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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 13th February 2018, 7:22 pm

    The sun was burning hot. Then again, dangerous temperatures were very common in that specific part of Earthland. Desierto, land of sand and dunes. Only a few living beings were able to survive in Desierto's difficult and dangerous climate. Lack of resources, sandstorms, and even dangerous animals were relevant enough to keep weak travelers away from an adventure like this one. Sogi, knowing all these risks, was more than prepared for the adventure. With thing cloths covering his head to avoid hear and a kerchief over his face to block the sand, Sogi had no trouble walking through the desert. He carried a backpack with lots of water and supplies. He was no exploring expert, but he was smart enough to pack a few sandwiches and at least 4 bottles of water.

    "So, they said we should look for some sort of ancients ruins around here." Said Sogi. Travelers had been disappearing during the last few weeks. Sources can confirm they were kidnapped, and while it is not sure where the kidnapper's hideout is, information gathered by the group of mages could almost confirm they were looking for ancient ruins in the middle of the desert. While the reason after the travelers being kidnapped was still unknown by the mages, they had reasons to believe they were still alive and were about to be killed in a few hours. They were against a clock looking for their people. "Can you see anything?" Asked Sogi. The sun was very bright and was directly hitting him in the eyes. He tried to cover his eyes with his hand. It did not block all of it, but it made it possible for him to take an easy look at the area. The only thing he could see was waving sand, moving only because of the effects produced by the high temperatures of the desert. "I think we should be close now, it's been a while." Said Sogi. They had been walking for a few hours now. They left from a small village before sunrise, but if they did not find the targeted hideout before 1 o'clock or so, they would have to walk back to the village to avoid the freezing dangerous temperatures of Desierto.

    WC: 372/1500



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 13th February 2018, 7:41 pm

    Beauty Is In The Heart
    words: 440/3000. tag: @username. notes: Rina's family is homeless.
    Rina and Sogi had just left the comfy village they were at. The village people were very nice and Rina seemed to take a liking to their manners. They seemed like they were really worried about the slaves that were lost. Rina could tell it was true passion and not just because of money. Everybody in the village gave as much evidence as they could muster up to save their slaves they called family. Rina almost cried at the site. Sooner or later though they had to leave but the villagers were nice enough to give the 2 food for the journey ahead.

    Rina was taking in the beautiful sun and just smile and said cheerfully as she was breathing in her surroundings "My family and I never could go to beautiful places like this. Instead of sun, it was just city lights and instead of sand, it was just streets. We were too poor for to even afford a house."  Rina was having a very pleasant time being out and about the beautiful area. She could see Sogi having trouble with the sun since he was a tiny child. She wasn't sure if he should come but he was persistent, extremely persistent. She was hoping he came because he took a liking to her as a friend but she would never know. Aside from those things she was just thinking about the job. Her thoughts kept picturing these awful people being dragged from an area they called home. She thought they probably didn't expect it and were just going on with their lives. They were just suddenly taken not realizing what was happening before it was too late. Rina then went out of her trance as Sogi said the temple was coming up soon.

    People said to them that the captured people were brought to the temple but Rina couldn't even tell where that was with all the sun. The thing she adored actually started to get blinding as she looked through the area hoping for some sign of human life. Rina was extremely distraught and started zoning out too much to even listen to what Sogi was saying. She was guessing they were closed because she started seeing footprints. She started to realize that there were markings of bodies being dragged away. Trying to warn Sogi she said, "Sogi I think these are markings of the man and the captured slaves." Before she could get in another word she looked up to see the marks leading to a giant temple. It looked dangerous as if there could be traps but she wouldn't know unless they got there.

    Last edited by Musicalbunny on 15th February 2018, 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 14th February 2018, 7:59 pm

    Sogi looked at the footprints left behind by the one they thought was the kidnapper. But before any of them both said anything else, they saw the temple they were looking for. It was very big but Sogi had not been able to spot it earlier. "Wow Rina, you're very smart." Said Sogi very impressed with Rina finding the temple. It might not have been a big deal for Rina, but Sogi was still very young and was really impressed by most things, especially by things related to the abilities of a mage. "Let's go, I guess the guy we are looking for is most likely inside that temple." Said Sogi as he started to walk towards the constructions.

    Once they go to the entrance, Sogi stopped just to be safe and maybe avoid any kind of traps along the way. Sogi took a careful look around and while he did not even know what he was looking for, he did not find anything strange. "Can't see any traps here..." Said Sogi out loud to let Rina know at least the few feet into the temple. Sogi then stopped and decided to take no risks. He was actually pretty afraid of finding a trap. He did not like quick or loud noises. In fact, he was easily scared by most surprises of that nature. "Rina... would you mind walking first." Said Sogi as he looked at him and tried to charm his way out of the situation. He opened a huge smile and attempted to look as cute as possible, maybe that way he had better chances of convincing Rina. "It is not that I'm afraid or anything, but if my adorable face gets damaged, we might not have it if we need it." Said Sogi. He was actually kidding with that last part but was indeed still trying to convince Rina to go first. His adorable face was after all a real thing.

    WC: 324
    Total WC: 696



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 14th February 2018, 9:34 pm

    Beauty Is In The Heart
    words: 1,004. tag: @username. notes: Charge!!!
    Sogi had just asked Rina to stand in front of him. Rina wasn't too surprised at how little he was so Rina was completely fine with the need to defend him. She really loved to protect the people she cared for so this wouldn't be too big of a burden for her. Rina led the way through the temple being careful to not trigger any traps.

    She was starting to believe this place was completely trap-free but felt a tiny feeling in her gut that something was wrong. She formed a flower into her hand and then made it explode into many pieces. They turned into kunais that were very small but sharp. She then yelled "Petal storm" which put all the kunais into an orb. When she pushed it out it floated very slowly and then at the last moment Rina took the leftover kunai she had and threw it at the orb. It popped into multiple pieces and hit the area thoroughly making sure not to miss a spot. She didn't miss a spot either because a few seconds after she popped the orb spikes came up. She knew something was there and then looked for a solution to get past it. She looked and saw a tile lower than the others and picked off her kunai. After that happened the spikes still didn't go up which meant there were other tiles. One after the other Rina came up with 13 kunais that triggered the spikes. She was careful not to step on one and left trails of the kunais to leave a path for Sogi to follow so he didn't die a gruesome death. Once she was all the way through she made a deep sigh of relief as she felt the whole weight of the world crushing her. She was so scared but yet she knew. She had a sense and followed it which helped bring her confidence up. She told Sogi while he was behind her, "I don't think there are any more traps. They put too much effort into this one to have thought they needed more." She said it as confidently as she could so Sogi wouldn't second guess her. She was glad she was able to protect Sogi and it made her happy to know she did something right. Her confidence didn't waver throughout the pathway.

    As she saw a door with the light on the other side she ran through it. It was closed but there was still a peephole to see what was happening. The screams were gruesome as Rina saw many slaves hit the ground as they died. It was awful to her how someone could do such an awful thing. With a loud boom of shouting was a man that said "Hahaha, some more sacrifices to sacrifice to my god. You won't stop me even if you tried." As he said this the doors began to open and Rina held Sogi tight to her as if to protect him. As she did this she put a hand on her heart and pulled out a hammer with a flower on the end. She then yelled back to him "You won't stop us old man. We won't back down. So say to your god he's out of luck because we will stop you." Once she said this she pointed her hammer towards him.



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 15th February 2018, 7:42 pm

    Just after Sogi's request, Rina decided to stand in front. "Thank you, Rina." Said Sogi as he followed her through the temple. Only a few minutes inside the temple and Sogi's call to let Rina in front of him paid results. Rina summoned a bunch of kunai which after turning into an orb, exploded revealing more than a few spikes. Deadly traps able to instantly kill any normal human and most likely Sogi and Rina as well. "Wow! That was amazing." Said Sogi after seeing Rina's amazing abilities. Looking for traps would have never been something Sogi would have thought about. But not only that, Rina left a couple of kunai behind her to leave a track for Sogi to follow. She was risking her life and safety by going in front, but she still managed to pull their way through with no mistakes at all. Sogi was not only impressed, he was very glad they became close friends.

    Once they reached the other side of the hallway, they saw a door. Through the door, slaves hitting the ground could be seen. Screaming people bounced on the temple's floor as their blood ended up painting the bricks below them. Just as they were spotted by the kidnapper, the man shouted a few words, announcing his future victory and trying to intimidate the Fairy Tail party. Rina held Sogi in attempt to protect him. Sogi's emotions started to fly around. He was very sad for those who were dying. Despite being a 7 year old kid, he was not completely devastated by seeing such a horrific image. However, he was also very impressed by Rina's confidence. And lastly, he felt very happy Rina cared so much about him. The first thing she did was to hold Sogi after all.

    Just after Rina took her weapon out, Sogi decided to prepare for combat as well. He took his flute which was not at all intimidating in its neutral form. However, it was still quite a powerful weapon, only limited by Sogi's power. Some of the slaves were still alive, in fact, some of the ones who fell to the ground were still breathing. Sogi was very smart when it came to medicine and he noticed most slaves could still be saved. The ugly fat man, also known by the group as the kidnapper they were looking for, placed his palms together, creating a big magic circle around him. A few seconds after, the hall started to tremble. The ground beneath the slaves started to turn into a sand pit, pulling even those unconscious underneath the ground. But just before even a single slave was pulled beneath the ground, Sogi placed his flute on his lips and played a single note. A smaller magic circle appeared in front of Sogi's flute, nullifying and canceling the man's spell. The ground stopped morphing into a sand pit, leaving the slaves unconscious but still above ground level. "Hit him hard Rina." Said Sogi as he pointed at him with his little flute.

    WC: 506
    Total WC: 1202



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 15th February 2018, 8:47 pm

    Beauty Is In The Heart
    words: 1678/3000. tag: @username. notes: This just got morbid
    Rina was very impressed by the magic Sogi had on his flute. It may have been small but it seemed quite useful and she liked that. Sogi really showed her how powerful his magic was with that one ability. She knew he was strong but is now completely amazed by how he could just stop that mage from killing all of those slaves. Now it was her turn to impress Sogi she brought the hammer out and charged courageously. She was ready to stand for the slaves and swung for him.

    He was fast but the hammer was big enough to hit the fat of his belly as he tried to dodge. Rina was confused on how agile this man was for being so fat. She aimed for his feet but missed as he raised himself up on pillars of sand. She was amazed by the man on how he could manipulate the sand so well. He moved the sand beneath his feet to move around quickly so he could control his body instead of feet while dodging. She realized that she needed to go a different route and slammed the ground and said "Tectonic Wave" as she swung the hammer to the ground to create an earthquake that shook the ground. Once he fell off of his balance Rina went in for the hit. He seemed to have a good bit of life still left in him.

    Rina stood above him as if she won but he was ready and started to burrow underground as a whirlpool of sand that sucked her in. She then changed the color of her dress to spring colors and gained some more speed. She was sure she would need it if she got out of the whirlpool she was in. Right as she was changing colors the man jumped out at her and hit her. She felt pain and tried to catch him but he went back in. She kept searching for him but she couldn't. He hit her once more before she gave up on her hammer and put it away to get out her Corcus Staff. As she raised it up she pushed down into the whirlpool and hoped for something to be hit with. She pushed down as hard as she could and hit something.

    The man began to drift upwards from the whirlpool and then the whirlpool stopped. As the whirlpool dissipated the main began to run towards Rina but she hit him to the other side of the room. He looked very weak at that point so Rina took pity on him and said "We promise you will get to live if you just let these slaves go and come with us to prison. You will be safe there and happy so please come with us and stop hurting these poor slaves." After she said this she let out a hand as if to pick him up. He then said to her with a devious laugh "You won't take me alive, not as long as my god is still with me."

    He began to create a whirlpool and pulled out a gun and said: "Yes my god let me be with you forever." Rina yelled to Sogi and said "Close your eyes and cover your ears. Please, Sogi does this for me." As she looked back she heard a gunshot and saw blood covering the sand. Rina put her staff on her bag and cried out a few tears. She then went over to Sogi and hugged him trying to cheer him up and hope that he wasn't scarred for life. She said to him "This man was insane but he had did what he believed was right. Sogi, remember that there are reasons to everyone and hold onto that feeling. Just please don't ever do anything to hurt yourself. You are a good kid so please just don't make me lose you." As she was comforting the little boy something came out of the whirlpool and Rina looked in question.



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 19th February 2018, 6:43 pm

    After Sogi stopped the man from drowning the slaves with sand, Rina dashed towards him and used her hammer to fight. Sand was quickly moving around, but Rina was mostly able to catch up with the man's moves. "Do it Rina!" Shouted Sogi to show his support. He then turned to the slaves. Some of them were moving but some others were completely unconscious. He took a quick glance at the fight and noticed Rina had it pretty much under control, so he decided to run towards the victims. He ran towards a slave who was conscious and moving. Sogi took a good look at his wounds, none of them were fatal nor too dangerous to wait; however, the slave was indeed looking very weak. That was, of course, to be expected, some of them had most likely not eaten for a few days. Sogi took his backpack and pulled out a water bottle. He tilted the man's head up and places the water bottle on his lips, letting some of the liquid flow from inside the bottle. Sogi had some food, but he was not sure it was a good idea. The man was not completely aware of what he was doing, food would be dangerous for him since chocking was not too farfetched. He then left that man and ran towards the next one. One by one Sogi was giving the conscious one's water. Again, he did not want to choke anyone to death, so he was just not capable of giving water to those unconscious.

    After a few slaves drank water, he turned around and saw how the fight had ended up. Rina had overwhelmed the kidnapper and had essentially defeated the man. However, without really having a clear understanding of the situation, Sogi heard Rina's words. Following Rina's petition, Sogi closed his eyes and tried to avoid the upcoming noise. His hands, however, were not able to completely cover his ears and after opening his eyes he understood what had happened. Rina ran to comfort Sogi. Sogi was not exactly in shock, but he was still quite shaken. His skin turned a bit pale as she hugged Rina back letting a tear drop to his cheek. Sogi was still too young to understand why did it happen and only knowing what happened was quite difficult for him to take. "Thank you Rina" Said Sogi after such nice emotional help. But before anything else was said, the sand behind Rina started to move. A djinn-like demon rose from the ground as he laughed. "Finally, free again!" Said the demon as he moved his hands to feel the air around him. Sogi was not yet ready to fight, but he would still attempt to help Rina. "Let's take him, I'll help you." Sogi pushed his backpack away from him and held nothing but his flute as he got ready for combat.

    WC: 483
    Total WC: 1685



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 19th February 2018, 7:51 pm

    Beauty Is In The Heart
    words: 2213/3000 tag: @username. notes: ANNNNNNNND SHES OUT
    A demon came from the pit. He seemed to have a devil like-face with red rubies for eyes. His wings were droopy probably because they were made out of sand. As she looked down she realized his whole body was gold with nice beautiful sand. He was actually pretty to look at before his voice boomed and said, "You bratty little humans almost stopped me from taking my true form. Now you must die along with the rest of the world. Good luck in the sandpits of hell I will see you there as well becoming slaves to me." He lifted up his hands and blasted from his hand one sand claw going straight for Rina and Sogi. Rina still had her staff which was good, so she twirled it trying to create a barrier so the rest didn't hit the slaves and Sogi. The weapon seemed to block the sand claw which made Rina very happy." Once she was done blocking the claw she ran towards to the demon and yelled at Sogi and said "Defend the slaves. I know you can do it Sogi."

    She tried running up to the demon, but he raised off a wall to block Rina. Rina jumped over it but a sand projectile went straight for her. She pushed her hand onto the wall while in the air and pushed herself above the sand goo. As she looked where it hit she saw it make a dent in the stone. She wiped her forehead from her sweat and said: "That was a close one." As she said this the sand demon then said to her "Hah, I'm just warming up. You must be extremely weak if you cant even fight me below half of my power." He then went below the ground in the form of a shadow. Rina couldn't see where he was until he was right behind her. As he reached for her she hit the claw away with her staff and then took this as an opportunity to attack and yelled out "Jabbing Combo." She knocked him back with the top of her staff and then hit him on the side of his stomach and stunned him. He didn't seem to make much effect to the stun since he was made of sand and he was a demon so when Rina thought she one she was slashed in the leg with the demon's claw.

    Rina gasped in pain as the wound hurt so much. She dropped the staff and it disappointed into the air leaving flower petals behind. She wasn't sure she could fight him so close ranged anymore. She formed a flower on the back of her hand and pulled back on it like a bow. After she released the motion she formed a bow in her handmade of beautiful lavenders that smelled like heaven. She knew she couldn't walk well anymore so she shot an arrow at the demon and then laid down as she was starting to take in the pain of the demon's hit. She laid down and yelled loudly but yet breathy "Sogi...please...take... him...down." She then fell asleep hoping she wouldn't be dead the next time she woke up.



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 20th February 2018, 5:01 pm

    "Protect the Slaves!" Said Rina as she engaged in combat with the demon. The demon itself was actually pretty intimidating to Sogi, showing red shiny eyes and wings made of sand. It was easy to tell it was a demon or something similar just by its appearance. After Rina's instruction, Sogi moved towards the last few Slaves he had not yet helped by giving them water. Sogi then took a look at the fight. Rina was able to land quite an amount of hits on the demon, but after her fight with the older fat man, her magic energy was slowly fading. She seemed a bit exhausted and was eventually not able to keep the demon's pace. She evaded the first few attacks, but after a while and after landing a final combo, she was slashed and cut with the demon's claws. "Rina!" Yelled Sogi as he showed his concern. After seeing his friend damaged, Sogi started to transform. His body started to shine essentially turning into a human light. Only a white shape could be seen as he morphed into his new form. His height was increased and his clothes changed; however, despite the difference in age he now had, it was still obvious it was Sogi in the jeans he was now wearing. The light around him disappeared only after a few seconds of morphing. After this, Rina shot an arrow, landing his last attack and pronouncing her last words before fainting.

    Sogi ran towards her, putting her safety as his priority. "Time-Clone!" Said Sogi as a clone of himself, 15 year old Sogi, appeared next to Rina just as he passed next to her. "Help her!" Commanded Sogi to his clone before casting another spell. "Speed- Up." Sogi started moving at very high speeds, in fact, even the demon had some trouble following him with his eyes. Running at 53 miles per hour in a sprint, Sogi instantly turned his flute into a spear as he dashed around the demon in an attempt to confuse him before his first attack. However, the demon was able to block the first strike with his claws. Meanwhile, Sogi's clone, who was in his 15 year old form, placed his hands around Rina's wound after carrying her a few meters away from the fight. A light appeared in the wound as it started to close. "Backstep!" Rina's body was retreating in time, closing the wound and healing quite some damage.

    The original Sogi, who was now fighting the demon, dashed after his first strike attempt, moving to the Demon's blind spot and throwing another attack. But before the strike landed, a wall of sand grew from the ground blocking the attack. "You are not strong enough kid." Said the demon with arrogance. Sogi was furious and started to move fast around the demon in an attempt to hit at least once. While the demon was at first able to catch up with Sogi's attacks, he ended up being slower than Sogi and received quite an amount of slashes around his body. After grunting in desperation, the demon decided to attack as well. A magic circle appeared on the ground around the demon. The demon created a blast around him with around 5 meters radius. Dark energy pushed away all the rocks and quite some sand from the ground, leaving a big hole in the ground. "Step!"

    "Hahahaha! You actually thought you could defeat me?"
    Said the demon as he did not see Sogi anywhere near. He had assumed he had been essentially erased from the world with his attack, but Sogi had just teleported 10 meters behind him and out of his line of Sigh. "Yes, I think I can defeat you." Replied Sogi as he jumped back towards the demon, pointing his spear directly at the demon's chest. "Hoshi" The spear started to glow in light before being thrown at the demon. Naturally being strong against dark Magic, the spear easily pierced through the demon's flesh, leaving a hole right in the middle of him. But Sogi was not exactly finished. "Time Crush!" Said Sogi as he generated a black and white orb around his hand. The future, the past and the present were clashing inside such orb, leaving only a deadly attack in Sogi's hands. "Double Step!" Sogi teleported right in front of the demon, landing his last strike and then teleporting towards Rina and his clone. The demon screamed in pain as he vanished into the ground. The spear banished from his chest and appeared in Sogi's hand who was now kneeling next to the unconscious Rina.

    "Rina. Rina. Wake up." Said Both the original and clone Sogi. "Can you hear me?" The clone Sogi was still healing Rina, covering her wound with his hand. The original Sogi picked up his backpack and took his last water bottle. He opened it and was ready to give some water his friend, however, he first needed her to wake up after being healed. Just as he placed the bottle next to her, his adrenaline went down, letting his body sense everything normal again. He gently moved his body and felt a little burn on his left leg. As he turned around to look at his damaged body, he noticed there was quite a big burn covering his left leg calf; however, it was nothing he could not fix. He placed his right hand on it and created an orange bubble around it. The wound started to close, leaving a small scar. He was exhausted and was going to need Rina's help to get the slaves back to their home.

    WC: 939
    Total WC: 2624
    Magic Points: 60/100
    Buffs: +110% Speed
    Weapon Attack:



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 21st February 2018, 6:54 am

    Beauty Is In The Heart
    word 2743/3000. tag: @username. notes: P much just fillers from here on
    Rina had the most peaceful dream while she was sleeping. She dreamt of her and her family on the streets laughing and enjoying life like they used to. They were eating food Rina had just stolen and laughed over to the nicest conversation about school for her little sister "Rei." Her sister said that she got a new boyfriend and Rina couldn't help but think that times were so much easier back then when the children didn't have to worry about money. That was the night that things went terribly. Her father passed out suddenly from a cardiac arrest and passed out as they were talking. Rina was remembering this moment from her past for some reason and it was awful. She could remember the sound of her little sister crying and her mother screaming for help. No one did help or care for us homeless people so we had to run. Run to the nearest hospital we could and hope they would accept us. Hope they would allow us to turn in money later rather than then. She prayed to her gods and cried out to them to help her in her time of need. Rina remembered having her first nice encounter and entered the hospital. Her father was on her shoulders and told the staff they had no money. They didn't seem to care and went straight to healing him before it was too late. She remembered her mother comforting her little sister after the sudden issue with her father. Rina told them that they would pay money as fast as they good. Her sister had asked them with a slight tear "Please protect my daddy. He's a good dad and I want him to come back home." Ever since then Rina had joined Fairy Tail to earn money for her father's medical bills and her mother and sister to live happily in a nice apartment. She wondered what they were up to now. She dreamed about how they were doing and how dad was probably up and walking again. She smiled and then heard a voice.

    It was Sogi and it seemed like he had a small scar from the battle. Rina looked at Sogi and saw he was wounded from the battle. She saw that Sogi had slain the demon and probably put up a huge fight. She started crying tears of joy and hugged Sogi with passion. She said to him "Sogi, I knew you could do it. I'm so sorry I left but, you did it. You defeated the demon and even have a battle scar to remember it. I'm so proud of you." She felt so awful that she left Sogi to fight the demon alone. She told him that they had to start helping the Slaves get back to their rightful homes. Rina then began picking up the slaves and brought them into a cart where they could sit up and be pushed back to the villages. She was trying so hard to push them and she wouldn't stop. She just kept pushing even though it was heavy. She needed to get the slaves back to their homes no matter what.



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Sogeki 21st February 2018, 8:42 pm

    After a few more minutes, Rina woke up. She quickly hugged Sogi and apologized for essentially fainting. Teenager Sogi smiled at her as she spoke and waited for her to finish before replying. "Don't be silly Rina, I only defeated it because of you. I am the one who should be sorry for letting you fight alone in the first place." Said Sogi. "And the scar... that might be gone once I transform back to my normal age body." The original Sogi stood up and offered Rina his hand to help her get up. He would then lift her very carefully if she accepted his help.

    "Yes, the slaves... we should probably guide them home. Most of them should not even know where they are."
    Said Sogi as he commanded his clone to move towards the temple's exit. Sogi helped Rina take the slaves one by one to a nearby cart on the outsides of such temple. Once the last slave was taken, Rina, Sogi, and his clone started to push the cart; however, not only the slaves, who were now all conscious but still weak, were heavy. The desert's sand made it harder for the cart to move, but it is made for exactly that, the cart was able to move above the dusty surface. As they moved, Sogi got some food from his backpack and passed it around for the slaves to eat and drink. They were very weak and the sun was dangerous for their health. Even if they were used to such climate, their bodies were very damaged and they had been attacked both physically and psychologically.

    It was at least a few hours before the three- Rina, Sogi, and the other Sogi -got to the village they were looking for. The small town Rina and Sogi had earlier that day departed from. As they arrived with the cart in front of them, a bunch of people ran towards them in order to help and cheer as their people returned home. Both Sogi and clone Sogi stopped pushing the cart and left the villagers with their men, as they pushed them towards a big house nearby. "Thank you Sogi, see you." Said the original Sogi letting the clone know it was now fine if he left. And as Sogi transformed back to his normal child form, the adventure of both mages had ended.

    WC: 397
    Total WC: 3021



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


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    Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina) Empty Re: Desierto's Kidnapper (Job/Rina)

    Post by Musicalbunny 21st February 2018, 9:06 pm

    Rina asked Sogi to leave before so she could return the slaves with love and care. Whenever she brought them to their homes they seemed to all cry because the slaves seemed to be family for the villagers. They all hugged each other and asked Rina to stay for a dinner. She stayed and ate wonderful types of traditional food from their culture. Rina really liked the village because everyone seemed so nice and tight-knit as if they were all made to be together at this one place. Even as she was eating her rabbit leg she couldn't stop smiling at the beauty of a wonderful village. The slaves still did everything while the villagers did nothing but the villagers were polite to them and continuously thanked them with love in their eyes. All of the slaves came over and brought Rina a bundle of food and water. Rina didn't want to accept it because she didn't need it but they insisted. They wouldn't drop it for 30 minutes so Rina accepted it so they would stop hurting from the weight. They kissed Rina's feet and Rina blushed and said to them "You guys were strong, you lived so be thankful for that miracle. Not me or Sogi. Just value ur new life and move past me because you need to live while you can." They all cheered and then backed away to their normal business. Rina then began to leave the area and treasured the little encounter she had with the villagers with and waved them goodbye with a cheerful smile



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