'I led a very simple life back then. When I really think about it, it actually was not all that long ago. Five years into the past, I worked for the Rune Knights. Outstanding group to be a part of, right? Well, to be honest, I did not join for that reason. My own ideals regarding discipline and work simply happened to align well best with that particular job. Beyond that, I spent the majority of my time alone whether it was reading a book or taking walks in the nearby Eastern Forest. I also at the time had a piano at home, which I played all the time. It was old and it went out of tune pretty often but it did its job for a long time. I miss that hunk o’ junk a lot these days. Anyway, every day had pretty much the same routine: wake up at 3:30 in the morning, train for two hours, get cleaned up, work the entire day without stopping for a break, go home, train another two hours, eat something, go to sleep, rinse and repeat. I did this same thing from the age of 18 to the age of 23 years old.
Boring, I know. But then I got promoted a few times and started getting put on actual jobs. I guess that was about the time my perspectives on living began to change bit by bit. Helping people gave me this sense of accomplishment I hadn’t felt in the last five years; it was a sincerely good feeling. At this point, I still had plenty of time on my days off to play my piano and read, though my ability to take walks in the forest lessened. Over time, I didn’t mind though. That feeling I got when helping people gave me a rush of happiness I hadn’t felt in… well ever, at the time.'