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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) Empty Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 22nd November 2017, 11:54 am


    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) 0WKR6kK

    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) Empty Re: Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 22nd November 2017, 11:54 am

    Monster roll


    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) 0WKR6kK


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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) Empty Re: Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Post by NPC 22nd November 2017, 11:54 am

    The member 'Berggeit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) TV6mrb1 Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) TV6mrb1 Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) TV6mrb1 Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) UtKyMUJ Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) TV6mrb1
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) Empty Re: Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 23rd November 2017, 7:56 am

    Kasumi wandered around in the mountains, her destination was Hargeon Town. There she would meet up with her crew. It was spring and valleys were full of blooming flowers and cattle with their newborn young. There was an occasional fresh breeze, but the sun was high in the sky, it’s rays shining with warmth. It was a nice feeling, the playful mix of cold and warmth on her skin. She took a moment to gaze at a group of cows, with the tingling of their bells, in an almost white flowered mountain meadow with on the background a lake. The sunlight and the snowy tops made the lake look as if it were made of liquid silver. Just like a painting, she thought. Kasumi managed to drag herself away from the beautiful view, back to her journey ahead.

    She had walked for miles and the sun had begun to set and it grew colder. As she wandered on the mountain path, Kasumi had seen a sign which told her that there was a village nearby. She walked an hour longer and found the village behind the mountain. She saw lights from a few of the houses. There was one building that truthy stood out in the dusk. It was a large building, the only one that was two stories high. It was clear that there was movement inside of the building. The light sources were sometimes interrupted by a passing person. That must be the inn, though Kasumi. She walked towards it, notably faster as moments before. Her feet did protest against it but the comfortable thought of warm food and a chair, or even better a bed, faded the acing pain away. When she was closer she noticed a board with a plate, a knife and fork, wearing the name: Hearth and Plate, read Kasumi in her mind. She walked on to the door and opened it.

    It was as if she walked through a portal, from the chilly outside to the warm inside. Her nose filled up with the smell of spices and smoke. Her eyes looked around the common room, the coalminers where the once that sprung out with the black coating on their face’s and arms. There was also another group that caught her attention. A group, that seemed to be farmers but there where also some miners that were caught up in a heated discussion. Kasumi looked away from the group to the booth, her feet soon after. “Can I get a room and dinner?” Asked Kasumi to the man behind the bar. The man in question wasn’t that the largest person, small by stature. He had a thick brown beard with strokes of grey and a balding head. He replied in a thick voice, “We got a straw stuffed bed upstairs in a room or beds in a room below, for dinner we got a stew of potatoes, carrots, unions and a sausage with a pull beer or milk.” “I would like to get that one bed and a beer to go with my dinner. How much will that be?” Was Kasumi’s reply. “400 jewels, that includes breakfast.” Kasumi nodded with approval and grabbed her purse and took out the 400 jewels. After which she took a seat at a table near the discussing group, to eavesdrop on their conversations.

    She could hear fague comments about a beast, about dead cattle. And then her meal got served to her, apparently, the group hadn’t noticed her arrival but noticed her after the innkeeper brought her dinner. The group came to a silence, which made the room almost awkward. Then their voice started debating again, she could her references to her. She decided to focus on her food and started eating. She got approached by someone after she finished her dish. She looked the tall, but skinny man, in the eyes. They almost looked fearful, combined with his hesitation to speak. “Can I help you?” Asked Kasumi fast, she looked around the group. Another man replied, a miner. “The cattle around the town are being killed and drained of blood. It’s the Chupacabra, we are looking for someone to find it and kill it. No one dears to a do it. We need a mage or a warrior!” Said the miner. “Hmm, before I consider. How many jewels will I get for it? I’m quite low on funding.” Asked Kasumi, who wasn’t surprised that they ask her for help. She carried a sword and a gun on her, so it was clear that she is a warrior. “We can bring up 8.000 jewels if you can kill it.” Said another man in the group. “8.000 jewels isn’t a whole lot as a reward. But I understand the position you people are in, I accepted it. I’ll go tomorrow morning.” She stood up from her chair and walked to the booth to ask for her room. The room wasn’t big and only filled with a straw matrass with a woollen sheet. Not much but warm for sure. She undressed and rolled herself up under the sheets. Kasumi didn’t sleep immediate, she first thought about the Chupacabra. What could it be? She thought. After that, she fell into a deep sleep.

    The rays of sun started creeping into her room, onto her face. The rays tickled her skin and prickled her eyes. Kasumi tried to open her eyes, but the bright sun stopped her from doing so. She rolled onto her side and tried again. She looked around in her room, searching for her pile of clothing. She stood up and grabbed her clothes. She dressed up and ran her hand through her hair. “Ugh”, That’s such a mess, was the thought that ran through her head. She grabbed her bag, looking for her comb and started combing her hair. She then fixed her hair in a ponytail. The last she did was wrapping the imperial flag around her and shoved her sword through the improvised belt. She checked her revolver and placed in its holster. Kasumi walked downstairs to the common room, there were no other visitors. She took her seat near the hearth, which had slowly died out during the night but still held some warmth. Her breakfast was much elaborate as she expected, seemed like the innkeeper was glad as well that someone would take care of the Chupacabra. She had two pieces of toasted bread with egg and bacon and some cheese, a glass of milk to flush it down. She thanked the innkeeper and hit the road. On her way to the mysterious cave, which was suspected to hold the Chupacabra.
     wc: 1117


    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) 0WKR6kK

    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
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    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) Empty Re: Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 4th December 2017, 6:08 am

    Kasumi looked at the cave entrance, nothing looked out of the ordinary. She had made some torches on her way to the cave and lit one. “Here we go.” Said Kasumi to herself. It didn’t take long before the sunlight seized to exist within the cave and she could only see as far as a few meters. The cavern started to grow wider and wider and she started to notice remains of cows and even of people. “This isn’t good.” She said softly, her skin started to become goose skin. Her free right hand reached for the holster, checking if the gun was still where it should be. She heard a noise and immediately grabbed the revolver out of its holster. Could it be? She thought. She lit another torch and threw her older one further down the cave. Things happened fast. Four bats flew at her from the dark. She dropped her torch when she saw them and heard them. They screeched loudly, almost ear deafening. Kasumi grabbed her revolver in two hands as she shorted emptying her revolver on the flying beasts. Three fell to the earth and one was left. She fired once more but it was just a click, she had run out of bullets. Quickly she switched the hammer from its position and fired again. She handled so fast that she didn’t take the right stance and hurt her shoulder. “Ah!” She shouted out. She looked at the bat’s at her feet, each of them was enormous, much larger as she had ever seen before. Their wings were more like a foot long and had large fangs. Her heart pumping in her throat. She went to sit on a large stone, still looking at the winged beasts, to get her heart rate back to normal.
    Her old torch, the one she had thrown into the darkness, had burned out. “I’ve to get going.” Told Kasumi herself, the was a slight tremble in her voice. She had never felt so scared, the cave felt ominous and then there where these beings. She shook her head. “Focus.” She reloaded her revolver and picked up the torch. The torch was slowly dying out, so she had to light a new torch. I run out of these fast, though Kasumi. She went further down the cave.
    She ended up in a room inside the cave. So large that it could fit multiple line ships. She looked around, amazed. There where crystals that reflected the light of the torch, giving her a better few of the cave. The crystals were kind of odd, they were evenly spaced around the room on the same height. That is odd, though she. She walked further into the room. Some small red glowing lights ignited in the distance. What is that? The lights crawled closer to her and out of the shadows walked eight dogs. They have a pitch black, leather-like skin. Their jaws were full of long, sharp teeth. It is their eyes that glow blood red. Kasumi gulped. These are all Chupacabra, she thought.
    “Evoco Umibõzu Ut Orbis Terrarum!” Shouted the dark-haired woman, a blue magical ring appeared in front of her. A large dark creature rises out of it. The creature was sized like a giant, its head was bald and its eye’s glow pale blue. His robe was made of fishnets and seaweed. “Umibõzu attack them!” shouted Kasumi as she opened fire herself. A new magical circle appeared, this time in the air and in front of the Umibõzu. A small fishing boat fell out of it, in the hands of the giant. He took a step forward and throws the ship at the same time, slamming into the closed Chupacabra. Kasumi fired a spray of bullets at multiple of these corrupted dogs and the Umibõzu went into a close melee.
    Kasumi switched her revolver from her right hand to the left, as she dropped her torch. She drew out her katana and charged. She collided with one of the beasts. Her sword strikes at the Chupacabra’s front legs. One of them falls off, then the sword turns back up. Slitting the throat of the dark beast. The fired another few rounds at some of the beasts.
    The Umibõzu picks up one of the dark spawn with his huge arms. Tearing it apart. While the others snapped at his feet. The dark giant stamps around with his feet, trying to hit the beast. He threw the remains that he held in his hands away, to pick up another. The Umibõzu threw the next beast away from him, but the Chupacabra kept attacking his legs. The Umibõzu fell on its knee’s and the devil spawns went for its throat. He fell face forward, the ground shakes when he hit the cave floor. Blue magic circles appeared around him, and then it disappeared to its own realm.
    “No!” Screamed Kasumi out in pain. But then she was charged at. A Chupacabra ran at her, with its mouth open. Ready for the kill. Kasumi drew back the hammer of her revolver and twisted it. She fired, a canister shell speeded out the barrel. It blew up in the face of the dog. She had a moment to get a breather and call forth a new summon. “Evoco Proteus Ut Orbis Terrarum” A magical circle appeared on the ground, shining golden. A lion jumped out of it, with a roar. He jumped at the nearest Chupacabra. Kasumi looked with awe at the sight of a majestic lion, golden against black. Watching was a mistake, one of the Chupacabra’s knocked her over. She sliced over the dog chest as she rolled over. The lion ripped open one of the creatures with its huge claws. Proteus wasn’t able to finish the job, another Chupacabra started biting in its flank. The lion bites back, crushing the beast’s spine. Kasumi stood up and holstered her revolver, there was no time to reload it. She took her katana in two hands and charged at one of the black dogs. It was already wounded but tried to run at her. Kasumi lumped its head off, ending it’s suffering. “Who, who woke me from my slumber?” Said an unknown, but deep, voice.
    Kasumi looked up from the just slain Chupacabra. What she saw disgusted and terrified her. There stood a being, it was large and hairy. It was a giant bat, human hybrid. With jaws full of sharp teeth and large nostrils and big ears. It's clawing where long and sharp, and he was covered in jewellery. “What… what are you?” Asked Kasumi, her voice trembled. The creature breathed heavy, “I am Glodi’at.” The hair on her arms raise as goosebumps, a sudden fear took her. Blood sucking creatures, giant bats… Vampire, she thought, she knew stories about them. She started loading her gun, with dire haste. “It’s courtesy to introduce your self after another did.” Said Glodi’at with an impatient tone in his voice.
    Kasumi didn’t want to say her name, instead, she fired a salvo of bullets. “Proteus, keep on fighting!” Shouted she, her voice hinted that she was scared. “Insolence!” Bellowed Glodi’at, furious that he was. The fired bullet misfired, and Kasumi threw it away. She drew out her sword once again. The vampire jumped at her at high speed. They clashed in melee. Glodi’at clawed at her with his long and sharp claws while Kasumi tried to deflect every attack that came to her. The speed that the vampire used for its attack started to dwindle, and Kasumi took over the offensive. She managed to damage the beast. Glodi’at we drew itself but jumped up behind her out of nowhere. It buried its fangs in her shoulders and Kasumi screamed out in pain. She turned around and chopped the left and off the vampire. Glodi’at retreated again and hid in the shadows.
    Kasumi felt terrible weak after the bite, her limbs felt heavy, but she walked forward. She wanted to kill the beast. “Come forth.” She shouted. Kasumi saw movement in the corners of her left eye. But she was too late. The vampire clawed her in her side, but Kasumi managed to cut the vampire as well. Glodi’at fell on the ground and Kasumi tries to raise her sword. She couldn’t bring it as high as she wanted, it took three blows to chop of the head of the vampire. Her body fought her wounds and seemed to drain her magic. Proteus disappeared to its own realm, just after he managed to slay the last of the Chupacabra. Kasumi passed out.


    1433 + 1117 = 2.550

    Mana: 60/100
    Health: 10/200

    Kasumi got infected by the vampire. Reward Strong+ Item.


    Wanted! Chupacabra Slayer! (closed) 0WKR6kK

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