Fairy Tail RP

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    Delta Necchi
    Delta Necchi

    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Δ Nanorobotics Δ
    Second Skill: Δ N/A Δ
    Third Skill:


    Post by Delta Necchi 21st December 2017, 2:18 pm

    Job Description:


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    Delta Necchi
    Delta Necchi

    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Δ Nanorobotics Δ
    Second Skill: Δ N/A Δ
    Third Skill:


    Post by Delta Necchi 22nd December 2017, 11:58 am

    Neutral Grounds, again, it was a place she had mixed feelings for. She loved it for how advanced they were, it was closer to were her level of intelligence was. How much technology filled to streets, there was people she could actually hold a decent conversation with. It was nice. But she hated it because it shut down all magic, which was dreadful for the girl considering she is made up with both magic and science combined. Why couldn't they just not shut down all magic? That'd be a nice change of pace, but I suppose that wasn't going to happen. So she was just going to have to do this job without her powers, and while being weaker and exhausted. What could possibly go wrong? Well her fast working brain could think of a lot of things, but just tried not to think about it too much. Which was nigh impossible for her brain to do, but she would just have to try.
    The girl arrived at the farmland, the sun setting in the horizon, her brown gaze scanned her surroundings. The fields were extensive, the barn and the farmhouse was large, she was going to have to put a lot of work into burning this thing down. Her hand pulled out her jewels, counting them she sighed, she was glad she was going to get jewels for this, cause she was going to have to spend some. The girl went back to the town nearby, and went to a store, she filled her cart with a plethora of things. All of them flammable or ingredients to some explosives. It didn't look suspicious, it just looked like she was just buying a bunch of random things to either make food or something like that. But a genius mind like herself could see the danger in all these objects.
    The girl headed back, holding paper bags in her arms, this was going to be fun. Finally putting some of her knowledge to good use, burning down some cocky successful farmer's home and crops. Quietly she walked into the house, setting the ingredients on the table, she started building. Putting together explosives and hiding them in different places, wiring them all together with threads doused in flammable fluids so she could set them off at a distance. Once she finished with the house, she ran the cords outside and set them down. She did something similar to the barn, but set it up for a dust explosions, she checked the lighter she bought before placing it back in her pocket. Lastly she had to set up the fields, which would probably take a bit more work due to their size.
    Delta set up a small field sprayer with a cocktail of flammables, then she made it able to be remote controlled, and to tell her when it was out of fuel. She had to run back to the store a couple of times to get more fuel. She filled the tractors with fuel and hot wired them, then she drove them into the fields. The truck she set up with a pipe bomb that was wired to the same thing the house was. She had to lengthen the cord a bit more so she would be a safer distance, far enough away so she could have time to run from the explosion. So finally it was done, a proud grin on her expression.
    Now she just needed the last thing, and here it was, Mr. Jekis walked up to her "Who are you and what are you doing on my property" he asked in a gruff tone, holding a rake in hand, ready for attacking. The girl continued to look smug "Well you know, setting your property on fire." this shocked the man, but he went in for a swing at her. She rammed her petite body into his large one, knocking him backwards do to his awkward unbalanced form. While running backwards she lit up a molotov made with some alcohol in the man's house and some other flammable liquids, and she tossed it directly on him. He lit up in flames, he screamed in pain, trying to put out the flames he just set off the cord leading to the house. The Nov tossed the lit lighter in the window of the barn and ran, the explosions from the fields, the house and the barn just missed pushing her. She laughed maniacally as she ran away from the property, the man's screams echoing into the night sky.

    Word Count:
    759 Δ 500


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