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    King of the pirates . .?


    King of the pirates . .? Empty King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 6:51 pm



    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:03 pm

    Liam walked to the Former Sabertooth guild,Ace Of Spades alone,hoping to see one of the retired members of the guild.He was slightly scared to go to this area as he thought he was too weak to enter this area this hopeful.As soon as he reached the entrance an Awful Sanstorm kicked up.Liam was frightened of this storm especially as he didn't have any magic currently.He stood behind a pillar of the guild hoping he would be fine but a few moments later he was sent through the air,landing at the mouth of a weird cave.It had a fire and some food left on the ground.It seemed to be a shelter for someone.Liam walked into the cave with a torch he made from the fire.Though as he got in further,he suddenly noticed that this was the tomb of one of the moust famous Thieves,Gold Rodger.Liam was very excited but still slightly frightened knowing that there could be enemies around here of some sorts.

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:03 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:15 pm

    Liam started to hear metal clashing,and bows being fired in one of the halls.But as soon as he walked towards the entrance of it,An arrow was shot at him,though it didn't hit him so he was fine.But still Liam was very frightened.As he entered the room he saw a couple of coffins and Archers shooting off at some skeletal beings.He tried to get out of the room but the entrance was blocked off by some rocks.Liam ran across the room hoping he wouldn't get hit by any of the people fighting.Some arrows were shot very near him,but he was not hit.He pulled one of his swords the Dark Sky,and cut any arrows that came nearby him in half.He was much better now as he was not getting hit by the arrows anymore.As he reached the wall of the room he sat against it having a calm attitude.He'd stare at one of the archers,but as soon as he looked at it the bandit archer shot an arrow at his arm.Liam yelped in pain showing them where he was.

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:15 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? NormalMonster

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:27 pm

    Liam was soon met by 3 Skeleton Guardians that were fighting beforehand.Liam was backed up against a wall with an arrow in his arm.The skeletal guardians talked in sync.
    "Oi,whad'ya think you're doing here lad?" they would ask in a mad tone
    "N-Nothing at all" Liam would say in a frightened manner
    The skeletal guardians soon backed up unsheathing their weapons.One of the skeletal guardians would start to flirt with Liam,though Liam was not paying attention to this though.He was paying more attention to another skeletal guardian getting ready to charge into Liam.Liam held his sword in his hand slashing the skeletal guardian that was flirting with him.This didn't do much but make the skeletal guardian angry.The other skeletal guardian charged at Liam dealing fatal damage to him.Though since Liam was against a wall the skeletal guardian took recoil damage bumping him back from hitting the wall.Liam slashed at the skeletal guardian not doing much again.Even though Liam had taken alot of damage already he charged into the skeletal guardian that was flirting with him a couple moments ago,the skeletal guardian collapsed dropping down into bones and leaving the armor lying on the floor.The other skeletal guardians were scared and tried to run away.But Liam slashed at them making one of the skeletal guardians collapse.But the other was shivering somehow.Liam slashed at the skeletal guardian in a gentle manner making him collapse one the floor but still alive.

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:27 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_05_42162_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:36 pm

    The entrance of the room was soon unblocked,Liam ran towards the entrance exiting the room,he then walked around the other parts of the cave walking into another room of it.It seemed to be a camp site and it was an empty one too.Liam sat in one of the tents trying to be more comfortable.He pulled out his sword the Night Sky again and he out it on the ground.Liam grabbed a rock and sharpened the sword,as he knew there would be more enemies to face on the way to finding the tomb of Gold Rodger.Liam was very unhappy due to him being alone.He wished he brought his exceed Mona,but still he was happy he was alive.Liam layed on the floor looking around at the surroundings of the camp site.There wasn't much there just a campfire that was blown out and some other tents.Liam found a spider crawling on the ground,he got up quickly and threw the spider in the sticks of the campfire.Liam layed back on the floor falling asleep.

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:36 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_05_42162_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:47 pm

    As Liam woke up he noticed that the area seemed a bit digger than it was when he first saw it.And it didn't look like a room anymore,there were trees plants and the sky was there,or at least that's what it seemed.Liam re-Lit the campfire with some sticks and a rock.Liam thought about what was happening outside of the cavern as it was a day already since he left home.He did really know the trip would take this long but hopefully he would be able to bring some valuables home.Liam got up exploring the area but as soon as he went up to a tree it seemed the lanscape and everything disappeared.He was probably hallucinating or something due to the fact that he hasn't eaten in a day and such.A bird flew onto his arm but Liam didn't believe that this bird was real.But he could feel the birds touch.He put the bird on the ground hoping that it would disappear,but it seemed to be a real bird.It flew on his shoulder it seemed like it wanted to travel with Liam.

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:47 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_04_42161_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:47 pm

    Dice roll

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:47 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Block

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 7:48 pm

    Whoops wrong dice

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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 7:48 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_01_42158_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 8:00 pm

    Liam got out of the empty Campsite and wandered off into another room.Though as he walked towards the room he heard weird growling noises.There was fire noises to be heard as well.He stopped midway to the entrance of the other room.He slowly turned behind him facing the Hellhounds that were following him.But he was most likely strong enough to defeat these Hellhounds as there were only two.If there was a pack of them he would most likely die.
    "Hm... Dogs" Liam said in a bored tone
    The Hellhounds growl started to get louder as one of the two Hellhounds jumped at Liam biting into his arm.Liam threw the Hellhound at the other Hellhound hoping that they would be finished off but they got back up.Liam ran into the room that was close nearby,it was another campsite but it had Bandit Archers,They seemed to be waiting for someone or something to come.As soon as Liam walked into the room,They got their bows ready.But Liam charged into them slashing at them dealing with them fast enough to dodge the Hellhounds following him.Liam was ready to block any attacks made by the Hellhounds.The Hellhounds completely ignored his sword and ran behind him jumping on him scratching him,making him fall down.Liam slashed at them and threw them at a wall.It seemed that Liam was take much more fatal damage now,but so were the Hellhounds.The Hellhounds backed up against a wall.And Liam charged into them stabbing into them making it seem like his sword was a kebab now,except with Hellhounds on it.
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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 8:00 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_05_42162_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 8:45 pm

    Liam ran back to the empty campsite he found dropping the Hellhounds corpses that were on his sword.Liam was basically depending on the wall to stand up.He held the wall as he ran to the empty campsite.He fell down a couple of times,But he still was able to stand up,he didn't want to dissapoint himself either.He wanted to reach Gold Rodgers Tomb no matter what.Liam finally reached the campsite,he was covered in scratches and bruises.He sat n the floor panting.As he sat down he saw a girl pass by the entrance of the camp site.Liam ignored the little girl for the time being.Liam layed down onto the floor,the little girl ran into the campsite.Liam was slightly startled.
    "Uh.. W-Who are you?" He'd ask in a tired manner
    "Oh uh... I don't know who i am" She'd say with a smile,it seemed like she didn't know what she just said
    "Uhm... You're cute,you have nice features as well" He'd stare at her breast.
    The girls face turned red and she ran out of the cave.Liam had no clue what just happened but he fell asleep on the floor tiredly.
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    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by NPC 30th June 2017, 8:45 pm

    The member 'jtmoney09' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    King of the pirates . .? Die_06_42164_sm

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 9:01 pm

    Before Liam awoke the girl came to the campsite again.She layed down by Liam putting a note on his face too.As soon as Liam awoke he read the note.It said 'Hi i'm Ignis,my past family told me to give this note to anyone worthy to keeping me safe." Liam pulled the note off his face and he saw Ignis laying beside him.But she seemed to have wings and a tail,And her attire was much different then what she had before Liam fell asleep.Liam didn't really mind the fact that she slept beside him.Liam picked up Ignis walking around the cavern,still looking for Gold Rodgers Tomb.Ever now and then Ignis's tail would hit Liams leg.Liam didn't mind this as her tail was actually very soft.Liam would hold her tail stroking it keeping it calm,Her face would turn red every now and then as well.Ignis would wake up soon,staring at Liam,she seemed to be trying to looked annoyed.Liam put her down.Ignis looked to be much better,she followed him as he looked for Gold Rodgers Tomb.
    Total WC:1548/1.5k

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 9:36 pm

    Liam seemed to be going down the right hall,There was a glowing light at the end though.Liam and Ignis walked to the area anyways,Ignis would smile along the way.
    "So... What do you think of my true form?,yeah i know it's a bit weird and all but be honest." She would ask in a curious manner
    "Well uh... you look Cute" he'd reply back with a smile on his face
    Ignis's face would turn red.Still looking around for the tomb Liam got tired along the way.Ignis helped him up on the way though.At last they reached the end of the Hall,it was a room covered by iron doors.Liam and Ignis walked up to the door,it opened up letting them into the room.There was a coffin and some items nearby that looked to be very old.Liam opened the Coffin finding the "Stone of the World" and "Gold Rodgers Pirate Garb".But a brief moment later a man walked up to Ignis and Liam.He seemed to be the protector of the Tomb.But he grabbed Ignis throwing her across a wall knocking her out.

    Total WC: 1728/1.5k

    King of the pirates . .? Empty Re: King of the pirates . .?

    Post by Guest 30th June 2017, 10:03 pm

    Liam was infuriated by this mans behavior.Liam pulled out both his swords Blue Rose and Night Sky,leaving the "Stone of the World" and "Gold Rodgers Pirate Garb" on the floor.Liam would slash at the Bandit Leader Two times.Liam would soon jump back.The Bandit leader would hold up his Pole-Arm and throw it at Liam.It stabbed through his arm making it bleed extremely.It was unable to move anymore.The Pole-Arm dissappeared and re-appeared in the Bandit Leaders hand.It seemed as the Bandit Leaders injuries were healed back.Liam sheathed on of his swords and he striked the Bandit Leader with one of his swords again.Not Doing as much as he did with two swords,but he did the best he could for the time Being.Liam stabbed the Bandit Leader in the stomach as well dealing fatal damage to the Bandit Leader,but Liams wound would start to get much worst.The Bandit Leader would throw Liam against the wall,charging at him he'd put his Pole-Arm at Liams Neck."Leave now without the treasure,Or just die without any treasure either." the Bandit Leader would say in a serious tone.
    "i'll take the staying alive and taking the treasure option" Liam would reply back with a grin.
    The bandit leader would cut his throat,but not enough to be fatal to Liam.Liam jumped on the Bandit Leader pointing his sword at his stomach.
    "Look i could make this much more easier for the both of us,or i could just kill you straight away." Liam would say joyfully
    The Bandit Leader would move up stabbing the blade into himself.Liam was surprised by this sight and pulled the blade out of the Bandit Leaders stomach.The Bandit Leader would then grab his Pole-Arm throwing it at Ignis.Liam was much more angrier now,He hit the Bandit Leader two more times.Liam was not going to forgive this man ever,Liam hit the Bandit Leader one more time.The Bandit Leader surprisngly still was able to stand up.The Pole-Arm appeared back in his hand.His tried to throw it at Liam but missed.Liam striked at the Bandit Leader two times and stabbed him for the final blow.Liam took the "Stone of the World" and "Gold Rodgers Pirate Garb".He put it in a bag and carried Ignis out of the cavern walking back home.He showed Ignis to Mona,but Mona didn't care,he cared more about the treasure.Liam rested and so did Ignis.Liam was satisfied with what he got in return from the adventure.

    Final WC:2131/1.5k

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