Fairy Tail RP

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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 3rd November 2017, 10:14 pm

    ~~Thread Rules~~
    Post cycle starts w/ Kaori
    48HR Rule Enabled
    Enemies don't need rolling

    (OOC: I know it's a lot to read, but I needed to establish setting, and plot so it took a lot of words.)


    It was early morning at the docks of Hargeon, bay C-12 where the largest gosh darn ship in the port was parked... the Arc of Destiny. The ship alone was 1,500 feet from front to back and 350 feet across. It towered at 600 feet above the sea, and had two massive guns that a grown man could walk in, jump around and never hit the top of the barrel in. The top of the ship had a hatch that opened up to reveal a third one of these guns, and the sides had another hatch with two more half their size... the most terrifying part of the ship was that a man could still not hit the top of the barrel if he jumped. Hargeon Port's government had no problem with Kaori parking such a monstrosity in its port as the one who owned it was technically a government official herself, and held high status in the Magic Council as a Wizard Saint. It was in this ship that Kaori and company would be moving in on a very large score with...

    Over a week prior, a notice arrived at Lamia Scale from the Magic Council with a Rune Knight attached to act as an adequate paper weight. Gisen had originally planned a larger force to go to the island, but Kaori had motioned against it. The reason for the large force was the amount of monsters on the island, and their unknown level of power. However, Kaori had told her that there was a local tribe on the land mass which was enough for the Clan Leader to retract her opinion. Kaori explained that using her resources, they could mount a small attack force and clear an area. After that, Gisen would be able to establish a branch of the magic user clan on the island where they can slowly remove the monsters without disrupting the daily lives of the indigenous. This was the plan that Gisen agreed on, and when she asked how Kaori planned to get the locals to let them put the guild there, Kaori told her she'd handle it. This conversation happened over a lacrima phone call on account of Kaori being elsewhere handling business.

    Fast forward to the day of the strike force's departure, it seemed that their force consisted of the guild's two strongest members, Gisen herself, and two of the normal hunters who showed promise. Upon their entering the ship, each would hear a wise sounding, feminine voice telling them to follow the blue line on the floor. Indeed on the ground was a blue line with white chevrons moving toward an elevator that would take them up to the residential quarters. Samira would need to guidance to find her room as it literally had her name on it, and as always, was directly across from Kaori's a couple floors above the residential quarters. The residency wing held a number of rooms; lacrima vision, gym, garden, music room, kitchen, and a couple others that were less popular. The rooms for each of the other four were quite large and very nice. Each had a king sized bed, a work desk with a lacrima screen in the middle, a large bathroom with a hot-tub sized bath tub inside, and extremely expensive lotions, creams, and bathing soaps included. Once inside their rooms, a voice would speak over the intercom inside. "Greetings, I am Athena- the Artificial Intelligence of this vessel. This is a pre-recorded message. The Ark of Destiny will take two to three days to arrive at our destination, during which time I am unable to authorize access to the other levels of this ship as this is a research, development, and war ship. You'll find various rooms on this level of the ship to provide various activities. If you feel hungry but do not wish to cook, you may press the red button on the wall next to your bedroom door to request room service. If you have any inquiries, you may call my name which will allow me to access the intercom in your room. Know that the defacing of any property will result in an immediate response, as will any attempt at harming the staff or other passengers. Recording terminated."

    Kaori wasn't seen or heard from during the flight to the uncharted landmass since she was busy making sure everything was set correctly. In the research lab, Eagle was busy working on a device to keep other monsters out of a quarantine zone in an area that was determined to be the most suitable for a base of operations. It had sturdy, flat, level ground that could be improved with the right materials and construction equipment as well as very little forest surrounding it. The area could be cleared without causing too much habitat loss, which was a plus. The only issue was a trio of monsters in the area that turned out to be more dangerous that high density scans from Recon-One could predict. Also in the lab, a little girl was kept in a completely sealed lacrima cell that had no ways to enter, no ways to exit. Several could identify this child as Lillith, a girl who'd escaped prison multiple times and always ran back to the guild hall where she killed her only friends and family. The cell kept her powers contained, and Kaori was trying to work on making her mentally human again; but it was a slow process. Some oriental doctor was working on coding and doing some research in his own little area, and several armed people walked around helping where they could. Kaori was in this place doing the same, trying to make sure everything was perfect... She'd seen her own clansmen die because of her fuckups, she didn't want to risk seeing Gisen's clansmen do the same.

    Attack Day

    On the day of the mission, the Ark of Destiny was hovering over the uncharted landmass like a giant fly swatter with guns. Granted, Kaori could just blast the monsters and be done with it, that would damage the land and she was trying to avoid that. Everyone was asked to meet her in her office and Athena had used the blue lines on the ground to guide them there. Those who tried opening 'other' doors, would find that they were all locked and unable to be forced through on account of being thick metal. Once they arrived, the door to Kaori's office would open and they'd see Kaori herself standing next to the room's center piece. The center of the room had a large table with a holographic, three dimensional map of the island hovering an inch or two above its surface with a projector overhead being the source of the hologram. The walls of the room were made of bloodwood, an extremely rare and expensive, but beautiful and rugged wood. Mounted on the walls at the top were the heads of different animals taking up three rows and encircling the room. The animals weren't the cute ones like deer, elk, and gazelle; no, they were the horrifying types... the ones that Lamia Scale hunted. Below them, on each of the walls were weapons galore. Swords, spears, axes, bows, daggers, guns from all civilizations and time periods- all in perfect condition. Tables with glass cases on them lined the bottom of the room with treasures within, neatly arranged to display Kaori's travels. On the far side of the room was a desk with a stack of paper on it a foot thick sitting in the middle, and six more stacks of equal size on the right side. The desk, like the walls, was made of bloodwood and had an ornate pattern embedded into the top that was made of pure, solid gold- not gold paint. Hovering in front the desk were a dozen lacrima screens, all of them blank so as to not reveal where she put her surveillance equipment.

    In the corner of the room, leaning against one of the display tables was a man who wore a pair of black dress shoes polished to a perfect shine. In the middle of the bottom lace was a solid gold flower, a hibiscus. He wore a set of black dress pants to match, and a well cared for shirt of the same color was tucked into them. From his neck dangled another golden hibiscus, as though it were symbolic to the man. His broad shoulders gave way to normal sized arms, the muscular structure hidden behind black silk sleeves; courtesy of his formal shirt. The man wore a dark grey tie that had a crimson outline on the top, and holding the two tie ends together and preventing wind from flicking them about was a golden clasp. On his face was a gray mask with some markings on it. The mask covered his forehead, eyes, and nose like a type of masquerade mask that lacked the tacky shiny crap. Next to him with one of her arms laced into his was a tan girl wearing animal skins. Beads dangled from her garments that consisted of an animal skin head cover and poncho that left her front exposed. Under that was a top that had teasels at the bottom and covered her breasts, but left her stomach exposed with a ceramic accessory dangling over it. On her right side, starting at her oblique and running down her legs was a tribal tattoo and a similar one on the inside of her left thigh also running down to her feet. She wore something to cover her privates and butt, but they did nothing to cover her legs at all leaving very little to the imagination. Her white hair was contained by the head cover, so not many could see more than a couple strands of hair at very specific angles. On her feet, she wore a pair of ankle bracelets, but no shoes at all. Overall, anyone who thought of trying to take her for their own would have to deal with the fact that it looked like she had chosen someone already as she stuck to Ikuchi like a human ornament. In the room was five armored units that Lucius and Samira would know already from past dealings, the members of Eclipse Team; their leader Ghost, the infiltration specialists Tango and Shadow, the tech master and only chick on the team Eagle, and their weapons specialist Bill. They all wore the same armor except Eagle's had boobs.

    Phase I Explained

    Kaori leaned over the map and rested her hands on the table surface. Only one person in the room would know Kaori truly... The last time Gisen or Hebisha saw Kaori, she was shorter, wore a mask, and had a completely different body shape. She had a scent back then as well, something she lacked now. Lucius had never seen Kaori, but he did know her fire squad to an extent. "For those of you who haven't figured it out already, I'm Kaori Leraci; head of the Leraci Clan of Midi, Wizard Saint, and ally to your clan. We'll be embarking on a mission today to establish a foothold in a new land. A scientist friend who's already topside has agreed to a trade, knowledge for work. Additionally, the Magic Council and King of Fiore have agreed to let Gisen settle this continent as part of her clan. The governments around the world were less enthusiastic, but they begrudgingly agreed. We exterminate the monsters that their all so 'high and mighty' warriors can't, and the land is yours." Kaori started the briefing, establishing why the world was letting one person control what very well could be a gold mine. "Now, let's talk strategy. The island's filled with monsters and they seem to be talking to each other through telepathy, or something similar; so the usual 'hit it till it dies' method won't work. Furthermore, leveling the place isn't an option on account of there being life down there other than giant ass monsters. So, we're gonna start small and work our way out."

    The map showed a pentagon forming around a specific area that blinked a couple times. "This area is where we'll start. We clear this and some guys from Bosco will be able to roll in construction equipment and have a new base up in a month or two, maybe three depending on size. The plan's gonna be done in three parts. The first phase of the plan is setting down these..." Kaori paused as Eagle, the female armored member walked up with a device that looked like a black metal box the size of a human torso with a handle on top "...We'll split into five teams; Gisen and Ikuchi, Hebisha and Lucius, Eclipse Team, then Samira and I will run alone- our spirits will be our support." Kaori then set down a box that had small, finger tip sized lacrima in it. "Everyone take one and stick it behind your ear, it'll let us communicate over long distance. Once everyone's on the ground we need to work our way to specific locations, set down the box, and press the only flashy red button on it... it's also the only button period. This will erect a barrier large enough to establish a base and isolate our three targets from getting reinforcements."

    Phase II & III Explained

    Kaori stepped back and the tribal girl had stepped forward. "My name Iri-Ra lb-Lgt (Erie-Rah lib-leet)." she began with her thick tribal accent. "I come from here, help make safe. You not hurt here." she then moved her hand to the right side of the pentagon that the barrier formed. "Here live Yps-ig Usb (Ip-sig  Ooh-sib), biiiiig cat, eat you, shoot rock from body- much danger" she then glided her hand to the other side of the pentagon. "Here live Ia-gent Agel (Ee-uh-gent Ah-gel), biiiig bird. Scream hurt head, sometimes make explode- much danger." She then pointed to the middle of the pentagon. "Here live Pablo, biiiig thing, not find mate- him lonely. Send water from claw, biiig hit, cut through rock. Biiiig claw, cut through rock. Send something from face, not know what, turn rock to pebble- much danger, kill last." Kaori stepped back up and said "To summarize what Iri-Ra said, once the barrier's up we're gonna take down the giant chicken and the kitten, then we kill their boss. We do this and the locals will let us set up the base peacefully."

    The hologram changed to show a picture of a ship that was following the Ark of Destiny (the one we're on now). One of the five armored people walked up, the one named 'Ghost' and he said "This is Recon-One, one of the Captain's ships. If you need firearms, ammo, tactical or offensive equipment, artillery, reinforcements, or a diaper to shit yourself in- you press down on that lacrima and let her know. Recon-One will be monitoring us from the skies and letting us know if anything big's coming our way. The lacrima you have has an effective twenty five mile radius, this pentagon is twenty four for that same reason. Once you plant your barrier device you radio in and Recon-One will come in for extraction and regrouping for phase two." A bag was then set on the table with five devices that had a button on top. "When your ready to deploy press that button and you'll be on the surface. As for us..." Ghost took one of the items and pressed the button "Eclipse Out." and they were gone. Kaori looked around and asked "Questions, comments, concerns?"

    Armored People (Eclipse Team) Tribal Ikuchi Ikuchi's Mask

    Words: 2,617   |   Kaori   |   Stuff

    Having Trouble Coming Up With Ideas?:


    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 5th November 2017, 1:38 am

    It was no surprise that Samira would find herself as part of the small team that would go into the newly discovered landmass and do a bit of monster extermination to clear it out and then establish a branch of the guild within it. She had technically been to it before only for a different and much simpler matter entirely. Honestly, there was a slight hope that she would not have been asked to be a part of it. It made sense, of course, seeing as she was one of the higher ranking members of Lamia Scale, but she had never actually taken on a whole land filled with giant monsters before. Taking them out one by one? Easy. Taking out a city filled with them? Done! Gigantic land mass full of towering oversized abominations? That was a bit of a stretch. No doubt in order to cover that much space the small force that had been assigned to work together would be split up. Alas, and part of that small force her name was attached. The other strong members of the guild were either too busy or not interested, and the weaker ones either were not suitable for the mission or pretty much said hell to the no at the possibility of becoming monster food. So, the rest of the team consisted of Kaori, who was basically leading the mission along with Gisen, the Lamia Scale Guild Master. The other two to accompany them she had heard would be Lucius Octavio, who Samira had known personally and knew was capable enough to not die. The other...she wasn't really sure. Her interactions with the last one were pretty nonexistent and she didn't know much about them. To be on the team though it was concluded they had to of showed some sort of promise.

    On the day everything was to take place, Samira had arrived early. The Arc was already at the ports, so there was no reason for her to wait until the actual departure time. She even had her own room, of which she really needed no guidance to get to it since it wasn't the first time being on the ship. The added arrow lights that pointed to it in case she had forgotten was a nice touch though. The voice that spoke also seemed oddly familiar, but she couldn't quite place the reason why. That answer came as soon as she entered her room and a prerecorded message played through the intercom. "Athena, just when did you manage to do message recordings for Kaori?" Samira asked the spirit incarnation of the Goddess of Wisdom curiously.

    'I made no such messages, Summoner,' the spirit replied calmly in Samira's mind. That particular spirit was not one to lie, but that sure was one heck of a coincidence. It wasn't even the name, but rather how accurate the voice was. 'And now they're starting to steal our voices. Was constant surveillance not enough? Should we be worried about another clone project?' The spirits within the mind space began having a conversation about the matter to a point that Samira herself cut off the link so she wouldn't have to listen to it. They had all been sort of nervous in that environment ever since some other spirit had apparently broken in or something. It didn't really make a whole lot of sense. For now, a mental note to ask Kaori about the recording was made. Now it just had to stay there until the mission had concluded.

    Anhur had stopped by before the ship had taken off. He had assumed originally he would be forced to come along and act as some sort of annoying bodyguard since Samira was incapable of magic outside of summoning spirits in a looped cycle, and her physical combat techniques were not sufficient for where they were going. Surprisingly, he had been told to stay and watch over the guild since two of its strongest members were going to be away for some time, as was the Guild Master herself. Assuming the other strong members were off elsewhere as well then that left the guild quite vulnerable. That sort of logic was the sort that kept him satisfied enough, and he did not argue. So, in Hargeon he remained while leaving the actual spirits to act as whatever support was required. Soon after, the Arc of Destiny had departed for the mission's destination. Samira remained in her room the majority of the time making her own preparations until the mission day arrived.

    Samira had gone to Kaori's office, along with everyone else that was part of the guild's small team. Those that were connected to Kaori were already in the room, all of whom Samira had already known and met at some point or another. Needless to say, none of it was surprising or worth noting for her. She did wonder what the others in the group thought though. Most of them knew nothing of Kaori or any of those people connected with her. Those that did likely only knew of her disguised form as well. Well, their mind blowing moment had nothing to do with her so Samira instead put those curious thoughts aside and focused on listening to the plan explanation. Her mind link with her spirits was back on so they could listen as well. Thankfully they remained quiet during the entire thing.

    At the team split ups Samira frowned. Her going alone wasn't an issue since she technically had a small army of her own. Granted there were limitations, but she still had versatility on her side. There was also no need to worry about Kaori going alone either, and Eclipse Team had their own unique way of doing things that made it to where mages would only get in the way. What bothered her were the levels of power on the other two match ups. Obviously Gisen's protection would have been a priority which was likely why Ikuchi had been assigned as a pair up with her. Samira knew Gisen was powerful in her own right, but she had never actually seen her in combat. However, in making that kind of pair up that left the two normal members to act as a pair. While she had seen Lucius fight before she knew practically nothing about the other one. At least where combat was concerned. The unique appearance was rather hard to miss. While it wasn't really her place to underestimate what they both could do, it still was sort of worrisome given their rankings. The land they were going into was not exactly a playground. Plus, there was the fact Lucius was...well he tended to be himself. It was doubtful he would really appreciate the pairing.

    As Kaori stepped back and let the human ornament tribal girl step forward to speak, Samira reached into the box that had been left and took hold of one of the small lacrima that was inside for herself. She held it up to her eyes and stared at it for a moment before placing it behind her ear. More technology. At the rate it was going she was going to have to live in some abandoned cottage far inside a forest to get away from it. Technology, even lacrima based, confused her. She could barely even get her iLac to work properly. One would think with all of her past dealings with Kaori and Co. that she would have adjusted and not have been so technologically challenged, but nope. Samira was far too stubborn to change her ways in that regard. It made no sense and often gave her a headache. Clearly she had been born in the wrong time period.

    Back to focusing on the tribal woman explaining the three fiercest creatures currently roaming the land. Samira needed no extra summary really. She understood it despite the way the woman had spoken. With that ended, the full summarized plan was to set up a barrier while being split into teams to set up a part of it each, and then switch the focus on eliminating three monster targets. With that done, the guild would be allowed to set up their own base in the land. Easy. Maybe. Probably. Well, just hope for the best and pray no one screwed up and got killed in the process. A shame she couldn't really split her spirits up as extra support for the weakest team.

    Susano: 'Hey! Worry about your own ass! I know Ninja Girl said we'd act as support but come on! It's more like we're going to be doing pretty much everything! You get to be the cute cheerleader.'

    Aphrodite: 'Why can't I be the cheerleader?'

    Susano: '...Well you are kind of useless aside from looks. You can be mind space cheer leader.'

    Serqet: 'Heeeeyyyy! I already claimed that role!'

    Ra: 'Enough! You all disgrace yourselves. This is no time for such folly. Be alert and prepared to act if called.'

    "Agreed," Samira said out loud that anyone paying attention would hear it. No one aside from those that actually knew here were aware that she spoke to her spirits in such a way even though she could do it mentally if she had preferred. Vocally was just more natural for her. Since no one else were likely capable of hearing the mental communication of the spirits, it was like listening to a one way iLac call, except there was obviously no iLac present so the summoner looked as if she was talking to herself. "Save the mocking comments for another time. Preferably never, but I am aware of how most of you operate." Samira took the other devices she needed for the mission and then turned to the rest that had been in the room. She paused for a moment before deploying herself as she realized she did not know which location she was supposed to go. After asking and receiving her answer, she would nod in acknowledgement. "I have nothing else to add or inquire about. Good luck. Samira...out..." Using that last phrase was odd, but she said it to fit in with the mission. With a press of a button she too was gone in the same manner as Eclipse Team.

    (Word Count: 1713)



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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by YoungBridge 7th November 2017, 7:05 am

    Hebisha wondered many things. Curiosity was her trait and it is certainly fueled her interest when she heard that she is to join a small team to help scout the new landmass. Firstly was that the lamia herself was a recent arrival, with parts of the castle guild modified to make sure that her cold blood could easily pump in the cool flooring of the cobble structure. Surprisingly it seems her addition did make some people happy for heated flooring, like cats that strayed into the guild. However they left balls of fur everywhere and Hebisha had to sweep the cats out with their hair balls. The lamia's addition did bring about some prejudice, considering her room size is significantly larger than most, being thirteen feet long made in hard to accustom to the confines of a normal room,
    but with a few hacks here and there, four rooms were made into one to allow Hebisha to sleep comfortably. The prejudice comes from the idea of special treatment since she is the representative mythical creature of the guild.

    However that was not of the woman's concern. It was the idea that she is right now facing someone familiar, yet so different from before. The snake's tail was often raised in alarm whenever Kaori walked by her in the guild. Not to mention the presence of two new people beside her who are part of the exhibition as well. One she heard is the guild's other ace Samira, who, Hebisha finds her strange. The woman seems to talk to herself very often, as such of the moment they are currently in after Kaori's brief briefing about the mission. However the briefing forgot to accommodate to one thing.

    Hebisha is blind. The whole briefing was trying to understand what in the world the native girl is pointing to and all the technical stuff she cannot see. Hebisha could however sense the tension and it told her that whatever they were going against, it was going to be crazy. Right now, she did not have any of her weaponry which are laid safely on the wall of the room were something she relied on for a long time. The lamia was reluctant on another thing however, something everyone in this room has in common, magic.

    For the longest time, Hebisha has never once shown any sort of magical ability, though she is clearly full of the power to use it. It was something deeper in her blood, something she is worried might jeopardize the mission at hand. The ability to cancel magic. The lamia was not sure who favors what form of combat, so she refrains from it. However there was that magic. Hebisha sighed as she brushes her pink hair back, her mind telling her whoever she was pairing up with, was the man near her. Like Samira, he was the other she was not aware of. His scent is familiar, most likely because he has been in the guild and gone to common places, but she bears no memory of him. Lucius as Kaori calls him during the pairing.

    Hebisha reaches into the box and grabs one of the lacrima things. Hebisha, was primitive when it came to technology. The lamia gazed at it, wondering how it works. One she cannot even see instructions to begin with, nor understand how such an object works to begin with. The lamia sighs. But she manages to figure it on, hearing a soft buzzing probably only she could her. Hebisha puts it in her ear and quickly slithers off to grab her 8 throwing blades seeing how she has no clue on how to even read a map. The lamia equip her blades before returning to the table, still unsure of where anything is but at least the fact of something called teleportation shall transfer them quickly to their desired location on the map. The Eclipse Team went first, then Samira.

    "Why... Why was I called upon this mission? I am unsure myself," Hebisha inquires in a depressed tone.

    Hebisha surveyed herself. Was she up for the task? The lamia takes a deep breath before her tail reaches out to the button and was hesitant to press it. The lamia wanted answers. Answers for everything, but right now, only one can be answer. Why did they place their trust on her? Why was she chosen for such an important mission.

    Word Count: 736(sorry for the short one!)


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
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    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 10th November 2017, 12:50 am

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Rsz_ca10

    Time spent back and forth, one place to the next, spending more time with politics and more aggravating antics and walls than one would expect to see if a maximum security prison... Or Wall Street. Regardless, the time spent gaining the ability to configure the idea with the council was a task very drawn out, as if they didn't want to go through the trouble of having to deal with another whole mass of land that they would have to become authoritative over. With much to negotiate on those terms as well as the reason why and how, months seemed to go by from this. It was much harder for anyone in the guild to even notice that Gisen was gone for so long, however she had promoted Kaori and Samira into guild aces just slightly into the whole ordeal, so they had her full trust that they could manage the guild during her time away. It wasn't much that she needed to be aware of anything of importance, but with the history that Lamia Scale had in its time in Hargeon, this would become a very easy, resourceful, and budget saving maneuver. Without a guild or town in need of constant repairs, it would help out immensely with the whole need of the guild having its own territory to license and corral. Of course, the Counsel had become extremely skeptical of the choices in doing such a thing, even so much as to deny her previously. If not for the additional support of her papa, this whole thing would have become much more difficult for her to prepare for and even more so to gain the social courage to engage in a long standing meeting with her.

    What a surprise though, that upon her return after so long that she would come baring news. Firstly... Her summer coat seemed to have kicked back in during her time away. How odd that her appearance never seemed to kick in properly per season, but she did love having a long period in between them, so it wasn't all bad for her. The news was, she was given permission from the council to properly seek out these new lands and claim them. However, they came with stipulations; The people could not be harmed by the guests, being Lamia Scale. Only Lamia Scale was to depart on this job, and only 5 members max were allowed to go on this mission. Of course, she was one, and she would take her two aces. The others she had time to think over, but the most important part to her was getting back on time without a hitch in the plans. They would have to be able to have skills necessary for new and foreign lands, so it wouldn't be hard what with Gaia's help and Silvia's as well. Spirits such as them knew the world well, however she wasn't really so certain that they knew them too well. Nevertheless, Gisen had made her way back to the guild to prep everyone and get things together.

    Once she made her way back, the caramel toned bunny girl had gathered her two aces together to discuss things with their new clients. Kaori seemed to be the most affluent with them, so she had no qualms with the Shinobi taking charge with getting the finer details from them to help deliver a proper profile of the situation.... Plus the people scared Gisen, so she wasn't of much help anyway. Despite it all, she fought to help them through all the correct channels and was successful in doing so, so there was no issue with them for the social fears she had towards them once explained to the them by her colleagues. What they decided on among those available and even those unavailable had been a tough choice, but the guilds own Lamia, though blind had attributes that they could need in any situation out there. There were uncharted, unknown lands with anything possible, so anything that would happen would need to be something they had prepared no matter what. Lastly, they decided among Lucius, an up and coming Hunter whom had a great deal of experience with gravitational forces and the blessings of an ace, so it wasn't too hard to really say no to it.

    With that crew in tact, they moved onto the next phase of the plan; debriefing. Gathering the Lamia and the gravity mage into the area Kaori had directed them to, they had begun to be briefed on all details, directions, and everything by the adorable little shinobi. Gisen and Silvia remained quiet, the bunny girl holding her Sylph's animal form in her arms like a coddled infant while she napped, she knew of the details prior to this, so to be awake still was pointless to her. Placing the bit to her ear, Gisen made a rather confused face before she had moved it back to stare at it, trying to configure somewhere. With a smirk, she reached up and placed it into her hairband next to her ear, knowing the bunny's hearing could pick it up regardless, so it wasn't any worry to her this way. Looking down, Hebisha questioned her choosing for the mission and in such, she started to hear Gaia speak to the bunny, but abruptly cut him off before he could utter more than a word and a sound. "Well, miss Hebisha, I thought you would be a proper fitting to this task. Nobody knows the grounds we're going to, and like, it seemed like a good idea to bring someone along whom could navigate without sight. I personally have hearing covered, however to have like, someone whom can sense the ground like many other snake-like creatures felt like a key point to have. I hope I didn't offend you, and I know your disability, but like, you have my personal vote for it." A smile crossed her face, one of genuine happiness and with a complete lack of fear... Not that Hebisha could see it, it would show a lot more to the others.

    The chirping of various sounds made the bunny ears, and the Sylph's ears twitch almost simultaneously. She looked around as Silvia perked her sleepy head up and looked about, finding nothing. "Mmm.. You all still sound much like a dysfunctional family, even after so long. You should do what the elemental spirits all do; stay away from one another. It works wonders for us... But much like Ra, I have to parent the children far too much." Gaia chimed, bringing much of a surprise to Gisen and Silvia's faces. "Ventas is... free spirited, far too much. He drives me nuttier than the brainless bunny here." The Sylph added in, finding it much more needed to cut in her two cents on Gaia's behalf.

    1147 words


    CharacterPrimarySecondaryTertiaryBankMain Theme

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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 17th November 2017, 11:56 pm

    Samira was next to go and Kaori could tell she and her spirits were having a mental discussion by the fact that she said 'agreed' without actually being given anything from the people present to agree on. She requested everyone to stifle their judgement, but in all reality the only one who thought she was crazy was herself since the others either didn't care, or hadn't noticed. Samira was gone and then the lamia of Lamia Scale had asked as to why she was on the mission. Kaori let Gisen answer the question since if it was up to her, Hebisha would've stayed back so she could train more and get stronger. The ninja didn't know enough about her and wasn't confident in her abilities... The first time she met Hebisha, she had been doing a number on the Rune Knights in the forests just outside of Hargeon Port; but considering as Kaori beat down their commander in an instant, that wasn't much of an accomplishment. Gisen had believed her stronger senses would be sufficient for the mission, but Kaori had more trouble with her lack of experience. The ninja allowed her to come under Gisen's guarantee that she would survive, but had chosen Lucius to be her partner on account of her having read a report from Eclipse Team about him and his magic, as well as Samira being able to vouch for his potential. However... that wouldn't happen as smoothly as planned on account of the ship's resident tribal having taken to looking at the trinkets in Kaori's room and accidentally knocking one of the stuffed monster heads loose, which coincidentally had landed on Lucius's head and knocked him out just after Hebisha left- good thing she wasn't there to find out.

    Kaori had Lucius taken to the medical ward to have his head checked out while he recovered. Kaori then pulled out her iLac from her satchel and dialed the number for Recon-One. "Recon One, this is the captain. I'd like you to dispatch-" "You can send me." a little girl's voice said softly in the direction of Kaori's office door. Kaori slowly turned her gaze in the direction it came from to lock eyes with a little girl with black hair, one that many would know of as Lillith, the girl who killed her entire guild. There was at least one of her every other week, it's a real wonder why people kept taking over the abandoned guild hall and allowing girls named 'lillith' in their guild... all of them go on a murderous rampage. This one was one of the ones who was supposed to be brought to the magic council, but Ikuchi had ordered that she was taken to Kaori instead; an order that was interpreted as being made by Kaori herself. In the time after Samira had freed the child from her corruption and brought her to Recon One, and then the Ark of Destiny shortly after, Kaori had been working with her in a controlled environment to help her control her magic. The child had similar magic to Kaori's, and her psychic abilities helped Kaori relate to Lillith which made training with her easier. During those past couple months, the corruption tried taking back control; but Kaori had been the one to stop it and keep Lillith in check. It had been a couple weeks since the last time it happened, which was the longest amount of time she'd gone without it happen. Kaori walked over to her and kneeled down, resting a hand on her shoulder and saying "You're still recovering. It's much too dangerous for you." with a soft tone. Lillith looked at Kaori with a determined expression, radiating her heart to the surrounding area to show Kaori that she was ready. "I don't care." she said firmly, causing Kaori to crack a smile. "Fine... brat. Ikuchi, you're being reassigned. Gisen can handle this alone, I'll go with Hebisha."

    Kaori would be the last to leave the room. The tribal girl and Ikuchi had taken Lillith and used the teleport switch to get gone, and once Lucius was all squared away in the medical ward, he'd have a button waiting in his room. Gisen would have to leave before Kaori, she'd never let anyone be alone in her office; especially another clan leader. Kaori's portal switch was different from everyone else's... Her mission was intended to be a solo mission, meaning that she wasn't supposed to need the same switch the others had. Her's was programmed to drop her in a specific location... six thousand feet above the continent where she could have the best view. Kaori looked down at the world below, scanning for a massive snake with a human sticking out of it and locking in on the white line among leafless trees. She knew her landing wouldn't be close enough to Hebisha to be of use immediately, but it'd be close enough to provide assistance in time. 'Hebisha, Luci's in the nurse's office getting an injury checked out. I'm coming to support you so start heading north. I'll meet you there with the barrier projector.' Kaori said in Hebisha's mind. She had no worries about the woman's sense of direction, most snakes were good with that sort of thing; and if she got lost, Kaori would know which direction to head to finish the mission.

    Where Ikuchi had wound up seemed to be a particularly bad spot on account of the fifteen giant spiders lurking around. "Well... shit..." Ikuchi commented while tracking the arachnids that all turned to face the two humans and dragon. Ikuchi quickly reached for his revolvers and took aim, the tribal readying her bow and arrow. Lillith had panicked, but she quickly recovered and remembered her training. White magic circles appeared over her fingers and fired a set of blasts that tracked individual spiders, leaving only five that weren't flying in the air. Ikuchi released ten shots, five from each revolver that hit those five spiders and five of the ones in the air, killing them all. The tribal shot two arrows in rapid succession before loading three and firing them all at once, with perfect accuracy. Eclipse Team had a much more peaceful arrival, and was making their way to the barrier site.

    Armored People (Eclipse Team) Tribal Ikuchi Ikuchi's Mask

    Words: 3,669   |   Kaori   |   Stuff



    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 19th November 2017, 11:26 am

    The spot Samira had found herself in upon landing on the ground was one that had been a home of sorts for a great many of Simians. They scattered when she teleported in the area and, from their hiding spots, stared at the green haired summoner. Samira blinked as she took in her surroundings, but cared not for the hidden creatures that surrounded her. They seemed pretty harmless. She set the big black box thing on the ground and sighed. Was she really supposed to carry that thing all the way to her barrier point? Most unfortunate. Then a certain mocking spirit came to mind. Yes, he could act as an over glorified baggage cart. Two different spirit keys were unhooked from her keychain and within a few short moments two different spirits had answered the call and appeared: Susano, a swordsman that had the wind attribute, and Serqet, a spirit that was supposed to be poisonous in nature but had a much more cheery and loopy disposition. "All right," Susano began to say once he had fully materialized. "I can see why you would force me out here to participate in this wonderful nature walk, but I have to ask." He then pointed over to the scorpion tailed spirit, who had taken off towards some bushes in search of a monkey friend. "Why the hell did you bring her out?" Samira stared blankly for a moment at Serqet's activity. Susano had a point to some extent, but really Serqet was capable when in a fight. One just had to get past her many...quirks. "You took her cheerleader role away. I thought she could be useful outside the mind space for once. Also, you are mistaken on why I have called you." Just as the wind spirit allowed a confused expression to cross his face, his summoner had picked up the big blocky metal box and shoved it against his chest, forcing him to hold it. "I need you to hold this for me. Serqet can handle any enemies that cross our path."

    Susano stood there, mouth open in disbelief. Then his eyes narrowed as he suddenly became quite annoyed at the fact he had been summoned as a bag carrier rather than to actually participate in defensive battle. He took hold of the handle on the black box with one hand and with the other lifted the iLac Samira was focused on from her hands. "Oi! When I said we'd be doing all the work I expected you to at least carry the equipment!" Samira narrowed her own eyes and reached for the iLac but would be disappointed as Susano was much taller than she was and had easily lifted it above her reach. Her hands then went to her hips. "You stated that I get to be the cute cheerleader. Cute cheerleaders do not carry boxes."
    Susano: "We're seriously still on that?"
    Samira: "You said that five minutes ago!"
    Susano: "Right, it's in the past. Get over it. If you want to be a cheerleader so bad then consider this as your pompom!" The spirit shoved the box into Samira's arms, dropping the iLac on the ground in the process. From that point, the argument resulted in the box being shoved towards the opposing party each time the other spoke.
    Samira: "It is too heavy for me to carry!"
    Susano: "The hell are you talking about? It's pretty damn light!"
    Samira: "You are better suited."
    Susano: "No, I am better suited to slay monsters. What are you going to do if we come across anything? Bat your eyelashes at them?"
    Samira: "I can do more than that!"
    Susano: "At an embarrassing novice level!"
    Samira: "I got better..."
    Susano: "Is that what we're calling the .000001 percent of progress?"
    Samira: "Since when are you a master at percentages?"
    Susano: "Around the same time you thought I'd actually lug this thing around all day! Admit it, you just don't want to do it yourself!"
    Samira: "That is actually quite correct."
    Susano: "...You weren't supposed to admit that. You're even terrible at arguments!"

    Serqet then scurried over, carrying a small monkey in her arms. She held it out before her form, displaying the creature towards the arguing spirit and summoner as if it were a trophy. "Look! I have found us a guide! I have named him Banana Joe. You know, like Bubba Joe, only Banana since he's a monkey." A wide grin was on her face and showed no signs that she was aware of the argument that was going on. Both Samira and Susano stared at Serqet and the curious monkey for a few seconds before Susano leaned closer to Samira and whispered, "Are we supposed to dignify that with a response?" No vocal response came from the summoner. Instead, the black box was shoved into his arms once more. Samira then picked up her iLac from the ground and started to run forward before he got the chance to throw it at her. "Oi! Stop...or...something. Ah, hell. I don't want to carry this thing!" Susano looked over at Serqet and then tossed the black box her way, causing her to drop the monkey that had been dubbed as Banana Joe. "You carry that!" Before she could toss it back, the wind spirit ran off after Samira. Serqet pouted as she watched him take off further ahead. "But I don't wanna carry it either." The best solution she could come up with? Give the black box to the monkey! Banana Joe had been running in circles around her feet, but stopped when Serqet blocked his way with her tail and knelt down. "Here you go! Now you just hold onto this and follow me! It's super important so don't lose it!" The monkey made a sort of screeching noise that the spirit took as him understanding. With a smile and a nod, Serqet stood up fully and ran after the other two, fully expecting Banana Joe to follow. Surprisingly, he did. If one questioned how a small monkey could hold the black box the answer is simple: he was the most awesomenest small monkey ever. High over his head he carried it as he wobbled his way after the strange trio.

    The group had finally gathered together, two of them completely unaware that the important barrier box thing was in the hands of an untrained monkey. Samira had her gaze on the iLac she held. Apparently some app was on it that, once she had input the coordinates of her specific destination point, provided directions. A couple of lines showed up on the screen, one having an arrow at the end that represented where they currently were and faced the direction they needed to go next. It worked in theory. However, Samira took it a little too literally. Detours were nonexistent. If the thing said to go in a direction that went through a snake pit then they were going through that snake pit! "I am pretty sure we could just go arou-" Susano was quickly interrupted by Samira. "No! This thing has said we must go this way and so we must do so. To ignore its instructions may be unwise." Instructions given by some app taken too seriously indeed. Through the snake pit they went with both Susano and Serqet eliminating them as they walked. Easy enemies to handle. However, as Samira's face barely left the iLac screen, the spirits had to go into full work mode with trying to keep her from either walking into some beast den or killing herself in some other way. Predatory cats, dogs, bears, even insects had to be dealt with when they likely could all have been avoided if they just went around. The two became exhausted rather quickly.

    Susano: "You know, now that I think about it, Team Kaori usually does most of the work on these type of missions. I never knew protecting Samira was this exhausting! How long is our contract with her again?"
    Serqet: "Until she dies I think?"
    Susano: "I am turning in my resignation as a summoned spirit when this is all over."

    Some. Time. Later.

    The trio had made it to the destination point. Samira put on a mission accomplished smile as the iLac announced "you have reached your destination", completely oblivious to the chaotic nightmare she had put her spirits through. The device was put away and she turned around to face the two spirits, who had collapsed to sitting on the ground, panting. She blinked her green eyes innocently and was quite confused as to why they were in such a state. Well, she could inquire about that later. For now her part of the barrier needed to be set. She focused her eyes on Susano and her smile turned into a frown. "Where is the box?" The wind spirit then turned his gaze over towards Serqet, who he had given the box to. He noticed she did not have it either. "Where is the box?" Serqet turned her gaze to where Banana Joe was...or should have been. "Where is-" The venom spirit stopped when she realized the monkey was not there. A monkey screech was then heard, causing all three to turn and see Banana Joe get swallowed whole by a giant snake. While Serqet may have screamed the monkey's name in horror, Samira and Susano were not really going to care about such a thing. Unfortunately, the monkey was still holding the black box. When he was swallowed, the snake managed to swallow the object as well. Their expressions turned to horror as the box disappeared into the snake's belly. The snake, sensing the stares, looked at the trio and then quickly escaped. "Don't worry, Banana Joe! I'll save you!" Serqet cried as she took off after the snake.

    Samira glared daggers over at Susano. She had expected him to actually hold onto something so important and take it seriously. "Don't give me that look! I didn't know she would give it to a damn monkey!" Samira sighed and walked past him. "I gave it to you to look after. You were not supposed to pawn it off on her when I ran off." Susano stood up and began to follow. "Yeah, well, you're a horrible judge of character. I told you I didn't want to hold onto it. Give me some credit because I warned you. It's not my fault you didn't listen to me."

    And so the trio went after the snake that had eaten Banana Joe. Their intent was to find it and cut it into pieces to retrieve the black box and make it back to the destination point before the others began to wonder what was taking them so long. No doubt neither Samira nor Susano would want any of the others knowing the full story. Serqet was another matter entirely. Would they succeed in their quest to find the snake and retrieve that which had been taken? Is Banana Joe a magical monkey that can survive being swallowed whole by a snake and live long enough to be rescued? Will the story forever remain secret? Did the writer have too much fun writing this nonsense? Find out in the next Samira post where it will all likely be summarized in one sentence!

    (Word Count: 1889
    Total So Far: 3602)



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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by YoungBridge 21st November 2017, 5:54 am

    Hebisha hears Gisen's explanation, the lamia could not help but feel a tad bit satisfied with it. Perhaps it was the fact that the guild mistress herself knew of the lamia's natural abilities. They need not a map nor system to help them navigate, the only thing they needed was their ears, their tongue and their serpentine bodies on the ground to let them know the lay of their land. Their sight did not matter, though it would prove useful to her as she has a tendency to clean after all, and considering the environment Lamia Scale is,
    cleanliness was a priority. They may be heroes as the guild proclaims, they are certainly top level slobs on parties and celebrations.

    Deviating away from the thought of a dirty dining hall, her attention went to the room, there was few people left and she was one of the last few to leave the ship. The lamia assumed Lucius had already left the ship without her, which was rude in her opinion. Hebisha teleports out and finds her on the ground, her scales smoothly rubbing against the wet grass. The lamia immediately has a mental map of the lay of the land for about a few kilometers miles whatever measurement is used by the people around. The terrain was fairly even, a few bumps in between. Suddenly a voice enters her head, Kaori's voice.

    After her brief head transmission, Hebisha got the idea. Lucius was got himself into an accident and Kaori was to assist her for the moment, and to head North. The lamia looks around and places her ear next to a trunk trunk. The earth was now for all for her to hear from the scuttling of insects to the wilder things that tread the land. And if the briefing was correct, these were animals to be feared, so herbivores and small animals should find themselves, running. Hebisha immediately pulls her swords around, something was approaching. A mere rabbit running out from the brush and past her. The lamia carefully puts her blades away and made her way slowly North. She assumes it is North as the heat on the rock and trees tell her the sun's light glazed their sides and based on how the heat cooled off, she knew which was east which was west. Taking a deep breath, she moves, her body slithering across the ground and over bumps with ease.

    The trip was quiet, too peaceful. The lamia had been on her toes, scales? Either way she had her guard up the whole way. Her hands grasp the hilts of her blades and was ready to pull them out. The sounds of the forest told her of nothing large was near and it worried her, but not too much. Her mission was simple, plant the barrier item thing and get called back to ready for phase two, but she has an idea what phase two is. Perhaps these creatures were too strong for one person alone to take on, or take on fast enough in order not to alert the others. Hebisha moved quickly as possible now, her body resembling a white line across the ground. Perhaps it was her animal body that deterred the idea that she was a threat, or they were a lot smarter than they expected. Nonetheless she kept moving forward.

    Post Count: 560
    Total Word Count: 1236


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 27th November 2017, 5:24 pm

    Once all was settled to be set out in the groups the way all had planned to go, Gisen followed along in with the others into the ship before they'd take off, ready to relax for just a little while before they'd have to get right into the grip of the strange lands. Despite having her papa there with her for the land and then Silvia for the winds, there was still more that the elemental hadn't really been as prepared as one would have hoped it to be. Still, that was always half of the fun growing up and getting used to a more feral lifestyle. Though she'd let the guild domesticate some more, this kind of environment would probably bring out her more feral fighting, which for her wouldn't be such a bad idea. More so that the bunny girl was now on her own, she'd not need to worry about having to hurt anyone else. Secondary to this she'd be able to show Silvia that she might not be a social professional, but her qualities were placed elsewhere in more ways than just how she delivered the topic of the monster epidemic and the destruction of the earth.

    Now that the groups had been split to their own accord, the Sylph and bunny headed onto their own direction. The land around was rather majestic and the growth was extremely fruitful. The fact nobody had ever come around to these lands before had astounded her, but truthfully if the rumors of how dangerous the lands were actually true, it might be why things were so majestic and surreal. The bunny girl couldn't resist but to touch almost every plant and examine everything around her from the grass, to oversized leaves, some longer in length then her own bunny ears, to the trees with trunks larger than some houses. Thankfully, it wasn't that dangerous of an area they were in so far so she had no real concerns of whether or not she had to be cautious of her surroundings, but her guard was never down when she knew monsters could lurk around any corner or tree, hiding in any bush.

    What it didn't seem like in some accounts was that the examining of every little thing was both of curiosity, but a sleek bit of  convoluted research. Examining the plants similarities in order to ascertain a base line of the shape and appearance of plants, then differentiating them from anything a monster, animal, or person may have distorted without realizing it. However, even in all of that, the Sylph began to grow impatient with her dallying. Her four legged form was more more attuned to the air around them, which allowed her to sense things that were moving or particularly weathered such as wet, hot, or cold. Finally, the small creature turned around and smacked at Gisen's leg with her tail. "What's with the hold up, rabbit! Gawking at every little thing isn't going to get us anywhere but ambushed." She hissed with an annoyed tone, following a glare towards Gisen. Curiously, Gisen seemed to have ignored her and squatted down, brushing aside a large leaf and motioning for the Sylph to come to her.

    An angered sigh left the spirits mouth before lightly prancing over to the bunny's side. "Do you see it?" She asked, waiting to see if Silvia had noticed it or not. Shaking her head, she just looked right up to the caramel bunny. "No, now why are you wasting our time?" A finger raised into the air, silencing the spirit animal before it had been redirected at a spot on the ground. With her other hand, Gisen carefully brushed aside a few blades of grass and small rocks to show an abnormal footstep in the ground. The dirt around it was pushed out, showing a heavier set person had been around. Whether it meant monster, creature, or human? That was yet to tell. "Papa taught me to track as a little bunny, so I find it a little harder to not explore my surroundings in situations like this. See how it seems to be heavily pressed into? Whatever was here stopped momentarily for some reason before moving on." She paused and leaned in, sniffing the footprint and shaking her head lightly. "It's not the kind of monster we'd have to hunt... but the scent is too faint to tell for sure..." She commented, flicking her hair back over her shoulders and standing up onto her feet.

    The Sylph remained silent and slightly baffled by what she saw. Someone who couldn't properly make a speech without fumbling words around with other words could track things in such a manner that she could rival hunters if not excel even them? The idea made her chuckle. "Maybe you aren't as useless as you seem to be, Gisen. You're still a socially inept moron though." The bunny girl looked over, her head tilted in confusion. "socially indebt? But I don't think that's a thing, Silvia..." A paw raised up, facepalming herself with her front right paw, Silvia shook her head in dissapointment and then smacked it back down onto the earth. "Your next protector should have some decent literary skills..." She said aloud, knowing whom she wanted to direct her insult/suggestion toward.

    A hearty, low toned laugh mentally echoed to the pair, getting a bit of a kick out of her insult. Just like the earth he was, Gaia never let things get to him. "There are reasons for that, and believe me when I say that I am sorry I did nothing, however the skills she gained in return-- much as you've witnessed were rather invaluable for current and future endeavors. The skills humanity stole can be recovered in time, just be patient." The grand spirit preached, only to be scoffed at by the Sylph as her eyes set to the bunny girl while they slowly proceeded. "We'll see... And don't talk patience to be, old man! Just remember who's helping her out here, Rocky Dennis." Again, the grand spirit laughed at her insult, almost enough to bring a tear to ones eye. "Papa always laughs when people insult him. Farmers used to curse him out, but like, trying to keep a land pros-.. uh.. prosp.. er.. is? A-Anywho, punishing someone for silly words versus trying to repay a person for trying to captivate-" "Cultivate, darling." "Right! That one! To uh, do that to a person who is just trying to help is a little shallow. Watching papa be kind and like, showing forgiveness is probably what helped me learn to even try to trust humans again... even if a little. They aren't all bad, but we have the powers to put the bad ones in their places!" A cheerful, but overly loud cry of excitement filled the immediate area, following a fist pump high into the air. "You're an odd little rodent... you know that?" This time, both of the others laughed at her reaction, finding more humor in how her change of character was slowly coming around to be more accepting of Gisen's faults, but they all knew the two girls needed more time to settle down and get to be closer to one another.

    1147 + 1212 = 2359 words


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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 17th December 2017, 4:52 am

    The sound of the rushing wind embraced Kaori's ears with the soft flickering and whistling that it produced. She kept her eyes open, a bright smile on her face as she stared at the world below. Most humans would be afraid of freefalling without a parachute, but Kaori wasn't most humans. Most humans would black out by the time they dropped a couple thousand feet, a natural bodily reaction. Other humans would have a literal heart attack and be dead long before they impacted the floor and turned into blood pudding- but again, Kaori wasn't most humans. While she didn't know it, she was hardly even human. From above the woodland terrain, Kaori could see small figured moving through the brush that were rapidly gaining speed and heading towards a long, white streak. Kaori could make them out to be a type of dog, wolves most likely due to the formation of their pack. Cats didn't normally hunt in such large groups, and even then their formation was the more tactical pincer formation that was used to surround your enemy. 'Hebisha, you're being hunted. There's nowhere to funnel them into a line so you'll have no choice but to fight. If you take out a few of them they might decide you're not worth the risk.' Kaori said in the lamia's mind. After that Kaori began using her telekinesis on herself to reduce her speed, a very important action to perform since she was about to reach terminal velocity, otherwise known as the point where fire would engulf her and turn her partially human ass into partially human ash.

    If Hebisha had chosen to fight the wolves instead of continuing to run... slither, Kaori would be ready to help her fend them off as soon as she landed. Her speed had been reduced by half at this point but she needed to keep slowing down, dropping her speed to fifteen miles per hour to make a mostly safe landing. As the ground got closer, Kaori began preparing her fist while her ruby eyes began glowing violet around the edges. Upon hitting the ground, Kaori slammed her fist into the soft soil and sent her psychic energy into it. A pulse of mostly transparent violent shot through the ground and the world around her, coating the wolf pack and sending them high into the air before vanishing and letting them fall to the ground. Any wolves Hebisha hadn't killed already would get up while whimpering, keeping their heads low and walking away from the two girls. "That was... smashing." Kaori would say, definitely not making any references to large nosed, red haired, australian characters from other worldly cartoons. Indeed, it was most definitely a pun from her telekinetic ground pound- very smashing indeed. Kaori then reached into her bag and pulled out the barrier device, the laws of physics seeming to warp for the bag as the barrier device was much longer, wider, and taller than tiny satchel. Magic logic seemed to work heavily for Kaori in that regard.

    Kaori looked around at her surroundings and then at Hebisha before walking at a leisurely pace in the direction they needed to go. "We never got to talk much when we met. It must've been hard for you being hunted by those knights, I hope Lady Ceostra's clansmen treat you well." Kaori would wait a few moments, giving the serpent woman time to respond. The last time they met, Kaori had a much different face. She had a different scent entirely, and her magic was able to be sensed much better. Now, she looked different, she smelled as though she had no scent when in reality her scent was the same as the world around her, and her magic was completely undetectable. The only thing that was actually the same was her voice, which Kaori hoped Hebisha remembered. When they met last, it was after some Rune Knights were attacking the lamia and she... 'persuaded' their leader to get out of Hargeon. Just as her and Hebisha were getting ready to talk, a smaller group had started looking for her and Kaori said that she'd get rid of them. Kaori had also told Hebisha that there was a massive castle by the sea that could make a good home, but she never thought she'd actually go to the guild since she seemed to have some trust issues. If Hebisha had answered Kaori in regards to how the guild treated her, Kaori would say "Just so you know, I don't think you look scary. You look cute... and cuddly." with a light hearted tone.

    After a bit more walking, Kaori had stopped and said "Here we are." while putting the black box on the ground and pressing the button. A white light shot into the air just before two more. "Ikuchi and Eclipse Team got theirs up, now for Sammy and Gisen." Kaori informed Hebisha who probably didn't see the lights on account of being ever so slightly, just a little blind as hell. "Alright, Snoop Genie, get us to Recon One." Kaori would say. Hebisha would notice the ground beneath her feet... scales... stomach... (the writer is conflicted on what the underside of a lamia actually is since they have human stomachs she thinks) would turn to the wooden planks of Kaori's recon ship. Ikuchi, Ashawti, and Lillith would be waiting alongside Eclipse Team. Now all they needed to move on to phase two was their other two mages.

    Armored People (Eclipse Team) Tribal Ikuchi Ikuchi's Mask

    Words: 4,587   |   Kaori   |   Stuff



    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 18th December 2017, 10:50 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1642
    Thread Word Count: 5244

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private V6JIcYH       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private WOyJ6my       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private JOeaZ9l       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private W1bEUgL       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private MrksPDy
    'Last time on the Super Duper Spirit Team Adventures, our heroes crash landed onto a strange land that was inhabited by mysterious and threatening creatures. Serqet, the most epic of the group, came up with the strategy of befriending one of the natives in order to use his knowledge of the land so they could safely reach the mountain of Terafattiti, where the trio must place a legendary item that would save the entire universe! The idea was shot down; overlooked by our two other less intelligent heroes. However, there was only one being awesome enough to handle such an item of importance. The native that our favorite scorpion tail heroine had befriended; Banana Joe. Serqet knew the wisdom of this choice and had bestowed the gift upon the amazing monkey. Meanwhile, Samira did what she did best and used her powers of eternal worthlessness to lead the group through the dangerous lands. But what's this? Right as our group of heroes had reached their goal, an evil serpent had taken Banana Joe hostage! Oh, no! The villainous snake had even taken possession of the legendary box! Will our group of heroes be able to save Banana Joe before he is tortured and murdered? Will they be able to recover the box before the world implodes on itself? Find out after this-'

    "Will you shut up in there?" Susano shouted, interrupting the introduction summary and his tone of voice implying heavy annoyance. Samira was not the only one that could hear the mental voices of her spirits; they could hear each other as well while they were out in the mortal world. "Seriously, what was that even? That's not how it happened at all! ...for the most part. And why wasn't I included anywhere in there?" The swordsman crossed his arms as he walked beside Samira, who had slumped her shoulders forward and sighed. "He said I have the powers of worthlessness..." Her eyes rippled in comical cartoony fashion. Now even the less serious spirits were picking on her. She had done a good job leading them to the barrier point! Sure there may had been some obstacles, but they got there!

    "You were. It was said that you were less intelligent. Oh, and also, I didn't want to give any spoilers away, but since I get the impression you want to come back and give poor Apollo a beating for being the narrator I'll tell you. You're the villainous snake's stupid, incompetent, and disappointing minion. You reveal your evil ways just as soon as you get the box back and are killed by Samira's hand. You like it? I worked hard on it for about ten seconds."

    'And don't forget my cool narrator voice. I felt bad about calling the girlie worthless though. Maybe we should edit that from the full script.'

    "I'm kicking both your asses when I get back there," Susano grumbled just before seeing three lights shoot up into the sky. A deep sigh was let loose. "And now we're late. Hey, do you have any idea which way that snake went, Serqet? It just dawned on me that we're following you."

    The scorpion tailed female ignored the question as her eyes darted around in different directions. She stopped walking and looked to the left as her tail pointed right, and then looked right as the tail went left. Her tail then went back to the right and pointed twice in that direction like an animated arrow. "That way! I'm coming for you, Banana Joe!" Serqet then ran through some bushes and further into the jungle.

    "She is starting to worry me. Is it normal for spirits to lose their sanity and act so strangely?" Samira asked of the wind spirit as they just stood there and watched Serqet take off. How exactly did she know the snake went that way? Susano thought about it for a moment and recalled the list of those that were seeing a spirit therapist, including himself. "Only when they're contracted with you." He could sense the irritation radiating from his summoner without even having to look at her. Not that he cared though. Before she could make a reply towards his words, he picked her up by her waist and tossed her so he was carrying her over his shoulder. "Susano! Put me down now!" She ordered while flailing helplessly. "I didn't hear a please so I am going to ignore that request. Besides, you move way too slow, I am annoyed, and I am not about to hear about how we came in dead last with setting up our part of the barrier. We're speeding this adventure up a bit." That said, Susano took off after the venom spirit while carrying Samira and ignoring her annoyed cries.

    The super duper trio found the snake that had taken Banana Joe and the metal barrier box, along with many other snakes. If it weren't for the fact one had a square shape along its midsection it would have been nearly impossible to tell which snake it was. Of course, not like the big clue mattered. Susano materialized his sword as he rushed into the pile of snakes and a second later they all exploded into pieces as the swift winds released from his attacks sliced them all repeatedly. Naturally, since he was carrying Samira, she was not spared from being covered with the insides of the reptiles. Thankfully it wasn't so bad, but then the swordsman spirit dropped her right on her hynie in the middle of the mess, covering her further in snake blood and pieces. Eye twitches.

    "Now lets see, where did that box go?"

    "Banana Joooeeeee!" Serqet ran towards a small nearby monkey and hugged it tightly. The creature shrieked and flailed, obviously not happy to be held in such a way. The venom spirit ignored the cries as she happily squeezed it even tighter. Susano arched a brow curiously as he wondered how on earthland the monkey survived and why it was not covered in snake stomach juices. Just as he shrugged his shoulders and went back to not caring, the answer came to him. He lifted a larger snake piece as he searched for the box and under it was a little monkey corpse. Slowly and quietly he put the snake cover back down. Nope. He was not going to reveal the truth or else they'd be stuck for another few hours having a funeral for the monkey. Not happening! Back to the search he went. It really would have been easier if he had not made a real mess in the area.

    A few more minutes had passed and finally the black box had been found. Not by Serqet, who was busy cuddling a monkey that was trying everything possible to get away from her, and not by Susano, who was still searching near where he had found the monkey corpse. The box was actually near Samira and within arms reach. Her surprise from having been dropped into a mess had passed and her mind went back to working fully. She grabbed the handle of the box and stood up. The woman marched over towards an unsuspecting wind spirit, and as she reached him the box was swung at him, being used as a weapon to send Susano flying into a tree. "How dare you drop me as if I were a rag doll, you jerk! Now I am going to have to shower for three straight hours to get rid of this mess." Samira almost screamed and considered smacking him again but fought the urge. A sigh was made to let out some of her frustration as she took out her iLac and began to put in the coordinates for their destination once more.

    The spirit that had been sent flying was none too pleased. As soon as he had realized what had happened, in a flash as fast as a rush of wind, he was standing right in front of his summoner. "You got a little dirty, so what? In fact, now that I think about it..." He grabbed the iLac and forced it out of Samira's hand. "This is a handicap, and it annoys me. We're not using it!" Right after he said those words he tossed the lacrima device away and a small splash could be heard from its landing in a nearby river. Samira's stare turned into a furious glare. Her mouth opened to say something but was interrupted as Serqet came over, monkey still in arms. "Heeeeyy, stop fighting you two."

    As the trio plus monkey stood there in a small circle, the ground beneath them began to groan. All of them, monkey included, looked down at their feet. The ground they stood on then collapsed and they all fell into an underground cave system, screaming during the descent.

    Some. Time. Later.

    The white light that would belong to Samira and her spirits shot into the air. With the amount of time they took it was likely they were last to set theirs down. If not, then that would be completely amazing and shocking. Not long after the metal box placement, the trio, and the monkey of course, were extracted and joined the rest of the group. Serqet looked as cheery and normal as ever as she held her new pet. Susano and Samira though.... well they were a mess and it showed their little adventure was anything but smooth. "Don't ask." Susano said as they joined the group. "Just know it was his fault." Samira added in. Neither of their tones were happy in the slightest, and after Samira's addition the two stared at each other with invisible daggers for a moment before both looked away and in opposite directions. "Team Samira mission complete!" Monkey shriek. Time for phase two.

    Template by ○Kaori

    Normal Version:



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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by YoungBridge 19th December 2017, 12:45 am

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private E0e89ff39e07fd6537763db41eb7d447--inspiring-quotes-manga-quotes

    ...Reality is a cruel mistress, but she did what she did to survive...

    Hebisha was not into the idea of being hunted. If anything she despised it due to her past, at least the past she knows and remembers of. Hebisha skid to a halt and dust and dirt flew into the air as her body begun to coil up and allow her to get into a striking position as her tail rattled with vigor. It may had made a few wolves flinch, causing their order and sync to plunge into chaos as the wolves jumped in unorganized, her blade cleanly runs through their bodies as she brutally uses their dead friends to combat her pouncing adversaries as they slow regained their composure.

    It was a disgusting sight if anything, a vile act to taunt their allies with dead bodies. But reality is a cruel mistress, but she did what she did to survive. The lamia never told anyone really about her life before entering the cold halls of the guild castle after a much long thought. The human who did display a kindness to her was the woman who just dropped in with a pulse of magic power that comically to her sent wolves flying into the air, along with the corpses that had a clean slit through their heart. Hebisha sensed the rest leave, leaving the two in the quiet jungle once again. Hebisha turned the to lady behind her who made their work much shorter as she spoke, walking past her before following silently.

    Kaori was first person she ever met in the foreign land called Fiore that treated her rather kindly upon their first meeting. The lamia either scared people away, calling her a monster and running away to safety or directly fighting her, which often resulted in the person becoming incapacitated while she made her slithering escape from further conflict. This soon gathered the attention of media in this land this land was scary. There were mages far stronger than she ever met and often it took a lot of effort to escape. While Hebisha may not fear the lady, who based on voice recognition, Kaori, she could sense uncertainty that there is a power she does not want to get on the bad side off.

    "Hard is merely just an understatement, imagine if you were not here and had that whole pack after you, with the refusal to use magic nor harm them," The lamia recalled as she slithered over the brush slowly, her amazing length trailing behind them. "They knew naught of understanding or sense, just hounds out to kill so they get food for home. All they saw was fear that never existed, a mere figment of human flaw." Hebisha then took a small breath.

    "However they were merely tools of the law," Hebisha resumed as they moved through the thicket. "Hate the sin, not the sinner."

    However the sentence after her reply caught her off guard, a slight flinch on her usually emotionless face. Anyone quick may have caught the slight blush, the slight grin and genuine smile. Hebisha herself never truly saw a smile, but deep inside she knew she could. Her face remained just still to the untrained eye, but she flashed a smile. Hebisha appreciated the fact that someone found her to be cute and cuddly, though she was not sure where she would be considered cuddly.

    The information relayed rather okay, seems that they just needed one more according to Kaori and just as Kaori commanded, Hebisha now finds her back inside the confines of the ship, her tail slightly knocking away down a few brooms as she tried to fit her serpentine body. The scules(also known as the underside of the snake that the previous poster had no idea what to call) under her snake body told her that the floor was wood now, which was the snake swore needed a waxing cause she felt a few splinters neath her, simply crushed by muscle and weight.

    Word Count:657
    Total Word Count: 1893


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 25th December 2017, 1:37 am

    Tag: @username
    Outfit: Here
    Notes: xXx

    With each little bit of step, her eyes slowly trailed along the ground and following the same set of footsteps that she followed from the prior opening she had first discovered them. What she did happen to notice was that there were no kind of animal like or even any other creature made marks, just the one of whatever it was she was following. The look of confusion and utmost puzzling expressions crossing her face during their exploration. Something seemed to be very off about what they were doing here and it wasn't really something she thought was only in her imagination or something was very off putting about the whole ordeal. For a place such as this to not have a single track mark from anything else around but one was highly unlikely unless certain conditions had been met. The observational bunny headed off of her trail just a little and began to feel the plants around, placing her hand in the dirt underneath, taking a careful moment to examine it as thoroughly as she possibly could before jumping to conclusions. Being that this was also a brand new land, she was unaware of the climate conditions so trying to predict things had been a tricky thing to determine. Tiny paws thumping in the ground got closer to her while she worked. Silvia curiously examined the things she did, curious what she was doing and why. Judging by the winds, nothing was around that she could detect, so if she was tracking a creature or animal, there was really nothing else here but the two of them.

    "It's hard to tell for sure..." She muttered aloud, making Silvia's curiosity move her closer to the bunny girl and then take a normal seated position like any other animal. "What is it, bunny?" She asked, looking to the plant that she had just recently been playing with. With a small sigh, Gisen leaned back and fell onto her rear end, twirling a piece of her hair as she thought of an idea and conclusions in her head. "Well... With the way the plants were, I can't tell honestly if the plants had recently gotten water or not. If it like, rained recently, I could see why the dirt wouldn't show any other trails. But like, with us not knowing a lick of anything with the land, it's hard to tell what looks, feels, and smells like without experiencing it first hand. I'll need to spend a while out here, maybe a couple of weeks or so to like, get familiar with weather effects on plants, survey the animals." The genuine sound of her statement made the Sylph think her conviction of living in the wild was genuine and without a single bit of hesitation or a second thought. "Why do that? Doesn't that set you back from trying to be a people person? Or.. whatever it is you wanted to be?" She had asked, tilting her head while she had this urge to learn more about her. It wasn't so much a hard thing to really take an advantage of in any regard to the type of person Gisen was with it just being the two of them out here, but if she didn't ask now, how would she ever learn after she left and returned. "If we accom- what- no.. WHEN we accomp-.. finish what we came here to do, I want us to like, build here and raise up a country. Start strong and fresh in cleansing the corruption and evil creatures that might plague this land like it did in Fiore. Together with everyone, we can do anything we set our minds to~" She giggled and reached over, petting the Sylph on the head gently, getting not even a spec of dirt on the spirits fur.

    Her speech did leave Silvia speechless however. She didn't think there to be such a large goal oriented brain cell in her body outside of probably creating a guild hall of nothing but carrots. Pushing that silly little idea from her head now, she stood up onto her feet and patted her rear end a couple times on each cheeks to pat the dirt from any of her clothing that might have gotten dirty. Two pairs of ears twitched suddenly, looking in different directions. She could have sworn she heard a bush shaking somewhere, as so the Sylph did but from a different direction. They each looked in opposite directions over and over, back and forth from the same two for about a minute or so. When nothing happened, they both loosened up their tensed nerves from it maybe being just a figment of their imaginations, one sparking their own in a chain reaction of seeing the other panic. Gisen began to rub the back of her head as she wondered just what might be the best thing to do. "GISEN, LOOK OUT!" Silvia cried out in a warning. Looking around, she saw at the last moment something darker green colored and very large shot out from cover and then had itself constricting around the bunny girl. It's coiled, scaled body squeezed tighter, against her attempts to push back, it had much more muscular strength than she did. "Dang.. never thought I'd see this happen to me. Kinda funny, really." She joked, hearing its grip tighten while it hissed and looked at its prey. "I-I.. I don't know what to do! D-Do I-?" Gisen began to chuckle, almost as if she were truly enjoying it all and shook her head. "Like, don't worry, Silvia. You never have to worry about me in combat~" She gave a little wink with the end of her assuring mention.

    Each second ticking by while she had watched it grow tighter and smaller around her, the less she seemed to be in a panic. Being that she had no blood, no real sense of a normal human bodily system, she never really worried about the need to breathe, though she did appreciate that freedom which was slowly trying to be deprived from her. "Huh... How did I get out of here again..?" She asked herself, becoming rather clueless to the solution to her dilemma right now. No weapon could help her right now.... Buuut.. yes. A devious grin formed as she chuckled to herself and a small amount of white wind began to get sucked into the tiniest pockets of the snakes constriction. In the next instant, the Anaconda like creature flailed off of her body, blood splattering around and onto her clothing, flopping onto the ground before it had gotten a grip of itself and slithered around some, looking to Gisen and a large lance would appear from a light before her open palm. A small shield would grip into her right hand. With the flick of her wrist, the top of the oddly shaped lance had popped open before the look of a black colored magic would fill the top and another flick would send the top back on and lock on. Silvia had been completely blown away by what happened and then sudden;y hopped away towards a safer place where she could safely watch. The Anaconda launched itself at her with an open mouth, swallowing up the first thing it could get into its mouth. Positioning it correctly, the snake had swallowed up have of the lance. The former grin parted as she devlishly licked her lips once,
    her eyes showing the intent of a sadistic fighter. "Ka-boom~" She said.
    In the dead silence, the sound of a click followed by a large explosion, making the whole head and part of its upper body shred into thousands of pieces. "God.. that never gets old." With a small shaking of her head, Gisen walked over and gritightly and slung it over her shoulder, making sure to avoid the blood dripping into her hair, but caring less for the clothing she could change at any moment. [color=#6699ff]"Let's go. We need to find the others now and group. I no longer like the feeling..." Her words were now harsh and bitter, seeming more dominant and orderly then calm and just suggestive thoughts or concerns. Unable to fully process it all, Silves just followed behind the girl and avoided the blood the best she cou;d while they tried to head in to the others, no telling or concern anymore for the markers around her. She wanted to assure herself that everyone was safe and sound, firstly.
    Made by Riley at THQ!

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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 6th January 2018, 2:38 pm

    Kaori spotted Samira being teleported to the ship with Serqet and Sasuno, as well as a very strange addition to the team- a monkey. Kaori blinked a few times at the creature, but decided not to question it. Knowing Samira the reason she had a wild animal with her was probably logical, containing very few absurdities. "Good work you three, that just leaves Gisen and her pet salad." Kaori said, her voice containing no signs of hatred despite referring to Silvia as salad. From above, Kaori watched and waited to see a fifth beam of light coming out from the direction Gisen was supposed to be, but saw nothing. A man ran up to Kaori as she stood on the ship's deck and said "Captain, we've got word from the Ark of Destiny. There's a minor complication..." in a calm tone that made Kaori give him a sideways glance before turning towards him. "It seems Miss Ceostra encountered an unexpected aggressor. Use of M.O.A.R. rounds would result in her death, and nearly irreparable damage to the surrounding land- but the Ark has prepared a full volley in case-" "That's not necessary." Kaori interrupted the man, her resolve to not level the place being quite high. "What can you tell me about it?" Kaori asked, folding her arms under her bust. "The enemy appears to be a thirty foot wide crab. The armor appears to be quite thick, but so far it hasn't shown any magical capabilities but we have reason to believe it's holding them back." Kaori's eyebrow twitched as she reviewed the data in her mind.

    Kaori: "Opinions on standard gunfire?"
    Sailor: "Out of the question, the bullets would ricochet off its armor."
    Kaori: "That's annoying... What about magical weapons?"
    Sailor: "They might be able to hold it back, but have little effect otherwise."
    Kaori: "What about plasma?"
    Sailor: "Those could melt the armor, but a misfire could be catastrophic."

    The sailor had then informed Kaori that there was more news... A fourth enemy had appeared at the place where they needed to place the box. This one was smaller, more human looking- but at the same time seemed to be much more powerful. Their magic signature made them appear to be high ranking mages, both with a sword. Kaori tapped her foot, weighing her options and assets. Undoubtedly the force of the ship's guns hitting the crab's shell would keep it down but the collateral damage was something she couldn't calculate. Plasma weapons would be effective, but can case a massive fire if it misses. "Snoop Genie, get Hebisha up here please." Kaori said and the lamia would find herself on the deck of the ship instead of the cramped halls below it, why or how she got teleported there in the first place was an anomaly. "Hebisha, a giant crab popped up where Gisen is. It's got pretty thick armor so your best bet is using magic and avoiding the claws." She then turned to Samira. "Sammy, you and I will take care of those mages and plant the box. I'm not sure how strong they are so I'd rather risk overkill than underestimation." If Hebisha had asked whether she would make any difference by fighting the crab, Kaori would tell her "That's not my decision, it's yours."

    Gisen would need to hold off the crab for a few minutes while Recon-One got closer to where she was to safely drop Hebisha off without teleporting her into a tree. How she dealt with the monster literally popping up from under her would be her own issue. During the trip over, a special friend of Kaori's had arrived in the form of a 15 foot tall hawk covered in lava feathers. Kaori jumped on and held her hand to help Samira up. She knew that Samira wasn't too comfortable with mounts since her first few were somewhat bumpy, but she hoped that it didn't make her completely opposed to it. Once on the hawk, it would take off at a much faster speed than Recon-One could ever hope to achieve- but the ride would be smooth. Even when the hawk tilted to the side slightly to make turns, the ride would be fairly calm and the wind would be a gentle breeze. The hawk would get low to the surface, spinning to be upside down with Kaori reaching up to grab the black box by the handle while flashing past Gisen. Afterwards, it would turn right side up again and keep going. Hebisha would arrive a couple minutes later to help.

    Kaori & Samira

    Upon arriving at the site where the barrier needed to be planted, the two mages would encounter their opponents standing out in the open. One was a rather small, silver haired girl with a three and a half foot long sword. The other was taller than Samira, who was taller than Kaori, and had a massive sword that was resting on her back. Kaori's eyes turned to glares as she looked at the two of them. Undoubtedly the smaller one would be fast and the taller would be strong, meaning that Samira was better taking on the tall one with Amaterasu. "So, you're the famous Kaori." the small one said, a gentle smile on her face that showed a minor Napoleon complex within. "What's this about?" Kaori replied, not in the mood for formalities. "It's rude not to introduce yourself you know?" the tall on commented while crossing her arms under her chest. "What's the point, they'll both be dead soon." the blonde commented. Kaori didn't recognize either of them, so neither could possibly be a wizard saint. "I'll make you a deal!" the short girl exclaimed, looking at Samira. "If you live, I'll let you become one of my dollies!" she said, her sword beginning to glow just before the girl shot forward. Kaori vanished and reappeared in front her, using her hand to block the sword strike that was almost too fast for even her to react to. White particles began floating in the air, indicating that Kaori was about to use her Passionate Burden to buy some time, but the tall girl appeared next to her with an unamused look and smacked Kaori with the broad side of her sword. Kaori was sent flying, bouncing off the ground and sliding a bit. The small girl had jumped back to give her friend time, but with Kaori at a distance she no longer had an issue with finishing Samira. She shot forward again, but instead of hitting Samira a war hammer appeared and hit her in the stomach with enough force to make her spit up blood. Energy pulsed through the arm attached through it and then through the hammer, sending a shock wave with force to send the runt flying. The tall girl looked at Kaori who was already back on her feet, glaring daggers at them with blood running down her head from where she was cut. A key was in her hand that was black in color and mammoth finished being materialized. Kaori vanished and reappeared in the tall one's face and tried to land a punch but was hit with the sword again. The girl then vanished and reappeared over Kaori in the air, hitting her and sending her back down. 'Damn she's fast!' Kaori thought moments before hitting the ground with incredible force. If Samira hadn't already gotten a spirit out, Mammoth would say "I advise summoning someone while you have time." Meanwhile the girl with the oversized sword had tried to finish Kaori off, but was stopped by a massive magic circle that doubled as a barrier. Once Samira had at least one of her spirits out, Mammoth would vanish to free up some space.

    Armored People (Eclipse Team) Tribal Ikuchi Ikuchi's Mask
    Blonde Tall

    Words: 5,889   |   Kaori   |   Stuff

    Samira's Enemy:


    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th January 2018, 12:00 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1797
    Thread Word Count: 7041

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private V6JIcYH       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private WOyJ6my       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private JOeaZ9l       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private W1bEUgL       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private MrksPDy
    "Gisen still has not arrived?" The pet salad remark would have been the spotlight question since it was a rather odd thing to call Silvia, but the fact that the bunny woman still had not finished her part was much more astonishing. "Good grief, there's actually someone not here yet even after we took the scenic route? And it's the guild master? Well, this is encouraging. Either she's taking the whole official tour of the place, or she's as hopeless as Samira." Within a few more moments it was realized that things were going to be slightly more complicated and go off the track of the plan. Wherever Gisen and Silvia were they would be dealing with some sort of crab monster with Hebisha lending aid there while team Samira and Kaori went to deal with random mages that coincidentally were standing right where the last barrier marker needed to be. "Oh, hell no! Step one was supposed to be easy and that ended up being one of the worst experiences in my spirit life. I am not taking part in step two. I'm on break starting now." The wind swordsman then poofed into grey colored particles. "Me too! I'll leave Banana Joe here to supervise!" Serqet placed the small money on the ground and poofed out of existence as well. "Wait! Do not..." It was too late. An untrained random monkey would now be loose on the ship. Samira was obviously not going to be able to watch it, and she certainly was not taking the awful creature with her. Of all things the venom spirit had to befriend and keep as a pet, why did it have to be a monkey? With a sigh and a shake of her head, Samira turned away from the creature and walked away, allowing it to wreck as much havoc on the ship as it wanted.

    Once the ship had gotten closer to where they needed to be, Samira would see the method of transportation Kaori and herself would be using to reach the barrier point; a lava hawk. The creature was not new to her, but it had been a very long time since she had last seen the large fire bird. She smiled with approval. Animal mounts were often too bumpy for her tastes and rough enough to make her sick. However, the last time she had rode it was after her very first mission with Kaori, and she did recall that it was less of a concern. There was no fuss to be made as she reached up and grabbed the ninja's hand and hopped up onto the lava hawk. From there, the flight began, at a high speed but definitely smooth. Well, up until it turned upside down. It was a quick motion, just long enough for Kaori to grab the black box that had originally belonged to Gisen. That did not stop Samira from tensing up and nearly having a panic attack though. If only that was as bad as things would get. If only.

    When the duo had reached the barrier site, they encountered the mysterious mages that had been brought up earlier. A tall woman and a shorter one. Samira remained quiet as Kaori interacted with them, although she could already tell from the first set of words that things were not going to be pleasant. Thankfully, they were much more focused on Kaori than herself. The summoner had begun reaching for her set of keys, thinking she could use one of her spirits that were suited for crowd control and stalling, thereby skipping over an unnecessary battle. There was still more to be done with the actual mission, and she was in no mood to be wasting time or energy on uninvited guests. The short one then looked her way and shouted something about making a deal. That caught Samira by surprise and her hand had stopped going for the key chain attached to her hip. She had thought she was invisible up until that point. Then as the short girl mentioned dollies the summoner's face went blank. "Doll...ies?" Her face twitched. Surely the girl was not serious? There was not even any time to give a more proper response or make a move. The girl proved to be far faster than she could ever hope to be herself without the power of her spirits. If she further analyzed it, she would likely assume it was almost faster than even Ama considering Kaori could barely get there fast enough to block the attack. Unfortunately, due to the ninja having to step in and protect her against the attack, that left her wide open to take the hit from the taller woman as well and get sent some distance away. Samira gritted her teeth. Once again she was causing an issue just by being present in the middle of a battle and basically being an easy target that served as a major distraction for her ally and friend. It was starting to get very old.

    Samira grabbed the entire key chain and prepared to summon a spirit, but the quick and small girl was making another rush for her, causing the summoner to pause her summoning process as she braced herself for the attack that was much too fast for her to move out of the way from. What had saved her was Mammoth, a spirit that Kaori had managed to have time to summon before the attack hit. The result was the small girl being sent back. That bought her at least some time. She was very much unaware that that opponent was the worst she could have ever gotten for more reasons than one.

    "Agreed," Samira replied to the large spirit as she readied two keys; one for offensive and one to keep that annoying speed in check just a bit. While she wasn't using her more higher tiered spirits, she hoped it would be enough. With the battles that still lied ahead she preferred not to waste them on dealing with a brat that said she would turn her into a dolly. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of Destruction! Kali!” With the key held out and called, the blue skinned and almost demonic looking spirit appeared just as the larger spirit disappeared now that his role in stalling was over. She may have not been the fastest in the arsenal, but she was mobile and very capable. The smaller girl had recovered and was about to make yet another attempt at adding a new doll to her collection when she became occupied with having to defend herself with the rapid and vicious attacking four armed spirit. "Your speed is best used from a distance. You are slow up close. Pathetic!"

    While Kali was dealing with the opponent, Samira summoned up her next spirit. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of the Moon! Awilix!”

    Just as the second spirit was materializing, the enemy mage had jumped back to gain distance. Kali had wasted no time in going right after her, but the girl had predicted as such. She used her speed power to be above the spirit and attack from there with her sword. It was put to a stop before the attack could fully connect with the blue skinned spirit. Awilix was just as connected with Samira's mind as the rest and was already informed on how she could help. The gravity around the enemy girl was altered and she went crashing down on the ground the moment she appeared above Kali. Temporary stun was effective! For a moment anyway. Kali turned towards the girl lying on the ground and flipped her blades before aiming them at the girl. The pointed ends met the ground as the quick enemy proved to be...well quick. Her teleportation move had made it to where she was near instantly in front of Awilix. The spirit had raised her spear in an effort to block, which had succeeded, but making a true connection was not the girl's intent. Instead, some sort of spell was cast on her that drained the spirit's energy greatly. She found herself unable to remain in the mortal world despite the magic power of her summoner and the fact she had only just been summoned. "Strange. Not right." Awilix disappeared into a swirl of magic particles, but not the same type that indicated she returned to the celestial realm. Instead, a porcelain doll version of herself was left.

    Fearing dolls, Samira stared in horror. The spirit being turned into one was mind blowing yes, but...doll. That was overtaking all of her thought processes. Kali just glared at the thing and at the small girl that seemed to enjoy turning the weaker spirit that had landed an easy hit into something so fragile. Then her eyes narrowed as she lowered her weapons. "This is ridiculous." The spirit then dismissed herself. What she didn't know was that the girl had managed to use the same spell on her while she was defending herself against Kali's onslaught of attacks. When dismissing herself, she had unintentionally given permission to be turned into a doll much earlier than what the original timer had been set to. Samira gasped and nearly fell over dead at the sight of a Kali doll standing there.

    Meanwhile all the spirits watching from Samira's mindspace were facepalming.
    Susano: 'Dammit, Kali! First being absorbed in Bosco and now being turned into a doll!'
    Bastet: 'I question why so many dolls are drawn to Samira. Is it a conspiracy against those afraid of such things?'
    Susano: 'Of all the things to be afraid of it had to be a child's toy. She can take out monsters, stand up to people that can otherwise kick her ass, and deal with all of us in her head, but toss a doll at her and she either freezes or takes off running in the opposite direction. This is so unbelievably sad to watch.'

    Dolls. Dolls. Samira was frozen just from the sight of them even though they were in the image of her own spirits. She was an even easier target than before. The doll mage ported to Samira and slashed her sword against her abdomen, but it was apparent that she was just playing around at that point. The cut went through her clothes but it did not go deep at all, it was enough to cause a thin bleeding scratch. She didn't need to do much more than that. Her sword magic would take of the rest. The girl then ported away from the summoner, who would be feeling much more pain than that of a simple scratch. It was time to get started with using two new dolls to make the fight more entertaining.

    To be continued...

    Template by ○Kaori



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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by YoungBridge 10th January 2018, 12:26 am

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Wpid-2013-year-of-the-snake-list64139600x450


    Hebisha shifted slightly among the items, having no clue where she was. However moving proved painful as she found herself with splinters between her scales. Trying to move herself in a proper position to pluck them was a bigger problem as who would ever think that a 13 feet long snake person would make an appearance in a guild for monster hunters and heroes among things. Hebisha could have simply left, but fatigue made her think otherwise. The comforts of the guild made her feel welcomed and not only that despite the initial fear from members when she first slithered into the castle confines, they treated her bruised and dirty body with care. They were nicer than her encounters in the wild and cruel.

    Finally she has reached the underside of her body and tried her best to located the splinters along her body. Blindness was one thing she wished she could get rid off. When she was first taken in by the lamias, she learnt of their amazing poison making skills that no mage has ever been able to replicated, however her lack of sight means she cannot do the necessary procedures to craft their venom and toxins. Not that it truly mattered, Hebisha's own saliva had corrosive properties while non-lethal, would cause great irritation to the area it hits, but it was enough to make things sizzle. This however made her extremely peculiar about hygiene around people, for it could mean an upset stomach if she licked the serving spoon or spat it in like a fool.

    Hebisha finally finds a splinter on her underside, sighing before fumbling to get her fingers around it and with a quick pull, an emotionless extraction. However as she finds the second splinter on her body, she finds herself slightly above the floor in the room the meeting was held and her body drops to the floor, an expression of emotionless wonder why she finds herself back inside with Kaori and Samira. The lamia plucks the next splinter out before dusting herself and sitting up. If lamia can sit. Standing up is not even the right term, what do you mean that it's just being upright she is on her. Never mind.

    Hebisha folded her arms as she heard their bad news. With the guild mistress being busy with walking dinner meant that the plan discussed before cannot be executed. The lamia understood the severity of the situation, but with her attacks being mainly steel blades, Hebisha wondered if bringing her in to help would make any sort of difference, only to be answered vaguely by Kaori before being left alone in the room waiting for teleportation to commence. Hebisha stared at her swords quietly after plucking out all the splinters. The lamia questioned herself again, as she was about to face a challenging foe, Kaori's words lingered in her head along with previous conversations. With a sigh she hears a notification of standby, it was time to drop down give her foe a surprise, and maybe her guild members. The lamia never displayed magic to anyone for the longest time, she was not even sure she could pull it off again. Hebisha hears a beep and finds herself with instructions to head North. The sound of crashing and birds flying away told her more.

    Hebisha hoped that the crab has yet to reach Gisen but it seems that not. The crustacean clicked and clacked as it scuttled towards her guild mistress. Time to delay it. Hebisha drew her blade and threw it between the chinks of its armor, only for her blade to crack and insert itself into the soft flesh underneath, and make a very angry crab as it turned around, cracking trees and making the jungle topple and shake. Hebisha raised her rattle and hissed, blades at ready to kill as her body coils into striking position, the rattle making its loud noise. Her eyes narrowed as she dodging a leg that attempted to pin her. However keeping track of some many appendages while trying to find a weak spot proved difficult before she found her tail grabbed and pinned down by its legs and the crab's guillotine pincers ready to strike down.

    Should Gisen have arrived to investigate, she would see the pincers being brought down successfully on Hebisha, or at least it looked like that. Dust and dirt flew in clouds of smoke before the crab's eye stalks gave an expression of confusion. The dust and dirt settles.

    Where could potentially be the lamia's chopped up body, stood a lady with notable armor on her legs and arms right between the killer blades, her 7 blades on her back. Her pink hair flowed in the wind as the new figure gazed her red eyes up to the crab, her grey clothing resembled those of Midi qibao. Like her armor the cloth had a steel gray to it, only to have a difference at the skirt where it resembled scales of a white snake. Hebisha bent her knees and launched herself up the pincers, ignoring the crab's struggle to remove its pincers from the ground. The fighter brings herself up to one of it's eye stalks, where she took a firm hold with one hand and gave the body part her knee, an audible crack coming from it before being torn off savagely being sheer force. The crab frees itself and tries to shake her off quickly before more damage could be done. It was too late as it lost it's second eye and Hebisha lands on the ground, metal glinting in the light. But now with its sight removed, it flung its pincers in a panic. The armor suddenly changes for the gray to a dull orange, Hebisha now running towards crab and avoiding it's predictable danger swings, sliding beneath the beast before lifting her leg to the sky in an angle a season martial artist could only pull off before slamming it down. Nothing happens for a moment but the ground caves in like a sink hole as walls rose up, just enough to trap the crab inside. Making her escape through the top, the fighter lands on the ground and rolls, panting before reverting back to her lamia body. The crab was wildly swinging, however the earth proved difficult for it to cut out or move in, at the mercy of whatever may come for it.

    Word Count: 1071
    Total Count: 2964


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

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    Battle Bunny

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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 21st January 2018, 7:26 pm

    Tag: @username
    Outfit: Here
    Notes: xXx

    The eerie silence of the forest around her was serene to say the least. As her mind relaxed from a combative state, she yanked at the snake corpse she carried with her. The more normal that she felt, the more she felt like something was nagging at her. Was there something she had to do? It was hard to tell at first if she was just thinking of other things at the same time or if she had been just been oblivious to the reason she was out here on her own. Sure, the bunny girl could take care of herself as the trophy and meal slung over her body showed, but she was getting slightly frustrated over this. What was she supposed to do? And... where was she even going? One perk of being lost unfortunately was being able to recognize things easier in a mental emergency to ensure survival in a time of dire need. "You still following, Silvia?" The elemental called out, looking over her shoulder not carrying the corpse, most of it being blocked by thick purple hair. A still nervous Sylph kept a slightly hurried pace in her animal form in the moment, trying to both mentally file everything combined with just normally working to keep up. To her, if things were easily that dangerous, no matter which form she too would end up becoming dangerous for her. However in this one, she had a chance to blend in to hide from any if not hopefully all hostile enemies.

    One thing that did strike her mind was how she could be so calm despite almost being crushed to death. It was one thing for someone to be cautious after that, however Gisen showed not a single sign of any of it. Granted, her weapon was still out... but that in it of itself was a wonder for what she saw her do with it before. No matter how hard she seemed to try, the Sylph couldn't shake the image of Gisen's actions of blowing the anaconda's head into pieces and albeit enjoying it in a very sick and twisted manner. She knew adrenaline affected humans differently, but if she'd been around them along enough, did those effects get to her too? Or was it simply just a psychological thing that affected any living being? It more or less seemed like something that she would have to look into at some other time. "H-Hey.. Gisen?" A nervous spirit spoke up, trying to get her attention. She looked back over her shoulder, one eye getting sight on the four legged spirit, but she remained silent, knowing when Silvia spoke, she wanted to speak. "N-N-No.. No nevermind. My apologies." She choked up suddenly, which the guild master had taken some notice of. She smiled and giggled a little, almost like she hadn't had just been in the middle of combat recently. "It's a little bigger than I'm used to, but like, it's really fun." She spoke, turning her head back forward. "The rush of adrenaline, the challenge of a foe that can change or come in pairs or packs ranging from small to gihugic." She paid no mind to the fact she used a word a 9 year old child would say, but she giggled surely enough like one before tossing the anaconda corpse aside. "It just hit me... Hebisha might be mad if I brought home an anaconda to eat... being a Lamia and all...." The two chuckled together for a moment in the humor of thinking how the blind Lamia would react to eating something like that without knowing.

    Something unsettling caused the bunny girl to pause. Her lance shifted around as she stopped and looked around. Eyes shifted around every direction from up to into the ground itself. There was something around... somewhere, but she couldn't find out what it was or where. She had suspicions it was something small in hiding, much like she had pictured smaller creatures to do among hearing unfamiliar or dangerous sounds in the distance. Unlike any other rabbit, she liked to jump head first into the fire then dive into the rabbit hole so she stood her ground. The silence continued on for a good minute until a small cracking of the earth snapped her attention to underneath her. Both girls lept as fast as possible away from the center as the spidering earth shattered like glass underneath them. A large crab shot straight up from the ground claw first. Its ambushing attack launched the bunny into the air at an angle from her attempt to dodge, sending her flying through some brush. The speed from which she was send had her bounding off of several trees; once head first, one with her left shoulder, and the last one leaving her upside up with her back caved lightly into it, showing obvious signs of her being smashed into it. The impacts caused her to become dazed, nearly unconscious even. Silvia poked her head out of a bush she'd hidden in from the crash. Her eyes widened as she began to watch the Lamia recently mentioned having begun to fight-- with legs! The sight on its own was impressive with how a blind girl was able to still fight with such precise movements, she had to see how they fought together. Though... she couldn't find Gisen anywhere. Poking back through the brush, she looked through the other side until she spotted the nearly unconscious girl.

    Sprinting over, Silvia's form switched to her humanoid one and halting on her knees next to her."Hey, are you ok? Wake up!" She smacked Gisen's cheek several times to give a little shock to wake her up. It took a moment or two before she started to come to.
    "Oh god..." Finally noticing, she placed her hand down on a wound.
    The girl found that in the impact, the crab's pincer that struck her had removed her right arm entirely just below the shoulder. Shaking her head of the cobwebs, Gisen sat up, hearing the commotion in the bit of a distance. "Oh man... I feel like my head went 3 rounds with a Kangaroo..." Using her only arm, she pushed herself up onto her feet, letting out a sigh. "Don't be worried... it's only an arm. When you lose a leg, then you worry." She joked, laughing lightly before she stepped out into the fight between Habisha and the crab. Seeing the Lamia just slithering free from the cage she trapped it in, Gisen glared and brought her heavy blade into her left hand. It's cold chill and holy aura could possibly be felt from where Hebi had been, but she wasn't sure of it yet. Raising the large weapon into the air,
    she slammed into the ground, creating an avalanche of thick ice stalagemites piercing through the thinest layer of the ground, hitting the crab and piercing through its body in a multitude of places. It let out a shrieking cry of pain.

    The Sylph ran out just after, seeing the devastating combination of moves that despite Hebisha having done all the work, it was set up perfectly to make sure it couldn't harm either one of the mages. "Are you nuts, you brainless rodent!" She yelled, stomping up and hitting her in the head with a closed fist. It only took a moment before she cried out in pain,
    shaking and holding her hand, growling annoyingly. The mind of the bunny girl snapped back from a slowly growing fog, looking around and then realizing what she'd apparently done. "...Now THAT'S dinner. And on ice too, haha! --Huh?" Looking over,
    she noticed Silvia grasping her hand and rubbing it, completely unknown that she'd just been hit in the heah. "Are you ok? Did you hurt your hand jumping away from the crab?" The tone carried concern and sincerity, but Silvia quickly hid her hands away behind her back and scoffed. "My hand is the least of your concerns. You're missing an arm and thought nothing about jumping back into combat. You are possibly the stupidest little-" The sudden etherious clearing of the throat stopped the Sylph in her sentence. A voice Hebisha would not have noticed, she crossed her arms at her chest and turned away with pink cheeks. "It's not like I cared or anything... I... just wanted to see how b-big of an idiot you really were... idiot." Continuing her stance of uncaring support, Gisen wrapped her only leftover arm around the Sylph and turned the girl towards Hebisha. "Papa will fix my arm later. I can fight and that's all that matters. Anyway, you fight really well, Miss Hebisha. Trapping it in place was really great planning!" Her compliment carried with a giggle and smile, nearly forgetting the fact she was blind.'

    1488 + 1420 (last post, never added to total count) + 2359 = 5267 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!


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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 25th January 2018, 10:33 pm

    A colossal wave of energy shot out from the woman with the large blade, threatening to crush Kaori under her own barrier but much to Namine's disdain the barrier didn't budge. Kaori wasn't a much of a wizard, but she was one hell of a power house and she'll be damned if she got crushed by her own spell. Of course, that wasn't to say she was just blowing off Namine's power... holding it back was requiring all of Kaori's strength and the use of her telekinesis. 'My how you struggle... my grandson must've made a mistake in choosing such a weak rider.' a voice said in Kaori's mind, almost throwing her concentration off. 'I suppose if I'm going to help the other, I should be kind and help you as well.' the old man said.

    Kaori's barrier exploded when Namine empowered her sword with flames and overpowered it, making her drop the blade on Kaori herself only to be blocked by a white blade and begin producing a great deal of steam. Namine smirked and said "I heard you were smart. Holy water, right?" with an arrogantly amused tone. Kaori vanished and reappeared, slashing Namine's armor and leaving a frosted spot before vanishing again. She didn't even bother replying to the woman's comment, Kaori wasn't much to talk during a fight. When it was over was the time or words, but during battle, her enemies weren't even given the credit of being human, just cannon fodder. Of course, Namine was no slouch either and she used her massive sword to block in incoming attack whith a slash. The weight of the sword was immense, more than enough to send Kaori flying backwards. As Kaori stopped sliding, she felt the broad side of the sword smashing her over the back of the head and knocking her out, sending the girl to the floor. Namine then scoffed at how easy it was to take Kaori down and turned her attention to Kuromi. "Oi, you done yet? This one's boring as hell!" she shouted, to which Kuromi told Namine to wait a few more moments. Namine huffed and slammed her sword into the ground, grumbling about how she got stuck with a boring mission again...

    In the darkness of her mind, Kaori saw scales moving past her. 'Are you finished, human...?' the voice asked, to which Kaori replied 'Never.' in a powerful metal tone. 'So you're not ready to die?' he asked, his tone being intrigued. 'I'm always ready to die... if it means my friends live.' Kaori replied, making the dragon laugh. 'Such a foolish girl! How will you protect them if you die?' The words were correct and pointed out a fatal flaw in Kaori's line of thinking. 'The Lareci Clan doesn't stay dead... We go to hell to regroup, then we come back a thousand times stronger. My friends, Samira, and her spirits will never be without me...' In the real world, Kaori was already beginning to move, gripping the grass below her while forcing herself to get up. 'So you'll resurrect and die as many times as it takes?' the dragon god of dreams asked. 'Absolutely.' Kaori replied, her ruby eyes beginning to turn white. 'Your ideals will cause you suffering... but you have a great deal of resolve, human. I will teach you a spell to summon my power to your body... do not abuse this.' the dragon said and his presence faded from Kaori's mind.

    A green energy took over Kaori, the visage of a green, serpentine dragon wrapping itself around Kaori's body showed up moving from her stomach to her left arm and lingered. "Ryūjin..." she said, causing the dragon to glow bright and catch Namine's attention. "...no ken wo kūrae!" Kaori shouted and the dragon vanished, becoming one with the ninja and increasing her power drastically. She shot forward, screaming a powerful battle cry and forcing Namine and her sword into the sky. Kaori vanished and appeared over her, rage filling her now verdant eyes as she lifted her heel above Namine and dropped it down, sending the woman to the ground to cause a massive crater. 'Yes, human. Fight like a dragon, let your humanity wane and give into instinct...' the voice of Ysrad said in Kaori's mind. Kaori looked down with a rage filled look and began pooling energy around her hand to form a shuriken that was larger than she was, spinning while collecting fire. Samira and her opponent Kuromi would both feel the heat from the attack, as well as Kaori's immense amount of anger surging through the air as winds kicked up. Namine was still in the crater, slowly getting up while using her sword as a cane to muster the force. "You'll regret ever showing your face to me... WHEN YOU'RE IN HELL!" Kaori shouted and sent the white fire shuriken towards the spot Namine was supposed to be. An explosion ensued upon impact and the shrill scream of pain could be heard emanating from the crated. The explosion worsened and became a pillar of white flames that turned the nearby grass to ash, and the ashes to white hot glass.

    Kaori formed a small orb at the front of her hand, the temperature of the world nearby dropping to absurdly cold to the point that her fire had vanished and the glass shattered into the air from the near instantaneous temperature change. The orb was pure magic, and composed of Kaori's wrath that radiated from her like pain from a deep stab. The orb shot forward and hit the hole where Namine was and Kuromi shouted "NO!" as loud as possible, but there was nothing to save Namine from Kaori's absolute anger. Kaori was after all called the Demon of Wrath as one of her nicknames, and for good reason. The hole filled with ice and using her telekinesis, Kaori lowered herself to the ground and stared at Kuromi who was glaring at her original target. By now, Samira and her would've been fighting for some time and the former had likely lost a few spirits. Samira would hear in her mind 'I know you're scared, but you know running isn't an option. Let your love for your spirits, your family, course through you and overpower that fear. I won't interfere with your fight, but I will avenge you if you lose.' Kaori would then grab the barrier device and set it, sending a white signal into the sky and making the other devices begin forming the massive barrier and isolate the three remaining monsters inside.

    Gisen & Hebisha

    The crab having been dealt with, or so they thought, the ground would begin shaking and the sound of thundering steps would be heard in rapid succession. They'd also feel magical energy radiating from the crab's corpse and if they turned, Gisen would see a green mist coming from it. The crab would begin moving, the ice inside it shattering and it getting the strength to rise up once more for a second round while releasing a blood curdling scream. It stood tall and slammed its claw into the ground to send a wave of water towards the two beings, only for that attack to be blocked by the sudden appearance of a large, white wall of energy. It would seem Kaori's barrier had kicked in just in time and as the crab began banging on it, it would seem that the two were safe from having to fight two enemies. However, the thundering sound had slowed and they'd find themselves face to face with a large feline. The large cat was covered in stone plating, making it so stabbing it was a less effective, but still viable option if you had the strength for it. At the site of the new enemy, the crab had immediately made itself scarce.

    Armored People (Eclipse Team) Tribal Ikuchi Ikuchi's Mask
    Blonde Tall

    Words: 7,203   |   Kaori   |   Stuff



    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 29th January 2018, 10:20 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1972
    Thread Word Count: 9013

    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private V6JIcYH       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private WOyJ6my       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private JOeaZ9l       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private W1bEUgL       Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private MrksPDy
    The small cut from Kuromi's blade hurt more than it should have. The short girl was able to increase the pain her target felt, and with such magic Samira was feeling as if she had been stabbed rather than obtaining a simple cut. The feeling snapped her out of her stationary state and she cried out as she fell to her knees, her hand going towards her stomach where the cut had been made. The girl laughed and gave the summoner a smile that was befitting a more insane person. If it were not for the dolls that were around Samira would have gotten up and smacked it right off of her face. However, there were dolls, and to make matters worse they were made from two of her spirits. "You can lock my spirits away then." Of course she'd get such a counter as an opponent.

    The girl giggled and mentioned something along the lines of locking them away in a doll wasn't all she could do. Before Samira could question what she meant by that the Kali doll exploded into particles and the spirit version appeared. A sigh of relief would have normally escaped her, but she held it in. Something was very wrong with the spirit that told her Kali did not just happen to over power the spell. The spirit's eyes were now red rather than their normal white glow, and she stared at Samira as if she were an enemy. Definitely not right. Even with her bitch personality Kali never glared at her in such a way. The spirit's scimitars raised and she charged forward towards the summoner, her attacks only being stopped by a small barrier that formed from her spirit keys.

    Agni: 'Well that was close. I was worried about that reaction time.'
    Bastet: 'That will not work forever. If that girl can turn us into dolls and use some form of mind control then this is going to be a problem.'

    Samira took the small chance she had to stand up and reach for her keys once more. The mind controlled Kali leapt back and then disappeared, likely using her mobility and speed to attack from another vantage point. "Summoning one of the spirits of higher power should work to end this quickly. Maybe Ama-"

    Everyone: 'NO!'
    The shouts of all the spirits echoed loudly in her head and made her jump from the sudden surprise of it. "Why not?"
    Susano: 'Look, you wanting to put an end to this with a flashy bang is good and all, but lets not go that route. Lets pretend you have a brain for a second. Are you pretending yet? Good. Now lets say we don't know anything about that girl's magic except she can turn us into dolls and then be used against you and as a bonus, us. Lets theorize that you bring out your most powerful spirit and she turns into one of those freaky little dolls you love so much. Are you getting where I am going with this yet?'
    Samira: "We would have to fight her."
    Susano: 'You make me proud. Now who here wants to fight Ama?'
    Ama: 'What's wrong with fighting me? I would be most amused by it.'
    Susano: 'Yeah, most amused by having a good excuse at kicking everyone's asses. I'm on break so it wouldn't happen to me. I am sure as hell glad for that.
    Loki: 'You all do know that I could just-' Interrupted.
    Ama: 'What was that, brother?'
    Susano: 'Nothing. Nothing at all. Back on topic, I have one piece of advise...don't use strong spirits. For celestial's sake just don't. Use utility spirits.'

    Loki: 'Speaking of, I really could-' Interrupted again.

    Samira sweatdropped. The spirit Kali attacked again but hit the same barrier. Annoyed, Kuromi also attacked. The barrier was weakening, she could tell. "You cannot be serious. Something like that would work on a weak opponent. I have my doubts on her being susceptible to most of the effects on the non-offensive spirits. Not to mention..." The easier they were to take down, the more dolls that would be around. Samira went into a cold sweat just from the thought. The Awilix doll was still there...staring...trying to take her very soul...it was evil!

    Ama: 'Samira... I think this fear of yours is making you lose any intelligence you once had. Use the the utility spirits to act as your support while you take on the powers of one of us. She cannot turn you into a doll or she would have done it by now. I suggest using my powers since everyone else here has decided that I cannot go out there myself anyway.'
    Loki: 'Well I guess everyone is just going to ignore my usefulness here. How tragic. It'd take only a second.' Ignored.
    Ra: 'It is not just you that cannot be called, Amaterasu. None of us on the higher offensive can. Stop pretending to not understand this. Your search for amusing reactions annoys me and is meaningless.'
    Ama: 'It's not meaningless if I enjoy it.'

    The conversation cut off as Samira now had to stop listening. The spirit Kali and Kuromi attacked the barrier together, shattering it. They'd find nothing there as the summoner had already taken Ama's powers as her own and teleported away in a blink of light. Great, she had powers and Ama's fighting ability temporary. Now what was she supposed to do with it? Cut her own spirits down? The idea disgusted her personally, but for Ama to suggest using her power she got the sense even a light spirit approved of it. Maybe it'd even return them to normal. Samira used a different key to gain access to Ama's spirit storage, which just so happened to have a weaker sword in it. While she herself was very clumsy and a horrid fighter, when using the ability that fused the spirit's power with herself she was able to do the same things they were capable of. The physical fighting was a rarely used aspect of the ability as Samira mainly just always used it for their spells. The current battle was changing things up a bit.

    Using Ama's skills, Samira fought against Kuromi and the controlled Kali. Both were difficult to fight, although for different reasons. Still the spirit eventually turned into particles and Awilix was summoned as a replacement. Samira summoned her own replacements, although they did not last long after using their abilities. The shorter girl wanted more dolls apparently, and eventually the ground was littered with dolls in the shape of her spirits. She couldn't even pay attention to the fight of her fellow guild ace. Then it happened. Cupid turned into a doll right above where she was standing. His doll form fell and bounced off her head and then shoulder before finally hitting the ground. Samira tensed up and paused as it touched her, and her eyes went into panic mode. Dolls....everywhere. It was time to flee before they turned into a murderous army and went after her! A shame she couldn't even move. Even her spirits screaming for her to snap out of it wasn't enough. It was with luck that her opponent was distracted by the fate of her comrade or else she would have been in serious trouble.

    Just as it seemed she would be lost in her own imaginative fears, Kaori's voice entered her mind. The words brought peace of mind and calmed her, although the fear of the dolls around here was there. Rather than focus on that though, she instead focused on a different emotion: anger. Anger at being forced to fight that girl. Anger at her magic dealing with dolls. Anger that the magic turned her spirits into dolls. Anger that the girl had the nerve to mind control her spirits and use them against her, forcing her to defeat them herself. That was unforgivable. That anger fused with the love she had for each of her spirits, even the ones that were often mean and cruel towards her. They always had their reasons for it, and most always it was for her own good. They just had their own ways of showing how they cared. A different sort of power was being used by the summoner now, but it wasn't a power that gave her the abilities of a spirit. She could feel the energy of all of her spirits surround and fill her, making her stronger for a single attack.

    Samira's opponent was severely pissed off at losing her companion to Kaori, and wanted to make things equal by taking out Samira. She teleported towards the summoner to make a deadly final attack, not taking notice of the white glow around Samira that was overpowering Amaterasu's glow. Big mistake. Samira still had the light spirit's speed to match Kuromi's. When the girl appeared, Samira was ready and acted purely on instinct and anger. She punched Kuromi the moment she appeared, unleashing the mixed energy of all of her spirits and sending the girl flying backwards and into a few trees. Surprisingly, Kuromi was getting up even after that.

    Loki: 'Oh, goodie. It's still going. Can you please summon me now so I can end this? This really should have been done several minutes ago.'
    Susano: 'That doll girl just took a punch that had all of our energy in it! What do you think you are going to do that is more effective?'
    Loki: 'It's a surprise! Now get on with it! It's rude to keep a willing spirit waiting.'

    Samira arched an eyebrow, wondering why he did not just come out himself if he really wanted to. Nevertheless, she summoned the trickster spirit while her opponent was still trying to recover. "Finally!" The jester shouted cheerfully before putting on a mischievous grin as he set his eyes on Kuromi. She now had her sword back in hand and teleported to add him to her own collection. She was met with an explosive dummy that waved its hand as it tilted from side to side instead. Kaboom! On the ground she was once more. "So terribly rude! I do see that we both like dolls though. There's just one tiny difference." He snapped his fingers and Kuromi had disappeared into a puff of smoke. What remained was a tiny chibi sized Kuromi. Samira and the spirits in her head sweatdropped while allowing their jaws to drop. That's right...they forgot he could do that. "I like my dolls to be a bit more lively," he said with a high pitched laugh as he picked up the tiny Kuromi and held her tightly. The girl struggled, but couldn't really do anything. With a gentle flick to her head, she was knocked out. He then tossed her at Samira, who just barely managed to catch her. "Here you go. She's cute, but I get the feeling she would rather snuggle up to you than me." Samira's eyebrows twitched in irritation. She wouldn't allow a doll near her period and most certainly not a tiny doll version of her opponent. "Ge-Get out of here!" The jester spirit laughed before disappearing into particles. Now what the hell was she supposed to do with the now tiny human?

    "You would not happen to have a jar on you, would you?" Samira asked Kaori as she turned towards her and held up the tiny Kuromi with her index finger and thumb and as far away from herself as possible as if the chibi sized mage was infected with something. She really did not want to carry her in a pocket, and there was no telling when the spell would wear off. If Hades small doll status was anything to go by, Loki would have to remove it himself.

    Template by ○Kaori

    Total WC: 9013
    8000 for S rank Freeform
    500 for D rank Freeform
    500 for D rank Freeform

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 8th March 2020, 3:52 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private Empty Re: Lamia Scale: New Horizons - Private

    Post by YoungBridge 7th February 2018, 2:50 am

    ...And... really?...

    Hebisha picked herself up and shook her head, her hair was a mess and rather dirty with tiny pebbles in it. Frantically she dusts herself clean as possible before facing her guild mistress.

    "Thank you however we need to get back to the ship now, also..." Hebisha sniffs. "Is that snake on you Guild Mistress? It smells oddly delicious..." Hebisha then shrugs away any comment made, turning around just to hear movement and earth and ice cracking by some abnormal force. Hebisha readied a blade however the creature never approached. Hebisha could not see it, it had no life yet was moving. Hebisha then heard it hitting something. It was odd. Perhaps it was the shield that was discussed earlier back on the ship. Hebisha put her sword down.

    "It seems to be a good idea to retreat now Guild Mistress," Hebisha sheathed her blade, unaware of the cat that had just appeared. The lamia then turns around and sees a hulking figure. Hebisha sighed before pulling her blade out again, as papers flew from her hand and begun to circle her wrist.

    "Seems like we have a challenger Guild Mistress, I may not truly see you at moments, so please take care of yourself." Hebisha coils up, the cat hissing at her with fangs, hearing the feline hiss. Hebisha then launched herself upwards and the cat leaped to bite her. Hebisha then threw the blade right into the cat's mouth, lodging her sword inside the mouth as it caught Hebisha with its mouth. The cat was visibly struggling to bite down. Hebisha grabbed hold of the feline's mouth and held it open, only to shut on her as she reached the somewhat safe confines of the cat's mouth.

    Inside the mouth, saliva coated the lamia and in her anger of being a germaphobe, begun slicing wild inside the cat's mouth, unlike her discipline and precise form when combating the crab that went who knows where. The mouth was bloodied up, and who knows what Gisen could be doing to the cat from the outside. Hebisha shot fire into the open wounds before being gagged out of the cat's mouth and flung out, covered in cat blood and saliva. The lamia lands. The girl growls and waves a sword at it.


    Word Count: 3370


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:05 pm