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    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vector Hack
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Hana Suzuki 23rd June 2017, 8:18 am


    Lillias blinked at the worn out flyer in her hands (that smelled faintly of iron), wondering if she was reading it right. The client - clients - were offering a twelve thousand dollar reward for the extermination of a group of annoying wannabes. Wannabes, but nonetheless still part of their side.

    She laughed, folding it up and tucking it into the waist of her apron. It was downright hilarious, ironic to be exact, but the blonde understood the trouble they were causing well enough. As flattering as it was for the guild to have their very own fanbase - she snickered - it was downright troublesome and brought unwanted attention. For the truly legendary Dark guilds, the ones that had a deep history of wrecking entire towns and massacres, such petty crimes being associated with them was just awful for their image.

    Regardless, 12k for a petty extermination was a good bargain. A truly tempting offer, and Lillias would very much like to do it alone, but alas, attention was never a good thing for her. She needed a scapegoat. It wouldn't do to suddenly ping up on the Council's raft, especially if she wanted to continue doing whatever she pleased. That, and she may or may not have spotted a potential victim. Tall, dark and brash, just the way she liked them.

    She followed him, naturally, hoping to approach him when the environment promised more privacy. They were out in public, and he'd be easier prey if she cornered him alone. Subtly, but not too subtle, since she would need to garner his attention. Have him notice, so he'd see her as less of a threat. In the meantime, she ran through various plans, acts, things to say and how to poke and prod him at just the right places.

    'Let's hope he's not Council. Although, I do love a good challenge.'



    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 8th July 2017, 7:10 am

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    " "
    It was rare for him to actually go into town at the base of Phoenix mountains. In fact since his original guild was blown off the side of said mountain Aemon made himself distant from the town as often as he could but from time to to time he would have the sudden urge to check in on those left behind after the fall of Eclipse Soul. Whether it be mundane tasks such as cleaning or repairs to more exciting tasks such as hunting and the occasional bandit clear out he would lend aid as often as he could. Fortunately for him it was then latter and he had the opportunity to crack some heads and run some thieves outta town. Of course the towns folk were thankful and since he had nothing else to do he would take the initiative to patrol the town since he didn't feel like going back to the guild hall yet. Truth be told he didn't like spending time in the guild and it was nothing against the members, the guild master or the guild itself but since Eclipse soul met its end he felt like a man without a country.

    Walking through the town streets through the string of people before him, he lost himself in thought attempting as well as hoping he would find some sort of work to do in the meantime. He would relish the chance to put some troublemakers in their place but he had currently took care of the problem. However a sudden chill down his back alerted him of something, the sensation of being watched was prominent and a little voice in the back of his mind was telling him that there was someone behind him. It would seem someone has picked me out of the crowd. he would think to himself while proceeding to scan the area around him with his emerald colored eyes he flickering from up to the buildings up ahead, to the sides where shops and stands were located on the sides of the street and the people in front of him. He saw nothing and by process of elimination he knew that this sensation was caused by someone behind him. As inconspicuously as he could Aemon turned to look at the inventory that a stand was selling. As he began sifting and looking through what the clerk was peddling he would let his shifting eyes look to the right to take a look down the way. Everyone was rather ordinary except for one person in particular. There was a young woman roughly five foot two with white hair that matched his own looking his way. Ah, so you must be my follower. he once again thought to himself and stood up straight again and left the area of the stand and continued down the street. He had no clue what why she was tailing him and while he wasn't sure he wanted to know however the curiosity was just too great to be ignored. So as soon as he found himself an alley to go down he turned down it as casually as he could to sell he had business at the end of it. He would get about 15 yards down the alley way and turn around to wait to see if the white haired girl was actually following him. If she was in fact following him she would be face to face with him and his bow materialized and held up not drawn but his forefingers on the string ready to pull back. "So what business do you have with me?"
    template by Darkee


    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 14e642f
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vector Hack
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Hana Suzuki 8th July 2017, 10:41 am

    Lillias was desperately trying to keep her face as impassive as she could when her target duck into an alley. That was quick! Granted, she had been staring quite intently, but it was nice to know her plan was working. It was a pride thing, really, a minuscule accomplishment compared to all the other things she has done. Though, perhaps it was the thrill of it that had her so excited.

    'Hah! This'll be easy.' she thought, setting her face into a smile. She held her hands up as a peaceful gesture, smoothing out her shoulders and leaving herself wide open - or so one would think, if they weren't aware of her abilities.

    Briefly, the blonde wondered what his face would look like if his own arrow ricocheted off her and nuked him in the face. Not a pleasant experience, she would guess.

    Flipping her silky-straight hair over her shoulder, she heaved a troubled sigh."Dear me, it seems I've been caught. Is this how you treat most girls? Hate to tell you, but the Cupid thing you have going on just isn't working for you." her smile widens, half-crescent eyes glimmering teasingly. She decided to stop herself there, before she actually turned her potential scape- uh, partner, into an enemy. "You may call me Noel, good sir," she curtsied dramatically, before getting serious and straight to the point "And I'd like your help with some pests hanging about the area. Dreadful criminals, really. They've sinned greatly. Mass-murder, arson, terrible, terrible things," she paused, frowning to add to the effect. She may have exaggerated a little, but ah, details. Mass-murder could relatively equate to three individual killings, and if one didn't consider the fact that the fire was accidental and hadn't really killed anyone, then lo and behold, you got an arson case. Besides, it was all the same, no matter how diplomatically she could have worded it - as long as it seemed legal and warranted by the council, barely anyone would think of it as an assassination. After all, the Legals could not have gotten their jobs accomplished entirely without killing, could they? "So what say we do the residents a little favor? There's a pay of 12k too, if you need motivation." Lillias finished, striding over gracefully and extending delicate, gloved hands. Hook, line and...



    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 27th July 2017, 12:47 pm

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    " "
    Aemon remained in his stance with his fingers pressed against the string of the bow but had yet to knock an arrow nor was it drawn but in a moments notice he had the capability to pull the string back fully and release it and still hit his target if the need would arise. He was correct in his assumption that the silver haired girl was in fact the person who was not only watching him but followed him down the alley way. Her disposition upon seeing a bow with his eyes trained on her was rather unsettling and it didn't stop her from making a comment similar to one he would make had he been in a similar situation asking him if he treated most girls this way and referred to his action with the bow as a Cupid thing and remarked how it wasn't working for him. A chuckle would escape past his lips as a smirk would grace his lips and his eyes would narrow l, "Most girls wouldn't follow, in fact most would approach me instead of tailing me for as long as you have without a single word." he would say but sensing that she had something up her sleeve he would lower his bow hand down to his side and take a more neutral stance as she introduced herself as Noel and added to her introduction by curtsying. Aemon would remain silent in order to give her an opportunity to answer the question he posed her the moment she made he way down the alley. He would listen as he explained that she sought to Recruit him in helping her deal with a group of criminals that have been accused of murder arson and the like. That would have been enough however he grew skeptical when she exaggerated slightly, giving the impression of something more at work here than a simple job of running bandits out of town and added that the job pairs a hefty sum of 12,000 jewels.

    With that number he couldn't assume it was as simple as driving bandits out or bringing criminals to justice and so he had to ask, ”This isn't a run of the mill job, I also noticed you never mentioned what this job entails as far as dealing with this group of criminals." he would pause and cross his arms over his chest when she offered her hand to seal the deal. "What exactly is the goal of this mission?" if he had the hint that she was lying he would walk. He had no issue killing those who deserve it, he wouldn't hesitate putting an arrow through the hearts of any and all scum but he wouldn't be that aken for a fool.
    template by Darkee


    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 14e642f
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vector Hack
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Hana Suzuki 28th July 2017, 12:32 am

    Shit. 'No sinker then', she thought dejectedly, frowning. She hadnt expected him to actually be decently intelligent. He seemed like one of those brawler types - but Lillias supposed she should've known better than to stereotype.

    She wondered what it was that made him tick. Curiosity gleaned in her purple eyes, and she took in his appearance again, unfairly realizing that he was tall. No, huge. A bitter part of her told her that no, she was just really short, but it was difficult to reach your potential height when you ran on so little sleep and barely had enough food to get by for 5 five years, because someone's baby had a voracious appetite, and she would be damned before she let him starve. Lillias was a born perfectionist after all - no way was she letting her charge go hungry on her watch.

    He lowered his bow, which meant she had at least gotten enough of his interest for him to want to listen to her. That, or he didn't deem her enough of a threat - unlikely considering he was still on his guard, having merely adopted a more neutral stance. That and the look on his face suggested that he was far from convinced.

    Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "I suppose you're not one for the theatrics. Killjoy." she pouted and let her extended hand fall, guessing that he wasn't one for handshakes either. That was good, because neither was she. "Well, you sure did hit the nail on the head. Attentive, aren't we? It's still the same old job. Except maybe instead of being comissioned by our beloved Council..." she produced the request from her apron, vaguely realizing that the faint smell of iron on the paper was actually the scent of blood. Gross. Whoever made the request must've been really unsanitary for his scent to rub off on paper so easily.

    The pale blonde held it in front of his face, dangling like one would bait. "It was commissioned by an Alliance of sorts. Of, ah, how to put it... The non-legals." She curled the ends of her lips into a Cheshire-like smile.



    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 7th August 2017, 9:52 am

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] PGMkCor

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    Aemon remained still and silent while he awaited the girl who introduced herself as Noel, to further explain the finer details of this job she sought his help on however before he would receive the answer to the questions he offered she would give him a comment that allowed him to smirk. "I have no issues with theatrics." he himself had no problem with a quip here or there along with an action to match. He dematerialized his bow, reducing it to blue colored particles until it vanished from sight completely, to anyone besides a select few it would appear as if Aemon was a requip mage or had magic similar to it, his true abilities were left hidden from others. He recognizing the situation as one that would not require him to use his bow or any other weaponry from his arsenal. As far as I can tell she is being honest about needing me for a job at the very least. this much he was certain about but he wouldn't put himself on a job with details of said job hidden from him. His emerald colored eyes watched as she rolled her eyes and pulled a piece of parchment from her apron commenting on his astuteness and revealed that he was correct and that while the job was as she said it was sent out by individuals who weren't apart of the council. Aemon reached out and plucked the paper from her while she held it out as if to entice him to do so and whether he liked it or not the action of him removing the paper from her slender fingers was what she wanted. He examined it briefly before he pulled the paper close and opened it with both hands, the action of which released more of the aroma that consisted of an iron like scent, however it was more than just iron like would smell from a weapon or armor forged from iron. It was iron mixed with trace amounts of other elements making this iron strong aroma that of blood and yet the page has no stains to indicate that the person who was writing this mission had been bleeding. He did a short inhale and snort through his nose showing he was clearly detesting the smell, "Blood permeates the grains of this flyer." he said turning his nose at it but kept his eyes locked onto it to scan the contents of it as much as he didn't want to.

    His eyes scanned from left to right over the words written on the paper giving the details of the job in it's entirety. He smirked a bit before taking his eyes off the paper and locked onto her own eyes, "Members of a dark guild hired a bunch of bandits in order to take prying eyes off of them and be placed on the group of bandit's misdeeds instead." he paused to fold the paper with both hands first in half and then half again making a small square."Instead the group of hired bandits managed to let it go to their heads and now do commit crimes in the name of these dark guilds and thus adding more attention to their plans than they preferred to begin with." He placed the folded flyer between his index finger and middle finger and stretched his arm out for her to reclaim the flyer , color=#8B0000]"That's rather ironic, Don't you think?"[/color] he asked her with a grin to match the one she gave him when mentioning the employers were non-legals. Soon enough his grin was abandoned for a more stern expression, "While I'd not like to assist a dark guild in any real fashion these bandits are causing crimes all the same and must be stopped." his voice was calm as his hand was placed on his chin in a thoughtful matter, "I will assist you in this endeavor." he would hide the notion of dealing with this employer from her for the time being. "I suppose it would make matters simpler as well as more cordial if I introduce myself." placed his right hand over his chest and gave a slight bow to match Noel's curtsy from earlier, "My name is Aemon Trahaearn, It is pleasure to meet you Noel." he would say as his head was bent slightly for the bow but soon would retain his upright posture a brilliant smile would be given to her, "So do we know where to start?"

    template by Darkee


    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 14e642f
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vector Hack
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Hana Suzuki 11th August 2017, 1:00 am

    How fascinating it was, to watch his bow dematerialize into nothing but specks of blue light. Was it a summon, or was it the work of some sort of storage magic? Requires? A fancy hat trick?

    "Interesting. I should like to learn that," she remarked casually, clapping as her Cheshire smile receded immediately. He wasn't backing down despite her obvious hint on it being a job commissioned by the dark guilds, meaning he was at the very least intrigued by the idea. Or, she was handing evidence over to a legal and essentially turning herself in. She opted to entertain the former.

    She wrinkled her nose in distaste, lips pulling into a frown and nodded agreeingly with his sentiment. "Unsanitary fellow. Though if the jewels happen to reek too and you don't want them, I'd be happy to take them off your hands for you." she offered innocently, flashing a cherubic smile. Lillias was a businesswoman after all - and not just in name - she wasn't going to let a chance to profit more slip by, no matter how slim.

    She beamed at him in total agreement, returning his smile - ironic, her thoughts exactly. Then his words that followed wiped the smile clean off her face, and she was left eyeing him uncertainly instead, calculations running through her head. Lawful neutral, then. No matter. She would find a way to open his eyes - if not today, then some other day. She smiled, lowering her face to look at the ground. It wasn't often that Lillias got personally invested in someone, but she supposed she felt like they were kindred souls. If not, at least similar enough to warrant her interest. She took the flyer from him and promptly tucked it into the waist of her apron, making note to burn it after they collected payment.

    Then she realized, oh, he was considering something. More than the risks surely, considering they were in a way helping the council and wouldn't get into much trouble for it. Regardless, she doubted it should affect her much, unless he was planning on killing her and taking the cash for himself.

    "Pleasure doing business with you, Cupid," she smiled charmingly, a steely, firm and predatory-like gaze meeting his. "There's a shady little path up the mountains people have begun avoiding, ideal for an ambush... Why not there?"



    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 16th August 2017, 6:20 pm

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Pbucket

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Pbucket




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Pbucket

    - Aemon

    " "
    After breaking down into blue colored particles Aemon’s bow had all but completely vanished but not before Noel made mention of her needing to learn how he did it. With the shape of the bow completely faded he clenched his hand and looked at the purple eyed girl, "That isn't worth learning. Nothing all that special." and that was partially true. It was nothing more than a trick, a special item implanted into his brain that allowed him to store and copy any weapon he stored in this weapons factory of his. To anyone who didn't know better would assume that it was a form of requip magic but truth be told Aemon had no true magic. He had no magic container of his own, after his birth and the dragon soul merging with his own any trace of magical power within him was consumed and replaced by dormant abilities of the dragon, abilities he did not have full access to and as far as he was concerned it could stay that way. Despite not being his actual magic the weapons factory got him out of sticky situations plenty of times and and he would rely on it to do so.

    Not long after things had become more civil he had managed to get Noel to reveal the true intention of the job and gave Aemon the flyer to read, a flyer permeated with the scent of blood so his reaction was natural and his comment on the stench was responded by a comment made by Noel. He had initially thought it was his enhanced senses but that wasn't the case, Noel herself made mention of how unsanitary the writer must have been and of course made an offer that wasn’t the least bit amusing to hear. Aemon scoffed at the proposal and merely shook his head, "Your generosity knows no bounds." he had finished reading the contents of the flyer by this point and was folding it up to give back to her, "But I will have to decline your kid offer, I shouldn’t allow a woman such as yourself to handle too much filth even if it were from my share of the jewels." he wasn’t going to give her an inch on this one, even making sure to state subtly state she just wanted his share. He wasn’t sure if she were kidding regarding her getting his share of the jewels and he wasn’t one hundred percent sure she could be trusted but with his agreement to go on this job was set in stone he and Noel would from this point until the job’s end were partners. "Cupid?" the name caused a frown to grace his face. He wasn’t a fan of nicknames and this one by far was one he disliked the most so far. He prefered his named be used to address him or not be addressed at all but he had a sinking feeling that even if he were to protest she would still call him cupid or knowing better of how cruel fate could be a new nickname would be forged for him, she seemed more than cunning enough to do just that.

    He would listen to Noel’s suggestion about taking a shady path that was all but abandoned and would be ideal for ambushes. "Hmmm" he would say placing a hand on his chin as he made his way towards the exit of the alley walking past his new found partner contemplating it. "If it’s being avoided by people it would be an ideal place to confront these bandits, no unexpected casualties but." he would trail off before looking back at her "If it’s ideal for an ambush and it is where the bandits have decided to wait out their next target it’s likely they are itching to get their hands dirty and loot the first people they see." Looking away he would continue to share his thoughts on the matter whether she wanted to hear them or not, "So it would be best to set a trap for them, have them spring an ambush only to counter it with a surprise of our own." As an idea crossed his mind a smirk would appear on his face as he turned to fully face her, "You would be the perfect bait. You were fearless when faced with my bow and as you mentioned earlier you are one for theatrics. Think you can be convincing enough to draw them out for me to take my shot?" he was curious to hear her answer but even more so he was curious about why she seemed so relaxed earlier, he hid his suspicious on what sort of abilities she might have been hiding this entire time. "So which way to this path that you mentioned?"  
    template by Darkee


    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 14e642f
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vector Hack
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Hana Suzuki 24th August 2017, 4:03 am

    She chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. "So I've been told. I like to think I'm a very benevolent person," she boasted, flipping her blonde locks over her shoulders shamelessly. "Shame. It would be no trouble at all for me, really. Well, either way, if you do change your mind afterwards, my offer still stands." she gave a sharp, teasing smile.

    She was angered at the implications she found in his words, but remained calm and composed, knowing she couldn't really blame him (even though he was thinking so poorly of her, the audacity of it, honestly). Truth be told the thought to take his share had crossed her mind, but that would be incredibly low of her. She would take what she earned, no more, no less. She had to have some standards after all, else she'd be just another simple, common thug. And Lillias Noel was anything but simple. The blonde had been mildly amused by his obvious discomfort with her nickname for him, although that was short-lived and her smirk fell the moment she realized what he was hinting at the more he spoke. And with the way he had looked at her....

    'Aw hell. I'm going to be the damsel.' she realized soon enough, and before she could even suggest something else Aemon had beaten her to it, slyly throwing in a challenge and using her own words against her. Her lips pressed against themselves thinly, and for the sake of proffesionalism she refrained from pouting. She had no problems playing dumb, but fooling a couple of lowly bandits were just, so boring. And a waste of good talent, might she add.

    Rolling her eyes, she sighed resignedly. "Very well. Doubt you could pull off a good enough act anyways," she started down towards the exit of the alleyway, grabbing an empty rattan basket that had conveniently been left amongst other junk along the way. "This way, Cupid."



    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Empty Re: Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 9th September 2017, 4:10 pm

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    " "
    Aemon smirked upon hearing Noel’s mention that she tries to be a benevolent person and has been told so in the past and he started to understand her a bit more. Under her mysterious persona she was a woman who enjoyed to be complemented, such was noticeable from how she reacted and even smiled when she responded to her offered being refused but he would have to give her credit for her persistence on the topic still offering to take them should he change his mind. "I shall do my very best to keep that in mind but only because you asked nicely." he commented and he half meant what he said but that was only the half that had a small weakness to women he found attractive and this Noel was certainly not exempt from this weakness however his professionalism and ability to stay objective kept this in check. This all aside he found that his amusement peaked however when he observed her begin to connect the dots and started to see the picture his plan was starting to draw. He didn’t find the idea of using her as bait amusing, he wouldn’t want to have anyone get hurt from one of his plans but what did amuse him was just her figuring it out and the fact she was a woman that did nothing but radiate elegance,class and dignity and she would be playing the opposite role of her personality. She would say it outloud followed by his attempt to goad her into it which ended up working out in the very end as she agreed to go with it despite disliking the thought of being a damsel as she put it and even threw a jab at him being unable to pull off such a performance. He would simply shrug, "You may not be wrong about that, but even if I were able to act nearly as good as yourself there is a fair chance that a male wouldn’t be considered as enticing." a sly smile would appear across his lips, "and as attractive as you are that would give them more incentive to choose you for their ambush." this was his honest opinion too but he wouldn’t end there, "and despite you seemingly able to take care of yourself I won’t let that happen either." He watched her lift an empty basket after speaking his mind more and looked at her as she made her way to the exit taking up an abandoned basket and instructed on which way to go all the while once again calling him cupid. "Why do I have the feeling you will continue to address me as Cupid regardless of my objections."

    After exiting town they he remained next to her only a step behind allowing her to efficently lead the way to this trail she spoke of. "Since we have a small hike it seems why don’t you tell me abit about yourself Noel." he asked boldly. He saw no harm in it since they were going to be partners and despite their initial interaction more intense than most if this job went well he could be interested in working with her in the future. "Might as well know about what my partner is about while there is time to kill."
    template by Darkee


    Stupidity killed the cat [Job: Aemon/Lillias] 14e642f

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:50 pm