, but didn't quite know how to go about remembering. "I-I'm sorry for blurting all this random stuff out to you! I don't know what came over me." she apologized, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and smiling nervously. The last thing she needed was to scare away one of the only friends she had.

    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 17th March 2018, 3:03 am

    Theo walked along beside her, taking her word for it about which path to take. That's right, this mission was to find out why these people didn't get their food supplies. They'd been surviving on eggs. Eating just eggs everyday for a month sounded horrific, but people did what was necessary to survive, right? He did somewhat return to his more contemplative persona. It was just one of those days for him.

    The dark haired man listened to his friend as she started speaking, asking him a question, telling him about herself. He listened intently, seeming quite focused in his calmer state. Her voice was nice to listen to. It was sweet, sorta reminding him of tinkling bells. Maybe it was the stutter that made the sound more like bells or a wind chime than graceful music, but he preferred it that way. Not that he liked it when she was unsure of herself, assuming that's what was causing the stutter to begin with. No, more because he found smooth talkers with too much grace to be liars and fakes, so her less thought through and unpredictable way of speaking inclined him to feel she was being honest. Plus, it was kinda cute. Theo really hoped she wasn't uncomfortable around him, though.

    He gave her a bit of a silly look, catching that she thought she was being strange. Really? She was worried about being weird in front of someone like him? "Oh, Rin. Don't be sorry," he grinned, angling his body so he was almost walking sideways to look at her while he spoke. This almost earned him a face full of dirt, so he was forced to walk backwards instead. "Friends tell each other this stuff, don't they?" he asked, though really he wouldn't know for sure. Just going out on a limb there. "I don't see any dents in your noggin. Well, unless it's under your pretty hair..." His curious eyes searched her head as if looking for an injury. Usually amnesia was from getting hit in the head right? Finding nothing, he reached out to pat the top of her head, if she let him.

    "I dunno. Maybe it's a blessing, not being able to remember. The flip side is being haunted by memories you have...and can't forget. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but it usually isn't," Theo mused, seeming a bit solemn and reflective on the subject. However, he quickly recovered and put on a smile for her. "But, if you want to really find all those answers, finding stuff like treasure already makes me a detective of sorts, so maybe I can find places and people for you, too. I'd be happy to track down Rin's memory treasures!" he offered her, sincerity oozing from his every pore. But...he hadn't answered her original question, had he?

    [475 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 17th March 2018, 2:11 pm

    Theo really was a great listener. Even though he was kind of a derp sometimes, he was such a sweet person. "I don't really know much about friends. Hehe... The only friend i've ever had is Lily, as far as I can remember, anyways." she stated gently, responding to his question, or maybe it was an answer, about a friend's duty. A bit embarrassed at her lack of knowledge on the subject, she looked down as she continued to walk along. Hearing Theo's next words sent a blush shooting across her face. P-Pretty? She grabbed a lock of her hair, and twirled it around her finger. She had never been told that anything about her was pretty before. When she thought of pretty things, she thought of flowers, sweets, and even gems, but not herself. Her blush only seemed to get brighter as she felt a hand on top of her head. "U-Um..." she mumbled, trying to respond to his statement about her memory loss, but coming up with nothing.

    "She didn't seem to have any injuries when I came across her. She seemed quite peacefully asleep, actually. The only thing that was strange was that she didn't seem to be wearing any-" "OKAY! Thank you Lily! Great story! Really! Hahaha..." Rin interrupted quickly, grabbing her fluffy friend and covering her mouth. "A-Anyways! I guess it would be kind of difficult to have bad memories as well... And who knows, maybe mine were bad. But I still want to know what they were, more than anything..." She replied. "It would mean so much to me if you helped, but I also don't want to be a nuisance to you!" Placing her hand gently on his shoulder, she beamed gratefully at him.

    A sudden noise stopped Rin in her tracks. "What was that?" she inquired, looking all around them. Instinctively, she clutched her tablet, ready for anything that might have popped out at them. And pop out they did. Three men appeared from behind some bushes, weapons in their hands. "Well well well. What do we have here?" one of the men said, beginning to approach Rin. He continued to advance, until he had her pinned up against a tree. "A small fry and a dopey looking dude. What an iconic duo." He continued, placing a hand next to Rin's head. "It would be a real shame if I had to hurt you, little one. So how about we make a deal. You come with me, and I won't hurt you or your little friend here." Rin stared at him, hatred in her pinkish brown eyes. A fake smile graced her face before she lurched forward to spit in his face.

    The man yowled and stumbled backwards, obviously furious. "You little bitch!" he screamed, wiping her saliva from his ugly face. Using this moment of distraction to her advantage, she grabbed her tablet and began to scribble quickly. The man rushed towards her, but was quickly stopped when vines began to sprout from the ground, wrapping themselves around him and his friends. They yelled in surprise and struggled, but to no avail. The vines were sturdy, not to be broken by a sad man's struggles. "Sorry if that startled you at all, Theo! I think Lester is starting to rub off on me." she giggled, staring at her work with pride. "Alright boys." she began, walking towards the brute that had harassed her moments ago. "It would be a real shame if I had to hurt you, little one. So how about we make a deal. You tell me where the cat people's package is, and I won't hurt you or your little friends here." she mocked, smirking confidently.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 18th March 2018, 3:03 am

    So much for stepping in to protect princess peach. For someone so tentative, she made short work of these bandits before he really had time to do anything. Theo sorta stared at her for a moment, stunned by her spunk. Spitting in the face of rude bandits and then disabling them all? He made a mental note to not to piss her off, and to always stay on her good side! "I would say he certainly is..." he muttered as she referred to Lester. In a way he wished the pastel boy was with them, but it was good to have time alone with Rin.

    Speaking of, Rin started questioning the weak thugs. Theo paced around them. He did his best to look as intimidating as possible. When none of the jerks could bother to squeak out any answers for her, the jello mage pounced up. "Can you not hear? Small fry and dopey guy wanna know where the package is! Where is it?" he asked, looking from face to face. Still crickets. Theo frowned, crossing his arms. "Rin might strangle you with her vines. She could you know. The magic council wouldn't be sad if we wiped out a bunch of trouble makers, especially ones starving an entire village. We just want to clear up this...misunderstanding. Where is the package?" he tried to convince them. Ah, some fear, but still no answers. Looking around, he realized they were out in the middle of nowhere, so he highly doubted these guys were just hanging out in the bushes, eating stolen food. They had a place. "It's at your hide out, right? Where is that?" This time he didn't wait for more silence, and set to rustling through their pockets. "AHA!" he leapt back, waggling a ragged piece of paper around in his squad partner's face. "A maaaaap!" Theo loved maps. It was in his nature. Unfolding it, he grinned almost evilly. "'X' marks the spot, Riiiin~ Let's go be heroes!" he exclaimed, already marching off in the direction indicated on the paper.

    [342 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 18th March 2018, 2:31 pm

    Watching as Theo was interogating the men, Rin was quite interested in seeing his more serious side. He was most often cheerful and upbeat, but seeing him like this was really intriguing. His ice blue eyes were piercing, and his face was stern. Studying his face so closely, Rin was really starting to notice how truly handsome he was. Both him and Lester were some of the most handsome men she had ever met, not that she had met many men, but whatever. She would never admit to it out loud, but she could sure as hell think about it. "Hey googly eyes, what are you looking at?" Lily piped up, snickering at Rin's dazed expression. "I-I, Nothing Lily! I was just thinking about finding the cat people's supplies! They're going to be so happy!" she whispered back to her furry companion. "Mmhmmmm. And that's why were staring at Theo, then? Were you looking at his butt, you butt admirer?" Lily giggled, perching herself onto Rin's shoulder. Blushing intensely, Rin shook her head. "Lily! N-no! I-I-I, that was a mistake! Theo is my friend! And I... I-" Her sentence was interrupted when Theo approached her, waving a map in her face. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. They were finally getting somewhere! "Great job, Theo! Let's get going!" she said, ignoring everything that had just been spoken about a second ago.

    "On the road again!" Rin said, stretching her arms above her head as they walked. "So the map leads to their hideout, huh? Well that's our best bet. They probably took the supplies there... The only problem is, will there be any left for the cat people by the time we retrieve them?" she mused. "We have to assume that they have been using the supplies... What are we going to do if we get there and they've all been eaten?" This truly was a perplexing thought. If they arrived and everything was gone, this would all be for naught. The sooner they got there, the better. Bringing her tablet up, she stared at it. There had to be something that she could create that could get them there faster. An animal, perhaps? But she didn't quite remember many animals. The elephant that she created on their first job together flashed in her mind for a moment. Such a large animal wouldn't really be very fast, now would it. She sighed, silently cursing her memory for being so sketchy.

    A sudden idea popped into her head. The memory of the animal scarred her a bit, but she had remembered it being quite fast! Scribbling quickly and silently, she drew two of these creatures on her tablet, then extended her arm in front of Theo, signaling him to stop. They quickly began to materialize, and they happened to be a bit larger than she was imagining. "W-Why do they always end up being much bigger than I intend them to be!" she grumbled, frustrated by her magic. The bears she had created lifted their heads and growled loudly, startling Rin a bit. "U-Uh... Nice bears?" she asked, approaching cautiously. They sniffed her hand before standing on their back legs and growling almost angrily. She squealed and fell backwards, landing on her butt. They returned to their four legged position and approached her slowly. Killed by her own magic, wouldn't that be an interesting story to tell. She scrambled to her feet quickly, and confidently stood before them. "L-Listen, bears! You were my creations and you will obey me!" she yelled to them. They stopped in their tracks, glitching a bit, and then sitting down almost robotically. Rin was a bit confused by their sudden obedience, but wasn't about to question it. "H-Hah! I guess I'm a bear tamer." she said, chuckling nervously. Now the test was going to be whether or not they would let them mount.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 18th March 2018, 9:02 pm

    As serious as he apparently could be, Theo wasted zero time mounting his intended beast as if it was a really fat pony. Whether it was complete trust in Rin's ability, his unwise lack of fear, or just pure excitement, Theo found himself gripping fistfuls of bear fur and gleefully leading the animal in a circle, grinning brightly. "I love your magic!" he declared, turning to look back at her. Always easily amused, even on his more lowkey days. After all, how many times do you get to ride a bear without having to worry if it'd eat you or not?

    Once the excitement waned a bit, his mind went back to the task at hand. Her last mention of their mission before the bears were summoned filled his brain, so the animated man mulled it over for a few minutes. "If we get there and the supplies are gone, that's fine. We'll take out all the people who stole the stuff, so the next shipment can get through no problem. If we fix the issue at the core, it will be better for the town," Theo stated logically, showing he was capable of such things. "I bet there's a boss at this hide out. And that person has probably caused this whole thing. If we take them down, the little puny thieves will scatter, and that should be the end of it. Right?" he asked, wanting to be on the same page for when they arrived at the hideout.

    [251 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 18th March 2018, 9:37 pm

    Giggling as she watched Theo ride around on his bear,
    she attempted to mount her own. The bear was a bit taller than her, which made it a bit difficult for her to climb up, but she somehow managed to clamber her way on top. This was quite an intimidating mount she had beneath her, and it increased her confidence significantly. She thought about how the bandits would react to two bears running into their hide out, and smirked. This was going to be fun.

    Hearing Theo's sudden seriousness, Rin turned to look at him. A boss to take out, huh? That was an interesting thought, but it made sense. "I really don't like the thought of killing someone... But if it's for the good of the village, then I guess it's necessary... Hmmm..." she confessed, looking down at her tablet which still had two little bears drawn on it. Killing was one of the things that she hated most, and she really wanted to have nothing to do with it. "I-I hope you don't mind... But I would prefer not to be the one to kill him... I just can't ever see myself doing such a thing... I'm really sorry." she whimpered, hoping that Theo wouldn't take offense to her words. "I-I can help in any other way! I can heal, o-or protect, or immobilize. I want to be useful, but I just can't hurt someone like that... I'd never be able to forgive myself."

    Shaking the somber thoughts out of her mind, she tried to bring the moral back up. "U-Um! Anyways! I'll race you to the hideout!" Rin yelled, grabbing Lily from her floating position and tossing her onto the back of her steed. She then kicked the bear gently in it's sides, signalling for it to move forward. The bear responded quickly, rearing up slightly before taking off at full speed down the road. Rin looked back and laughed, her pink hair flowing gracefully in the wind.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou

    Smol post :'D




    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 18th March 2018, 10:27 pm

    "Are you challenging me to a bear race?!" he asked with a short laugh, as if it was absolutely absurd she could even consider beating him in such an event. As if he had tons of bear-racing experience. As if he had gold metals for such things hanging on the walls of his new home on the ship. He didn't. Honestly, his bear seemed slower than hers, so he never really caught up all the way, which was disappointing. His jeers quieted in the face of defeat, turning into an expression of simply enjoying a fun moment before they got to the meat of this mission.

    Speaking of, he looked down at the map he'd taken from one of the thugs, checking the surroundings. With the speed of the bears, they had already crossed a large distance. The hideout wasn't too far from the road, and was hidden from view by some large boulders. As long as this map was right, then they were nearly there. The boulders were in view. Giving the bear some pressure from his heel, he spurred in faster so he could catch up with Rin. He waved frantically to get her attention, using his own steed to nudge hers off the path, all in silence so they wouldn't be heard. Once stopped, he slid down the bear's side and offered his hand to his peach-haired teammate to help her down.

    Once more he returned to their conversation from before. "Rin, we don't have to kill anyone. I mean, if it has to go that way, then you by no means have to do it. I'll shoulder it...but maybe we could just knock them out and tie them up for the council to take from there?" he asked hopefully, voice hushed. He wasn't big on killing either. Enjoying that sort of thing seemed like something an evil mage would do, not a legal one like himself and Rin. Perhaps most saw it as a weakness, but if there were ways for it not to get to that permanent solution, he'd do all he could short of losing his life or the life of someone he cared about. "We should sneak close to see what we're dealing with."

    [371 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 18th March 2018, 11:15 pm

    Once they had gotten off of their bear friends, Rin patted each of them on their head gently, and thanked them for their help. Once she had finished, she fabricated her pen and erased them from her tablet. They faded into a jumble of pixels before vanishing completely. She was actually going to miss them. Frowning for a moment, she almost seemed to mourn the loss of their fuzzy steeds. She quickly snapped out of it when Theo began to speak. Just keeping them restrained until the council could take care of them wasn't a bad plan. She nodded in agreement and snuck forward towards the camp.

    There were many people inside, either walking around and chatting or sitting around a fire to stay warm. "I don't see the head guy anywhere... But I guess he isn't the first thing we need to worry about." Rin whispered to her partner, her eyes scanning the camp from left to right. "I'm not quite sure if any of my spells would work very well with these guys... They might be a bit distracting..." She said, thinking of her large scale spells. They weren't exactly what you would call, "discrete." Thinking for a moment, an idea hit her. "Distract! Wait! I think I have an idea! I can try to distract them so that you can get in there and restrain them when they're not looking." Rin exclaimed quietly. Without waiting for a reply, she crouched down and quickly ran around the camp to the other side, making sure that nobody could see her as she went.

    Pulling her tablet out, she drew an extremely large, glowing glacier. Once it was drawn, it jutted out from the ground, taking her up with it. Looking down at the camp, she noticed that a few of the men had began to come flocking towards her creation. "Hello there, boys! Beautiful day, isn't it?" Rin yelled down to them, swaying her legs back and forth as she sat down on the edge of the glacier. They looked up at her, confusion and anger in their eyes. She had hoped that this would give Theo enough time to get in there and take out as many people as he could. If things did happen to go wrong, she had a back up plan.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 19th March 2018, 12:49 am

    "Hey, wait--"

    It was too late. The girl was gone, and now there was a glacier. Of course it was a glacier. Well, whatever. It did the job, and for now she seemed safe. Theo snuck out behind the gawking band of thieves who hooted and hollered at the girl with nothing but bad intentions in their minds. Frowning at their violent and rude ways, he began his assault by smashing the thug hanging in the back of the crowd with a fist. Normal enough, right? But then his fist bounced back unnaturally, and Theo couldn't help but grin. "What the?!" the downed man cried, but it had already begun. Theo bounced back into another ruffian, sending that man flying as well. He'd become bouncy all over, jumping high into the air and landing on others before being shot between even more as if he was inside a pin-ball machine. He even added a "ding, ding, ding!" in for good measure as he slammed into and launched away, making short work of this band of criminals.

    Coming to the last guy, he used his momentum to punch him out too, slamming his face into the glacier. Then he stood there, looking around at the gaggle of groaning bodies. Holding his hands out, he fired large balls of jello out and covered them all, pinning them down under the weight of them as well as sticking them to the ground or each other. "Ha. Let's see you get out of that!" he grinned, turning to look up at Rin. "Thanks! That worked awesome!" he called up to her.

    He was just about to tell her to come down when he felt an impact of some sort. It didn't register all the way at first. All he knew was there was a force at his shoulder and his face smashed into the glacier like the last dude he took down. He tried to push himself from the glacier's surface, but that same shoulder felt anchored to it. The searing pain came next, and once he glanced down he saw why. There was an arrow completely through his right shoulder. Yep, that'd do it. With a groan, Theo turned to cast an icy eye behind him, where he saw a thin man emerge from a tent with a bow. "Rin! Take cover!" Theo shouted, trying to get himself loose. He gritted his teeth, grabbing the arrow's shaft and trying to break the tip embedded in Rin's magic off. It was hard to get a good grip on it with it being slicked in his blood.

    [432 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 19th March 2018, 1:35 am

    Panic shot through Rin's body. Everything had been going so well, until a man emerged from a tent and shot Theo right through the shoulder. She could see him struggling to remove the arrow from the glacier that she created. A deep anger began to brew in her stomach, an anger that she had never felt before. Grabbing her tablet,
    she erased the glacier that was drawn on it. Once she had done so, she could feel the structure begin to disappear from beneath her. "Lily!" Rin called out to her pet as she began to fall rapidly towards the ground. Her furry friend swooped in and grabbed on to her, saving her from the hard dirt and lowering her down quickly. Tossing her tablet on the ground, Rin advanced towards the man, a fire burning in her eyes.

    "If you hurt my friends, I'm going to have to hurt you." Rin seethed, approaching the man slowly. The man chuckled, looking at Rin's short stature and gripping to his weapon, preparing to shoot. "What a spunky little thing. You really think that I would be afraid of you?" he spat, raising his bow. Lurching forward, Rin grabbed onto his weapon and glared into his eyes. "Hmmm... You really shouldn't underestimate me." She taunted, ripping the weapon from his hands and bashing him in the head with it. The ugly brute fell to the ground, completely taken off guard by Rin's sudden strength. Tossing the weapon aside, Rin then pounced on top of the man, balling her hands into fists. "Nobody hurts my friends. Nobody." She yelled, throwing punch after punch to his face. The anger she had felt seemed to have taken over, and she couldn't stop... Wouldn't stop... "Rin!" she heard Lily scream from behind her. Lily tugged at her shirt, trying to pull her away from the man that she was beating. "Stop this! He's unconscious! That's enough!"

    Stopping her fist before it made contact with his face once more, she noticed that his eyes were indeed closed, and he seemed to be unresponsive to anything that was said or done. His face was covered in blood, scratches, and ugly blue bruises. Leaning back, she retracted her fists and looked at them. Her knuckles were completely busted open, blood seeping from the cracks. What had she just done? What had come over her? Looking back, she could see Theo staring at her in shock, the arrow still lodged in his shoulder. Getting up quickly, Rin grabbed her tablet from the floor, and approached him. "That arrow is really in there..." she whimpered, looking at the wound. She dug through her bag quickly, looking for her teddy bear. "Now I know this seems crazy... But just watch." she said. Bringing the bear close to her heart, she began to feel it expand, encapsulating herself and Theo within. "This will protect us from any disruptions. Let me help you with this." she murmured, motioning towards the arrow. She gently grabbed onto it, breaking the tip off before pulling the arrow swiftly from the wound. She cringed, seeing the pain in his icy blue eyes. "I'm sorry if that hurt. We just need to get that out before I can heal it." she whimpered, looking at him with gentle eyes. Grabbing a hold of her tablet now, she drew four doves, which then flew towards them. She pointed to Theo, commanding them to heal his wound. Each one came to him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before flying away and disappearing into the sky. "Does that feel any better?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 19th March 2018, 6:14 pm

    "Oh, yeah. Loads better," Theo sighed in relief, moving his shoulder around a bit. It was still a little sore, but at least it was whole again and not leaking his blood out. Was there anything her magic couldn't do? "Thanks, Rin," the man smiled, though soon it faded when he reached for her hands. Those busted up knuckles. It made him sad to see such an injury on someone as small and pure as her. That anger earlier didn't look right on her, though it did make him a little happy that she apparently cared enough about him to feel that strongly. Theo only wished he'd been paying attention so it could have been avoided. "Can you do that for your hands?" he asked quietly, quite bothered by them.

    From inside the teddy bear --whoa that was weird to think-- Theo could hear some shuffling outside. The boss maybe? Rin had taken out the weakest ones back on the path. He'd just downed some young bandits and some old veteran ones that probably kept the lowest members on the totem pole in line. Rin had punched the one who he had really hoped was the boss into oblivion. But by the crunching of ground around the teddy bear, there was more than one circling their position, trying to decide what course of action to take. Theo's expression was grim and his body tense. When they got out of this bear, they were looking at a fight, possibly with the numbers against them.

    [253 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 19th March 2018, 7:08 pm

    When Theo had said that he was feeling better already, Rin let out a large sigh of relief. She had been so worried. "You're welco-" she had begun to say, but trailed off when Theo grabbed her hands and inspected them, an almost sad look in his eyes. A delicate blush spread across Rin's face, embarrassed by her previous actions, and also surprised by the sudden touch. Smiling gently at his question, she gently retracted her hands. "I-I don't really know if I have enough energy to spare right now... If there's anyone else around, I need to save the last of my power to take them down. I can't just let you take this on all by yourself." she whimpered, only just now beginning to feel the stinging pain from her hands. She hadn't realized how much energy she had sacrificed in order to cast all of those spells until the adrenaline from this whole situation had worn off.

    As if on queue, she began to hear footsteps coming from outside of her teddy bear protector. Looking quickly to Theo, she knew that they were going to have to come up with a plan, and fast. This spell that kept them protected wasn't going to last forever. "Okay... We need to think... Um... I don't know how many people are out there, but we have to be prepared for the worst. I'll try my best to hold off as many of them as I can, and you can handle the rest, okay?" she explained quietly, looking into his icy gaze. "I'll count to three, and then remove the spell. Be prepared. We might be surrounded." she said, gripping her tablet with one hand, and raising the other hand slowly. "One... Two... Three!" Rin counted, before lightly tapping the bear that surrounded them. It shriveled back down to it's normal size, falling into her raised hand.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 20th March 2018, 2:15 pm

    As soon as Rin shrunk the bear, Theo instinctively pushed jello out from his feet along the ground. He didn't know how many there were, but he wasn't taking any chances. "Rin, be careful!" he shouted, finally getting a good look around. It was good he'd cast Jello Slick, because four rather tough looking bandit aces stood around them with swords, maces, and staffs poised to strike. As they all moved to attack, every single one of them promptly slipped and fell into the sticky good that smelled delightfully of sugared oranges. "Kyahaha!" he laughed almost evilly, dashing off to skate through the jello at higher speeds. As luck would have it, the clumsy claws of fate managed to avoid him this time, so he gracefully sailed between the four men to kick them in their heads, knocking them out before even the tiniest spark of magic could fly from them.

    Skidding to a stop over one of the bandits, he placed a triumphant foot on his back and placed his hands on his hips, striking quite the victorious pose. "That'll teach 'em. What did ya think?" he asked her, quite proud of himself. "You can tie them up now if you want," chuckled the black-haired man, though something shiny on the ground suddenly caught his eye...you know, because nothing derails Theo's brain like something shiny. As the area of jello disappeared, he stooped to investigate. He already knew what it was, but some sort of morbid curiosity lead him to pick it up anyway. It was a katana of sorts, though the grip was a bit bent and the blade had a slight abnormal curve. The weirdest part was the dull side, which had dragon spine looking spikes sticking up, with one large spike meeting the sharp edge on the tip. It was black from handle to tip, though it gleamed like fresh obsidian. It looked like a strong weapon...a terrible weapon. Out of context, Theo looked like he'd never held a sword before, though that wasn't quite the case.

    [341 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 20th March 2018, 5:13 pm

    Almost as soon as Rin had caught her bear, a pool of slippery jello formed beneath her feet. A bit caught off guard, she wobbled, losing her balance and preparing for her not so graceful descent to the floor. Luckily though, her furry friend noticed her lack of balance, and was able to grab her shirt, keeping her from falling. "Th-thanks Lily" Rin mumbled, looking sheepishly to her pet. Noticing that Theo had made quick work of taking out the bandits, Rin nodded in approval. His magic was actually more convenient than she had originally thought. And it smelled really good too. Seeing his victorious pose made her giggle. He had just taken down 4 of the most trained people in this camp, so he definitely deserved to be celebrating!

    "That was awesome, Theo!" Rin cheered. After their small celebration, Rin turned towards the men that were lying unconscious on the ground. Theo had suggested that she tie them up, so that's what she had begun to do. Creating some more vines with her tablet, they wrapped themselves around the men's bodies, securing them to the ground. "I'm gonna need to find something a bit more permanent, so that they don't get free before the council gets here. I'll be right back!" She called out as she ran towards one of the tents. After a short while of looking, she managed to find some rope lying around next to one of the bandit's beds. She really didn't want to know what it was used for... Tentatively taking it, she turned around swiftly and made her way back towards the men, removing the vines and replacing them with the rope.

    Sighing with relief, she began to stand and stretch, her back a bit sore from bending over the way she was. "I guess we should call someone from the..." Rin had begun to say, when she noticed that Theo all of a sudden had a gruesome looking weapon in his hands. "Wh-Whoa... Where did you get that?" she stuttered, staring at the intimidating weapon in awe. "It might come in handy later on... You should take it with you. These guys definitely won't be needing it anymore." she snickered, eyeing the men with distaste. "But first we need to see if we can find any supplies around here before we leave! Come on!" Rin motioned for him to follow as she ventured deeper into the camp.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 20th March 2018, 9:21 pm

    Theo hesitated with the blade in his hand. He'd been just about to drop it and walk away when Rin encouraged him to take it. An uneasiness settled in his gut, making him look like he tasted something bitter. However, he didn't really want to talk about what was going on in his mind, so he took it like she said. She'd probably ask questions if he left it behind now.

    Theo regretted noticing it at all. It was almost as if his more somber mood today had been brought on by fate, as if reminding him of a not so happy time before the sugar squad was preparing him for this moment. A moment inconsequential to anyone other than him. As Rin turned and left him behind, he weighed the weapon in his hand while his mouth smoothed into a blankly thin line. The ice in his eyes was real now, not just a color that made the usual warmth in them seem funny. This was wrong, but maybe she was right. Something in his brain told him that he could use this thing to protect his friends in an emergency. His jello magic wasn't very threatening or lethal. If the sugar squad was ever put in a life or death situation, having a physical blade would make him more of an asset, right? Taking a little extra rope, he tied the sword to his back and followed her deeper into the camp.

    After checking a few tents with just beds and a few odd belongings inside, Theo started to worry that there wouldn't be any supplies. If not, what could they do? Head to the company the cat people ordered from to see if they could replace it? Could they do that? "You know, a delivery person shouldn't have to worry about getting killed on the job," he chatted idly as they systematically checked all the tents. This was an assumption of course, but it seemed clear enough. If the delivery person had simply been robbed, that same day the person would have made it back to the company and the kitty-featured citizens would have been informed, rather than waiting a month with no word and no food. So cruel...

    They finally came to a larger tent in the back. Originally he'd thought it was probably the big boss's tent, but when they pulled the flap back it seemed obvious. It was packed with food. They had quite the storage for the camp. It may be meager dwellings, but they were eating well. Theo whistled. "This is impressive...Welp! Load it up!" he grinned, nudging a large box toward her. He took his own box and started dumping the shelves into it. "We may need those bears again to haul it. This kitty people will be so happy~"

    [469 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 20th March 2018, 10:16 pm

    Seeing the sad look in Theo's eyes made Rin a bit concerned, but she didn't say anything as she searched the tents. If he had wanted to talk about it, he would have told her that something was up. Sighing, she was a bit worried that he didn't feel comfortable talking to her. She wanted him to trust her, but she knew that they had only been friends for a short time. Maybe she was a bit quick to trust people. Distracted by her thoughts, she was startled when Theo began to speak to her. She hadn't even thought about the poor delivery person that might have lost their life... "Nobody should have to be worried about being killed by someone like that... I feel so bad for that person and their family... They had people that cared about them, and now they're just gone. It's so unfair." Rin mumbled, becoming a bit somber herself. "But I guess the world is unfair..." She continued, scowling at the things that she was digging through.

    Not finding anything in the smaller tents, they began to approach the biggest tent in the camp. They opened it, and there was food everywhere. Quickly recovering from her less than happy mood, Rin's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Food! Haha! We did it!" Rin squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around Theo. He was right, the cat people were going to be overjoyed by their findings! Releasing her friend from her grip and letting him continue to put the food in a box, she moved towards the opposite shelf. Humming quietly to herself, she filled her own box carefully, making sure that none of the precious cargo got damaged. These boxes were definitely going to much too heavy for them to carry all the way to the village on their own. "Hey Lily. Can you grab these boxes and fly them outside for me, please?" Rin asked her furry companion. "Yes!" Lily replied, scooping up the boxes once they were full, and soaring out of the tent with them. "She's much stronger than she looks." Rin giggled, watching her pet carry them out easily. "But she won't be able to carry them the whole way, so I have a plan." She continued, skipping happily out of the tent.

    When Lily had the boxes on the ground, Rin grabbed her tablet and began to draw once again. When she had finished, a familiar face appeared in front of them. The elephant lifted it's trunk once again and let out a triumphant doot. "Well! I thought our friend here would be better than the bears for carrying things. He should be able to carry us too!" Rin said, smiling and patting the elephant lightly on the side.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 20th March 2018, 11:35 pm

    "Well! Nice to see you again, Eller-boo!" he grinned, nicknaming her familiar drawn elephant. "Between ultra-strong Lily and your drawings, I don't think you really need me," he said with a laugh, though it may have sounded just a smidge hollow. Regardless, Theo clambered up the animal, finding a perch and settling in for the ride back. He pulled out his iLac and sent a message to the magic council about picking up all the bandits, hoping they got what they deserved for killing an innocent person simply trying to do their job.

    After that, he fell back into the silence that consumed him on their travels at the day's beginning. As the elephant lumbered its way back onto the path that lead to their destination, Theo reflected on the recent events. It was quiet now. His shoulder was still sore, but very much improved. They'd made a journey and found cat-like people who had been suffering with only eggs to eat. He'd made a goof and gotten beaten with a broom, but he realized he deserved it as usual. He'd gotten to know Rin better, and that little tidbit brought a smile to his face. It probably seemed weird for him to just be smiling to himself in silence, but his face was expressive in a way he couldn't control. His mind moved on, though, to the fight and his amazement with Rin's magic. He'd never get tired of watching it, though he couldn't help but agree with her that it wasn't very offensive. Neither was his. And really, neither was Lester's. That took his mind back to the sword on his back. If he was expected or forced to be the fighter of the squad, could he do it? Could he bring himself use this dark weapon on his back? His distant expression clouded, looking stormy even. It was conflicting, not wanting to be the one to use the sword but also wanting to use it to protect his new friends. If someone had to do it, he'd rather shoulder that burden. He'd told Rin that earlier, and it still stood in this case.

    Realizing he had slipped into a shadowy place, Theo began visibly trying to pull himself out and be what his friends probably considered "normal" Theo, but it was just one of those days. He realized by now it really was probably obvious to Rin. He glanced at her, seeming to debate his next words before he inhaled and exhaled deeply and went for it. "I'm sorry I haven't been myself today," he admitted to her, tilting his head and offering her a smile. "It happens sometimes. I usually sleep through it, but we needed to do this, and life can't just stop when you feel weird, right?" he asked, though it seemed rhetorical.

    He turned, flopping onto his belly on the elephant's back so he could look out over the surroundings. He was surprised to see the walls of the town not too far away, hiding empty streets. They'd been hidden when they first arrived, too. They were probably waiting for them to announce themselves once inside before revealing themselves. "We're almost there."

    [529 words]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by Eden Knox 21st March 2018, 3:04 pm

    The elephant continued forward, letting out the occasional doot as it walked. This had been quite the journey, and Rin was now quite tired. Letting out a small yawn, she began to doze off a bit, hoping that Theo and Lily wouldn't mind if she took a small rest.Leaning her back against one of the boxes, she closed her eyes and let out a small sigh. She had noticed that Theo had gone back to his somber attitude, but reminded herself that she shouldn't say anything, even though she really was quite worried.

    She had begun to submit to the pulls of sleep, when she heard Theo start to speak. Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up, giving him her full attention. "Don't apologize, Theo! We all have bad days. If you ever need someone to lean on, I'm always here for you." Rin replied, smiling brightly. She had had her share of bad days herself, but she was the type that would never let it show. Seeing Theo flip onto his stomach to look around, she did the same, wanting to get a good look at what he was seeing. He was right, they were quite close to the village now! "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see the supplies!" Rin cheered, squealing quietly with excitement.

    Once they had entered the village, Rin slid down the side of her elephant, helped get the boxes off of it's back, then erased it off of her tablet, waving as it disappeared. She was a bit sad to see it go, but knew that she would see it again soon. "Hey! We're back! We got the supplies!" Rin called out to the cat people. The village was just as empty as it had been when they had first arrived, but as soon as they heard this call, they all came rushing to the town's center. Cheers came from all around them, some women cried, some children squealed and jumped around, and some people just simply smiled. Seeing these reactions made Rin feel incredibly warm inside. She and Theo had made these people so incredibly happy. "Miss Rin and Mr. Theo, we cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us." The cat woman Rin had talked to before came forward and bowed to them gratefully. Straightening up once more, the woman seemed to smirk as we approached Rin, putting her arm around her shoulder and ushering her farther into the crowd. Rin looked back to Theo, a bit confused by what was going on. "Let me bestow upon you, a gift, my dear." the woman said, a slight purr in her voice. "A-A gift? I couldn't accept anything from you, ma'am! If anyone should be receiving a gift, it should be Theo. He's the one who's been a bit sad today." Rin whispered to the woman as they walked away from the people. "Oh trust me, dear. This will make him happy, don't you worry!" The woman cackled, dragging her into one of the houses.

    "I-I'm not so sure about this" Rin said, blushing deeply as she began to walk out of the house she had just been dragged into. "You look absolutely divine, miss! Do not be nervous! Just do exactly what I told you!" Miku, the cat woman, said, smiling almost devilishly. Walking through the crowd again, Rin approached Theo. Miku had forced her to wear this kitty costume, and she felt that she looked a bit strange in it. She couldn't even look up at her friend because she was so embarrassed. "U-Umm... What do I say again?" Rin asked, turning to Miku for support. The devious cat woman leaned over and whispered in her ear, giggling quietly once she had relayed the message. "N-Nya~?" Rin mewed, moving her hands upwards in some sort of kitty motion. "D-Did I do it right?!" She blurted to her cat friend. "Yes dear! That was perfect!" Miku managed to say through her fit of giggles. "I-I-I'm sorry Theo! M-Miku said that this would make you happy! I-I'm sorry!" Rin squeaked, turning bright red and bowing to him several times. "W-We should get going! Haha! Thank you Miku, goodbye!" She continued, grabbing Lily and rushing towards the village's exit. What a strange place this was.
    coded by benetnasch of THQ

    Rin Mayou





    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo I2D4CIg


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    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo Empty Re: ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo

    Post by 88 21st March 2018, 4:01 pm

    It really was great, seeing all the hungry people file out of their homes and businesses in various states of joy and relief. Watching them look into the boxes with dancing and tears made his heart happy. So much of life was taken for granted, sometimes things like this put the world into perspective. For better or for worse, these days Theo didn't have to worry about where the food would come from and when. Maybe he'd gotten to comfortable in Crystal Swan...

    Those thoughts disappeared as Rin was spirited away to receive a gift. Theo stood in the crowd, feeling a little confused and a touch concerned. A gift for Rin...that he would like? The young man puzzled over it the entire time she was gone, even a little worried that maybe they'd kidnapped her. But that wouldn't make any sense. They just saved this village? Why would they go and do something so villainous while he was standing right there? And why didn't he get a-- the thought was cut off as another kitty person rushed up to him, shoving shrink-wrapped back into his hands that held some sort of black and white garment. "Gift," the girl said simply, then scurried off to start rummaging through the big boxes. So he did get one. But what the heck was it?

    Before he could investigate too far, Rin and the woman that stole her returned. It was a good thing his friend wasn't looking at him, because he was staring at her with huge eyes and an open mouth. Theo became a human thermometer, turning red from his feet all the way to his bulb of a head. The cat woman was right. Oh boy, was she right. This made Theo happy. Though he was glowing red and frozen in place, his face held an awkward smile. He was holding it together pretty well, considering she was so freaking adorable that he wanted to hug her...until her "N-Nya~". That brought him out of it "Hnnng..." The quiet groan forced its way out of his paralyzed throat, then he suddenly covered his mouth to suppress the nervous giggles. No, Theo! Try to be at least a little attractive. Stay cool! Be suave. Channel your inner cucumber...

    He failed at being a cucumber, especially since he'd fallen to his hands and knees at the sight of her pawing motion. "Rin..." he mumbled, getting up on jello legs to follow her as she started off. "R-Rin! Don't be sorry! It does make me happy," he stammered again, reaching a hand out for her as he fumbled along behind her. "Do it again...please! Oh my god it was so cute~"

    [447 words, WC exceeded]


    ♪ Girls with Tails and Stolen Packages! ♪ Job w/ Theo 65698_s

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