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    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    Star ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 31st March 2018, 1:14 am

    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Tumblr_nxexvpMGlV1rmu963o1_500

    Primary Magic: Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires.
    Secondary Magic: N/A.
    Type: Lost. ;; Holder.
    ✥ Once upon a time, a last name held by a line of powerful female witches, Ginseng, was a name that would cause muse to overflow in the hearts and minds of those living in the Witch World. A name that symbolized powerful acts of magic in the form of magical grimoires as well as beautiful works of witchcraft, it was first given to a little witch found alone in the streets of the Witch World, cradling a set of grimoires one had never seen before; they were lined in magical golden designs and filled with immense amounts of knowledge. Miracle Ginseng was the great great great great great great great grandmother of the only Ginseng left in the living universe; similarly, she was an extremely powerful elven witch that had a strange magic that nobody had ever seen before in that dimension. It was a magic now known as requip magic, a magic that utilized another dimension under the reigning witch's control to pull items out in order to be used in combat and everyday actions. Unlike the common requip magics showcased in the modern age of Earthland, it was a very different type of requip magic; it did not utilize great swords and battle axes, but magical grimoires that she had filled with her own personal findings and knowledge of witchcraft in addition to experiences that she had went through while researching her eclectic arts.

    ✥ Miracle Ginseng was unable to explain how she discovered her magical pocket dimension, like how she was unable to explain how the arts of witchcraft came to her so quickly. On the day she turned the age of twelve, the young elf woke up with a strange grimoire on her chest that was entirely empty, and upon opening the book of magic she soon learned the ability of how to travel across dimensions as well as how to travel to the pocket dimension that she had complete control over. All her life she had the instinct to pull her grimoires out of the dimension and store them there, but she only though that it was in a vast and blank area in space; in reality, it was a physical dimension that could be traveled to, and had many different aspects to it that made it a work of art and realistic fantasy. Upon traveling to the dimension, she found herself in a giant library of sorts, that of which housed all of the grimoires that she had wrote in each day as well as those that she was capable of utilizing with her magic. It was like a safe-haven of books in the form of a giant tower that stretched far into the sky; the library housing her grimoires was in the form of a giant hollow tree of life, with branches acting as bridges and ladders across platform after platform of the literary bookcases. It was a wonderland of magical energy and knowledge of witchcraft that she had created as well as from ancestors that she had never heard of or seen before; it was a place of power and reverence, that of which she would continue to pass down to the powerful and majestic female witches in her bloodline.

    ✥ As time went by in the Witch World and love prospered with the powerful witch, she married a witch of much lesser power due to his courageous and selfless acts, and proceeded to grow a large family of powerful witches. Unlike typical modern acts of taking the last name of the husband, it was only right that the last name of Ginseng would stay with Miracle and the last name of the husband would stay with him; in addition to this, it became a tradition that boys in the family would take the last name of their father figure, and the girls would take the last name of their mothers. This last name passed onto the girls would be no other than the last name Ginseng, as it was observed that the femininity passed on through their magical genes was far more powerful than their male siblings; the name Ginseng was a last name that promoted power and strong acts of eclectic witchcraft, that of which the men in the family would never be able to reach. Daughter after daughter, the last name of Ginseng just became more and more well known in the Witch World, and was a symbol of strength in the feminine body. A line of elves that were extremely strong in the arts, people sought after them in order to perform acts of witchcraft that could not be achieved by the average witch, which ultimately lead to their mysterious downfall and disappearing from the Witch World.

    ✥ The Grandmother of the last Ginseng still alive, known as Pennyroyal Ginseng, was definitely one of the darkest members of the female bloodline. Being a shy and reserved witch of the famous name, she typically did many things that one could label as evil for money; her biggest feat of this sort was an attempted poisoning on one of the royal families of the World for hire, which resulted in the death of their princess and prince. While this may have sounded successful at first, it was indeed a failed mission; the King and Queen still remained alive followed with the other members of their royal court, and had full information that Pennyroyal was the one that was the mastermind of this task. Their only option was to banish the Ginseng line from the Witch World for the rest of eternity to Earthland, in which they did just as such. Pennyroyal was not opposed to this change, as she thought it would be harmless; they began to build a life in the magical country of Seven and proceed to delve into the art of witchcraft more, as well as passing on their magical traits to those that came after them in the bloodline. Before long, the Mother of the last Ginseng alive was born, Velvet Ginseng, and proceeded to marry a minor elven witch from Seven named Clove Anise. Life was good for the family of witches until the witch hunters came under rumors that witchcraft had struck Seven; nearly every member of their family was slaughtered, except for Velvet and Clove. They were out collecting berries for potions they were to sell to those that needed them in Seven; upon returning and finding their home in shambles, they fled to Sphere Island, and proceeded to follow in their family's footsteps and build a life once more.

    ✥ Giving birth to Rosemary Ginseng and dying ten years later to witch hunters, the young elf was labeled as the last Ginseng in existence. Bearing this magic that was passed on from mother to mother, Velvet Ginseng graced her with this pocket dimension and taught her how to utilize it well; it contains every grimoire that was written by every member of her family tree, thousands upon thousands of magical literary works in the name of witchcraft. Referring to the pocket dimension as The Tree of Ginseng and her magic as Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires, she is capable of utilizing each book that was written by her ancestors in order to succeed in battle and become an extremely great witch. Each grimoire that is stored in this pocket dimension holds great powers and information; she can call upon them to use in battle as well as to aid her in making and knowing things, such as potions and identification. Being a very versatile and rare form of magic that only Rosemary knows how to use, it can be seen as a great feat of magical power and knowledge to those that she faces off against and fights with. Bearing the power of her ancestors with each spell, it is known that with the power of wielding the last name Ginseng and using her magic to its full extent, Rosemary possesses great skill in the form of the magical arts and witchcraft.

    ✥ This magic is extremely versatile, and has a spell for nearly any moment and need in battle.
    ✥ Each grimoire holds extreme amounts of information that can be used for many different things along with their ability to cast spells.
    ✥ Passed on from powerful witch to powerful witch, these grimoires hold immense amounts of power that can be showcased in battle if used correctly.

    ✥ Being a very elemental magic, nearly any spell can feed its corresponding slayer easily.
    ✥ Grimoires, being books, aren't typically suitable for hand to hand combat like swords are.
    ✥ Sometimes versatility can be a bad thing, especially when considering elemental advantages and disadvantages.

    ✥ Truth.

    ✥ Unique Grimoires ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire of Storage Space: The grimoires that are stored in this pocket dimension have been passed down the Ginseng bloodline ever since witchcraft ever had come into existence; different purposes and topics for each, some are wrote for strange and different things than one would expect. At any moment Rosemary can call upon a grimoire called "The Grimoire of Storage Space", which is essentially a grimoire of magical pages that appear blank. Upon rising an object against a page and channeling slight magical energy into it, it will go into the page and turn into a drawn out version of itself, along with a general description as well as different information of its origins, ownership, and much more. This serves as a storage unit to transport goods easily, and can be requipped without cooldowns and durations. She can utilize these stored items by pulling them from the pages, as well as the other way around. It is fairly useful in and out of battle, as she can store items and other weapons of her arsenal inside of it if she needed to. In addition to this, it provides Rosemary a 60% speed buff due to the lightness of the book passively, in and out of the pocket dimension.

    Grimoire of Knowledge: Grimoires are essentially large textbooks of magecraft and other things, that of which give instruction of how to perform different spells in addition to information of many things pertaining to the sort. As Rosemary owns many different thick grimoires that are sorted by elements, one would assume that her grimoires hold extreme amounts of information; they would be correct. Along with her spells, Rosemary can use the grimoires she summons to reference things pertaining to other things in the modern world; an example of this could be using her grimoire of minerals to identify different types of crystals and rock formations, nature based grimoires to identify flowers and other things, use these identified items and knowledge to create potions for plot related purposes, and much more. The possibilities are endless, as long as they pertain somewhat to the book that she has requipped and make sense with it. This can only work on other player items and other things with OOC permission. In her pocket dimension, this knowledge is promoted by a flying grimoire of knowledge with a spell of genius upon it; it functions as a way for these books to be understood by each member of the Ginseng bloodline, no matter what language it was wrote in. In addition to this, Rosemary's magical power is passively buffed by 60% at all times due to proficiency with the elements.

    Grimoire of Higher Range: Inside of her pocket dimension flying next to the Grimoire of Knowledge through the bookshelves upon bookshelves housing all of her grimoires lies a smaller grimoire coated in great runes and different colors; it was an extensive way to cast a spell upon a grimoire, including all of the text that lies inside. Floating out of the pages of this grimoire are runes upon runes, gracing the bookmarks of the books that it flies nearby and causing them to transfer spiritually onto them; they cannot be visibly seen, but are definitely there. This spell is very useful to the grimoires that are contained in this magic, as it allows each of their spells (actives and passives), to go upward into the next range / speed bracket. For example, using a D rank single target spell, it would usually travel at a speed of 45 m/s up to 60 meters away (D rank values); it would now be able to travel at a speed of 90 m/s up to 120 meters away.

    Grimoire of Dimensional Travel: Rosemary is said to be the last member of the Ginseng bloodline to be alive, therefore she has total control over the pocket dimension that she pulls her grimoires from. Being able to call upon one of the hardest to reach grimoires in the giant dimension, known as the Grimoire of Dimensional Travel, she is capable of using it to travel to different dimensions as well as the dimension that she owns; her pocket dimension. As for the actual pocket dimension, being so huge yet also easily able to traverse, she is capable of going there with as many people and items as she wishes as well as store things there, though she usually sticks to her storage grimoire and her own cabin in the woods. This pocket dimension is also locked off at all times- nobody can enter without Rosemary's consent, even if they try and have powers to enter different dimensions; she will be notified if they try, and they will not succeed if she does not let them. Like being able to bring as many people as she wishes to her own pocket dimension, she can do the same when traveling to other dimensions and planes, as long as there is consent from the other players. In addition to this, due to proficiency in dimensional travel, Rosemary receives a passive 60% magical power buff at all times.

    Grimoire of Energized Dimensions: Stored inside of her pocket dimension of neatly organized Grimoires flies a beautiful levitating book that is constantly flipping through its pages, the words flowing through the air of the dimension around the other grimoires in order to power them up. Leaving their mark in the form of etched runes inside of the spines of the magical books, it gives the holder of them benefits at all times; she does own the pocket dimension and has complete control of it, after all. With this grimoire flipping constantly in the dimension alongside the two mentioned above, sometimes separated and sometimes flying together, each posting round that passes inside of the topic that Rosemary is in will increase her magical power by 20% and speed by 10%.

    ✥ Personal Grimoires of the Family Tree ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 000XY:
    Grimoire 000XX:

    Last edited by Rosemary Ginseng on 7th April 2018, 12:17 pm; edited 14 times in total


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 31st March 2018, 1:35 am

    ✥ Basic Elemental Grimoires ✥ D ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 1:
    Grimoire 2:
    Grimoire 3:
    Grimoire 4:
    Grimoire 5:
    Grimoire 6:
    Grimoire 7:
    Grimoire 8:
    Grimoire 9:
    Grimoire 10:
    Grimoire 11:


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 6th April 2018, 10:57 pm

    ✥ Grimoires of Magic Cards ✥ C ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 12:
    Grimoire 13:
    Grimoire 14:
    Grimoire 15:


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 7th April 2018, 3:57 pm

    ✥ Grimoires of Lives and Essence ✥ B ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 16:
    Grimoire 17:
    Grimoire 18:
    Grimoire 19:

    Last edited by Rosemary Ginseng on 7th April 2018, 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 7th April 2018, 4:02 pm

    ✥ Grimoires of _ ✥ A ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 20:
    Grimoire 21:
    Grimoire 22:
    Grimoire 23:


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 7th April 2018, 4:10 pm

    ✥ Grimoires of _ ✥ S ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    Grimoire 24:
    Grimoire 25:
    Grimoire 26:

    Last edited by Rosemary Ginseng on 7th April 2018, 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Star Re: ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥

    Post by anastasia 7th April 2018, 4:11 pm

    ✥ Grimoire of Edit Notes ✥
    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ Divider_by_graphicaelegance-dagk15g

    This grimoire is empty.


    ✥ Requip: The Ginseng Grimoires ✥ 8qhOnIb

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