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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 17th June 2017, 4:49 am

    Job Title: Find the "One Piece"
    Rank: B
    Player Requirements: B rank or 2 C rank minimum. 4 max allowed on the job.
    Job Requirements: 40 posts minimum, with a minimum word count of 300 per post. Can only be completed once for a character.
    Job Location: Divide Island
    Job Description: A new job request has appeared on the job boards all over Fiore. A map to a mystical item has been uncovered, and points to Divide Island as the location of the buried treasure. The sailor that made the job is offering to ferry a group of up to three mages over to help in uncovering the treasure. As payment, he will allow you to keep some of the jewels found, but the majority will go to him! As a warning in the job, he mentions a pirate and his crew have stolen the map and are already on the island searching for the "One Piece" in the hopes of getting it first. Get to the island, defeat Blackstache the pirate, and then uncover the treasure using the map dropped by the boss. It is said that this treasure is what really caused the divide that the island is named after.

    You must meet up with the captain of the ship at the Hargeon Town main docks, where he will discuss with you what you are doing before setting sail for Divide Island. No one knows what the "One Piece" is, but he goes on and on for the entirety of the trip over sea about how "He just can't let the pirates have it." After the pirates are defeated, you must actually find the buried treasure on the island and dig it up. (Must roll an attack dice for each person that digs to see if you dug in the right spot.)
    Midget Brigands x3
    These midgets have a strange habit of wearing pots as hats growing giant mushrooms out of them. They only attack physically, and are pretty weak, dealing 1 C rank of damage per hit. Take 1 B rank damage to defeat. Don't make fun of them, or they will try to swarm the person laughing.

    Hammer Wielding Pirates x2
    These pirates are trained in throwing hammers as their course of attack. Both have an unlimited of hammers, and can throw four per turn and deal B rank for each that hits. Take 3 B rank to defeat. While good at throwing the hammers, they are terrible when within melee range and will instead try to back up to throw their weapons.

    Blacksatche's Pet: Anomaly, the tamed vulcan.
    Blackstache had managed what some thing to be impossible; taming a vulcan! The vulcan attacks physically, and once per turn will throw explosive barrels at each person in the party. Physical hits deal B rank damage, the barrels dealing A rank damage. Takes 10 B rank hits to defeat. Only one can be rolled. Any more of them will be turned into 2 normal rolls.

    BOSS: Blackstache

    The leader of the pirates you are racing for the "One Piece" that is said to be the reason for Divide Island's divide. As an A rank wizard Blackstache has his own unique make magic, Cannon Make Magic. He is able to create cannons that can fire any type of object out of them, which are also made with the magic. Shots fired from the cannon deal A rank damage to all that get hit. Takes 15 B rank hits to take down.

    10k jewels
    B rank Exp + 1 Extra rank of B Exp.
    One person in the group gets the legendary "One Piece," a one piece bikini that fits any who wears it; and can change color at will.


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,575

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 17th June 2017, 5:06 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank † Sign-Up

    The material world would never cease to surprise the vampiress, even after so many years. The sea was calmer than ever as the moon slowly started rising over the horizont. Finally. The shine of that adamant Sun was gone and with it all the trouble for the nocturnal beings that Marianna was part of. She wasn't the type of vampire that would simply go up in flames of the rays of day's Sun touched her, but it was still most annoying nonetheless. The heavy leather coat that covered her entire body could now come off, revealing her slender figure dressed in somewhat revealing midnight blue cloth armor, the pitch black blade by her side as always. Her golden orbs gazed at the distant island they were ever so slowly approaching as the breeze carried her hair, making it dance on it's invisible waves. Why would someone like her be here? The answer was quite simply. The ocean, the sea... the depths were calling to her. Humans had no idea just how many Elder beings lived down there, all slumbering quietly in their fleeting peace. The girl wished to see them once more, to speak to them. Perhaps such creatures would be capable of breaking apart her curse, as it was them who caused it in the first place. No... the one responsible for the Eldritch blood was different. More powerful... more distant from this world than anyone could even imagine.

    With a sigh, she would tilt her head to the side, her golden eyes now scanning the ship she was on. A simple wooden vessel carried by the waves and the wind. These were no vermilion fields, instead the blue hue illuminated everything. There were other people here as well of course. Most of them regular mortals that lived this way, the vessel being their home. Though there were also stronger beings here, ones possessing actual magical power. Were they capable of using it. Were they strong enough to kill her for good? No, probably not. Marianna wasn't even hoping at this point. Her steps were careful and quiet, yet swift as she moved from the front of the deck to the back where a man more important than the rest stood. The captain who hired her. He desired treasures unheard of. How typical for sailor, seeking the cursed coin and ready to shed blood for it. But it mattered not to the girl. She merely wish to be at the sea. This job, the task of recovering said treasure, it was nothing more than a side effect of it all. She was an immortal creature that held power greater than any mortal mind could imagine. There was not even a single spec of doubt inside of her that she would have trouble carrying out this task.

    "How long 'till we hit the land?"

    "'bout few minutes lassy. Not long now. Not long at all."

    Word Count: 485 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 17th June 2017, 6:28 am

    Burn to ashes.

    The world wasn't the same since his best friend left, his companion wasn't dealing with it nicely as  well. Their natural energetic selves who loved to everything personalities were still there, but there was just a big hole in both of their hearts with their beloved friend gone. And that hole could not be filled, not by anyone. The two still keep fighting to protect their friends and always will, in fact, they were currently heading out on a mission to the 'Divide Island', it had been sent to their guild hall and the two thought it should help them forget about everything that was on their minds.

    They walked down the steep hills of Hargeon, heading towards the direction of the main docks, which would conveniently take them straight to Divide Island. As Zeno and Tito neared the docks, they were able to see the beautiful ocean with the sun reflecting upon it making a magnificent view for the two. Though it was simply Hargeon, it was all they needed to lighten up the dark right now. They neared a ship and without a second of thought, new that it was there ship, since it clearly said Treasure on the side, just like the treasure-crazed Sailor on the advertisement who wanted mages to help him fend off pirates from the treasure. They boarded the ship with many others boarding as well, especially one womam which Zeno though was beautiful. Zeno sat with Tito, still gazing at the wonderful water that not only reflected the sun's shining upon it self, but it also depicted the reflection of the two gazing at it off the edge of the boat. It had been forever since he fought, he grew way stronger and was able to make lot's of friends on the way. Zeno had grew, so did his magical abilities, but the most interesting thing about him right now, would be the crimson pendant hanging on a leather thread that was tied around his neck so it would sit comfortably. The pendant had been emitting a very strong aura, though to the naked eye it would be normal, but to a mage, they would most likely be able to sense the immense power that it emitted, the sun shone on it and then caused it to make a shining crimson red reflection on the water's surface, it could even be seen beneath the surface of the dazzling and now breifly crimson red ocean due to the sun making the crimson pendant reflect it's beautiful color onto the water's surface.

    Zeno lingered on the boat but soon began to move around as he examined the ship, looking for food, soon later Tito decided to join in and they were basically searching the whole ship, they threw the useless and non-edible stuff to the side as they rampaged through every cupboard on the ship, "Hey! You lads better stop messing around with my ship!" The Sailor lectured the mischievous boys, though their attention was soon taken away from the lecture as they began to faintly see an island from way across the boat, it had to be it, it had to be Divide Island. The sailor smirked as Zeno and Tito's eyes were glimmering like shining stars, it looked like they were served a new dish of food that was the most nice smelling piece of food they ever had.

    Time to quickly finish this job and buy food!
    Zeno would say as they stopped at land, the people actually doing the job was Zeno and another girl which looked like a pretty strong mage. After stopping the ship the sailor would explain to the two how they had to defeat the pirates on the island and dig for the treasure on the island after defeating them.

    Seems easy! We can get food, Zeno! Tito exclaimed in excitement as they began venturing through the island. Hey! I'm Zeno and this is Tito! Good to meet you! Zeno would introduce himself to the girl.




     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,575

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 17th June 2017, 6:55 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    The way to the island was a long one and somewhere along the way, day changed into night. T'was but a natural progression of this world, as everything around them decayed slowly. Everything except Marianna, her immortal flesh unable to feel the fresh release of time and death. That was her curse. That was her calling. Something that others would probably never understand. Living for thousands of years, both hated and adored for your actions. The reason why Marianna wanted to die? She grew tired of it all. While the world still held in surprises for her, they were no longer as effective as they used to be. Seemingly nothing in this world could bring her the joy she once felt anymore. And thus, there was nothing left for her to do. And yet, she was unable to move on, for the curse of Elder gods held her back, shackled to this accursed land. But at least she had these small distractions in form of contracts she could accept as an independent mage. Though the word of her murderous actions prior to this voyage had already spread, labeling her more as a dark witch than anything else in the eyes of certain individuals. And it was nothing short of true, the girl could be as cruel as beautiful underneath the moonlight's sparkling gaze. Perhaps that was simply the nature of all living creatures. Once they stopped caring about life, they grew cruel and capable of inhuman acts. They became monsters.

    And a monster in disguise the girl was, as her form moved over the edge of the stopped ship, floating down into the sand with her bare feet. No wings of magic accompanied her in such act, yet strange around would surround her at all times. She looked around this curious place, her interest quickly taken by the strange appearance of the mountain in the center of this island. So that was the reason behind it's name. Truly, humanity loved it's literal naming sense sometimes. But it would not take long at all before she would no longer be alone. An intriguing young boy found his way to Marianna and spoke out, greeting her. Along with his companion, an exceed. T'was rare to see creatures like that these days, mostly only in the company of slayer. But this one did not seem like. The vampiress would have to see him in action to truly determine that, however.


    She simply replied, not even giving them her name in return for theirs. Her voice was like a dream, carried on the thin blanket of wind, resounding within one's very core. The charm of a vampire. It was a dangerous tool, wasn't it? But right now, it was not the boy she cared about. It was the voice that only she could hear. Moving past him for a moment, Marianna would step into the waves, the water submerging all beneath her knees. She would stare into the endless distance, as if expecting something to come out of the crystal clear liquid, illuminated by the moon that was rising into the void of night's sky. But instead, she sharply turned back toward the center of the island. She felt something... someone drawing close. A group of individuals with bloodthirsty intents.

    Prepare yourself for hostile forces.

    The information was obviously directed toward the boy and his exceed. But even she herself moved out of the water, boots quickly conjuring around her wet legs with something akin to ReQuip magic. Her hand rested gently on the hilt of a blade, but would not draw it just yet. The vampiress was not in her... faul mood herself. But she was thirsty. Ah, she was so thirsty now. Allies, enemies. They would both provide. But perhaps there was no reason to sink her fangs into the boy if he would prove useful to her. At least not just yet. He was somewhat strong, or so his magic suggested. At some point, the girl would take some of his blood, one way or another.

    Word Count: 1161 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: Weak enemy


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 18th June 2017, 7:15 am

    Burn to ashes.

    They were surprised as the girl had no care. She was beautiful in Zeno's eyes, though she had quite a scary aura which was telling them not to mess with her. She began to greet them without stating her name, though her voice soothed them, it was as if an angel had been talking to them, what was this? was it some kind of magic to seduce, all the two could do was listen to the heavenly voice which felt somewhat like a dream, Until she suddenly turned her head towards the center of the island and warned Zeno and Tito about incoming forces that were supposedly hostile.

    Oh! Must be some of those pirates! Time to Roast em! How would you like them? Medium or well-done?

    Zeno joked as crimson red flames appeared on his hands, his body also flickering with crimson red lightning, the bright color of the fire and lightning would be amazing and new to the eye of those who have never experienced Zeno's crimson rage. The bright color would be flashed brightly throughout the island, like a signal, thought it wasn't intended, all the pirates on the island would see it. Unfortunately after they defeated the presence that was approaching, they would probably be ambushed by more, which was just gonna be downright boring.

    Ugh...Overdoing it again, Zeno!

    Tito would lecture the boy slapping him on the head. Before Zeno could react, the incoming hostile forces that the girl mentioned had appeared. Instead of being in their normal fighting mode, they burst out laughing on the ground. The hostile forces were midgets with mushrooms growing on their heads, though they seemed weak, they weren't to be made fun of when they all bunched up.

    I-I can't do this!

    Zeno yelled as he couldn't hold anything in and burst out with non-stop laughing, the same had happened with Tito, unfortunately leaving the girl to protect them. They were laughing too hard to recognize the three midgets with mushrooms on their heads swarming them. It was up too the girl if she was willing to save them in their embarrassing situation.

    Stop laughing at us! You bastard! Arrrrgh!

    The midget brigands yelled in unison as they neared to attack, Would the girl help them?



    They were surprised as the girl had no care. She was beautiful in Zeno's eyes, though she had quite a scary aura which was telling them not to mess with her.


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,575

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 18th June 2017, 7:44 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    Call of the sea was a strong one. But the vampiress would not find her kin here, not this close, not in these shallows. And thus, she simply continued to watch in the vague directly from which the pirates were coming. But her attention was successfully stolen by the boy she greeted earlier, as he showed what his magic was capable of. Or rather, how it appeared to the outside world. Certain individuals would find it as nothing special, just another spectacle in the weaving magic. A true beauty could be found in just about anything, if you were willing to search for long enough. But different people would perceive things with different taste. And this one was quite capable of catching Marianna's eye.


    She would simply whisper to herself. The color of shining blood. She felt... parched. On the sea without a drop of drinkable water, it was thought to be the greatest folly of all. But the Eldritch cursed one would not drink water to survive. She didn't even need to drink blood to live either. But without it, she would go mad. That was the curse of her vampirism. Even though she did not have to steal the life force of others to keep on going, she had to do it to keep her sanity intact. Without that red liquid, she would be driven mad. A blood starved beast that would not stop until it would drink every last drop of blood in this world. And if there was something that Marianna valued above all, it was her self. The fact that she could still sense it all, that she knew who she was and that she could control her actions. And so, the thirst in her grew. And as the tiny pirates surrounded the due, she would step out of the water, her body suddenly dispersing into the air as a black fog. And in a moment, she would stand behind one of the three, holding the midget firmly in her arms as if she wanted to embrace him. But instead, the atmosphere grew dark. The infectious madness... it was seeping out. At this point, it would probably even affect Zeno and his companion.

    Finally, the sharp fangs would reveal themselves as the girl opened her mouth, bringing the terrified pirate closer. And in an instant, she dug into his neck. The world would grow dark and soon, the pirate would fall to the ground, motionless and devoid of all color. The rest could only stare in terror as they started backing away. The Eldritch madness was affecting them way more than it was Zeno, no one could tell what horrors they were actually looking at. But it would not be long for them. Blood. Crimson red blood started floating around and circling the vampire, as if a liquid that was not affected by gravity. And then, spears. Spears of blood would be formed through the terror of her magic and pierce the two remaining midgets effortlessly. It was so simple. When fear starts ruling over one's heart, that is the end. There is no escape. Only death. Regaining her composure, Marianna would pull the infectious madness back into her being and let everyone who was still alive see what the world really was, breath normally again. The enemy was eliminated.

    Word Count: 1717 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 19th June 2017, 2:15 am

    He would gaze silently at the wandering waters as it was swept by the winds causing it to rush up the smooth millions of sand that was the ground Zeno stayed on. He couldn't believe it, it was like a demon was unleashed, a sweat drop fell down the side of his cheek as Zeno would...admire the girl's power, after all those two were weird as hell.

    Woah! So cool! You looked like a friggin' demon!

    Zeno would admire her rather than being scared and would thank her for saving him from the midget brigands who were quite pesky in the start, but turned out to be nothing in the end as the girl simply shot two of them and drank one of them's blood. He would haze at her pale face which seemed to be filled with pure darkness, but Zeno saw something else, he saw a girl screaming for help, and he had no idea why he would see such a thing.

    A-Anyway! we should probably head into the forest!

    Zeno said dismissing everything he saw and thought. He redirected his view towards the center of the island, slowly examining it, making sure he heard no threats. Zeno slowly walked deeper towards the center, with Marianna following? He would be cautious for the time-being so that no harm could come to the two companions he had accompanying him.

    The forest that lead to the center of the island was an magnificent view, there were trees everywhere which could have been hundreds or maybe thousands of years old, flowers ranging from different kinds, and animals that had made this island it's habitat. The forest sure was beautiful, until Zeno and his friends ventured further into the forest only to see all the trees cut down, the flowers and grass pulled out, and rocks everywhere. It was clear what was happening, those pirates had been digging humongous holes all throughout Divide Island, completely destroying the habitat, which would leave no home for animals and their families.

    These bastards...how dare they destroy others lives? I'll kill them...I will!

    Zeno would become enraged at the view of the destruction of nature by some petty pirates seeking treasure. A crimson aura would be clear around his body, Zeno's hair would be covered by his crimson hair, It was fortunate that no one could see his eyes, because if they did, all they would see was his eyes filled with immense blood lust.




     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,575

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 20th June 2017, 1:45 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    The boy clearly had screwed perception of fear if he was more entranced by what he saw rather than afraid. The girl just devoid another living creature of blood completely, then using that very blood to slaughter it's kin without expressing any emotion what so ever. Either he was ignorant to the reality itself, or just really weak minded. Whatever it was, the vampiress did not care. This was probably for the best, as she would have to kill him as well if he tried to be a righteous magician and save the pirates instead. She would remain silent as the boy decided to head for the local forest, hoping to find the treasure there instead of the somewhat sandy beach. Marianna gave the sea one last gaze with her golden orbs before she would sigh nearly inaudibly and and follow Zeno. Why would she do such a thing? Well, in order to get to this place, she did accept the contract to help find the treasure herself. There was really nor harm in trying and seeing what kind of interesting situations this human would get. And she did not even have to wait that long. They soon entered a cleared out part of the nature, everything around them cut down by the hands of humanity. And the boy would grow angry at the sight of it, claiming that he would kill those who did that. How weak minded indeed.

    Seeing human lives as not worth more than a patch of a forest. You light mages have certainly changed your views of justice over the course of the passing years. Why not start with your own kin, killing one another for destroying forests and nature in order to obtain resources to build homes and your majestic guild halls?

    Perhaps she just felt little spicy, or like teasing others. But she took a great joy in saying those words, questioning just what morals he would express over it all. Even if they did this simply to find the treasure, it wasn't like all the resources gained this way would go to waste. Someone else would find this place and use the fallen trees and broken rocks. And even what would not be used for humanity itself would eventually rot away, creating a new layer of ground that would provide nourishment for the new generation of fauna and flora. Hunting down living ones for killing and pillaging for resources... it was simply ridiculous to the vampire. This was nothing more than the cycle of life they chose themselves. She had observed it from distance time and time again as centuries passed by her. Not that he would know this, but she did. Nothing was as fragile as it seemed and this much was nothing at all in comparison to much bigger events and disasters.

    Word Count: 2189 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 20th June 2017, 4:27 am

    His eyes would widen as the women had spoken the truth, there was no reason to get angry over this when even you and your kin do this so they can have resources. He was shocked, for the first time in a while, Zeno knew his was wrong, not that he never admitted he was wrong.

    Y-You're right. It was stupid of me to think wrong of them.

    Zeno had learn't something new, Marianna had taught him something that not even his lost friend could, the truth of the world. His crimson aura would calm as he turned his head to smile at the girl, being grateful. He would turn his head back to the center of the divide island, quickly dismissing everything that had just occurred in those moments. His legs would suddenly burst off the ground, partially of the ground breaking as he leaped forward. Little did he know, he was leaping straight into danger, their had been some more pesky pirates watching them as they hid in the forests, avoiding danger, mostly scared of the vicious and relentless Marianna who seemed like she had no care for others lives. Zeno would venture deeper in the forest, still heading in the direction of the center of the island.

    As he would continue his sprint towards the center, with Marianna following once again? He would hear a rustle in one of the bushes, and without an ounce of hesitation Zeno would leap at the bushes, but as he smashed his fist into the bush, it revealed a little rabbit running away.


    Zeno would be confused as suddenly pirates with hammers jumped from the top of the trees and threw four hammers at Zeno. At that moment, Zeno recognized he had fell into those pesky pirates trap. But luckily, his trusty companion, swiftly changed to his ripped, and fashionable toned battle mode as he went in front of the hammers and easily grabbed the hilts one by one and throwing them back at the two hammer wielding pirates, easily defeating them.

    Zeno, you numbskull! Be more careful!

    Tito would lecture, making Zeno pout. His blue furry companion would change back to his small, cute cat state and sit down, suddenly laying down a blanket outta nowhere and bringing out food.

    Picnic Break Time!

    Tito would do this knowing that it would cheer Zeno up, maybe into he's prime state which is where he is unbelievably strong and the only person to ever witness his true power was his long lost friend.

    Oh!!! FOOD!!

    Zeno would jump in joy as he sat down like a preschooler waiting for food, odd right?

    Would you care to join us?

    Tito offered, gesturing towards the food that was placed down. There was well-cooked fish for Tito of course, All kinds of meat for Zeno, and there was a lot of extra food as well.


    OOC: We defeated the Normal Enemies, the extra food can be whatever you want it to be.



     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 20th June 2017, 5:38 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    Well, this was a surprise. The boy actually listened to her and accepted every single word she uttered. Many humans were arrogant and stubborn, never admitting their own faulty goals and morals. But many wasn't all. Perhaps it was the fact that the young flesh was still uncertain about the world, willing to learn. But in the end, it didn't really matter at all. What was the chance that a single human would ever grow powerful enough to possibly influence the evolution of this world? It was nearly non existent. Marianna embraced Nihilism a while back, despite her own existence actually meaning something all those centuries ago. Or perhaps it was precisely because of that, as her kingdom fell into ruin and now, not a single creature would remember how brightly the blood moon would shine, the name of the ruthless queen that she once was. She now meant nothing more than yet another "mage" among many, taking on contracts from wealthy individuals that could not be bothered to do their own chores.

    But at least the boy was happy about it all, deciding that it was time to swiftly move on from here. He was gone and the girl sighed yet again as her body dissolved into a dark mist which followed in his footsteps like an eerie shadow. These ones, she felt early as well. A presence of fresh blood right ahead of them. But before she could materialize again and say something, the hot headed boy went ahead and attacked the first thing that moved. An inexperienced and rash move that could easily lead to his own demise. In fact, only thanks to the fact that he had his own companion did he managed to leave that encounter unscathed. Without any delays, the two of them would suddenly start eating in the middle of this battlefield, as if the combat never even happened. And albeit she was invited to join their fist, the girl would decline.

    "I do not require sustenance of such kind to keep on living. Leaving yourself exposed like that will only get you killed. I shall scout ahead."

    But she did not actually intend to follow up on her words. She merely dispersed into the air once again. But she did not move far. Only far enough for Zeno and his companion to not hear her, as she dragged one of the unconscious pirate bodies behind her, leaving it on the ground. She stand on top of it, squatting down as her golden eyes pierced the darkness and scanned the man. She would start humming a tune of hers as she unsheathed the sword that rested by her side, slowly digging it into his chest and then running it down to his belly, opening a large gashing wound. But the movement of blood inside of it was most curious. Instead of simply being forced out, it flowed through the air, embracing the vampire as she commanded it. Absorbing the blood through her entire body rather than drinking it directly from his veins, she would soon only leave a dried up mummy-like corpse beneath her body. This was the sustenance she desired. And now that she felt little bit more full, she would slowly return to her two temporary companions, still humming gently.

    Word Count: 2738 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 21st June 2017, 12:58 am

    Zeno ate all his food as he experienced many flavors flowing through his mouth, with each bite he would blush with joy, looking like a little kid who was having his first time experiencing something sweet. Marianna dispersed herself, leaving Zeno and Tito with a blank expression. "Damn." Zeno would blankly say right after she dispersed, Tito nodding in agreement with him as he took another massive bite out of his well-cooked fish which appeared out of nowhere, as same as with the rest of the food that they were eating. Where did the food come from? That's something not even Tito knew. After finishing their delicious picnic, they would burp in unison as Marianna would suddenly come out of the bush humming gently. She seems happy.. Tito thought, Zeno agreed, automatically knowing what his blue furry companion was thinking. They would quickly dismiss it and stand up, dusting off all the crumbs and remaining pieces of food.

    After finishing everything, they would begin to head towards the center of Divide Island again, this time walking calmly, after all, it wasn't the smartest to start running everywhere after eating. As they strolled, Zeno would gaze at the strong but cold-blooded girl behind them, it was reassuring to have her with them as she looked quite strong, though she had a vibe that wasn't that nice. Perhaps, one day, he would be able to learn more about her and why she acts so sinister, and perhaps, she would be able to uncover the secrets about Zeno, which only Izayuki and Tito know, there was another, but he is long gone. Marianna seemed powerful, and though Zeno was powerful as well, he didn't believe in himself as much ever since his beloved friend had left the world.

    Yazuki had taught him a lot, maybe even more than anyone ever could. He taught him Crimson Lightning and helped him harness the Crimson Rage beyond belief. Last of all, Yazuki gave him the shining crimson pendant that was around his neck, little did people know, that crimson pendant, could at one point, increase Zeno's power to something even the strongest mages would be amazed by, but Zeno wasn't even close to unlocking it's true power.

    Zeno would pierce his eyes into Marianna's, "Theres something about you...I just can't put my finger on it.." Zeno said with a serious expression which would normally surprise those who actually knew him. He knew Marianna was evil in the least, but there was something about her that made him feel like she was different than every other dark mage around, he felt like she acted evil because that's what she thought she had to do, he believed there was some light in her. Ugh..nevermind. Zeno thought as he sighed, shaking his thoughts off as he redirected his piercing gaze with his crimson orbs towards the center of the island. Suddenly he would point at the center of the island, "We're nearly there, we'll be bombarded by Pirates most likely, are you prepared?" Zeno asked curiously, making sure that Marianna would be okay if they would be suddenly ambushed by more of those pesky pirates that everyone seemed to hate, but Zeno didn't get it. Zeno didn't understand what was so great about all this treasure that so many of pirates rushed to get it.

    Tito would change into his battle mode looking ferocious as ever, making Zeno recall the time where they trained so hard together, putting their bodies on the line so they could become stronger and reach for new heights. "Let's go!" Tito would roar as he clenched his fist and a large smile spread across his face, Me and Zeno haven't been doing much...So it's finally time to kick some serious ass!! Tito yelled in his thoughts as he began to charge towards the center of Divide Island, his footsteps making huge craters as they ferociously stomped on the ground. At this point, it was clear that Tito was fired up and ready to beat the shit out of some pesky pirates, but little did he know, the boss of all Pirates, Blackstache was waiting for them as his pirate crew dug the grounds searching for the treasure. Once they approached him of course, there would be many of his pirate crew defending him.


    OOC : If in your next post we make it too Blackbeard, the strong monster will be defending him, as well as some hammer and mushroom pirates.



     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 21st June 2017, 3:56 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    No words had to be spoken when she reconvened with them after her and their little meal. Marianna was a woman of little words these days, so this much was probably already expected. While hot-headed, Zeno clearly wasn't stupid. He was capable of recognizing existing patterns and learning about those around him. But so was she. A creature that lived for thousands of years. Of course she learned how to be a pretty good judge of character. Not to mention her powers, spiraling around the core of insanity and insight. She was beyond the mortal existence, something that others could never possibly comprehend. But when they all stopped, only for the boy to say that he sensed something wrong about her, she did not reply. She merely stared blankly at him in return. Naturally, he left the thought rather quickly. Unsure of what it was and possibly not wanting to stir anything up between them as they headed straight into the enemy's nest. But the girl cared not for emotions of those around her, unless they were actually important to her in some way. And so she had an answer for him. But it was not spoken out yet. She remained silent even as he asked if she was ready, though her confident, yet neutral gaze would probably provide an answer instead of her voice.

    And so the heated mage would start charging into the battle. At least for a little while. Marianna used her ability again to materialize right in front of him, stopping his sprint no matter how furious it was. She was not afraid of getting her, of dying. Her desires were... different from the ordinary after all. She would slowly approach the boy, until she was so close that even the personal space barrier was without a doubt shattered. And her hand would reach for the red crystallic jewel. It's color was oh so dear to her. The crimson red color of blood. But her hand would never reach it, as it stopped right before touching it. Instead, her golden eyes would now star back into the boy's, just as seriously as he was doing it before.

    "Nothing in this world happens by random chance. And relying on fools that desire power more than anything is one of the greatest mistakes you could ever make. Yazuki Yoshino was weak. That much I saw through the eyes of a nameless god. He would tremble in front of her poison as she dissolved the demons he wanted to devour oh so badly. he was a casualty to our will. If our words bother you, then go ahead and try to kill us. We crave death, but cannot achieve it. Let us show you... precisely what we mean."

    Her words were cruel and devoid of emotion. And just like that, once she finished, her body would turn around and show her mostly bare back to him. Everything in this world was going according to someone's plan. There were never any random chances. A cannonball, flying faster than regular human's eye could see, would suddenly show itself. And without fail, it pierced right through the vampiric girl, leaving a big hole in her chest where one's heart would normally be. A gaping hope that would leave anyone else dead on the spot. But Marianna did not even flinch. Not even a sign of pain on her face or in her stand. She would only move her hands out from her side, as if she was mocking the still unseen enemy by her gesture.

    "I will teach you what it means to fear."

    In that one moment, her body would suddenly jerk forward, bending as she embraced her stomach. This was the moment when her face twisted, showing agony greater than one could imagine. And not even a second later, she would let out an inhuman scream, painful to the ears. A scream of a tortured soul that begged to be killed, for the torment was too much to bear. Her skin would rapture, black blood pouring out of her mouth, bones cracking by themselves until they remained completely shattered within her flesh. And finally, a coat of black magic would cover her form, only for a tiny moment. And once it came apart, seemingly someone completely else was standing in front of Zeno. A cloaked white and bloodied figure that would let out a screech of horrors before suddenly sprinting forward. Her bare feed, devoid of any skin and only left with exposed bloody flesh would tear apart the ground beneath the force of her steps as the pirates finally started pouring out from behind the trees and rocks, Blackstache's cannon gleaming in the distance as he seized a strategic position with a lot of cover. Without any remorse, this new Marianna would quickly grab one of the pirate's neck with a great force, crushing it instantly. But that was not enough, as she slammed him into the ground and her other hand punched his face with enough force to split his skull into pieces. Her hands too, were devoid of any proper skin and only left with dangling and damage flesh. A monster of god, an abomination of blood she was.

    Unsealed Form:

    Word Count: 3610 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 21st June 2017, 5:18 am

    Zeno eyes would widen as the girl walked closer towards him, shattering even the though of a personal bubble. This in turn, made Zeno blush profusely, it was quite a sight to see him blush, because it was rarer than finding meteors on earth, though when it happened, it did look quite cute. A sweat would drop down his head as he put his hands up as if he surrendered when she got closer to his beloved crimson pendant, still blushing profusely as she got so close he could feel her breath on him, Oh..damn... Zeno thought as he began to sweat and blush profusely, creating a bad mixture.

    All those feelings stopped, when she had the audacity to speak badly of Yazuki. "Y-You..say anything you want about me, beat me up, tease me, I won't care. BUT DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK ABOUT MY FRIEND LIKE THAT!!" Zeno would roar as his blood crimson aura would surround him, and his eyes giving off a blood lust-like intent. Tiny pieces of rock would float up off the ground just because of his immensely powerful aura which surrounded him. The ground beneath his feet would be crushed as a crater was left of it. Most of the pirates would turn the opposite way and fleet from him, due to their cowardliness. He thought there was some kind of light in her heart, but now he did not care.

    Suddenly she would begin a strange transformation as she let out a terrifying high-pitch scream, though Zeno was surprised he wasn't scared. For Marianna had pissed him off too much to even flinch at the sight of her scary transformation, as for Tito, he was scared shit-less. "I'll admit, you're pretty damn freaky if that's what you wanted to prove, lady." Zeno would say as her attempt to scare him would utterly fail. "If it wasn't for you teasing my friend, I would be running the opposite way." He would clench his fists tightly as he would walk towards her slowly, each step causing a crater on the ground while the shattered remains would float up due to his crimson aura. Instead of attempting to harm her, he would walk past her not even glancing at her, suddenly he saw ten pirates approaching him and he would react by slamming his fist on the ground, creating a huge crater as he was roaring his spell name louder than ever.

    Crimson : Explosion!

    Suddenly crimson flames burst around where he had slammed his fist and everything in a ten meter radius would be disintegrated. The pirates would be completely disintegrated as the ground which used to be encased by grass was as well. He would slam his piercing gaze into the crowd of pirates, who ran the other way, fleeting onto the ship and sailing away without Captain Blackstache, "Argh! Stupid Lads! I'll murder 'em! Anomally! You take care of those three over there!" Blackstache would command his massive vulcan to attack. Suddenly the humongous bird would charge in the air at them but Tito was pretty pissed so he would go in front and pull his arm back, indicating he was about unleash a hell-like punch that even Zeno was scared of at times. Tito would roar his spell name as he slammed the fist into the vulcan known as Anomally.

    Ao Amplifier!

    The vulcan would be sent flying into a rock which rendered one of it's wings completely useless, making Tito smirk, "Is that all you rotten pirates got!?" He would continue to say as he jumped at the vulcan, relentlessly beating it until it could no longer stand. "Do you still wanna fight us?" Zeno would ask cheekily with a smile spread across his face, suddenly without an ounce of hesitation, Blackstache would create a canon which would begin to blast a massive cannonball at Zeno which Tito was able to easily deflect. This would repeat as he would send out more cannonballs which would be deflected each time with ease. 

    Zeno would suddenly launch his body at Blackstache, sending a punch to his face which would send him flying, crashing into a boulder, causing it to completely break in half, as he got up, he would recklessly shoot cannonballs everywhere at high speeds, Tito was deflecting easily for Zeno, but they did not know how Marianna would react. But it would be no doubt interesting how the devil-like girl would react.




     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 23rd June 2017, 4:57 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    The last thing Marianna cared about were the feelings of others. She was of a provocative and arrogant nature, that much anyone could gather from simply looking at her. Perhaps that was the nature of her kind. Or just something that came to be over the many years she was alive for, experiencing everything that there is to be experienced and slowly growing tired of it all. There was nothing left for her in this world and threads meant nothing to an immortal. Arz could try as much as he'd like, but he would never be able to inflict fear upon the girl, not even one spec of it. Not matter his powers, she would never treble while looking at him. And now, she was far too preoccupied with something else anyway. She shattered one of the pirates in a brutal manner and the boy would start taking care of the other ones in the meantime. Surprising, considering that he could have easily attacked Marianna who had her back turned to him. She was making herself into an easy prey, yet he did not take the chance. But watching him in turn was very amusing. For the two of them were not so different right now. They were both monsters and nothing else. They were both murderers. Who cares if they are pirates? They were still living beings, ones that possibly had families and people who would wait for them. Wait for all eternity now.

    And as her prey was devoured, the girl would slowly stand up and start making her way toward Blackstache who was currently having his own problems, firing into all directions. One of the cannonballs would actually hit the vampiress, blowing her left arm right off. A very painful looking hit. It was a dismemberment after all. But instead of blood, a black mass would come out of the gashing wound. A trembling mass that was seeping with eyes and mouths, utterly disgusting to look at. Taking a form of several long tentacles, it would slash around and ruin the builders and rock formations around them. But as Zeno was covering nearby and waiting for an opportunity, Marianna would eventually fall to her bloody knees and start crying. Actually crying and sopping as she crawled on the dirty ground, like a beaten babe. However, there was still the air of unnatural around her. Something that would be much more known in few moments as the last standing pirate stopped firing blindly. His eyes turned crimson read, as he started slowly walking toward the sobbing white terror on the ground.

    "N..Nancy? Is that ye, my dear? Oh, ye returned to me after such a long time. I knew ye wouldn't just abandon me like that! Come now, let us embrace and be family again! I will stop the plunderin' for ye."

    He was delusional. The infectious madness seeping out of the vampiress finally got to him, as there was no other target that it could affect. The moment his eyes turned crimson red, he was finished. And so, with a slow and careful step, he would now stand in front of the nightmare itself. His hands held out as if he actually wanted to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. But the moment he got close enough for anything of that sort, Marianna would jump out and bite into his throat. There was not even a sound as she forced him to the ground, now atop him. And in a single powerful motion, she would tear out most of his neck, nearly separating his head from his body. No matter how powerful one was, there was no recovering from a wound like that. The famed pirate was dead, his last memory being one of him embracing a wife that abandoned him long ago. And the vampire would feast on him, devouring his flesh relentlessly while continuing to shed tears onto the corpse in her hands, her sobbing echoing among the rocks.

    Word Count: 4278 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 25th June 2017, 4:21 am

    They would watch as Marianna mercilessly tricked the man, suddenly he got closer towards her, spouting out nonsense as if it was his wife. Then it happened, in mere seconds his throat was attacked by a blood-sucking devil which seemed to deem life as nothing but a pebble on a road. Seeing this would make the two gulped loud enough for her to hear, though they were more shocked then they had ever been, they decided too play it cool as suddenly the infectious madness the girl bared was gone, the sunlight which shone so brightly to the point where one would be blinded by a quick look at the blazing fiery was also gone. The skies were dark, fitting the blood-sucking vampires aura which seemed to be more bloodthirsty than ever. But it got worse, her aura would darken more than ever as she began to completely devour the captains body, piece by piece she would devour mercilessly, going as far as possibly eating the booty like groceries. This was a first for the two as they decided it would be wrong to interrupt her meal. As they slowly backed off, they would slowly think what was she? a vampire? she had to be. She was quite evil, a little indecent, and she just ate a whole goddamn body so that's telling them something. What was even more confusing was that Marianna would cry as she devoured him, it was if she didn't want to but had to. And they were in no position to stop her because they were slowly backing away, making sure that they themselves don't get devoured by Marianna or get caught in her infectious madness which had no effect on them before because they were simply angry and focused on nothing else except their goal, but in this case, they should be running for the hills. Though instead, the turned around, and let Marianna do her thing, they knew that everyone had their secrets, and this must be hers, so did the right thing by facing the other way and waiting for her to finish her non-humane meal which seemed to last for a long time considering she was devouring the whole body.

    "Umm..we should probably get to digging for that treasure, so we'll go on ahead while...you uh, do your thing." Zeno would say awkwardly as they would begin digging everywhere for hidden loot, mention one spot on that island and they had definitely checked it, though they were too naive to actually search under the cave where Blackstache and his crew where.


    OOC : Kind of lost muse here :/ I'll try better next post.


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by NPC 25th June 2017, 4:21 am

    The member 'Arz' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Attack

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 25th June 2017, 1:36 pm

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    Their silence was enough of an answer to the situation and to the girl as she indeed continued her business. She was nothing more than a cursed being that hated herself and desired death, yet could never achieve it no matter what. A sad existence that was only floating through the life rather than actually experiencing. Once her senses were finally back with her, there was no one around anymore, as the two companions she had until this point already disappeared to god knows where, trying to search for the treasure. Every single one of the pirates were defeated and there was no more fighting to be done. Even the hunger and thirst of an Eldritch vampire were sated for the time being. Getting up from the ground that was saturated with red, the white nightmare would hold her stomach and mouth as if she was feeling sick. And soon enough, she would vomit out some black blood-like substance. Writhing in pain for a little bit, that very black substance would finally start creeping up her body and enveloping her like a piece of cloth. With that, her sealing would be unseen even if someone unknown was watching from the distance. The black dispersed and there she stood, just as beautiful as before the transformation. Marianna was back to her humanoid, sealed self. Though she did perhaps look a little worse to wear as if she was feeling disgusted with something. Well, there was no one who could witness it, so there really wasn't much to worry about it seemed.

    It took a little while, but the girl would eventually find the two pirate slayers, trying to dig around the island in hopes to maybe find the treasure with sheer luck. And while something like that could certainly happen, it was rather unlikely. Thankfully, Marianna had just the thing that would help them. Leaning against one of the trees, she would take her time waiting until one of the two would spot her and start paying attention to her. Honestly, she was little too tired to be actually calling out and trying to get their attention directed toward her. And she was a patient sort, seeing how old she already was. From her attire, she would produce a small piece of bloodied paper. A map that the captain Blackstache had on him. She found it in the remains of clothing that stayed on the spot where he died. After all, she was interested in the blood and flesh, not cotton and fibers.

    "With this, you should be able to find the treasure much easier than trying randoms spots. It's further east, even the pirates were headed that way before we got to them."

    Or maybe they were ironic enough that they could not properly read maps and went the wrong way. After all, they did see that one clearing before, trees chopped down and holes everywhere. Looking at it closer, that was the place where you would end up if you were holding the map upside-down...

    Word Count: 4784 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 28th June 2017, 1:40 am

    They would continue digging non-stop as the dirt would rise up from beneath its calm surface because of them planting and pulling their hands out of the dirt so fast. By now, they had given up on finding the treasure and wondered if the sailor would still pay them for doing his dirty work. But then they realized in awe that the treasure was what the sailor was using to pay them. They would begin to cry in a way that would make others laugh as they tears fell in a comical way. Oddly, they would begin to pray by bowing on the ground and lifting their head back up, "Oh God! How will we buy food!? This job was our only chance of getting some decent house and food money!" Zeno would cry, still bowing up and down like an idiot while his furry flying companion, Tito, would do the exact same. This would probably let people believe they were crazy, food addicted idiots. And that was pretty accurate as that could describe those energetic fur-balls easily. They would stop bowing eventually and look up at the sky, this time, they were completely quiet, not even an squeak would be heard. This was most likely they're tired phase were they just daydreamed the rest of the day like complete utter idiots, but it felt nice, so it wasn't that bad. But they were woken up by footsteps not far away, so they made it look like they weren't slacking and got back to digging. As the footsteps got clearer, they already knew they had beaten all the pirates, except for that poor one that was devoured. So it was obvious that it was Marianna, and as she came, she would walk towards a tree and lean on it. But this time she wasn't in her devilish, cold-blooded form, rather her beautiful humanoid self.

    They would try not to make direct eye contact with her as they were pretty shocked considering what they saw. So it was quite reasonable for the two to be quite flustered by her sudden 'true form' and her 'cold-blooded self' which was not a good mix, probably not the greatest when she was angry. So the two would stay quiet and continue digging, trying to make sure they don't push her over the edge, even though she said something bad about his best friend, Zeno and Tito were kind and forgiving people, so they had most likely already forgotten about it. Suddenly her heavenly voice would reach out to them as she pulled out a piece of cotton like fabric out of her attire which was quite bloodied, probably from the incident where she ate a whole damn person. The fabric she pulled out would be later be explained by her to be a map, which he also explained that he was pointing further east, which was convenient, since that way was where the ship was. And also the spot where all the trees were cut down and there were holes everywhere. "If that's correct, then that means the pirates searching there did a lousy job." Tito would say as he made an awkward giggle.

    They would end up dashing towards the patch of cut down trees, each step making a crater as the small pieces of rock and dust would float up because of the pressure that was put on the ground. As they ran, Zeno would think why the sailor was so greedy about the treasure anyway, possibly he just wanted to be rich. Or he wanted something that was valuable to him that was in there. That was something they would never know without getting the treasure to him. They had already beaten all the pirates and the only bit left was the hard part, finding the treasure which was so close yet so far. As they would finally see the view of the patch of cut down trees, they would begin to slow down their pace and walk towards it cautiously, making sure there was no pirates left preparing for a sneak attack, which would end in the pirates demise, but it was still better to be careful. 

    After checking the area cautiously they would walk towards the spot where the map said the treasure was. "Well, apparently it's right here!" Zeno would yell, waving to his companions as he stood over the exact spot that the map said where the treasure was. "The pirates were too dumb to even read the map properly." Tito would say as he shrugged and sweated at the pirates stupidity. Suddenly Zeno would encase his fist which was gripped tightly with crimson flames and crimson lightning which flickered around the flame encased hand. He would then smash the fist into the ground multiple times until a gold piece was shining from the ground, making Zeno and Tito look at each other with a wide grin across their faces exactly like when they would be eating a delicious food. They would continue digging until the chest was quite clear, but the bad thing was that the chest needed a key. "What the hell!?" Zeno would yell as he would slap himself so he could imagine the lock wasn't there, but it was. "Well, they wouldn't keep treasure in a chest without something to keep it locked in there, would they?" Tito would say logically, "Plus, you can't open it with force, Zeno, because you would most likely disintegrate it. We're in quite of a predicament here!"  Tito and Zeno would begin bowing again, until they stopped and looked at Marianna. "You didn't happen to find a key from the pirates, did you?" Zeno would ask as his crimson orbs would gaze into her soul.


    OOC : You can make it that the sailor had it or, the key from the blackstache. Or if there is any other thing that you can do to unlock it.


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 30th June 2017, 9:48 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    Watching those two from the distance was an experience alright. The way they acted... so uncaring and innocent. They were mortals with a limited lifespan, perhaps too young to understand the weight of this world just yet. Was that what allowed them to act in such a way? Yes, Marianna had some standards and image of herself that she did not desire to break. But even past that, she could never act in the same way as they did, no matter the situations. It was just too silly for her, the type of person she became. And even after they were alerted to her presence, they merely avoided eye contact instead of running completely away, or even trying to attack her for what she did back there, attempting to take her life as well. Surely they realized by now what kind of person she was and could only guess how many lives she had taken up until this point. Then again, the young boy wasn't all that much better. He too was willing to lethally injure the pirates if it meant completing his mission. Even with limited amount of time, perhaps he would become just like the vampire girl then. One day... one day he would learn. Just how horrible it can be. And just how selfish the boy truly was. That was a lesson he had to learn himself.

    They took the map and started following it to the treasure's location, Marianna merely following some distance behind them. She didn't really need to even stay around at this point. She wasn't quite interested in any material rewards from anyone. Unlike mortals, she no longer had any needs that the two partners of hers had. Food, water... she only needed blood. Even her home had crumbled away centuries ago, rendering her an eternal wanderer. Human settlements were no place for her, same for dark guilds. One could easily say that the girl was one of the infamous dark mages, part of their society. But that was a lie. She was her own force, someone denied both sides of the coin. She was neither dark, nor light, but something completely else. Finally they would dig up the treasure and start wondering how to open it. Why would the pirates have the key? Sure, they had a map. But that didn't mean anything other than the fact they were seeking the chest themselves. Key was something only the one who buried this had. And they clearly weren't the ones who buried it either, as it made no sense for them to be looking for their own treasure in such idiotic manner.

    "Have you forgotten you're a mage? Melt the lock. Burn away the wood. If mere chest is something you cannot deal with, then might as well give up being a mage in the first place."

    Word Count: 5258 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 4th July 2017, 4:26 am

    As they would listen to Marianna, they would recognize she was right. They were just not using Zeno's magic in the right way. Sure, his fire can be explosive and can disintegrate things, but maybe if he was able to concentrate all the explosive fire into the lock, it would most definitely disintegrate and they would gain complete access to the treasure chest. So without an ounce of hesitation, Zeno would grab the lock firmly, concentrating his crimson flames into his palms, slowly making the the golden lock melt, causing it to drip on the ground, disintegrating some of the surface, it would then harden on the surface. Zeno would look at Tito and Marianna with a wide grin across his face, then redirecting his vision back to the treasure chest as he slowly opened it. Showing the majestic views of luxurious money and a....one piece bikini. They're jaws would drop as they saw the bikini, deciding that it would be best for them not to inquire about it and instead just pick it up and take it to the sailor which was waiting patiently for them on his ship. Though they had only a 30 meter walk, they would enjoy it as they had no more fighting to do. Just a peaceful walk towards the sailor's boat, and getting their reward is all they had left to do, and of course sail back to the Hargeon Docks.


    As they would venture through the forest to get out, they would notice that many animals had been exploring, possibly because they had defeated the pirates and now they are at peace. Maybe the animals were hiding the whole time because they were scared of the pirates taking their land. But right now, they were no better than the pirates, they had killed many of them, going as far as completely eating the flesh of one of them. Zeno couldn't be proud for what he had done, he had reacted wrong, he should have stopped her, he should of just defeated them and left.



     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 11th July 2017, 7:26 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    At least they would take the girl's words of advice to their heart and actually try it instead of ignoring her completely. Far too many times was a man's pride too great, forcing the human to completely ignore the words of a vampire lady who clearly knew far more than them. It was a pleasant change of pace, seeing that these two were no such humans. Or rather, a human and an exceed. Still, their silence as they opened the treasure chest was awfully dreadful. Not that the girl would mind it at all, as she lived a good portion of her life in utter solitude. Silence was the one thing that could comfort her, something that she knew very well. What this was, it was the fact that they were acting differently before and now. So even as they decided to carry the chest away in silence, she would observe them from distance. And eventually, her steps grew faster than theirs, her beautiful form appearing right next to their bodies as they moved forward effortlessly.

    "I shall say only one thing. Before you start judging others, try to watch your own reflection in the mirror. I know that look on your face, as I have seen it many times in my lifetime. However, I was observant. You have killed more men here today than me. And that is a simple fact. You have possibly ruined families as your magic disintegrated other human beings who tried to run in terror. We are nothing more than murderers, the both of us. Words like they deserved it or that it was only a self-defence are nothing more than poor excuses. Accept it, lest you will not find peace in your life, ever."

    And with that, she would make her distance again. Honestly, she did not know why she said all of that to them. An advice like that... why would she bother? She lived for far too long and the only thing she truly desired was death. And yet, she knew that this boy was far too weak to deliver it to her. Even if he were to destroy her physical body, she would be reborn from the blood that flows in this world. As long as humanity exists, so will she. That was her curse. And because of that, she grew distant. Distant and uncaring. Normally, she would not have cared one bit for what others think. And as such, she would not give them any advice at all. She would merely watch from a distance as they continue on their lives, oblivious to their own actions most of the time. She was an observer. She had already tried to influence this world, but never managed to do so. Because of how meaningless her actions felt, she fell into despair and realized that no matter what she would do, nothing would change. She was unable to change anything at all. Even now, she had her doubts. She said her peace, but the boy was sure to dismiss it all and continue on his path, convinced that his beliefs are the only ones that matter. That was the conclusion she came to every single time, something that made her stop caring for others eventually. Perhaps this was nothing more than just a throwback to the past?

    Word Count: 5812 / 6000
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 11th July 2017, 7:57 am

    Hair would cover his eyes as he would look down as she would speak, letting all her feeling out about them as she explained how they were murderers and nothing more as she soon after walked ahead of them, not caring to hear for what they wanted to possibly say. Zeno would suddenly smirk as he lay his palm to rest on his face, he would look up to the starry night sky as he took the resting palm of his face. He would notice the wind flow past, causing his hair to flow, and guiding the fallen leaves of the forest to the direction it was headed. Suddenly he would jolt towards Marianna, being beside her body he would speak aloud. "Don't get it twisted, lady. We know what we have done, we know that we are murderers, we are not judging you, rather ourselves. And the only reason we can live on, is because we have friends who still wait for us. So I'm gonna tell you this. I don't care what you say, I am more than a murderer, and so are you. So stop being naive and think about the countless of lives they have taken just to get gold, and we are doing the same thing to them for the gold, for the sailor. It's the circle of life, you can't avoid it. I signed up to be a mage, and my magic is dangerous. So call me what you want, but I am more than a murderer, I am a mage! Call me naive if you wish, I know we are murderers, but we aren't just murderers."
    Zeno would smirk at the girl as he would stay beside her the whole journey towards the sailors ship.

    As they neared the ship he would look at Marianna, "You have taught me a lot, I am eternally grateful." He would say bowing before throwing the chest of treasure on the boat and jumping onto it with smirk on his face. He would lend his hand to her for her to grab it so she could also board the boat. As he got on the boat he would look towards the sailor saying, "We have your treasure...and a bikini...." He would awkwardly say, as he blushed a little. The sailor would laugh as he slapped him on the back, "AHAHA! You lads actually did it! As a prize I'll let the girl keep the bikini and you will both recieve sharing of the treasure." The sailor would say, as anyone could see he was over the moon because they had successfully acquired the treasure.

    The sailor would suddenly start up the boat as he begin to speed, probably going to do it the rest of the way to the hargeon docks.



     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Kuro 12th July 2017, 2:57 am

    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Noname1

    Marianna Guildless C-Rank

    Well, she certainly did not expect him to try and talk back like that. It made it somewhat difficult to sort out if he was annoying her with such words, or maybe if she was glad that he was not immediately repulsed by her. In any case, she could merely look to the side and watch the sea they were walking by for a little bit. It felt so peaceful compared to everything else, no could easily be tempted to just walking into it, never to return.

    "Murder in the name of material goods is the new cycle of life? You are the one with a twisted view here. But do what you will. Unlike you, I am no mage."

    That was all she had to say in response. After all, she was a vampire. And while mana flowed through her veins and flesh, her powers were something different. She required blood to use her abilities, and she embraced that fact. That was simply who she was. And unlike the boy, there was also no one waiting for her, for she did not even have a place she could really call a home. Perhaps once in the past, but not anymore. All had crumbled into pieces over the years she lived. In the end, only ashes remained in place of all. Maybe he was a mage. But she was a monster through and all. Regardless, she still accepted his hand when boarding the ship, and the reward she was due. Her nature was too tired to even complain or be embarrassed that she was receiving a flashy swimsuit from two men. She would simply place it in what little luggage she had on board and then wait as they set sail. And as they did, she would peer over the ship's edge, gazing at the sea once more before producing a small red spider lily and letting it glide through the air, until it's fragile form hit the water's surface.

    "Pluj a nikdy se nezastavuj. Hodně štěstí, příteli. Možná se někdy znovu potkáme."

    Those were her final words, spoken in a language that no mortal could ever understand. And so, she turned her back and moved inside the ship, as an unseen appendage of an unknown creature snatched the flower and dragged it deep beneath the water's surface.

    Word Count: 6200 / 6000 (Personal word count achieved)
    Tags: @Arz
    OOC: -


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] Empty Re: Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job]

    Post by Arz 12th July 2017, 6:39 am

    At first he was surprised that the girl had actually grabbed his hand, though she believed she didn't have anyone, little did she know, she had just acquired a friend that would sacrifice himself for her. A friend that would be there for her when she needed it. A friend that gave her a reason to live on.

    Zeno would let his crimson hair flow with the air as the sailor would speed up the boat, causing splashes of water to rise up as the wind blew past, giving space for a great scenery. That would show a view that Zeno had never seen before. His pendant would flash a bright crimson color as it, again, reflected itself upon the ocean creating a new image, one that Zeno and Tito liked to call, 'The Crimson Ocean.' which wasn't really creative because it just simply stated the name.

    He would turn around to Tito as he would say, "I'm Hungry!!" making both him and Tito roll on the floor of the ship whilst grasping their stomach and begging the sailor for food. Though, little did the sailor know that if these kids even laid a hand on his food, all of his supplies would be gone. But unknowingly the sailor accepted the request, "Oh, Alright, there's a lot of food in the pantry in the bottom shelf, enough to last me 2 months!" The sailor told them where the food was and without a second to waste, Zeno and Tito would both dash towards the bottom shelf.

    "Finally! Food!" Tito would yell as he began to drool at the sight of the months worth of food. Unfortunately for the sailor, the food that had been two months worth had been demolished within less than twenty minutes. They would stand up and leave the bottom shelf with not even a crumb of food left. They would approach the sailor with awkward smirk on their faces.

    "Ello, Lads. How much did ya eat?" The sailor said as he patted Zeno's back and ruffled Tito's hair. "Uhhh, everything." The would reply awkwardly, "You scalliwagers!!" He would yell, crying the rest of the way home.

    As they approached the beautiful town of Hargeon, the two idiots would jump of the boat, running towards the restaurant with their money, they would wave toward Marianna and the sailor before making a quick leave.

    "Let's eat!" Zeno yelled as they dashed into the distance, and with that the job was completed and a new chapter will begin.

    6016 (word count achieved.)/6000


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Gotta Catch Them Pirates [Arz/Marianna] [Job] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:

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