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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Empty Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Post by Lester Drynedi 30th December 2017, 5:02 pm

    Lester Drynedi C Rank Black Rose

    Retrieving The Package Job Description

    Their travels had led them down the road, tracing the path which the supplies would have moved in they had met with the odd beast people a few days past. Whilst he personally would have liked to look into their odd deformities and discover more about how having the features of a creature affected their interactions with society it had been mentioned a few times that indeed this was still a job. The road had been lightly paved yet water still puddled up in places, over a month had passed since the expected shipment would have gone through this way. Had the shipment been a scam then the group would have an awkward conversation when they returned. Yet the beast like people seemed to be sure that it was bandits. Stretching back a chilled wind caressed his neck, glancing over at the other two he covered his blooming mouth as a yawn stretched across his face. “So, Bandits or something else?~”  The question was posed in a simple manner, just wanting to pass time. The job seemed simple for the three of them, now they had taken on a second one. A black rose, fairy tail and trader hunting down some lost supplies. The threat of fighting a group of bandits seemed minor. Bandits were people who had fallen in life and took the lives of other, mislead individuals with low skill levels. If a bandit had skill in something then surely they would make a living like any normal person! A slight smile swept across his face as the coat was drawn closer around him. Its dark green material blended in nicely with forests and the youth had decided would become a staple of his wardrobe. It fit easily over light armor and could be easily removed. Quite a nice bargain from any marketplace. A slight puzzled look passed across his face, there would be few travelers passing down the road and the sounds didn’t seem to be that of a large party.

    A simplistic smile pasted across his face the words he spoke held a light tone masking the meaning. “I think we will be meeting up with some other travelers soon.” He noted a few scuffled leaves on the road ahead, bushes with snapped branches. The bet of bandits could still be proven wrong yet from what he had seen ahead they seemed to be lying in wait. Would it be better to walk in ready with spells? The three of them would have been spotted for sure so sneakily moving around like ivy and attacking from behind was out the question.

    Word Count:  435/2667
    private message me for plots

    Template (c) Izayuki



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Empty Re: Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Post by DOPPO 4th January 2018, 5:10 pm

    It had been fairly early in the day, and as usual, Ezra had not been up to anything in particular. Or at least he had thought as much. Upon looking on his calendar and other various written reminders, he and his mentees had scheduled to do a job today.                              

    The black haired brute never saw himself doing jobs of this rank so often, missing the thrill of life or death situations and saving towns. Life as a wizard became boring sooner than he expected. However, balancing the responsibility of an ace with his own desires, he had to settle for jobs like these; retrieving packages and tending to smaller problems. Although it was boring and easy in nature, the feeling of helping and nurturing both Lester and Aera into adept mages made it seem worthwhile.

    The group had met up on the dirt road in which the missing delivery boy had been traveling, strolling in the heat of the sun and the chilly winds that accompanied it. In one large hand was Ezra's usual silver flask with the strong, acidic smell of his favorite vodka, and a small stone he found earlier in their travels in the other, tossing and squeezing it for fun.

    Ahead of him was Lester and his his usual daisy white hair tossing in the wind. Ezra grinned,
    "Maybe. With such an open road, it can be likely. You ain't scared, are 'ye?" he joked. Really, it was completely fair to believe bandits might have caught sight of the merchandise and had their way with the products, but also just as likely the delivery boy was up to no good to begin with. Following the dirt road was their only clue.

    As Lester would continue to speculate, the brute brushed his unkempt hair back and sipped his vodka, sighing deeply, "You think so? I don't smell 'nothin yet. Or maybe it's the booze that's masking it. I'unno."

    WC: 321/2,667



    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

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    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Empty Re: Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Post by Lilim 5th January 2018, 10:39 am

    More then one thing of note: I found Lester to be a simple sort, though not in a poor way, and yet, a savant in the forests, and of plants. Second, Ezra is rather nice, though again, his breath is far from pleasant. Neither person was worth my rather unwarranted semi-hostility, and yet hostility of mine is garnered forever in this realm, for as soon as Lester pointed out people behind us, and made the remark of us meeting up with other travelers, my hand went to my blade, pulling it out from its sheath a tad, blade bared to the air. I nodded to them, and moved aside a bit, slowing my gait to a crawl, letting the "travelers" meet up and pass me, and as they moved past me, I noted their outfits. Matching outfits, long coats with jeans or the like, with parallel "bulges" that I assumed to be weapons on each of their hips. They noted me, and noted what I was doing, and a few of these people stayed behind me and watched me, hands in coat pockets, eyes darting forward, between my fellow mentee, and my mentor, and I assume a similar, me inclusive pattern, of ocular activity to those who are watching me as I stalk them. We were all antsy, me being the most on edge, though my current companions, not my allies of this job and friends, were a close second. At the breaking point, I laughed and said tauntingly: "Are we doing this, or what?" With that, the rasping sounds of weapons pulled from storage, I pulled Reaper free from the sheathe that confined him. Without a word, but with a crazed laugh, I did free three heads from their shoulders, and in a spinning motion, offed a few more. I then danced out of combat range, parrying knives and clubs and swords. I jumped and danced, wading in through combat range, lashing through people simply, people losing limbs to my skill, usually fatal, as it has to be. By the end, the few opposers had dropped their weapons, hands behind their head, and lashes across several areas. Bodies layering the ground, and I stood among them, flicking blood off the blade, and blade readied. "You want to tell us who you are, and what you were doing? You saw what I could do, but I'm one of three, and our mentor is far stronger then me. So: Tell us, or die. That's your options, pick one." after my tirade, I pulled my blade along the neck of one, and the noticable shiver really perked me up.


    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Z8lAzQC
    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Empty Re: Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Post by Lester Drynedi 16th January 2018, 1:42 pm

    Lester Drynedi C Rank Black Rose

    This second job had him thinking of Ezra and Aera, for the youth had been surprised a little when their first job had been completely smooth, taking down a murderer although it was possible he had never envisioned himself doing such a thing. Forming at the back of his throat it spread across, treelike roots hardening his esophagus his hand moved upwards to massage it away, doubt and worry had caused a lump of emotion to form, the trust he held in his mentor had not diminished yet since then he had been conflicted, the past few days had passed in a somber fashion with a sunken field of mud enveloping his mind in murky thoughts. The slight expression of anxiety carved lines of worry into his face, the thought patterns he had been experiencing recently weren't adequate, traversing terrain his impression of things lately whipped from black to white with the slightest breeze, the youths optimism kept him hoping that his stalk wouldn't snap under such pressure.

    Would their current job encompass such a moment again? He had to drag himself out of such moments. Fingers threaded his back arched stretching back, a blank slate his face calmed, after accepting such control he let a soft smile wrap across his face, he had to be happy after all. With his mentor and fellow mentee here the two of them would continue to bloom into ripe blossoms ready for the harshest winter. "No not scared, merely cautious~" Words trailed off, leaving a finished sentence sounding empty. The inner turmoil and self analysis had been incalculable, yet the glass cleared up when he went to look at others. Aera seemed a little brutish at times, yet by no means was she an imbecile. Vision caught her slight movements, a bare spring flower being the first to strike through the earth she had readied her blade. Quick to react seemed a little nice to put it, drawing back up from her blade the slight grin of comprehension drew back his lips. From details he had come across he was convinced she would start off the fight, and by no means was she a bad fighter. Half a step taken back his had no reason to add to the wild forest of weaponry, with each second that passed another body fell as the mass of bandits thinned. Content with letting her elope in the midst of foe he only had need to draw a blade when a stray had made a move to prowl from behind. Many underestimated knives, yet as he managed to elbow the fellow in the throat the blade had sunk under his knee cap, without a reason to plunge it in deeper the trusty object the youth slid back into his relaxed standing position.

    A few remained, he had edged forward, silent and smooth his movements seemed natural as the scattered opposers lay broken with their eyes trained upon Aera as she questioned. It hung in the air momentarily, each of the opposition hoping another would speak. Words caught in his throat one spoke with a hesitation that could had been incompetence. "Merely bandits! Just small ones at that- our loot is taken back to base"  Stubble and ages, the weathered skin of the speaker indicated his age was at least 35, perhaps closing on 40. His mellowed gaze slid over to the degenerate, like a soft watermelon which was intoxicating and sweet he bathed the middle aged man in a noxious stare. "You mention a base, but you don't elaborate. Would you mind telling us the location?"  Pity for the lower class seeped into his voice, the inclination of the female by his side probably urged her to slaughter the rest. It would be unfortunate if that happened.
    Glided down a map had been produced, one of the others had hurriedly snatched it from a bag and thrown it towards them. Plucking it up from the ground creases smoothed out Lester had held it by the corner for Aera to glance over, "It all seems in order, we shouldn't kill them." Laid across the word kill thick emphasis eased his meaning into the word. Killing wouldn't be right, however surely the bandits would be able to survive with the odd loss of limb.

    Word Count:715,  1150/2667
    private message me for plots

    Template (c) Izayuki



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job] Empty Re: Retrieving The Package [Aera & Ezra Job]

    Post by DOPPO 3rd February 2018, 4:14 pm

    Ezra could now feel it, the chill that crept down his spine and into his gut. An intuition accompanied with man's most raw and primitive instinct, the sensation of danger. No superhuman nose or ears were needed to detect this kind of sensation. Regardless, the gruff man had treated it as if he were observing nature as usual and remained calm and collected, though Aera would behave otherwise. She became tense and alert, quickly becoming aware of the dangerous presence as well, and rightfully so. There was no such thing being overly cautious, and there was a high possibility that the approaching "travelers" would be classified as bandits, but nothing the group couldn't handle. There were no particularly skilled bandits or thieves that made a living off of cheap roads with people traveling with cheaper items, mediocre bandits at best. Ezra's orbs rolled to Lester, who seemed almost equally tense.

    Before they knew it, a group of bandits, moderate in size, approached and surrounded them. Ezra would simper, followed by the stroking of his thin, scratchy beard. Things certainly weren't looking well for the three, wanting a peaceful encounter, and though this had been the ideal scenario, Aera had been quick to provoke them and invite the fight. At her words, it had marked the point of no return for the three of them, and commenced the bloodbath that awaited the trio.

    The fair haired Aera had twisted and twirled with a blade in hand, slicing through the bandits with ease, Lester giving his occasional contribution of physical punishment. All the while, Ezra had remained idle and expressed no interest in participating.

    With the downed and beaten bandits, Lester and Aera had been the first to commence the interrogation, in which few bandits quickly complied. Ezra ran a large, strong hand through long, messy locks with a weary expression, "Ay-ay-ay, lads! Y'all are quicker to fight than you are to talk. Have mercy on poor bastards, will ya?" he sighed, turning to face the downed bandits, smiling tiredly, "Y'all had it coming, but I 'pologize on their behalf."

    Ezra had been against excessive for since he was just a teenager, for the thrill of combat was enough to satisfy him, but never did he shed blood if it weren't necessary. The knocking out or restraining of enemies was enough for him to proceed with any mission in the past, though of course, there were many occasions where he had to slay man or beast for the sake of the mission of the safety of others.

    The middle aged man ambled over his two mentees and eyed down the thin object Lester had been holding, "Restraint, lads, restraint. What do y'all wanna do with these folks? I'll leave it for you two decide, if you want?" he grinned, plucking the item from Lester's hands and into his own, viewing it in full and beginning to examine it for his own curiosity. Useful information that would surely further benefit the group in advance.

    WC: 822/2,667
    Notes: Totally missed this post! So sorry! Apologies in advance if the post's off or low in quality, too. D:


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:37 pm