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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 28th June 2017, 7:32 pm


    Feitan sighed as he sat on a fence post outside of the Oak inn. His cloak reached down to his feet, and the collar was long enough to reach up to cover his mouth and most of his nose. The black folds had hidden pockets, and slits that would allow him to reach to his pants as well as the pockets of them. Right now his hands were tucked into his cloak’s pockets and he couldn’t look anymore bored with the world if he tried, despite looking upon the inn. He was here because there had been a job posting. It detailed a cult of doppelgangers that made their base in the inn he was in front of. This was a bit farfetched even for Feitan, but if the paycheck was good then he wouldn’t complain about the job. Besides aside from a few people that he was required to bring back alive he could kill everyone else. This appealed to him greatly simply because of how much violence it promised him. However, he couldn’t go in just yet, he was waiting for his partner who was supposed to have arrived by now.

    There was no sign that anyone was coming so instead, he was just going to wait. He pulled his blade from the sheath on his back he began to drag a whetstone along the blade that had clearly seen better days. At least, that was the outward appearance, but Feitan knew much better that the looks of this little blade were just a feint for the true power it held within.

    Still, Feitan wondered just what kind of person would come to join him, and wondered if they would be worth his time in working with. The job said that it would take at least a group of two if not more. Looking to the Inn he wondered just how many foes would actually be in that building, or the secret complex that was underneath it. Presently, he went back to sharpening his blade with a soft hum in his throat. The tune was something from his childhood, and it was more fit to be called a dirge than any other kind of song.

    WCL: 367/5,000


    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TwlZpF6
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    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Experience : 287.5

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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by Shazam! 23rd August 2017, 6:15 pm

    That same damned dream happened again.

    Remus was sweaty as he lay in the hammock in his room on Divide Island, beside him lay Mitsumaki who was now floating actually with a confused look on her face. "Oy Remus! Why're you tweaking?" She huffed folding her arms at the sighing wizard, it displeased the fiery witch that her master was like this nowadays. In fact it had been about three weeks where she had awoken and Remus lay in the same state either sweating or having breathing problems. "It's that dream again Mitsu, that one with the scarlet woman. I don't know what the hell it means and it's been bugging me!" He exclaimed slamming his fists on a non-existent bedside table causing him to tumble off the hammock slap bang on the hard wooden flooring. "Yo--You thought the-er-er" Mitsumaki was trying to stifle a giggle but couldn't hold back anymore and blurted out laughing rolling around in the air above her own hammock adjacent to his, the princess slowly began to calm herself as a disgruntled Remus rubbed his elbows appearing as if he was about to cry. "Well thank you for saving me Mitsu, always ready to grin at my downfall" The boy rolled his eyes and looked at her for awhile before both burst into laughter once more, the chemistry between these two was something fierce.

    "So, what's the motive today?" She asked watching him put on his clothes "Well, I was going to just zone out downstairs in the Siren's Song with the others. But I don't think drowning out my thoughts will help me on my path to uncover this recurrence" Remus adjusted his headband "You make it sound so deep. It's just a dream, that's all nothing more nothing less. I mean heck if I was in it then fair enough I mean that's something all little boys dream about" She threw her hair behind her neck with a bat of the eyelashes "Shut up Mitsu" He smirked throwing a pillow at her which she narrowly dodged. "Okay how's about we go for a job? Something nice that'll really get you started, no boring D-Ranked ones we're better than that now Rem" Mitsumaki floated down to check herself out in the mirror waiting to hear what he was to say.

    Remus simply smirked as he beckoned her closer. "We're going on that B-Ranked one that Cirv gave us" The boy simply slapped his boots on and ran downstairs as his apprentice flew down after him. Down the chipped wooden stairs and out the bar through the double doors into the beach area. Mitsumaki sighed and picked him up as they flew from the oceans towards their new port of call. The Oak Inn. It was a few hours before the two had arrived at their destination watching out for any uncommon individuals around then finally laying down on the roof of the inn. Remus thanked his partner for the ride and looked down below in disbelief, was this his ally for the job? The man below looked oddly familiar.

    "Hey, are you here for the job? Or are you just here for a reservation?" He questioned sliding down the tiles landing on the floor eyeing the interestingly clothed individual.



    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIzZnkZyZOCHxWXJ-xy77XDKJjmLtcS8Vz31R6l25hhTFkGAAW

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 25th August 2017, 3:30 am

    Feitan sighed as he finished sharpening his sword. He had to come up with some kind of plan going into the battle. What he did know about doppelgangers was that one could only turn into the enemy they saw. Even demons couldn’t make exact copies and humans were even worse at the art of transforming into convincing doppelgangers. If he had to work with a partner and he didn’t know him very well, then he would have to find some way of letting his partner know who he was at all times. Perhaps if he wasn’t his normal self then that would help, but at the same time he wondered if the doppelgangers would somehow be able to replicate his magic. If they could do that then he would be in serious trouble.

    Sliding the blade back behind his back to let it hide from plain sight in its sheath he decided that he would cross those bridges when he came to them, and not worry about it any longer. It would do him no good after all, the best laid plans of mice and men often go wrong. He reminded himself as he stood there looking to the inn. It was as he was standing there that he noticed the incoming pair and he tilted his head in confusion. He didn’t recognize them, but the fact that there was someone being carried by a girl, or some strange humanoid creature made his lips quirk up in a smile. Not that it could be seen behind his overgrown cloak collar.

    He watched with rye amusement as the person who was dropped onto the roof slid down the tiles to land on the ground inside the fence of the inn. The question caught him off guard, but then he frowned deeply “I am here to do the job. I take it you are my partner. Very well, name’s Feitan. When we get in there be careful you will be able to tell the real me all the time, but I can’t always tell the real you. I won’t hesitate to kill anyone who gets too close for my comfort, and any closer than five meters is too close. So, you can stay behind me until we find these bosses.” He said rather simply before walking up to the inn door “Now, let’s get cracking.”

    When he was within two feet of the door he focused his power into his arms and let them become the arms of the mujin. Tendrils of his magic, and his aura were floating off of his arms as the partial takeover settled down over his body. He pulled his right fist back and slammed it into the door the crash magic attribute of his takeover was shot straight through his fist and caused the whole door to shatter inward turning the door into splinters “KNOCK KNOCK!” He bellowed out as he stepped inside looking around the common room of the inn for anyone who would be worth his time.



    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TwlZpF6
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by NPC 25th August 2017, 3:30 am

    The member 'FeitanKazeshini' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Experience : 21,756

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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by Oykai 30th December 2017, 4:12 pm

    Once again the courtesan had found herself bored within the confines of her brightly decorated and sweetly smelling room within the castle that she now had to call home. A lot had happened of late and no longer was she or several others classed as dark mages any longer, instead they now found themselves as mages of a non-official legal guild that known as the West Fiore Trading Company. Their headquarters where on an island in the south of Fiore so it had her wonder why they where called the west and not south fiore trading company but that wasn't for her to question so had remained quiet on the matter. Aguya her attendant had become more than a little overbearing given they knew their former guild Basilisk Fang didn't forgive or forget traitors. She hadn't even been awake when the betrayal happened, she just woke and was told that she was no longer of Basilisk Fang and with that her guild mark had been removed by Sol and a new one placed by her new guild master Cirven; who in her opinion seemed a bit of a goofball but she knew better than to take things at face value.

    Moving out of her room she was stopped by her taller male attendant "You aren't to leave without another right now, you know this order." he lightly scolded before sighing, he understood why she was like this unlike every other apprentice who had been allowed to leave the district for schooling and prayer she had never been allowed past the vibrant red arc. All her education and such had been provided within the house or the local shrine so now with a certain amount of freedom her curiosity had been peeked and she wanted to see things. "We are being hunted and where you are a capable mage, you're also reluctant to use your magic so are to always be with myself, Aioai or our lord." he said reminding her making Yuii look down at her feet nodding, it was like she was a child being told off again "I know Aguya... but I found a task on the board I wanted to see if I could do it." she said smiling bringing out the poster and held it out for him to read.

    "This is a B rank job, you wouldn't be able to do it safely on your own my lady." he said rubbing his temple with his right hand, he knew either way this was going to end up being a headache "Perhaps I'll find someone when we get there to work with?" she said looking up with a bright smile making him sigh and frown a little, but she clapped her hands a little knowing he gave into what she had said. After a moment he picked her up and moved out of the castle taking off on unsteady wings still but headed towards Oak Town, it took a while but he did eventually get them there though his own hanfu got slightly wet from where he had touched the water "Not a word to our lord my lady, I don't feel like being pushed off the roof any time soon." he commented making Yuii nod to his request. "I won't say anything Aguya, I don't like the thought of you being pushed off the castle roof." she commented in return as she headed towards the required inn that the job had stated hoping that someone was around or within that could help.

    "This is the place lady Yuiisai." Aguya stated calmly opening the door walking in to make sure everything was safe before he allowed her to enter, but he took pause seeing the madman from the previous task they had been on, on Shadow Island and sighed "As if it couldn't have gotten worse..." he whispered to himself, by now Feitan would have heard of the betrayal of Yuiisai, himself, Sol and Aioai which made this a complicated situation more so as he heard the door open behind him and smelled the incense that was infused to his lady for the day "My lady wait outside for now." he requested his hand going to his blade. "Hi Feitan!" she exclaimed with a smile waving to him, she knew he was a madman and that now they where enemies but all she could see was the man that had danced so gleefully the first time they met even offering to take her to learn one of the dances of the netherworld. "Feitan, I know you should likely be attacking me right now but..." she held out a poster of a task "Can I help if this is the task your on?" she smiled sweetly hoping that the elder man would agree.

    Word count: 796


    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers 59867_s

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 19th January 2018, 12:54 am

    When Feitan burst through the front door he saw that the common room was completely empty. Standing there he swore loudly and kicked the doorframe as hard as he could screaming into the empty air “My brilliant entrance! My perfect catch line! All of it was all for naught! How dare these worthless copycats! I shall destroy them all cutting them into little tiny pieces!!!” He turned behind him to look for the pirate that was supposed to be with him, but he didn’t see that person at all. He frowned deeply shaking his head in anger “Pirates….unreliable, worthless, and irritating.”

    He was about to go through the doorway again, when he heard the voice he had been so used to hearing already. Turning he looked to see Yuisaii and her servant or bodyguard whatever he was to her. Whatever he was this man annoyed Feitan and that was not a healthy thing to do because those who annoyed Feitan didn’t often live long. Turning to Yuisaii he held his blade over his right shoulder and tilted his head at her. He looked at her and nodded his head slowly “Good to see you again Yuisaii.” He said as he saw her approach him. Hearing her comment about how he should be attacking her he raised his brow slowly and gave a shrug “You didn’t do me any wrong. Just because I am a part of Basilisk Fang, for now, doesn’t mean that I plan to cause any kinds of problems. As far as I am concerned you and I have nothing that needs resolving. You didn’t do me any wrong so there is nothing that I should, or should not be doing. I do what I want. Besides I heard that Sol has left the guild which means that my debt went with him. After this job, I am no longer apart of Basilisk Fang. So, if you would like to come and join me on this job, then please go ahead and join me. I could use the help. However, do make sure you realize that these people are masters at looking like anyone else, and they will be trying to look like us.”

    He turned his back to her and walked into the common room of the inn again “Try not to get in my way, and if you see anyone who looks like me don’t be afraid to attack them and hurt them. Don’t worry, I’ll be doing the same. Anyway, watch out for the copycats.” He walked further into the common room only to finally hear the sounds of footsteps approaching at a rapid pace. Licking his lips as he flexed his new arms as four men in armor rushed into the common room from the hallway that was directly opposite the door. Thankfully the room would be plenty big enough for all of them to have a fight, but he didn’t plan on worrying about that being that he had to be in close quarters with the arms of the Mujin active. Now it was time to fight.

    wc: 1,384 / 5,000


    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by Oykai 14th February 2018, 7:32 pm

    Aguya sighed seeing how Yuiisai had so casually walked up to their current enemy as if they where still allies, his hand went to his blade as a precaution as he hadn't liked the other from the moment Yuiisai had spoken about him but there was little he could do about it; she had taken a liking to the madman and that brought worry to him as Feitan's madness could wake his ladies latent madness and this was something that he just couldn't permit under any circumstance. "My lady, I asked you to wait outside for your safety." he sighed in frustration more so as she gave an innocent smile and bright eyes making him roll his own. "Fine, fine... just if anything happens to you then we both have problems when we go home." he reminded her making her giggle happily hugging into Aguya briefly before turning back to Feitan.

    "You seem upset that people weren't here." she said tilting her head her hand lightly going to tap her lip as she thought "Perhaps they're playing hide and seek with you." she said before shrugging unsure how to make a frustrating situation better. "Pirates?" she seemed confused as she looked around "Someone else was meant to be here with you?" she commented not seeing anyone else in the dully lit room "I could go if you have the task at hand." she said not wanting to step on anyone's toes. She hadn't known it but Aguya was hoping that the mad man would agree but it turned out just the opposite making the attendant silently groan to himself. "It's been a bit of time hasn't it." she said with an ever sweet smile present. "Well I didn't do anyone any wrong but apparently I have and Basilisk Fang wants Sol's, Aio's, Aguya's and even my own head." she said really not understanding the ins and outs of the matter as they where kept hidden from her.

    "Oh! We ended up in Tolgalen where there was some sort of zombie infestation by low members of Basilisk Fang.. or at least it seemed that way but they guild hopped to get to the dead." she said shuddering at the thought of being woken from her eternal sleep to work for some wakko until they passed most likely never being buried once more. "I'm glad we aren't enemies Feitan, I would hate to harm the one who has such a joyous dance." she said poking his forehead giggling "Oh yeah... well Sol is now a member of the West Fiore Trading Company, they gave us sanctuary." she said thoughtfully bringing her hand back "If we never left home we would have never been in this predicament my lady." Aguya said with a sigh, he had always been openly vocal about his thoughts on the matter. "Well we did and we need to deal with it, it's not like we can go back." she said gently Aguya nodding with a sigh knowing it to be true.

    "I can tell the difference, you can look like someone doesn't mean you'll smell or act like them also my eye colour isn't exactly something that can be mimicked easily neither is Aguya's." he said with a happily chirping almost squealing as he said she could come along and help him. "I'm not going to attack you Feitan." she said with a huff following him with her hands clenched behind her back in a pout "You won't have to, if he attacks I'll defend." Aguya insisted following her his hand never moving from his blade "My lady no using paradise lost I'd rather not have rubble on my head" he said smelling the enemy coming towards them. Yuiisai brought her hands together twisting them around elegantly as she seen the four men rushing towards them a seal appearing beneath them, as they stepped inside tendrils showing the elements of spirit, light, shadow and darkness appeared entangling them "Such rude people." she said calmly.

    Word count: 666
    Total word count: 1'462



    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers 59867_s

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 21st February 2018, 3:54 pm

    Feitan’s eyes flared with anger seeing Aguya’s hand go to his blade, and he shook his head slowly to warn the guardian of Yuiisai away from trying to do anything stupid he did not have the patience for the guardian at the best of times, and just now he was not in a good mood. Clearing his throat, he looked at Yuiisai smiling “Still, the very precocious daredevil. It seems that I haven’t left much of a change upon you yet.” He said more to himself then he glared at Aguya “It also seems you still view me as an enemy. You shall have to change that soon, otherwise, I might decide you pose a threat to my life and I’ll take steps to remove such a threat to my person.” He warned gently tapping his blade on his shoulder to show that he was ready to swing it.

    When Yuiisai told him that he seemed upset that there was no one was in the room he blushed slightly for one of the first times in his life. Scratching his cheek with his free hand he looked away “Don’t worry about it. As far as Hide and Seek, well, I hope they know that I do not like to play that game. I tend to let those who hide stay lost forever….in lots of tiny bite-sized pieces.” His embarrassment seemed to quickly vanish with his bloodthirst growing in his heart. When she looked around he waved his hand in dismissal “Don’t you worry about it. I would much rather have you along anyway, at least you are here in order to help me.” He said turning his attention back to the room at large “Well, I won’t be among the hunters from Basilisk Fang. Famine doesn’t own me, and I only kill or do what I want to do, and for someone who is paying me very well to do it. That’s all there is to it.” He said with a dismissive shrug.

    Hearing that they ended up in Tolgalen dealing with some kind of Zombie infestation Feitan’s eyebrow slowly climbed. He knew a thing or two about a type of zombie that was usually found in the netherworlds, but he was not entirely sure that these were the kind of zombies that were natural in this world, at least that wasn’t his experience. Hearing what she said about being glad they weren’t enemies he frowned turning his slowly maddening eyes towards her “I would watch yourself. You are not strong enough to toy with me. Even with your little servant you are not a match for me. I don’t want to hurt you to prove this, but I will if I need to.” He said this as his eyes became the swirls of madness that were typical for him, his aura that was visible around his arms came crackling to life even so.

    He gave a shrug as she told him that she could tell the difference. “I can’t always tell the difference, but so long as Aguya doesn’t leave your side then it should be easy to tell the difference.” He said ignoring Aguya entirely instead he looked towards the passage where people were rushing towards them. When they were trapped by the seal with the tendrils he smiled slowly and wickedly “Oh my, so delicious. All wrapped up.” He lunged forward and slashed his blade through the men that were trapped. A horizontal slash through them and their armor, then a cross slash followed by a final horizontal slash. His arms of the mujin made his blade that much stronger, and the blows he delivered brought them into the arms of oblivion without any trouble. He looked back at Yuiisai smiling widely his madness clear in expression. Then without further instructions he started to walk through the hallway where the men had come from. Thankfully it was a straight path followed by a sharp right turn and it led into another fairly large room.

    WC: 667
    Total: 2051/5000

    OOC: Shazam has been dropped from the job.


    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TwlZpF6
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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by NPC 21st February 2018, 3:54 pm

    The member 'FeitanKazeshini' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers X6fB6gw The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers TV6mrb1 The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers UtKyMUJ

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Lineage : Death's Cycle
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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by Oykai 16th March 2018, 7:05 pm

    Aguya had seen how the other had acted as he went to place his hand on his own blade, he cared little for the warning of the madman as he would do whatever was needed to protect Yuiisai from him and any other threat that deemed to rear their heads ugly or otherwise. He would have told the other that this was meant as nothing more than a precautionary measure but if he couldn't figure that out on his own then he truly was an idiot and he would have to make sure that after this task that none other was taken with Feitan for his ladies safety. He cared little on what the smaller male thought on his mannerisms as it wasn't him that he would have to answer to if something went wrong, she was injured due to him not being alert and thus keep her safe or her magic got out of control and so hurt an innocent person. He knew it would anger Sol and so not only would he get additional training after likely being yelled at but punishment too, this was something he would rather avoid if he could help it.

    "I am not a daredevil but it might not be safe away from Aguya so would rather remain close to him for my safety, it would be silly not to after all I could be kidnapped." she said with a gentle tone and soft smile she knew that there where bad things in the world as she herself had been made to do very recently, that hadn't sat well with her or Aguya for that matter but what was done was done nothing could change it as much as she or her attendant may wish it. "I am how the kami made me, though I still think it was some cruel joke of theirs." her head moved away and to the side, she often wished she was normal like other people not switching between the genders and that was still before she thought on her magic and how dangerous it was to people regardless on how beautiful it was it still scared the teen as she had no real control over it. "Yes, I do still see you as a threat and this will never change so I suggest you get use to it because I care little of what you think. My duty is to my lady no one else thus unless you pose a threat to her I am no threat to you, it is that simple." his tone was stoic and his conviction unwavering even to the other his purpose and duties when it came to Yuiisai and her safety was black and white with no room for grey.

    Yuiisai giggled Feitan's bashful movements almost forgetting that the two males seemed to be aggressive towards one another but she couldn't help it as Feitan seemed so adorable to her, quickly however she snapped out of it. "You two need to get on or I will not be happy..." she said crossing her arms showing she was serious on the matter "Aguya, you should know better and Feitan, crazy or not you won't harm him he's the only family I have." she said her voice shaking at the last part she had no idea what she'd do if she didn't have Aguya, she'd be even more lost than she currently was at the moment that was for sure. "I apologise my lady, please don't cry." he said bowing hearing the very subtle shake in her tone, his eyes looking to Feitan "Truce, I do not wish my lady upset by our actions." he said with a sigh he didn't want to do it but for now he had no choice as he didn't want her worked up over something that could be avoided, he just hoped Feitan would agree even if it was for Yuiisai's sake.

    Yuiisai looked to him when he spoke about there opponents knowing that he didn't like the game, to her this seemed like a strange statement "Well unless they know you how would they know you dislike the game?" she asked tilting her head as she tried to make sense of it but nothing she thought about made any real sense about that so she waited for his reply. As his bashfulness seemed to turn bloodthirsty in mere seconds she couldn't help but take a few steps behind Aguya, she started wondering if this was the same person who had danced such a happy dance the first time they had met. Her milky jade eyes going to Aguya showing she was unsure what to say about what Feitan had said, he smiled gently kissing her forehead "Worry not, you are safe." his tone tender as he spoke to her, this was enough to make her feel at ease and nod. Aguya on the other hand looked to Feitan for a moment and just shook his head unable to believe he would say such a thing, as they had done a task in the past together he would have realised such dark things didn't sit well with the gentle soul of the one he served.

    Yuiisai nodded a little as he said that they where there to help though they had no idea that he would be there she was happy that it was a familiar face and not a complete stranger, the blood thirst he had shown still worried her. "Would you hurt me?" she finally asked after a few long seconds of thinking on the question and wither she should ask it or not. "I mean if I asked to play hide and seek with you..." she continued hoping that he would make an exception to the rule for her but if he didn't at least she would know if they ever became closer that she should never ask to play games with the other since he didn't seem to like them. She was at least glad when he responded to her worry about him reporting back and/or hunting her and the others for whatever happened before they had seemingly been forced to leave Basilisk Fang. "I'm glad for that information, it puts me at ease." she said somewhat sheepishly as she no longer knew what to expect from the other in regards to herself or Aguya.

    Her eyes narrowed to him three orbs seen in her eyes as she stepped from behind Aguya to stand in front of him "I said I was glad we weren't enemies and you threaten me... I guess I got my answer about if you would hurt me after all." her tone was darker than it normally was, it was clear she wasn't in the mood for being happy at the moment "So what if I'm not stronger than you? So what, strength doesn't always win a fight and it is foolish to think that way; so I suggest not underestimating someone you know little about it's arrogance and ego like that make a powerful men fall to someone weaker like me... after all I merely smile and disarm most people." she was far from impressed and it showed in both tone and facial expression "And who in existence said I was toying with you?! I don't do such thing, even when I was a courtesan I gave my everything to the one I was with, this is no different!" her head turned her head away from him, it was clear she felt insulted by his words more so as she moved past him no longer wanting to be taking part in this task but she had picked it up so would see it through to its completion. Aguya sigh moving to walk past him stopping for a moment "You fool..." he said in a quiet tone "We may not like each other and this is something we will have to come to terms with but she does like you a great deal for some unknown reason. You could have just broken her heart and this is why I call you an fool. Many would wish to be in your shoes given what she is wanting to give you, at home many wanted to make her theirs; promising her this and that while trying to buy her. She played her part doing what was expected of her but she has never taken to someone like she has to you, I think after this task you should remain away from her." with that he moved on not waiting for a reply from Feitan, he seen it as a waste of time and breath.

    They could hear the last part of the conversation but neither replied or showed any interest in what was said, as far as they where concerned he had already told them they were no match for him so no matter what they did if he wanted them hurt it would happen. As Feitan made short work of those who had been wrapped inside the tendrils Yuiisai continued down the hall quietly. "Please don't concern yourself on the words of someone not worthy of something so precious my lady, I know that it is hard for your gentle soul" he said trying to cheer her up but he already knew that nothing he could say would help at current, she had been so excited to see Feitan and he almost seemed agitated near the end that she was happy they weren't enemies. "What did I do wrong Aguya? How did I insult him?" she asked her voice showing she was back to he normal self and upset "You did nothing wrong my lady, some people don't know a good thing is all and take insult where none was given." the other answered watching as they seemed to stumble across people dressed in plate armour "At least I have a way of taking out my frustration and anger, they aren't the cause of it but they aren't nice people anyway." she said moving her hand in a subtle movement creating a fan in her left hand starting to make graceful movements almost as if dancing that made the enemy stop in awe seeing the show in front of them.

    It was almost as if it was their lucky day watching her gracefully dance for them, what they had no idea was that she was releasing unseen light spores into the air that they where breathed in each time they took a breath, her dancing continued to an unheard music tears falling as then she heard the men scream out in agonising pain as the spores they breathed in started to vibrate inside their bodies slowly shattering bone and liquidising their organs. Regardless of magic or armour it wasn't their outer body being attacked but they were being attacked from inside where there was little to no defence to such an attack, before long Aguya moved forward grabbing her gently from behind hugging her close covering her eyes as those affected by the 'unwanted gift' fell to the ground fearing how she would be seeing what she had done to ten people, he lent in quietly singing into her ear leading her forward knowing this made her feel safe though it was a bit odd. Aguya looked back wondering if Feitan was following worrying he would see her in a darker light after seeing the ten dead men.

    Word Count: 1'907
    Total Word Count: 3'369


    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers 59867_s

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    The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers Empty Re: The madman, the pirate, and the Dopplegangers

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 12th June 2018, 6:27 am

    Feitan laughed softly to himself shaking his head “You are a daredevil even if you have to have Aguya following you around.” His eyes flashed as he shook his head “I won’t allow you to be kidnapped. Not now, not ever.” He said with the finality of death the genuine desire to see this oath of his fulfilled. Hearing her comment about the kami making her as a joke Feitan gave a shrug “It is a joke that I am overjoyed I did not miss if it was a joke, but I do not see it as a joke. I see it as the most beautiful song ever sung.” He said watching the hallway that lead into this room. He ignored the comments made by Aguya, and he really didn’t care about anything that this butler wanted or had to say. Instead, he only watched for any incoming enemies.

    Feitan was glad of his raised collar that covered most of his face when he heard her giggle. It made him blush to hear her giggling like that. He wasn’t sure why it would make him blush, it was also unusual for him to blush as well. He didn’t have many moments that he could recall making him blush, but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. At least not really. His blush instantly vanished however when he heard the words that Yuiisai had told him. He easily spun around on his heels and bowed his head to Yuiisai “I give you my word that I will not harm Aguya, nor fight with him any longer. So long as he keeps the peace, I will as well. Please do not cry.” He said the last sentence filled with a softness that was out of character for him. He glanced to Aguya bowing his head ever so slightly “Yes, I agree. Truce it is, and we shall not give Yuiisai a reason to be upset.”

    Feitan thought about that for a long moment and then gave a shrug “Well, I do suppose that you are right. Still, I don’t like hide and seek, and they will pay for trying to get me to play it.” He said dismissively. When she had stepped behind Aguya and then he heard the sound of Aguya telling Yuiisai that she was safe. He tilted his head in confusion “Safe? From what?” he looked around as if he was so confused by the concept of her needing to be safe “I don’t think that anyone could appear without us noticing. Yet, I suppose that no one is ever really safe are they Haruhi?” he asked of someone who was not there looking in a space of unoccupied air. His eyes were distant, filled with pain, horror, and various other things that were hard to see at first.

    Hearing her question, he jumped slightly as if he was slapped or something. Looking around he looked at her with a very confused look on his face. It was as if he couldn’t understand the world, her, or her question. Presently, he said “Why would I hurt you? Are you planning to hurt me? Do I need to defend myself?” he asked with a bit of confusion in his voice also, if she listened carefully she might be able to pick up the hurt that was in his words. Then he heard her next question and scratched his cheek again in that bashful manner turning around “Well, I…uh, um…” he gave a huff “I guess if you asked me to play then…. well…fine. I wouldn’t say no, and no I wouldn’t hurt you. But you’d have to be the seeker first.” He said with a bit of a huffy attitude. He didn’t want to play hide and seek, but if Yuiisai was the one asking then he couldn’t deny her.

    He frowned and whipped around looking at her now “You were going to label us as enemies. I would never consider you an enemy, nor could someone afford to make you a target to me! I would never ask such a question of you! If you were going to hurt me, then you’d have a free shot and if you didn’t kill me with that first free shot then I would fight to repay the wound and survive. It’s as simple as that.” He retorted with a huff. Hearing that she wasn’t going to toy with him struck him as confusing once more. Tilting his head, he listened to her as if she was speaking another language. He had no idea that people didn’t toy with people. In his life it was the pretty typical thing for people to toy with each other. However, he also had very little idea about what a courtesan actually was or did. Simply because he had never come across such a thing in the netherworlds, but he did know about vassals, servants, slaves, and various other things. When she moved past him he glared at her back not sure how they had started a fight. Glancing over at Aguya he listened as the butler spoke. He then frowned at her shaking his head “I don’t know what I have done, she was picturing being my enemy. How would she feel if I marked myself as her enemy.” He said definitely. When he said that he should stay away from her his eyes filled with his maddening swirls “I WILL NOT!! ONLY I CAN KEEP MYSELF FROM WHOMEVER I DON’T WANT TO BE AROUND! I WON’T LET YOU DICTATE ANYTHING TO ME!”

    Feitan was beside himself with anger. He didn’t understand what had happened. How was he the bad guy when she had said they could be enemies. He could never imagine her being his enemy, and no one could pay him enough to even tell them where she was or what her habits were. Yet, she envisioned them being enemies. He was not in the wrong here, and he couldn’t see why he was getting the cold shoulder. He was so upset in fact that his takeover vanished at once coming to an end. Sheathing Tessaiga again he walked behind them brooding in silence and trying to figure out what the hell happened. In his twisted mind there was nothing that he did wrong, and for him to respond the way he did was perfectly acceptable.

    Feitan walked behind them and was distracted by his own thoughts. It was however when he saw her dancing that he stopped and watched. He watched her with avid attention and tilted his head as he was lost in watching her dance. Seeing these people in the agony they were in as Yuiisai was dancing. He only looked through the room when she was done and Aguya was holding her. He walked into the room and found the doppelganger that was Isabella. She was dead on the ground and he looked to a corner to see another Isabella dead on the ground. He looked back at Yuiisai and smiled widely and began to dance some of his movements perfectly matched some of the ones that Yuiisai had made. He didn’t say anything, but his anger was gone. He didn’t look at her when he stopped and instead looking around trying to find a place to go. Inhaling deeply, he spoke mostly to no one but himself “Fire washes the skin off the bone and the sin off the soul. It cleans away the dirt, and momma didn’t raise herself no dirty boy.” No sooner had he finished speaking than he was engulfed in flames which obscured his entire form until he was standing there in the form of Red Magnus.

    Instead, of looking back at Yuiisai he simply said “If you are unwell, I can handle it. I don’t want you to get hurt.” With that he walked towards the only other hallway that he could see. This building was fairly simple in construction at least at this point. Looking around this was some kind of common gathering room and he assumed it would change further down the line. He didn’t think that he would solve anything with more words. Instead, he decided that finishing this mission quickly and not doing anything more to upset Yuiisai. He didn’t want to upset her any further. He would not allow Aguya to keep him away from Yuiisai, but there was nothing he could nor would do if Yuiisai told him that she didn’t want him near her.

    Total: 3,469/5,000


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