Fairy Tail RP

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    My Favorite Game Ever! (Job)


    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Art of the Younger Ones
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    My Favorite Game Ever! (Job) Empty My Favorite Game Ever! (Job)

    Post by HirokoD 23rd January 2018, 6:21 pm

    It was just another normal day. It had only been a few days after Hiroko's return. Things had changed. Not much had happened and counting the days passed was not in his interest, but it had definitely passed at least a year since he walked those streets. Back then it was normal, he was a kind human being who dedicated his life to helping anyone in need. Nowadays, his only dedication is having some fun and playing around with life. At first, he was going to dedicate this day only to walk around magnolia, see what had changed and see what he was now going to miss, a normal life. But as he was walking through the park of Magnolia, a couple of kids walked towards Hiroko and pulled from his coat.

    The sun was almost gone. The sky was now in its orange form and Hiroko had to head back to his home. But home was nowhere right now. These thoughts were quickly interrupted by a little kid wearing a blue cap and a yellow shirt. "Excuse me mister, would you like to play tag with us?" Said the kid. Hiroko smiled and nodded at the kid. "I'm it!" said Hiroko just before the group of 5 kids maybe around the age of 6 ran away from him. Tag was maybe Hiroko's favorite game when he was younger, but it was still in his top three games now that he was 21. Too bad adults cannot play if it is not to please a little kid. Or that is what people usually say to those games, but Hiroko was not one of those.

    After giving them only about 3 seconds to start running, Hiroko ran towards the first kid he saw. It was the kid in the yellow shirt and blue cap, the one who invited Hiroko to play. Hiroko easily caught him and touched his head just before he then ran away from the kid. "Tag, you are it!" Said Hiroko. The kid ran around as he tagged a friend of him and eventually led back to Hiroko having to tag. It was a fun evening, quickly consuming Hiroko's last hour of sunlight and the children's last hour of playing at the park. The group played for a bit more than an hour around the playground. At first, it was only tag, but they sometimes decided to switch games. They played hide and seek, sly fox and even some other very simple games like rock paper scissors. The last one only because it was Hiroko's petition. But when the sun finally dropped leaving only the park lights to facilitate their vision, the kids were called upon. Each of them ran towards their mothers who after grabbing them and picking them up as they heard the fascinating tales of their kid's imagination, glanced at Hiroko with a thinking smile for playing with the kids. Gratitude was no longer something Hiroko desired, in fact, it even made him a bit uncomfortable, but a fun day was a fun day and he was never going to stop living like that.



    Hiroko's Theme

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:21 pm