Famine's...Legacy begins as a mage girl from Oshibana town who was born into a family of guildless wizards and gifted sisters. Her mother trained her in the art of maker magic while her father taught her how to choose her battles while her. One elder and one younger sister prospered alongside her until she reached the age of nine.
The mage girls returned home from a long trip and simply told the daughters only that they had to leave...immediately--- and they did in a hurry. However, what her mother and father feared caught up to them. Outside town, the girl's parents and youngest sister were slaughtered in front of her by two nameless dark mages who ran a dark guild ult of the sort that targeted children in wizard Families. While the wizard girl could only cry when her parents were killed she suffered the greatest having to also witness as her elder sister put under a powerful mind cloaking spell and killed the youngest sibling of only four. The girls eldest and last sister would remain in this spell for years which made it easier to take the cultist's command. The two criminals, however, found the mage girls mind was too strong to also control. Which would lead to many complications later when they took them back to their territory.
The underground dark guild kept both sisters in poor conditions in a below-ground facility with other abducted mage children...all who seemed to utilized maker magic like her and her older sister had. Convenient.... For unknown reasons, though it must have had to do with the collection and corruption of young maker mages, they kept her there the next several years until the nine-year-old girl was fourteen. It was then that she found a way out and as far away as she could, seemingly abandoning her sister and other children who remained under control.
Beaten and hurt from her escape and various travels she was found hardly conscious in an alley in Rose Garden by a Fairy Tail mage, Lance Knighthunter, who she later learned to address as a great friend after he had her nursed back to health. She was with him in Era when Arconogila was released and leveled the city that same year but quickly lost him amongst the fire and collapsing buildings.
The maker mage girl, who went by a diffrent alias at the time, only reunited with him when she tracked down where the insignia on his hand had come from, Fairy Tail in Magnolia. The young girl was welcomed with open arms by everyone there including several mages she’d become close students and friends of including, Leonard, Simon, Chikane, Lance, and the golden salamander Heero.
deltra of gangnam style