Fairy Tail RP

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    A new beginning?


    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 23rd July 2017, 2:16 pm

    The raven and golden haired youth had heard a rumour on his many travels that there was something dark happening on one of the islands off the cursed lands; somehow that didn't surprise him given the name of the general area. The moment he heard the name of where he was exactly going it instantly made him freeze knowing that it would mean he would have to go on a ship, this was something he wasn't exactly fond of given it meant he would have his freedom limited for the week it would take to travel to the Sea of Devils. Luckily for him he had decided to call on Laurea to use her lullaby on him for the journey knowing he wouldn't need to eat for this short time as his summons would keep him nourished knowing it was better than having him bug out on the ship.

    After the week the little dream fairy yawned as he woke, he leaned forward giving her a hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead "Thank you my dear and sweet little Laurea, it's time for you and Duna to sleep" he stated looking at the small pale blue cloud she travelled on knowing it had it's own personality at least to her. She hugged him back kissing him on the nose before curling on the cloud he took the small blanket that she wore and tucked her in singing the lullaby he had to sing to call her in the first place watching as she faded as she fell asleep "Thank you all for taking care of me" he whispered only to be met with mixed responces making him roll his golden orbs.

    It had been several months since the boy had escaped his own personal hell and swore he would rather die than ever go back to that place, even thinking on it now that made him shake in fear but that was something that he couldn't help given everything he had been through in his life as short as it actually was. 'There's a blood moon in a few days, I'll need to find shelter...' his hand moved head as he started feeling dizzy just remembering what those 'ceremonies' meant to the chosen ones, which he was unfortunately one to whole such a horrible 'honour' but he had to wear a mask and smile through the ordeal every time it happened. Every time the ceremony came around from what he remembered he was the only person who had to endure it time after time as he didn't recognise anyone else. Even now that one thing bothered him 'Perhaps they didn't survive' he thought to himself feeling the pain going through his head a common warning sign.

    'They can't harm me this time, I'm not there' he thought to himself, it was almost as if he was trying to reassure himself but in truth it wasn't really helping him as he knew during this time he would be at his most vulnerable. He wanted to be in a large soundproof room with no windows and a door that he could lock from the inside. It was the only way he really felt safe and knew he couldn't disturb anyone, after all even now he woke up in cold sweats covering his mouth to muffle his screams. He didn't feel safe anywhere so he only remained in a place for a week for fear of being found making him feel disconnected from everyone around him. 'Barthenz it's not really paranoia if they're out to get me' he sighed hating when the warrior got like this 'And yeah I know you would take them on but I've seen enough blood shed, I don't want to see more unless it's really needed and besides I don't have your strength, that's why we've got a contract remember' he often felt like he was speaking to a brick wall in regards to the summon who was more than a little abusive towards him.

    When he first gained his freedom he had found himself inside Clover town only to find that he had been hunted by a different kind of hunter that seemed to keep his eyes on him from the shadows which he found more than a little creepy but he and Barthenz seemed to come to some sort of mutual respect which made him more than a little concerned as he knew that their paths would likely cross once again. Several times the summon had tried to get Ruvel to go look for the man but each time he had refused reminding him his obligation to their contract was to make sure he fought strong warriors that they came across it wasn't for him to go looking for fights. He liked being able to walk and he feared what would happen if Barthenz and the warrior mage had a fight with him around what would happen to him afterwards, he wasn't about to go poke the bear with a stick to find out either so he would have to wait until that day happened naturally. He  was however thankful that the male had at least taken him to a store and bought him some clothing and told him what he needed for survival.

    'I can't Barthenz, even though I'm easier to take down when alone it also means I have less people to worry about being hurt, you as a warrior can understand that; also it means it's harder for them to pin point my location... now will you hush.' he hated it when he was being irritated like this but still he remained quiet over the situation showing no emotion on his face as he stopped looking around. His golden orbs taking in every detail as if he was analysing the place for exits and potential ambushes and cover "This place is just creepy" he couldn't help but shudder as he felt a phantom finger run up his spine making him look back but seeing nothing he released a sigh of relief 'Well if the rumors are to be believed, it's happening around here somewhere...' he was unsure how he was going to handle this given that his own wounds were far from healing but he couldn't just sit back and let others go through things that perhaps weren't the same or as bad as what he went through was still inhumane and needed to end.

    Word Count: 1,075

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:41 am; edited 2 times in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 23rd July 2017, 9:15 pm

    It was like everything had lead the demon to where he was. No matter how far he got away from it all he was just getting tugged around by phantom hands that seemed to only being toying with him over and over again. Escaping the past that was given to him was something he could not avoid even though he tried to over and over again. It was as if him being a birthed experiment had outlined everything in his life over and over again because everything he did not related to it always lead him back to dealing with some sort of aspect of him being exactly what he was that he thought he got away from with the destruction of Cor Torva; a slave to them.

    This time could be different though because the demon found himself flying through the air on top of Zinnath to a newer area that Cor Torva had never really been to from what he knew. There had been rumors of experiments being done on people in the Cursed Lands. It was supposed to be the type of experiments that bore the type of beings like him. The exact type of experimentation he wanted to stop in the world because it lead him to losing the closest things to him over and over again. He didn't know the specifics and didn't even know if the rumors were true at all but he couldn't let this go without him looking into it somehow.

    The duo of dragon and demon found themselves over a small island in the Sea of Devils that the rumors spoke of being the place it was all taking place. The area of the Cursed Lands was not one that had been investigated much at all because of how dangerous it was but that only made it better for anyone to get away with any of the evils they wanted while making it hard for anyone to find them. This was because of the creatures that stalked all around the Cursed Lands. One thing was different with Cirven and Zinnath though; They weren't just anyone and dealt with any creatures in their way. It was similar to how they fought the creatures on Divide Island for a source of training and hunting.

    "The creatures here are pretty much pushovers, huh?" Cirven spoke to his friend and pet as they flew through the air. Zinnath replied to him with a short humming. "I need you to drop me off on that island and patrol around it, Zin. If things go wrong I will need you to give me a quick get away so be ready just in case." Zinnath gave him a nod before flying down closer to the island. Cirven then jumped off from the top of the dragon and skid to a stop on the ground below him. He looked back and gave a wave to the dragon as she flew back up higher into the air. He didn't want her to be hurt in a battle because she was the only thing he had left of his sister because she was her pet before his.

    "Now... Where can this experimenting be going on at..?" He mumbled to himself as he started to walk into the jungle area in front of him on the island. He started to use his sense of smell to try and pick up on any scents of anything metallic in the area and after a few minutes he picked up on a similar smell. He started to trek deeper into the jungle until his ears caught the sound of something moving near him which caused him to stop moving and look around cautiously. It sounded as if multiple enemies were around him and his suspicion was confirmed when three creatures jumped out from the trees around him and attacked. He quickly moved his body out of the trajectory of the creatures and tried to see what they were but before he could they jumped back into the trees surrounding him. "Guerrilla tactics? Kind of boring, you know?" He commented on their way of attacking but nothing was said back. The only thing he got was the creatures quickly leaping out again and attempting to attack him. This time they coordinated their attacks where they hit him multiple times. It was nothing serious but their were claw marks across his back and side from their attack. The marks healed quickly showing that his healing factor. "Welp... This is just annoying.. I didn't want to do anything too flashy before I figured what was going on but I guess I have no choice." Black electricity sparked up over his body as he spoke. "Don't die, by the way. I have questions." A sphere of black electricity shot out from around the dual eyed demon shocking everything around him in a large radius. The sound of voices yelling out in pain could be heard after the sphere went out quickly around him. Cirven then ended the attack leaving the creatures around him to deal with their new injuries and the area that was affected had sparks of black electricity dancing around it.

    Cirven then moved to where he heard each creature still crying out in pain and brought each of them next to each other. He found that each was some sort of a hybrid between a cat-like monster and a human with a sort of metal collar on their necks. "So if you don't want me to give you another shock I suggest you start talking about what this place is and what you are. I'm curious about the experiments I have heard about happening here and who runs them." Each of the creatures had only growled until he put them together and asked them his question which was really more of a threat. "We have been told not to talk about anything going on here. We will not disobey our master for some random person! Kill us!" Cirven gave off a grin to the one that spoke out. "Tempting. Could probably use your bodies as a sort of signal to show I mean business..." The demon continued with the threats in an attempt to get one of the creatures to speak out. "It doesn't matter if we talk! We will die either way!" Cirven gave off a sigh. "Guessing those collars are pretty bad news then?" He eyed over the collars of each of the creatures in front of him.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 23rd July 2017, 11:14 pm

    While Ruvel was analysing the area he had landed on he fought back the need to shiver it was a horrible sensation that almost brought him back to the place that he had been raised if you could call it that. 'Get rid of the trees bring in ruin like slums and barbed wire and it feels just like home' he thought to himself as he started walking away, he was told by the captain of the ship he refused to remain there for any length of time so they had agreed for him to leave and to come back in two weeks to pick him up once more. 'I don't know if two weeks will be enough at my current strength but I'll sure as hell try... then again it could be as it was stated a rumour and I'll have to make myself comfortable while not being eaten by anything larger than me' he continued his eyes marking landmarks and such as he wandered into the jungle hearing Barthenz chucking at him for how he was feeling.

    'We aren't all like you, you know' he huffed in his mind otherwise remaining otherwise stoic on the outside he knew he couldn't let his fears or emotions get the better of him or this place would end up being were he called his eternal resting place. He already felt like this was a bad idea before stepping foot onto the boat but his conscious won over his judgement and so he had to live with whatever consequences may come regardless wither they were good or bad. 'For the love of...' he paused he didn't believe in gods which most would find strange if they knew that one of his summons were in fact a god. Sighing he shook his head stopping to gain his baring, were he might have not been the strongest person in existence but he made up for it in other ways.

    He was about to continue walking when he heard commotion and the warrior summon words soon after 'Barthenz, it's not our concern... we're here to investigate the rumour' he said sighing hearing the other making a demand on their contract 'Fine, fine... you win, we'll have a look but then we need to get going' he sighed walking to what seemed to be a lightning storm but given how it was so dark he couldn't tell if there was storm clouds above but then he heard voices and stopped by a tree to watch as a single person seemed to take down several enemies by himself then heard Barthenz demand to fight him 'Are you insa-' he paused mid thought remembering whom he was indeed talking to knowing that the warrior was more that a few sandwiches short of a picnic 'maybe at a later date, the dark taint of that lightning... I think he's a god slayer and that means he would do more damage to you' he still didn't believe in the so called divine but he had to put Barthenz's well being above his own idiocy.

    'He's here to investigate like me?' he thought tilting his head wondering how many took this rumour seriously given that when he had heard everyone thought the guy nuts and completely ignored him so it made him wonder what had made hi take it seriously like him 'he could have been sent by the council I suppose... the only other logical option is he is like me and has somethings in his past that would make him wanting to get to the root of things.' eventually he walked away from the tree towards them knowing that at least that would be a middle ground between himself and Barthenz "Why should we kill you, this is what you want you imbeciles" he explained moving towards them his voice cold and void he hated how he was about to act almost as if he was about to sell his soul to gain the information. 'For the greater good' he thought

    Moving to the half cat like people his eyes narrowed almost like a superior "You will give us the information that is asked of you or it won't just be you who will be punished but your master when we return back to the mainland to report back" his voice remaining stern as he kicked one back his foot going to their neck "Do not make us ask again" he was so uncomfortable acting this way but right now it was the easiest way to save their lives and get the information "And don't dare to ask for proof you're undeserving of such notions you're nothing more than worthless pawns" he wanted to break down and hyperventilate but he needed to keep his mask intact, the whole time that this was going on he could hear the dragon god and the fire demoness laughing at him.

    His eyes went to Cirven having to figure out his goals and work it in a way so it would look like they had both been sent "I do apologise for being late my lord, ships are not exactly the best way to travel" he said his voice showing the obedience of a subordinate to a superior as he bowed low keeping his foot exactly where it was on the man's neck. He hated that he was bowing to another he vowed to himself that he would never do such a thing again but right now it was a needed tool, he just hoped the other could play along "It seems as if their tactics are slipping, but would you not at least agree that they are good pawns for at least doing the task they where made for?" he said hating this but he knew by the looks on their faces they where believing everything that he was selling much to his believe.

    Word Count: 982
    Total Word Count: 2,057

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:43 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 24th July 2017, 6:05 pm

    Cirven's nose twitched as a new scent came to his nose that he determined was behind him. He turned his head to look at the approaching person with his red eye in an attempt to scare them a bit if they decided to try anything. He was going to speak but before he could the newcomer spoke out to the three human hybrids he had captured as if they were together. It threw off the demon for a short time but he guessed that he would trust the newcomer because his scent was nothing like the others who had a scent that was drenched in what he remembered a lab smelling like. "Sorry. This guy isn't really the best with holding back. Pretty loyal but he tends to act on his own with the idea that it will please me. So what I'm saying is, he might kill you if he thinks it will please me but the issue with that is he is a bit too impulsive seeing as you want death anyways." The three hybrids grit their teeth as Cirven spoke and played a part that he never really had done before. It made him feel disgusting inside and out because he was acting similar to some dark guild member who was simply out for blood.

    The demon's eyes shifted as his now fake subordinate bowed to him. He placed his hand on the younger man's head. "It is okay. You still were able to show up at a decent time. Rather have you show up than not at all. Were there any issues with making your way here?" Cirven's question was an actual question that he wanted the newcomer to answer but he did not completely believe if he would understand that.

    His eyes shifted to the three who were being held down by them. "If you haven't figured it out already we are here to end this whole operation on this island which if that involves saving you then it is just a happy addition, wouldn't you say?" The hybrids growled but then one of them spoke. "We are of a single group that have been sent to deal with capturing those who come to the island for our lord to experiment on them." He quickly spoke out before the sound of a loud click could be heard from the collar around his neck. His eyed widened as the collar had started its process but before it could do much more Cirven's right hand was covered in black lightning which he used to slash over the collar and destroy it. He pulled it off of the hybrid before it could continue what it was doing and threw it to the side into a bush. "So do these collars explode or do they do something else?" The demon asked but before he could get an answer the area the collar was in started to give off a burning smell. The hybrid he had just saved walked over to where the collar was and moved the bush to show him and the newcomer that the collar let off a type of chemical that melted away the bush and ground. "The Lord uses these collars to melt off the heads of those who disobey him in anyway. If we speak of anything we should they are set off too. Same if they are removed. You just happened to be quick enough to get it off me before it did any real damage. Thank you." The now collarless hybrid pointed to his neck to show that it was singed from the slight contact. "Interesting and no problem.
    Should have figured I'd take the good guy approach and get rid of the collars but I didn't know what to expect from either of you.

    Cirven walked over to the other two hybrids but the collars started up with a click sound similar to the last one. Cirven tried to move quickly to the two but before he could they fell to the ground yelling in pain. He cut the collars off and managed to throw them off. He quickly realized the scent coming from the collars was different. "Do you know what just happened with the collar?" The hybrid shook his head with wide eyes. "I only know of the acid like substance. I don't know what is going on at all now..."

    "Testing subject 105B and 106R with the Ethesis serum. Have fun boys. I hope you can allow me to get a lot of data from this test." A voice spoke out from both of the recently thrown collars as the two hybrid's bodies started to change and grow in size. Their own bones and muscles were being enlarged causing them to get empowered. The entire time it looked like a horror movie to those who watched and could hear it because of the yells of pain coming from both hybrids. "Bentin... Lincen..." The hybrid Cirven spoke out as he watched. The hybrid then ran in front of the two changing hybrids. "Hey! Bentin! Lincen! Fight it! You have to! We were about to be saved! You can't let him control you! Not like this!"

    "I..dai..n..." A pained voice spoke from out of one of the morphing creatures which gave the hybrid hope that his words reached somewhere. He took another step closer and opened his mouth but before he could talk one of the now large creatures swung out its fist and slammed it into Idain sending him flying into the brush and tumbling across the ground.

    "I don't know who you are new guy but I hope you can fight. If you can we should try not to kill them. They are victims in this." Black electricity sparked up across Cirven's entire body. "I'll take the one on the left and you take the other on the right. Simple enough, right?" Cirven gave the man a grin.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 24th July 2017, 7:26 pm

    Ruvel listened to what the other had said an eyebrow quirking for a moment as he remained silent the entire time, his golden orbs looking at the three a fake sadistic smile appearing on his face as it was said that he would have no issue in taking them out if it pleased his now fake superior. Doing such a thing made him feel beyond dirty, his skin felt like it was crawling acting in such a manner. At first he swore the other wasn't going to get what he was getting at and attack him but he was grateful that wasn't the case because he knew he would have an issue taking the other out if he could even do damage to him. "What can I say, I take delight in doing my job" he said coldly his eyes though remaining to the untrained showed his true feelings and discomfort to those who knew exactly what they should be looking for.

    "I was on that damned boat for a week..." he complained "A week to long if you ask me" he finished showing he was none to happy about the whole situation, hearing the question he guessed that it was a genuine question "There might have been, I don't really know given I was asleep for the entire week" he explained, he truly hated being in places that though seemed opened where in fact nothing but a facade he almost didn't get on the ship given that fear alone but that was in the past at least for now "How was your journey my lord?" he asked in return with the same intent but as he finished he notied how the other had turned his attention back to the hybrids, he lifted his foot form the one beneath him. Hear that single word his hands clenching 'Experiments... no one deserves such treatment, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and that is saying something' he thought to himself turning his head to the side

    "It ends here and now" he leaned against a tree his arms folding, he wasn't about to mix his words on the subject, he wanted it over and done with that second and as much as he found bloodshed unneeded in this case he would make and exception and allow their deaths and though undeserved he would make sure it was quick and painless. Barthenz on the other hand may have had his own plans on that thing. 'Barthenz, seems your wish will come true today' he let his summon know his eyes opening as he heard a click he as concerned but before he could move the threat on the one he had under his foot for a short time and breathed a sigh of relief as he was about to go have a look at the others he heard two additional clicks his eyes going to Cirven as the voice spoke "I doubt that is good" he explained as he listened to the saved one trying to get the others to listen and failing.

    His eyes going to Cirven moving to grab the others wrist as he began to run "We need a plan of attack, and somewhere safe to talk.." he explained his other hand grabbing the other's hand as he dragged them both to a cave he had noted on his way there. Moving inside he panted knowing it wouldn't be to long before the two they left behind would catch them but it was more than enough time for them to speak "I know a little of 'Ethesis'" he explained his eyes moving to the entrance, he didn't want to explain why he knew what he knew but knew it would likely be a question that would come up at some point and one he would refuse to answer "The best way to explain what Ethesis's does is to ask yourself what would happen if evolution took a darker path forward" he started his arms crossing over his chest as he leaned against the wall "It changes dna, takes away sanity, sense of reason, people injected feel less pain, are stronger, faster... there senses are heightened... there's no antidote and no way to reason with them, the kindest thing we can do is put them down and keep them down" he wasn't happy about the last part but during his homes test of the infernal drug it was you put them down or they put you down.

    It was now he had time to take in what the other had said "Do I look like a fighter to you?" he commented looking at himself for a second before looking at the entrance "They're here..." his voice serious as he moved in taking out a dagger and running it over his right palm a glistening light coming from where he had just cut "I summon blood, I summon hate, I summon war and anger... warrior of death hear my call. Barthenz appear." he used the usual incantation he had to use to call the summon a dark carmine red seal would be sat one meter in front of Ruvel, within it would stand a muscular male standing 7'4" tall, scars easily seen over his well formed body showing he was indeed a warrior to be taken seriously, the only clothing he was wearing would be a wrap around his waist which was clearly covered in dried blood of differing stages in his hand would be his normal long sword, his semi long hair caked in dried blood making it impossible to know just what colour it truly was, his crimson eyes fixated on the entrance

    "Barthenz don't hold back for any reason on these two, do you accept the order?" he had to make sure because the warrior often acted on his own accord but something told him he wouldn't have issue with the one currently given "Yeah I heard ya, ya brat and I accept the damned thing now shut up and stay out of the grown ups way if you ask Edaenz she might even have a colouring in book you can do" he mocked making Ruvel sigh, he was use to being mocked by the tower on legs he just wished he hadn't done while in front of people "Barthenz..." he sighed leaning against the wall watching as the two dashed forward after picking up the scent of the fleeing party. "Hay, do me a favour and don't hit any of your lightning on him, he'll get badly hurt" he called over to Cirven he may have trapped them inside a cave but it was the best way to motivate them. He looked to the mountain of a man "I calling on our negotiations and tasks Barthenz" he commented making the warrior roll his blood read eyes "Fine" he called back watching as Ruvel cut his hands twice without hesitation knowing it strengthened his summon and weakened any opponent for a short time but he paid a price for it.

    Word Count: 1,173
    Total Word Count: 3,230

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:46 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 24th July 2017, 8:30 pm

    Cirven was not completely ready at all for when he was grabbed and pulled by the other man. It made him feel like this new guy was kind of childish like he couldn't understand that Cirven could run by himself. The duo ended up in a cave where he was told by his new ally all about what Ethesis was a bit more in detail. It sounded like some sort of experimental drug that empowered those who ingested it in some way and changed them into mindless abominations. "So they are pretty much mindless and we should put them down? Got it. I'll just have to let go of my ability to not attack fatally it sounds like." The younger man asked Cirven a question that he was not exactly ready for. He didn't look over his new ally all that well but he was the type to not think of someone's physique as a way of telling just how strong they were. "Really, I don't know. Magic works in some crazy ways in this world so I try not to underestimate anyone much until I at least fight them or fight with them. Kind of a rule of thumb."

    Even before his new companion could say it, the demon was able to discern where their enemies were thanks to his high level of hearing and smell. Black electricity erupted out across his body as he turned to face where their enemies were approaching from. He took a few steps forward and as he did a purple aura started to swirl around with the electricity produced from his body until it amassed a silhouette behind him similar to that of what people would think the grim reaper would look like. "A summon mage? That makes sense for someone who is as scrawny as you honestly. Let's see what your summon can do." He replied to the younger man as he dashed forward towards one of the morphed creatures.

    The creature didn't hesitate at all and swung out its fist in order to catch Cirven before he could get too close. The speed of the fist surprised the demon and caused him to have to quickly block the attack instead of dodging it. The force of the blow sent the demon skidding back but he somehow remained on his feet. "Okay..  A bit faster than I thought.." Just as he finished his sentence the creature was upon him and swung down its enlarged fists over and over again at him. He barely managed to dodge the swings and even when the creature's fist hit the ground over and over again it simply kept up its pursuit with more attacks. Cirven started to get a sort of rhythm going and managed to predict one of the strikes before it was swung giving him time to react. He took this chance to quickly slash his electrified/death magic claws across the body of the creature causing black electricity to slash into the body of the creature. The creature stumbled back from the attack briefly but quickly started up its attacks again. "Didn't feel that much at all, huh?" The demon spoke out as he was forced to dodge around again. He found another opening in an attack but this time he kicked off the creature's chest and flew into the air where he flipped upside down and landed on the ceiling. He used his ability to statically cling to the ceiling. "So looks like I have to use something much stronger to really deal with you then." Black electricity started to intensely erupt from his right arm and he placed his left hand over his elbow. The electricity intensified and started to rip through the ceiling around him as the creature readied itself to jump. Cirven jumped down from the ceiling holding out his now super electrically charged right arm in front of him while the creature jumped into the air to meet him with a massive blow from its fist. The two met in the air and Cirven used his ability to fly to move his body around the fist sent towards him where he was able to dig him arm across the body of the creature in a flash of black electricity which due to the power used, created a deep wound in the creature.

    Both Cirven and the creature landed back onto the ground with the creature seemingly lifeless from the attack. Cirven looked over his work and sighed. "Sorry." He spoke out and then turned his focus to see how his partner's summoned ally was doing.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 25th July 2017, 4:51 am

    He looked to the elder male that he had pulled along as he run, he understood that others could run on their own but it was a force of habit from 'home' that if they where coming then you grabbed who was close to you and ran to a hiding spot; if you where on your own and seen someone on your way you grabbed them as you passed by for their safety it was just the way everyone survived. After the week without eating he found it was rare for anyone to do this for him but he realised quickly if he seen others running he should do too, even if they didn't do what was normal to him he would still grab those he passed if their 'superiors' where around because it never ended well. He didn't resent them for not helping him after all the one time they did they all ended up getting punished.

    "They're trying to make super soldiers I think, but they keep failing" he expressed he didn't want to get to much into things especially right now, an eye opening a little as he looked to Cirven as Barthenz laughed at what he had called his summoner "He's got your number" his voice rough as he spoke "How many times have I had to tell you, I'm not scra-" he started to say "You're not scrawny, something in your genetics makes you weak and fragile as a china doll while your immunites to everything are less than to be desired making you sickly" the tall man mocked using a somewhat girly voice to do so "Yeah, yeah we've all heard it before" he said somewhat aggressively. "I swear Barthenz!" he called back "you swear what? You don't believe in higher powers or gods and if you don't shut up I can just go home and leave you to deal with these two idiots on your own" he growled back it actually caused Ruvel to pause in his tracks for a moment "I'm sorry..." he finally said his voice quiet almost submissive to the warrior.

    It was clear even though Ruvel was the summoner, it was Barthenz who held the power in their contract and wasn't willing to even give an inch to his summoner. Normally Ruvel was fine with this but doing it in front of people just made him be reminded of home and though slight he held his sleeve a little tighter 'Sometimes I hate you, you know that Barthenz' he sent to his summon 'Yeah, I know and I don't care so suck it up buttercup' was what he got in return. Ruvel kept his eyes closed listening to the movements his left foot tapping almost as if it was holding some sort of unheard beat, Barthenz's crimson eyes went back for a moment "Understood" is what he said dodging an incoming fist as Ruvel's foot came down, rolling around the arm quicker than what would be expected his elbow meeting the spine of the opponent quickly his movements moving in tandem with Ruvel's beats. The monster stumbled a few steps forward ending up in front of Ruvel himself who remained unmoving other than the tapping of his foot. The mutated hybrid brought his hand back a white glow around it's hand, any mage would be able to feel the gathering of energy but he made no attempt to move from the impending hit.

    Barthenz quickly dashed forward the moment he seen what was going to happen and though close managed to deflect the hit but it was so close that it barely missed Ruvel's ear "You got a death wish boy?!" the summon called out "You already know the answer to that question" he commented back his voice cold as he opened his eyes now glowing, he never once stopped tapping his foot his eyes closing once more due to Barthenz being distracted by Ruvel the hybrid had managed to hit him, even in his weakened state it still caused the walking wall to slide back a few inches "Hits like a train" he commenting spitting out some blood a grin on his face. "Stop playing around and put the poor creature out of his misery, I am sure there are others stronger further in" he called to the other, with a huff Barthenz complied with what he had been ordered breaking his swords into two he moved swiftly his blades lightly moving over the skin Ruvel's beats picking up, even though it was unusual it almost looked like a graceful sword dance.

    Ruvel's foot stopped tapping a sigh escaping his lips as Barthenz walked to the entrance of the cave almost as if keeping watch for the next opponent. As he did each cut started bleeding making the unfortunate experiment fall to his knees "I'm sorry, at least you felt no pain.." he knew that inside he could see everything and was likely scared knowing his impending demise. He slid down the wall bringing his knees to his chest. Barthenz looked over for a moment hearing the thud before walking over and picking up his summoner by his shirt "Listen to me right here and now..." his ruby eyes narrowed at the dangling Ruvel "I understand that you're pathetic..." Ruvel's eyes went to the side he remembered the last lecture and he felt this was going to go the same way "Due to our bond there's no secrets between us, I understand it was hard for you to give that order but you done the kindest thing and he died as a warrior and I was honoured to give him such a death now stop moping around like a snivelling child!" he said throwing him at the entrance of the cave making him look almost like a skipping stone as he followed Ruvel stood dusting himself off knowing that what Barthenz had said was true, it didn't make him feel any better "They should be buried... we can at least do that right, I mean.." the warrior put his hand gently on Ruvel's head nodding "Yeah, I know"

    Word Count: 1,020
    Total Word Count: 4,250

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 25th July 2017, 7:09 pm

    Both morphed hybrids were defeated and given a rest from the pain they were under from the Ethesis serum that was injected into them. Cirven had managed to defeat his opponent relatively quickly so that he could end up seeing the end of the fight between his new ally's summon and the second hybrid creature. He could see the look of sorrow on the face of his ally and watched as the summon took it upon itself to grab the younger man and lecture him about what just happened. It opened Cirven's eyes to how green behind the ears his new ally was compared to him and even his summon which caused him to question working with him a bit. "Your godly companion here is right. We did the greatest thing we could for these two creatures and laid them to rest so that they could avoid the pain and anguish filled situation they were put into. It was the best we could do for them." Cirven spoke to his ally from a distance and made his way to both the summon and Ruvel. "Now that things have calmed down, I think we should introduce ourselves. I'm Cirven Mizune. Who are you? Also, my nose is pretty good at remembering scents and sniffing things out which is why I know that this summon of yours, Barthenz is of a godly quality. Your scent is pretty different and unique too but I can't figure out what it is..." Cirven eyed over Ruvel but stopped after a few seconds. "What brought you here, anyways? Sounds like the rumors got a hold of you too but for someone with such little experience to be here makes me thing you almost stumbled in here accidentally but I know you could not have."

    After getting his answers, the demon would comment on Ruvel's earlier comment about burying the creatures as a sign of respect. "You are right. We should but we did not know them all that maybe we should wait for someone else who did...?" Cirven gave a grin to Ruvel and Barthenz. Just as his sentence ended Idain showed up at the cave's entrance holding his side. "Bentin! Lincen! What happened?" Idain called out to his downed friends and ran towards them both to check on them. "Speak of the devil..." Cirven mumbled and turned to Idain with a sigh. He had caught the scent of the man coming as he was speaking to Ruvel. "I'm sorry. They were not in the right mind and were trying to kill us. They almost killed you too which shows how far they had gone.
    This Ethesis serum takes someone beyond their limits of their body and mind and creates raging beasts. My friend over there and I have dealt with this in the past it seems like. My experience was short lived with it though.
    " Idain's eyes had watered up but he used his forearm to rub them to help stop them. "Thank you... I know you were trying to save them just like you did me. The lab is a bit deeper into the jungle but I know the lo-- I mean that crazy scientist will be expecting you now." Cirven shot Idain a grin. "Let us worry about him. Also, with the scent I have from you and the others I should be able to find this lab by tracking your scent back to it." Idain nodded. "The entrance is hidden by fake vegetation and it is an underground area. Be careful. Also, I heard that you needed someone to bury my friends and I thought there was no one better than myself to do so." Cirven gave a nod. "Enhanced hearing also, huh? Take care of them.
    Don't let what pride they left go in vain.

    With that said Cirven gestured for Ruvel to follow him and ran off back into the jungle where the duo would find their way to the fake vegetation. "Has to be this here. Want to do the honors or me?"


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 26th July 2017, 4:34 am

    Ruvel looked back as the elder male spoke his eyes looking to the side "Gods are fables used to keep idiots in line" he said in a harsh tone, nothing anyone said to the youth would ever change his mind to this, he had been put through a hell no one should have had to endure since he was four years old and when he did beg, plead and pray where were these supreme beings that could have easily ended his misery one way or another "If they do exist perhaps they went on vacation or retirement and forgot to tell everyone else" his tone was far to cynical and jaded for one such as him but he couldn't help it. Even though Barthenz was a living god there at the youths call he remained silent and unfazed by the words spoken, he might have been a bastard to Ruvel even giving him a hard time but he understood why he spoke the way he did about beings such as himself and would have been surprised if he wasn't the way he was.

    "I know we did.." he said his eyes though seemingly unfazed showed both hints of annoyance and sadness "Doesn't mean the order was any easier for me to give" his eyes went out of the the cave listening to the one whom introduced themselves to Cirven, though he was more interested in the rain "They're crying at the loss" he muttered his hand going our of the cave to feel the cold raindrops touch it "I'm called Ruvel and as you've stated he's called Barthenz" he said turning around to the other his seemingly going for a brief second as the other talked about his scent "I would rather you not sniff me, it's um..." he didn't want to insult the other it was clear he was strong and knew with the kind of magic he wielded could do some serious damage to Barthenz "I kind of feel violated" he finally said after a few long seconds, he knew he had been violated one way or another his entire life and was use to it happening but those times where behind him and he was trying to change a few things like having a personal space.

    "I didn't stumble onto this island, I chartered a boat and came of my own free will." he stated crossing his arms, he really struggled getting on to the boat given his intense fear of fake freedoms and enclosed spaces "He had one of the others put him to sleep and keep him that way the entire journey" Barthenz chimed in, the warrior didn't really blame him he himself hated ships but that was more to do with the limited amount of fighting he could do on one rather than a fear. "Of course he smells weird, have you seen the colour of his blood?" he stated motioning to Ruvel's hand the glistening blood starting to stop as the wound healed "Barthenz, I know I'm odd... I don't need to be reminded of it" he said his tone going back to his normal stoic mannerisms "Ah, you have returned it seems... good, good" the summon almost seemed happy that Ruvel was acting more like his usual self than the kid he threw across the floor a few moments ago.

    Ruvel listened to the conversation between the two closely from the entrance of the cave, leaning against it 'I thought only home used that infernal stuff... but this stuff is far more primal. What is used at home were not perfect was more refined it seems' he stated through the link to his summon who nodded in agreement 'Would seem so' he commented back. Ruvel sighed his hand going to his head as he felt a headache coming on as he thought of the best course of action 'Can't be helped. Kill anyone afflicted without hesitation Barthenz. Do you accept this order?' his eyes stern now showing he had decided his path for now "I accept the orders given Ruvel" he stated out loud, Ruvel nodded to what the answer was. "I'm sorry for the loss of your friends... Barthenz was honoured to give the one he helped a warriors death and we could tell that deep down like you they had good hearts and deserved a better life than this" he said with a small smile "Please take care of them and we'll take care of everything else, if we come across anyone we can still save we will do our best to do so" he explained looking to both Cirven and Barthenz.

    He knew though normally blood thirsty Barthenz had his own warrior code and that still meant not killing innocent people if it could be avoided, problem was Barthenz didn't see anyone but the clergy of his mother as innocent so everyone else was open game as far as he was concerned, however it was a clause that Ruvel put in to their contract that made him the judge on if a person was innocent or not and though his own judgement may be off at least he believed people could be innocent. "He is feline at least in part so its to be expected that he can hear well" he commented, it was one of the few things he could remember from before what his life was to become. Seeing the others gesture he moved after him following him to a wall covered in vegetation "Barth..." he hadn't even finished before the warrior had moved forward cut the vegetation down seeing a reinforced metal security door "A door how quaint" he muttered stepping aside "Well then thunderbolt mind getting the door" he said standing between what was going to happen and Ruvel almost as if shielding him.

    Word Count: 969
    Total Word Count: 5,219

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 26th July 2017, 6:23 pm

    Cirven gave a chuckle to Barthenz upon hearing the nickname he was given. "Glad to see someone else does my thing of calling people nicknames over their real names. You are Battleworn, by the way. Thought it fit with all of the scars you have. I'm still thinking for one for Ruvel." The demon spoke as his arms were covered in black electricity. He then quickly swung them multiple times over the metal hatch that was covered by vegetation until recently. This caused it to be cut to the point where it fell down into the area that it lead down into. "Guess I'll go first." He said as he stepped onto the ladder below the hatch and made his way down.

    The area they walked into was well lit by lights placed on stone walls. It looked like it was all pretty much man made but their were hints that made Cirven think that magic was involved a bit more so. The area looked like a regular tunnel with a building set up not too far from it. "Looks like a evil guy's headquarters to you too, right?" He said after Ruvel and Barthenz had made their way down into the tunnel. He then started to make his way closer to the lab building until his ears caught the sound of something near him clicking. "Stop!" He yelled out to Ruvel and then jumped into the air just as multiple magical bullets were shot out from the wall onto his position from hidden holes in the walls. The shots ended just as quickly as they started but it had forced Cirven into a precarious position in the air. A unmanned gun quickly flew out from the ground and aimed at the demon while he was in the air and quickly fired a large magical bullet at Cirven. The shot was coming too fast for the Captain of Black Sails to react and pierced through his body sending him falling to the ground with a thud where he laid lifeless.

    "Perfect! Perfect! My calculations went perfectly well from how I thought you would react though I did hope to hit the thin looking young man also in my attack." A older man in a white lab coat stood just outside of the door of the lab talking. "I do need some new guinea pigs for my experiments. Trying to make the perfect Ethesis serum is pretty hard to perfect. Maybe that new body or you could be the specimens I need for it..?" He spoke out more but before he could continue three human-like creatures came out from under the ground in front of him. They each looked like they were gofer-human hybrids that could dig underground with the large and sharp claws they had on their hands. Each wore a metallic collar around their neck. "Thing is, I do love to see new subjects be beaten into submission so I will have my three gofer-humans supply me with help in doing so!" The scientists eyes widened and he gave off a wide smile as the gofer-humans dug under the ground and quickly made their way towards Ruvel and Barthenz.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 27th July 2017, 3:44 pm

    Ruvel sighed a little hearing the way these two conversed with each other he would have rolled his eyes but he didn't feel like been thrown like a rag doll for the second time within an hour by the battle hardened summon "Like he needs encouragement" he muttered making Barthenz looked back at his summoner for a moment "It's best you don't call him anything other than how he introduced himself to be honest sparky" he wasn't about to go into why he said such a thing it wasn't his story to tell and he knew for a fact that while Ruvel was weaker than most mortals he made up with that in regards to his speed and acrobatics using his enemies own attacks and strengths against them. "I've got no problem with being called that in a social setting, if you come to my home however my name should be used I would hate for you to lose your head... my followers are kinda... touchy" he chuckled knowing that Ruvel's eyes where rolling this time but he allowed this one to pass given the subject matter and his own personal views on the divine.

    "Ruvel will do fine thank you" he hated his name given the meaning of it within his home but at the same time he would hate to see what the other would come up with, then again he doubted it could be worse than what he was currently called but didn't want to take the chance. Ruvel went before Barthenz following Cirven down the ladders as much as Barthenz did give him a hard time he still knew for a fact he wouldn't allow him to go last in case of a rear attack so followed the normal way of things 'Barthenz..' his eyes going to the large warrior 'yeah, what?' he stated back wondering what was so important that the other would be talking to him like this when there was a third person there 'I'm getting tired' he muttered. On hearing that alone Bathenz grabbed him by the collar and simply jamp down before bringing him up to eye level 'A blood moon coming?' he asked making Ruvel nod his head and the warrior sigh.

    Putting Ruvel onto his back he sighed knowing this would make things that much more difficult 'Rest up kid' his tone through the bond showing this wasn't a request on his part. Ruvel leaned in his eyes closing as he tried to go into a waking sleep as instructed. "Sorry I was a bit distracted what was the question?" he asked but before he knew it he heard the click himself and dashed back quickly as to make sure Ruvel wouldn't get harmed his eyes going to Cirven, any fighter worth their salt knew that being in the air was dangerous as there was little manoeuvrability and no place to hide. Seeing what happened next he knew that this was bad as his own options where limited as he was carrying Ruvel for the moment he kept his composure knowing that it would be noticed by Ruvel 'What was that noise Barthenz?' he asked the other hearing the thud 'Nothing kid, get to resting' he replied back the last thing he wanted was him to get anymore worn down. He was concerned for the other but he was a fighter not a healer and couldn't call on any of the others to help and doubted that Ruvel had enough energy at current to call anyone else.

    'Kid call Edaenz' his eyes remaining on the scientist "thin looking gentleman?" the summon was bewildered at what he had heard "You mean the kid? He's a child not a gentleman you idiot" he had forgotten that Ruvel looked far older than he actually was and so many would take him at face value "Fat chance of hurting him though" he meant the last part and it was shown in his voice. Ruvel remained unmoving throughout the whole situation "Edaenz..." he whispered beside the tall woman a lithe looking woman standing around 5'2" tall, shimmering blue skin and hair which moved though there was no wind her clothing was loose came into existence next to Barthenz her eyes going to Ruvel then to Barthenz "Sleep cycle?" she asked him as they didn't have a bond everything would be said openly "Blood moon" he replied the woman worried hearing that "This needs to end quickly then" she commented the warrior nodding it was then her eyes seen the injured Cirven "not a word" Barthenz stated the woman nodding "I understand" she replied as she placed her hands together releasing a pale healing aura knowing that it would heal the allies to her summoner while strengthening their magic slightly.

    "Gophers? Are you serious?" the warrior said in disbelief, he was wondering why but then he realised that very few could hear or feel vibrations more so if they where underground making this so much harder. The woman knelt in a graceful motion looking to Barthenz she nodded who nodded in return placing Ruvel next to her his head going on her lap "He gets hurt woman and I swear the air won't protect you from my wrath" he commented to the other "Well if you do your job correctly then you'll not have to worry about him getting hurt now will you" she commented back her eyes going back to Cirven hoping that this was helping him but without getting closer she couldn't see where the issue was and localise it. "He's been beaten enough in his life, it's not happening anymore" he growled his sword appearing back in his hand before dashing forward and down one of the holes the enemy he was told to give no quarter and he was fine with that.

    He knew that in close quarters his longswords would be of little use so decided to break them onto shorter versions of themselves knowing that they would get fixed later or he could just call for another after all these where just basic weapons anyone in his faith would use for training. Coming across one of them he managed to flank as they wouldn't have expected what had happened and thus thrust the sharp pointed end of his broken sword of the sword towards their necks 'not infected and a victim, take the collar off them Barthenz' he sighed following the order twisting the blade and pulled back braking the metal collar with the blade before pushing toward the vibration to the left the slight twinge of seared flesh from whatever was inside the collar entering his nostrils "This guy is twisted" he commented to himself as this one turned hearing his voice knowing the order would be the same for this one "Seems the collars might be different on these ones" he almost pondered dodging as it attacked him he knew one was hopefully no longer a threat and was dealing with a second "Hay sparky, how long you planning to play dead hu?" he called up through the ground his voice travelled through the tunnels so one way or another Cirven would get the message the warrior needed help.

    Word Count: 1,202
    Total Word Count: 6,421

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 31st July 2017, 7:39 pm

    The demon's body didn't even twitch after her was pierced through. It was like he had died on impact from the magical bullet making contact with his skin but that was only how it seemed. Cirven waited for when those around him had their eyes taken off of him and quickly used two of his spells to make a fake of himself that was in the same position and another to allow him to jump into the shadows near his body where he was waiting for his chance to react to any opening given to him. He wanted to help the two summons and their summoner with their fight but all he could do was watch because he needed to play his part. If he reacted too early it could possibly lead to them being placed into another trap.

    Barthenz suddenly called out for him to stop playing dead and help which forced Cirven to either stay in his position and possibly be found out somehow or to quickly react and hopefully get some sort of opening out of it. He chose the latter and made his way through the shadows quickly towards the lab coat wearing man. His speed moving through the shadows rivaled his own speed on his feet so it was quick enough to get him to the man before any of the gophers could get to him but something else managed to stop him just before he could get to the man.

    Cirven jumped out from the shadows he was to emerge and attack the scientist but a claw cut through the air towards him cutting off his arm and then a foot slammed into his chest and sending him into the wall near his fake body. Cirven hit the wall and then fell down to the floor on his knees where he clutched at his missing limb. Idain stood next to the scientist holding out an enlarged clawed hand. His body was still regular size though which made him look like some sort of hybrid being that the Ethesis didn't fully take control over and morph. "Sorry, Lord Tankin. I followed your orders to watch over the intruders. The others were worthy sacrifices and have supplied me with more power with their deaths..." Idain rubbed the side of his mouth where blood was. "You were working for him the entire time? Even the collar was a fake?" Idain shot Cirven a glare. "I serve my lord under any means necessary. My life means little to nothing compared to my duty." Idain bent over and grabbed the severed arm of Cirven and presented it to Tankin who took the arm with a wicked grin coming over his face as he held the arm. "This will be all I needed from the research of what records I found of Cor Torva. Their failure turned success. Test number TR453, better known by its code name of Trase." Cirven's eyes widened to the realization that this was all set up. "Who the hell are you...?!" Black electricity erupted out from Cirven's body as he spoke and his red eye started to glow. "I'm just a admirer of your mother's work, Cirven. An admirer who wants to exceed her and her teams work." Cirven dashed forward towards Tankin who then turned his back and started to make his way to his lab. Idain jumped in front of the now limbless and pierced through man and swung his clawed arm out to cut him off which Cirven moved underneath and was able to reach Tankin who turned his head just in time to see Cirven about to hit him with an electrified claw. Cirven's claw was suddenly blocked by a barrier that let off a blast of magical energy at Cirven's body and sent him back and skidding across the ground with a growl escaping his mouth from the pain and anger. "Forgot to say not to try that. I designed this barrier to protect me at all times from attacks or being harmed. Idain, would you please deal with this trash here? Make sure both of them are just inches away from death before bringing them to me. I have plans for them,
    especially the one with that sparkling blood.
    " With that being said Idain nodded and stood back between him and Cirven while Tankin made his way back into his lab facility. "Barthenz, I know you need help but I can't give it right now. My hands are full with our returning friend. Well hand I mean. I'm sure Ruvy should be fine with both of you helping him, right?" Cirven spoke out just as Idain swung his arm at him again and he dodged it and the series of attacks that came at him after.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 1st August 2017, 8:22 am

    Barthenz had no idea what the male elder to his summoner hand planned it was times like this he wished they had telepathy but it couldn't be helped they couldn't have foreseen what was to happen. He knew that Ruvel most likely could have given his ability to read situations and plan for the worse but even then he was worst for wear and he wanted to keep the stress of him as much as possible especially when it came to fighting. He was about to put his blade into the back of the head of one of the hybrid gophers after hearing everything that just happened above him 'Barthenz! I said don't they're victims!' he heard from Ruvel making him having pause twisting his wrist he moved slicing the collar off having moved in such a way he knocked the thing out only to be tackled by the first 'Yeah real innocent kid, trying to get me killed?' he sent back Ruvel's eyes opened hearing his words now glowing faintly "Ruvel, you need to calm my sweet, right now your not strong enough you'll do harm to yourself if you try" Edaenz protested pulling him back.

    Ruvel reached into his top bringing out what could only be described as something similar to an ornate lost forbidden artefact made of some strange metal, holding his hand he moved it across his palm light seeming to pooling in the centre, his eyes cold and holding nothing but resolve as he showed nothing "I sacrifice my life essence to call upon the contractual obligation and contractual task that I have with Barthenz!" his voice though showed nothing as he spoke he clenched his fist allowing the glistening blood to fall on the ground. "Understood and accepted" With that Barthenz pushed the first gopher into the last one with the collar still on him without hesitation "Sorry boys you have your orders and I have mine" he said with a grin, he wasn't going to complain because when Ruvel was like this he knew his normal nature could come into play and wouldn't be questioned... normally but until he heard differently he wouldn't kill them though to be honest he believed they would be nothing more than a pain like the first guy they tried save.

    he threw his swords up to punch the second gopher in the face but found the third had sliced across his back as he forced the second one into a new cavern. His hand went up to catch his sword and twirling in one quick strike took the gopher's head clean off "I hate people who sucker punch" he growled Ruvel knew there was nothing he could have done for that one, to do that to Barthenz was taking your life into your own hands and no so called god would protect you from his wrath. "See he's still a brute" Edaenz commented holding Ruvel close "Edaenz, please go I need to call... him..." his tone was cold the blue skinned summon shook her head hearing what the other was about to do "You aren't practised enough with summoning Shindara... and in your current state..." she seemed truly worried for her young summoner.

    "Trust me Edaenz" he gave a weak micro smile, the woman faded the concern seen in her eyes, Ruvel's eyes now beginning to glow more 'Shindara' he thought knowing he had to be silent when summoning this one his eyes didn't look back but it was clear to a trained eye his shadow had grown darker 'The enemy is the mutated hybrid in front, have him kill himself for the many sins he committed' his thoughts were clear as he started to walk forward following the scientist. 'Of course my summoner' is all he got back, as Ruvel moved closer Idain would swear he would see his former allies in the state he had left their corpses. Ruvel stopped looking at him "I hope your sins eat you, like you ate them" he said in a cold and somewhat dismissive tone. In addition it would make Idain relive everything from his youth up to that moment. Ruvel didn't care what happened to Idain, he was as bad as the doctor betraying his friends "Barthenz leave for the moment I'll recall you when Cirven has his limb back" He called out "Fine kid just be careful you and blood moons don't mix remember" he called as he faded 'yeah like I can forget' he thought to himself "Edaenz" he whispered kneeling next to his current ally the blue skinned woman appearing at her side instantly tending with her duty "Like I told you, not scrawny... I know my weaknesses and this is my strength" he said his voice still cold his eyes getting brighter still.

    Word Count: 800
    Total Word Count: 7,221

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 1st August 2017, 6:40 pm

    Before Cirven could try and get some attacks in on Idain a sudden force of power he felt from behind him caused him to jump to the side. He had heard Ruvel talking but had remained with his focus mostly on Idain so he did not comprehend exactly what was being said by his new ally. This is why he jumped to the side when he felt the power from Ruvel's new summon that seemed to take some sort of effect on Idain which caused the hybrid man to fall to his knees and grip his head. The way Idain reacted helped Cirven understand what was going on because he had been there before; there was some sort of illusions or mental attacks being used against the man. Cirven turned his head to Ruvel to see the thinner young man just as the blue skinned woman appeared next to him. "Seems you have some surprises all over, huh?" Cirven looked at the hole through his body and his missing limb. "Edaenz, right?" His focus shifted to the blue skinned woman summoned to help him. "I'm guessing you have some sort of healing ability but I'm not really the type who needs to be healed of wounds like these." Not even a second passed after he spoke before a new arm formed over where his limb was missing and the hole in his chest healed up also. "I was saving it as some sort of surprise but because I figure that Ruvy's orders are pretty absolute to you guys I decided to show you that I have this handled. Thanks but you should go help Ruvy. That blood moon sickness or w/e he has doesn't have him looking too good."

    Cirven looked at Idain who was still gripping his head from whatever attack he was trying to ward off. "You might not deserve this completely but I have to stop Tankin." He turned his head to Ruvel again. "Deal with this guy while I go and deal with the crazy scientist. He has something that belongs to me after all. I usually charge for people getting a piece of me like that." He chuckled and then ran off into the lab facility.

    Inside the facility it would be mostly void of life besides what were in the test tubes in the area that was surrounded by other lab equipment. It looked like Tankin was growing new creatures from those he had created already or at least that was the plan it seemed like because those inside of the test tubes looked to be lifeless and were not breathing from what Cirven could hear. Not even their hearts were beating. Cirven stopped to look over some research papers on the test tubes sitting on a table. These helped the demon figure out that Tankin had used people to create the hybrids but because he found that those he made into hybrids were more disobedient that he decided to create his own creatures. He quickly figured out what was going on and what Tankin was planning to do with his arm and quickly rushed deeper into the facility. The sound of an explosion echoed through the facility near Cirven and without thinking much into it he followed where it came from where he found a large door blown off and covered in white flames. "You want to control me? Are you serious!? You are a fool, old man!" Cirven looked ahead to see a blue haired man holding up Tankin while both were surrounded in white flames. The blue haired man looked towards Cirven and once he recognized him he grinned. He then threw Tankin to the side. "It's liking looking through a mirror of the past, isn't it?" Cirven sighed with his eyes closed as he looked back at his own clone. "That idiot took the cloning technology Cor Torva used and used it to clone another me. He must not have thought that those clones were all crazed and would kill him.
    Either way, I want my arm back.
    " Cirven pointed at the right arm of his clone. "This old thing? You do know that this is mine now? This idiot brought me into this world with what DNA he could find but was only able to clone all but an arm. I am now complete and don't want to go back to how I was now that I am." Both the real and clone Cirven stared each other down knowing what was going to come next.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 2nd August 2017, 8:52 am

    Edaenz looked to Cirvan as she was addressed nodding to her name "Yes, I am Edaenz..." she confirmed with a sigh hearing what the other one addressed the youth she had come to see as her own child though he himself was nothing of the wind but was lost in a world that would destroy someone like him and it was for that reason she tolerated Barthenz and his barbaric methods "He isn't a Celestial wizard so you are incorrect in your assumption that his orders are law to us. His kind of summoning gives most the power and control to the summon so he has very little sway over us or our actions." Admitted to the elder male "Only reason why those like Barthenz listen to his wants on things like deaths is because of a clause in the contract" she explained warmly to him moving to tend to the missing limb "Yes, I am a high healer within my cast" she answered to his question but pulled back seeing how he had regrew his limbs "God slayer with regeneration capabilites I'm impressed but... she tilted her head for a moment studying the twin coloured eyes of the other 'I think you're the same... paths are somewhat different but the journey... I don't know they seem the same somehow...' she let Ruvel know through the bond so the other couldn't hear 'I advise still to be careful but he seems like one you could trust' she finished a smile on her face "Edaenz, I trust no one... less likely to get hurt" he said bluntly standing up. The blue skinned woman was saddened at his words but understood why he was so cynical and jaded on the world and the people within it. "I know Ruvel... but being on your own makes you a tree outside of a forest and that's dangerous for one such as you" she commented back wishing that one day he would realise this and hoped that it would be sooner rather than later when he truly needed the support.

    "Cirven was it..." she turned her gaze back to him "Ruvel may be an insult but it's the name he grew with and what he's grown accustomed to being called, please don't call him Ruvy" her tone was in no way aggressive if anything it held a warm tone only a loving mother could have, but at the same time it was easy to see that it held a saddened undertone. "Since I am not needed for now Ruvel I'll go so Barthenz can watch over you and stop being his personal rag doll, your better than that" she said kissing his forehead as she faded. Ruvel remained quiet and didn't take his dagger out 'He went through hell too? There are different kinds?' he seemed uncertain in his thoughts it would be something he would have to ask the elder mage later but for now he looked to him as he was spoken to nodding 'Blood moon sickness? You have it mixed up young one...' he would hear in his mind, unlike the other summons Shindara could only communicate through telepathy 'It is not a sickness, but it is not my place to tell you what it is exactly, that is between you and my summoner' he continued. Ruvel's eyes went to his shadow for a moment having heard it as if it was said out loud 'You didn't even need to tell him that much' he said somewhat coldly, as if on cue his shadow seemed to move by itself into a boy 'Apologies my summoner, it wasn't my intention to over step personal boundaries but it is our task to make sure you are safe at all times thus if needed we will give those who work with you information needed as and when they need it' his voice could still be heard by Cirven. Ruvel rolled his eyes but knew he couldn't argue with the logic nor with what was being said in general because it had been a clause that every summon had put into their contract knowing that he himself wouldn't mention a thing.

    'Shindara, I want to see what he is seeing' he requested of the one using his shadow as a home, as the request was made he stood straight 'As my summoner wishes, though you might not like it' he commented following the order given to him. Ruvel turned his head around him "We're in a village.. everyone seems happy" he said moving around the illusion a smile on his face, though it dropped quickly as he seen an attack on the village behind the troops was the scientist ordering for everyone killed and for samples to be brought that they would be needed for the new world "New world?" he seemed genuinely confused by this but covered his ears and clenched his eyes as the killing started 'I warned you my summoner, some of this will be close to home for you' he said his hand going to lay upon his head 'I can end it now if you wish so you do not have to witness anymore' he commented Ruvel shook his head "I need to see, I need to know what fate he deserves... I.. I need to understand" his eyes opened and he covered his nose the strong smell of chemicals as he looked around what seemed to be a lab filled with all sorts of equipment 'who's memories are these? surely not the one in front of us' He asked moving around 'no these are the scientists for the moment, I thought you would like to see a complete history on how he came to be' the shadow told him Ruvel nodded understanding the reasoning as the scientist banged his fist on a table, at his foot was a young boy only looking around two years old playing with blocks 'he has a son?' his hand went forward but as it did the image changed of the scientist placing something bright red into the boys blue sippy cup. His eyes went wide seeing that "He didn't! H.. he... Shindara, send a message to Cirven please... let him know he experimented on his own child" his resolve was wavering after seeing that one scene. 'Young one, I am sorry to disturb you but I have a message from my summoner... it would seem the one responsible for this island experiment even did so to his own child. He is the one with my summoner now.' he passed as requested unsure how the other would react to the new information.

    Ruvel had been watching the daily punishments sometimes for nothing at all, daily injections, the brain washing, the training; it all reminded him so much of his own hell. He watched as Idain was forced to slay and kill man, woman and child without hesitation and the punishments he would suffer if he didn't comply. He felt sorry for Idain unknown to Ruvel tears were falling from his otherwise stoic face but it changed suddenly as he seen him take his very first kill and the look of insanity within his eyes as if he had enjoyed the feeling of the warm blood from the victim being of a young girl spraying over him, his hand going to his mouth as he tried to prevent himself from being sick. After that day he watched as he laughed at each murder and how he proudly announced it to his father as if it was some sort of achievement. "He's a monster..." he whispered to himself he watched as each victim seemed to start standing by him including those who he had eaten 'You are now to play the court my summoner his path ends with your decision' He said calmly knowing it was a large burden to put on his shoulders but it was also the truth he also knew no matter what he chose in the end Ruvel would feel guilty.

    Ruvel brought out his dagger and cut his hand allowing it to pool, beside him a portal of pure fire appeared and from hit a sun kissed beauty wearing Arabian clothing of crimsons and gold her golden hair tied back as her golden eyes looked between Ruvel and his shadow. "Burn it to the ground, I want nothing standing... no trace..." his voice was cold and absolute, he wanted none of the research to be used again his eyes now going to the crying Idain on the ground "I still don't know what I am to do with you, you where a victim, but now you aren't your the same as your father" he stated with a sigh as an fire blast set everything within 30 meters alight, this would include Idain himself "Let me do the kindest thing for you and end your suffering and madness... if I don't you'll cause more issues and I don't need to be hunted by someone else" he said wining as he cut his hand again "I summon blood, I summon hate, I summon war and anger... warrior of death hear my call. Barthenz appear." As the pentagram appeared Shindara left the illusion braking but by that time it was already to late he was on fire as was the area round them "About time kid" his eyes going to the area then to "I guess my funeral pyre was lit by you Ordhabbi" he said asking the woman who grinned under her veil "Got a problem with it block head talk to Ruvel, I'm just following orders" she said with a laugh "Today is the day you decide to play nice?" Barthenz asked holding his sword out to Idain "Well he's already having a hard time I didn't want to add to it" she explained Barthenz looked back to Ruvel seeing what his decision was "End it... End it all..." he said bluntly walking towards the next section Ordhabbi following him "Don't worry blood for brains I'll take care of him while you deal with the fried cat" she blew him a kiss walking to the next section allowing Barthenz to look at him "You don't deserve a warriors death you coward... die in your pyer" he stated undoing the blade to make two stabbing one through each leg to the hilt pinning him to the ground as he followed Ruvel and Ordhabbi.

    Word Count: 1,740
    Total Word Count: 8,961

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 2nd August 2017, 6:06 pm

    Cirven listened to the what all of the summoned members of Ruvel said before he ran off. He did not say much to them due to where his focus was with the current situation but he acknowledged them with nods of his head. He planned to talk more when he got back to them but it was not a priority to him with Tankin running off with his arm which had now lead to him meeting face to face with his clone. Before he could speak to his clone again a voice rang through his head telling him that Idain was Tankin's son that he also experimented on. Cirven's eyes glared at the fallen scientist that his clone had thrown away like some sort of trash. Cirven could not say he felt for Tankin at all for what he had done here and to these people.

    "I'm getting that arm back and the funny thing is I wanted to kill you too because you are more of an abomination than I am." The demon spoke as his eyed locked back onto his clone that looked exactly like his former self. "I will ignite you and the rest of this lab into flames then. I have little care for you and only want to fulfill my mission in killing you!" The clone spoke as white flames erupted out over his body. Cirven answered the display of power with his own as black electricity sparked up over his body. The two locked eyes again and without another word both ran towards each other at fast speeds. Attack after attack was blocked or parried causing the surrounding area to take the brunt of the attacks and sending black electricity and white flames shooting out all over. The two then both threw out slashing attacks using their arms covered in their respective elements where they clashed over and over as if their limbs were blades. The series of clashing attacks ended with both attempting to attack each other from the side with and kick using their right legs which they both hit their mark causing both to grunt out in pain before jumping away from each other.

    With some space between each other both clone and real Cirven took in a deep breath of air with their elements trailing out of their mouth slightly. The clone released a massive blast of white flame while Cirven released a blast of black electricity. Both blasts connected in a flash of blinding light and started a sort of 'tug of war' like battle between the two with each trying to cause their spell to overpower the others. Cirven's started to overpower the clone's but before it could completely overcome it the clone used their battle of 'tug of war' as an opportunity to get in close to Cirven while he was distracted and attack by using a hand that was shaped into a claw thanks to the white flames he could control that cut through Cirven's back. The pain caused Cirven to lose his focus over his attack and the white flame blast overcame his blast. The white flames moved through the air and quickly covered Cirven and the area he was in causing white flames to wrap around everything around him and burn most of it into nothing. Cirven was left laying on the ground surrounded by the flames where the flames were also on his own body. The clone walked towards the downed Cirven from nearby with a grin plastered over his face "I might be your clone and have similar reactions but I am not you. I am better. I am stronger! After I make sure you are dead I will go and fulfill my other desires where I will cause havoc to this world! DIE!" The clone yelled out as he lifted up his foot covered in white flames and brought it down onto Cirven's body but it felt different to him. It was as if his foot had completely moved through him. The clone started to move his foot up but a shock of electricity ran through his body just as he realized what was going on. "You want to cause havoc to the world?" The clone was still being shocked as Cirven spoke and stood up with his clone seemingly phasing the pure electric form his body had become. "It is like you forgot who you were cloned after. I mean you were cloned after an old me after all. A me that was lost but that changed. I'm sorry but I cannot let something like you exist, even if you have the same face as me. I have killed multiple versions of myself and somehow I am still here and have become better." Cirven took in a deep breath of air again but this time the amount of power behind it was different causing the clone to look at his opponent in fear. He tried to run but Cirven reached out and grabbed his wrist. Cirven then released a massive blast of black electricity that shot through the lab area they were in and through it where it was strong enough to shoot through the facility and island itself. The blast was so strong that it caused the clone's body to be scorched away completely. "Sorry..." Cirven mumbled to himself as he looked towards the damage he had caused. He could not feel the presence of his clone at all. He turned around and found his way to Tankin whose body was still laying on the ground still near where the fighting just happened. He checked the man's pulse and found that he was already dead. "Killed by his own creation in the end. Pretty cliché." Cirven then heard a beeping sound coming from Tankin somewhere and searched his body to find that he had some sort of device that had a countdown starting. Cirven shook his head and chuckled. "Way too cliché now." He then ran off as he was forced to get out of the facility with a minute left on the countdown. He met up with Ruvel and his group on his way out where he told them what was going on and the group managed to get out of the area just before the facility exploded causing the entire are to cave in on itself.

    "Pretty fun job, huh?" Cirven shot Ruvel and his summons a satisfied smile after he looked over the destruction. His smile changed into a grin and he spoke directly to Ruvel. "So with that done, who exactly are you? What are you? I have had these hints from your posse of summons but I think it's better to question the source."


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 3rd August 2017, 5:17 am

    Ruvel blinked seeing Cirven moving towards him, his eyes moved to Ordhabbi who seemed to be wearing a grin on her face 'What's going on?' Ruvel asked her through their link watching as she stopped this usually meant that something was going on within her element so he had always taken notice of his elemental summons for the same sort of behaviour since it seemed like something they all had strangely. 'Well I hope your fireproof Ruvel' she sent back with a chuckle making the youth blink somewhat confused at what he just been told "Fireproof?" he voiced watching as Ordhabbi nodded "Being a fire demoness, I can tell the changes in heat... there's a fire back there and it's going to eat this place quickly... brick for brains mind grabbing him, in his current state no way he'll make it" she said before fading as far as she was concerned her task was done and wanted to get back to things that was actually worth her time. Ruvel sighed for a moment, he was use to her attitude but it still bothered him a little but they had every right to leave if they felt like they weren't needed as he himself placed in the contracts.

    Seeing Cirven running Barthenz grabbed Ruvel in a bridal hug and started running after him "Remind me to kill her at some point" he growled not caring for the fire she had started in the previous room as they ran for safety "Rest kid, you've stressed yourself far to much for the timing" his voice showed it wasn't a suggestion given just how many he had called more so two at the same time during a time he shouldn't be doing anything but resting 'You know better!' he sent to Ruvel 'Like I had a choice' he sent back 'There's always a choice kid, remember that' he stated to the other 'Not always' he corrected a soft sigh escaping his lips and closed his eyes curling, he wished Barthenz was right but at the end of the day he knew sacrifices would always have to be made and those choices always seemed to haunt him no matter what he done. 'Did I have to do that?' he asked the warrior an eye opening, Barthenz stopped looking down at him "Kid, not all victims end up like you... some become the next generation of monster, remember that." It was the first time he had given advice to Ruvel normally it was done by Edaenz so he was a bit out of his zone of comfort.

    When outside he found somewhere to place Ruvel down flat before sitting beside him. Ruvel remained still and silent, on hearing the questions his eyes opened only for Barthenz to cover them "I said rest kid" he said his tone showing it wasn't a request once Ruvel nodded he took away his hand making sure his eyes where closed "My name is Ruvel and I'm a person" he replied to the questions he was asked by Cirven, he didn't exactly know what a posse was and wasn't about to ask the question either as it didn't seem to be an insult of any kind. "You heard the rumours of this place and wanted to check it out to bring it to an end if it was true" he was the same but right now he was quite sure he shouldn't have come at this point but he knew he couldn't wait either. He moved to try sit up but was quickly pinned "I have an uneasy feeling" he said moving his head to look at Barthenz "hm?" was what he got in reply "Not everything is done here..." his eyes opened and they where in a full bright golden glow "Damn it... you pushed to far..." Barthenz seemed annoyed at this "We need to get somewhere that's inside no windows one door reinforced lockable from the inside preferably underground" his voice showed he was more than a little worried as he stood picking up Ruvel "We're going back in there if he says something's not right he's generally right in this state" he said looking around "Actually... there should be another way into the danged place no one would ever have only a single entrance scientists are usually paranoid as hell" he said as he started to walk.

    Word Count: 730
    Total Word Count: 9,691

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 5:00 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 6th August 2017, 7:55 pm

    Cirven glared at the younger man who asked his question as simply as he could. It was like he didn't want to be truthful with the demon at all. Cirven could understand that but at this point he could not trust Ruvel and be put into a situation like he was with Idain earlier who turned out to be one of the big enemies on the island for him. "Okay, so maybe you don't trust me enough to tell me what exactly you are with your sparkling blood and the other weird things going on which I can relate to but I don't want to go down another road with another person like Idain so I'd rather you speak up. Here, I'll make it easier." Cirven took in a deep breath and then started to speak. "I am Cirven Mizune. The CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company and its leader. I was a being born from a woman who injected herself with the dna of a long dead demon with abilities that rivaled Gods in many ways. I was born an experiment and because of that I was trained to be an assassin with grueling training and experiments. Some of which lead to me being put into situations where I was hurt gravely over and over again in order to lessen the feeling of pain and build up my healing abilities. In short, I was an experiment just like those who were here but instead of becoming a monster I was able to find a way out even at a young age, even though it could have been considered a huge amount of luck was involved." His eyes never left Ruvel's face as he spoke of his past in a limited fashion but it was still the truth.

    "With telling you all of that, I'm hoping you understand what I meant by who you are and what brought you here. I came here because I didn't want to see more of what created others and myself and shaped us to be monsters in this world. Now it's your turn." He stared at Ruvel and waited a few seconds but just before anything could be said Barthenz spoke up about Ruvel's condition and needing cover. Cirven looked down towards the ground and then back up to Ruvel and his summon. He could feel and hear how the ground below them was not completely solid like there was a cavern or something below them. "Hey." He spoke out to gain their attention and lifted his right arm into the air where it was covered into black electricity and a purple aura. He then quickly sung his arm down at the ground multiple times cutting through it and dropping himself into a cavern-like area below. "Guessing it's better to talk down here then with how he is feeling. Rather be able to talk to you without you having some sort of mental problem. By the way, if you try anything weird down here, I won't hesitate to do what is needed." He spoke out from the cavern he was in and leaned up against the wall as he waited.


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 7th August 2017, 7:16 am

    Ruvel's eyes remained closed not wanting to get in further trouble with Barthenz, with how fragile he looked it was almost as if he was nothing more than a doll the warrior was carrying "There's no need to glare at him you know thunderbolt, you asked him two question and he answered them the best he could" the summon uncharacteristically coming to the defence of his summoner that made one of Ruvel's eyes start to open. Barthenz looked down him with an unimpressed look "You even bother opening that eye and I swear to the ancients I'll take your eye out" he said his voice showed it wasn't an empty threat making Ruvel take heed and keep it closed, the summon shook his head with a sigh "It's like babysitting one of my sisters mages..." he complained but he couldn't help how the one in his arms was he knew he had it ruff and now was trying to compensate for lost time. Even though he knew he was harsh on him, it was for his and everyone else's own good even if it wasn't seen that way.

    "How can I tell you what I don't know Cirven?" he said softly, though his eyes remained closed his eyes moved to the right under the lids "My blood has been like this since I was born, I thought it was normal until..." he shook his head going silent not wanting to go into his past it gave him far to much pain and the wounds were still open and fresh as if it had just happened "It's fine kid" the summon looked to Cirven "He hasn't spoken to anyone about his past, only reason we know is because his magic demands no secrets between him and those he makes contracts with... it's part of the bonding but no words have ever been spoken." he said moving down the hole the other had made taking him to the darkest part of the cavern away from the light above "You know you need to make a contract with someone of the earth at some point they could fill in that hole" he said ruffling Ruvel's hair trying to make a joke but failing somewhat but he didn't care seeing the youth smile nodding his head "Perhaps one of the gopher people would have been a good pick" he said in return thinking it may be a good idea to have someone who deals in each element.

    He had listened to everything the other had said biting his lip for a moment unsure why he would be so open about such things they didn't even know each other. 'Why did he tell me that?' he asked to his summons 'Battle does this to people' barthenz chimed in 'He wants to gain your trust sweet one, so he's put himself into a vulnerable state to do so' Edaenz added afterwards 'All saying he isn't lying' added Seyuki 'He has no reason to lie about such things Seyuki...' Gazaer added 'What has he to gain from lying?' Gazaer continued 'He could be from his 'home' looking to take him back, best way is with lowered defences' Ordhabbi added 'The firework has a point but I don't think he's from there' Barthenz stated with a yawn 'He isn't lying about the past, shadows whisper to each other, his past is like your own our summoner' Shindara ended the conversation between everyone allowing Ruvel time to take in all that had been said between his summons.

    After he thought about it he sat up leaning on Barthenz for support "I don't understand why you told me any of that, we don't know one another" he said his head lowering "I'm not like them..." his voice shook a bit as his eyes opened revealing his brightly glowing golden eyes "I don't want death, I don't want harm..." he tugged and his sleeve much like a child would when scared, uncertain or being given into trouble. "You told me your past so I'm guessing you want me to reciprocate the gesture" he said looking down trembling "I was born with the blood and eye colour I have now, I don't know why but until the age of four I thought it was normal. I was born a sickly, weak and fragile child in a place that is now in ruin I think... I don't know because I don't remember much before the invasion. The little I do remember I was loved and cherished by my parents, tutors and the few other people that were allowed round me but I was kept out of the eyes of people in general." he said looking up "Then they came... they killed everyone... I had to watch it was when I seen them bleed red I knew my blood wasn't normal but even now I don't know why" he explained "So that's why I said person and not a race because in truth I don't know what I am" his voice was honest in the matter.

    "I was taken from my home and spent the last six years in hell..." he said Barthenz covered Ruvel's eyes laying him down "keep them shut kid or we'll need to get Laurea to put you to sleep and we both know that thing can use her own power to get here" he reminded him. Ruvel nodded "Laurea isn't a thing, she's a dream fairy... she likes being called a dreamling and we both know you don't like seeing her pout so please don't call her a thing" he said warmly making Barthenz snort knowing Ruvel was right he had a soft spot for the cloud hopping fae "I don't want to go into what went on in hell but it was hard..." he said quietly if pressed he would do so but not if he didn't have to "I was born with next to no magic, I may as well be called a non mage so I had no way to defend myself from everything that happened... due to what I lacked I had to find other ways I became quicker, I am athletic, acrobatic and I am very perceptive to my surroundings..." he said "Yeah, you could manipulate them to your advantage but don't" the warrior huffed "I don't see the reason" he said back "Can tell you're never gonna be a fighter" Barthenz retorted "Why I have a contract with you" he quickly said back making the warrior chuckle a bit "Anyway when I was ready to give up I heard voices... they said they could help me be released from my bindings, give me a better life than what I had if I made contracts with them..." he said curling "And that's when we come in, we are his first and last line of defence he can't hold his own dead weight let alone anything else... but we've also found that the right tone scares him into obedience" he said with a grin

    Word Count: 1,169
    Total Word Count: 12,029

    Last edited by Ruvel on 13th December 2018, 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 7th August 2017, 6:19 pm

    The dual eyed demon listened to Ruvel and Barthenz tell him who Ruvel was and what brought him here. It made sense for someone like him to want to end any experiments done on others just like he would want to do the same or that was how it sounded. Cirven could tell that there was no lying from either of the two due to their heartbeats. His sense of hearing had multiple uses and it had lead him to know what to expect in most situations so he trusted it more than most things. After Ruvel spoke of his past Cirven spoke up about why he spoke of his own past. "Honestly, I told you what I told you because if you turned out to be an enemy it wouldn't matter because I would deal with you and what you knew would be gone with you but if it turned out you are an ally like I want to believe you are now then it still doesn't matter. Kind of a smart move, huh?" Cirven knew that comment would probably make him sound bad in a few ways but he figured Ruvel and/or Barthenz would understand why he was the way he was.

    "So do you have a place to call home or some place you are staying? Someone with your contractual abilities could possibly be pretty handy to have around a certain environment plus since you said you don't have magic really, I can help you become stronger physically. Possibly help you perfect the physical abilities you said you were good at. Training is sort of my thing so I can help there." He offered Ruvel. He didn't know if the offer would be taken at all but he figured he would offer to help someone with a similar past as his own and help them pull themselves up from it like he did. He had always wished that someone would have helped him but everyone that could have he always felt were only targets for those who wanted him dead so he kept his distance. It would be different with Ruvel though because he would have a demon CEO and Pirate Captain helping him which not many could say they ever would have help from. "Either way though, I'm staying here until you are in better shape. I'd feel bad leaving you behind in the shape that you are in even with your multiple contractual friends being with you." His sentence then had him think about something that was said earlier. "By the way, what was this talk about a contract with someone of earth? Can you make contracts with anyone or something?"


    Last edited by Cirven on 13th December 2018, 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 7th August 2017, 7:16 pm

    Ruvel kept his eyes closed but sat up though it was a struggle he had used up so much energy having called so many different summons, using abilities that only he could and having more than one called at any one time. His breathing was slow and laboured as he covered his mouth with his sleeve coughing a liquid was seen on the side of his mouth but it wasn't the glistening light he normally had nor was it neither red like blood; that being said however it was glistening and it was red "B-Barthenz..." he whispered the summon nodded standing and moved to bring out dragonic wings his hands going through a hole a shield appearing in his hands outside covering the hole before flying down sitting next to him leaving the cave in complete darkness bar the glistening red liquid at the side of Ruvel's mouth "I'll never become physically stronger, nor will I get less fragile or sickly... I remember them saying it was a flaw in the design" he had no idea what it meant and he wasn't about to ask because he would end up being hurt.

    "We understand why the test, but why not ask Barthenz is bound by warrior code and I'm to scared to lie" he said honestly, he remembered just how bad the punishments were for lying, he was now panting between each word, the blood moon was taking its toll on the youth making Barthenz push him down "Lay down kid, you need to rest we don't have anything to combat the sickness here... unless you wish to return" he said helping Ruvel to lay down who shook his head "I don't want to take part in another moon ceremony... please don't make me Barthenz... I'll behave" he whispered it was clear he was frightened by the prospect of having to do something due to the tears flowing glowing much like the liquid in his mouth "Don't worry kid, we won't let you go back there without a fight, but you need to rest or they'll track you easily" he said keeping the youth close to him. He hated seeing anyone in much pain and if it was one of his own warriors he would have put them out of their misery.

    "My summons are all alive and have homes but since leaving the place I was made to call 'home' I have been resting as and when I can, where I can without being disturbed" he said softly his tone showing he didn't have much fight in him anymore. "My magic lays in summoning, they are my strength... I found that even in dead magic area I can still summon them, it just takes a little longer for them to receive the request and react on it" he said showing he had a few tricks himself though he didn't seem the type. "I've had training, if I didn't improve then I was usually worse when I was caught, but like he said... I can't hold even a quarter my own dead weight" he admitted, he felt pathetic because of it but there was nothing that could be done, they had tried different methods and nothing had worked to help him improve.

    "You don't have to worry, I've been in worse shape" he admitted, he just wasn't about explain how or why he didn't want to hold the other back when he seemed to be important from what he had gathered. Ruvel turned his head weakly nodding "Yes, I can do a contract to any sentient being... like celestial summoning terms must be agreed on, though final say is usually in the summons favour" he explained as he fell asleep. Barthenz looked to Cirven "Thunderbolt, we accept on his behalf... we worry what will happen if he remains on his own, there's only so much we can do... he needs contact and security when we aren't around." he said bringing Ruvel into his lap covering him in the deep blood red wings almost like for protection and warmth. "Even though flawed he does have ambition and that's to be known across this land but not as a fighter but on the other skills he's trained himself in." he explained knowing the offer had already been there the contract between his summoner and the duo eye coloured demon "One last thing from Shindara, he says something isn't right but due to the flames removing the shadows he can't say what for certain. Seems we'll need to investigate when the kid's recovered." this gave the warrior chills because it meant he would fight an unknown threat at some point and couldn't wait.

    Word Count: 780
    Total Word Count: 12'809


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Cirven 14th December 2018, 12:16 pm

    "It is going to feel weird saying this.." The devil let out a sigh as he felt a rush of slight annoyance with what he was about to say which would point out his age a bit. He might not have been that old at all but for some reason he would get annoyed when his age was brought into question with anything. "Kid, I can help you adapt to the limitations of your body and even help you strengthen those limitations more. I won't lie and say that this will be easy in any sort of way though. Your body will be put through great amounts of stress which some would call torture probably but it is all to make sure you become better. I will need you to remember that." He spoke out and made sure to lock eyes with the younger boy. His attention was then placed on the hulking figure that the boy had summoned named Barthenz. "I get it if he is too weak to talk and needs you to speak for him but I'd like to hear him agree to this. It is his body going through this after all but I will say that someone like you can help me with getting him in shape. It is better to have a training partner of some sort than to train alone." An idea came to the devil CEO's mind just after he was speaking causing him to wrap his hand around his chin in thought. "Maybe could use the others summons too as a way to get him more comfortable with training. He trusts them so that would easily work as an option for him."

    "Another idea just crossed my mind though. I need to test you, Barthenz. I only got to see some of your skill but not experience it myself. I'm sure you can leave him guarded by another of the posse, right?" Cirven spoke out and didn't wait for the opportunity for Barthenz to reply. He knew a person of his quality would not back down from a chance to display their power. It was a prideful thing after all. He left the area they were in with Ruvel and made sure to get a good amount of distance away from the area. The chosen area was lush with trees and plant life like most of the area around them but there was a sort of peacefulness that came with it. It was pretty much the perfect area to be able to focus on an opponent and just let loose any or all of your ability.

    Cirven was not left waiting long as Barthenz showed up with what could only be described as a look of excitement for their little spar that was about to happen. Cirven returned the look with a grin on his face. Both men started to walk in a circle while staring over each other as they looked for any sort of opening in the other that could be exploited somehow. "Seeing as I offered for this little spar, I think it is only right that I-" Cirven's words stopped as he quickly closed the gap between him and Barthenz where he was attempting to force an opening in his opponent. Once close enough to hit the hulking man, Cirven would quickly move out of his view and to his side aiming to send a black electrified clawed hand across the torso of Barthenz. Hit or miss the devil would quickly dash out of close quarters with Barthenz and to a safer distance. "Hopefully that did not rattle you too much already. We are just getting started here after all. I only hope that I prove myself to be as fast as the nickname you have been calling me all this time but at the same time not kill you." The two would exchange blow after blow but ultimately end up in a fairly even fight. When one would start to get the upper hand over the other there would suddenly be a moment that shifted that tide or placed them both back into a neutral position where they had to feel each other out again. If anyone were watching they would have quickly been thrown into the fray with the attacks that the two were amassing against each other. Trees around them were ripped apart by powerful blows, scorched to cinders from spells or simply just blown apart. The area they were in had practically become a open field when they were finally done and ready to stop.

    "You know that we both would probably destroy this island if we keep going, right?" Cirven shot the godly summon a grin that would show how much fun he had had sparring against him. "It is too bad we have to end it here but that does not mean there won't be other times. There are training areas in the facility I run. Plan on sparring more with me there. This is too much fun not to do again after all." He chuckled a bit after speaking but his chuckling was cut off as the loud sound of what sounded like a very large and angry monster roared out. The loud sounds of slight roars and trees being forced through to the point of snapping like some type of overgrown twigs came from near the duo leading to the appearance of a large winged dinosaur-like creature. Its skin looked as though parts of it were formed out of shining metals and then it let out another roar towards both of the men. "Think we set foot in its territory and were making it jealous on the reconstructing we did of it? You would think it would be happy we did this for free." Cirven spoke to Barthenz and was not looking towards the monstrous creature. The creature quickly moved to Cirven and quickly snapped its large jaw at the devil but found that it had only gulped a bunch of dirt and air as Cirven stood on top of its snout. "That really isn't a friendly way of saying thank you, you know?" The creature angrily glared at Cirven and attempted to shake him off of it to which Cirven obliged by jumping back to the ground. The creature realized this and continued in another attack towards the CEO using its jaws again. "Learn a different approach." Cirven spoke out as black electricity erupted over his arms and he quickly flung them around in a motion to cut the creature's face heading towards him. The sudden force of the impact from the attack hitting the creature's face caused it to stop in place for a short time before large cuts seemed to form on its face causing it to real backwards and roar out in pain. "Barthenz, you ever have dino jerky? It isn't too bad..." Cirven spoke out and built up a mass of magical energy in his mouth before firing it off as a sudden bolt of black lightning out in front of him that quickly scorched the creature to the point where it laid on the ground, motionless. "So yeah.." Cirven spoke out as he looked at his handy work some. "After all this noise we should definitely head back to the others. They probably are pretty confused as to what was going on." This prompted the duo to head back to see the others and access their next step in what they were going to do.



    A new beginning? LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: A new beginning?

    Post by Ruvel 14th December 2018, 3:13 pm

    Ruvel listened to his warrior summon speak to him about that he needed to rest as they didn't have his medicine, he couldn't help but shudder at the thought of having a needle pushed into his iris or into his central nerve system via the nape of the neck. This of scared the youth to no no end as when they decided it should be done via the eye he seen it coming, regardless of which way it was done he was tied down; it was the only time he ever fought against his treatment as his fight or flight response kicked in, but both where always in vain as he was beaten and given the medicine anyway. They decided after the first few times strapping him down was 'kinder' to him. Was it hell they didn't numb him in anyway he felt the needle slide in and the liquid entering, he remembered screaming so much because it hurt each and every time. "I.. I do.. don't w.. want my.. my medicine Barthenz..." it didn't really matter to him wither or not if they had his medicine, he was scared and it showed in his mannerisms as he pulled away at the mere hint that they had none to combat the effects of his illness. He honestly hoped that he would never have to hear about the stuff again let alone feel it, but he knew now that he was just naively fooling himself, this was now just another part of his pathetic existence. "For now kid you don't, but we will need to get some at some point and you know that... you've been stupid and kept pushing when I told you not to." the larger male spoke in a strong annoyed tone to the fragile youth that was laying on the ground, he knew he was gonna get it from one of the others but he wasn't gonna hold back what he thought from the one he held a contract with. Why should he? What would the kid learn that way.

    Ruvel was again about to speak when their seemingly new ally began to speak to them he closed his mouth and tried to calm his nerves, he could tell from the sigh that the elder male was slightly annoyed but he had absolutely no idea as to why. He really hoped it wasn't because of something that he had done, they had just met and his summons had just entered him into a contract with the other, if it was there was nothing he could really do because he was stuck until released of the contract by Cirven himself or his summons. If Cirven wasn't as he seemed and was some sick and twisted person then there was no way he was ever going to get released from the contract as all it would take is one of his summons to say no to his contract being broken to the other and the agreement would stick. He had no idea why he agreed to such a stipulation, perhaps it was because he believed that with so many of them they would never agree on anything. The down side of this was that this also meant the opposite if they did agree on something, they all had to agree to break it. He hated having no real say in his own life but this was something he was so use to that it made little difference to the youth, he was still free to move outside the facility and didn't have to be subjected to degradation, humiliation and experimentation like he once had. That wasn't to say his new life outside the facility had been easy, he had no real skills that he could offer anyone, he was weak but then again he was fast but most tasks that required one required the other in some form or another. He had been finding easier tasks to do and people gave him a few jewel for doing them, he still had no clue why they were so important given he had never needed to use them within the facility so it was indeed a learning experience to say the least.

    He was going to say not to call him 'kid' after having to put it up with it due to Barthenz not respecting him but thought that to might anger the other so remained quiet in his laid position, hearing that he could be indeed help him with his limitations, even help him strengthen others that weren't messed up. To him this was speed and within reason acrobatics so longs it wasn't holding his own weight. He tried on so many occasions but he kept falling without the strength that Barthenz offered to him when asked, but that was only when Barthenz felt like helping him and that was rare unless there was a chance of fighting. He hated fighting he had seen so many people be hurt in the past that he didn't want to see any more let alone be the one who was causing it to anyone or anything. "So longs it's not fighting..." he said quietly, he was worried that the elder male would take it just as bad as Barthenz did when he first said it, he even now seen that Barthenz gave a disapproving look that made him feel so uncomfortable that he just had to look away due to the discomfort that he felt.

    Hearing that his body would need to go through stress that others would class as torture was the last thing he needed to hear right now, he really didn't want to be hurt anymore by anyone "Why is that my only path? Isn't there a way to do it without me getting hurt again? Haven't I had enough of that?" his dual colour eyes went back to Barthenz in the hopes that he would agree with him but what he found was quite the opposite "Kid, only the strong survive and as you are now... you're doomed to die; if there was another way for you I would agree with the others but there isn't. You need to grow stronger and quickly." he wasn't mincing words, the warrior god summon knew that his young summoner was already at a disadvantage because of how he came into being and how he was raised but more than that he had danger that others didn't. He was now being hunted by an organisation that would do anything to get him back under their foot and keep him there, more than that no matter where he went he was going to put people in danger so needed not only know how to keep himself safe but those around him safe and as it was he would be nothing but a burden that would be left to the wolves by most. He didn't want this for him because there would be times that he wouldn't be able to use them or if he could they wouldn't be able to turn up right away so would need to buy time.

    Barthenz listened to Cirven and agreed with what he said but at the same time he the summons had already spoken for him so he knew that their summoner wouldn't go against it. "Well kid?" he said his tone was calm, Ruvel lowered his eyes nodding to what Cirven had suggested "I.. I'll do it, just please no fighting..." he repeated his earlier statement. Barthenz however couldn't help but laugh lightly when the blue haired mage said about Ruvel trusting them and shook his head "He doesn't trust any of us, we are here because we made a contract in our favours and he needed us for protection so had little choice but to accept our terms." he said allowing the other to be filled in that this was nothing like any other summoning, in fact the summons knew a few things about Ruvel that they were remaining completely quiet about after all he had to be up front with them, they didn't have to do the same in return. Hearing the other speak once more the warrior summon could only quirk an eyebrow as he crossed his arms across his chest "I've had more experience than you've had hot meals" he proclaimed knowing it to be the truth given just how long he lived and how he wanted to do nothing but battle "But I guess I can understand where you're coming from because I want to make sure you and yours can look after him when we aren't around, so I accept." he said his voice gruff but he would be grinning like a Cheshire cat, he shook his head "He's far to weak to summon another and if we bring ourselves through if we fight then we tend to return far faster, he will however be safe here so longs he is still and quiet." he said his eyes going back to Ruvel who flinched knowing that wasn't a request on this occasion and so nodded showing he understood what was being asked of him. With that done Barthenz turned his eyes back to Cirven "Lead the way Sparky" he said following which ever way the other went calmly not wanting to pass an opportunity to fight for any reason. This had nothing to do with pride for the warrior, he just enjoyed fighting it made him feel alive, this was his entire life and he loved every second of it.

    Barthenz paused for a moment seeing the area that had been chosen for them to fight, and where it wasn't exactly his cup of tea he was more than fine with fighting in such an area. The grin ever present on his face as he could feel the excitement of the other, he felt a kindred spirit in the one that was now his opponent and this sent electricity through his body that he hadn't felt since his spar with the dark mage Dahau. As they circled he would allow the other the first move just to see what to expect this of course was his pride speaking, but every warrior had it and unlike most he could back it up. Watching every subtle movement of the other he could see that he was coming forward, waiting til the very last moment he moved backwards at a matching speed a smile on his face, the opening the other wanting wasn't given as all he had done was dodged the attack but he could already tell that this was going to be something that would have to be done frequently by the pair as he could already see there was a few things he could learn off him and he was sure that he could help the blue haired mage learn a few new techniques too. What kind of concerned him was the god slayer magic that the other seemed to possess, he knew that would hurt like a bitch if anything hit him. He wasn't going to complain that made this all that more of a thrill. "Little demon, I expected such a tactic. Many warriors use it when testing the water." he said allowing the other to understand "Me on the other hand I test the water by allowing my opponents make the first move, god slayer interesting." he said keeping his guard up though sighed knowing that he should really let the other know something "You need to be careful with your magic around him, he is classed as a deity and that magic of yours will do some serious damage to the kid." he warned though at this point he was unsure if it was for the young summoners safety or the fact he wouldn't be able to fight the other as much as he would like. Whatever the reason might have been the information was given because it was part of their clause that they would keep him safe even over their own well being or contract.

    He couldn't help but chuckle laughing "Oh yeah lightning bolt you live up to that name alright, I almost couldn't dodge that attack, if I hadn't been paying attention to your movements I would have been hit there's no doubt about it." he admitted to the other, he wasn't ashamed to do it either which  many warriors would have been he found which was just wrong on many levels to the honourable warrior god. Soon the time of talking would pass once more and they would start going at it for real trying to gain the upper hand, but every time this happened they managed to shift the tides and returning them to an neutral field; by the end of the fight there would be trees ripped through, trees broken in half, where there would have been mountains or hills was now flat with only rubble even the ground had craters. The warrior chuckled though when they finally stopped "Need to do that again, been a while since I found someone that could go toe to toe with me." he praised the other knowing he enjoyed it as much as he did. Listening his eyes looked around what was their arena and nodded "Oh, I didn't think of that in honesty but your right." It sounded as if it was indeed a fact that had completely slipped the larger males mind. "You're right because I really want another round but doing it here would put the kid in more danger and we can't allow that, he must be thinking that there's a war going out here with everything he's been hearing" he couldn't help but chuckle "Seems like it doesn't like our redecorating." he said with a grumble as he was going to miss out on the fun as he heard nagging from one of the others telling him Ruvel was needing to move and quickly there where others on the island and they where far from friendly. "As much as I want to have fun there are people on the island apparently and they aren't the nice kind so deal with this quick I'm gonna get the kid and we can get moving." without waiting for an answer he went to get Ruvel knowing that the issue would be dealt with, when Cirven returned they would make a plan and head out.

    Ruvel had been laying on the cold floor of the dark cave he was left in, to say he didn't exactly feel safe was an understatement. He had been left alone with no one there to help protect him if the worst should happen and had pushed way far to past his limit to summon another other to his aid. He already thought himself pathetic but this just proved him that perhaps he should have died within the facility, in the darkness his brightly glowing dual coloured eyes looking around always on aware as he wondered how and why they had decided to help him of all people. He was sure that there were other people more deserving of another chance outside the barriers and confines of 'home' but still they chose him to help. "What makes me so special?" he asked into the darkness quietly, his words faintly echoing back to him, this done nothing more than to put him more on edge as his tired mind started to play tricks on him. Shaking his head a little he tried to put such thoughts out of his mind, surely neither of the elder males would have left him here like this without knowing he would be perfectly fine. Right? His mind then went back to the conversation they had before, could this really have been them testing him? To see if he was strong enough if they weren't around to defend him? wasn't it to early in their so called training for that kind of thing? How he was to know, all he could do was lay their waiting and pleading nothing happened until they decided to come back and get him, but to say he was anxious at that point would have been an understatement as every little noise made him a little more on edge and wanting to flee the safety of the cave.

    As he laid he remaining where he was though his mind wanted to remain alert just in case his body was having other ideas and he began to drift into a light sleep, that was suddenly disturbed as he heard a large bang followed by a crash outside. This made the frail and sick youth sit up suddenly his heart racing like a jack rabbit's as the noises where so close and out of nowhere "Oh no, have they found me?" his breath quick as panic began to enter at full steam, his mind was filled with all horrible possibilities if it was those from the facility. His eyes darted around looking for an exit or failing that a place to hide, for now he could only see one exit and there was no way he was ever going to chance going out that way because that was where the continued crashing and banging was coming from. "Barthenz... Cirven..." he called out quietly, he had doubted even if he yelled they would have heard him over the crashes of what was going outside the cave. Another thought however eventually crept over his mind, what if it was Barthenz and Cirven fighting those who where sent after him? If that was the case he had nothing to worry about but without leaving the safety of the cave, the place he was told to remain until they returned he wouldn't ever know. He knew at that point either way he was screwed because he was bound to do something wrong even if that wasn't what he intended to do. "If I remain here and it is them then I will be taken without much of a fuss because I'm to weak to summon others to help me without putting myself in even worse shape and if I go outside I could be facing the same issues. What am I suppose to do?" he whispered to himself as he slowly started to get to his feet and pace a little.

    Every time the youth took the initiative to go towards the entrance of the cave he seemingly talked himself out of it because of a potential outcome that could be awaiting for him outside, well there was that and the fact that Barthenz would be beyond annoyed if he had went against what he was told to do. This was something else he had to factor in to his calculations, standing still he closed his eyes his head lowering as he rubbed his head this had become nothing more than a giant headache to him. He just wanted it to stop, perhaps he could make it stop but knew that if he even attempted such a thing then his summons would come forwards and stop him themselves. In such a weakened state there was no way he would be able to prevent them and due to the clause in each contract the swore to protect him regardless of the enemy, he guessed this would mean even himself so he was stuck there. It had been a good twenty or so minutes since the crashing had suddenly started and as quickly as it started there was now nothing but quiet, this scared him more than the sudden noise as he had no idea what happened outside and with nowhere to run to or anywhere to hide within the cave he was left but one option as he was against doing harm to others. He would have to accept whatever was about to happen to him be it good or bad. Remaining still and shaking as each second passed by it felt more like weeks or years thanks to the dread he was feeling but still he tried to remain as strong as he could. He knew if taken back the treatment he had would seem like a day at the beach in comparison to the treatment that he would receive when taken back. "Perhaps I can beg and plead for mercy... perhaps they'll believe me when I said it was because of an outside force that I got free and be lenient." he tried to convince himself but who was he kidding, he would be lucky if they didn't class him as one of the lost and this was something each and every one person within the facility feared. It was almost as if you where nothing else but a mindless living doll, most of your senses removed only living to do as you were told and from what he heard that wasn't always savoury. His train of thought was broken however when he seen Barthenz who looked like he had one hell of a fight, but he was ginning so the youth realised he likely had fun "Sparky and I had a spar, he's just finishing something off then we need to get out of here and quick. Seems our fun time alerted some of them of our presence." the warrior informed his summoner who could only let out a sigh of relief and nodded knowing that while he was there he was in no danger and so waited for Cirven to turn up before they decided where to go or what to do next, he already guessed what Barthenz would want to do if given the option.

    Word Count: 3,607
    Total Word Count: 16,416
    ~~Word count reached~~


    A new beginning? 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:48 pm