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    All things come to a close

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 5th May 2017, 5:28 am

    Job Title: All Things Come to a Close. (One Time Only)
    Rank: A-Rank
    Player Requirements: 18000 word count minimum
    Job Requirements: Defend Hargeon from the Masquerada. Must roll 10 Monster rolls, and beat them all.
    Job Location: Hargeon Town
    Job Description:
    One misty day in Hargeon, there came a boat with a black obelisk in the forefront. A people wearing masks disembark from this ships, and move towards the populace. These people wearing masks wield the four respective elements, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
    Weak: Water Brands:(x2) These "mages" call themselves Water brands, and have full dominion over water. Water Brands take no damage from water attacks.
    Water brands wield the power of water and has three distinct ways to attack with them.
    Icicle spear: Icicle spear is a literal spear of ice, and when colliding with you, leaves something called a water tag, which leaves you vulnerable to the water brands' third move, and to other attacks from the other brands. This attack deals 1.25 A-Rank Damage.
    Water Drake: This attack summons two indestructible drakes made from water. These drakes are the heads and neck of drakes, and shoots 2 shots, dealing 2.5 A-Rank Damage together.
    Water Blade: This attack creates a sword made of water and ice, and activates any tags upon enemies. When activating tags, the spell deals 1.5x damage to those with a tag. Normally, This attack deals 2 A-Rank Damage.
    Normal: Fire Brand:(x4) These "mages" take no fire damage, and have full dominion over fire.
    Flame Aegis: The user summons a field of Fiery shields 180 degrees the user, each taking 1 A-Rank Damage before breaking, and regenerating full health from Fire Damage.
    Flame Burst: These mages throw a beam of flame, which explodes over 100ft in diameter.
    This attack deals 1 A-Rank Damage on burst, and .5 A-Rank damage over three posts in fire damage. This leaves a fire tag.
    Flame Blade: This blade of flame deals 1.5x damage to those with a tag. This deals 1.25 A-Rank Damage in flame, and deals .25 A-Rank damage over 2 posts.
    Strong: Air Brands (X3): These Brands have unnatural control over air, and take no damage from air magic.
    Zephyr: a Tornado is cast up by this Masquerada deals 1 A-Rank Damage over 2 Posts, and stuns for 3 posts. Leaves a wind tag.
    Wind's Grip: A giant hand made of wind chokes the user, stunning for 4 posts and dealing .33 A-Rank Damage over the stun. Can be broken out of. (Must roll a d6, and get 3+)
    Wind Blade: This deals 1.75 Damage to water tags, and deals 1.5 Damage to other tags. This Attack deals 1.5 A-Rank damage normally.
    Boss: Earth Brand (x5) Has full dominion over Earth, and takes no poison or earth damage.
    Quake: In a circle of around 150ft, the Earth brand deals 1 A-Rank Damage and leaves an Earth tag on anything caught in the path.
    Spire: A tall tower shoots out after the earth brand stomps the earth, and deals 3 A-Rank Damage.
    Earthen Blade: This blade deals 1.75x damage to all those with tags. This deals 2 A-Rank Damage normally.

    Reward: 45K Jewel, and 1 Strong Weapon slot.

    -- Credit to Aera Tylidae



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 5th May 2017, 6:38 am

    Julius Seas

    Persona 5 ~ Beneath the mask:

    It was an crystal clear night in the famous port town of Fiore, Hargeon town. The streets were lighten up by street lanterns and the lamps of the many buildings that were spread across the port town. Julius walked over the streets in search for a nice bar to sit down and relax for a bit after his hard work on a job he had just finished. Julius could use a nice drink before heading out to the Divide island again... Who knew that Julius would end up living on a island Julius only had done one job on... *chuckle* It seems it's true when they say that fate can work in the strangest ways, don't you agree Squable? Julius asked his green talkative parrot who was sitting on his right shoulder. You're right Julius-kun! But why the sudden philosophy? It isn't like you to be this way? Squable asked while looking at Julius with a questioning look on his face. Oh it's nothing really... The thought just went through Julius... After all, Julius came to Fiore to become a full fledged wizard, yet in the end Julius got back to Julius' roots and joined Black Sails, but Julius can't really complain, it's nice on living in secret! Julius said as he patted Squable. How about a nice drink before heading back to Divide island? Squable nodded and they both went ahead to search for a bar to sit down and relax before heading back to their home, being the Divide island.

    Walking around the streets of Hargeon made Julius realize how nice the night life could be, people out on the streets having fun. Of course the night life also had it's dangers with the many criminals out on the streets hiding themselves in the shadows of the night, waiting to strike their chance on innocent people and what not. Cats and dogs were running through the many back alleys of the town, either changing each other or just digging through trash cans for food. Yes, the night life surely is different then daily life. After a short while Julius and Squable found a nice bar, the name of the bar was: "Treasure Cove" a fitting name for a bar in a port town. Do you think Julius can get a discount for having a fitting outfit? *chuckle* Julius said before opening the door.

    Bayonetta ~ The gates of hell:

    When the door opened a soft ringing sound could be heard from a bell being connected to the door, letting the barman know a customer had entered the bar. Julius walked in fully clothed in a pirate attire and a blue pirate coat to finish the set. It wasn't really a big bar, it was your usual back alley bar with booths on the left side of the entrance and a long counter on the right side of the entrance, in the back of the bar there were the toilets. The barman looked at Julius with a stern look while cleaning one of the drinking glasses. Julius walked towards the counter with a smirk on his face while he sat down on one of the stools. What do you want? The barman asked with a heavy voice. Give Julius the best wine you got sir! Julius said while he rested his head on his right hand. The barman swiftly prepared Julius' drink and shoved a glass filled wine in front of Julius. Enjoy... The man said while he grabbed the drinking glass he was cleaning earlier and continued where he left off. Julius took a sip, Tastes good, that's a fine piece of wine you got sir. Julius said while the barman said nothing. Not much of the talkative type aren't you? Ah well, everyone has their thing.

    After a while a man walked up towards Julius. Hey there sweety! Would you mind showing me a good time with that fine body of yours? The man said with a wink towards Julius. The man looked like he was in his 40's. Julius gave an unsatisfied look. Sure! If you mean with showing you a "good time" being showing you every corner of the seven seas then Julius would love to do that! The man looked at Julius with a scared look on his face. W-Why the sudden hostility? All I was trying to do is being nice! The man said with a bit if an angry tone in his voice. Come now sir, look at Julius! Does it look like Julius has any interest in having fun with every middle aged man? If you were younger... Well that's another story! Julius said with a cocky smirk on his face. The man didn't know what to say and simply walked away. You have guts kid, to be honest when you first entered I thought you were just a sissy boy looking for a good time... Guess I underestimated you, this round was on me! Would you like another drink? The barman asked. No thank you, Julius still has a long way to go,
    and Julius doesn't want to walk around intoxicated with men like those walking around.
    Julius said as he headed for the door. Thank you for the drink! Julius said as he left the bar.

    Danganronpa ~ Despair Syndrome 2:

    Walking into the streets again a change of scenery had occurred, the whole town was being covered in a veil of thick fog. Ugh fog... If there is one thing that captain Daphnes had taught Julius then it was the fact that fog never predicts good things... Let's just hurry yp and try to find our ways back to the shores... From there Julius will swim back to the Divide islands... Julius said as he tried to navigate his way through the fog, which was extremely difficult since Julius never had been in the part of the town where the bar was located. He only knew his way from the decks to the train station and vice versa, but even then it would've been impossible to navigate through the fog considering how thick it was, it was so thick you almost couldn't see the street lights.


    Words: 1017
    Word count: 1017/9000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 5th May 2017, 3:47 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Relaxing in the comfort of Master quarters in the Sabertooth Guildhall, Kite had just finished the paperwork for the day and now awaited the arrival of a guild member who had been sent to bring him any mail as well as any flyers that had been claimed by the rest of his members. This gave him time to become lost in his own thoughts during which he had managed to doze off slightly. His rest was no longer than a half hour or so but in that time he managed to sneak a small dream in. This dream was about his old team, Sinful cinders which was comprised of himself, Mao and the former Guild Master of Pharaoh’s call Aiyana. They were based on his Airship Tailspin. Their time was short lived but this dream had managed to segway into another memory with himself and Mao taking on a bunch of thugs and their boss Gragas, the large man who thought he was going to take Mao during their job he recalled his words on that day ”Wh...what makes you think I will just let you take her? I’ll Kill you before that happens.“ it was during this job he had first unleashed his  Demon Force to save his friend but in the end he was too weak to protect her completely but with her help they managed to take him down. The last part of this memory he would recall was his head resting in Mao’s lap with her looking down at him thanking him for the job well done. He couldn’t help but be amused from that statement even to this day. Out of all the things to thank him for it was for completing the job but in the end that was what made Mao endearing to him and cemented herself in his heart as a lifelong friend. The last memory that graced his short rest was the memory of being airborne journeying to a town for a job with his first guild Master Raven. Unlike the other dreams this one was by far the most vivid, so vivid in fact that he could smell the food he was making that day when Raven knocked on his door seeking an adventure. The image of her pointing at his chest which was bare at the time and told him that he saw nothing. He recalled the feeling of the wind brush against his face as Kuro, Raven’s pet carry him through the air. He remembered finally where they were going, they were on their way to complete a job in Hargeon. Despite his disdain for Hargeon started on this day his mind took him to the fond moment at the end of the job where they confronted their mark, the man who had stolen jewelry from a tourist visiting a shady hotel and took him out completely along with his cronies.  Unfortunately this wouldn’t be the last time he went to hargeon in fact It was the first of many times he had been to Hargeon and as long as he could help it he would stay as far away as he could from that town. “Uhm Master Kite…?” the mail boy poked his chest lightly, the sense of touch and him repeating his confused statement was enough to get Kite to open his eyes and sit up. ”I must have dozed off.“ this was partially due to, despite his comfy room it didn’t beat the calming environment of his airship. He would redirect his gaze from the ceiling above to the boy in front of him, ”What ya got for me?“ he would ask as he leaned forward making his chair sit upright and let his red hued iris meet the boy’s brown colored eyes. “Oh right. Nothing new in jobs being claimed but this was addressed for you specifically.” He pulled out the envelope and held it out for Kite to take and with an outstretched right hand he gripped the letter he did  quickly opened to it so he could read the contents of the letter.

    ”Dear Sabertooth GuildMaster,
    You are receiving this letter under most urgent reasons. As about a week ago mages have been started observing and tracking a mysterious fog out at sea rolling towards the town of Hargeon. We aren’t entirely sure what it is but it’s giving off a strange and oddly powerful magical signature, the origin of which is unknown but we haven’t sensed anything quite like it since the Monster attack. Our scouts have determined that you have been to Hargeon enough that the city’s layout is very familiar to you. You are not being ordered by any means to return to Hargeon, you have the ability to disregard this completely but should you accept you may prevent a disaster from occurring. Sincerely, The council.   “

    The hand holding the letter morphed into a fist essentially crushing the letter in his grip, but despite the sudden tension Kite let out a chuckle due to the irony of it all. ”This is truly rich, not only is that horrid town haunting my dreams and memories but now the Council is asking me to go back. They are a bunch of sly old coots, using my conscience against me here.“ Kite stood up from the chair to walk around the desk where the mail boy was standing and held out some cash for him to take as a tip, ”Thank you. Make sure the rest of the guild gets their postage as well.“ He said to himself walking over to the case on the wall that held his two most reliable partners, a sword that had a rose engraved into it’s lacrima blade and his nameless blade that was created from the broken remains of his shamash. He looked over to his coat which he typically always wore when he went on jobs but instead he decided to leave his sleeveless coat he chose to leave it behind this time and just wear his skin tight top missing its sleeves tucked into a pair of black fatigues that were also tucked into his boots. He then reached out and gripped his rose blade first and lifted it over his shoulder and placed it against his back allowing roots to extend from the blade wrap around his body like a makeshift scabbard. He then picked up his retracted sword and used the trigger to activate the gears to make the blade extend but then retracted once he was satisfied with the test before battle and placed it horizontally against the small of his back. Lastly he held his hand up in front of his face with it open with the palm facing him and concentrated letting a blue flame manifest and burn hot before closing the hand into a fist extinguishing the flames. ”Time to go to Hargeon again.“ he walked to the stand in the corner that held a large lacrima that was made for one thing, teleportation. ”Teleport to Hargeon.“ and in a flash of light he was sent across the land ending up at the entrance of town. He saw from where he was currently standing that the fox was creeping up the shore and docks with tendrils of it flowing through the nearby streets and weaving around buildings, but that wasn’t all he was able to observe. He could also feel the strange signature coming from the fog that was mentioned in the letter. ”This fog.. The council wasn’t joking here. Before I go out and try to fight whatever it is if it's fightable it might be a good idea to get some intel.“ One would think dock masters or even locally stationed knights would have the juicy info but Kite knew better. He headed for a local bar where fishermen and Crew on ships would be relaxing after a hard time on the sea in the fog itself. He walked the streets with his vision unhindered but as he grew closer to the bar he noticed the fog moved equally as close. ”It’s like once in town it’s rate of spreading increased.“ he mumbled to himself as he pushed open the bar door and entered. Once he entered the patrons all turned and gave him a nasty look, following him as he walked passed them, each of them having something to say about his clothes, weapons and both but he paid them no mind as he made it passed the glaring bodies and sat at the bar stool. ”Tough crowd huh?“ but the bartender wasn’t amused in the slightest. “What’ll be mister?” Kite looked at him as he dried a glass with a towel. ”I’ll take rum on the rocks.“

    tag: --- // words: 1456 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    All things come to a close Gvf4gD8
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 6th May 2017, 1:09 pm

    Rolling around at the speed of sound



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by NPC 6th May 2017, 1:09 pm

    The member 'Julius Seas' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All things come to a close Boss All things come to a close Boss
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 6th May 2017, 1:22 pm

    Well isn't that just rich... I will be converting one boss roll into a strong toll...



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 6th May 2017, 4:37 pm

    Julius Seas

    Danganronpa ~ Despair Syndrome 2:

    It seemed like the fog wasn't going away any time soon heck it even seemed like it was becoming even thicker. Great, if keep up this pace we might make it to the docks next Christmas! How on earth are we supposed to navigate through this fog... And why has Julius this dreadful feeling? Julius usual got the creeps from fog since it never promised anything good, fog could be seen as a sign of misfortune among pirates, since it can be very disorienting when you need to make multiple turns when sailing across the ocean. But this fog didn't only felt dreadful, it also brought this strange magical signature with it, as if the fog wasn't even natural it almost felt like it was artificially made with magic. Squable,
    keep your guard up... Something is telling Julius that someone or something are trying to hide their identities by using this fog...
    Julius said as he looked behind him but it seemed like no one was there, but even if someone was there Julius couldn't really see if they were there since the fog began to become even thicker by the second. I will Julius-kun!
    Squable said.

    The streets of Hargeon had became deserted ever since the fog kicked in, when the moon and the starry sky were still visible the streets were still filled with people who were out to have some fun, but the fog managed to interrupt those plans and most people probably went back to their homes. Julius tried to hone his hearing, he tried his best to focus on the sound of the oceans waves since at this point it was all that Julius had as an reference point to navigate through this dreadful fog. Squable, let's stay put and concentrate for a bit! Maybe if we can hear the ocean we could use it as a guidance point! Julius told Squable. Oi, good idea Julius! Squable said as he closed his eyes and tried to listen carefully. Julius crouched and rested his hand on the stone concrete of the streets of Hargeon, he closed his eyes and took deep breathes from his nose and exhaled through his mouth, but alas the attempt was for naught. Damn it... This fog is getting worse by the second... Julius said as he dusted of his pants as he got up again from the ground. Try to relax Julius-kun... Maybe we should find another bar where we can wait until this fog passes? Like we weren't really in a hurry to get back to the island anyway, right Julius-kun? Squable said as he patted Julius with his wing. You're right Squable, let's search for another bar... Julius said as he gave Squable a pat on his head. Julius had to admit that Squable could have good ideas, once every blue moon. After a while they found another bar.

    Bayonetta ~ The gates of hell:

    As Julius opened the door a small bell rang again like in the last bar that Julius visited. This bar had the same lay out like the last bar but it surely wasn't the same like the last bar since they had a different bartender and the customers looked a bit more viscous then the other bar. Julius re-adjusted his pirate hat, and dusted of his blue pirate coat that had a bit of sand on it from when he was crouching on the ground. Before Julius had even the chance to sit down at the counter another 40 year old man walked up towards Julius he let out a sigh from annoyance and before the man could even speak one word Julius silenced him. Listen very carefully cause Julius will only say this once! If you're going to ask if Julius wants to show you a "good time" then Julius suggest you piss off before Julius will give you a one way ticket to Davy Jones locker, cause Julius isn't one of those guys, got it? Julius said while pointing his index finger towards the man. The man walked back to his table in defeat and the other customers started to laugh at the man. Ugh, where has human decency gone to? Julius said while crossing his arms.

    Julius noticed that one of the customers got quite the glares aimed towards him and even the bartender seemed not be very fond of the man. He had quite the interesting look, though Julius wasn't the one to judge when it came to clothing. Julius decided to sit on one of the stools at the counter, Sir, please give Julius a glass if your finest and best wine you have! Julius said towards the bartender and he swiftly prepared his drink. Julius grabbed the glass of wine and took a sip, Hmmm... It tastes wonderful sir! Julius said as he continued his drink.

    A sudden kick to the entrance brought an abrupt end to the serenity that was in the a man dressed like a pirate entered the bar, he was covering his face with a mask that looked like as if it was made by rock. Alright, hands up and no one will get hurt! The man said as he created a rock out of thin air and shot it through the bar, all the customers raised their hands, while Julius took a sip from his wine casually. Hey you wearing blue! Raise your hands in the air! Julius putted the glass back on the counter. Sir please, can't you see Julius is trying to enjoy some wine? Julius said while giving the man a cocky smirk. Let's see if you have that smile on your face after having a rock against your face! The man said as he shot a rock towards Julius.

    Bayonetta ~ Fly me to the moon:

    Julius dodged the rock right in time to activate Raid time, Julius' pocket watch began to radiate a gold light and a magical field filled the area that slowed down time. So close! Julius taunted. Julius ran towards the man and pushed him against the wall making his face aimed towards it, Julius ended raid time and took a hold of the man's waist. Is this naughty little boy in for a good spanking? Julius said playfully before kicking him against the wall. Julius took a step back and snapped his fingers, Water whip! Julius created a whip made of water and started to whip him until he fell unconscious. So disappointing... And here was Julius thinking you could go for another round! *chuckkle*

    Water whip:

    notes: Took out one of the bosses, there are still 7 enemies out on the loose.

    Words: 1079
    Word count: 2096/9000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 75%
    Spell used: water whip (4 posts)
    Posts MP regain: 5

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 10th May 2017, 6:43 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite received a rather unnecessary stink eye from the bartender upon ordering his preferred drink which caused him to question the bartender who remained silent, ”Is there a problem with what I ordered?“ the bartender put the glass down and gave the demon slayer a rather nasty glare upon getting asked the question. Kite’s eyes met the bartenders and narrowed his eyes at the man and leaned back on his stool making his posture more straight and proper, ”I should rephrase the question. Do you have a problem with me?“ he asked while shooting a glare at the tender. His muscles tensed up as he grew even more angry and he waited for the answer to his very simple question. The bartender furrowed his brow at the demon slayer and was about to answer but his attention was given to a new customer who had just entered the bar. In turn Kite spun on his stool just enough to get a be able to set his gaze on the gentleman who entered through the same door he had. Kite briefly looked past the hat wearing man and set his sights to the fog outside, ”wow, the fog wasn’t nearly that bad a minute ago.“ he said to himself shocked by the sight of the density of the fog as it was. ”There is definitely something unnaturally ominous with this fog.“ he continued to say to himself even after the door shut, not even ringing the bell that was attached to the door was enough to break his attention away from his current train of thought.  He didn’t even hear the man as he ordered his wine, but he did here the bartender simply say,”coming right up.” Kite looked at the bartender for a moment and then at the man who was being handed his wine. Kite looked at the man’s attire with the first item of clothing to catch his attention was the man’s headwear. He wore a pirates hat which matched the full theme of his outfit. His white shirt , navy pants  and black boots were all common among pirates so Kite was able to surmise that the man was a pirate and judging by how sort of service he received that was what the sort of customer he preferred to have. Kite gave the bartender a fierce look now not hiding how irritated he was but before he could stand from his stool is when hell broke loose. A man wearing a mask of sorts kicked in the door and demanded that everyone put their hands in the air. Kite smirked when he saw the bartender shoot his hands into the air so quick Kite had almost missed it. While the man sipped his wine in protest Kite simply sat there not moving a muscle but listened as the man called out the man in blue demanding his hands join the rest of the patrons but the man instead told the man he was simply enjoying his beverage. The masked man threw a rock projectile at the man who Kite could now assume as Julius but not only was the attack readable for Kite it was also for Julius who dodged with the grace of water and slammed his foot into the masked assailant like a wave crashing into a rock, sending the earth mage into the wall and finishing him off with a water spell. During this the rock that had been dodged by the still flew towards people in the bar. Kite pulled the trigger on his sword which allowed the gears to spin and grin until the entire blade rotated to expose the barrels of his own weapon and had it pointed at the rock and with a quick pull of the trigger shattered the rocked and clicked his weapon back to it’s full rest mode.

    The commotion inside the bar must have drawn the attention of the earth mage’s  comrades  because suddenly drop in air pressure and the increase of wind smacking against the windows. The wind was loud and the noise of the people panic was enough to cause his hearing to be less than sharp but he still got up from his stool and  turned to face the direction of the door. Just as his red eyes locked onto the door it as well as the wall it was connected to was ripped straight from it’s foundation from the sudden appearance of a tornado that creeped into the bar drawing everything that wasn’t nailed down and sucked it all up as well as those unfortunate to not have a hold of anything. Kite could feel as the tornado tried to suck him in as well but that wasn't going to happen, while his weapon seemed like an average sword it's true weight kept him from actually being pulled in but he walked towards the tornado until he reached the edge of the cyclone and ignited his fiery aura radiating blue light causing an intense heat to spread throughout the bar and he was the epicenter of it . This heat allowed him to go through the wall of wind and fog with his hands up to protect himself from the debris but he entered the eye of the tornado which was a bit more calm than the rest of it. ”Flame Demon’s Eruption“ which released an explosion of flames to flare out from the demon slayer which created enough heat and force to disperse the tornado. Fog and smoke filtered into the ruined building, the tornado was done but he knew it wasn’t over suddenly cutting through the smoke was a person wearing a different colored and styled mask than the earth mage with a blade extending from their hand slashing horizontally at Kite’s head from behind. Kite acted quickly and reached down with his left hand and pushed down on the collapsed weapon that was holstered across small of his back and pulled the trigger to extend the blade out. With these two motions instead of hitting his head the wind blade hit the sword instead. ”Not a bad idea to attack me from behind.“ he said as he turned to his right slightly chambering his leg for a kick and extended, pushing his foot into the wind mage’s chest with a variation of a back kick. This created space for Kite to spin and face his opponent and smirked, ”Do you have anything to do with this fog?“ but the mage remained silent and instead charged at Kite again with another wind blade. Kite blocked the attack with his blade utilizing a reverse grip and pushed it up and back exposing the chest of the wind mage. Kite was not one to let an opening be wasted, ”Flame Demon’s Exorcising Strike“ with his hand open and fingers pressed against the chest of the mage, he collapsed it into a fist and with his shoulder as the power thrusted his knuckles into the point of interest, from the impact of the punch searing flames exploded shooting over the Airbrand and sending him out into the foggy street where more of his friends wait. He put the point of his sword into the ground and looked over at Julius, ”Looks like you know how to handle yourself in a fight and you’re a man who likes his alcohol as much as me. Wanna help me take care of these bastards then join me for a drink?“

    tag: --- // words: 1245 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    All things come to a close Gvf4gD8
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 25th May 2017, 3:15 pm

    Julius Seas

    Bayonetta ~Fly me to the moon :

    How cheeky and pathetic, talking all high and mighty yet you take your spanking like an 6 year old boy getting a punishment from their parents. Julius said as more masked men appeared though they seemed to be handeling a different kind if element. The wind that they brought with them blew away Julius' pirate hat and landed on Kite's head. Do you guys have any idea what a pain it is to keep Julius' hair in place when wearing that hat? And here you guys come barging in like it's nothing, it seems your guardian angels won't be here to save you when Julius is done with you! Julius wanted to whip them but a sudden rising heat was overwhelming him, the heat got so intense that Julius started to sweat. Oh lordy, is it just Julius or is it hot in here? Julius started to wave his hand to wave some air towards his face to cool down a bit. He then heard a male voice casting a spell followed by a sudden eruption of flames, Julius barely had any time to react but the pocket watch started to glow again and time slowed down once again. Tick tock when thy life is in danger I shalt give thou time to avert thy fate... The mysterious voice that Julius heard on the day he found the pocket watch ringed through his head again. Ah well, who is Julius to ignore such a dandy gift! Julius didn't waste any time and grabbed Squable and made his way out of the bar as soon as he can. Julius ended raid time followed by a big explosion coming from the bar, the place where the bar used to stand was now crumbled into pieces. Such a waste of the good wine in there!

    Julius saw a man walking out of the of the flames, it Kite who was still wearing Julius' pirate hat. The first thing Julius wanted to do was retrieve his pirate hat but Kite got suddenly attacked by more Earth mages, Julius wanted to step in but it seems like Kite could handle himself just fine, Julius Just said leaned against a wall and enjoyed the show. That guy fights with incredible force! Do you know that guy? Squable asked, but Julius simply shrugged. How should Julius know? Julius doesn't know every mage walking around,
    but Julius has to admit that this is the first time Julius ahs seen demon slayer magic, Julius has heard about it but never seen it in action other then dragon slayer magic.

    The fight ended with Kite being the one victorious Julius walked up to him and grabbed his hat back.  Thank you for taking good care of this for me. Julius dusted of the hat and place it back onto his head. Kite asked if Julius was able to land an hand and even offered him a drink if this was all over. Julius wouldn't mind having a drink with such a gentleman like you sir. At least you aren't as rude like most of the men Julius encountered tonight! But Julius think proper introduction would be a good thing. The name is Julius Seas and this green feathered parrot is Squable. How you doing mate? And with whom does Julius has the pleasure on meeting with? But before Kite could answer two more wind mages appeared. Ugh fine,
    Julius will accept your kind invitation, Julius hopes you prepared deserts as well?
    The wind mages attacked by using beams of wind, Julius decided to take the damage and activated the pocket watches second ability Seagull within, Julius changed into a flock of seagulls, with the enemies being surprised by the sudden transformation Julius changed back into himself and started to attack the enemies, it only took a couple of attacks from his water whip and they were down and then the last of the batch appeared. Oh what a lovely tea party and dancing as well. Sir watch and learn how a pirate handles this! Julius said as the two wind mages tried to attack Julius but Julius dodged in time and Raid time was activated once again. Is that all you've got? Julius taunted, he started to whip the last two enemies down and ended Raid time. Now that has that been taken care of we can finally have some time to talk!


    Words: 733
    Word count: 2826/9000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 85%
    Spell used: Water whip (3 posts)
    Posts MP regain: 4

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 13th June 2017, 7:43 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite’s strike on the airband sent him flying out to the street where and he smirked content with the results of what had happened. However part of his was hoping that the airbrand would get himself up to retaliate or do something but he just laid there unmoving barely visible in the fog despite only being a few feet away from him. That is when the man who had also engaged with the masked mages approached him from outside the bar with his green bird accompanying him. Kite remained relax as the man approached him, he didn’t recognize him as an enemy or any sort of mild threat. Kite’s question would come right after the man approached him and thanked him for taking good care of “it”. Kite didn’t know what it was. [i]”is he talking about the air mage? I am sure he didn’t mean that or the bar for that matter.“ he looked quickly at the missing wall. Between the tornado and his flames the bar was ruined. It wasn’t until the man reached up and pulled the pirates hat off the top of his head and it wasn’t until it was dusted off that Kite fully understood that somehow during the fray the hat managed to plop onto his head without him even realizing it. ”I honestly didn’t know it was there.“ he said. Luckily for the man his hat didn’t get damaged by the airbrand or his own flames. Kite’s question would then be answered by the man who had said he would be more than happy to have a drink with him and introduced himself as Julius Seas and his parrot as Squable who in turn asked Kite how he was doing. Kite smiled and was going to introduce himself to the man but before he could two additional wind brands revealed themselves and interrupted Kite's introduction. Before they attacked Julius asked if there would be dessert as well to which Kite shrugged after looking at the sorry state of the bar, ”Even if this place did serve any kind of desserts I'd say it's safe that they are out at the moment due to destruction of property.“ the wind mages set their sights on Julius and Kite watched as two beams of air struck Julius. Kite was shocked and angry in one second but Julius splitting into a flock of seagulls after the attack hit.

    The seagulls merged back into the form and shape of the man and soon Julius was himself but now he was on top of the mages with hs water whip in hand. In a split second, almost in an instant Julius had disposed of the mages. It was way too fast for Kite to see so he had to remind himself to ask Julius how he did that. Kite turned and walked back to the bar but instead of taking his seat he jumped over the counter and ducked under seeing if there was anything left worth drinking. After a moment Kite found an unbroken bottle of sweet red wine with a cork in it. The demon slayer held up his index finger and pushed it into the cork and used his higher body heat to melt through the cork until he could firmly grip it and pulled it out with a pop. ”Only thing not broke. Come drink we need to talk.“ he put two glasses on the table and poured the wine in both until equal volume and took a sip of the wine before putting the glass down. ”You asked earlier, my name Kite Wilhelm. The demon and Guild Master of Sabertooth.“ he looked at the man soon after with a serious expression, ”You are a mage of some serious skill. I'm guessing a guild mage. Have to ask. Are you here for that job as well?“ he would take another swing from his glass
    ”cuz if you're not and you happen to be looking for some reward money I could probably use ya for this particular job. he waited for the man to answer and then recalled his earlier question, ”oh that's right. How did you dispatch those last two so quickly? Water magic and time magic?“
    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    All things come to a close Gvf4gD8
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
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    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 23rd June 2017, 3:58 am

    Julius Seas

    Bayonetta ~ The gates of hell:

    Kite was remarking on Julius' taunt to the enemy about the enemy's "kind invitation". It was just a way to taunt the enemy, Julius wasn't serious in anyway. Julius said with a bright smile on his face. Kite invited Julius to sit down for a drink in what was first a bar, before Kite blew into high heaven. He did manage to find a single bottle of wine, unscratched from the explosion earlier. Julius sat down at one of the stools that also managed to survive along with a small part of the bar and two wine glasses. Kite invited Julius to have a drink, with one swift pull at the cork a popping sound filled the silent foggy streets of Hargeon and Kite poured the wine into the wine glasses. Julius took a sip from the wine, Julius is surprised that such a fine wine as this managed to survive an explosion that big, but then again Julius could say the same about this stool, counter and wine glasses. Julius took another sip and noticed that Squable was focused on the wine. Don't even think about that! The last time you drank alcohol Julius had to save you from a hawk since you wouldn't stop harassing his wife. Squable became embarrassed. Oi! How many times do I have to tell you it was him harassing me! Julius rolled his eyes and took another sip.

    Kite finally had introduced himself to Julius. Kite Wilhelm, the guildmaster of Sabertooth huh... Julius closed his eyes and thought back at the time he had visited the guild hall of Sabertooth for a party that was held for all the legal wizards of Earthland, Julius couldn't help but chuckle. Please don't pay any attention to Julius, Julius just thought back when there was a party being held in the Sabertooth guild hall, those certainly were some days... For a split second Julius had a sad expression on his face when thinking back on those times, but he quickly recovered to his normal neutral expression. But never mind that, you also call yourself a demon, well well that certainly isn't a title Julius expected from the guildmaster of a legal guild... Julius won't pry into the subject if it's a though thing to talk about, but please! By all means if you want to tell Julius your heart sobbing story got ahead! Julius loves to be a listening ear. Julius took another sip from his wine and quickly realized that his last comment might have come of as rude, Julius sighed and in a quick movement he placed his glass back on the counter with only one last sip left. Sorry... That may have been a bit rude, but whenever Julius' thinks back to the past a small frustration overwhelms Julius and Julius might say things that come of as rude...

    Kite complemented Julius about his skills in battle, he chuckled a bit. That's a lot of praise coming from a guildmaster... Julius will accept it, and your powers aren't a thing to be messed with either, you really know how to make an entrance! Kite assumed that Julius was a guild mage, even though Kite wasn't that far off, Julius remembered that Black Sails was supposed to be a secret guild He also asked if Julius was here Kinda, you could say Julius is a mercenary of some sorts, but what's this about a job? Has it something to do with this fog? But the way Kite was talking was almost like he was hiring Julius. Sure! Why not? Some extra pocket change is always welcome! Julius took a final sip, emptying the glass. Now... What are the details of this particular job? Julius asked as he rested his head on his right hand waiting for Kite to answer, but instead he got a question instead, asking how Julius was able to take care of those enemies so quickly. You could say it's some form of time magic... But the truth about it lies in here. Julius grabbed the pocket watch which was hanging around his belt. Julius-kun... Are you sure it's wise to tell him? Like you just met him, don't you think it's better if you keep it a secret? Squable did have a point, he just met Kite, but Julius smiled and patted Squable. Don't worry Squable, Julius feels like that Kite is trust worthy. Julius placed the pocket watch on the counter. This pocket watch is able to slow down time, whenever Julius' dodges with the right timing, for a limited amount of time Julius is able to spank the enemy, but this pocket watch also has some sort of defense mechanism... You recall Julius turning into a flock of seagulls for a split second right?
    That ability will still have Julius receive some damage, but it nullifies all knockback, a nifty little trinket wouldn't you agree?
    Julius said as he re-attached the pocket watch to his belt. Annyhow... What are the details of this job you spoke of earlier?


    Words: 842
    Word count: 3668/9000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 85%
    Spell used:
    Cooldown: Water whip (5 posts)
    Posts MP regain: 3

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc

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    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by NPC 9th July 2017, 7:32 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All things come to a close NormalMonster All things come to a close WeakMonster All things come to a close StrongMonster All things come to a close WeakMonster All things come to a close NormalMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 11th July 2017, 11:40 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    After Kite poured Julius some wine into a drinking glass he then poured some wine into a glass of his own. It was a red wine, the kind he prefered over white wine. He held the glass like a normal glass not by under by the stem but in a less classy way. He didn’t care much for the whole looking classy or showing class, there was alcohol to drink and he would be sure to drink it all the same regardless of technique. He lifted the glass and pressed it against his lips letting the sweet liquid enter his mouth and down his throat. It wasn’t as sweet as he he would normally like his wine to be but it wasn’t too dry so it was enjoyable all the same. However it would seem that the man known as Julius was pleasantly surprised by the sheer quality of the wine that was found in a near dive of a bar as well as the remarkable chances that it remained unscathed along with the glasses, a table and a set of bar stools. While Julius and his parrot began to squabble with each other about the bird drinking the wine especially after an apparent attempt on a hawk’s mate. Kite wasn’t entirely paying attention to their argument and sipped on his drink some more before finishing the introduction he wanted to give earlier. After revealing himself as the Guild Master of Sabertooth Kite watched as Julius’ eyes went blank and sort of spaced out only for a moment before shaking himself back to reality and explaining at time when he was at a party held at the guild hall, it puzzled Kite to which party Julius was referring to but he soon brushed it off and made a remark on the nickname that belonged to him, the Demon of Sabertooth. It was a nickname that was directly linked to his magic, his demon slayer magic which was taught to him by Asmodeus, the demon king of Fire. Julius then offered up his ear to hear Kite’s heart sobbing story. While the gesture didn’t go unappreciated Kite had no interest in sharing the details of his past to a stranger. Perhaps one day he would learn of his past but that was unlikely after all, the last person who came into contact with his past was Izayuki, master of Black Rose and a dear friend of his and she got hurt as a result of it. ”Perhaps that would be a story for another day.“ he would say in a nice way to dismiss the idea of his story being shared but he would lift his free hand into the air and conjure forth a azure ball of fire, ”As for the nickname. Legal guild or not, it doesn't change the fact that I am a demon slayer. Therefore i was taught this by a demon. It suits me well and we will leave it at that.“ he would say before taking a final sip of his wine.

    It was after this discussion that the talk about Julius being a guild mage as well as his possible interest in taking on this job with Kite, and questions were asked about his abilities such as the water ability he showed as well as the time lapse he was able to create. Luckily Julius was in a sharing mood and explained that his pocket watch is able to adjust his own time as well as have some fun tricks to go along with it. ”yeah nifty is a good word for it.“ and now to answer the questions Julius had about the job. ”Yes, the fog that is blanketing this town is part of my this job.“ he would pause and nod towards the street outside the bar, ”Its an unnatural fog and the source is what I am looking to deal with. It would seem those mages we dealt with moments ago may be tied to it in some way. So simple we take down the bad guys. Send the fog away and get paid for it. Pretty easy.“ he would nod his head and smile. ”So did you or Your partner see see anything before you arrived at the bar?“

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    All things come to a close Gvf4gD8
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
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    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by Julius Seas 30th July 2017, 1:33 pm

    Rolling around at the speed of sound



    All things come to a close X9tEBuc

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    All things come to a close Empty Re: All things come to a close

    Post by NPC 30th July 2017, 1:33 pm

    The member 'Julius Seas' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All things come to a close TV6mrb1 All things come to a close TV6mrb1 All things come to a close TV6mrb1 All things come to a close MPfmPli

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